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Visit Of American Masonic Pilgrims.
pave his oration in 1726 as J . G . Warden of the Grand Lodge of All England . Driving thence through Walmgato Bar , which still possesses tho barbican , tho old gates and tho portcullis , tho walls were skirted , outside tho ramparts , to Castlo Mills Bridge , tho site of the old corn mills of tho Knight Templars , past York Castle and Clifford ' s Tower—where tho Yorkshire- Templars were immured
at tho suppression of tho Order , and secretly examined by Archbishop Greenfield—and crossing Ouse Bridge , the travellers arrived at the Queen ' s Hotel , where the Eboracnm Lodge , No . 1011 , has its rooms , and here they were received by its members with all heartiness . A champagno luncheon was set out in the bodv of the Lodgo room , mid tho Lodgo having been opened by tho
W . M ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead , the Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . J . Spite Cumberland and C . G . Pa del , and tho rest of the Officers being in their places , the W . M . briefly expressed the deep pleasure experienced by himself and brethren at thus being able to extend the right hand of fraternal greeting to their Transatlantic visitors . Tho Lodge was then called off from labour to refreshment ,
and the ladies of tho American party were introduced by the M . C . Bro . G . Simpson and several brethren , and all sat down to a most elaborate luncheon , provided by Bro . H . Chnrchill . Several objects of great Masonic interest wore exhibited on a pedestal in tho centre of tho room , amongst thorn being the old silver loving cup of the Grand Lodge of all England , tho Black Letter Bible used by the same body , with an inscription on tho title page recording the fact ; also tho
square and twenty-fonr inch guage , tho latter engraved with the names of tho Master and Wardens , and the date 1 G 63 ; also a very large pewter flagon , formerly tho property of a Dutch Lodge , and bearing the date 1694 Amongst the guests invited to meet tho visitors were Bros , the Rev . Wm . Valentino W . M . 23 G , J . W . Woodall 31 ° P . M . 200 , S . B . Ellis P . M . 1239 , & c . At the conclusion of lunch the ladies retired , and the Lndtre was called on again to labonr , and duly closed . Several of the York brethren then escorted tho ladies to afternoon cathedral
service , whilst the American Knights Templar , of whom there were nineteen , mustered at the Masonic Hall , whero an emergency meeting of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 , of York , had been called for four o ' clock . At that hour tho Preceptory was opened by the E . P . Sir Knight Wm . Valentine , and immediately afterwards tho American Sir Knights entered in full clothing , and woro received
under tho Arch of Steel , and aftoi'wards saluted . Companion Thos . Thompson , of the Humber Chapter 57 , having been duly elected , was then admitted , received , and installed a Knight of tho Order , the ceremonies being worked by E . Sir Knights T . B . Whytehead asE . P ., J . W . Woodall P . E . P . as Prelate , W . Lawton P . E . P ., T . Cooper P . E . P . as Sub-Marshal , and Sir Knights T . B . Prissick Constable , J . S . Cumberland
Marshal , P . II . Rowland Chamberlain , J . G . Croft Herald , G . Simpson Capt . of Guards , G . H . Simpson Orgst ., J . Ward Equerry . Before the conclnsion of the ceremonies E . Sir Knight C . E . Meyer , G . Recorder of the Commandery of Pennsylvania , presented to the Preceptory , on behalf of Sir Knight John Dornan , a very beantifnl and valuable Templar Sword , ono of the first ever worn in tho United States , and
expressed a wish that it should bo used in giving the Accolado to candidates . E . Sir Knight T . B . Whytehead replied , thanking Sir Knight Dornnn , in tho namo of tho Preceptory , for a gift which would ever remind them of that day and of tho guests whom they rejoiced to honour . Each of tho English Knights was then invested by E . Sir Knight Meyer with a Pilgrim ' s jewel in bronze , specially strnck for
the occasion . Amongst tho Visitors present were Sir Knights C . Jackson E . P ., J . C . Martin , H . Maddisnn and T . Ness , of the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , W . Beanland P . E . P . Faith 13 , S . Middloton and J . Winfindnle Geoffrey de Bouillon 91 , S . B . Elli 3 E . P . Do Furnival ( JG , T . M . Richey Calpo GO , & c . The alms having been collected , the Preceptory was closed , and the installed
Preceptors retired nnder the Arch of Steel . At seven o ' clock a grand bnnqnet was given by tho membors of the Ancient Ebor Preceptory and Priory of Malta to tho American Visitors and their ladies , . at the Station Hotel . A novel feature in tho entertain , ment was the introduction of ladies by the brethren , and tho consequenco was that the whole of the available seats were taken up
and the room was qnito filled . Collars and jewels of tho Christian degrees were worn by those present , and the room was tastefully decorated with suitable adornments . Behind tho chair were the American and English ensigns crossed , tho Beanseant and Vcxillurn Belli of the Ancient Ebor Preceptory , and the banners of several of the members , whilst in the centre was a large star of Templar Bwords , bearing in the centre the ancient motto of the Order—" Vent—Dien
—Saint—Amour . At the opposite oncl of the room were the two national flags and tho banners of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , with members' banners , whilst over the centre door were tho Star and Cross of the Order , with tho motto— "In hoc signo vincos . " The banner of tho Eboracnm Conclave of tho Red Cross of Constantine was also suspended behind the chair of the
M . P . S . Bro . T . Cooper , and American and English National flags were grouped about the walls and pillars . The dinner was of a most excellent character , supplied by Bro . Duref , manager of the hotel . As the procession moved in to dinner the band of the 4 th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards , who were present by kind permission of Bro . Major T . B . Shaw-Hellier , played a Grand March , fonnded on " Hail
Columbia , ' and arranged by the bandmaster , Bro . W . S . Smith , and during dinner performed a beautiful selection of music . The chair was occupied by Bro . the Rev . W . Valentino E . P ., and the vice-chairs by Bros . Major Prissick and J . S . Cumberland , Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . acting as Director of Ceremonies . The toasts of the " Qnecn , the Patroness of English Masonry , " and "Tho Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Temple , " having been gracefully given
from the chair and warmly ' received , Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . G . Constable of N . and E . Yorkshire , gave " The Great Prior of England Lord Skelmersdale , the Sub-Prior , and the Great Officers and Officers , " coupled with tho namo of Bro . T . B . Wh ytehead , which was received with great applause , and responded to by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , G . Captain of Guards England . Bro . T . B . Prissick Constable of the Ancient Ebor , then gave " Tho Provincial Prioi
Visit Of American Masonic Pilgrims.
Lord Loudesborougb , tho Sub-Prior , and tho P . G . Officers and Officers , " which , in tho nnavoidable absence of Bro . J . F . nolden , Sub-Prior , was respondod to by Bro . J . W . Woodall P . G . Constable . Bro . T . B . Whytohead then gave tho toast of tho evening , " Tho Mombersof tho Mary Commandery , No . 30 , Philadelphia , and tho rest of tho American Visitors , " a toast which was received with the
greatost enthusiasm . Bro . Whytehead said ho felt at that moment in tho position of ono who had aehioved a great triumph . When six months ago Bro . 0 . E . Meyer had written , announcing the coming of tho party , he made up his mind that York must tako a prominent part in welcoming those westorn brethren who havo always regarded 'with pecnliar veneration " Ancient York Masonry . "
In carrying cut his ideas , ho had met with great difficulties , and even opposition , but on tho other hand thcro were several trno hearts who had well supported him , and when ho looked around him and back upon tho day they had spont , ho had no feelings left but those of gratification , and ho experienced tho crowning pleasuro of that day when he offered for their acceptance the toast of the members
of tho Mary Commandery and tho rest of the American visitors , and coupled with it the namo of his friend Bro . C . E . Meyer . Bro . Meyer in responding , allnded to tho prosperity of the Templar Order iu America , and mentioned that in Philadelphia alone thero were seven Commanderies , and that in tho Mary Commandery alone thero were 450 members , no , in return , proposed " Prosperity to the Ancient
Ebor Preceptory , and prophesied for it every success under its present active and able management . Ho at tho same time , in tho namo of tho Mary Commandery , presented tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory with a magnificent silk banner , richly embroidered with gold , and exquisitely finished . This toast was suitably replied to by Bro . W . Valentine E . P ., and Bro . P . II . Rowland then gavo "the English
Visitors , who were very numerous , and Bro . Ellis E . P . of tho De Furnival Porceptory , Sheffield , replied . " Prosperity to tho City of York , " was given by Bro . D . Sutter P . E . C ., and responded to by the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor of York , Bro . Wm . Varey , who in return proposed " Prosperity to the City of Philadelphia , " a toast which was received with great cheering . Bro . M . R . Muckle P . E . O ., Grand
Treasurer of tho Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania , responded , very happily alluding to the cordial relations between the countries , and especially as exemplified in the noble reception thoy had met with that day . "The Ladies" were proposed by Bro . Aid . Terry , and responded for by Bro . C . D . Barstow , and after the toast of " Prosperity to Masonry throughout tho World , " given by Bro . J . S . Cumberland ,
Marshal of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory , Bra . J . Ward gave the Equerry's toast , and the formal proceedings were brought to a close in a most fraternal manner . Several additional toasts were afterwards proposed , amongst them being the health of the Lady Mayoress of York , who with many other York ladies , was present at the banquet . Bro . C . G . Padol presided at the piano , and between the toasts
songs wore given by Bros . 3 . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , G . C . Loo and others . Tho following is a list of tho American brethren present : —Bros . 0 . E . Meyer P . E . C . ( Mary ) , D . Sutter P . E . C . ( Mary ) , G . T . Conrade ( Mary ) , C . Matthews ( Mary ) , J . Borden ( Marv ) , T . A . Harris ( Mary ) , H . E . Wendel ( Mary ) , C . W . Packer ( Mary ) , C . W . Scary ( Mary ) , J . Heiss ( Mary ) , W .
McCartor ( Mary ) , J . Dornan ( Kadosb ) , W . J . Norris ( St . John ' s ) , C . Johnson ( Morton ) , J . A . Bickol ( Chasseur ) , J . S . McKiulay ( Kensington ) , D . A . Davison ( No . 2 New Haven ) , E . White ( Chasseur ) , M . ' R . Mncklc ( Philadelphia ) , Thos . Kelsh , L . G . Drake , J . V . Gotwaltz , the party being conducted by Bro . W . E . Franklin P . M . P . P . G . D . Durham , agent to Messrs . Cook and Son . The following
members of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory were present at the banquet : —Sir Knt . W . Valentino E . P . W . M . 236 and P . P . G . Chaplain , W . Lawton P . E . P . P . M . 236 and P . P . G . Registrar , Thomas Cooper P . E . P . P . M . 236 and 1611 and P . P . G . D . C ., T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . and W . M . 1011 , T . B . Prissick Constable , J . S . Cumberland Marshal , J . Godfrey Croft Herald P . M . 123 and P . J . G . W ., P . H . Rowland
Chamberlain P . M . 237 and P . P . G . D ., Geo . Simpson C . of Lines aud 236 and 1611 , G . II . Simpson Organist and 236 and 1611 , C . Palliser and P . M . 1337 , J . Keswick and 236 and 1611 , E . Honlden and 236 , J . Terry and 236 , J . Ward Equerry and 236 ; and tho following Visitors , J . W . Woodall P . E . P . Geoffrey do Bouillon Preceptory , Scarboro' P . M . 200 and P . P . G . W ., S . Middleton
Geoffrey de Bouillon , S . B . Ellis E . P . De Fnrnival , Sheffield , and P . M . Wentworth 1239 , T . M . Richey Calpo Preceptory , Gibraltar , and 199 and 278 , C . Jackson E . P . St . Cnthbert's , Darlington , T . Ness St . Cuthbert's , H . Maddisou St . Cuthbert ' s , J . C . Martin St . Cuth . bert ' s , Wm . Beanland P . E . P . Faith , Bradford , R . W . Hollon P . M . 236 P . G . S . B . Eng ., E . T . Clark W . M . 910 , G . Balmford 1611 and P . M . 236 P . P . G . O ., C . Foster P . M . 1311 , T . J . Wilkinson S . W . 1416 ,
G . 0 . Lee 1611 and S . W . 1230 , C . G . Padel J . W . 1 G 11 and 23 G , Capt . L . Murphy J . W . 2 . 95 ( I . C . ) , W . Varey 236 ( Lord Mayor of York ) , H . Churchill 1611 and 23 G , W . T . Gowland 236 , Robert Walker 1611 , G . II . Hebblethwaite 1611 , J . E . Wilkinson 1611 , Geo . Cattell 236 , C . D . Barstow 230 , W . P . Husband 1611 , F . Valentine 1593 , J . Wilkinson ( Town Clerk ) 236 , J . Welbnrn 23 G , J . Blonkin 1611 , W . E . Clark 910 , W . H . Sampson 236 , J . R , Jackson 1011 , R . II . Hartley
23 G , A . T . B . Turner 1 G 11 , J . Church 317 , J . T . Wilson 236 , T . D . Smith 1611 , Captain A . T . S . Lowe 823 , P . Matthews 1011 and 236 , J . G . Turner 23 G , F . J . H . Bellringer 509 , C . Blackstono 1611 , J . Shilleto 236 and 1611 , J . Kirby Sec . 23 G , S . Border 236 , W . Hill 1611 , G . Irving 1611 , J . B . Somerset 295 ( I . C . ) , Jas . Pedley 295 ( I . C . ) , J . Tissiman 236 , C . Walker 236 , J . Avre 236 , T . Humphries
Assist . Sec . 1611 . The Lord Mayor attended the banquet in state , with his Sword and Maco Bearers ; and the " Baubles , " together with the ancient Cap of Maintenance , were objects of interest to the Visitors . Many letters of apology for non-attendance were received , and at the last moment several brethren who had accepted invitations
were unable to bo present , Bro . B . Wormald P . E . P . 101 , York , being prevented by severe illness . Altogether the party consisted of 126 . The Lord Mayor of York had invited the party to an early lunch at the Mansion House on Friday morning , but tho arrangements of the Pilgrims did not admit of their accepting the invitation .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Visit Of American Masonic Pilgrims.
pave his oration in 1726 as J . G . Warden of the Grand Lodge of All England . Driving thence through Walmgato Bar , which still possesses tho barbican , tho old gates and tho portcullis , tho walls were skirted , outside tho ramparts , to Castlo Mills Bridge , tho site of the old corn mills of tho Knight Templars , past York Castle and Clifford ' s Tower—where tho Yorkshire- Templars were immured
at tho suppression of tho Order , and secretly examined by Archbishop Greenfield—and crossing Ouse Bridge , the travellers arrived at the Queen ' s Hotel , where the Eboracnm Lodge , No . 1011 , has its rooms , and here they were received by its members with all heartiness . A champagno luncheon was set out in the bodv of the Lodgo room , mid tho Lodgo having been opened by tho
W . M ., Bro . T . B . Whytehead , the Senior and Junior Wardens , Bros . J . Spite Cumberland and C . G . Pa del , and tho rest of the Officers being in their places , the W . M . briefly expressed the deep pleasure experienced by himself and brethren at thus being able to extend the right hand of fraternal greeting to their Transatlantic visitors . Tho Lodge was then called off from labour to refreshment ,
and the ladies of tho American party were introduced by the M . C . Bro . G . Simpson and several brethren , and all sat down to a most elaborate luncheon , provided by Bro . H . Chnrchill . Several objects of great Masonic interest wore exhibited on a pedestal in tho centre of tho room , amongst thorn being the old silver loving cup of the Grand Lodge of all England , tho Black Letter Bible used by the same body , with an inscription on tho title page recording the fact ; also tho
square and twenty-fonr inch guage , tho latter engraved with the names of tho Master and Wardens , and the date 1 G 63 ; also a very large pewter flagon , formerly tho property of a Dutch Lodge , and bearing the date 1694 Amongst the guests invited to meet tho visitors were Bros , the Rev . Wm . Valentino W . M . 23 G , J . W . Woodall 31 ° P . M . 200 , S . B . Ellis P . M . 1239 , & c . At the conclusion of lunch the ladies retired , and the Lndtre was called on again to labonr , and duly closed . Several of the York brethren then escorted tho ladies to afternoon cathedral
service , whilst the American Knights Templar , of whom there were nineteen , mustered at the Masonic Hall , whero an emergency meeting of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory , No . 101 , of York , had been called for four o ' clock . At that hour tho Preceptory was opened by the E . P . Sir Knight Wm . Valentine , and immediately afterwards tho American Sir Knights entered in full clothing , and woro received
under tho Arch of Steel , and aftoi'wards saluted . Companion Thos . Thompson , of the Humber Chapter 57 , having been duly elected , was then admitted , received , and installed a Knight of tho Order , the ceremonies being worked by E . Sir Knights T . B . Whytehead asE . P ., J . W . Woodall P . E . P . as Prelate , W . Lawton P . E . P ., T . Cooper P . E . P . as Sub-Marshal , and Sir Knights T . B . Prissick Constable , J . S . Cumberland
Marshal , P . II . Rowland Chamberlain , J . G . Croft Herald , G . Simpson Capt . of Guards , G . H . Simpson Orgst ., J . Ward Equerry . Before the conclnsion of the ceremonies E . Sir Knight C . E . Meyer , G . Recorder of the Commandery of Pennsylvania , presented to the Preceptory , on behalf of Sir Knight John Dornan , a very beantifnl and valuable Templar Sword , ono of the first ever worn in tho United States , and
expressed a wish that it should bo used in giving the Accolado to candidates . E . Sir Knight T . B . Whytehead replied , thanking Sir Knight Dornnn , in tho namo of tho Preceptory , for a gift which would ever remind them of that day and of tho guests whom they rejoiced to honour . Each of tho English Knights was then invested by E . Sir Knight Meyer with a Pilgrim ' s jewel in bronze , specially strnck for
the occasion . Amongst tho Visitors present were Sir Knights C . Jackson E . P ., J . C . Martin , H . Maddisnn and T . Ness , of the St . Cuthbert ' s Preceptory , Darlington , W . Beanland P . E . P . Faith 13 , S . Middloton and J . Winfindnle Geoffrey de Bouillon 91 , S . B . Elli 3 E . P . Do Furnival ( JG , T . M . Richey Calpo GO , & c . The alms having been collected , the Preceptory was closed , and the installed
Preceptors retired nnder the Arch of Steel . At seven o ' clock a grand bnnqnet was given by tho membors of the Ancient Ebor Preceptory and Priory of Malta to tho American Visitors and their ladies , . at the Station Hotel . A novel feature in tho entertain , ment was the introduction of ladies by the brethren , and tho consequenco was that the whole of the available seats were taken up
and the room was qnito filled . Collars and jewels of tho Christian degrees were worn by those present , and the room was tastefully decorated with suitable adornments . Behind tho chair were the American and English ensigns crossed , tho Beanseant and Vcxillurn Belli of the Ancient Ebor Preceptory , and the banners of several of the members , whilst in the centre was a large star of Templar Bwords , bearing in the centre the ancient motto of the Order—" Vent—Dien
—Saint—Amour . At the opposite oncl of the room were the two national flags and tho banners of St . John of Jerusalem , Palestine , Rhodes , and Malta , with members' banners , whilst over the centre door were tho Star and Cross of the Order , with tho motto— "In hoc signo vincos . " The banner of tho Eboracnm Conclave of tho Red Cross of Constantine was also suspended behind the chair of the
M . P . S . Bro . T . Cooper , and American and English National flags were grouped about the walls and pillars . The dinner was of a most excellent character , supplied by Bro . Duref , manager of the hotel . As the procession moved in to dinner the band of the 4 th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards , who were present by kind permission of Bro . Major T . B . Shaw-Hellier , played a Grand March , fonnded on " Hail
Columbia , ' and arranged by the bandmaster , Bro . W . S . Smith , and during dinner performed a beautiful selection of music . The chair was occupied by Bro . the Rev . W . Valentino E . P ., and the vice-chairs by Bros . Major Prissick and J . S . Cumberland , Bro . T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . acting as Director of Ceremonies . The toasts of the " Qnecn , the Patroness of English Masonry , " and "Tho Prince of Wales , Grand Master of the Temple , " having been gracefully given
from the chair and warmly ' received , Bro . J . W . Woodall , P . G . Constable of N . and E . Yorkshire , gave " The Great Prior of England Lord Skelmersdale , the Sub-Prior , and the Great Officers and Officers , " coupled with tho namo of Bro . T . B . Wh ytehead , which was received with great applause , and responded to by Bro . T . B . Whytehead , G . Captain of Guards England . Bro . T . B . Prissick Constable of the Ancient Ebor , then gave " Tho Provincial Prioi
Visit Of American Masonic Pilgrims.
Lord Loudesborougb , tho Sub-Prior , and tho P . G . Officers and Officers , " which , in tho nnavoidable absence of Bro . J . F . nolden , Sub-Prior , was respondod to by Bro . J . W . Woodall P . G . Constable . Bro . T . B . Whytohead then gave tho toast of tho evening , " Tho Mombersof tho Mary Commandery , No . 30 , Philadelphia , and tho rest of tho American Visitors , " a toast which was received with the
greatost enthusiasm . Bro . Whytehead said ho felt at that moment in tho position of ono who had aehioved a great triumph . When six months ago Bro . 0 . E . Meyer had written , announcing the coming of tho party , he made up his mind that York must tako a prominent part in welcoming those westorn brethren who havo always regarded 'with pecnliar veneration " Ancient York Masonry . "
In carrying cut his ideas , ho had met with great difficulties , and even opposition , but on tho other hand thcro were several trno hearts who had well supported him , and when ho looked around him and back upon tho day they had spont , ho had no feelings left but those of gratification , and ho experienced tho crowning pleasuro of that day when he offered for their acceptance the toast of the members
of tho Mary Commandery and tho rest of the American visitors , and coupled with it the namo of his friend Bro . C . E . Meyer . Bro . Meyer in responding , allnded to tho prosperity of the Templar Order iu America , and mentioned that in Philadelphia alone thero were seven Commanderies , and that in tho Mary Commandery alone thero were 450 members , no , in return , proposed " Prosperity to the Ancient
Ebor Preceptory , and prophesied for it every success under its present active and able management . Ho at tho same time , in tho namo of tho Mary Commandery , presented tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory with a magnificent silk banner , richly embroidered with gold , and exquisitely finished . This toast was suitably replied to by Bro . W . Valentine E . P ., and Bro . P . II . Rowland then gavo "the English
Visitors , who were very numerous , and Bro . Ellis E . P . of tho De Furnival Porceptory , Sheffield , replied . " Prosperity to tho City of York , " was given by Bro . D . Sutter P . E . C ., and responded to by the Right Hon . the Lord Mayor of York , Bro . Wm . Varey , who in return proposed " Prosperity to the City of Philadelphia , " a toast which was received with great cheering . Bro . M . R . Muckle P . E . O ., Grand
Treasurer of tho Grand Commandery of Pennsylvania , responded , very happily alluding to the cordial relations between the countries , and especially as exemplified in the noble reception thoy had met with that day . "The Ladies" were proposed by Bro . Aid . Terry , and responded for by Bro . C . D . Barstow , and after the toast of " Prosperity to Masonry throughout tho World , " given by Bro . J . S . Cumberland ,
Marshal of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory , Bra . J . Ward gave the Equerry's toast , and the formal proceedings were brought to a close in a most fraternal manner . Several additional toasts were afterwards proposed , amongst them being the health of the Lady Mayoress of York , who with many other York ladies , was present at the banquet . Bro . C . G . Padol presided at the piano , and between the toasts
songs wore given by Bros . 3 . S . Cumberland , J . E . Wilkinson , G . C . Loo and others . Tho following is a list of tho American brethren present : —Bros . 0 . E . Meyer P . E . C . ( Mary ) , D . Sutter P . E . C . ( Mary ) , G . T . Conrade ( Mary ) , C . Matthews ( Mary ) , J . Borden ( Marv ) , T . A . Harris ( Mary ) , H . E . Wendel ( Mary ) , C . W . Packer ( Mary ) , C . W . Scary ( Mary ) , J . Heiss ( Mary ) , W .
McCartor ( Mary ) , J . Dornan ( Kadosb ) , W . J . Norris ( St . John ' s ) , C . Johnson ( Morton ) , J . A . Bickol ( Chasseur ) , J . S . McKiulay ( Kensington ) , D . A . Davison ( No . 2 New Haven ) , E . White ( Chasseur ) , M . ' R . Mncklc ( Philadelphia ) , Thos . Kelsh , L . G . Drake , J . V . Gotwaltz , the party being conducted by Bro . W . E . Franklin P . M . P . P . G . D . Durham , agent to Messrs . Cook and Son . The following
members of tho Ancient Ebor Preceptory were present at the banquet : —Sir Knt . W . Valentino E . P . W . M . 236 and P . P . G . Chaplain , W . Lawton P . E . P . P . M . 236 and P . P . G . Registrar , Thomas Cooper P . E . P . P . M . 236 and 1611 and P . P . G . D . C ., T . B . Whytehead P . E . P . and W . M . 1011 , T . B . Prissick Constable , J . S . Cumberland Marshal , J . Godfrey Croft Herald P . M . 123 and P . J . G . W ., P . H . Rowland
Chamberlain P . M . 237 and P . P . G . D ., Geo . Simpson C . of Lines aud 236 and 1611 , G . II . Simpson Organist and 236 and 1611 , C . Palliser and P . M . 1337 , J . Keswick and 236 and 1611 , E . Honlden and 236 , J . Terry and 236 , J . Ward Equerry and 236 ; and tho following Visitors , J . W . Woodall P . E . P . Geoffrey do Bouillon Preceptory , Scarboro' P . M . 200 and P . P . G . W ., S . Middleton
Geoffrey de Bouillon , S . B . Ellis E . P . De Fnrnival , Sheffield , and P . M . Wentworth 1239 , T . M . Richey Calpo Preceptory , Gibraltar , and 199 and 278 , C . Jackson E . P . St . Cnthbert's , Darlington , T . Ness St . Cuthbert's , H . Maddisou St . Cuthbert ' s , J . C . Martin St . Cuth . bert ' s , Wm . Beanland P . E . P . Faith , Bradford , R . W . Hollon P . M . 236 P . G . S . B . Eng ., E . T . Clark W . M . 910 , G . Balmford 1611 and P . M . 236 P . P . G . O ., C . Foster P . M . 1311 , T . J . Wilkinson S . W . 1416 ,
G . 0 . Lee 1611 and S . W . 1230 , C . G . Padel J . W . 1 G 11 and 23 G , Capt . L . Murphy J . W . 2 . 95 ( I . C . ) , W . Varey 236 ( Lord Mayor of York ) , H . Churchill 1611 and 23 G , W . T . Gowland 236 , Robert Walker 1611 , G . II . Hebblethwaite 1611 , J . E . Wilkinson 1611 , Geo . Cattell 236 , C . D . Barstow 230 , W . P . Husband 1611 , F . Valentine 1593 , J . Wilkinson ( Town Clerk ) 236 , J . Welbnrn 23 G , J . Blonkin 1611 , W . E . Clark 910 , W . H . Sampson 236 , J . R , Jackson 1011 , R . II . Hartley
23 G , A . T . B . Turner 1 G 11 , J . Church 317 , J . T . Wilson 236 , T . D . Smith 1611 , Captain A . T . S . Lowe 823 , P . Matthews 1011 and 236 , J . G . Turner 23 G , F . J . H . Bellringer 509 , C . Blackstono 1611 , J . Shilleto 236 and 1611 , J . Kirby Sec . 23 G , S . Border 236 , W . Hill 1611 , G . Irving 1611 , J . B . Somerset 295 ( I . C . ) , Jas . Pedley 295 ( I . C . ) , J . Tissiman 236 , C . Walker 236 , J . Avre 236 , T . Humphries
Assist . Sec . 1611 . The Lord Mayor attended the banquet in state , with his Sword and Maco Bearers ; and the " Baubles , " together with the ancient Cap of Maintenance , were objects of interest to the Visitors . Many letters of apology for non-attendance were received , and at the last moment several brethren who had accepted invitations
were unable to bo present , Bro . B . Wormald P . E . P . 101 , York , being prevented by severe illness . Altogether the party consisted of 126 . The Lord Mayor of York had invited the party to an early lunch at the Mansion House on Friday morning , but tho arrangements of the Pilgrims did not admit of their accepting the invitation .