Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article MARK MASONRY. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Diary For The Week.
1144—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel . A (* cringfcon . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Ha'l , Manchester . 1164—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . German ' s , Cornwall . 1182—Dnke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . Livornool , 1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern . Worcestershire . 1273—St . " Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sitting bourne . 1369- —Bala , Plasgonh Hotel , Ba'a . 1416—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Thirsk .
1429—Albert TMvwrl Princo of Wales . MasonicHall , Newport , Mon . 1576—Dee , Union Hotel , Parkeate , Cheshire 15 . 10—Craubourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1583—Corbet . Corbet Arms . Towyn . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1 B 97—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Water foot , near Manchester . 1782—Machcn , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 286— Strength , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . R . A . 613—Bridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . M . M . —St , John's , Commercial Hotel , Bolton .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 7 fl _—William Preston . Feathers' Tavern . Up . fteor _ e-st .. *! cltrwar « « rr | . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred . Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 ( Instruction ) 033—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 White , hnnel-road . at . 8 ( Instruction )
insa—Metropolitan , Portueal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street . E . O . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1168—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard . Alwyne Castle . St . Pau 1 's . ro <* d . Canonbury , at 8 ( ID . ) 1365— Ola . tou . White Hart . Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ! R . A . 79—Pythagorean . Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Tn « t . ) R . A . 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitr . Hntol , Gonlborne-rrt , N . Kensington . at 8 . ( In )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 453—ChigweU , Prince ' s HaU , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 30 ( Instruction ) 458—A ' re and Haider , Private Rooms . Ouse-steet , Goole . 4 « 0—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lyme 526—Honour . Star and darter Hotel . Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley . Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth 6 * 2—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel . West Bromwich . 697—United , Georcro Hotel , Colchester .
815—Blair , Town Hnll , Strat . forcl-road , Hulme . inni— Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms . Parliameut-street , 1034— Eccleshill . Freemasons * Hall . Eccleshill l 087—BenudPsert . Assembl" - Rooms , Com Exchan _ e , Leighton Buzzard 1102—Mirfleld , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirfleld 1289—Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rook Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic HaU , Plnmstead General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 993—Alexandra , Medway Hotel , Lovenshulme
W—Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . 1624—Eccleston . Grosvenor Club , Ebury-sqnare , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chanter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogent-streot , W ., at 8 . 149—Peace , Private Rooms . Meltham . 1556—Addiscombe , The Surrey Club , West Croydon
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , 26 th August , at tbe Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridce , Present—Bros . 0 . Andrews P . M . Preceptor WM . , W . Gomm P . M . S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , G . E . Botley Sec , H . Monson S . D ., C . Maton J . D ., Lees I . G . Past Masters Bros . Blasby and Goss , with a large attendance of brethren . Tbe Lodge having
been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting -were read confirmed , nnd signed . Bro P . M . Andrews , in a most impressive manner , rehearsed the ceremony of installation , the Lodge having been advanced to the several degrees . The brethren below the rank of Installed Master retired , the ceremony was continued , and on their re-admittance completed . Then followed the Investiture of
Officers . It was unanimously decided that a special vote of thanks be given , and recorded on the minutes to Bro . Andrews for his able working ; he was also elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Both complimphts were acknowledned in appropriate terms . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for 2 nd September , and the meeting was adjourned to thafc date , at eight p . m .
Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1428 . —The first meeting of this Lodge , after the vacation , was beld on Thursday , 1 st Sept-mber , when Bro . Sibley W . M . worked tbe ceremonies of initiation and passing in a very efficient manner ; there was a fair attendance for a first meeting , but brethren are cordially invited to be present at the next gathering on Thursday , Sth September . Bro . Lardner has been invited to work the ceremony of installation on the fourth Thursday of the present month .
St . Cecilia Lodge , No . 1638 , Brighton—The regular meeting was beld on tbe 30 th nit ., at tbe Boyal Pavilion . Bros . A- J . Hawkes P . P . G . S . B . P . M . 315 W . M ., W . H . Gibson S . W ., q -Broadbridge J . W ., H . Payne Treasurer , W . K . Wood juu . Secretary , G . Cole S . D ., Gates J . D ., F . Marks I . G ., W . Roe fJ- t-. O . Steward ; P . M . 's W . T . Nell P . P . G . P ., J . Eborall P . P . G . S . no Lodge was opened , and the minutes were read ancl confirmed . MessrsR . McKeron and 0 . J . Heald were initiated
, _ TV V ^ ^ ' * - ceremonies being impressively delivered by the th n ' * - ° RaV 6 tm - * charge . The Junior Warden gave the lecture on P P i , aclD n Board . Appropriate music was played by Bro . Koe -U ., and hymns wero sung by the brethren . After Lodge was WAr th ° Dret ^ - 'en partook of sli - hfc refreshments . The d
'; P 0 ' 02 isecl tor not providing a banquet . He had been ce " Cratifiec ] afc Me at-entiou paid by the initiates to the w ^ y » while from the recommendations they had brought hp br _ t _ ° , - Wonlcl becon - » d'edit to the Order . After these nreu bad responded , the W . M . said be folt it an especial hononr
Notices Of Meetings.
to seo so many distinguished brethren from tho Province . Many were old Masons , whom they were pleased to see ou this so-called off-night ; ho would call on Brother H . M . Levy , and Dr . Hauxwell to respond to the toast . Those Brethren responded , and were followed by others , who remarked they had never heard the Charge and the lecture on the Tracing Board given so well , they had experienced an especial pleasure in hearing it . Bro . Nell P . P . G . P . in eloquent
terms proposed the health of the W . M ., who was not only W . M . of this Lodge , but was P . M . of the York Lodge , where he bad carried out every duty required of him . Bro . Hawkes responded in an appropriate manner . He would be pleased to seo the brethen at a banquet whioh would be provided on the next occasion . The following were present as Visitors : —Dr . Hanxwoll W . M . 732 , Harrison P . P . G . S . Hants , Smith P . P . G . D . Sussex , W . Holland 315 , J . Hannay Org . 184 , T . Berry 184 , E . A . Wells 15 , C . Lorkin 1524 , W . H . Ransfurd 84 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Mark Masonry.
THE Annual Grand Lodge of Mark Masons for the Province of Berks and Oxon , was held on Tuesday , in the County Hall , at Abingdon , under the presidency of tbe Earl of Jersey , Provincial Grand Maxter , who was supported by the Deputy Grand Master Bro . Stephens , Bros . Binckes Grand Secretary , Broadley Grand Master of Tunis and Malta , Donald Dewar Grand Assistant Secretary , Pulley Provincial Grand Secretary , and nearly 100 brethren of the Mark
ON Thursday , Sth September , an interesting gathering of Free , masons will take place in the Masonic Hall , Nottingham . The occasion will be the consecration of the Commercial Chapter , to be attached to Lodge No . 411 . The petitioning Companions are—Comps .
M . Vowles P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 1405 P . P . S . G . W ., C . G . Wragg P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 1405 P . G . S ., C . B . Truman P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 P . G . S . D ., A . Fletcher P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 P . P . G . S . B .. J . E . Traman
P . S . 47 W . M . 411 , H . J . Norris 411 W . M . 1794 , M . T . Ingram S . W . 411 , W . Hickling J . W . 411 , J . Wigglesworth J . D . 411 J . W . 1794 . Th « ceremony of Consecration will be performed by the M . E . Comp . J . Terry P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . A banquet will be beld in tbe evening .
A somewhat singular record will be noted in the list of brethren and others to whom sums from £ 50 and upwards have been recommended by Lodge of Benevolence . One brother died three days after the Lodge recommended a grant of . 650 , and a second three weeks after the larger
sum of £ 75 had been agreed upon , as subject to the confirmation and approval of Grand Lodge being adequate to his necessities . These indirectly show the necessity there is for paying the moneys recommended with as little delay as possible .
Probably the owners of " certain freehold premises , with stable in New Yard , " were not a little surprised when their proposal to sell their property for £ 1 , 000 was summarily rejected by the Board of General Purposes . They
probably reckoned that Grand Lodge would bay at the price they put upon it , and they have now discovered their mistake . The premises may be worth £ 1 , 000 to the owners , but they are not to Grand Lodge , so the negociations have very properly been dropped .
degree . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at half . past three o'clock , under Lord Jersey ' s presidency , when the various reports were presented , showing the province to be in a satisfactory position * Since the List Annual Provincial Grand Lodge upwards of sixty members have been advanced in the six Lodges in the Province . The rovincial Grand Master appointed his Officers for the ensuing year . The business having closed , the brethren adjourned to the Council Chamber , where a dinner was served , and the usual Mark Masons , toasts were drunk .
^ a ^ LAMPLOU-H'S lj R § PYETIC SALINE . ^ jII " r ] Sjr An Effervescing and Tasteless Sn't ; most Invigorating « y » ^ Vitalising , and Reft ashing . Gives instant relief in H-ABACKE , SEA . or BJ . IOUS SICK - , INDIO . S . ION , Co _ sni' -Ti oy , L-ssi- tn- -, HBJLXTVVHX , __ tv __ i-7 i COCDS . and prevents nnd quickly relieves or cures tlie worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , unci other FEVERS , PBICK -Y HEAT , SMALL-POX . MEASLES , E _ up . iv _ or SKIS COMrLAijris . ancl various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DIt . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes;—I have prait pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to Its efficacy „„ „ ,.. „ . „ .. .... .,. ,. In the treatment of many of the ordinary nnd pn .. TUB _ E-.- "I found It act ns a spe- chronic form * of Gastric Complaints , and oille , in my experience and tunuly . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , NO other mucneine being required . " DIt . J . W . DOWSING . — " I ufccl it in the treatment of forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and lam happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . casc . " A systematic course prevents ancl cures obstinate Cos-tiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Hark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOUOrH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
1144—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel . A (* cringfcon . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Ha'l , Manchester . 1164—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . German ' s , Cornwall . 1182—Dnke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . Livornool , 1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern . Worcestershire . 1273—St . " Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sitting bourne . 1369- —Bala , Plasgonh Hotel , Ba'a . 1416—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Thirsk .
1429—Albert TMvwrl Princo of Wales . MasonicHall , Newport , Mon . 1576—Dee , Union Hotel , Parkeate , Cheshire 15 . 10—Craubourne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1583—Corbet . Corbet Arms . Towyn . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1 B 97—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Water foot , near Manchester . 1782—Machcn , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 286— Strength , Green Man Hotel , Bacup . R . A . 613—Bridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . M . M . —St , John's , Commercial Hotel , Bolton .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 507—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonio Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 7 fl _—William Preston . Feathers' Tavern . Up . fteor _ e-st .. *! cltrwar « « rr | . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred . Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 ( Instruction ) 033—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 White , hnnel-road . at . 8 ( Instruction )
insa—Metropolitan , Portueal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street . E . O . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1168—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard . Alwyne Castle . St . Pau 1 's . ro <* d . Canonbury , at 8 ( ID . ) 1365— Ola . tou . White Hart . Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ! R . A . 79—Pythagorean . Portland Hotel . London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Tn « t . ) R . A . 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitr . Hntol , Gonlborne-rrt , N . Kensington . at 8 . ( In )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 453—ChigweU , Prince ' s HaU , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 30 ( Instruction ) 458—A ' re and Haider , Private Rooms . Ouse-steet , Goole . 4 « 0—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotel , Newcastle-under-Lyme 526—Honour . Star and darter Hotel . Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley . Victoria Hotel , Holmfirth 6 * 2—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel . West Bromwich . 697—United , Georcro Hotel , Colchester .
815—Blair , Town Hnll , Strat . forcl-road , Hulme . inni— Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms . Parliameut-street , 1034— Eccleshill . Freemasons * Hall . Eccleshill l 087—BenudPsert . Assembl" - Rooms , Com Exchan _ e , Leighton Buzzard 1102—Mirfleld , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpe , Mirfleld 1289—Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rook Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic HaU , Plnmstead General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic HaU , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 993—Alexandra , Medway Hotel , Lovenshulme
W—Percy . Jolly Farmers' Tavern . Southgate-road , N ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty , Alexandra Palace , Muswell-hill . 1624—Eccleston . Grosvenor Club , Ebury-sqnare , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) Sinai Chanter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogent-streot , W ., at 8 . 149—Peace , Private Rooms . Meltham . 1556—Addiscombe , The Surrey Club , West Croydon
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o : — Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —On Friday , 26 th August , at tbe Star and Garter Hotel , Kew-bridce , Present—Bros . 0 . Andrews P . M . Preceptor WM . , W . Gomm P . M . S . W ., F . Botley J . W ., H . E . Tucker Treasurer , G . E . Botley Sec , H . Monson S . D ., C . Maton J . D ., Lees I . G . Past Masters Bros . Blasby and Goss , with a large attendance of brethren . Tbe Lodge having
been opened in due form , the minutes of the last meeting -were read confirmed , nnd signed . Bro P . M . Andrews , in a most impressive manner , rehearsed the ceremony of installation , the Lodge having been advanced to the several degrees . The brethren below the rank of Installed Master retired , the ceremony was continued , and on their re-admittance completed . Then followed the Investiture of
Officers . It was unanimously decided that a special vote of thanks be given , and recorded on the minutes to Bro . Andrews for his able working ; he was also elected an honorary member of the Lodge . Both complimphts were acknowledned in appropriate terms . Bro . Gomm was elected W . M . for 2 nd September , and the meeting was adjourned to thafc date , at eight p . m .
Great City Lodge of Instruction , No . 1428 . —The first meeting of this Lodge , after the vacation , was beld on Thursday , 1 st Sept-mber , when Bro . Sibley W . M . worked tbe ceremonies of initiation and passing in a very efficient manner ; there was a fair attendance for a first meeting , but brethren are cordially invited to be present at the next gathering on Thursday , Sth September . Bro . Lardner has been invited to work the ceremony of installation on the fourth Thursday of the present month .
St . Cecilia Lodge , No . 1638 , Brighton—The regular meeting was beld on tbe 30 th nit ., at tbe Boyal Pavilion . Bros . A- J . Hawkes P . P . G . S . B . P . M . 315 W . M ., W . H . Gibson S . W ., q -Broadbridge J . W ., H . Payne Treasurer , W . K . Wood juu . Secretary , G . Cole S . D ., Gates J . D ., F . Marks I . G ., W . Roe fJ- t-. O . Steward ; P . M . 's W . T . Nell P . P . G . P ., J . Eborall P . P . G . S . no Lodge was opened , and the minutes were read ancl confirmed . MessrsR . McKeron and 0 . J . Heald were initiated
, _ TV V ^ ^ ' * - ceremonies being impressively delivered by the th n ' * - ° RaV 6 tm - * charge . The Junior Warden gave the lecture on P P i , aclD n Board . Appropriate music was played by Bro . Koe -U ., and hymns wero sung by the brethren . After Lodge was WAr th ° Dret ^ - 'en partook of sli - hfc refreshments . The d
'; P 0 ' 02 isecl tor not providing a banquet . He had been ce " Cratifiec ] afc Me at-entiou paid by the initiates to the w ^ y » while from the recommendations they had brought hp br _ t _ ° , - Wonlcl becon - » d'edit to the Order . After these nreu bad responded , the W . M . said be folt it an especial hononr
Notices Of Meetings.
to seo so many distinguished brethren from tho Province . Many were old Masons , whom they were pleased to see ou this so-called off-night ; ho would call on Brother H . M . Levy , and Dr . Hauxwell to respond to the toast . Those Brethren responded , and were followed by others , who remarked they had never heard the Charge and the lecture on the Tracing Board given so well , they had experienced an especial pleasure in hearing it . Bro . Nell P . P . G . P . in eloquent
terms proposed the health of the W . M ., who was not only W . M . of this Lodge , but was P . M . of the York Lodge , where he bad carried out every duty required of him . Bro . Hawkes responded in an appropriate manner . He would be pleased to seo the brethen at a banquet whioh would be provided on the next occasion . The following were present as Visitors : —Dr . Hanxwoll W . M . 732 , Harrison P . P . G . S . Hants , Smith P . P . G . D . Sussex , W . Holland 315 , J . Hannay Org . 184 , T . Berry 184 , E . A . Wells 15 , C . Lorkin 1524 , W . H . Ransfurd 84 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 .
Mark Masonry.
THE Annual Grand Lodge of Mark Masons for the Province of Berks and Oxon , was held on Tuesday , in the County Hall , at Abingdon , under the presidency of tbe Earl of Jersey , Provincial Grand Maxter , who was supported by the Deputy Grand Master Bro . Stephens , Bros . Binckes Grand Secretary , Broadley Grand Master of Tunis and Malta , Donald Dewar Grand Assistant Secretary , Pulley Provincial Grand Secretary , and nearly 100 brethren of the Mark
ON Thursday , Sth September , an interesting gathering of Free , masons will take place in the Masonic Hall , Nottingham . The occasion will be the consecration of the Commercial Chapter , to be attached to Lodge No . 411 . The petitioning Companions are—Comps .
M . Vowles P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 1405 P . P . S . G . W ., C . G . Wragg P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 1405 P . G . S ., C . B . Truman P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 P . G . S . D ., A . Fletcher P . Z . 47 P . M . 411 P . P . G . S . B .. J . E . Traman
P . S . 47 W . M . 411 , H . J . Norris 411 W . M . 1794 , M . T . Ingram S . W . 411 , W . Hickling J . W . 411 , J . Wigglesworth J . D . 411 J . W . 1794 . Th « ceremony of Consecration will be performed by the M . E . Comp . J . Terry P . G . D . C . Herts , Secretary of the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . A banquet will be beld in tbe evening .
A somewhat singular record will be noted in the list of brethren and others to whom sums from £ 50 and upwards have been recommended by Lodge of Benevolence . One brother died three days after the Lodge recommended a grant of . 650 , and a second three weeks after the larger
sum of £ 75 had been agreed upon , as subject to the confirmation and approval of Grand Lodge being adequate to his necessities . These indirectly show the necessity there is for paying the moneys recommended with as little delay as possible .
Probably the owners of " certain freehold premises , with stable in New Yard , " were not a little surprised when their proposal to sell their property for £ 1 , 000 was summarily rejected by the Board of General Purposes . They
probably reckoned that Grand Lodge would bay at the price they put upon it , and they have now discovered their mistake . The premises may be worth £ 1 , 000 to the owners , but they are not to Grand Lodge , so the negociations have very properly been dropped .
degree . The Provincial Grand Lodge was opened at half . past three o'clock , under Lord Jersey ' s presidency , when the various reports were presented , showing the province to be in a satisfactory position * Since the List Annual Provincial Grand Lodge upwards of sixty members have been advanced in the six Lodges in the Province . The rovincial Grand Master appointed his Officers for the ensuing year . The business having closed , the brethren adjourned to the Council Chamber , where a dinner was served , and the usual Mark Masons , toasts were drunk .
^ a ^ LAMPLOU-H'S lj R § PYETIC SALINE . ^ jII " r ] Sjr An Effervescing and Tasteless Sn't ; most Invigorating « y » ^ Vitalising , and Reft ashing . Gives instant relief in H-ABACKE , SEA . or BJ . IOUS SICK - , INDIO . S . ION , Co _ sni' -Ti oy , L-ssi- tn- -, HBJLXTVVHX , __ tv __ i-7 i COCDS . and prevents nnd quickly relieves or cures tlie worst form of TYPHUS , SCARLET , JUNGLE , unci other FEVERS , PBICK -Y HEAT , SMALL-POX . MEASLES , E _ up . iv _ or SKIS COMrLAijris . ancl various other Altered Conditions of the Blood . DIt . MORGAN . — "It furnishes the blood don ) , writes;—I have prait pleasure in with its lost saline constituents . " bearing my cordial testimony to Its efficacy „„ „ ,.. „ . „ .. .... .,. ,. In the treatment of many of the ordinary nnd pn .. TUB _ E-.- "I found It act ns a spe- chronic form * of Gastric Complaints , and oille , in my experience and tunuly . In the other forms of Febrile Dyspepsia . " worst form of Scarlet Fever , NO other mucneine being required . " DIt . J . W . DOWSING . — " I ufccl it in the treatment of forty two cases of Yellow Fever DR . SPARKS ( Government Medical In- and lam happy to state I never lost a single spector of Emigrants from the Fort of Lon . casc . " A systematic course prevents ancl cures obstinate Cos-tiveness . Notice my Name and Trade Hark . In patent Glass-stoppered Bottles , 3 / , 5 / , 11 / 6 , and 22 / each . H . LAMPLOUOrH , CONSULTING CHEMIST , 113 HOLBORN , LONDON , E . C .