Article CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE, No. 1563. ← Page 3 of 3 Article CITY OF WESTMINSTER LODGE, No. 1563. Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL VETERANS' ENCAMPMENT. Page 1 of 1
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City Of Westminster Lodge, No. 1563.
Lod ge of Union , No . 414 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 21 st February , at the Masonic Hall , Beading . Present—Bros . E . C . Mount P . M . 1328 VV . M ., Charles Stephens Prov . G . Treasurer Berks and Bucks I . P . M ., F . J . Ferguson S . W ., S . Wheeler J . W ., M . J . Withers Secretary , A . W . Parry S . D ., C . J . Butler M . C , J . W . Martin Steward , F . Blackwell I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . S .
Bradley , A . M . Yetts , E . Bradley Prov . G . Seo . Berks ancl Bucks , and J . W . Hounslow , * Members , Bros . Sherwood , Higgs , Eayner , Armstrong , George , G . W . Webb , C . G . Hawkes , Tench , and Dodd . Visitors—Bros . Weatherhead 1101 , W . Ferguson I . P . M . No . 1101 , Hawkes S . D . No . 1101 . After dne observance of preliminaries , the ballot was taken for Mr . James Hopkins Walters , who was declared
to be elected . The Tyler having prepared and announced the candidate , Mr . Walters was admitted and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Antient Freemasonry . Bro . Mount , having passed the chair of the Granite Lodge , No . 1328 , has had the advantage of past experience in the working of fche Craffc , and this enables him to go through the ceremonies with ease to himself and to the satisfaction
of his Officers . Bro . J . W . George , a candidate for passing , gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , aud retired . The Lodge was opened in fche second degree , ancl Bro . George was admitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodge was resumed in the first degree , when the following non-officials were appointed on the permanent committee : —Bros . Higgs , Hawkes , and Sherwood . A letter
was read from Bro . Pocock P . M . and Treas ., resigning the Treasurership , in consequence of leaving Beading for Horsham . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Pocock for his efficient services as Treasurer . The award of five guineas from the Prov . G . Lodge of Berks and Backs , to fcho Union 414 , was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , aud to be placed on the List of
the W . M ., who would act as Steward at the next Festival . A notice of motion was given , "that the sum of ten guineas from the funds of the Lodge , be applied to Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and thafc the same be added to the list of the W . M . The W . M . returned thanks , and gave notice that afc the next Lodge he wonld propose an alteration in the subscription to be paid by members . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 788 . — Held at the Seymour Arms , Seymour-place , W ., on the 24 fch ultimo . Present—Bros . G . W . Wesfc , W . Heath , Bellerby , Jones , Coop , Tribbel , Fromholz , Hart , Little , Smith , Moore , Dunham , & o . The Secretary pro tem reported that he had received apologies from several brethren who were unable to attend on this occasion : also
thafc , in accordance with their instructions , he had written fco fche late Secretary of the Lodge for the Lodge books , but up to the present time he hacl received no reply . Surprise was expressed that the late Secretary had shown such want of courtesy as nofc to acknowledge Bro . Moore ' s application . It was suggested that Bro . Moore be directed to make personal application for tbe books . The
Committee then reported as to the result of their inquiries for a suitable place in which to hold future meetings , and after several brethren had expressed their views , Brother Coop proposed , and Brother Fromholz seconded , that the William Preston Lodge of Instruction be held for the future nt the Jacob ' s Well , George street , Manchester square , W . This was carried , and a
committee of five—namely , Bros . Coop , Moore , West , Tribbel and Bellerby—were appointed to make the necessary arrangements . Bro . Coop was appointed Preceptor pro tem . Bro . Coop said he would do his best to make the Lodge successful . After several brethren had expressed their opinions as to fche action of the meeting that was held on the 3 rd February , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . West
for presiding over their meeting in the able manner he had done . Bro . West returned thanks . He had to congratulate the brethren that the William Preston Lodge of Instrnction , No . 766 , still existed . They had to thank Bro . Dunham for that . He hoped the Lodge wonld go on and prosper , he would do his best to assist ifc in every possible way . The meeting then adjourned until Friday evening , the 3 rd March , afc 8 o'clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Afc Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday . —Bros . »• H . Stephens W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Baker J . D ., T . Jones I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Glass , Gushing , A . Clark , Smyth , Eobinsen , Allen , Catling , Lamb , Dignam , Marsh , Boyce , Wardeil , Garble , bright , Greenwood , Bown , Polak , Darnell , Yonnsr , Nash , Moss .
J "' y » & c . Lod ge was opened in the three degrees , and resumed t 0 the first . The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following brethren assisted the W . M . to work the fifteen Sections . First lectnre—Bros . Glass , Smyth , F . Carr . T . Clark .
M ' ° * lorkin , G . H . Stephens . Second lectnre—Bros . Wardeil , n % lra ? ted > C * lorkin , Allen . Third lectnre—Bros . Edwards , Dig . to R * n ' " ' * A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded the P ' ^ ' ^ P ' 3 * f ° the efficient manner in which he had worked •* 'fteen Sections . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
22 nd ° H tefl 0 re Lod Se , No . 1017 . —The above Lodge met on the M " . *> a * the Masonic Eooms , Air-street , Eegent-street , under "e presidency of the W . M . Bro . J . Syor . Bros . G . T . Mann S . W ., Benjamin J . VV .. L . Jacobs TV « as .. FP . Albert Pd . P A « a * S „„
, . Slol n S / D- > Dft ™ * - ' W - H * B * Gnlliford I . G ., Lindsay Polliw Jr ^ . nisfc * P-M- ' s Bros . J . Lazarus , De Solla , Chevalier , Lodo . Vlsitors—A * * y '" to 1017 , S . Webb P . M . 933 , and Leon . anrlV ^ ° Pene ( 1 . and the minutes wero confirmed . Bros . Walter rftic . i ' . . ' ere Passed to the second degree , and Bro . Keisor was
\ 7 , jj j- ll third . Both ceremonies were perfectly rendered by the capital a ° then c , 03 ecI * ancl the brethren sat down to a an PP > provided by Bro . Marks . Bro . Pollitzer / in a very ex-
City Of Westminster Lodge, No. 1563.
cellent speech , proposed the toast of the W . M ., and complimented him on the able manner in which he had performed tho ceremonies . The toast of the Wardens aud Officers was responded to by Bro . G . T . Mann . The brethren separated early . Bro . Webb contributed to the harmony . Bro . Lindsay Sloper accompanied on tho pianoforte .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Afc the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green-road , on Thursday , tho 2 nd inst . Present—Bros . Horley W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Sergeant J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Free Secretary , Gioseke Treasurer , Defriez S . D ., Lesrg J . D ., Gray I . G . ¦ also Bros . Moss , Chitson , Patrick , Wilson , Simmons , Newbury , & o . The ceremonial work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremony of raising , Bro . Chitson acting as
candidate . The work being ably done by the . W . M . Bro . Fenner worked the third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the first section was worked by Bro . Fenner . Bros . Chitson , of fche Bnrdett-Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 , and Newbury , of fche Finsbury , 861 , were elected members . Bro . E . Pearcy was elected to preside at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Chaucer Lodge of Instruction , No . 1540 . —Afc the regular meeting of the above successful Lodge , hold at fche Grapes , St . Thomas-sfcreefc , Borough , on Tuesday lasfc , thero were present Bros . R . C . Harrison J . W . 1510 as W . M ., H . Blackwell S . W ., W J . 0 . Eea J . W ., A . Newhouse J . D ., C . M . Tate I . G-., Charles Graham Secretary , F . Croaker Treasurer , H . C . Ball , W . Klingenstein ,
G . Edwards , H . Fowler , H . Chapman , Emblyn , Blitz , Isaacs , Wing , ham , Martin , Eenaut Anneau 1326 , Austin 1900 , D . Goffin 1572 , W . Smith Eose of Denmark , Blackwell Grey Friars , Eeading , H . J . Lardner W . M . 1745 , T . McButt 1623 , T . Butt 907 , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Worshipful Master introduced Bro .
James Stevens P . M . P . Z . to the brethren , for the purpose of giving his reading explanatory of the entire ceremony of fche First Degree . From the course of his introductory remarks it was apparent that Bro . Stevens had a very interesting lectnre to deliver , and as he passed through fche various points of the ceremonial , his views were endorsed by fche numerous brethren . There is no doubt both Officers and
members of Lodges would do well to hear this Lecture , to which Bro . Stevens must have devoted a great deal of time in preparing , Afc its conclusion the Worshipful Master proposed a cordial vote of thanks for fche excellent way Bro . Stevens had delivered his lecture , and expressed fche satisfaction of the brethren at his coming among them . The Senior Warden endorsed all the Worshipful Master had
said , and hoped thafc Bro . Stevens would continue his labours in tho other degrees . The vote was unanimously carried . Bro . Stevens returned thanks j he should be only too pleased to repeat his even , ing ' s work afc any time he was asked . Other matters disposed of , Lodge was closed and adjourned , a memorable and highly instructive evening been enjoyed by all present .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —Held at the Eoyal Hotel , Mile End Eoad , on 27 th February , there were present , Bros . Maud W . M ., Clements S . W ., Moss J . W ., Forss S . D ., Eobinson J . D ., M . Isaacs I . G ., Barnes Treasurer , T . Wooding Preceptor , B . Stewart Hon . Secretary , also Bro . Hnbberfc , H . C . Clark , & o . Lo dge opened in due form , fche minutes of previous meeting were
read aud confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro- H . C . Clark candidate . Bro . Forss worked fche firsfc , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . H . Clements was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . Moss then brought forward his motion , thafc a sum of money be voted from the Lodge funds for the relief of the persecuted Jews in Eussia . Bro . H . 0 . Clark proposed , and Bro . Wooding seconded , that one
guinea be voted for this object . This was supported by Bro . Barnes , and carried unanimously . The brethren present nlso subscribed . The report of the Audit Committee was then read and confirmed , showing that after subscribing five guineas to the Aged Freemasons ' Fund , the balance in hands of Treasnrer was £ 6 6 s . Bro . T . J . Barnes was invited to work the ceremony of installation on Monday , 27 th March , when we hope there will be a good attendance . Nothing further offeriug for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodge was closed .
Royal Veterans' Encampment.
AT the meeting held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , on Friday , 24 th ult ., under the presidency of E . Sir Kni ght Sydney L . E . Templer , the Praters unanimously elected Sir Knighfc Francis B . Westluke as E . Commander , and E . Sir Knight Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . E . as Treasurer . The installation and dinner , afc fche Globe Hotel , are appointed for Friday , 17 th inst .
HOLY CROSS PRECEPTORY AND PRIORY . THE snnnal meeting was held at the Huyshe Temple , on Friday , 24 th ult ., when Sir Knighfc James Griffen P . G . C . was installed as Ex . Preceptor . The ceremony was performed by E . Sir Knighfc J . B . Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., assisted by E . Sir Knight E . Pengelly E . P . P . P . G . 1 st S . B ., L . D . Westcott P . E . C . P . P . G . M ., I . Watts P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., S . L . E . Templer E . C . P . P . G . S . M ., P . B . Clemens
P . E . C . P . P . G . C . of E ., J . H . Keats P . E . C . In the Priory ' of Malta , Sir Knight Griffen was installed as Ex . Prior , the same E . Fraters officiating . The Officers who were appointed for the Preceptory were E . Sir Knighfc Eiohard Pengelly P . E . C , Sir Knighfc Eev . Wm .
Whifctley 1 st Captain and Prelate , and Eichard LaverS 2 nd Captain , E . Sir Kuisrhts L . D . Westcott Treasurer , R . Pengelly Registrar ; Sir Knights Harris-Square Executor , J . Gidley C . of L ., and W . H . Phillips Equerry . The Fraters retired to simple refreshment in the refectory .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
City Of Westminster Lodge, No. 1563.
Lod ge of Union , No . 414 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , 21 st February , at the Masonic Hall , Beading . Present—Bros . E . C . Mount P . M . 1328 VV . M ., Charles Stephens Prov . G . Treasurer Berks and Bucks I . P . M ., F . J . Ferguson S . W ., S . Wheeler J . W ., M . J . Withers Secretary , A . W . Parry S . D ., C . J . Butler M . C , J . W . Martin Steward , F . Blackwell I . G ., W . Hemmings Tyler ; P . M . 's Bros . S .
Bradley , A . M . Yetts , E . Bradley Prov . G . Seo . Berks ancl Bucks , and J . W . Hounslow , * Members , Bros . Sherwood , Higgs , Eayner , Armstrong , George , G . W . Webb , C . G . Hawkes , Tench , and Dodd . Visitors—Bros . Weatherhead 1101 , W . Ferguson I . P . M . No . 1101 , Hawkes S . D . No . 1101 . After dne observance of preliminaries , the ballot was taken for Mr . James Hopkins Walters , who was declared
to be elected . The Tyler having prepared and announced the candidate , Mr . Walters was admitted and initiated into the mysteries and privileges of Antient Freemasonry . Bro . Mount , having passed the chair of the Granite Lodge , No . 1328 , has had the advantage of past experience in the working of fche Craffc , and this enables him to go through the ceremonies with ease to himself and to the satisfaction
of his Officers . Bro . J . W . George , a candidate for passing , gave proof of his efficiency , was entrusted , aud retired . The Lodge was opened in fche second degree , ancl Bro . George was admitted and passed to the degree of F . C . The Lodge was resumed in the first degree , when the following non-officials were appointed on the permanent committee : —Bros . Higgs , Hawkes , and Sherwood . A letter
was read from Bro . Pocock P . M . and Treas ., resigning the Treasurership , in consequence of leaving Beading for Horsham . A vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Bro . Pocock for his efficient services as Treasurer . The award of five guineas from the Prov . G . Lodge of Berks and Backs , to fcho Union 414 , was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , aud to be placed on the List of
the W . M ., who would act as Steward at the next Festival . A notice of motion was given , "that the sum of ten guineas from the funds of the Lodge , be applied to Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and thafc the same be added to the list of the W . M . The W . M . returned thanks , and gave notice that afc the next Lodge he wonld propose an alteration in the subscription to be paid by members . The labours of the evening being ended , the Lodge was closed and adjourned .
William Preston Lodge of Instruction , No . 788 . — Held at the Seymour Arms , Seymour-place , W ., on the 24 fch ultimo . Present—Bros . G . W . Wesfc , W . Heath , Bellerby , Jones , Coop , Tribbel , Fromholz , Hart , Little , Smith , Moore , Dunham , & o . The Secretary pro tem reported that he had received apologies from several brethren who were unable to attend on this occasion : also
thafc , in accordance with their instructions , he had written fco fche late Secretary of the Lodge for the Lodge books , but up to the present time he hacl received no reply . Surprise was expressed that the late Secretary had shown such want of courtesy as nofc to acknowledge Bro . Moore ' s application . It was suggested that Bro . Moore be directed to make personal application for tbe books . The
Committee then reported as to the result of their inquiries for a suitable place in which to hold future meetings , and after several brethren had expressed their views , Brother Coop proposed , and Brother Fromholz seconded , that the William Preston Lodge of Instruction be held for the future nt the Jacob ' s Well , George street , Manchester square , W . This was carried , and a
committee of five—namely , Bros . Coop , Moore , West , Tribbel and Bellerby—were appointed to make the necessary arrangements . Bro . Coop was appointed Preceptor pro tem . Bro . Coop said he would do his best to make the Lodge successful . After several brethren had expressed their opinions as to fche action of the meeting that was held on the 3 rd February , a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . West
for presiding over their meeting in the able manner he had done . Bro . West returned thanks . He had to congratulate the brethren that the William Preston Lodge of Instrnction , No . 766 , still existed . They had to thank Bro . Dunham for that . He hoped the Lodge wonld go on and prosper , he would do his best to assist ifc in every possible way . The meeting then adjourned until Friday evening , the 3 rd March , afc 8 o'clock .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 880 . —Afc Bro . Smyth ' s , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on Tuesday . —Bros . »• H . Stephens W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Christian J . W ., Edwards S . D ., Baker J . D ., T . Jones I . G ., F . Carr Hon . Sec , Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Brasted , Glass , Gushing , A . Clark , Smyth , Eobinsen , Allen , Catling , Lamb , Dignam , Marsh , Boyce , Wardeil , Garble , bright , Greenwood , Bown , Polak , Darnell , Yonnsr , Nash , Moss .
J "' y » & c . Lod ge was opened in the three degrees , and resumed t 0 the first . The minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . The following brethren assisted the W . M . to work the fifteen Sections . First lectnre—Bros . Glass , Smyth , F . Carr . T . Clark .
M ' ° * lorkin , G . H . Stephens . Second lectnre—Bros . Wardeil , n % lra ? ted > C * lorkin , Allen . Third lectnre—Bros . Edwards , Dig . to R * n ' " ' * A cordial vote of thanks was unanimously accorded the P ' ^ ' ^ P ' 3 * f ° the efficient manner in which he had worked •* 'fteen Sections . Lodge was then closed , and adjourned .
22 nd ° H tefl 0 re Lod Se , No . 1017 . —The above Lodge met on the M " . *> a * the Masonic Eooms , Air-street , Eegent-street , under "e presidency of the W . M . Bro . J . Syor . Bros . G . T . Mann S . W ., Benjamin J . VV .. L . Jacobs TV « as .. FP . Albert Pd . P A « a * S „„
, . Slol n S / D- > Dft ™ * - ' W - H * B * Gnlliford I . G ., Lindsay Polliw Jr ^ . nisfc * P-M- ' s Bros . J . Lazarus , De Solla , Chevalier , Lodo . Vlsitors—A * * y '" to 1017 , S . Webb P . M . 933 , and Leon . anrlV ^ ° Pene ( 1 . and the minutes wero confirmed . Bros . Walter rftic . i ' . . ' ere Passed to the second degree , and Bro . Keisor was
\ 7 , jj j- ll third . Both ceremonies were perfectly rendered by the capital a ° then c , 03 ecI * ancl the brethren sat down to a an PP > provided by Bro . Marks . Bro . Pollitzer / in a very ex-
City Of Westminster Lodge, No. 1563.
cellent speech , proposed the toast of the W . M ., and complimented him on the able manner in which he had performed tho ceremonies . The toast of the Wardens aud Officers was responded to by Bro . G . T . Mann . The brethren separated early . Bro . Webb contributed to the harmony . Bro . Lindsay Sloper accompanied on tho pianoforte .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Afc the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green-road , on Thursday , tho 2 nd inst . Present—Bros . Horley W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., Sergeant J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Free Secretary , Gioseke Treasurer , Defriez S . D ., Lesrg J . D ., Gray I . G . ¦ also Bros . Moss , Chitson , Patrick , Wilson , Simmons , Newbury , & o . The ceremonial work comprised the rehearsal of the ceremony of raising , Bro . Chitson acting as
candidate . The work being ably done by the . W . M . Bro . Fenner worked the third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Lodge was resumed to the first degree , and the first section was worked by Bro . Fenner . Bros . Chitson , of fche Bnrdett-Coutts Lodge , No . 1278 , and Newbury , of fche Finsbury , 861 , were elected members . Bro . E . Pearcy was elected to preside at the next meeting . Lodge was then closed .
Chaucer Lodge of Instruction , No . 1540 . —Afc the regular meeting of the above successful Lodge , hold at fche Grapes , St . Thomas-sfcreefc , Borough , on Tuesday lasfc , thero were present Bros . R . C . Harrison J . W . 1510 as W . M ., H . Blackwell S . W ., W J . 0 . Eea J . W ., A . Newhouse J . D ., C . M . Tate I . G-., Charles Graham Secretary , F . Croaker Treasurer , H . C . Ball , W . Klingenstein ,
G . Edwards , H . Fowler , H . Chapman , Emblyn , Blitz , Isaacs , Wing , ham , Martin , Eenaut Anneau 1326 , Austin 1900 , D . Goffin 1572 , W . Smith Eose of Denmark , Blackwell Grey Friars , Eeading , H . J . Lardner W . M . 1745 , T . McButt 1623 , T . Butt 907 , and others . Lodge was opened in due form , and the minntes of the last meeting were read and confirmed . The Worshipful Master introduced Bro .
James Stevens P . M . P . Z . to the brethren , for the purpose of giving his reading explanatory of the entire ceremony of fche First Degree . From the course of his introductory remarks it was apparent that Bro . Stevens had a very interesting lectnre to deliver , and as he passed through fche various points of the ceremonial , his views were endorsed by fche numerous brethren . There is no doubt both Officers and
members of Lodges would do well to hear this Lecture , to which Bro . Stevens must have devoted a great deal of time in preparing , Afc its conclusion the Worshipful Master proposed a cordial vote of thanks for fche excellent way Bro . Stevens had delivered his lecture , and expressed fche satisfaction of the brethren at his coming among them . The Senior Warden endorsed all the Worshipful Master had
said , and hoped thafc Bro . Stevens would continue his labours in tho other degrees . The vote was unanimously carried . Bro . Stevens returned thanks j he should be only too pleased to repeat his even , ing ' s work afc any time he was asked . Other matters disposed of , Lodge was closed and adjourned , a memorable and highly instructive evening been enjoyed by all present .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1825 . —Held at the Eoyal Hotel , Mile End Eoad , on 27 th February , there were present , Bros . Maud W . M ., Clements S . W ., Moss J . W ., Forss S . D ., Eobinson J . D ., M . Isaacs I . G ., Barnes Treasurer , T . Wooding Preceptor , B . Stewart Hon . Secretary , also Bro . Hnbberfc , H . C . Clark , & o . Lo dge opened in due form , fche minutes of previous meeting were
read aud confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro- H . C . Clark candidate . Bro . Forss worked fche firsfc , second , and third sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . H . Clements was unanimously elected W . M . for the next meeting . Bro . Moss then brought forward his motion , thafc a sum of money be voted from the Lodge funds for the relief of the persecuted Jews in Eussia . Bro . H . 0 . Clark proposed , and Bro . Wooding seconded , that one
guinea be voted for this object . This was supported by Bro . Barnes , and carried unanimously . The brethren present nlso subscribed . The report of the Audit Committee was then read and confirmed , showing that after subscribing five guineas to the Aged Freemasons ' Fund , the balance in hands of Treasnrer was £ 6 6 s . Bro . T . J . Barnes was invited to work the ceremony of installation on Monday , 27 th March , when we hope there will be a good attendance . Nothing further offeriug for the good of Freemasonry , the Lodge was closed .
Royal Veterans' Encampment.
AT the meeting held at the Huyshe Masonic Temple , Plymouth , on Friday , 24 th ult ., under the presidency of E . Sir Kni ght Sydney L . E . Templer , the Praters unanimously elected Sir Knighfc Francis B . Westluke as E . Commander , and E . Sir Knight Josiah Austin P . E . C . P . P . G . E . as Treasurer . The installation and dinner , afc fche Globe Hotel , are appointed for Friday , 17 th inst .
HOLY CROSS PRECEPTORY AND PRIORY . THE snnnal meeting was held at the Huyshe Temple , on Friday , 24 th ult ., when Sir Knighfc James Griffen P . G . C . was installed as Ex . Preceptor . The ceremony was performed by E . Sir Knighfc J . B . Gover P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., assisted by E . Sir Knight E . Pengelly E . P . P . P . G . 1 st S . B ., L . D . Westcott P . E . C . P . P . G . M ., I . Watts P . E . C . P . P . G . T ., S . L . E . Templer E . C . P . P . G . S . M ., P . B . Clemens
P . E . C . P . P . G . C . of E ., J . H . Keats P . E . C . In the Priory ' of Malta , Sir Knight Griffen was installed as Ex . Prior , the same E . Fraters officiating . The Officers who were appointed for the Preceptory were E . Sir Knighfc Eiohard Pengelly P . E . C , Sir Knighfc Eev . Wm .
Whifctley 1 st Captain and Prelate , and Eichard LaverS 2 nd Captain , E . Sir Kuisrhts L . D . Westcott Treasurer , R . Pengelly Registrar ; Sir Knights Harris-Square Executor , J . Gidley C . of L ., and W . H . Phillips Equerry . The Fraters retired to simple refreshment in the refectory .