Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
— : o—LODGE OF INDUSTRY , No . 48 . fPUE annual meoting ' of this Lodge was held , on the 23 rd ult ., at the - * - Masonic Hall , Jackson-street , Gateshead . Bro . Richardson was elected W . M ., the Installing Master being Bro . Brown I . P . M . Tho W . M . appointed Bros . Wright S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Craighill Sec , Stafford S . D ., Dodds J . D ., Bagnall I . G ., Jackson S . S ., Chegwidden J . S ., Rev . Bowker Chaplain , Ferry Organist , and Curry Tyler . There
was a large attendance of members of the Lodge , and also brethren from other Lodges . Amongst the P . M . 's of this Lodge were Bros . Reed , Cook , Corbitt , Whitfield , Sinclair , Smith , Dalrymple , Moult , Pybus , and Sbawbrooks . The other members of the Lodge were Bros . Col . Cowen , Sinton , Iveson , Grioe , Campbell , Hall and Douglas , while amongst the visitors were Bros . Dr . Dixon , Dr . Wilson , Lambert
P . M . Ill , Londes P . M . 21 , Barrow P . M . HI Darlington , Barker W . M . 24 , Mitfoed P . G . S . B ., Smith 645 Belfast , Spedding P . M . 1643 , Pittick P . M . D . C . 1643 , Patterson I . P . M . 424 , Kay P . M . 411 , Salmon 1643 , Salmon 1119 , Wilson I . P . M . 1664 , Armstrong S . W . 1661 , Short W . M . 424 , Bell 1427 , Richardson S . W . 24 , Nixon J . S . 406 , Symonds P . M . 1626 , Elliott 204 , Saunders P . M . 889 and 1503
P . P . G . S . D ., Jackson P . M . 712 , Jobson W . M . 1664 , and Donkin 2060 . At the close of the proceedings of the Lodge , the brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they were entertained to a banquet , which reflected great credit on the purveyors , Bros . Tait and Son . The newly-elected W . M . presided , and was supported by the P . M . ' a of the Lodge . About 100 brethren were present . After the usual loyal
toasts were duly hououred , Bro . Reed proposed the health of the W . M . Bro . Richardson . In the course of a deeply interesting address , Bro . Reed referred to tho history of the Lodge , its formation , progress , and present satisfactory position . The toast was received with great enthusiasm , and the W . M . responded in suitable terms . Several other toasts , including that of the Masonic Charities , followed . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful gathering to a close .
A REGULAR meeting took place in the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Bedson W . M ., Sparkes S . W ., Sohofield J . W ., Sinclair P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Treasurer , Wildgrove P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Secretary , Blarney S . D ., Youle J . D ., Studd I . G ., Warburton P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., Kershaw P . M ., Williams P . M ., Studd P . M ., Walmsley , Taylor , Eastwood , Mead , Nield , Hilton ,
Thornton , Stott , Mee , Gaskell , Carr , Chorley , Slee , Langley , Mitchell , Allen , and Hepworth ; Visitors : Perkins 1025 Buenos Ayres . Tbe brethren met at six o ' clock , and the Lodge formally opened , after which , as is customary , they adjourned to tea . Later on the degree of Fellow Craft was conferred upon Bros . Thornton , Mead , Eastwood , aud Nield , and there being no further business , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
A REGULAR meeting was held in the Grand Hotel , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Armitage W . M ., Selby S . W ., Parker J . W ., Taylor Treas ., Simister Sec , Birkbeck S . D ., Lingard J . D ., Edmondson Organist , Hyde I . G ., Chalmers Steward , Hegham P . M . P . P . G . D . C , Wand I . P . M ., Bowes , Lowe , Downs , Stephenson ,
and Thompson . Visitors : Melling 986 and 2185 , and Rostron 1140 . The Lodge was opened in the usual manner at 615 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . There being no business , the Lodge was shortly afterwards olosed in peace and harmony .
ON Tuesday , the 16 th ult ., in the presence of the largest , most influential , and thoroughly representative gathering of the Masonic fraternity seen in this city for a very long time , Bro . Councillor Arthur J . J . Bamford was installed as W . M ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool . Bro . Bamford , as in other spheres , has secured in Masonry an amount of personal popularity and
general esteem as the result of courtesy , earnestness of purpose , and large-hearted charity , and accordingly the gathering yesterday was a vivid evidence of the appreciation of the brethren . The Lodge was opened by Bro . W . M'Gauley W . M ., and , besides a fnll complement of Officers , he was supported by Past Masters Barrow , Senar , and Foote . The Visitors included Bros . Goodacre , Macnab ,
Harradon , Callow , Martin , Dean , Betley , Erwin , Bell , Mackenzie , Morgan , Armitage , Witlings , Walker , Piatt , Councillor J . de Bels Adam , Bird , Jarman , Smythe , Savage , Round , Rawsthorne , Britten , Sweetman , Latham , Lewis , Lowton , Hopkins , Hughes , Ellis , Vernon , Sheen , M'Cracken , Hallwood , Harris , Sears , Jude , and Councillor G . B . Rod way . Bro . Councillor Bamford , presented by Bro . R . Foote P . P . G . Treasurer , and P . R . Burrow P . M ., was very effectively
installed in the chair of Worshipful Master by Bro . M'Gauley tho retiring W . M ., who received a cordial vote of thanks at the close of the proceedings , and was presented with a Past Master's jewel , in recognition of his valuable services to the Lodge . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . M'Gauley I . P . M ., James Greenlees S . W ., Caldwell J . W ., Footo Treasurer , Myers Secretary , M . S . Greenlees S . D ., Scott J . D ., Barrow Dir . of Cers ., Callow I . G ., Jloran Organist , Simpson , Clayton , Plumpton , aud Salvidge ,
Stewards , and W . H . Ball was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , served by Bro . Casey , and afterwards the W . M . read letters of apology for non-attendance from Bros , the Earl of Lathom D . G . M . P . G . M . West Lancashire , the Earl of Crawford D . P . G . M ., and Sir W . Wynn P . G . M . of North Wales . In the course of the evening Bro . Foote stated that Bro . Bamford
the W . M . had given 100 guineas to the funds of the Royal Masonio School for Boys in London—an intimation which was received with enthusiastic applause . The usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts were proposed , and during the proceedings the W . M . presented the I . P . M . with a handsome set of fifth carvers , knives and forks , for Mrs . M'Gauley . A choice musical programme was given by
Bros . Kirkhnm , lEdwards , Davies , Hollis , Lewis , Heginbotbam , Griffith ? , Muir , Burt , Williams , Fargher , Lane , Sweetman , Round , Latham , and Nicholls P . M . 2012 , who conducted . The special toast card , containing portraits of the W . M . and all his Officers , waa a most artistic production , and reflected much credit on Messrs . Brown , Barnes , and Boll , Bold Street .
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Farington W . M ., Kenworthy S . W ., Batteraby J . W ., Brown P . M . Sec , Wells S . D ., Jacobsou J . D ., Mason I . G . ; P . M . 's Macfarlane , Cavauab , MoKelteu P . P . G . S . D . W . L ., Allitt , Lyon , Craven , and Swinn ; Bros . Dresser , Walters , Denham , Simon , Driver , Carter , & o .: Visitors : Cheetham
P . P . G . J . D ., Hooper P . P . G . T ., and Fitton 2357 . The Lodge was opened in the usual manner at six o'clock , but although several candidates' names were upon tbe circular , none put in an appearance , greatly to tho disappointment of the W . M . The deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge , in tbe persons of Bros . Cheetham and
Hooper , explained the object of their visit with regard to the proposed extended benefits of the East Lancashire Systematic Institution , and we are pleased to announce their appeal was responded to
with promises of £ 35 towards that laudable object . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 9 o'clock , and the brethren spent a very pleasant time together at the social board , where the usual toasts were honoured .
CROOK LODGE , No . 2109
THE brethren met on the 25 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Church-street , Crook , for the installation of Bro . Joel as Wor . Master for the ensuing year . The Lodge was opened iu due form by Bro . Wraith , the retiring W . M . At the conclusion of the ordinary business of the Lodge the W . M . elect was presented and duly installed into tbe chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The charges to
tho Master , Wardens and Brethren having been given by Bro . Hardy P . M . P . P . G . P ., the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Wraith I . P . M ., Emeraon S . W ., Talbot J . W ., Rev . F . Newsome P . G . C . Chaplain , Proud Treasurer , Taylor Secretary , Smith S . D ,, Wanless J . D ., Linton Dir . of Cers ., Hughes
Organist , Turner I . G ., Walton and Hall Stewards , Dowson Tyler . Following these appointments Bro . Joel , on behalf of the Officers and brethren of tho Lodge , presented Bro . Wraith with a P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his services during tho past year . The brethren afterwords dined together in the banqaoting-room .
JUBILEE LODGE , No . 2195 . fHHE installation meeting waa held on Thursday , 26 th ult ., in the J- Freemasons' Hall , Snargato-street , Dover , when Bro . Maj . Thring , Royal Artillery , was duly installed into the chair by the retiring Master ( Bro . Simpson ) , Royal Fusiliers , who performed tbe ceremony very impressively . There was a very large muster of brethren ,
between sixty and seventy being present at tbe Lodge meeting . A Past Master's jewel waa presented to the Immediate Past Master ( Bro . Simpson ) , and a vote of thanks was also passed to him for the admirable way in which he performed the ceremony connected with tho installation . The newly-elected Master appointed the following
as his Officers for the year : —Bros . Lieut . Simpson , R . F ., I . P . M ., Sergt .-Major Dockrell , R . F ., S . W ., Lieut-Col . Westropp J . W ., Surgeon-Major Walter , M . M . S ., Treasurer , Captain Baker Secretary , Quarter-Master Sergeant White Foreman of Works , R . E ., S . D ., Quarter-Master Sergeant Annett , Staff Clerk , A . P . Dept ., J . D ., Serctt .-
Major Barron , A . S . C ., P . M . Steward , Herbert I . G ., Marsh Tyler . The mnsical portion of tho ceremony was rendered by Bros . Major Guyon , Captain Baker , Igglesden , Barclay and Spicer . The installation was subsequently celebrated by a banquet , which was very creditably served by Bro . Dartnall . Tbe nsnal Loyal and Masonic , and several
complimentary toasts were proposed . In tho course of the evening the toast of the newly-elected Worshipfal Master ( Bro . Thring ) was proposed in very suitable terms by Bro . Sargeon-M : > jor Walter , and enthusiastically received by the brethren , the toast of tho Installing Master ( Bro . Simpson ) being also received with great warmth .
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was bell at tbe Victoria - \ . Hotel , on Monday , 23 rd nit . Present—Bros . Thomas W . M ., Nail D . C . acting S . W ., Wollaston Sscretary , Brabuer S . D ., Beevoc J . D ., Ward I . G ., Smith Organist , Watson , Gaddod , Duckworth ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
— : o—LODGE OF INDUSTRY , No . 48 . fPUE annual meoting ' of this Lodge was held , on the 23 rd ult ., at the - * - Masonic Hall , Jackson-street , Gateshead . Bro . Richardson was elected W . M ., the Installing Master being Bro . Brown I . P . M . Tho W . M . appointed Bros . Wright S . W ., Johnson J . W ., Craighill Sec , Stafford S . D ., Dodds J . D ., Bagnall I . G ., Jackson S . S ., Chegwidden J . S ., Rev . Bowker Chaplain , Ferry Organist , and Curry Tyler . There
was a large attendance of members of the Lodge , and also brethren from other Lodges . Amongst the P . M . 's of this Lodge were Bros . Reed , Cook , Corbitt , Whitfield , Sinclair , Smith , Dalrymple , Moult , Pybus , and Sbawbrooks . The other members of the Lodge were Bros . Col . Cowen , Sinton , Iveson , Grioe , Campbell , Hall and Douglas , while amongst the visitors were Bros . Dr . Dixon , Dr . Wilson , Lambert
P . M . Ill , Londes P . M . 21 , Barrow P . M . HI Darlington , Barker W . M . 24 , Mitfoed P . G . S . B ., Smith 645 Belfast , Spedding P . M . 1643 , Pittick P . M . D . C . 1643 , Patterson I . P . M . 424 , Kay P . M . 411 , Salmon 1643 , Salmon 1119 , Wilson I . P . M . 1664 , Armstrong S . W . 1661 , Short W . M . 424 , Bell 1427 , Richardson S . W . 24 , Nixon J . S . 406 , Symonds P . M . 1626 , Elliott 204 , Saunders P . M . 889 and 1503
P . P . G . S . D ., Jackson P . M . 712 , Jobson W . M . 1664 , and Donkin 2060 . At the close of the proceedings of the Lodge , the brethren proceeded to the Town Hall , where they were entertained to a banquet , which reflected great credit on the purveyors , Bros . Tait and Son . The newly-elected W . M . presided , and was supported by the P . M . ' a of the Lodge . About 100 brethren were present . After the usual loyal
toasts were duly hououred , Bro . Reed proposed the health of the W . M . Bro . Richardson . In the course of a deeply interesting address , Bro . Reed referred to tho history of the Lodge , its formation , progress , and present satisfactory position . The toast was received with great enthusiasm , and the W . M . responded in suitable terms . Several other toasts , including that of the Masonic Charities , followed . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful gathering to a close .
A REGULAR meeting took place in the Freemasons' Hall , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Bedson W . M ., Sparkes S . W ., Sohofield J . W ., Sinclair P . M . P . P . G . S . D . Treasurer , Wildgrove P . M . P . P . G . D . C . Secretary , Blarney S . D ., Youle J . D ., Studd I . G ., Warburton P . M . P . P . G . S . D ., Kershaw P . M ., Williams P . M ., Studd P . M ., Walmsley , Taylor , Eastwood , Mead , Nield , Hilton ,
Thornton , Stott , Mee , Gaskell , Carr , Chorley , Slee , Langley , Mitchell , Allen , and Hepworth ; Visitors : Perkins 1025 Buenos Ayres . Tbe brethren met at six o ' clock , and the Lodge formally opened , after which , as is customary , they adjourned to tea . Later on the degree of Fellow Craft was conferred upon Bros . Thornton , Mead , Eastwood , aud Nield , and there being no further business , the Lodge was closed in peace and harmony .
A REGULAR meeting was held in the Grand Hotel , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Armitage W . M ., Selby S . W ., Parker J . W ., Taylor Treas ., Simister Sec , Birkbeck S . D ., Lingard J . D ., Edmondson Organist , Hyde I . G ., Chalmers Steward , Hegham P . M . P . P . G . D . C , Wand I . P . M ., Bowes , Lowe , Downs , Stephenson ,
and Thompson . Visitors : Melling 986 and 2185 , and Rostron 1140 . The Lodge was opened in the usual manner at 615 , and the minutes of the previous meeting read and confirmed . There being no business , the Lodge was shortly afterwards olosed in peace and harmony .
ON Tuesday , the 16 th ult ., in the presence of the largest , most influential , and thoroughly representative gathering of the Masonic fraternity seen in this city for a very long time , Bro . Councillor Arthur J . J . Bamford was installed as W . M ., at the Masonic Hall , Hope Street , Liverpool . Bro . Bamford , as in other spheres , has secured in Masonry an amount of personal popularity and
general esteem as the result of courtesy , earnestness of purpose , and large-hearted charity , and accordingly the gathering yesterday was a vivid evidence of the appreciation of the brethren . The Lodge was opened by Bro . W . M'Gauley W . M ., and , besides a fnll complement of Officers , he was supported by Past Masters Barrow , Senar , and Foote . The Visitors included Bros . Goodacre , Macnab ,
Harradon , Callow , Martin , Dean , Betley , Erwin , Bell , Mackenzie , Morgan , Armitage , Witlings , Walker , Piatt , Councillor J . de Bels Adam , Bird , Jarman , Smythe , Savage , Round , Rawsthorne , Britten , Sweetman , Latham , Lewis , Lowton , Hopkins , Hughes , Ellis , Vernon , Sheen , M'Cracken , Hallwood , Harris , Sears , Jude , and Councillor G . B . Rod way . Bro . Councillor Bamford , presented by Bro . R . Foote P . P . G . Treasurer , and P . R . Burrow P . M ., was very effectively
installed in the chair of Worshipful Master by Bro . M'Gauley tho retiring W . M ., who received a cordial vote of thanks at the close of the proceedings , and was presented with a Past Master's jewel , in recognition of his valuable services to the Lodge . The W . M . invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . M'Gauley I . P . M ., James Greenlees S . W ., Caldwell J . W ., Footo Treasurer , Myers Secretary , M . S . Greenlees S . D ., Scott J . D ., Barrow Dir . of Cers ., Callow I . G ., Jloran Organist , Simpson , Clayton , Plumpton , aud Salvidge ,
Stewards , and W . H . Ball was unanimously re-elected Tyler . The brethren then adjourned to banquet , served by Bro . Casey , and afterwards the W . M . read letters of apology for non-attendance from Bros , the Earl of Lathom D . G . M . P . G . M . West Lancashire , the Earl of Crawford D . P . G . M ., and Sir W . Wynn P . G . M . of North Wales . In the course of the evening Bro . Foote stated that Bro . Bamford
the W . M . had given 100 guineas to the funds of the Royal Masonio School for Boys in London—an intimation which was received with enthusiastic applause . The usual Loyal aud Masonio toasts were proposed , and during the proceedings the W . M . presented the I . P . M . with a handsome set of fifth carvers , knives and forks , for Mrs . M'Gauley . A choice musical programme was given by
Bros . Kirkhnm , lEdwards , Davies , Hollis , Lewis , Heginbotbam , Griffith ? , Muir , Burt , Williams , Fargher , Lane , Sweetman , Round , Latham , and Nicholls P . M . 2012 , who conducted . The special toast card , containing portraits of the W . M . and all his Officers , waa a most artistic production , and reflected much credit on Messrs . Brown , Barnes , and Boll , Bold Street .
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was held at the Wheatsheaf Hotel , on Wednesday , 25 th March . Present : Bros . Farington W . M ., Kenworthy S . W ., Batteraby J . W ., Brown P . M . Sec , Wells S . D ., Jacobsou J . D ., Mason I . G . ; P . M . 's Macfarlane , Cavauab , MoKelteu P . P . G . S . D . W . L ., Allitt , Lyon , Craven , and Swinn ; Bros . Dresser , Walters , Denham , Simon , Driver , Carter , & o .: Visitors : Cheetham
P . P . G . J . D ., Hooper P . P . G . T ., and Fitton 2357 . The Lodge was opened in the usual manner at six o'clock , but although several candidates' names were upon tbe circular , none put in an appearance , greatly to tho disappointment of the W . M . The deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge , in tbe persons of Bros . Cheetham and
Hooper , explained the object of their visit with regard to the proposed extended benefits of the East Lancashire Systematic Institution , and we are pleased to announce their appeal was responded to
with promises of £ 35 towards that laudable object . The Lodge was closed in peace and harmony at 9 o'clock , and the brethren spent a very pleasant time together at the social board , where the usual toasts were honoured .
CROOK LODGE , No . 2109
THE brethren met on the 25 th ult ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Church-street , Crook , for the installation of Bro . Joel as Wor . Master for the ensuing year . The Lodge was opened iu due form by Bro . Wraith , the retiring W . M . At the conclusion of the ordinary business of the Lodge the W . M . elect was presented and duly installed into tbe chair of K . S . according to ancient custom . The charges to
tho Master , Wardens and Brethren having been given by Bro . Hardy P . M . P . P . G . P ., the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : —Bros . Wraith I . P . M ., Emeraon S . W ., Talbot J . W ., Rev . F . Newsome P . G . C . Chaplain , Proud Treasurer , Taylor Secretary , Smith S . D ,, Wanless J . D ., Linton Dir . of Cers ., Hughes
Organist , Turner I . G ., Walton and Hall Stewards , Dowson Tyler . Following these appointments Bro . Joel , on behalf of the Officers and brethren of tho Lodge , presented Bro . Wraith with a P . M . ' s jewel in recognition of his services during tho past year . The brethren afterwords dined together in the banqaoting-room .
JUBILEE LODGE , No . 2195 . fHHE installation meeting waa held on Thursday , 26 th ult ., in the J- Freemasons' Hall , Snargato-street , Dover , when Bro . Maj . Thring , Royal Artillery , was duly installed into the chair by the retiring Master ( Bro . Simpson ) , Royal Fusiliers , who performed tbe ceremony very impressively . There was a very large muster of brethren ,
between sixty and seventy being present at tbe Lodge meeting . A Past Master's jewel waa presented to the Immediate Past Master ( Bro . Simpson ) , and a vote of thanks was also passed to him for the admirable way in which he performed the ceremony connected with tho installation . The newly-elected Master appointed the following
as his Officers for the year : —Bros . Lieut . Simpson , R . F ., I . P . M ., Sergt .-Major Dockrell , R . F ., S . W ., Lieut-Col . Westropp J . W ., Surgeon-Major Walter , M . M . S ., Treasurer , Captain Baker Secretary , Quarter-Master Sergeant White Foreman of Works , R . E ., S . D ., Quarter-Master Sergeant Annett , Staff Clerk , A . P . Dept ., J . D ., Serctt .-
Major Barron , A . S . C ., P . M . Steward , Herbert I . G ., Marsh Tyler . The mnsical portion of tho ceremony was rendered by Bros . Major Guyon , Captain Baker , Igglesden , Barclay and Spicer . The installation was subsequently celebrated by a banquet , which was very creditably served by Bro . Dartnall . Tbe nsnal Loyal and Masonic , and several
complimentary toasts were proposed . In tho course of the evening the toast of the newly-elected Worshipfal Master ( Bro . Thring ) was proposed in very suitable terms by Bro . Sargeon-M : > jor Walter , and enthusiastically received by the brethren , the toast of tho Installing Master ( Bro . Simpson ) being also received with great warmth .
A REGULAR meeting of this Lodge was bell at tbe Victoria - \ . Hotel , on Monday , 23 rd nit . Present—Bros . Thomas W . M ., Nail D . C . acting S . W ., Wollaston Sscretary , Brabuer S . D ., Beevoc J . D ., Ward I . G ., Smith Organist , Watson , Gaddod , Duckworth ,