Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^mmlUlnsamcfnstitutiMfor(Sirls, ST JOHN'S HILL , BATTEHSEA EISE , S . W . 'MiSiTlTIITtU * 178 S . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Grand Patron antl President : H . K . HuiHXESS THE PRINCE OV WALES , K . G ., & C , M . W . G . M . Grand Patroness : HER KOYAI , HIGHNKSS THE PRINCESS OK WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Sabscribers of this Institution will be hold in tho Hull of Freemasons ' Tavern , Groat Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , Loudon , on Thursday , 9 th April 1891 , at twelve o ' clock precisely , on the fieueral business of the Institution , and to elect 19 girls into the School from a list of 25 approved candidates . Tho election will commence at one o ' clock , or after the usual business is over . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OmcB—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 3 nd April 1891 .
APRIL ELECTION , 1891 . —FIRST APPLICATION " . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers of the §toplStas0iricfirstitttikrn:for%UQ * are earnestly solicited on behalf of HENRY THOMAS YOUENS , ( AGED 7 YEARS . ) The Father , Bro . HENRY YOUENS , was initiated in 1878 , in the West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 , and subscribed thereto for live years , during which period—being then in prosperous circumstances —he joined the Swell Lodge , No . 1851 , in which he served all tho offices , and filled the Master ' s Chair . He is ft Life-Governor of the E . M . I . Boys , and R . M . Benevolent Institution . In consequence of heavy losses in business , and severe domestic affliction , his position became greatly altered , and he is now filling a situation at a very small salary , this being the only means be has of supporting himself , his wife , and four children . There are very painful circumstances connected with this case which render it well worthy of support , and it is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : — EDWARD J . AcwoMir , P . M . and Treasurer No . 1012 , P . M . 2077 , and W . M . 2265 , Homeloigh . Hamilton Road , Ealing , W . BBWJAMMT E . BLASBY , P . M . 780 , Mortlako Honso , Kew . S . W . F . ROTHES- , P . M . No . 1990 , May Villa , Disraeli Rond , Ealing , W . T . F . DOTRBB , W . M . elect No . 1851 , 29 Lyal Street , North Bow , B . T . B . GOODFB & LOW , P . M . 1185 , Uatton Garden , E . C . R . W . HUNTBB , I . P . M . No . 1685 , Barton Villas , Birkbeck Koad , Leytonstone , E . W . U . PADDLB , P . M . Nos . 1201 and 1851 , Loughborough Park , S . W . W . PABKKB , P . M . No . 1851 , 61 Cheapsido , K . O . K O . PORTSB , P . M . No . 1012 , 2 Tho Mall , Baling , W . II . II . ROOM , Prov . G . See . Middlesex , P . M . 1150 1851 2090 , 17 Gweudwr Road , West Kensington , S . W . J . RUSSEI _ , C . C . Kent ., West SU ' cot Brewery , Gravesend . A . '_ . TAYLOR P . P . G . S . of W . Surrey , P . M . Nos 1201 and 1851 , 8 . 8 Fulhair . Road , S . W . SIR HENRI- TBUEM . VK WOOD , P . A . G . D . C , 8 CastolUiiu Road , W . Proxies will bo received by any of tho above Brethren , or by Bro . _ ouo , i , 191 Latimer Road , W .
§kr£rfiIas0MCfnstitatfoitfor§,op, ELECTION , APRIL 1891 . The votes of subscribers are earnestly solicited for HAROLD STREETER GOLDSMITH , AGED 8 J YEARS , YOUNGEST SON OF THE LATE BRO . W . 0 . GOLDSMITH . _ , j _ Bro . GOLDSMITH was initiated in the Chislehnrsfc Lodge , No . 1531 , shortly after its consecration in 1875 , and remained a subscribing member till 1881 , when he joined the Gallery Lodge , No . 1028 . In this latter Lodge he served all the offices np to that of W . M . It w . - . s while holding this office , and three days after the election of hia successor , that he died , on the 15 th November 1887 . He was a Life Governor of the Boys' School , and a Subscriber to all tho Masonic Charities , and was , at all times , a hard worker in Masonry . He was for many years , and at the time of his death , a member of tho Ke . porting Staff of the Press Association , and in that capacity was well know to all Journalists in the United Kingdom . The under-mentioned Brethren strongly recommend the case of his son , the above-named candidate : — Bro . CBAHHSS KBDOHV , Hibcmia Chandlers , Loudon Bridge , S . E ., W . M . < P . M . 1614 , M . E . Z . 73 . The Rev . S . A . S __ wiJf , Past Chaplain 210 , St . James ' s Vicarage , llivtcham , S . E . Uro . H . E . F . BUSSBV , P . M . 1928 , I ' M Brixton Hill , S . W . Uro . AldermanFARSCOMBK , Prov . G .. T . W . Sussex ,-EWS : > ue . e A' eict Oflicc , Lowe . Bro . R . J . ALBBRY , 13021928 , _ I Stockwcll Park Crescent . S . W . Bro . Tnos . C . SUMNER , YorMnre Vo * t Office , Leeds , No . 1211 . Uro . THOMAS MIMSTRKM ., P . M . 87 , P . M . and Secretary 1923 , 10 Arm Street . Union Square , Islington , X . Bro . H . MASSBV , P . M . 019 , P . M . and Treasurer 1923 , 1 Clifford's Inn , Fleet St ., London . E . C . Bro . . 1 . C . D UCKWORTH , P . M . 192 S , lirrrpoot Courier Office , HI Fleet Street , K . C . . Bro . W . T . PKRKIKS , W . M . 1928 , Maiiehcslrr Courier Office , 27 Fleet Street , E . C . liro . A . F . AsKER , P . M . 1395 , Surrey Attrerliacr Office . Guildford . Bro . J . H . IIAWES , P . M . 33 , \ Ve * t Sussex Gazelle Ollice . Chichester . Bro . W . , T . IXKKS , 1928 , 219 South Lambeth Rond . S . W . Bro W . E . PITT , 192 H , Pmt Association , Wine Ofliw Court , E . C . Bro . JAMES WIPING . row ., V . P ., W . M . 2 . 501 P . M . 177 , 1507 , 1711 , l ' M 7 a"d I ;_ 9 P . Z . 1000 , 1507 , 2018 , P . A . S . Middlesex , & c . _ ro . R . STACBT , P . M . and P . Z . 180 , 131 Brixton Road , S . W . Any of the above Brethren will thankfully receive votes , or they may be sent to Mrs ; GOLDSMITH , 71 Manor Koad , Brockley , S . E .
iamillI;isonit|)r$titulbarfar(Sirfe, ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTBRSEA BISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 1788 . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN " . K 3 TIKE __ SUPPORTED « Y VO _ U . VI _ . nY < OSTKIIIUTIO . VV . The 103 rd ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will bo held AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C . On Tuesday , the 12 th May 1891 , under tho distinguished presidency of THE RWIW HON . LORD CARRINGTON , G . O . M . G . M . W . Past Grand Master New South Wales , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master Buckinghamshire . Brethren willing to act as Stewards on tho above important occasion me urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by sending in their names as early as convenient . P . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OFFICE—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . P . S . —As the Chairman of tho Festival is Past Grand Master of New South Wales , Hie Committee will bo delighted to welcome all subscribing New South Wales Brethren , not only at tho Institution on the Prize Day , Monday , 11 th May , but also at the Festival .
APRIL ELECTION , 1891 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers of the llcrpt$$a_unwfttsiitafon:far<8irte are earnestly solicited on behalf of EDITH GRACE WILSON , ( AGED 8 YKARS . ) Daughter of the late Brother Henry R . L . Wilson , who was initiated in April 1877 , in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , and continued a Member until his death , in October 1886 , in the f orty-aecond year of hia age . Ho was a subscriber to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Brother Wilson was in the employ of the Surrey Commercial Dock Company for twenty years , and left a Widow and six children surviving entirely dependent upon her , tho eldest being only twelve years of age . In consequence of the large family and much illness , Bro . Wilson was unable to rnako any provision for his family beyond a small amount of Lif » Insurance . Tbo unilcririoutiouec ! Brethren strongly recommend tho case to yonr sympathy , : md Brothers marked thus * have kindly consented to receive proxks . Vct _ for Widows and Boys will also be thankfully received for exchange . rfui F . WV . VTT Tsaseorr , P . G . W . P . M . No . 1 . Sis J . 'iix IIEAKV JoiIKSo . v , P . M . _ 0 ij ' ., Vice-Patron Girls , L . G . Boy ; -, on Benevolent Institution . * , T . GRIFFIX , P . M . 90 , Life ( hvornor of all tho Institutions , Kit ! Fcnchu'fh Streo " , K . C . * G . Uor / rox , P . M . 11 " , 1 H 9 , 1155 , P . Z . 1038 , 177 , Vice-President of all tho Charities , Hi Amersham Road , New Cross . 1 ) . J . MORGAN , L . G . Boys , 1 St . Helen ' s Place , B . C . A . PI-M . Y P . M . 169 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities , U Graccehurch Street . W . C . lixLLAJir , 91 Belmont , Anerley , S . E . C . DKNTOX , P . M . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities . H . MOORK , P . M . 73 , 1155 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all the Charities , la Dcptford Lower Road . G . BKOW . VP . M . ltt . 9 . P . / ,. 169 , L . G . Girls' School , L . G . Benevolent Institution , ; t 2 Campbell Road , Row . It . BAiHxiiTT . P . M . 117 , P . Z . 109 , L . G . of all the Charities , 8 NutcroR Road , Peckham . G . L . MOORE , P . M . 169 , L . G . of all the Charities , 155 Commercial Road , Peckham . , ! . J . PITT , W . M . 117 , L . G . of all tho Charities , 21 Evelyn Srcet , Deptlbrd . O . Boi / ros jun ., 1155 , L . G . of all the Charities , Tho Broadway , Doptforrl . J . ROSEXSTOCK , P . M . 169 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities , Derrick Street , Kotherhithe . F . MOKUAS , P . M . 1155 , L . G . of all tho Charities , 31 Upper Tulso Hill . J . J . HirrcHiNus , P . M . 117 , P . Z . W 8 , L . G . Roys * School , L . G . Girls , L . G . Benevolent , 8 Bndwell Road , Brockley . Hi . JUSES , 1175 , Surrev Commercial Docks . N . L . . JACKSOS , S . D . 169 , L . S . Boys .
INSTALLATION OF O . SL THE PRINCE OF WALES As tiie M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 2 Sth APKIL 1875 . ^ iOFIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother H . ARTY \ J P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Pottered 1 ' ronf .-, India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
TMl'ORTA > * T NOTICE . —Confidential Advice free per post to all L ! u v . ; : nk find f . ii ' . ing health , with loss of strength and vitality . Fifty years i : ; : | i--ri :: ni : o in Nervous Ailments . Address , the Secretary , 3 Fitzatlan Sijuare , St-cMii'ld . Km m or' Correspondence Free . Write to-day . 60 years experiawie . All diseases arising from impurity of the blood absolutely cured .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
^mmlUlnsamcfnstitutiMfor(Sirls, ST JOHN'S HILL , BATTEHSEA EISE , S . W . 'MiSiTlTIITtU * 178 S . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . Grand Patron antl President : H . K . HuiHXESS THE PRINCE OV WALES , K . G ., & C , M . W . G . M . Grand Patroness : HER KOYAI , HIGHNKSS THE PRINCESS OK WALES . A QUARTERLY GENERAL COURT of the Governors and Sabscribers of this Institution will be hold in tho Hull of Freemasons ' Tavern , Groat Queen Street , Lincoln ' s Inn Fields , Loudon , on Thursday , 9 th April 1891 , at twelve o ' clock precisely , on the fieueral business of the Institution , and to elect 19 girls into the School from a list of 25 approved candidates . Tho election will commence at one o ' clock , or after the usual business is over . F . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OmcB—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 3 nd April 1891 .
APRIL ELECTION , 1891 . —FIRST APPLICATION " . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers of the §toplStas0iricfirstitttikrn:for%UQ * are earnestly solicited on behalf of HENRY THOMAS YOUENS , ( AGED 7 YEARS . ) The Father , Bro . HENRY YOUENS , was initiated in 1878 , in the West Middlesex Lodge , No . 1612 , and subscribed thereto for live years , during which period—being then in prosperous circumstances —he joined the Swell Lodge , No . 1851 , in which he served all tho offices , and filled the Master ' s Chair . He is ft Life-Governor of the E . M . I . Boys , and R . M . Benevolent Institution . In consequence of heavy losses in business , and severe domestic affliction , his position became greatly altered , and he is now filling a situation at a very small salary , this being the only means be has of supporting himself , his wife , and four children . There are very painful circumstances connected with this case which render it well worthy of support , and it is strongly recommended by the following Brethren : — EDWARD J . AcwoMir , P . M . and Treasurer No . 1012 , P . M . 2077 , and W . M . 2265 , Homeloigh . Hamilton Road , Ealing , W . BBWJAMMT E . BLASBY , P . M . 780 , Mortlako Honso , Kew . S . W . F . ROTHES- , P . M . No . 1990 , May Villa , Disraeli Rond , Ealing , W . T . F . DOTRBB , W . M . elect No . 1851 , 29 Lyal Street , North Bow , B . T . B . GOODFB & LOW , P . M . 1185 , Uatton Garden , E . C . R . W . HUNTBB , I . P . M . No . 1685 , Barton Villas , Birkbeck Koad , Leytonstone , E . W . U . PADDLB , P . M . Nos . 1201 and 1851 , Loughborough Park , S . W . W . PABKKB , P . M . No . 1851 , 61 Cheapsido , K . O . K O . PORTSB , P . M . No . 1012 , 2 Tho Mall , Baling , W . II . II . ROOM , Prov . G . See . Middlesex , P . M . 1150 1851 2090 , 17 Gweudwr Road , West Kensington , S . W . J . RUSSEI _ , C . C . Kent ., West SU ' cot Brewery , Gravesend . A . '_ . TAYLOR P . P . G . S . of W . Surrey , P . M . Nos 1201 and 1851 , 8 . 8 Fulhair . Road , S . W . SIR HENRI- TBUEM . VK WOOD , P . A . G . D . C , 8 CastolUiiu Road , W . Proxies will bo received by any of tho above Brethren , or by Bro . _ ouo , i , 191 Latimer Road , W .
§kr£rfiIas0MCfnstitatfoitfor§,op, ELECTION , APRIL 1891 . The votes of subscribers are earnestly solicited for HAROLD STREETER GOLDSMITH , AGED 8 J YEARS , YOUNGEST SON OF THE LATE BRO . W . 0 . GOLDSMITH . _ , j _ Bro . GOLDSMITH was initiated in the Chislehnrsfc Lodge , No . 1531 , shortly after its consecration in 1875 , and remained a subscribing member till 1881 , when he joined the Gallery Lodge , No . 1028 . In this latter Lodge he served all the offices np to that of W . M . It w . - . s while holding this office , and three days after the election of hia successor , that he died , on the 15 th November 1887 . He was a Life Governor of the Boys' School , and a Subscriber to all tho Masonic Charities , and was , at all times , a hard worker in Masonry . He was for many years , and at the time of his death , a member of tho Ke . porting Staff of the Press Association , and in that capacity was well know to all Journalists in the United Kingdom . The under-mentioned Brethren strongly recommend the case of his son , the above-named candidate : — Bro . CBAHHSS KBDOHV , Hibcmia Chandlers , Loudon Bridge , S . E ., W . M . < P . M . 1614 , M . E . Z . 73 . The Rev . S . A . S __ wiJf , Past Chaplain 210 , St . James ' s Vicarage , llivtcham , S . E . Uro . H . E . F . BUSSBV , P . M . 1928 , I ' M Brixton Hill , S . W . Uro . AldermanFARSCOMBK , Prov . G .. T . W . Sussex ,-EWS : > ue . e A' eict Oflicc , Lowe . Bro . R . J . ALBBRY , 13021928 , _ I Stockwcll Park Crescent . S . W . Bro . Tnos . C . SUMNER , YorMnre Vo * t Office , Leeds , No . 1211 . Uro . THOMAS MIMSTRKM ., P . M . 87 , P . M . and Secretary 1923 , 10 Arm Street . Union Square , Islington , X . Bro . H . MASSBV , P . M . 019 , P . M . and Treasurer 1923 , 1 Clifford's Inn , Fleet St ., London . E . C . Bro . . 1 . C . D UCKWORTH , P . M . 192 S , lirrrpoot Courier Office , HI Fleet Street , K . C . . Bro . W . T . PKRKIKS , W . M . 1928 , Maiiehcslrr Courier Office , 27 Fleet Street , E . C . liro . A . F . AsKER , P . M . 1395 , Surrey Attrerliacr Office . Guildford . Bro . J . H . IIAWES , P . M . 33 , \ Ve * t Sussex Gazelle Ollice . Chichester . Bro . W . , T . IXKKS , 1928 , 219 South Lambeth Rond . S . W . Bro W . E . PITT , 192 H , Pmt Association , Wine Ofliw Court , E . C . Bro . JAMES WIPING . row ., V . P ., W . M . 2 . 501 P . M . 177 , 1507 , 1711 , l ' M 7 a"d I ;_ 9 P . Z . 1000 , 1507 , 2018 , P . A . S . Middlesex , & c . _ ro . R . STACBT , P . M . and P . Z . 180 , 131 Brixton Road , S . W . Any of the above Brethren will thankfully receive votes , or they may be sent to Mrs ; GOLDSMITH , 71 Manor Koad , Brockley , S . E .
iamillI;isonit|)r$titulbarfar(Sirfe, ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTBRSEA BISE , S . W . INSTITUTED 1788 . Chief Patroness : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN " . K 3 TIKE __ SUPPORTED « Y VO _ U . VI _ . nY < OSTKIIIUTIO . VV . The 103 rd ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will bo held AT FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . C . On Tuesday , the 12 th May 1891 , under tho distinguished presidency of THE RWIW HON . LORD CARRINGTON , G . O . M . G . M . W . Past Grand Master New South Wales , and R . W . Prov . Grand Master Buckinghamshire . Brethren willing to act as Stewards on tho above important occasion me urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by sending in their names as early as convenient . P . R . W . HEDGES , Secretary . OFFICE—5 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , W . C . P . S . —As the Chairman of tho Festival is Past Grand Master of New South Wales , Hie Committee will bo delighted to welcome all subscribing New South Wales Brethren , not only at tho Institution on the Prize Day , Monday , 11 th May , but also at the Festival .
APRIL ELECTION , 1891 . The Votes and Interest of the Governors and Subscribers of the llcrpt$$a_unwfttsiitafon:far<8irte are earnestly solicited on behalf of EDITH GRACE WILSON , ( AGED 8 YKARS . ) Daughter of the late Brother Henry R . L . Wilson , who was initiated in April 1877 , in the Lodge of Temperance , No . 169 , and continued a Member until his death , in October 1886 , in the f orty-aecond year of hia age . Ho was a subscriber to the Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . Brother Wilson was in the employ of the Surrey Commercial Dock Company for twenty years , and left a Widow and six children surviving entirely dependent upon her , tho eldest being only twelve years of age . In consequence of the large family and much illness , Bro . Wilson was unable to rnako any provision for his family beyond a small amount of Lif » Insurance . Tbo unilcririoutiouec ! Brethren strongly recommend tho case to yonr sympathy , : md Brothers marked thus * have kindly consented to receive proxks . Vct _ for Widows and Boys will also be thankfully received for exchange . rfui F . WV . VTT Tsaseorr , P . G . W . P . M . No . 1 . Sis J . 'iix IIEAKV JoiIKSo . v , P . M . _ 0 ij ' ., Vice-Patron Girls , L . G . Boy ; -, on Benevolent Institution . * , T . GRIFFIX , P . M . 90 , Life ( hvornor of all tho Institutions , Kit ! Fcnchu'fh Streo " , K . C . * G . Uor / rox , P . M . 11 " , 1 H 9 , 1155 , P . Z . 1038 , 177 , Vice-President of all tho Charities , Hi Amersham Road , New Cross . 1 ) . J . MORGAN , L . G . Boys , 1 St . Helen ' s Place , B . C . A . PI-M . Y P . M . 169 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities , U Graccehurch Street . W . C . lixLLAJir , 91 Belmont , Anerley , S . E . C . DKNTOX , P . M . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities . H . MOORK , P . M . 73 , 1155 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all the Charities , la Dcptford Lower Road . G . BKOW . VP . M . ltt . 9 . P . / ,. 169 , L . G . Girls' School , L . G . Benevolent Institution , ; t 2 Campbell Road , Row . It . BAiHxiiTT . P . M . 117 , P . Z . 109 , L . G . of all the Charities , 8 NutcroR Road , Peckham . G . L . MOORE , P . M . 169 , L . G . of all the Charities , 155 Commercial Road , Peckham . , ! . J . PITT , W . M . 117 , L . G . of all tho Charities , 21 Evelyn Srcet , Deptlbrd . O . Boi / ros jun ., 1155 , L . G . of all the Charities , Tho Broadway , Doptforrl . J . ROSEXSTOCK , P . M . 169 , P . Z . 169 , L . G . of all tho Charities , Derrick Street , Kotherhithe . F . MOKUAS , P . M . 1155 , L . G . of all tho Charities , 31 Upper Tulso Hill . J . J . HirrcHiNus , P . M . 117 , P . Z . W 8 , L . G . Roys * School , L . G . Girls , L . G . Benevolent , 8 Bndwell Road , Brockley . Hi . JUSES , 1175 , Surrev Commercial Docks . N . L . . JACKSOS , S . D . 169 , L . S . Boys .
INSTALLATION OF O . SL THE PRINCE OF WALES As tiie M . W . G . M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 2 Sth APKIL 1875 . ^ iOFIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother H . ARTY \ J P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Pottered 1 ' ronf .-, India Prints , and Plain Prints may be had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
TMl'ORTA > * T NOTICE . —Confidential Advice free per post to all L ! u v . ; : nk find f . ii ' . ing health , with loss of strength and vitality . Fifty years i : ; : | i--ri :: ni : o in Nervous Ailments . Address , the Secretary , 3 Fitzatlan Sijuare , St-cMii'ld . Km m or' Correspondence Free . Write to-day . 60 years experiawie . All diseases arising from impurity of the blood absolutely cured .