Article Old Warrants. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants. Page 2 of 2 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE, SOUTH WALES (WESTERN DIVISION.) Page 1 of 2 →
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Old Warrants.
and theu and there , whcu duly congregated , to make , pass , aud raise Free Masons , according to tho Antient Custom of the Craft in all Ages ancl Nations throughout the known world . Ancl further , at tho petition of tho said Brethren , We do appoint the said Francis Couthwaite to be the Master , the said Ellis S . Yates to bo tho Senior
Warden , and the said George Green jnn . to bo the Junior Warden , for continuing to hold tho said Lodgo , until such time as another Master shall bo regularly elected and installed , strictly charring that every Member who shall be elected to preside over tho said Lodge s ! : ull be installed in antient form aud accord ins to the laws of tho
Grand Lodge , that ho may thereby be fully invested with tho digni . tics and powers of his office . And wo clo require yon tho said Francis Gouthwr . ite , find your Successors , to take special care that all and every the Brethren are , or havo been , regularly made Masons , aud that you , ancl they , and all other the members of tlie said Lodge
clo observe , perform , and keep the laws , rules , ancl orders contained iu the Book of Constitutions , and all others which may from timo to time bo made by our Crawl Lodge , or transmitted by us , our Successors , Grand Masters , or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being . And Wo do enjoin yon to make snch By-Laws for tho govern
ment of your Lodge as shall to the majority of tho Members appear proper ancl necessary , tho samo not being contrary to , or inconsistent with , the General Laws ancl regulations of tho Craft , a copy whereof you are to tiansmit to us . And we clo require you to cause all such By-Laws aud Regulations , ancl also an account of tho proceedings
of your Lodge , to be entered in books to bo kept for that purpose . Ancl yen are in no wiso to omit to send to us , or our Successors , Grand Musters , or to the Eight Honorable Lord Henry John Spencer Churchill , our Depnty Grand Master , or to tho Deputy Grand Master lor the time being , nt least once in every year , a List of the Members
of your Lodge , with the nnmes and descriptions of all Masons initiated therein and Brethren who shall havo joined the same , together with the Fees and Monies payable thcteon , according to the rules
laid down in the Book of Constitutions . It being cur will and intention that this , our Warrant , shall continue in force so long only as you shall conform to the laws aud regulations of our said Grand Lodge .
Given under our Hands aud the Seal of the Grand Lodge at Loudon , this 11 th February , A . L . 5836 , A . D . 1836 .
By command of the M . W . Graud Master . H . JOHN SPENCER CHURCHILL , D . G . M . William H . White" ) r , Edw . Harper ] ^ ' ^ The present title , No ., & c . arc , Tho St . George ' s Lodge , No . 32 , Liverpool .
No . 7 D . No . 36 , " Aucients ; " No . 54 A . D . 1814 ( at the Union ) , No . 47 A . D 1832 , ancl No . 40 from A . D . 1863 .
fa nil ( uljom it mnji content . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by L'is Royal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty ancl six , and in the Year of Masonry , Four thousand Nine hundred twenty ancl six ) , in ample Form assembled ,
viz ., The Right Worshipful Tho Most Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis ancl Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathtay ancl Strathardle , Viscount Balqiiidder , Gleualmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Eelvcny and Cask , Constable of the Castle of Kinclcaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange ancl Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , & c ,
GRAND MASTER OV MASONS , Tho Right Worshipful Thomas Harper , Esq ' -, Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Archibald Herron , Esqr . , Senior Grand Warden , and tho Right Wor-No . 36 shipf til Jeremiah Cranfield , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London ancl Westminster ) , Do hereby
authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz .. The Worshipful Brother Thomas Snigcnt one of our Blaster Masons , The Worshipful Brother Henry Eogers his ScniorWarden , and The Worshipful Brother Thomas Foster his Junior Warden , to Form and Held n Lodge of Freo and Accepted Masons aforesaid , afc tho house known by the name or sign of the Castle Inn , Hastings , or elsewhere
in the County of Sussex , upon the first and third Wednesday in every month ( being fiz'Sfc duly registered pursuant to the statute ) . and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions : And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most Ancient ancl Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . And
we do hereby farther authorise ancl impower our said Trusty ancl Well-beloved Brethren , Thomas Sargent , Henry Rogers , and Thomas Foster ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall delivei this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as
Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near ) eveiy ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named BrethreDj and all their Successors , always pay due Re . spe . Qfc tg this
Old Warrants.
Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue . Given under our Hauds ancl tho Seal of our Graud Lodgo in London , this fifth day of April , in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred aud Thirteen , and in tho Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred ancl Thirteen . RODERT LESLIE ,
Graud Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) in tho Grand Lodge , -Vol . 2 , 1 Letter B . 2 nd April 1755 . ( Fol . 142 . ) Eut - Edw - Harper , D . G . Sec .
[ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & o . are , The Dervvent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings .
Provincial Grand Lodge, South Wales (Western Division.)
niilE Provincial Grand Lodgo of tho Western Division of South -5- Wales was held on the 26 th ultimo , under tho banner of tho Loyal Welsh Lodgo meeting at Pembroke Dock , the Bight Worshipftil Grand Blaster Bro . Major Lloyd Philipps in tho chair . There was a very good muster of brethren to meet tho popular Blaster , who was especially well supported by tho Past Prov . G . Officers , although so far down West ; the distance being so great we suppose was tho reason
that there were so very few visitors . Tho Bight Worshipful Grand Blaster had therefore the greater reason to congratulate himself upon tho support ho received from his own Province . Tho Lodge having been duly opened , before proceeding to business , the Right Worshipful Grand Blaster took occasion to thank tho brethren of the various Lodges in his Province for the addresses of sympathy and condolence
he had received during his late affliction , and assured the brethren that he should never forget the many kindnesses ho had received during his period of sorrow . Tho role of tho Lodges was called , and responded to by a fair number of representatives from each Lodge . The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was received and adopted . Tho reports of the Charity Steward ,
Bro . A . Stour , Prince of Wales Lodge , and tho Charity Commissioner , Bro . J . Beavan Philipps , were received . Both reports showed the steady progress the Province was making , thanks to the exertions of those worthy brethren , to whom votes of thanks wero unanimously passed . Bro . Philipps was unanimously re-appointed Charity Cora , missiouer , aiid Bro . Stour was appointed Steward to represent the
Province at tho next Festival of the Girls School . Bro . VV . J . Morgan P . Prov . G . J . W ., in proposing that a sum of twenty guineas should be voted from tho funds of Provincial Grand Lodge in aid of the Girls' School , observed that he had no doubt that Bro . Stour , to whom a vote of thanks had just been passed , would think it a still higher compliment if the Grand Lodgo would give him twenty guineas
to head his list , as Steward for the year for the Girls' School , instead of the fifteen guineas recommended by the Grand Lodge Committee . The proposition being seconded by Bro . tho Rev . J . Marsden , after a little discussion as to the position of the Province , was carried unanimously . 'Ihe same proposer ancl seconder then proposed that a sum of fifteen guineas should be voted from tho funds of Grand Lodge ,
towards the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence . This , too , was carried unanimously . When appointing officers , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Blaster proposed as P . G . Treas ., Bro . Captain Williams , of St . David's Lodge , Milford , who had held the office for several years , with profit to the Province , and credit to himself . Bro . G . Griffiths , St . David's Lodge , Blilford , rose ,
and iu the name of Captain Williams , requested that he might be relieved from the duties of Treasurer , as his failiug health ( which had not permitted him to bo present that day ) would not allow him to give the duties the necessary attention . This announce , ment was received with great sorrow by all , for the captain ' s geuia ' iity had endeared him to all who knew him , and he was one of
the best known and most regular attendants afc Grand Lodge . Bro . W . J . Morgan proposed , as a successor to Bro . Captain Williams , Bro . G . Griffiths P . M . St . David ' s Lodge and P . Prov . S . G . W ., assigning as a reason why Bro . Griffiths should be elected , thab he was a fellow townsman and member of the same Lodge as the late Treasurer , and he would have tho benefit of his advice ancl assistance , as he
hoped , for many years . The proposition was unanimously carried . The new Treasurer thanked Grand Lodge for the confidence reposed in hirn , and , in the name of several members of Geand Lodge , requested the Right Worshipful Grand Muster to present Bro . Captain Williams with a jewel which they had subscribed for , as a mark of their respect ancl esteem . Major Philipps complied with the request ,
and with great pleasure invested , in the absence of Bro . Williams , thn W . BI . of tho Lodgo to which Bro . Williams belongs , ancl who , cm i jus ' y enough , was no other than tho nephew ancl partner in business of l =: o . "Williams , Captain Blathias . In investing Bro . Mathiai , the Bight Worshipful Blaster took occasion to express his great regret at the illness of Bro . Williams , which prevented his being present on that day , and he also spoke in highly eulogistic terms of the services rendered
to the Province by Bio . Williams , and thought tho presentation of tho jewel was a fitting and just reward for long and distinguished services io Masonry iu general , and the Province oi the Western Division of tjouth Waks in particular . He further requested Bro . Blathias to wear the ji-wel during the day in honour of Bro . Williams . Bro . Blathias would havo much pleasure in complying with the request , but was too much moved to say any more . Tho brethren then formed in order of procession , and attended Diving aervice at St , Joh . a '§
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
and theu and there , whcu duly congregated , to make , pass , aud raise Free Masons , according to tho Antient Custom of the Craft in all Ages ancl Nations throughout the known world . Ancl further , at tho petition of tho said Brethren , We do appoint the said Francis Couthwaite to be the Master , the said Ellis S . Yates to bo tho Senior
Warden , and the said George Green jnn . to bo the Junior Warden , for continuing to hold tho said Lodgo , until such time as another Master shall bo regularly elected and installed , strictly charring that every Member who shall be elected to preside over tho said Lodge s ! : ull be installed in antient form aud accord ins to the laws of tho
Grand Lodge , that ho may thereby be fully invested with tho digni . tics and powers of his office . And wo clo require yon tho said Francis Gouthwr . ite , find your Successors , to take special care that all and every the Brethren are , or havo been , regularly made Masons , aud that you , ancl they , and all other the members of tlie said Lodge
clo observe , perform , and keep the laws , rules , ancl orders contained iu the Book of Constitutions , and all others which may from timo to time bo made by our Crawl Lodge , or transmitted by us , our Successors , Grand Masters , or by our Deputy Grand Master for the time being . And Wo do enjoin yon to make snch By-Laws for tho govern
ment of your Lodge as shall to the majority of tho Members appear proper ancl necessary , tho samo not being contrary to , or inconsistent with , the General Laws ancl regulations of tho Craft , a copy whereof you are to tiansmit to us . And we clo require you to cause all such By-Laws aud Regulations , ancl also an account of tho proceedings
of your Lodge , to be entered in books to bo kept for that purpose . Ancl yen are in no wiso to omit to send to us , or our Successors , Grand Musters , or to the Eight Honorable Lord Henry John Spencer Churchill , our Depnty Grand Master , or to tho Deputy Grand Master lor the time being , nt least once in every year , a List of the Members
of your Lodge , with the nnmes and descriptions of all Masons initiated therein and Brethren who shall havo joined the same , together with the Fees and Monies payable thcteon , according to the rules
laid down in the Book of Constitutions . It being cur will and intention that this , our Warrant , shall continue in force so long only as you shall conform to the laws aud regulations of our said Grand Lodge .
Given under our Hands aud the Seal of the Grand Lodge at Loudon , this 11 th February , A . L . 5836 , A . D . 1836 .
By command of the M . W . Graud Master . H . JOHN SPENCER CHURCHILL , D . G . M . William H . White" ) r , Edw . Harper ] ^ ' ^ The present title , No ., & c . arc , Tho St . George ' s Lodge , No . 32 , Liverpool .
No . 7 D . No . 36 , " Aucients ; " No . 54 A . D . 1814 ( at the Union ) , No . 47 A . D 1832 , ancl No . 40 from A . D . 1863 .
fa nil ( uljom it mnji content . WE , the Grand Lodge of the most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the Old Constitutions granted by L'is Royal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty ancl six , and in the Year of Masonry , Four thousand Nine hundred twenty ancl six ) , in ample Form assembled ,
viz ., The Right Worshipful Tho Most Noble Prince John , Duke , Marquis ancl Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathtay ancl Strathardle , Viscount Balqiiidder , Gleualmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Eelvcny and Cask , Constable of the Castle of Kinclcaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange ancl Baron Murray of Stanley , in the County of Gloucester , & c , & c , & c ,
GRAND MASTER OV MASONS , Tho Right Worshipful Thomas Harper , Esq ' -, Deputy Grand Master , The Right Worshipful Archibald Herron , Esqr . , Senior Grand Warden , and tho Right Wor-No . 36 shipf til Jeremiah Cranfield , Esq ., Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London ancl Westminster ) , Do hereby
authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz .. The Worshipful Brother Thomas Snigcnt one of our Blaster Masons , The Worshipful Brother Henry Eogers his ScniorWarden , and The Worshipful Brother Thomas Foster his Junior Warden , to Form and Held n Lodge of Freo and Accepted Masons aforesaid , afc tho house known by the name or sign of the Castle Inn , Hastings , or elsewhere
in the County of Sussex , upon the first and third Wednesday in every month ( being fiz'Sfc duly registered pursuant to the statute ) . and on all seasonable times and lawful occasions : And in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons , according to the most Ancient ancl Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft , in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known World . And
we do hereby farther authorise ancl impower our said Trusty ancl Well-beloved Brethren , Thomas Sargent , Henry Rogers , and Thomas Foster ( with the Consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall delivei this Warrant , and invest them with their Powers and Dignities as
Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near ) eveiy ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named BrethreDj and all their Successors , always pay due Re . spe . Qfc tg this
Old Warrants.
Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to bo of no Force nor Virtue . Given under our Hauds ancl tho Seal of our Graud Lodgo in London , this fifth day of April , in the year of Our Lord One thousand Eight hundred aud Thirteen , and in tho Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred ancl Thirteen . RODERT LESLIE ,
Graud Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered" ) in tho Grand Lodge , -Vol . 2 , 1 Letter B . 2 nd April 1755 . ( Fol . 142 . ) Eut - Edw - Harper , D . G . Sec .
[ SEAL . ] [ SEAL . ] The present title , No ., & o . are , The Dervvent Lodge , No . 40 , Hastings .
Provincial Grand Lodge, South Wales (Western Division.)
niilE Provincial Grand Lodgo of tho Western Division of South -5- Wales was held on the 26 th ultimo , under tho banner of tho Loyal Welsh Lodgo meeting at Pembroke Dock , the Bight Worshipftil Grand Blaster Bro . Major Lloyd Philipps in tho chair . There was a very good muster of brethren to meet tho popular Blaster , who was especially well supported by tho Past Prov . G . Officers , although so far down West ; the distance being so great we suppose was tho reason
that there were so very few visitors . Tho Bight Worshipful Grand Blaster had therefore the greater reason to congratulate himself upon tho support ho received from his own Province . Tho Lodge having been duly opened , before proceeding to business , the Right Worshipful Grand Blaster took occasion to thank tho brethren of the various Lodges in his Province for the addresses of sympathy and condolence
he had received during his late affliction , and assured the brethren that he should never forget the many kindnesses ho had received during his period of sorrow . Tho role of tho Lodges was called , and responded to by a fair number of representatives from each Lodge . The report of the Provincial Grand Lodge Committee was received and adopted . Tho reports of the Charity Steward ,
Bro . A . Stour , Prince of Wales Lodge , and tho Charity Commissioner , Bro . J . Beavan Philipps , were received . Both reports showed the steady progress the Province was making , thanks to the exertions of those worthy brethren , to whom votes of thanks wero unanimously passed . Bro . Philipps was unanimously re-appointed Charity Cora , missiouer , aiid Bro . Stour was appointed Steward to represent the
Province at tho next Festival of the Girls School . Bro . VV . J . Morgan P . Prov . G . J . W ., in proposing that a sum of twenty guineas should be voted from tho funds of Provincial Grand Lodge in aid of the Girls' School , observed that he had no doubt that Bro . Stour , to whom a vote of thanks had just been passed , would think it a still higher compliment if the Grand Lodgo would give him twenty guineas
to head his list , as Steward for the year for the Girls' School , instead of the fifteen guineas recommended by the Grand Lodge Committee . The proposition being seconded by Bro . tho Rev . J . Marsden , after a little discussion as to the position of the Province , was carried unanimously . 'Ihe same proposer ancl seconder then proposed that a sum of fifteen guineas should be voted from tho funds of Grand Lodge ,
towards the Provincial Grand Lodge Fund of Benevolence . This , too , was carried unanimously . When appointing officers , the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Blaster proposed as P . G . Treas ., Bro . Captain Williams , of St . David's Lodge , Milford , who had held the office for several years , with profit to the Province , and credit to himself . Bro . G . Griffiths , St . David's Lodge , Blilford , rose ,
and iu the name of Captain Williams , requested that he might be relieved from the duties of Treasurer , as his failiug health ( which had not permitted him to bo present that day ) would not allow him to give the duties the necessary attention . This announce , ment was received with great sorrow by all , for the captain ' s geuia ' iity had endeared him to all who knew him , and he was one of
the best known and most regular attendants afc Grand Lodge . Bro . W . J . Morgan proposed , as a successor to Bro . Captain Williams , Bro . G . Griffiths P . M . St . David ' s Lodge and P . Prov . S . G . W ., assigning as a reason why Bro . Griffiths should be elected , thab he was a fellow townsman and member of the same Lodge as the late Treasurer , and he would have tho benefit of his advice ancl assistance , as he
hoped , for many years . The proposition was unanimously carried . The new Treasurer thanked Grand Lodge for the confidence reposed in hirn , and , in the name of several members of Geand Lodge , requested the Right Worshipful Grand Muster to present Bro . Captain Williams with a jewel which they had subscribed for , as a mark of their respect ancl esteem . Major Philipps complied with the request ,
and with great pleasure invested , in the absence of Bro . Williams , thn W . BI . of tho Lodgo to which Bro . Williams belongs , ancl who , cm i jus ' y enough , was no other than tho nephew ancl partner in business of l =: o . "Williams , Captain Blathias . In investing Bro . Mathiai , the Bight Worshipful Blaster took occasion to express his great regret at the illness of Bro . Williams , which prevented his being present on that day , and he also spoke in highly eulogistic terms of the services rendered
to the Province by Bio . Williams , and thought tho presentation of tho jewel was a fitting and just reward for long and distinguished services io Masonry iu general , and the Province oi the Western Division of tjouth Waks in particular . He further requested Bro . Blathias to wear the ji-wel during the day in honour of Bro . Williams . Bro . Blathias would havo much pleasure in complying with the request , but was too much moved to say any more . Tho brethren then formed in order of procession , and attended Diving aervice at St , Joh . a '§