Article FREEMASONRY AND NOTORIETY. ← Page 3 of 3 Article FREEMASONRY AND NOTORIETY. Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry And Notoriety.
4 . Freemasonry does not promote personal piety . I venture the affirmation that it is impossible for a thoroughgoing Freemason to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . A good , that is an earnest , Freemason , is not usually a good , that is a devoted ,
useful and faithful , church member . Where enthusiasm for Freemasonry increases , there , it is absolutely certain , existing love for Christ and the Church decreases . This testimony I believe to be true . A Freemason friend of mine was soundly converted to God . He at once gave up attendance at Lodge ,
declaring to the writer that he felt he could not make progress in the new life unless he did so . Fidelity to the Lodge and growth in grace he knew to be incompatible . Who can deny it ? The Christian who walks by the Spirit and lives by the Spirit , and who is determined to square his life by example
and precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ , must of necessity separate himself and keep aloof from Freemasonry . The man to whom " to live is Christ" can " have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness , but will rather reprove them . " This is invariably true : a warmhearted disciple of
Christ who goes in for Freemasonry soon loses his relish for spiritual things and rapidly loses ground in the Divine life . On the other hand , a member of the Fraternity who earnestly and with his whole heart begins to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness soon discovers that the first thing he must do is to give up Freemasonry .
It has been my fortune to know upright , kind-hearted men who are Freemasons , and to have acquaintance with ministers who are Freemasons . But if they give themselves with any heartiness to Freemasonry , be assured they are not
spiritually-minded Christians or the highest type of ministers . They are not lifters and leaders in the Church of God . They are not the men that people would lpok to for comfort and guidance in the hour and article of death .
In view of all the considerations named , and of others not referred to , I must be allowed to conscientiously express my sincere regret that Bishop Welldon , who is expected to play the part of a wise master-builder in the Church of God , one , too , for whom I have warm personal admiration , as readers
of this paper well know , —should have gone out of his way to extol the virtues of Freemasonry and to clothe it with a value which many are utterly unable to believe it possesses . There are religious builders of olden time of whom inspired prophets declared that they " daubed with untempered
mortar , " a figure whose spiritual signification is readily apprehended . With all charity , this , I fear , is what Bishop Welldon has been doing . - He may have done what he did with the best of motives—as I am quite ready to believe—but this does
not compensate for a great blunder . Fie might have allowed Freemasonry to pursue the even tenor of its way and to gather strength as it may from the world of which it is a part ; but I say with all Christian frankness , yet with heart-
Freemasonry And Notoriety.
felt reluctance , a Bishop of the Church of God might have rendered more acceptable service to His Divine Master by leaving it to others to show forth the praises of Freemasonry . It can hardly be said of those who do this that they are " building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets ,
Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone . " The position for all absolutely loyal servants of the Son of God to take as it seems to me , is , that which was inculcated by the
Apostle Paul when he exhorted his fellow Christians to ' cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light , putting on also the breastplate of faith and love , and for a helmet the hope of salvation . " - —¦ " Indian Freemason . "
In India , where the division of races and religions is more acute , perhaps , than anywhere in the world , it is the wisdom of good citizens to seek rallying points . Such a rallying point is found in the cult of Masonic doctrine . To myself , though the most convinced of Christians , the
opportunity of meeting men of other beliefs than my own upon the common ground of faith in God and immortality has been a privilege of great utility and pleasure . So long as it is impossible that anyone shall become a Freemason without professing his intellectual and spiritual adhesion to sublime
religious doctrines , and so long as no one can live worthily as a Freemason without developing the fruit of his doctrines in charity and philanthropy , Freemasonry will deserve the confidence of thoughtful and virtuous citizens , and will play a great and salutary part in human life . —Right Rev . Dr . Welldon , Metropolitan of India .
* » * If our professions are less than a hollow mockery ; if our appreciation of the light and beauty and uplift of our lives that comes from Masonic truth , from the Masonic
Fraternity and from the Christian religion , is nearly equal to our claims , our hearts and our hands will ever be going out in loving sympathy and kindly ministrations to the unfortunate of our kind . —Jas . B . McFatrich , Illinois .
On Tuesday , 18 th ult , the members of the Constance Lodge , No . 2135 , together with other Brethren , entertained Bro . Geo . Dryden sen . to a complimentary dinner in the Masonic Hall , Consett , over forty-five Brethren partaking of a substantial and seasonable repast . Afterwards , Bro . Geo .
Pattrick W . M ., on behalf of the subscribing Brethren , presented Bro . Dryden with a rolled top Derby writing desk , in recognition of his services during the past half-a-dozen
years as caretaker of the Masonic Buildings , and congratulating him on obtaining an appointment under the Collierley School Board at Dipton . Bro . Dryden suitably acknowledged the gift .
RoyalMasonicInstitutionforBoys. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN . President—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . Patrons rex-o / fcio )— f THE RT ' - THE EARL AMHERST , M . W . PROG . M . rations ( ex OJJICIOJ | THE RT H 0 N . THE EARL OF WARWICK , R . W . DEP . G . M . Treasurer—CHARLES E . KEYSER , ESQ ., P . G . DEACON , PATRON OF INSTITUTION . Bankers -LONDON & WESTMINSTER BANK , LTD . ( BLOOMSBURY BRANCH ) HlGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C-2 U 28 Boj / s haVe received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1798 . 290 Boj / s are now ? being Educated , Clothed , and Maintained , besides special grants made to unsuccessful candidates remaining from the Centenary elections . The ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held on 26 th June 1901 , under the distinguished Presidency of THERIGHTHON.W.W.BRAMSTONBEACH,M.P., R . W . Prot > . Grand Master for Hampshire and Isle of Wight , Trustee of the Institution . The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards are earnestly requested , and will be gratefully acknowledged . CONTRIBUTION S EARNESTLY SOLICITED . Secretary—J . MORRISON McLEOD ( VICE-PATRON ) , 6 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry And Notoriety.
4 . Freemasonry does not promote personal piety . I venture the affirmation that it is impossible for a thoroughgoing Freemason to grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ . A good , that is an earnest , Freemason , is not usually a good , that is a devoted ,
useful and faithful , church member . Where enthusiasm for Freemasonry increases , there , it is absolutely certain , existing love for Christ and the Church decreases . This testimony I believe to be true . A Freemason friend of mine was soundly converted to God . He at once gave up attendance at Lodge ,
declaring to the writer that he felt he could not make progress in the new life unless he did so . Fidelity to the Lodge and growth in grace he knew to be incompatible . Who can deny it ? The Christian who walks by the Spirit and lives by the Spirit , and who is determined to square his life by example
and precepts of the Lord Jesus Christ , must of necessity separate himself and keep aloof from Freemasonry . The man to whom " to live is Christ" can " have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness , but will rather reprove them . " This is invariably true : a warmhearted disciple of
Christ who goes in for Freemasonry soon loses his relish for spiritual things and rapidly loses ground in the Divine life . On the other hand , a member of the Fraternity who earnestly and with his whole heart begins to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness soon discovers that the first thing he must do is to give up Freemasonry .
It has been my fortune to know upright , kind-hearted men who are Freemasons , and to have acquaintance with ministers who are Freemasons . But if they give themselves with any heartiness to Freemasonry , be assured they are not
spiritually-minded Christians or the highest type of ministers . They are not lifters and leaders in the Church of God . They are not the men that people would lpok to for comfort and guidance in the hour and article of death .
In view of all the considerations named , and of others not referred to , I must be allowed to conscientiously express my sincere regret that Bishop Welldon , who is expected to play the part of a wise master-builder in the Church of God , one , too , for whom I have warm personal admiration , as readers
of this paper well know , —should have gone out of his way to extol the virtues of Freemasonry and to clothe it with a value which many are utterly unable to believe it possesses . There are religious builders of olden time of whom inspired prophets declared that they " daubed with untempered
mortar , " a figure whose spiritual signification is readily apprehended . With all charity , this , I fear , is what Bishop Welldon has been doing . - He may have done what he did with the best of motives—as I am quite ready to believe—but this does
not compensate for a great blunder . Fie might have allowed Freemasonry to pursue the even tenor of its way and to gather strength as it may from the world of which it is a part ; but I say with all Christian frankness , yet with heart-
Freemasonry And Notoriety.
felt reluctance , a Bishop of the Church of God might have rendered more acceptable service to His Divine Master by leaving it to others to show forth the praises of Freemasonry . It can hardly be said of those who do this that they are " building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets ,
Jesus Christ Himself being the chief corner stone . " The position for all absolutely loyal servants of the Son of God to take as it seems to me , is , that which was inculcated by the
Apostle Paul when he exhorted his fellow Christians to ' cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light , putting on also the breastplate of faith and love , and for a helmet the hope of salvation . " - —¦ " Indian Freemason . "
In India , where the division of races and religions is more acute , perhaps , than anywhere in the world , it is the wisdom of good citizens to seek rallying points . Such a rallying point is found in the cult of Masonic doctrine . To myself , though the most convinced of Christians , the
opportunity of meeting men of other beliefs than my own upon the common ground of faith in God and immortality has been a privilege of great utility and pleasure . So long as it is impossible that anyone shall become a Freemason without professing his intellectual and spiritual adhesion to sublime
religious doctrines , and so long as no one can live worthily as a Freemason without developing the fruit of his doctrines in charity and philanthropy , Freemasonry will deserve the confidence of thoughtful and virtuous citizens , and will play a great and salutary part in human life . —Right Rev . Dr . Welldon , Metropolitan of India .
* » * If our professions are less than a hollow mockery ; if our appreciation of the light and beauty and uplift of our lives that comes from Masonic truth , from the Masonic
Fraternity and from the Christian religion , is nearly equal to our claims , our hearts and our hands will ever be going out in loving sympathy and kindly ministrations to the unfortunate of our kind . —Jas . B . McFatrich , Illinois .
On Tuesday , 18 th ult , the members of the Constance Lodge , No . 2135 , together with other Brethren , entertained Bro . Geo . Dryden sen . to a complimentary dinner in the Masonic Hall , Consett , over forty-five Brethren partaking of a substantial and seasonable repast . Afterwards , Bro . Geo .
Pattrick W . M ., on behalf of the subscribing Brethren , presented Bro . Dryden with a rolled top Derby writing desk , in recognition of his services during the past half-a-dozen
years as caretaker of the Masonic Buildings , and congratulating him on obtaining an appointment under the Collierley School Board at Dipton . Bro . Dryden suitably acknowledged the gift .
RoyalMasonicInstitutionforBoys. SUPPORTED BY VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTIONS . Grand Patron—HER MAJESTY THE OUEEN . President—H . R . H . THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., M . W . G . M . Patrons rex-o / fcio )— f THE RT ' - THE EARL AMHERST , M . W . PROG . M . rations ( ex OJJICIOJ | THE RT H 0 N . THE EARL OF WARWICK , R . W . DEP . G . M . Treasurer—CHARLES E . KEYSER , ESQ ., P . G . DEACON , PATRON OF INSTITUTION . Bankers -LONDON & WESTMINSTER BANK , LTD . ( BLOOMSBURY BRANCH ) HlGH HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C-2 U 28 Boj / s haVe received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1798 . 290 Boj / s are now ? being Educated , Clothed , and Maintained , besides special grants made to unsuccessful candidates remaining from the Centenary elections . The ONE HUNDRED AND THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL will be held on 26 th June 1901 , under the distinguished Presidency of THERIGHTHON.W.W.BRAMSTONBEACH,M.P., R . W . Prot > . Grand Master for Hampshire and Isle of Wight , Trustee of the Institution . The services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards are earnestly requested , and will be gratefully acknowledged . CONTRIBUTION S EARNESTLY SOLICITED . Secretary—J . MORRISON McLEOD ( VICE-PATRON ) , 6 FREEMASONS' HALL , LONDON , W . C ,