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EYRE ARMS HOTEL AND WELLINGTON HALL . St . JOHN'S WOOD , N . W . The accommodation at this old and popular establishment FOR MASONIC LODGES , CHAPTERS , BALLS , DANCES , DINNERS , & c . will be found of the aaost complete character . The LODGE ROOMS are commodious and well appointed . o The Handsome Ball Room , with Electric Light , and floor on Roller Springs , is one of the finest in London . THE BANQUET HALL WILL SEAT OVER 400 . o These elegant rooms arc also to let for Weddings , Private Parties , Concerts , Ac . COFFEE ROOM & BILLIARD ROOM OPEN ALL DAY . o Th « Eyre Lodge , No . 274 ; and the Instruction Lodge , « verj Wednesday , at hold their meetings at this establishment . Bro . ALFRED J . BARRELL , Manager . HOSKIN'S HOTEL , OXTED , SURREY , One minute ' s walk from S . E . and L . B . tc S . C . Railway Stations . Proprietor - - BRO . THOMAS TUCKER Special Accommodation for Lodges and Chapters . Spacious Banquet Hnom , Ante-Rooms , and other conveniences . EVERY FACILITY FOR SUMMER OUTINGS . Culinary arrangements perfection . Wines , Cigars , & c , of . finest brands . The East Surrey Lods ; e , 2769 , meets at this establishment . GOOD STAJBLITSTGr . SPLENDID SCENERY Charges very moderate . Further particulars of the Proprietor .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For Aged Freemasons ana Widows of Freemasons . Grand Patron and President :, His BOYAL HIGHNESS THE PBINCE OF WALES , K . G . & c , M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FARNFIELD , Esq . Bankers : —LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 High Holborn , London , W . C . Upwards of 1723 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 210 men and 253 -widows are Annuitants at the present time . 26 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 17 , 016 . Over 100 Candidates for next election . ONLY 2 VACANCIES . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . O ., ON WEDNESDAY , 27 TH FEBRUARY 1901 , Under the distinguished Presidency of The Right Honourable TheEARLOFWARWICK, R . W . Deputy G . fMaster , R . W . Prov . G . M . for Essex . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ,, P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary , ; by whom the same will be gladly received , and who will thankfully acknowledge same . Office —4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
GRAND TREASURERSHIP 19 Gi ; CANDIDATE : - W . BRO . CAPT . JOHN BARLOW , J . P , P . M . 1260 , i oi 2 , & c , & c . CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : W . BRO . JAMES IRVINE P . M ., & c . Brother BARLOW is the LONDON Representative for the Craft , and Bros . WALTER POTTER , 442 Kingsland Road , N . E . and C . D . CHEETHAM , 7 Mosley Street , Manchester , having consented to act as Hon . Secretaries for LONDON and the PROVINCES , respectively , will be pleased to furnish any further information that may be desired .
THE CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Adjoining Hampton Court Station , FACING THE RIVER AND PALACE . Special Provision for Lodge and other meetings , including A MASONIC TEMPLE with ample Ante-Rooms , Banquet Hall , and every convenience FIVE LOD & ES ALREADY MEET HERE . Ample accommodation in the new wing o £ this old-established and noted Biversido Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies ' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . TWO BILLIARD TABLES . GOOD STABLING ACCOMMODATION STEAM LAUNCHES AND SCULLING BOATS provided at the shortest notice . Tariff , Sec . of Bro . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor .
G . A . BOLLAND , Wine and Spirit Merchant , " THE BLACK HORSE , " 19 Tottenham Court Road , London , W . WINES and SPIRITS of FINEST QUALITY . CIGARS of the CHOICEST BBAHDS .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
EYRE ARMS HOTEL AND WELLINGTON HALL . St . JOHN'S WOOD , N . W . The accommodation at this old and popular establishment FOR MASONIC LODGES , CHAPTERS , BALLS , DANCES , DINNERS , & c . will be found of the aaost complete character . The LODGE ROOMS are commodious and well appointed . o The Handsome Ball Room , with Electric Light , and floor on Roller Springs , is one of the finest in London . THE BANQUET HALL WILL SEAT OVER 400 . o These elegant rooms arc also to let for Weddings , Private Parties , Concerts , Ac . COFFEE ROOM & BILLIARD ROOM OPEN ALL DAY . o Th « Eyre Lodge , No . 274 ; and the Instruction Lodge , « verj Wednesday , at hold their meetings at this establishment . Bro . ALFRED J . BARRELL , Manager . HOSKIN'S HOTEL , OXTED , SURREY , One minute ' s walk from S . E . and L . B . tc S . C . Railway Stations . Proprietor - - BRO . THOMAS TUCKER Special Accommodation for Lodges and Chapters . Spacious Banquet Hnom , Ante-Rooms , and other conveniences . EVERY FACILITY FOR SUMMER OUTINGS . Culinary arrangements perfection . Wines , Cigars , & c , of . finest brands . The East Surrey Lods ; e , 2769 , meets at this establishment . GOOD STAJBLITSTGr . SPLENDID SCENERY Charges very moderate . Further particulars of the Proprietor .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION For Aged Freemasons ana Widows of Freemasons . Grand Patron and President :, His BOYAL HIGHNESS THE PBINCE OF WALES , K . G . & c , M . W . G . M . Treasurer : —JOHN A . FARNFIELD , Esq . Bankers : —LONDON AND WESTMINSTER BANK ( Bloomsbury Branch ) , 214 High Holborn , London , W . C . Upwards of 1723 Annuitants have received the benefits of the Institution since its foundation in 1842 and 1849 . 210 men and 253 -widows are Annuitants at the present time . 26 widows , in addition , are receiving half their late husband ' s annuity . Amount paid Annually in Annuities £ 17 , 016 . Over 100 Candidates for next election . ONLY 2 VACANCIES . THE ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL Will be held at the FREEMASONS' TAVERN , LONDON , W . O ., ON WEDNESDAY , 27 TH FEBRUARY 1901 , Under the distinguished Presidency of The Right Honourable TheEARLOFWARWICK, R . W . Deputy G . fMaster , R . W . Prov . G . M . for Essex . Brethren are earnestly solicited to accept the Stewardship upon this most important occasion , and to kindly forward their names as soon as possible , with full particulars , to JAMES TERRY ( Pat ,, P . G . Swd . B . ) , Secretary , ; by whom the same will be gladly received , and who will thankfully acknowledge same . Office —4 Freemasons' Hall , London , W . C .
GRAND TREASURERSHIP 19 Gi ; CANDIDATE : - W . BRO . CAPT . JOHN BARLOW , J . P , P . M . 1260 , i oi 2 , & c , & c . CHAIRMAN OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE : W . BRO . JAMES IRVINE P . M ., & c . Brother BARLOW is the LONDON Representative for the Craft , and Bros . WALTER POTTER , 442 Kingsland Road , N . E . and C . D . CHEETHAM , 7 Mosley Street , Manchester , having consented to act as Hon . Secretaries for LONDON and the PROVINCES , respectively , will be pleased to furnish any further information that may be desired .
THE CASTLE HOTEL , EAST MOLESEY , Adjoining Hampton Court Station , FACING THE RIVER AND PALACE . Special Provision for Lodge and other meetings , including A MASONIC TEMPLE with ample Ante-Rooms , Banquet Hall , and every convenience FIVE LOD & ES ALREADY MEET HERE . Ample accommodation in the new wing o £ this old-established and noted Biversido Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies ' Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whence Steam Launches can start . Specimens of Menus , with prices , sent on application . TWO BILLIARD TABLES . GOOD STABLING ACCOMMODATION STEAM LAUNCHES AND SCULLING BOATS provided at the shortest notice . Tariff , Sec . of Bro . JOHN MAYO , Proprietor .
G . A . BOLLAND , Wine and Spirit Merchant , " THE BLACK HORSE , " 19 Tottenham Court Road , London , W . WINES and SPIRITS of FINEST QUALITY . CIGARS of the CHOICEST BBAHDS .