Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th nit ., at tho White Swan , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . G . Andrews I . P . M . occupied the chair as W . M . ( in tho absence of the W . M .. S . 0 . Lewin ) , H . J . Tnson S . W ., J . J . Pakes J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . Secretary . J . Baxter Langley J . D ., J . G . Vohman D . C ., R . Harman W . S ..
J . Hawker P . M ., and about forty brethren . Bro . A . Rolington 132 ( 5 . was passed to tho 2 nd decree . Tho bye-laws wero read and revised . Tho election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . H . J . Tnson was elected , Bro . W . Andrews was re-elected Treasurer , and J . Bavin Tyler . Tho Lodge was then closed . Tho Visitors wero C . Hosgood P . M . 192 , . T . A . Smith W . M . 1178 , C . Graham 132 G , H . Cutriss 1326 , and several others .
Clones Lodge , No . 881 , Ireland . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , tho 1 st instant , at Thompson ' s Hotel , Clones . Present—Bros . John H . Montgomery W . M ., John Robinson S . W ., John W . Presho J . W ., John Gough S . D ., William M . Fitzgerald J . D ., John Houston I . G . Rev . Thomas It . Conway Chaplain , John Elliott Treasurer , E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , William Heaney Tyler
Past Masters—Bros . Thomas Higgins , John Elliott , E . G . Fitzgerald , E . J . Elliott . After tho regular routine business had been gone through , tho Lodge was raised to the third degree , when tho rank of M . M . was conferred upon Bros . James Armstrong jnn . and John McCoy . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was then closed
in solemn and ancient form . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given nnd duly responded to . Wo should add that tho W . M . requested to be allowed to bear tho expense of the entertainment , and that , with his usual liberality , tho provision on this occasion was of the most choice and expensive kind .
Sykes Lodge , No , 1040 , Driffield ,-Tho Installation of Bro . Ralph Teal P . S . W . as the Worshipful Master of this Lodgo took place on Fridav , Sth ult ., at tho Masonio Hall , Driffield . Tho event attracted considerable interest and attention , and tho ceremony was witnessed by a large and influential assemblage of the brethren . Shortly after two o' clock tho Lodgo was opened in duo form under
the presidency of the retiring Master , Bro . Richard Davison , and after tho transaction of the ordinary routine business the principal chair was taken by the Worshipful Bro . George Hardy P . M . P . S . P . G . D of Hull , who performed the solemn and impressive rite of installation in a most efficient manner . The usual compliments wero exchanged , after which the newly-installed Master invested his officers for the
current year as follow : —Bros . Richard Davison I . P . M ., T . Carter S . W ., J . Elgey J . W ., Rev . J . Davison , M . A ., Chap ., E . Wilson P . M . Treas ., W . Santon Sec , W . Roberts S . D ., J . Dunn J . D ., R . Hornby D . C ., E . G . Warren Org ., M . Simpson I . G ., J . Wigglesworth and J . S . Wilson Stewards , and R . Potts Tyler . At the conclusion of tho ceremony the
Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and at four o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Bell Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been provided . The cnstomai-y loyal and Masonic toasts wore duly honoured , and tho whole of the proceedings wero characterised by much heartiness and good feeling .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , tho 28 th nit ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts . Present—Bros . Hayward Edwards P . G . S . Wks . W . M ., James Cutbush S . W ., Dr . Livingstone J . W ., G . Askow Secretary , W . Cntbnsh P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Treasurer , R , F . Young S . D ., Euorbv as I . G ., Goddard Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . Lowthin P . G . S . W ., T . S . Carter
P . P . G . J . D ., Terry P . G . D . C ; Bros . Yolland P . G . S . B ., Paterson P . G . Organist , & c . & c . Visitors—Bros . Neal P . M . 1209 P . P . A . D . C . Kent , Fowler P . M . 194 , Constable P . M . 185 , Baker 500 , Ireland , Hickman 228 , Mitchell 18 ( 5 , Campkin W . M . 403 , Wilson S . W . 403 , Boatwrighfc P . P . G . S . Wks . J . W . 403 , Le Strange 645 , F . Binckes Secretary Boys ' School . The Lodge was opened , and after the preliminary business
had been transacted , Bro . P . M . Lowthin took tho chair , and Bro . James Cutbush , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented . A board of installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony of installation was conducted , in an admirable manner . The new W . M . having received the salutations of the brethren , invested his officers as follows : Dr . Livingstone S . W ., Young J . W ., Askew Secretary , W . Cutbush
Treasurer , F . Venables S . D ., Gray J . D ., Newman D . C ., Brown Steward , Euerby I . G ., Goddard Tyler . After the usual charges had been given , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., and after routine business , the Lodge was closed . An elegant banquet followed , served by Bro . Fisher in capital stylo , and to which ample justice was clone . Tho W . M . gave tho loyal and Masonic toasts .
Bro . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School , replying to that of tho Grand Officers . In proposing tho health of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Bro . J . Cutbush referred to tho high estimation in which he was held , and trusted he might long continue to preside over the Province . The toasts of tho W . M ., and tho installing Master wero then severally given and replied to . Bro . Terry , in
proposing the health of the Past Masters , referred to tho fact of their having received Provincial honours , and added that these honours were fully deserved . Tho toast of the Visitors was next given , and the W . M . said ho should liko each ono to respond , but he would restrict them to two minutes each , a precedent we should like to see more often carried out . In proposing the next on the list—that of the Masonic Charities—the W . M . made a most forcible and telling speech .
Bro . Terry , in reply , urged the brethren to use every effort for the support of onr charitable institutions ; increased demands were being daily made , necessitating additional funds . He called attention to the large number of candidates now awaiting admission , and expressed his belief that the past exertions of the Gladsmuir brethren were only a prelude to what might be expected at their hands . Whatever they might do subsequently for the Boys and Girls , thoir support shonlil now be directed to the Benevolent Institution , the Festival of which
will take place on tho 9 th proximo . A most satisfactory result wag the consequence , tho sum of £ 27 15 s being subscribed towards the list of tho W . M . as Steward for tho Festival of tho Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . Tho evening ' s entertainment was enlivened
by some excellent songs , and as many of the visitors had to return to town , the Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close at a somewhat earlv hour . Wo may add that tho comfort of tho guests was full considered , and that tho attendance by Bro . Fisher ' s staff left nothing to bo desired .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . — first anniversary banquet was held on Friday , tho 2 Sth ult ., at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville Road , King ' s Cross . Previously to tho meeting the Lodgo was opened . Tho minutes of tho former meeting wero read , and all business being ended , tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bro . Cox . Bro . James Willing
I . P . M . 1507 ocenpied tho chair , Bro . Williams tho vice-chair , sup . ported by Bros . Michael WM ., W . M . Stiles Secretary , Side , Solomon , Reepo , Shand , Saintsbury , Rogers , Gilbert sen . and Gilbert jun ., Berrio , Gomm , Child , Ormiston , Solomon , Little , Van Camp , Shanklin , Ferner and Fisher , H . Stiles , Swaagman , & c . The Lodge of Instruction was in a flourishing state , and this enabled the W . M . to dilate on
tho success that had been achieved . Bro . James Willing , as W . M ., proposed tho usual loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Michael W . M . 1507 then rose , and said he had great pleasure in proposing a toast , and that was the W . M . Ho was tho first W . M . of tho Lodgo ; ho was one who had always carried out , in every respect , tho duties required of him in tho Lodge , and also in the Lodge of Instruction . Ho regretted
the absence of ono who bad endeared himself to them . Ho referred to Bro . Adams P . G . P ., who , ho was sorry to inform tho brethren , was incapacitated , by domestic affliction , from being present . Bro . Willing had discharged every duty required of him ; he was ono of the founders of the Lodge , he was tho Treasurer of the Lodge of Instruction , and every brother truly
respected him . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Jas . Willing responded to the toast , and said he was pleased to see his successor , Bro . Michael , had conducted the duties of the chair in tho Parent Lodge ; and ho also felt proud to seo how tho Lodgo of Instruction had prospered , as the present gathering showed . Whatever duties were required of him , wero at their service , but to Br . T . Adams , the Preceptor , the greater
credit was duo ; he was always zealous in the causo of Freemasonry his very name was a tower of strength , and they all regretted his absence . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho officers . They were , as Founders of the Lodge , regular attendants , and two brethren wero in office who were a credit to it . He would couplo with tho toast the namo of the
worthy and excellent Secretary . Brother W . M . Stiles replied , He thanked Brothers Willing and Michael for their kind assist . ance , his services wero always at their command , and he would , in his capacity of Secretary , do all he could to further their interests . Bros . Massey , Lewis and Davis responded for the toast of the visitors . Tho W . M . then proposed the health of the W . M . of the Parent Lodge ,
Bro . Michael , whom he characterized as a thoroughly good working Mason . The attendance at the Lodgo of Instruction was now vory numerous , and he was glad to seo its prosperous condition , he was also pleased to see Bro . Michael present . ( Cheers . ) This brother , in responding , said ho was proud to bo Master of so flourishing a Lodge ; ho might say they had more initiations in the past year than any
other Lodge . They had their regular Lodgo meetings , and five emergencies , and seven gentlemen wero on the list to be initiated , clearly shewing that Masonry was not superficial , for in their Lodgo there were three brethren who were initiated the first night , who now occupied offices ; it was also to tho Lodge of Instruction he owed being in the chair . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the officers ,
particularly referring to Bro . Adams , the veteran Preceptor , 86 years of age , who came among them to give instruction to the younger members . The Treasurer and Secretary were all indefatigable in the discharge of their duties . Tho health of Bros . Williams S . W ., Scales W . S ., and Side was then given , they were thorough good working Masons . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —Wc havo repeatedly spoken of tho energy displayed by our brethren in tho eastern part of the metropolis in their search after a know , ledge of Masonic ritual . Wo announce frequently that bands of these " wise men" have made arrangements to work the Fifteen Sectioua , and it usually falls to our lot to chronicle that these
arrangements have been carried out in a satisfactory manner . Last week wo directed the attention of our readers to tho fact that the Fifteen Sections would be worked on Wednesday , the 2 nd February , at the Havelock Tavern , Albion Road , Dalston , by the brethren of the Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction , and accordingly , at the
appointed time , a goodly attendance of members aud friends presented themselves . The Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Marx Gross , who was supported by Bros . Austin S . W ., Jas . Stevens J . W ., Young I . G ., and nearly fifty brethren . Tho minutes having been read , the W . M . worked tho Fifteen Sections , assisted by the undermentioned : —
1 st Section Bro . Brand 9 th Section „ Jas . Stevens 2 nd „ ... „ Marsh 10 th „ ... „ Ellis 3 rd „ ... „ Meyer 11 th „ ... „ Brian t 4 th „ ... „ Musto 12 th „ ... „ Christian 51 h „ ... „ Horsley 13 th „ ... „ Crouch ( 5 th „ ... „ Fieldwick 14 th „ ... „ Job 7 th „ ... „ Austin 15 th „ ... „ Lowe Sth „ ... ,, Cambridge
With such an array of efficient workers it would be superfluous to praise any single brother ; suffice it to say their names are as " fami . liav as . household words . " Great credit is especially due to those
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Eoyal Oak Lodge , No . 871 . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 27 th nit ., at tho White Swan , Highstreet , Deptford . Bro . G . Andrews I . P . M . occupied the chair as W . M . ( in tho absence of the W . M .. S . 0 . Lewin ) , H . J . Tnson S . W ., J . J . Pakes J . W ., F . Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex P . M . Secretary . J . Baxter Langley J . D ., J . G . Vohman D . C ., R . Harman W . S ..
J . Hawker P . M ., and about forty brethren . Bro . A . Rolington 132 ( 5 . was passed to tho 2 nd decree . Tho bye-laws wero read and revised . Tho election for W . M . then took place , and Bro . H . J . Tnson was elected , Bro . W . Andrews was re-elected Treasurer , and J . Bavin Tyler . Tho Lodge was then closed . Tho Visitors wero C . Hosgood P . M . 192 , . T . A . Smith W . M . 1178 , C . Graham 132 G , H . Cutriss 1326 , and several others .
Clones Lodge , No . 881 , Ireland . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on Tuesday , tho 1 st instant , at Thompson ' s Hotel , Clones . Present—Bros . John H . Montgomery W . M ., John Robinson S . W ., John W . Presho J . W ., John Gough S . D ., William M . Fitzgerald J . D ., John Houston I . G . Rev . Thomas It . Conway Chaplain , John Elliott Treasurer , E . G . Fitzgerald Secretary , William Heaney Tyler
Past Masters—Bros . Thomas Higgins , John Elliott , E . G . Fitzgerald , E . J . Elliott . After tho regular routine business had been gone through , tho Lodge was raised to the third degree , when tho rank of M . M . was conferred upon Bros . James Armstrong jnn . and John McCoy . There being no other business before the Lodge , it was then closed
in solemn and ancient form . The brethren then adjourned for refreshment , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given nnd duly responded to . Wo should add that tho W . M . requested to be allowed to bear tho expense of the entertainment , and that , with his usual liberality , tho provision on this occasion was of the most choice and expensive kind .
Sykes Lodge , No , 1040 , Driffield ,-Tho Installation of Bro . Ralph Teal P . S . W . as the Worshipful Master of this Lodgo took place on Fridav , Sth ult ., at tho Masonio Hall , Driffield . Tho event attracted considerable interest and attention , and tho ceremony was witnessed by a large and influential assemblage of the brethren . Shortly after two o' clock tho Lodgo was opened in duo form under
the presidency of the retiring Master , Bro . Richard Davison , and after tho transaction of the ordinary routine business the principal chair was taken by the Worshipful Bro . George Hardy P . M . P . S . P . G . D of Hull , who performed the solemn and impressive rite of installation in a most efficient manner . The usual compliments wero exchanged , after which the newly-installed Master invested his officers for the
current year as follow : —Bros . Richard Davison I . P . M ., T . Carter S . W ., J . Elgey J . W ., Rev . J . Davison , M . A ., Chap ., E . Wilson P . M . Treas ., W . Santon Sec , W . Roberts S . D ., J . Dunn J . D ., R . Hornby D . C ., E . G . Warren Org ., M . Simpson I . G ., J . Wigglesworth and J . S . Wilson Stewards , and R . Potts Tyler . At the conclusion of tho ceremony the
Lodge was closed in due and ancient form , and at four o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the Bell Hotel , where a sumptuous banquet had been provided . The cnstomai-y loyal and Masonic toasts wore duly honoured , and tho whole of the proceedings wero characterised by much heartiness and good feeling .
Gladsmuir Lodge , No . 1385 . —The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Friday , tho 28 th nit ., at the Red Lion Hotel , Barnet , Herts . Present—Bros . Hayward Edwards P . G . S . Wks . W . M ., James Cutbush S . W ., Dr . Livingstone J . W ., G . Askow Secretary , W . Cntbnsh P . M . P . P . G . S . Wks . Treasurer , R , F . Young S . D ., Euorbv as I . G ., Goddard Tyler . P . M . ' s Bros . J . Lowthin P . G . S . W ., T . S . Carter
P . P . G . J . D ., Terry P . G . D . C ; Bros . Yolland P . G . S . B ., Paterson P . G . Organist , & c . & c . Visitors—Bros . Neal P . M . 1209 P . P . A . D . C . Kent , Fowler P . M . 194 , Constable P . M . 185 , Baker 500 , Ireland , Hickman 228 , Mitchell 18 ( 5 , Campkin W . M . 403 , Wilson S . W . 403 , Boatwrighfc P . P . G . S . Wks . J . W . 403 , Le Strange 645 , F . Binckes Secretary Boys ' School . The Lodge was opened , and after the preliminary business
had been transacted , Bro . P . M . Lowthin took tho chair , and Bro . James Cutbush , S . W . and W . M . elect , was presented . A board of installed Masters having been formed , the ceremony of installation was conducted , in an admirable manner . The new W . M . having received the salutations of the brethren , invested his officers as follows : Dr . Livingstone S . W ., Young J . W ., Askew Secretary , W . Cutbush
Treasurer , F . Venables S . D ., Gray J . D ., Newman D . C ., Brown Steward , Euerby I . G ., Goddard Tyler . After the usual charges had been given , a P . M . ' s jewel was presented to the I . P . M ., and after routine business , the Lodge was closed . An elegant banquet followed , served by Bro . Fisher in capital stylo , and to which ample justice was clone . Tho W . M . gave tho loyal and Masonic toasts .
Bro . Binckes , Secretary Boys' School , replying to that of tho Grand Officers . In proposing tho health of the Provincial Grand Master , Bro . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Bro . J . Cutbush referred to tho high estimation in which he was held , and trusted he might long continue to preside over the Province . The toasts of tho W . M ., and tho installing Master wero then severally given and replied to . Bro . Terry , in
proposing the health of the Past Masters , referred to tho fact of their having received Provincial honours , and added that these honours were fully deserved . Tho toast of the Visitors was next given , and the W . M . said ho should liko each ono to respond , but he would restrict them to two minutes each , a precedent we should like to see more often carried out . In proposing the next on the list—that of the Masonic Charities—the W . M . made a most forcible and telling speech .
Bro . Terry , in reply , urged the brethren to use every effort for the support of onr charitable institutions ; increased demands were being daily made , necessitating additional funds . He called attention to the large number of candidates now awaiting admission , and expressed his belief that the past exertions of the Gladsmuir brethren were only a prelude to what might be expected at their hands . Whatever they might do subsequently for the Boys and Girls , thoir support shonlil now be directed to the Benevolent Institution , the Festival of which
will take place on tho 9 th proximo . A most satisfactory result wag the consequence , tho sum of £ 27 15 s being subscribed towards the list of tho W . M . as Steward for tho Festival of tho Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution . Tho evening ' s entertainment was enlivened
by some excellent songs , and as many of the visitors had to return to town , the Tyler's toast brought the proceedings to a close at a somewhat earlv hour . Wo may add that tho comfort of tho guests was full considered , and that tho attendance by Bro . Fisher ' s staff left nothing to bo desired .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 . — first anniversary banquet was held on Friday , tho 2 Sth ult ., at tho Metropolitan Club , 269 Pentonville Road , King ' s Cross . Previously to tho meeting the Lodgo was opened . Tho minutes of tho former meeting wero read , and all business being ended , tho brethren adjourned to a banquet , provided by Bro . Cox . Bro . James Willing
I . P . M . 1507 ocenpied tho chair , Bro . Williams tho vice-chair , sup . ported by Bros . Michael WM ., W . M . Stiles Secretary , Side , Solomon , Reepo , Shand , Saintsbury , Rogers , Gilbert sen . and Gilbert jun ., Berrio , Gomm , Child , Ormiston , Solomon , Little , Van Camp , Shanklin , Ferner and Fisher , H . Stiles , Swaagman , & c . The Lodge of Instruction was in a flourishing state , and this enabled the W . M . to dilate on
tho success that had been achieved . Bro . James Willing , as W . M ., proposed tho usual loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Michael W . M . 1507 then rose , and said he had great pleasure in proposing a toast , and that was the W . M . Ho was tho first W . M . of tho Lodgo ; ho was one who had always carried out , in every respect , tho duties required of him in tho Lodge , and also in the Lodge of Instruction . Ho regretted
the absence of ono who bad endeared himself to them . Ho referred to Bro . Adams P . G . P ., who , ho was sorry to inform tho brethren , was incapacitated , by domestic affliction , from being present . Bro . Willing had discharged every duty required of him ; he was ono of the founders of the Lodge , he was tho Treasurer of the Lodge of Instruction , and every brother truly
respected him . ( Cheers . ) Bro . Jas . Willing responded to the toast , and said he was pleased to see his successor , Bro . Michael , had conducted the duties of the chair in tho Parent Lodge ; and ho also felt proud to seo how tho Lodgo of Instruction had prospered , as the present gathering showed . Whatever duties were required of him , wero at their service , but to Br . T . Adams , the Preceptor , the greater
credit was duo ; he was always zealous in the causo of Freemasonry his very name was a tower of strength , and they all regretted his absence . The W . M . then proposed the toast of tho officers . They were , as Founders of the Lodge , regular attendants , and two brethren wero in office who were a credit to it . He would couplo with tho toast the namo of the
worthy and excellent Secretary . Brother W . M . Stiles replied , He thanked Brothers Willing and Michael for their kind assist . ance , his services wero always at their command , and he would , in his capacity of Secretary , do all he could to further their interests . Bros . Massey , Lewis and Davis responded for the toast of the visitors . Tho W . M . then proposed the health of the W . M . of the Parent Lodge ,
Bro . Michael , whom he characterized as a thoroughly good working Mason . The attendance at the Lodgo of Instruction was now vory numerous , and he was glad to seo its prosperous condition , he was also pleased to see Bro . Michael present . ( Cheers . ) This brother , in responding , said ho was proud to bo Master of so flourishing a Lodge ; ho might say they had more initiations in the past year than any
other Lodge . They had their regular Lodgo meetings , and five emergencies , and seven gentlemen wero on the list to be initiated , clearly shewing that Masonry was not superficial , for in their Lodgo there were three brethren who were initiated the first night , who now occupied offices ; it was also to tho Lodge of Instruction he owed being in the chair . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the officers ,
particularly referring to Bro . Adams , the veteran Preceptor , 86 years of age , who came among them to give instruction to the younger members . The Treasurer and Secretary were all indefatigable in the discharge of their duties . Tho health of Bros . Williams S . W ., Scales W . S ., and Side was then given , they were thorough good working Masons . The Tyler ' s toast concluded a very agreeable evening .
Duke of Connaught Lodge of Instruction , No . 1524 . —Wc havo repeatedly spoken of tho energy displayed by our brethren in tho eastern part of the metropolis in their search after a know , ledge of Masonic ritual . Wo announce frequently that bands of these " wise men" have made arrangements to work the Fifteen Sectioua , and it usually falls to our lot to chronicle that these
arrangements have been carried out in a satisfactory manner . Last week wo directed the attention of our readers to tho fact that the Fifteen Sections would be worked on Wednesday , the 2 nd February , at the Havelock Tavern , Albion Road , Dalston , by the brethren of the Duke of Connaught Lodgo of Instruction , and accordingly , at the
appointed time , a goodly attendance of members aud friends presented themselves . The Lodge was opened under the presidency of Bro . Marx Gross , who was supported by Bros . Austin S . W ., Jas . Stevens J . W ., Young I . G ., and nearly fifty brethren . Tho minutes having been read , the W . M . worked tho Fifteen Sections , assisted by the undermentioned : —
1 st Section Bro . Brand 9 th Section „ Jas . Stevens 2 nd „ ... „ Marsh 10 th „ ... „ Ellis 3 rd „ ... „ Meyer 11 th „ ... „ Brian t 4 th „ ... „ Musto 12 th „ ... „ Christian 51 h „ ... „ Horsley 13 th „ ... „ Crouch ( 5 th „ ... „ Fieldwick 14 th „ ... „ Job 7 th „ ... „ Austin 15 th „ ... „ Lowe Sth „ ... ,, Cambridge
With such an array of efficient workers it would be superfluous to praise any single brother ; suffice it to say their names are as " fami . liav as . household words . " Great credit is especially due to those