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Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
nard Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Hall , Pontypool , Monmouthshire . 4 th . From Companions Perceval Alleyn Nairno as Z , William Viner Bedolphe as II , James Hadlaud Vockins as J , and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 ,
Camberwell , to bo called "Tho Sphinx Chapter , " and to meet at the Surrey Masonio Hall , " Camberwell . The foregoing Petitions , being in all respects regnlar , tho Committee recommend that tho prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have further to report that they havo received
petitions : — Sth . From Companions Eichard Miles Eoberts as Z , Eichard William Hoskins Giddy as H , Francis Henry Samuel Orpen as J , and seven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Eichard Giddy Lodije , No . 1574 , Kimberloy , South Africa , to bo called the "Tho Eichard Giddy Chapter , " and to meet at Kimberley , South Africa .
This Petition is regular , excepting that the proposed J is not yet registered as an Installed Master . 6 th . From Companions Gabriel Joshua De Cordova as Z , Osmond Dilgado as H , David Earned as J , and nine others for a Chapter to bs attached to the Phconix Lodge , No . 914 , Port Eoyal , Jamaica , to he called " The Phoenix Chapter , " and to meet at Port Eoyal , Jamaica .
This Petition is also regular , excepting that the Lodge recommendation is not attached thereto . Tho Committee therefore recommend that , subject to the proof of the proposed J being an Installed Master in tho case of No . 1574 , and the recommendation of the Lodge in tho case of No . 914 , which havo both been written for , being respectively received , that the Prayers
of these Petitions be granted . It having come under the notice of the Committee at their Meeting on tho 20 th October 1875 , that Companion Price , who was one of the Petitioners for a Chapter to bo attached to the Eoyal Lebanon Lodge , No . 493 , Gloucester , and who had been exalted in the Foundation Chapter , No . 82 , Cheltenham , as far back as the 10 th October 1866 ,
had not been registered until October 1875 , tho Committee directed the threo Principals of the Chapter to be summoned to account for the neglect , and to produce their Books and Charter , dispensing , however , in the first instance , with the personal attendance of tho Principals . Tho Committee regret to say that , on an investigation of tho
Books and Eegistry Book of Grand Chapter , a most inexcusable amount of laxity appears to have prevailed in the Eegistration of Companions exalted in the Foundation Chapter , Companions exalted in 1865-6 and 7 not being registered until 1869 ; one exalted in 1863 aud ono exalted in 1866 were not registered until 1870 ; three exalted in 1859 , one in 1863 , and one in 1865 were not registered until 1871 ;
and , without going through tho whole list , it would almost appear that no Companion was registered until his certificate was required for some special purpose . The Committee , therefore , to mark their sense of the great irregularities which have prevailed in the Foundation Chapter , and its total disregard of Art . 20 , page 19 , of the Eoyal Arch Eegnlations , Edition
1869 , or Art . 64 , page 21 , Edition 1875 , which requires a regular return from each Chapter once in every year , have inflicted a fine on the Chapter to the extent of three guineas . The Committee hope and believe that the business of the Chapter for the last year or two has been conducted with more regularity so far as relates to the Eegistration of its Members .
( Signed ) Jonx CREATON , President . All the business on the agenda paper was duly transacted , after which Supreme Grand Chapter was closed .
Presentation At Hull.
AvEEY gratifying testimonial of esteem and regard was presented , on Monday evening , by the brethren of Kingston Lodge of Frco and Accepted Masons to Bro . James Kay , who for the last five years has most satisfactorily discharged the duties of Secretary to that Lodge . On its becoming known that Bro . Kay was about to leave Hall for York , a wish was spontaneously expressed that some tangible expression slionkl be given by tho brethren t f the Lodge of their
respect for his personal merits , and high appreciation which was entertained of the services ho had rendered as Secretary . Accordingly , a substantial sum was subscribed , which was devoted to the purchase of a very massive and handsome timepiece aud sot of candelabra , and these were duly presented to Bro . Kay on Wednesday night by Bro . Simeon Moseley P . M . The timepiece was of black
marble with gold numerals and hands , and richly ornamented ; the candelabra being of the Venetian style , in bronze , and enriched with gold . On a plate beneath the dial of the timepiece was the following inscription : " Presented by tho members of the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , to Brother James Kay , their late Secretary . January , 1876 . " In making the presentation , Brother S . Moseley P . M . said , as the senior
Past Master of the Lodge he had had tho honour conferred upon linn of asking Bro . Kay ' s acceptance of this testimonial . Ho felt stire that no lengthened remarks from him were necessary , and ho would therefore discharge his duly in a few homely , yet sincere words . The brethren deeply regretted that Bro . Kay was about to sever his connection with the Lodge in which he had spent his early career as a Mason . It reflected undoubted credit upon him that , having ben
among them such a short , period , he had shown such assiduity and zeal in his adherence to tho cause that the Lodge had become essentially indebted to him for its welfare . Moreover , every member had felt and appreciated his gentlemanly and meek conduct in endeavouring- to add to thoir comfort ( applause ) . If they had given expression to their feelings in the little testimonial now before them , of their recognition of iris , worth and merits , it was not for Bro , Kay that
Presentation At Hull.
those feelings wero fully represented by that trifling outlay of money ( applause ) . They had been guided in a measure by the desire that their estimation of his services should be tangibly represented to his wife , his family , and his friends . If tho brethren regretted—as thoy did regret for their own sakes—Bro . Kay ' s departure from amongst them , they still hoped ho might be going where his worth might not
only be appreciated but increased . And as Bro . Kay grows older might ho learn to feel that his present efforts wore puny compared to what they will become in the cause of Masonry . He trusted they might frequently see Bro . Kay amongst them in the future , and that their mutual friendships might increase ( applause ) . Bro . Kay , in accepting the testimonial , said he scarcely knew how adequately to
return thanks for the beautiful gift with which tho brethren of tho Kingston Lodge had just presented him . When he undertook the office of Secretary , little more than five years ago , ho looked upon it as a responsible and sacred charge . He then promised that he would try to serve the Lodge faithfully and well , and to the best of his humble ability ho had done so ( applause ) . This very beautiful expression of
their approval had satisfied him that , to some extent , he had succeeded in his efforts , and it was very gratitying to him that on leaving Hull ho was able to take with him such a testimonial of their esteem . It would bo cherished as one of his most valuable possessions , and it would bo a source of lasting pride and gratitude to himself and those with whom he is connected . He should take the earliest opportunity of identifying himself with Masonry in the city of York , where he is
going to reside , and where he is pleased to know Masonry is rapidly on the increase ( applause ) . Ho thanked tho brethren , ono and all , for the uniform courtesy and kindness they had always extended to him , and concluded by saying that he should be ready and glad to afford any assistance he could to his successor in office ( applatiso ) . The brethren subsequently sat down to a substantial banquet , when tho customary Craft and other toasts were duly honoured .
Consecration Of The New Ce0ss Lodge, No. 1559.
rriHIS interesting event took place on Wednesday , at the New Cross JL Hall , Upper Lewisham-road . Bro . E . H . Thiellay A . G . P . Middlesex was originally the W . M . Designate , but he having lately been installed W . M . of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , Bro . W . B . Woodman , S . W . Designate , was chosen to fill that office . At the time appointed the brethren assembled , and the ceremony of consecration was performed in a most praiseworthy manner by
Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1366 , who had been appointed by the M . W . G . M ., assisted by Bros , the Eev . Dr . Colles P . P . G . C . Oxford , Chaplain 1275 and 1538 , and Frederick Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , & c . After the consecration , Bro . W . B . Woodman was presented to the Lodge ; a Board of In . stalled Masters , consisting of 24 W . M . ' s and P . M . 's was formed , and
Bro . Terry duly installed him into the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . having been saluted , the investment of officers took place : Bros . E . II . Thiellay S . W ., Simmons J . W ., F . Walters Treas ., H . Keeble P . M . Sec , L . Beck S . D ., Green J . D ., Hartman I . G ., Eev . Dr . Colles Chaplain , W . Kipps Org ., and Church Tyler . The tracing boards were verv artistically painted by Bro . H .
Frances . Bro . F . Walters then proposed that votes of thanks and honorary membership bo given , and recorded on the minutes to Bro . James Terry , for his able rendering of the consecration and installation , and also to Bros . Colles and Kipps for their valuable services , and to Bros . Hubbuck and Hogg for their assistance . A special vote was also given to Bro . J . T . Sabine , and to whom also honorary
membership was given . These honours having been duly acknowledged , tho Lodge was closed , aud the brethren sat down to a very capital banquet . During the interval of the dinner , the brethren were asked to take wine with Bro . Keeble sen ., of the Phcenix Lodge , Stownmrket ( tho father of Bro . H . Keeble , the newly appointed Sec ) , who had been 53 years a Mason , and had arrived in good health at the age
of 77 years . The W . M . then proposed the usual toasts . Bro . W . Smeed P . M . 9-16 then proposed tlie toast of the W . M ., and said ho was a good Mason and well respected ; he was sure the New Cross Lodge would prosper under his gavel . Tho toast having been duly honoured , the toast of the Visitors followed . Bro . J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex responded . Ho thanked
them for their hospitality , aud he augured a successful year of office to tho W . M ., who was one well calculated to fill the position . Tho toast of the Wardens and Officers was given , who severally responded , and the Tyler ' s toast followed . Altogether a very enjoyable evening was passed , Bro . Louis Beck delighting tho brethren with some capital songs , in which lie was accompanied by Bro . Kipps .
Among those present were Bros . J . T . Moss P . G . K . Middlesex , H . Francis P . G . S . D . Surrey , Nash P . M . 79 , Hubbuck P . G . S ., C . Ho- ™ P . G . S ., Griffin P . M ., G . Andrews P . M . S 71 , Myatt P . M . 871 , "" J . Swensey , W . Smeed P . G . J . W . Middlesex , H . Green W . M . 1538 , Chap , man P . M . 117 , Tnson Glustcr 1531 , Hardman 1531 , . I . Wright PJ [ 1158 , Bethell P . M . 1337 , J . I . Hymau 183 , M . Hyman 188 , J . Whit .. W . M . 228 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , & c .
IIor . r . owAT ' s OixrirK . vr Arm I ' rr . M . —Constant Success . —No diseases : MO move trying to the temper , or more exhausting to the constitution , tliiin tli p . iins in the muscles and joints caused by exposure to wet or cold . W'icr .-ver the so . t oi' suffering , it will only bo necessary to t ' oim nt the affected part with V . M m water , dry thoroughly , and immediately rub i" Holloway ' s inestimable Ointment , to obtain ease . Gout , rheumati in , neuralgia , and tic dolorous , are s on relieved , nnd ultimately cured by the use of this unequalled unguent , aided by Holloway's purifying and aperient Pills . Whenever persons subject to gout , or rheumatic gout feel unusually t . ervous , weak , exhausted , or out ' of sorts , they should instantly resort to this treatment , which will avert the threatened attack ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Supreme Grand Chapter Of Royal Arch Masons Of England.
nard Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonio Hall , Pontypool , Monmouthshire . 4 th . From Companions Perceval Alleyn Nairno as Z , William Viner Bedolphe as II , James Hadlaud Vockins as J , and seven others , for a Chapter to be attached to the Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 ,
Camberwell , to bo called "Tho Sphinx Chapter , " and to meet at the Surrey Masonio Hall , " Camberwell . The foregoing Petitions , being in all respects regnlar , tho Committee recommend that tho prayers thereof be respectively granted . The Committee have further to report that they havo received
petitions : — Sth . From Companions Eichard Miles Eoberts as Z , Eichard William Hoskins Giddy as H , Francis Henry Samuel Orpen as J , and seven others for a Chapter to be attached to the Eichard Giddy Lodije , No . 1574 , Kimberloy , South Africa , to bo called the "Tho Eichard Giddy Chapter , " and to meet at Kimberley , South Africa .
This Petition is regular , excepting that the proposed J is not yet registered as an Installed Master . 6 th . From Companions Gabriel Joshua De Cordova as Z , Osmond Dilgado as H , David Earned as J , and nine others for a Chapter to bs attached to the Phconix Lodge , No . 914 , Port Eoyal , Jamaica , to he called " The Phoenix Chapter , " and to meet at Port Eoyal , Jamaica .
This Petition is also regular , excepting that the Lodge recommendation is not attached thereto . Tho Committee therefore recommend that , subject to the proof of the proposed J being an Installed Master in tho case of No . 1574 , and the recommendation of the Lodge in tho case of No . 914 , which havo both been written for , being respectively received , that the Prayers
of these Petitions be granted . It having come under the notice of the Committee at their Meeting on tho 20 th October 1875 , that Companion Price , who was one of the Petitioners for a Chapter to bo attached to the Eoyal Lebanon Lodge , No . 493 , Gloucester , and who had been exalted in the Foundation Chapter , No . 82 , Cheltenham , as far back as the 10 th October 1866 ,
had not been registered until October 1875 , tho Committee directed the threo Principals of the Chapter to be summoned to account for the neglect , and to produce their Books and Charter , dispensing , however , in the first instance , with the personal attendance of tho Principals . Tho Committee regret to say that , on an investigation of tho
Books and Eegistry Book of Grand Chapter , a most inexcusable amount of laxity appears to have prevailed in the Eegistration of Companions exalted in the Foundation Chapter , Companions exalted in 1865-6 and 7 not being registered until 1869 ; one exalted in 1863 aud ono exalted in 1866 were not registered until 1870 ; three exalted in 1859 , one in 1863 , and one in 1865 were not registered until 1871 ;
and , without going through tho whole list , it would almost appear that no Companion was registered until his certificate was required for some special purpose . The Committee , therefore , to mark their sense of the great irregularities which have prevailed in the Foundation Chapter , and its total disregard of Art . 20 , page 19 , of the Eoyal Arch Eegnlations , Edition
1869 , or Art . 64 , page 21 , Edition 1875 , which requires a regular return from each Chapter once in every year , have inflicted a fine on the Chapter to the extent of three guineas . The Committee hope and believe that the business of the Chapter for the last year or two has been conducted with more regularity so far as relates to the Eegistration of its Members .
( Signed ) Jonx CREATON , President . All the business on the agenda paper was duly transacted , after which Supreme Grand Chapter was closed .
Presentation At Hull.
AvEEY gratifying testimonial of esteem and regard was presented , on Monday evening , by the brethren of Kingston Lodge of Frco and Accepted Masons to Bro . James Kay , who for the last five years has most satisfactorily discharged the duties of Secretary to that Lodge . On its becoming known that Bro . Kay was about to leave Hall for York , a wish was spontaneously expressed that some tangible expression slionkl be given by tho brethren t f the Lodge of their
respect for his personal merits , and high appreciation which was entertained of the services ho had rendered as Secretary . Accordingly , a substantial sum was subscribed , which was devoted to the purchase of a very massive and handsome timepiece aud sot of candelabra , and these were duly presented to Bro . Kay on Wednesday night by Bro . Simeon Moseley P . M . The timepiece was of black
marble with gold numerals and hands , and richly ornamented ; the candelabra being of the Venetian style , in bronze , and enriched with gold . On a plate beneath the dial of the timepiece was the following inscription : " Presented by tho members of the Kingston Lodge , No . 1010 , to Brother James Kay , their late Secretary . January , 1876 . " In making the presentation , Brother S . Moseley P . M . said , as the senior
Past Master of the Lodge he had had tho honour conferred upon linn of asking Bro . Kay ' s acceptance of this testimonial . Ho felt stire that no lengthened remarks from him were necessary , and ho would therefore discharge his duly in a few homely , yet sincere words . The brethren deeply regretted that Bro . Kay was about to sever his connection with the Lodge in which he had spent his early career as a Mason . It reflected undoubted credit upon him that , having ben
among them such a short , period , he had shown such assiduity and zeal in his adherence to tho cause that the Lodge had become essentially indebted to him for its welfare . Moreover , every member had felt and appreciated his gentlemanly and meek conduct in endeavouring- to add to thoir comfort ( applause ) . If they had given expression to their feelings in the little testimonial now before them , of their recognition of iris , worth and merits , it was not for Bro , Kay that
Presentation At Hull.
those feelings wero fully represented by that trifling outlay of money ( applause ) . They had been guided in a measure by the desire that their estimation of his services should be tangibly represented to his wife , his family , and his friends . If tho brethren regretted—as thoy did regret for their own sakes—Bro . Kay ' s departure from amongst them , they still hoped ho might be going where his worth might not
only be appreciated but increased . And as Bro . Kay grows older might ho learn to feel that his present efforts wore puny compared to what they will become in the cause of Masonry . He trusted they might frequently see Bro . Kay amongst them in the future , and that their mutual friendships might increase ( applause ) . Bro . Kay , in accepting the testimonial , said he scarcely knew how adequately to
return thanks for the beautiful gift with which tho brethren of tho Kingston Lodge had just presented him . When he undertook the office of Secretary , little more than five years ago , ho looked upon it as a responsible and sacred charge . He then promised that he would try to serve the Lodge faithfully and well , and to the best of his humble ability ho had done so ( applause ) . This very beautiful expression of
their approval had satisfied him that , to some extent , he had succeeded in his efforts , and it was very gratitying to him that on leaving Hull ho was able to take with him such a testimonial of their esteem . It would bo cherished as one of his most valuable possessions , and it would bo a source of lasting pride and gratitude to himself and those with whom he is connected . He should take the earliest opportunity of identifying himself with Masonry in the city of York , where he is
going to reside , and where he is pleased to know Masonry is rapidly on the increase ( applause ) . Ho thanked tho brethren , ono and all , for the uniform courtesy and kindness they had always extended to him , and concluded by saying that he should be ready and glad to afford any assistance he could to his successor in office ( applatiso ) . The brethren subsequently sat down to a substantial banquet , when tho customary Craft and other toasts were duly honoured .
Consecration Of The New Ce0ss Lodge, No. 1559.
rriHIS interesting event took place on Wednesday , at the New Cross JL Hall , Upper Lewisham-road . Bro . E . H . Thiellay A . G . P . Middlesex was originally the W . M . Designate , but he having lately been installed W . M . of the Lodge of Prudent Brethren , No . 145 , Bro . W . B . Woodman , S . W . Designate , was chosen to fill that office . At the time appointed the brethren assembled , and the ceremony of consecration was performed in a most praiseworthy manner by
Bro . James Terry , Prov . G . D . C . Herts , P . M . 228 , 1278 , 1366 , who had been appointed by the M . W . G . M ., assisted by Bros , the Eev . Dr . Colles P . P . G . C . Oxford , Chaplain 1275 and 1538 , and Frederick Walters P . P . G . P . Middlesex , P . M . 73 , & c . After the consecration , Bro . W . B . Woodman was presented to the Lodge ; a Board of In . stalled Masters , consisting of 24 W . M . ' s and P . M . 's was formed , and
Bro . Terry duly installed him into the chair of King Solomon . The W . M . having been saluted , the investment of officers took place : Bros . E . II . Thiellay S . W ., Simmons J . W ., F . Walters Treas ., H . Keeble P . M . Sec , L . Beck S . D ., Green J . D ., Hartman I . G ., Eev . Dr . Colles Chaplain , W . Kipps Org ., and Church Tyler . The tracing boards were verv artistically painted by Bro . H .
Frances . Bro . F . Walters then proposed that votes of thanks and honorary membership bo given , and recorded on the minutes to Bro . James Terry , for his able rendering of the consecration and installation , and also to Bros . Colles and Kipps for their valuable services , and to Bros . Hubbuck and Hogg for their assistance . A special vote was also given to Bro . J . T . Sabine , and to whom also honorary
membership was given . These honours having been duly acknowledged , tho Lodge was closed , aud the brethren sat down to a very capital banquet . During the interval of the dinner , the brethren were asked to take wine with Bro . Keeble sen ., of the Phcenix Lodge , Stownmrket ( tho father of Bro . H . Keeble , the newly appointed Sec ) , who had been 53 years a Mason , and had arrived in good health at the age
of 77 years . The W . M . then proposed the usual toasts . Bro . W . Smeed P . M . 9-16 then proposed tlie toast of the W . M ., and said ho was a good Mason and well respected ; he was sure the New Cross Lodge would prosper under his gavel . Tho toast having been duly honoured , the toast of the Visitors followed . Bro . J . T . Moss P . P . G . R . Middlesex responded . Ho thanked
them for their hospitality , aud he augured a successful year of office to tho W . M ., who was one well calculated to fill the position . Tho toast of the Wardens and Officers was given , who severally responded , and the Tyler ' s toast followed . Altogether a very enjoyable evening was passed , Bro . Louis Beck delighting tho brethren with some capital songs , in which lie was accompanied by Bro . Kipps .
Among those present were Bros . J . T . Moss P . G . K . Middlesex , H . Francis P . G . S . D . Surrey , Nash P . M . 79 , Hubbuck P . G . S ., C . Ho- ™ P . G . S ., Griffin P . M ., G . Andrews P . M . S 71 , Myatt P . M . 871 , "" J . Swensey , W . Smeed P . G . J . W . Middlesex , H . Green W . M . 1538 , Chap , man P . M . 117 , Tnson Glustcr 1531 , Hardman 1531 , . I . Wright PJ [ 1158 , Bethell P . M . 1337 , J . I . Hymau 183 , M . Hyman 188 , J . Whit .. W . M . 228 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 , & c .
IIor . r . owAT ' s OixrirK . vr Arm I ' rr . M . —Constant Success . —No diseases : MO move trying to the temper , or more exhausting to the constitution , tliiin tli p . iins in the muscles and joints caused by exposure to wet or cold . W'icr .-ver the so . t oi' suffering , it will only bo necessary to t ' oim nt the affected part with V . M m water , dry thoroughly , and immediately rub i" Holloway ' s inestimable Ointment , to obtain ease . Gout , rheumati in , neuralgia , and tic dolorous , are s on relieved , nnd ultimately cured by the use of this unequalled unguent , aided by Holloway's purifying and aperient Pills . Whenever persons subject to gout , or rheumatic gout feel unusually t . ervous , weak , exhausted , or out ' of sorts , they should instantly resort to this treatment , which will avert the threatened attack ,