Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article MAURITIUS. Page 1 of 1 Article MAURITIUS. Page 1 of 1 Article SOUTH AFRICA. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article CANONBURY CHAPTER, No. 955. Page 1 of 1 Article ZETLAND CHAPTER, No. 236, YORK. Page 1 of 1
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I * *«« A *^ V * W ^ ^ ^ a ^^^^^^^ a 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
INDEPENDENT LODGE , No . 236 1 . 0 .
THE Installation Meeting took place at Lodge La Paix , on Monday , the 27 th December ( St . John ' s Day ) , Bro . A . G . Riokwood W . M . presiding . After the opening of the Lodge , and the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , members from the Sister Lodges in the Island were admitted in the order of their different degrees . There was a large number of Visitors present , amongst whom we observed Bros . F . Courteau , C . de Perindorge , E .
Chretien , A . P . Tennant , E . Chaillet , T . G . Hownslovt , J . H . Tompson , W . Argent , H . W . M . Brownrigg , D . Stewart , H . J . Blackburn , L . Baratour , J . F . Seymour , E . Magot , C . H . Ledger , C . Monlinie ( Seychelles ) , J . Astrue , D . C . Smith , J . Wilson , J . Niokols , Robinson , H . Crooker , Amel , Bording , Talibard , Letourneur , Chevreaux , Doton , Humes , Golden , & c , members of the principal Lodges of Mauritius .
Tho formalities connected with the admission of Visitors having been concluded , W . M . Bro . Rickwood proceeded with the Installa " tion of the W . M . elect , Bro . George Lewison P . M . of the British Lodge E . C , and P . M . of Lodge Friendship S . C . As a matter of form tbe W . M . elect was presented b y Bros . D . 0 . Smith and Tennant 32 deg . After investiture , the brethren present , led by
Bro . P . M . Rickwood , formed in procession and sainted according to ancient custom . In thanking the brethren for their attendance and support , the newly-installed Master expressed his gratitude to the members of the Independent Lodge for the unanimity with which he had been elected to the chair . He could only assure them that during his tenure of office he shonld do his best to promote the
interests of the Lodgo in particular and Freemasonry in general . He liked Freemasonry , and was one of those who believed its teachings rendered men better husbands , better fathers , and better members of society . The longer he lived , the more he believed in Freemasonry , and if his thirty-five years' experience of the Craft had tended to impress him more and more with the beauties of its
teachings , it had also shewn him that he had yet much to learn . He had always been struck by the words used in the Installation Ceremony , viz . ; " Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high importance of Freemasonry . " It sought to bring together men ol all political professions and every religions creed , wean them from their isolation , their selfishness and their sins , and unite them
together for their common good . Wherever he turned his eye it fell npon some object—some emblem—associated with tbe Craft , reminding him of some virtue he ought to pursue . In that sense , Freemasonry had helped him on in the path of life . If , as Freemasons , they put that principle into ordinary practice , and carried into daily life duties they were taught in Lodge , they wonld be making daily
progress not only in Freemasonry , but in every social virtue . He could assure them that , a 3 Master of the Lodge , it would be his earnest endeavour to discharge his duties with fervency and zeal . In accepting that position he considered himself in the li ght of a Priest of the best and noblest system of morality , and not the President of a merely social Order . There were laid upon them
certain duties and reponsibilities towards each other , and from his knowledge of the brethren he felt certain that those dnties would he well and worthily performed . In conclusion , he might be permitted to hope that the Great Architect of the Universe would continue to cement together , and adorn their Order , with every social , moral and intellectual virtue , and endow them individually with such
wisdom as would enable them to carry out the trust reposed in them in such a manner as would redound to His Glory and the credit of the Order . They would thus become better Masons , better men , and better brothers , united more closely , hand to hand , heart to heart . Finally , he trusted that he shonld be spared to handover to his successor their Charter pn >* o and unsullied as he had received it from
the hands of his dear Worshipful Brother Rickwood . It only remained for him to thank the Installing Master for the very efficient manner in which ho had carried out his duties . The appointment and investiture of Officers then took place , as follows : —Bros . Rick - wood I . P . M ., Graves S . W ., De Perindorge J . W ., Asher Sec , Leblanc Treas ., Jones I . G ., Aruaud Tyler . The W . M . next presented W .
Bro . Rickwood with a very handsome jewel , subscribed for b y members of the Lodge in appreciation of his services daring his two years occupancy of the chair . In acknowledging the receipt of this gift , Bro . Rickwood said it afforded him much pleasure in being able to believe that his feeble services had been appreciated . He had not done so well as he could have wished , and even that little would have been impossiblo without their hearty co-operation . The emblem
which had just been placed upon his breast would be worn by him with gratification and pride , a memento of pleasant associations ; and when he should no longer exist , ib would be looked upon by his children , and wonld be an incentive towards their achievements . Initiated in 1859 , he had in succession filled every office in a Lodge , passed the chair of tho Mauritius Lodge of Harmony in 1867 , was installed in the chair of tho Independent Lodge in 1878 , and , having been so mnch before them , it was gratifying to feel that he had
throughout retained their confidence and good will . Ho thought , however , he might venture to say that he had done his duty as a Freemason . As Master , he had enforced strict obedience to the Rnles of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and had maintained the ancient regulations and landmarks of the Order . He observed with regret the systematic enmity that had been shown towards that
Lodge . Such a feeliug was not only unbecoming tho dignity of their ancient Order ; it was also unworthy of Frcomasons , and contrary to the solemn anil sacrod obligations into which thoy had entered . Ho wonld fraternally enjoin upon all present to read as often as possible tho FREEMASON S CIIKOMCLK and other works ou the beauties of their ancient Craft . Indeed he would so so far as to recommend the
formation of a Froeraasons' Library . He would conclude by expressing a fervent hope that it might please tho Great Architect of tho Universe to remove from the hearts of Freemasons in this island the feelings which produced so much raisohief amongst them , and led to constant biokerings between the brethren , who , instead of
raising the Craft to its proper level , lowered it in the eyes of the uninitiated . Tho Lodge was then closed in Love , Peace , and Harmony , aud the brethren and visitors adjourned to the splendid banqueting room of the Lodge La Paix . Here a sumptuous repast was Berved by Bro . Corbett .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting was held at Da Toits Pan , on Wednesday , 5 th January . Officers present : —C . Roberts W . M ., D . Van Ulsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., E . Isaaos Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treasurer , W . Kuipers Arch ., H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler . There was a good attendance of brethren , and a large muster of visitors . Lodge opened in first
degree , when the Hon . Sec read the minutes of previous meetings , which were confirmed . A letter was read from the D . D . Grand Sec acknowledging , with thanks , the receipt of £ 19 Is , being the sura voted by the Lodge to Rev . Bro . Stenson , Chaplain to the Field Forces serving in Basutoland . The W . M . informed the brethren that they had met , as the circular announced , for the purpose of passing Bros .
Alfred Cohen and W . H . Lomas to the degree of Fellow Craft . The candidates having answered the questions satisfactorily retired , when the Lodge was advanced ; they were re-admitted and duly passed aa Fellow Crafts by the W . M . Labour being ended in the second degree , Lodge was reduced , when an application was read from Mr .
Frank Mnrray Campbell to become a Freemason . The W . M . in . struoted the Secretary to have his name inserted in next notice of meeting . Certificate ( M . M . ) was granted to Bro . C . J . Barnes . Labour being ended , Lodge olosed , and the brethren departed in peace and harmonv .
Royal Arch.
THE February Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday even , ing , afc Freemasons' Hall . Comp . Samuel Rawson presided as M . E . Z ., Comp . J . A . Rucker as H ., and Comp . James Glaisher as J . The other Comps . present were Colonel H . Shadwell H . Clerke S . E ., J . Lewis Thomas as S . N ., R . R . Davis as P . S ., R . F , Gould 1 st Asst .
Sojourner , Frank Richardson 2 nd Asst . Sojourner , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer , Scott . J . M . Case , Magnus Ohren D . C , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney Standard Bearer , Joshua Nunn , H . J . P . Dumas , H . G . Buss , Thomas Fenn , J . C . Parkinson , E . Letch , worth P . Z . 1237 , Rev . Ambrose W . Hall Z . 778 , W . H . Lee P . Z . 1524
E . Kidman H . 742 , Neville Green Z . 1524 , William Dodd P . Z . 1194 , James Shilcock Z . 403 , H . Massey P . Z . 619 , W . H . Perryman Z . 1348 , Charles Frederick Hogard J . 10 H . 142 , H . Sadler Z . 169 , E . West H . 13 , and J . D . Collier J . 749 . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , Warrants were granted in conformity with tho petitions that appeared in our issue of last week .
Canonbury Chapter, No. 955.
A CONVOCATION of this Chapter was convened on Thursday evening last , at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , when there were present—Comps . T . H . Thomas M . E . Z ., Thomas E . Taylor P . Z . acting as H ., E . Legg J ., H . J . Reynolds Scribe E ., Thomas Cox Scribe N ., W . George P . S ., E . J . Altman 1 st Assist . Soj ., Thomas Vincent 2 nd Assist . Soj ., Fred . J . Cox Treasurer , F . G . Willett , C . F .
May , Samuel G . Grimbley , W . B . Stannard , T . A . Bullock , Frank Williams , and R . Potter Janitor . Visitor—Comp . Henry H . Whale 813 . Bros . T . A . Bullock and Frank Williams were exalted , the vvnrkinc' of the M . E . Z . and his Officers beinsr much admired . At the
conclusion of the Chapter , the brethren partook of a recheixhe banquet , provided in excellent style by Messrs . Wood and Romain , whose arrangements gave unqualified satisfaction . The usual Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were honoured , and amidst an abundance of good music a pleasant evening was spent .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236, York.
THE Annual Meeting for election of Principals and Officers took place , on Wednesday , with the following resnlt : —Comps . G . Balmford Z ., J . M . Meek H ., A . Buckle J ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., G . JKirby S . E ., M . Rooke S . N ., W . H . Gainforth P . S . After the close of the Chapter , the Companions met at an excellent supper , and the evening was enlivened by singing and toasts .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
I * *«« A *^ V * W ^ ^ ^ a ^^^^^^^ a 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
INDEPENDENT LODGE , No . 236 1 . 0 .
THE Installation Meeting took place at Lodge La Paix , on Monday , the 27 th December ( St . John ' s Day ) , Bro . A . G . Riokwood W . M . presiding . After the opening of the Lodge , and the confirmation of the minutes of the previous meeting , members from the Sister Lodges in the Island were admitted in the order of their different degrees . There was a large number of Visitors present , amongst whom we observed Bros . F . Courteau , C . de Perindorge , E .
Chretien , A . P . Tennant , E . Chaillet , T . G . Hownslovt , J . H . Tompson , W . Argent , H . W . M . Brownrigg , D . Stewart , H . J . Blackburn , L . Baratour , J . F . Seymour , E . Magot , C . H . Ledger , C . Monlinie ( Seychelles ) , J . Astrue , D . C . Smith , J . Wilson , J . Niokols , Robinson , H . Crooker , Amel , Bording , Talibard , Letourneur , Chevreaux , Doton , Humes , Golden , & c , members of the principal Lodges of Mauritius .
Tho formalities connected with the admission of Visitors having been concluded , W . M . Bro . Rickwood proceeded with the Installa " tion of the W . M . elect , Bro . George Lewison P . M . of the British Lodge E . C , and P . M . of Lodge Friendship S . C . As a matter of form tbe W . M . elect was presented b y Bros . D . 0 . Smith and Tennant 32 deg . After investiture , the brethren present , led by
Bro . P . M . Rickwood , formed in procession and sainted according to ancient custom . In thanking the brethren for their attendance and support , the newly-installed Master expressed his gratitude to the members of the Independent Lodge for the unanimity with which he had been elected to the chair . He could only assure them that during his tenure of office he shonld do his best to promote the
interests of the Lodgo in particular and Freemasonry in general . He liked Freemasonry , and was one of those who believed its teachings rendered men better husbands , better fathers , and better members of society . The longer he lived , the more he believed in Freemasonry , and if his thirty-five years' experience of the Craft had tended to impress him more and more with the beauties of its
teachings , it had also shewn him that he had yet much to learn . He had always been struck by the words used in the Installation Ceremony , viz . ; " Forcibly impress upon them the dignity and high importance of Freemasonry . " It sought to bring together men ol all political professions and every religions creed , wean them from their isolation , their selfishness and their sins , and unite them
together for their common good . Wherever he turned his eye it fell npon some object—some emblem—associated with tbe Craft , reminding him of some virtue he ought to pursue . In that sense , Freemasonry had helped him on in the path of life . If , as Freemasons , they put that principle into ordinary practice , and carried into daily life duties they were taught in Lodge , they wonld be making daily
progress not only in Freemasonry , but in every social virtue . He could assure them that , a 3 Master of the Lodge , it would be his earnest endeavour to discharge his duties with fervency and zeal . In accepting that position he considered himself in the li ght of a Priest of the best and noblest system of morality , and not the President of a merely social Order . There were laid upon them
certain duties and reponsibilities towards each other , and from his knowledge of the brethren he felt certain that those dnties would he well and worthily performed . In conclusion , he might be permitted to hope that the Great Architect of the Universe would continue to cement together , and adorn their Order , with every social , moral and intellectual virtue , and endow them individually with such
wisdom as would enable them to carry out the trust reposed in them in such a manner as would redound to His Glory and the credit of the Order . They would thus become better Masons , better men , and better brothers , united more closely , hand to hand , heart to heart . Finally , he trusted that he shonld be spared to handover to his successor their Charter pn >* o and unsullied as he had received it from
the hands of his dear Worshipful Brother Rickwood . It only remained for him to thank the Installing Master for the very efficient manner in which ho had carried out his duties . The appointment and investiture of Officers then took place , as follows : —Bros . Rick - wood I . P . M ., Graves S . W ., De Perindorge J . W ., Asher Sec , Leblanc Treas ., Jones I . G ., Aruaud Tyler . The W . M . next presented W .
Bro . Rickwood with a very handsome jewel , subscribed for b y members of the Lodge in appreciation of his services daring his two years occupancy of the chair . In acknowledging the receipt of this gift , Bro . Rickwood said it afforded him much pleasure in being able to believe that his feeble services had been appreciated . He had not done so well as he could have wished , and even that little would have been impossiblo without their hearty co-operation . The emblem
which had just been placed upon his breast would be worn by him with gratification and pride , a memento of pleasant associations ; and when he should no longer exist , ib would be looked upon by his children , and wonld be an incentive towards their achievements . Initiated in 1859 , he had in succession filled every office in a Lodge , passed the chair of tho Mauritius Lodge of Harmony in 1867 , was installed in the chair of tho Independent Lodge in 1878 , and , having been so mnch before them , it was gratifying to feel that he had
throughout retained their confidence and good will . Ho thought , however , he might venture to say that he had done his duty as a Freemason . As Master , he had enforced strict obedience to the Rnles of the Grand Lodge of Ireland , and had maintained the ancient regulations and landmarks of the Order . He observed with regret the systematic enmity that had been shown towards that
Lodge . Such a feeliug was not only unbecoming tho dignity of their ancient Order ; it was also unworthy of Frcomasons , and contrary to the solemn anil sacrod obligations into which thoy had entered . Ho wonld fraternally enjoin upon all present to read as often as possible tho FREEMASON S CIIKOMCLK and other works ou the beauties of their ancient Craft . Indeed he would so so far as to recommend the
formation of a Froeraasons' Library . He would conclude by expressing a fervent hope that it might please tho Great Architect of tho Universe to remove from the hearts of Freemasons in this island the feelings which produced so much raisohief amongst them , and led to constant biokerings between the brethren , who , instead of
raising the Craft to its proper level , lowered it in the eyes of the uninitiated . Tho Lodge was then closed in Love , Peace , and Harmony , aud the brethren and visitors adjourned to the splendid banqueting room of the Lodge La Paix . Here a sumptuous repast was Berved by Bro . Corbett .
South Africa.
Peace and Harmony Lodge . —A meeting was held at Da Toits Pan , on Wednesday , 5 th January . Officers present : —C . Roberts W . M ., D . Van Ulsen D . M ., B . Klisser S . W ., E . Isaaos Hon . Sec , A . Yockmonitz Treasurer , W . Kuipers Arch ., H . N . Campbell acting I . G ., S . W . Green Tyler . There was a good attendance of brethren , and a large muster of visitors . Lodge opened in first
degree , when the Hon . Sec read the minutes of previous meetings , which were confirmed . A letter was read from the D . D . Grand Sec acknowledging , with thanks , the receipt of £ 19 Is , being the sura voted by the Lodge to Rev . Bro . Stenson , Chaplain to the Field Forces serving in Basutoland . The W . M . informed the brethren that they had met , as the circular announced , for the purpose of passing Bros .
Alfred Cohen and W . H . Lomas to the degree of Fellow Craft . The candidates having answered the questions satisfactorily retired , when the Lodge was advanced ; they were re-admitted and duly passed aa Fellow Crafts by the W . M . Labour being ended in the second degree , Lodge was reduced , when an application was read from Mr .
Frank Mnrray Campbell to become a Freemason . The W . M . in . struoted the Secretary to have his name inserted in next notice of meeting . Certificate ( M . M . ) was granted to Bro . C . J . Barnes . Labour being ended , Lodge olosed , and the brethren departed in peace and harmonv .
Royal Arch.
THE February Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of England was held on Wednesday even , ing , afc Freemasons' Hall . Comp . Samuel Rawson presided as M . E . Z ., Comp . J . A . Rucker as H ., and Comp . James Glaisher as J . The other Comps . present were Colonel H . Shadwell H . Clerke S . E ., J . Lewis Thomas as S . N ., R . R . Davis as P . S ., R . F , Gould 1 st Asst .
Sojourner , Frank Richardson 2 nd Asst . Sojourner , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Grand Treasurer , Scott . J . M . Case , Magnus Ohren D . C , Lieut .-Col . H . S . Somerville Burney Standard Bearer , Joshua Nunn , H . J . P . Dumas , H . G . Buss , Thomas Fenn , J . C . Parkinson , E . Letch , worth P . Z . 1237 , Rev . Ambrose W . Hall Z . 778 , W . H . Lee P . Z . 1524
E . Kidman H . 742 , Neville Green Z . 1524 , William Dodd P . Z . 1194 , James Shilcock Z . 403 , H . Massey P . Z . 619 , W . H . Perryman Z . 1348 , Charles Frederick Hogard J . 10 H . 142 , H . Sadler Z . 169 , E . West H . 13 , and J . D . Collier J . 749 . After the reading and confirmation of the minutes , Warrants were granted in conformity with tho petitions that appeared in our issue of last week .
Canonbury Chapter, No. 955.
A CONVOCATION of this Chapter was convened on Thursday evening last , at the Masons' Hall Tavern , Masons ' -avenue , when there were present—Comps . T . H . Thomas M . E . Z ., Thomas E . Taylor P . Z . acting as H ., E . Legg J ., H . J . Reynolds Scribe E ., Thomas Cox Scribe N ., W . George P . S ., E . J . Altman 1 st Assist . Soj ., Thomas Vincent 2 nd Assist . Soj ., Fred . J . Cox Treasurer , F . G . Willett , C . F .
May , Samuel G . Grimbley , W . B . Stannard , T . A . Bullock , Frank Williams , and R . Potter Janitor . Visitor—Comp . Henry H . Whale 813 . Bros . T . A . Bullock and Frank Williams were exalted , the vvnrkinc' of the M . E . Z . and his Officers beinsr much admired . At the
conclusion of the Chapter , the brethren partook of a recheixhe banquet , provided in excellent style by Messrs . Wood and Romain , whose arrangements gave unqualified satisfaction . The usual Loyal and Royal Arch toasts were honoured , and amidst an abundance of good music a pleasant evening was spent .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236, York.
THE Annual Meeting for election of Principals and Officers took place , on Wednesday , with the following resnlt : —Comps . G . Balmford Z ., J . M . Meek H ., A . Buckle J ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., G . JKirby S . E ., M . Rooke S . N ., W . H . Gainforth P . S . After the close of the Chapter , the Companions met at an excellent supper , and the evening was enlivened by singing and toasts .