Article MARK MASONRY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article FUNERAL OF BRO. W. P. PHILLIPS, P.M. DORIC LODGE. Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Illustrious Brother Tyrer , to whom the brethren accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his attention and rendering of the Ritual . Bro . Arthur Middleton was elected M . W . S . for the ensuing year . Bro . G . P . Brockbank was re-elected Treasurer , and a vote of thanks was passed to the M . W . S . for his past services , and a P . M . W . S . ' s jewel was awarded him in token of the respect in which he is held by the brethren . Lodge closed in harmony at 5 * 30 .
ST . MARGARET'S CHAPTER , No . 92 . THE Second Annual Festival and Eighth Convocation of this Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 25 th ultimo . Present—III . Bros . J . T . Thorp 30 M . W . S ., 0 . Fendelow 33 I . G . W . CD ., S . S . Partridge 30 I . P . S . ; Es . and P . Bros . W . Kelly Prelate and M . W . S . elect , T . Wortbington 30 lst G ., W . L . Ball 2 nd G ., F . J . Baines Treasurer , Joseph Young Recorder , W . A . Fieldini ; G . M ., Dr . W . C . Crofts R ., W . J . Freer Organist , M .
J . Walker Herald , J . H . Thompson D . C . R . Taylor , W . J . Curtis , J . D . Harris , T . G . Charlesworth , H . Meadows . Visitor—Bro . H . C . Norris 2 nd G . Nottingham Chapter . Tho Chapter was opened at 4 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of tbe previous convocation , held 23 rd January , having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . John Henry McCall , late Organist of the John o' Gaunt Lodge ,
No . 523 , Surgeon-Dentist , proposed at last convocation ; the ballot proving unanimous in bis favour , tbat brother being in attendance was duly received , perfected , and proclaimed in accordance with ancient usage , tbe ceremony being rendered by the M . W . S . in a most impressive manner . III . Brother Partridge ' 30 I . P . S . having then assumed the chair ; tbe "Veteran" Bro . William Kelly P . Prov . G .
Master Leicestershire and Rutland was presented by the Grand Master to the Installing Officer as the M . W . S . elect for the ensuing year . The nsnal preliminary questions having been satisfactorily answered in the west , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with and admirably completed , amid acclamation , the explanation of
the M . W . S jewel being given by the 111 . Bro . 0 . Fendelow 33 . The newly-installed M . W . S . having expressed his obligations to the Chapter for the honour which bad ao recently been conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint his Officers for the year ensuing as follows : —
Bro . J . T . Thorp 30 I . P . S . T . Wortbington 30 ... ... Prelate W . L . Bali IstG . W . A . Fielding ... ... 2 nd G . F . J . Baines ( re-elected ) ... Treasurer J . Yonng ( re-appointed ) ... Recorder Dr . W . C . Crofts ... ... Grand M .
J . H . Thompson ... ... Raphael M . J . Walker ... . , ... Director of Ceremonies Dr . W . Hammond ... ... Herald W . J . Freer ... ... ... C . of G . J . H . McCall ... ... ... Organist M . J . Walker and J . D . Harris ... Stewards J . Tanser and T . Dunn ... ... Outer Guards
The remainder of the business on the agenda having been regularly disposed of , alms-were collected , and the Chapter closed in peace , according to ancient custom , at seven o ' clock . The members and visitors shortly afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet , afc which tho M . W . S . presided , and upon the removal of the cloth , the custernary Loyal and Masonic toasts peculiar to the Order were proposed and dnly honoured .
Royal Arch.
JOPPA CHAPTER , No . 188 . THE regular Convocation was held on the 31 st nit ., at tbe Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Bros . Lazarns M . E . Z ., A . Henochsberg H ., W . Littaur P . Z . J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treasurer , J . Da Silva S . N ., J . W . Dewsnap P . S . ; P . Z . ' s H . M . Levy , S . M . Lazarus . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . L . M . Myers P . M . 188 , S . Genese 188 , S . Jewell 1559 , J .
Wynman 188 , J . Bladon 1839 . The two latter were present , and were duly exalted into E . A . Masonry by the M . E . Z ., in a very impressive manner , every Principal and Officer being perfect . The M . E . Z ., in feeling terms , made a proposition , which was seconded by Comp . Henochsberg , that a letter of condolence be sent to the Grand Z . Comp . H . P . Isaac I . P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., who
ably carried out the duties of the Chapter . This was the second time he had been elected M . E . Z ., and he had ably performed the ceremony tbat evening . The M . E . Z ., in eloquent terms , replied , and then proposed the toast of the Exaltees ; seven years since he had initiated Comp . Wynman in the Joppa Lodge , and now he had pleasure in exalting him in the Chapter . Comp . Bladen is also
one tho Companions wonld be prond of ; he wonld ask them to give the ( oast a hearty reception . After suitable responses had been given , the M . E . Z . complimented the P . Z . ' s , and Comp . H . P . Isaac responded . The toasts of lhe H . and J ., Treasurer , S . E . and P . S . were proposed in due conrse , the M . E . Z . paying them jnsfc compliments for their excellent working . The Janitor ' s toast was then given , and the company separated .
HoMowAi- s OiifTMKHT AND Fir . is combine both sanitivo and sanative powers in a , high degree—by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health , by the latter their capability to restore health . "With these remedies at hand no invalid need be at fault to guide himself or herself through the many trials to which every one is subjected during our long and oft-times inclement winter . Coughs , colds , ulcerated throats , whooping-cough , can be successfully treated by rubbing this Ointment upon the chest , and by taking the Pill ' s during damp , foggy weather , asthmalical sufferers will experience the utmost possible relief from the inunction of the Ointment , anil all tender-chested persons will save endless misery by adopting this treatment .
Obituary .
BRO . A . D . LOEWENSTARK . [ T is with much regret we announce tbe death of Bro . A . D . Loewen stark , who died at bis residence , No . < 15 Fernhead-road , Sfc , Peter ' s Park , W ., on Sunday , 23 rd March 1884 , in his 67 th year , Our deceased brother was P . M . of Lodges 805 , 1305 , and P . Z . ol Chapters 73 and 185 , and was universally esteemed by a large circle of friends . The funeral took placo afc Willesden , on 25 th March .
Funeral Of Bro. W. P. Phillips, P.M. Doric Lodge.
THE mortal remains of Bro . W . P . Phillips , J . P ., eldest son of Mr . W . P . T . Phillips , of the Grange , Woodbridge , and a well , known amateur athlete , whose sudden death , at the premature age of twenty-five , took place last week , were laid in their last resting place , Woodbridge Cemetery , on Tuesday afternoon , amidst every token of heartfelt grief . During tbe hours of the fnneral the bell of
St . Mary ' s tolled , tho shops in the town were closed , blinds drawn , and business entirely suspended , whilst hundreds flocked to the church and burial ground to bear testimony , in paying their last respects to tbe departed , to the popularity and public esteem in which the deceased was held . The funeral cortSge left the residence of the deceased ' s father between one and two o ' clock , the coffin , of polished
oak , with handsome brass furniture , being placed on a funeral car and covered with beautiful wreaths and flowers , amongst which the lily was conspicuous , contributed by loving friends and companions of tho deceased . Thence the solemn procession wended its way to St . Mary ' s Church , where it was met at the gate by the Rev . R . 0 . M . Rouse , the
rector , and the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Here the coffin was transferred to a bier , and slowly carried up , aud temporarily deposited in the aisle of the sacred edifice , the organist , Mr . Wareham , meanwhile playing a voluntary , " 0 rest in the Lord " ( Elijah ) . A short service was then conducted by the clergymen , consisting of the reading of portions of Scripture and the singing of the hymns
commencing—Great God , what do I see and hear ? The end of things created . And—Art thou weary , art thon languid .
The congregation , a large one , joined most devoutly in the service , npon the conclusion of which the coffin was replaced on the oar , the funeral procession retracing its steps to the strains of the " Dead March " in Saul . Proceeding to the cemetery , the Church of England burial service was performed at the grave , and the hymn
sung—My God , my Father , whilst I stray . The grave was tastefully lined with moss and primroses , and tho coffin when lowered was literally smothered with magnificent wreaths and bouquets . The principal mourners were Mr . W . P . T . Phillips , J . P ., and Bro . H . W . P . Phillips , but the funeral procession included representatives of the clergy , county magistracy , and gentry , the
Freemasons ( the deceased being a P . M . of the Dorio Lodge ) , the Board of Guardians , members of the athletic clubs , and tradesmen of Woodbridge . The 3 rd Suffolk Regiment was represented by the Regimental Sergeant-Major and the Serjeant-Major of the A Company , to which deceased belonged . Amongst tho many letters of sympathy and condolence received by his bereaved parents was the following from the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 1823 : — " Afc an emergency
meeting , called in consequence of the death of the Dnke of Albany , the following resolution was passed : ' Tbat Bro . tbe Rev . 0 . J . Martyn P . G . C . Eng . Prov . Deputy G . M . of Suffolk , be requested to convey to Bro . Wm . P . T . Phillips , of Melton Grange , this expression of their earnest sympathy in the bereavement he has recently sustained in the loss of his son , Bro . Wm . P . Phillips P . M . of tbe Doric Lodge , No . 81 , Woodbridge . '" —Fast Anglian Daily News .
Ye Antiente Fraternitie of ye Rahere Almoners gave a Smoking Concert on Monday last at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate-streefc , E . C , Bro . 0 . Morton ( Grand Prior ) presiding . The entertainment was as excellent as those which had preceded it , and as productive of assistance by donations and memberships . Bro . James Stevens , the originator of this Society , undertook the management of the Concert ,
and was snpported by a large number of friends connected with the Craft . Bros . Sinclair , Dunn , G . J . Graham , Cox , and Poole , assisted by Misses Susetta Fenn and Amy Graham , famished a programme of national ballads , humorous songs , and recitations , which kept a large audience fully interested for nearly three hours . The Concert Room was decorated with English and American flags , the former unfortunately draped with black crape , and several American brethren
attended , and expressed their great pleasure in joining in the proceedings of the evening . Bro . Dunn introduced a new song , " Ye Prior Rahere , " of his own composition , and tho Concert terminated with the singing of " Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem . "Ye Rahero Almoners" deserve well of all friends of Charity , for the admirable manner in which their pnblic entertainments are carried out , as well as for their careful disposition of the funds with which they are entrusted .
The following Festivals have heen hold daring the week at Freemasons' Tavern : — March 31 sfc . —Eclectic Chapter . April 1 st . —Royal York Lodge ; 3 rd—Caledonian SocietyLinnman
, Club , Sfc . James ' s Chapter . Westminster and Keystone Lodge , Uni . versal Chapter , Victoria Rifle Lodge ; 4 th—Britannic Chapter , New Holborn Quadrille Ball , Royal Kensington Lodge , Thistle Lod « e of Mark Masters ; 5 th—St . James's Soiree .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mark Masonry.
Illustrious Brother Tyrer , to whom the brethren accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his attention and rendering of the Ritual . Bro . Arthur Middleton was elected M . W . S . for the ensuing year . Bro . G . P . Brockbank was re-elected Treasurer , and a vote of thanks was passed to the M . W . S . for his past services , and a P . M . W . S . ' s jewel was awarded him in token of the respect in which he is held by the brethren . Lodge closed in harmony at 5 * 30 .
ST . MARGARET'S CHAPTER , No . 92 . THE Second Annual Festival and Eighth Convocation of this Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Leicester , on Tuesday , the 25 th ultimo . Present—III . Bros . J . T . Thorp 30 M . W . S ., 0 . Fendelow 33 I . G . W . CD ., S . S . Partridge 30 I . P . S . ; Es . and P . Bros . W . Kelly Prelate and M . W . S . elect , T . Wortbington 30 lst G ., W . L . Ball 2 nd G ., F . J . Baines Treasurer , Joseph Young Recorder , W . A . Fieldini ; G . M ., Dr . W . C . Crofts R ., W . J . Freer Organist , M .
J . Walker Herald , J . H . Thompson D . C . R . Taylor , W . J . Curtis , J . D . Harris , T . G . Charlesworth , H . Meadows . Visitor—Bro . H . C . Norris 2 nd G . Nottingham Chapter . Tho Chapter was opened at 4 . 30 p . m ., and the minutes of tbe previous convocation , held 23 rd January , having been read and confirmed , a ballot was taken for Bro . John Henry McCall , late Organist of the John o' Gaunt Lodge ,
No . 523 , Surgeon-Dentist , proposed at last convocation ; the ballot proving unanimous in bis favour , tbat brother being in attendance was duly received , perfected , and proclaimed in accordance with ancient usage , tbe ceremony being rendered by the M . W . S . in a most impressive manner . III . Brother Partridge ' 30 I . P . S . having then assumed the chair ; tbe "Veteran" Bro . William Kelly P . Prov . G .
Master Leicestershire and Rutland was presented by the Grand Master to the Installing Officer as the M . W . S . elect for the ensuing year . The nsnal preliminary questions having been satisfactorily answered in the west , the ceremony of installation was proceeded with and admirably completed , amid acclamation , the explanation of
the M . W . S jewel being given by the 111 . Bro . 0 . Fendelow 33 . The newly-installed M . W . S . having expressed his obligations to the Chapter for the honour which bad ao recently been conferred upon him , proceeded to appoint his Officers for the year ensuing as follows : —
Bro . J . T . Thorp 30 I . P . S . T . Wortbington 30 ... ... Prelate W . L . Bali IstG . W . A . Fielding ... ... 2 nd G . F . J . Baines ( re-elected ) ... Treasurer J . Yonng ( re-appointed ) ... Recorder Dr . W . C . Crofts ... ... Grand M .
J . H . Thompson ... ... Raphael M . J . Walker ... . , ... Director of Ceremonies Dr . W . Hammond ... ... Herald W . J . Freer ... ... ... C . of G . J . H . McCall ... ... ... Organist M . J . Walker and J . D . Harris ... Stewards J . Tanser and T . Dunn ... ... Outer Guards
The remainder of the business on the agenda having been regularly disposed of , alms-were collected , and the Chapter closed in peace , according to ancient custom , at seven o ' clock . The members and visitors shortly afterwards sat down to an elegant banquet , afc which tho M . W . S . presided , and upon the removal of the cloth , the custernary Loyal and Masonic toasts peculiar to the Order were proposed and dnly honoured .
Royal Arch.
JOPPA CHAPTER , No . 188 . THE regular Convocation was held on the 31 st nit ., at tbe Albion Tavern , Aldersgate-street . Bros . Lazarns M . E . Z ., A . Henochsberg H ., W . Littaur P . Z . J ., J . Lazarus P . Z . Treasurer , J . Da Silva S . N ., J . W . Dewsnap P . S . ; P . Z . ' s H . M . Levy , S . M . Lazarus . The Chapter was opened , and the minutes of the former Convocation were read and confirmed . Ballots were taken for the admission of Bros . L . M . Myers P . M . 188 , S . Genese 188 , S . Jewell 1559 , J .
Wynman 188 , J . Bladon 1839 . The two latter were present , and were duly exalted into E . A . Masonry by the M . E . Z ., in a very impressive manner , every Principal and Officer being perfect . The M . E . Z ., in feeling terms , made a proposition , which was seconded by Comp . Henochsberg , that a letter of condolence be sent to the Grand Z . Comp . H . P . Isaac I . P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z ., who
ably carried out the duties of the Chapter . This was the second time he had been elected M . E . Z ., and he had ably performed the ceremony tbat evening . The M . E . Z ., in eloquent terms , replied , and then proposed the toast of the Exaltees ; seven years since he had initiated Comp . Wynman in the Joppa Lodge , and now he had pleasure in exalting him in the Chapter . Comp . Bladen is also
one tho Companions wonld be prond of ; he wonld ask them to give the ( oast a hearty reception . After suitable responses had been given , the M . E . Z . complimented the P . Z . ' s , and Comp . H . P . Isaac responded . The toasts of lhe H . and J ., Treasurer , S . E . and P . S . were proposed in due conrse , the M . E . Z . paying them jnsfc compliments for their excellent working . The Janitor ' s toast was then given , and the company separated .
HoMowAi- s OiifTMKHT AND Fir . is combine both sanitivo and sanative powers in a , high degree—by the former term is understood their ability to preserve health , by the latter their capability to restore health . "With these remedies at hand no invalid need be at fault to guide himself or herself through the many trials to which every one is subjected during our long and oft-times inclement winter . Coughs , colds , ulcerated throats , whooping-cough , can be successfully treated by rubbing this Ointment upon the chest , and by taking the Pill ' s during damp , foggy weather , asthmalical sufferers will experience the utmost possible relief from the inunction of the Ointment , anil all tender-chested persons will save endless misery by adopting this treatment .
Obituary .
BRO . A . D . LOEWENSTARK . [ T is with much regret we announce tbe death of Bro . A . D . Loewen stark , who died at bis residence , No . < 15 Fernhead-road , Sfc , Peter ' s Park , W ., on Sunday , 23 rd March 1884 , in his 67 th year , Our deceased brother was P . M . of Lodges 805 , 1305 , and P . Z . ol Chapters 73 and 185 , and was universally esteemed by a large circle of friends . The funeral took placo afc Willesden , on 25 th March .
Funeral Of Bro. W. P. Phillips, P.M. Doric Lodge.
THE mortal remains of Bro . W . P . Phillips , J . P ., eldest son of Mr . W . P . T . Phillips , of the Grange , Woodbridge , and a well , known amateur athlete , whose sudden death , at the premature age of twenty-five , took place last week , were laid in their last resting place , Woodbridge Cemetery , on Tuesday afternoon , amidst every token of heartfelt grief . During tbe hours of the fnneral the bell of
St . Mary ' s tolled , tho shops in the town were closed , blinds drawn , and business entirely suspended , whilst hundreds flocked to the church and burial ground to bear testimony , in paying their last respects to tbe departed , to the popularity and public esteem in which the deceased was held . The funeral cortSge left the residence of the deceased ' s father between one and two o ' clock , the coffin , of polished
oak , with handsome brass furniture , being placed on a funeral car and covered with beautiful wreaths and flowers , amongst which the lily was conspicuous , contributed by loving friends and companions of tho deceased . Thence the solemn procession wended its way to St . Mary ' s Church , where it was met at the gate by the Rev . R . 0 . M . Rouse , the
rector , and the Rev . C . J . Martyn . Here the coffin was transferred to a bier , and slowly carried up , aud temporarily deposited in the aisle of the sacred edifice , the organist , Mr . Wareham , meanwhile playing a voluntary , " 0 rest in the Lord " ( Elijah ) . A short service was then conducted by the clergymen , consisting of the reading of portions of Scripture and the singing of the hymns
commencing—Great God , what do I see and hear ? The end of things created . And—Art thou weary , art thon languid .
The congregation , a large one , joined most devoutly in the service , npon the conclusion of which the coffin was replaced on the oar , the funeral procession retracing its steps to the strains of the " Dead March " in Saul . Proceeding to the cemetery , the Church of England burial service was performed at the grave , and the hymn
sung—My God , my Father , whilst I stray . The grave was tastefully lined with moss and primroses , and tho coffin when lowered was literally smothered with magnificent wreaths and bouquets . The principal mourners were Mr . W . P . T . Phillips , J . P ., and Bro . H . W . P . Phillips , but the funeral procession included representatives of the clergy , county magistracy , and gentry , the
Freemasons ( the deceased being a P . M . of the Dorio Lodge ) , the Board of Guardians , members of the athletic clubs , and tradesmen of Woodbridge . The 3 rd Suffolk Regiment was represented by the Regimental Sergeant-Major and the Serjeant-Major of the A Company , to which deceased belonged . Amongst tho many letters of sympathy and condolence received by his bereaved parents was the following from the Royal Clarence Lodge , No . 1823 : — " Afc an emergency
meeting , called in consequence of the death of the Dnke of Albany , the following resolution was passed : ' Tbat Bro . tbe Rev . 0 . J . Martyn P . G . C . Eng . Prov . Deputy G . M . of Suffolk , be requested to convey to Bro . Wm . P . T . Phillips , of Melton Grange , this expression of their earnest sympathy in the bereavement he has recently sustained in the loss of his son , Bro . Wm . P . Phillips P . M . of tbe Doric Lodge , No . 81 , Woodbridge . '" —Fast Anglian Daily News .
Ye Antiente Fraternitie of ye Rahere Almoners gave a Smoking Concert on Monday last at the Manchester Hotel , Aldersgate-streefc , E . C , Bro . 0 . Morton ( Grand Prior ) presiding . The entertainment was as excellent as those which had preceded it , and as productive of assistance by donations and memberships . Bro . James Stevens , the originator of this Society , undertook the management of the Concert ,
and was snpported by a large number of friends connected with the Craft . Bros . Sinclair , Dunn , G . J . Graham , Cox , and Poole , assisted by Misses Susetta Fenn and Amy Graham , famished a programme of national ballads , humorous songs , and recitations , which kept a large audience fully interested for nearly three hours . The Concert Room was decorated with English and American flags , the former unfortunately draped with black crape , and several American brethren
attended , and expressed their great pleasure in joining in the proceedings of the evening . Bro . Dunn introduced a new song , " Ye Prior Rahere , " of his own composition , and tho Concert terminated with the singing of " Auld Lang Syne" and the National Anthem . "Ye Rahero Almoners" deserve well of all friends of Charity , for the admirable manner in which their pnblic entertainments are carried out , as well as for their careful disposition of the funds with which they are entrusted .
The following Festivals have heen hold daring the week at Freemasons' Tavern : — March 31 sfc . —Eclectic Chapter . April 1 st . —Royal York Lodge ; 3 rd—Caledonian SocietyLinnman
, Club , Sfc . James ' s Chapter . Westminster and Keystone Lodge , Uni . versal Chapter , Victoria Rifle Lodge ; 4 th—Britannic Chapter , New Holborn Quadrille Ball , Royal Kensington Lodge , Thistle Lod « e of Mark Masters ; 5 th—St . James's Soiree .