Article REVIEWS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SECOND CITY MASONIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SECOND CITY MASONIC BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N .
Debretts Peerage , Baronetage , Knightage and Companionage . Comprising information concerning all persons bearing Hereditary or Courtesy Titles , of Companions of the Orders of Knighthood and of the Indian Empire , and of all Collateral Branches of Peers and Baronets . Illustrated with 1400 Armorial Bearings . Edited by Robert H . Mair LL . D . 171 st year of publication . Royal Edition . Personally Revised by the Nobility , 1884 . London Dean and Son , Publishers , 160 a Fleet street , E . G .
Debrett ' s Illustrated Housa of Commons and the Judicial Bench . 1884 . Compiled and Edited by Robert Henry Mair , LL . D Personally Revised by the Members of Parliament and the Judges . London : Dean and Son , Publishers , 160 a Fleet street , E . C . THESE works of reference nro as welcome as they are valuable ; in fact , by certain classes of people the non . issue of " Debretfc " would
be a great calamity , especially by those who think that a familiar acquaintance with people ' s titles , their descent , connections , and collateral relations is about the sum of human knowledge which people , who are people , shonld possess . But not to speak in exaggerated terms of praise , there cannot be tbe slightest doubt as to the merits of these works . They have borne successfully the severest
criticisms . No suggestion has been offered bnt ifc has been acted upon , if possible . Improvements and extensions have been made annually , until it seemed impossible to improve or extend ifc further ; nnd yet with each successive issue there has appeared new matter , not only the new matter which was obligatory , owing to creation of new peerages or other dignities , bnfc likewise farther details of
additional items of a character snch as had not previously been included . Thus the introduction of Clnbs is a feature of valne and . importance , and the same may be said of the information relating to residents abroad , the introduction of which has necessarily involved considerable expense . Then , again , the collaterals of peers and baronets are no longer confined to the male line , bnt include also the descendants
from female members . In fact , what with the information and the armorial bearings , the Peerage , & o ., is about as complete as it can be made , and we gave an illustration of the correctness of a part of this statement only last week , when we quoted so much as ' relates to the dignities and hononrs pertaining to the late Dnke of Albany . The same remarks apply with equal force to the other work . The same
care has been taken in order to secnre accuracy and completeness , and there are also included the armorial bearings of members of the House of Commons and the Judicial Bench . To these are added a "Dictionary of Technical Parliamentary Expressions , " based on information supplied by one of the clerical officials of the House , and a list of the changes since the last General Election , so that those who make
a study of the relative gains and losses of the different political parties will have no difficulty in obtaining whatever information tbey may require . Thus both volumes contain pretty well all that any one can possibly desire to know of either House of Parliament , as well as of all persons who have been hononred by the Sovereign witb some style or title or some class of decoration or Knighthood . We do not think it is possible to bestow greater praise than this .
The Second City Masonic Benevolent Association.
A VERY pleasant meeting resulted on the winding np of this Association , on Monday evening last , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall Street . The chair was taken by the President of the now defunct Association , 'Bro . John Newton P . M . 174 and 1607 , P . Z . 174 and 975 , who was snpported by the Vice-President , Bro . F . Brown P . M . 1607 and 174 , while among those present were Bros . G . W . Verry ( Treasurer ) , James S . Fraser ( Secretary ) ,
0 . H . Webb , W . Fraser , J . J . Whiting , G . Jones , T . J . Maidwell , Charles Lacey , W . W . Morgan , & o . & e . Tbe Committee's Report stated that during the four years of the existence of the Association £ 723 2 a had been received from its Members , the whole of which ( except £ 9 lSs which had been returned to the Widow of a deceased Member , and £ 6 19 s to a Member who bad suffered a reverse in life )
had been paid into the funds of the three Masonic Institutions , enabling the Committee to obtain for the Members 65 Life Governorships . Of these Life Governorships 32 were for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 13 for tho Girls' School , and 20 for that of the Boys ' . The working expenses for the whole period had been insignificant , amounting only to £ o , this including charges for
printing books , postage , and banker's cheque books . A balance of £ 18 18 s that remained , ifc was unanimously agreed to divide between the Secretary and Treasurer , to be expended as those brethren misbfc think fit ; tbe amount , however , to be paid to the Masonic Institutions in their names , in effect raising the number of the Life Governorships emanating from this Association to
sixtyseven . The Committee expressed their unqualified obligations to Bros . Fraser and Verry for their untiring energy in bringing the Association to a successful issue , and trusted these brethren might retain fcoalth and strength to enable them to continue their valuable services for the good of the Masonic Institutions .
After the several receipts from the Secretaries of the Institutions had been handed over , steps were taken to establish a Third Association , and we are gratified in being able to announce , with very satisfactory results . A very influential Committee was formed , with Bro . John Newton as President , Bro . Brown Vice , Bro . G . Ward Verry Treasurer , and Bro . Hobbs Secretary ; Bros . Webb , Lacey , Maidwell , W . Fraser
The Second City Masonic Benevolent Association.
Whiting , Jones , J . S . Fraser , Berry , Anderson , Cant , A . J . Brown and W . Smith , also consented to act , or were nominated . As a sequence , we may conclude that this new Association will be as successful as the two that havo already been brought to so satisfactory an issue . A modest repast was then partaken of , and the after proceedings were of a cordial and harmonious character . We shall have
something more to say in a future issue of the way in which these Associations are worked , and also direct attention to the large amounts realised by their moftus . Meanwhile wo content ourselves by stating that the meeting nights aro fixed for the fourth Monday in each month , and tho brethren assemble at the Railway Tavern , adjoining the Fenchurch Street Railway Station , at half-past seven o ' clock .
Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 . —The members of this old-established Lodge of Instruction may be congratulated on having secured very comfortable quarters wherein to hold their future meetings . The brethren assembled at the " Alfred" Tavern , Roman-road , Barnsbury , which is conveniently situated within a minute ' s walk of the Barnsbury Station of tbe North London Rail .
way . Bro . S . Solomon , of the King ' s Cross Lodge , presided , and he was supported by Bros . Pntland S . W ., Wheelock J . W ., Sylvester Treasurer , Treadwell Secretary , Messer I . G . Amongst others present were Bros . James Stevens , W . W . Morgan , Cosgrove , Jackson , Jennings , & o . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minntes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . James Stevens
worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Cosgrove candidate . The fourth section of the lecture was next worked , and several points of divergence in ritual were considered . In the conrse of the evening a suggestion was thrown out that Bro . James Stevens should be invited to deliver his popular lecture , " Knobs and Excrescences , "
in this Lodge of Instruction . The suggestion was immediately acted on , and tbe fourth Wednesday in the current month fixed npon . We shall give farther particulars in a future issue . Bro . Pntland was appointed to preside on Wednesday next , and after other items of business , amongst which we mnst not omit to mention the presentation of the Auditors' report , Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Wednesday next , afc the hoar of 8 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , "No . 860 . —At the meeting held on Tuesday , lst inst ., at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston , Bros . Watkinson W . M ., Christian S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., F . Carr Secretary , Wardell S . D ., Jenkins J . D ., Smyth I . G ., P . M . Bro . Brasted Acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Turnbull , Allen , Caperoe , Bannister , Catling , East , & c . Lodge was opened in
dne form and the minntes of the previous meeting were read and oomfirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Turnbull candidate . Bro . Christian worked the lst , 2 nd and 4 th sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Christian was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —Held at Bro . Baker's , Cock Tavern , Highbury , on Monday , 31 st March . Brothers Collingridge W . M ., Jones S . W ., Godolphin J . W ., Hunt S . D ., Turner J . D ., Rhodes I . G ., Weeden Acting Preceptor , and other brethren . The Lodge having been regularly opened , and routine work attended to , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Anthony candidate . Bro . Goddard , candidate for
passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Goddard candidate . After electing Bro . Jones to the chair for Monday , 7 th April , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The fourth Annual Supper of the above Lodge of Instruction will bo held afc the Cock Tavern , Highbury , on Monday , 21 sfc April , afc seven o ' clock . Bro . Collings Org . 1693 will conduct the musical arrangements .
Bro . G . Lambert P . G . S . has been unanimously elected Master of the Patten Makers Company . The inaugural banquet will be held at the Holborn Restaurant , on the 24 th instant . The Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs have accepted invitations to attend .
EDUCATION . - HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE . High . References in England and Hamburg . IPIROSIFIECTTJ ' S IF jR IE US .
PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! Brother H . 6 . TURNER , Ph . otosrraph . er , 14 PENTONVILLE ROAD ( Seven doors from the Angel ) , H . C . T . is prepared to execute photographs of Craftsmen , & c , afc the following low scale of charges : — Cartes do "Visile , full length or three-quarters , 12 for 4 s Od . Cabinets , do . do . do . 12 for 12 s . HIGH CLASS WOIEaiC OISTIiY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
All Books intended for Review should be addressed to the Editor of The Freemason ' s Chronicle , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , London , N .
Debretts Peerage , Baronetage , Knightage and Companionage . Comprising information concerning all persons bearing Hereditary or Courtesy Titles , of Companions of the Orders of Knighthood and of the Indian Empire , and of all Collateral Branches of Peers and Baronets . Illustrated with 1400 Armorial Bearings . Edited by Robert H . Mair LL . D . 171 st year of publication . Royal Edition . Personally Revised by the Nobility , 1884 . London Dean and Son , Publishers , 160 a Fleet street , E . G .
Debrett ' s Illustrated Housa of Commons and the Judicial Bench . 1884 . Compiled and Edited by Robert Henry Mair , LL . D Personally Revised by the Members of Parliament and the Judges . London : Dean and Son , Publishers , 160 a Fleet street , E . C . THESE works of reference nro as welcome as they are valuable ; in fact , by certain classes of people the non . issue of " Debretfc " would
be a great calamity , especially by those who think that a familiar acquaintance with people ' s titles , their descent , connections , and collateral relations is about the sum of human knowledge which people , who are people , shonld possess . But not to speak in exaggerated terms of praise , there cannot be tbe slightest doubt as to the merits of these works . They have borne successfully the severest
criticisms . No suggestion has been offered bnt ifc has been acted upon , if possible . Improvements and extensions have been made annually , until it seemed impossible to improve or extend ifc further ; nnd yet with each successive issue there has appeared new matter , not only the new matter which was obligatory , owing to creation of new peerages or other dignities , bnfc likewise farther details of
additional items of a character snch as had not previously been included . Thus the introduction of Clnbs is a feature of valne and . importance , and the same may be said of the information relating to residents abroad , the introduction of which has necessarily involved considerable expense . Then , again , the collaterals of peers and baronets are no longer confined to the male line , bnt include also the descendants
from female members . In fact , what with the information and the armorial bearings , the Peerage , & o ., is about as complete as it can be made , and we gave an illustration of the correctness of a part of this statement only last week , when we quoted so much as ' relates to the dignities and hononrs pertaining to the late Dnke of Albany . The same remarks apply with equal force to the other work . The same
care has been taken in order to secnre accuracy and completeness , and there are also included the armorial bearings of members of the House of Commons and the Judicial Bench . To these are added a "Dictionary of Technical Parliamentary Expressions , " based on information supplied by one of the clerical officials of the House , and a list of the changes since the last General Election , so that those who make
a study of the relative gains and losses of the different political parties will have no difficulty in obtaining whatever information tbey may require . Thus both volumes contain pretty well all that any one can possibly desire to know of either House of Parliament , as well as of all persons who have been hononred by the Sovereign witb some style or title or some class of decoration or Knighthood . We do not think it is possible to bestow greater praise than this .
The Second City Masonic Benevolent Association.
A VERY pleasant meeting resulted on the winding np of this Association , on Monday evening last , at Bro . Maidwell ' s , the Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall Street . The chair was taken by the President of the now defunct Association , 'Bro . John Newton P . M . 174 and 1607 , P . Z . 174 and 975 , who was snpported by the Vice-President , Bro . F . Brown P . M . 1607 and 174 , while among those present were Bros . G . W . Verry ( Treasurer ) , James S . Fraser ( Secretary ) ,
0 . H . Webb , W . Fraser , J . J . Whiting , G . Jones , T . J . Maidwell , Charles Lacey , W . W . Morgan , & o . & e . Tbe Committee's Report stated that during the four years of the existence of the Association £ 723 2 a had been received from its Members , the whole of which ( except £ 9 lSs which had been returned to the Widow of a deceased Member , and £ 6 19 s to a Member who bad suffered a reverse in life )
had been paid into the funds of the three Masonic Institutions , enabling the Committee to obtain for the Members 65 Life Governorships . Of these Life Governorships 32 were for the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , 13 for tho Girls' School , and 20 for that of the Boys ' . The working expenses for the whole period had been insignificant , amounting only to £ o , this including charges for
printing books , postage , and banker's cheque books . A balance of £ 18 18 s that remained , ifc was unanimously agreed to divide between the Secretary and Treasurer , to be expended as those brethren misbfc think fit ; tbe amount , however , to be paid to the Masonic Institutions in their names , in effect raising the number of the Life Governorships emanating from this Association to
sixtyseven . The Committee expressed their unqualified obligations to Bros . Fraser and Verry for their untiring energy in bringing the Association to a successful issue , and trusted these brethren might retain fcoalth and strength to enable them to continue their valuable services for the good of the Masonic Institutions .
After the several receipts from the Secretaries of the Institutions had been handed over , steps were taken to establish a Third Association , and we are gratified in being able to announce , with very satisfactory results . A very influential Committee was formed , with Bro . John Newton as President , Bro . Brown Vice , Bro . G . Ward Verry Treasurer , and Bro . Hobbs Secretary ; Bros . Webb , Lacey , Maidwell , W . Fraser
The Second City Masonic Benevolent Association.
Whiting , Jones , J . S . Fraser , Berry , Anderson , Cant , A . J . Brown and W . Smith , also consented to act , or were nominated . As a sequence , we may conclude that this new Association will be as successful as the two that havo already been brought to so satisfactory an issue . A modest repast was then partaken of , and the after proceedings were of a cordial and harmonious character . We shall have
something more to say in a future issue of the way in which these Associations are worked , and also direct attention to the large amounts realised by their moftus . Meanwhile wo content ourselves by stating that the meeting nights aro fixed for the fourth Monday in each month , and tho brethren assemble at the Railway Tavern , adjoining the Fenchurch Street Railway Station , at half-past seven o ' clock .
Fidelity Lodge of Instruction , No . 3 . —The members of this old-established Lodge of Instruction may be congratulated on having secured very comfortable quarters wherein to hold their future meetings . The brethren assembled at the " Alfred" Tavern , Roman-road , Barnsbury , which is conveniently situated within a minute ' s walk of the Barnsbury Station of tbe North London Rail .
way . Bro . S . Solomon , of the King ' s Cross Lodge , presided , and he was supported by Bros . Pntland S . W ., Wheelock J . W ., Sylvester Treasurer , Treadwell Secretary , Messer I . G . Amongst others present were Bros . James Stevens , W . W . Morgan , Cosgrove , Jackson , Jennings , & o . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minntes of last meeting read and confirmed , Bro . James Stevens
worked the first section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Cosgrove candidate . The fourth section of the lecture was next worked , and several points of divergence in ritual were considered . In the conrse of the evening a suggestion was thrown out that Bro . James Stevens should be invited to deliver his popular lecture , " Knobs and Excrescences , "
in this Lodge of Instruction . The suggestion was immediately acted on , and tbe fourth Wednesday in the current month fixed npon . We shall give farther particulars in a future issue . Bro . Pntland was appointed to preside on Wednesday next , and after other items of business , amongst which we mnst not omit to mention the presentation of the Auditors' report , Lodge was closed , and adjourned to Wednesday next , afc the hoar of 8 .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , "No . 860 . —At the meeting held on Tuesday , lst inst ., at Bro . Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall Road , Dalston , Bros . Watkinson W . M ., Christian S . W ., T . Clark J . W ., F . Carr Secretary , Wardell S . D ., Jenkins J . D ., Smyth I . G ., P . M . Bro . Brasted Acting Preceptor ; also Bros . Turnbull , Allen , Caperoe , Bannister , Catling , East , & c . Lodge was opened in
dne form and the minntes of the previous meeting were read and oomfirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Turnbull candidate . Bro . Christian worked the lst , 2 nd and 4 th sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Christian was elected W . M . for the ensuing week and appointed his Officers in rotation . The Lodge was then closed .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —Held at Bro . Baker's , Cock Tavern , Highbury , on Monday , 31 st March . Brothers Collingridge W . M ., Jones S . W ., Godolphin J . W ., Hunt S . D ., Turner J . D ., Rhodes I . G ., Weeden Acting Preceptor , and other brethren . The Lodge having been regularly opened , and routine work attended to , the ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Anthony candidate . Bro . Goddard , candidate for
passing , answered the usual questions , and was entrusted . Lodge opened in second degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Goddard candidate . After electing Bro . Jones to the chair for Monday , 7 th April , Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . The fourth Annual Supper of the above Lodge of Instruction will bo held afc the Cock Tavern , Highbury , on Monday , 21 sfc April , afc seven o ' clock . Bro . Collings Org . 1693 will conduct the musical arrangements .
Bro . G . Lambert P . G . S . has been unanimously elected Master of the Patten Makers Company . The inaugural banquet will be held at the Holborn Restaurant , on the 24 th instant . The Rt . Hon . the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs have accepted invitations to attend .
EDUCATION . - HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE . High . References in England and Hamburg . IPIROSIFIECTTJ ' S IF jR IE US .
PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! PORTRAITS ! Brother H . 6 . TURNER , Ph . otosrraph . er , 14 PENTONVILLE ROAD ( Seven doors from the Angel ) , H . C . T . is prepared to execute photographs of Craftsmen , & c , afc the following low scale of charges : — Cartes do "Visile , full length or three-quarters , 12 for 4 s Od . Cabinets , do . do . do . 12 for 12 s . HIGH CLASS WOIEaiC OISTIiY .