Article AN ADDRESS TO FREEMASONS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 1 of 2 →
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An Address To Freemasons.
" Jesn , Infinite Redeemer , Maker of this mighty frame , Teach , oh teach us to remember What wo are and whence we came :
" Whence we came , and whither wending Soon we mnst through darkness go , To inhabit bliss unending , Or eternity of woe .
" Ob , by Thy power , grant , Lord , that we At our last hour fall not from Theo 5 Saved by Thy grace , Thine may we be AU through the days of eternity . "
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . THE installation meeting of this numerous and flourishing Lodge was held on the 27 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Greshamstreet , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bros . G . Schadler W . M ., C . J . Rich S . W ., J . Hawkins J . W ., Goodwin Treasurer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , W . Walker S . D ., E . Dyson J . D ., Bourne I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . Roberts , C . E . Ferry , Charles Daniel , W . Chicken , Cornwall , Arnold , Cook , Bellerby , A . L . Leina . Visitors—E . Bowyer G . S . B ., Cook P . P . G . P . Hertfordshire , F . Binckes P . G . S ., G .
Faber 339 , A . Bellia W . M . 1901 , E . P . Page P . M . 1950 , D . Moss 1275 , Wells P . M . 299 , C . Holland , K . Barham P . M . 144 , Taylor W . M . 1922 , E . J . Taylor W . M . 1922 , Pedleyl 471 , E . J . Voisey 1963 , J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Hertfordshire , E . Singer 1894 , G . Hohly 1423 , H . Kasner P . M . 1612 , H . Bevy 879 , J . Brown 974 , G . Cook 1580 , Oliver 1702 ,
Thompson 1471 , Holliday 1777 , E . W . Allen P . M . 173 , Chapman W . M . elect 1922 , B . Neale 179 , Stock J . W . 1506 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened and the minntes were confirmed . Bro . G . F . Steer was raised to the third degree , and ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . H . Hermann and G .
Birkenfeld , who were dnly initiated into the Order , both the ceremonies being excellently and perfectly rendered . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . J . Rich was presented to the Lodge and duly installed in the chair in the presence of twenfcy-six W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . The retiring W . M ., Bro . Schadler , performing the ceremony in a perfect and impressive manner , that well warranted the
encomiums passed on him afc its conclusion . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom , Bro . Daniel P . M . ably acting as D . C . Bro . Eiob , in very appropriate terms , appointed his Officers , as follow : —G . Schadler I . P . M ., J . Hawkins S . W ,, W . "Walker J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , Dyson S . D ., Bourne J . D ., Hallerl . G ., Eoberts
P . M . B . C ., Wall A . D . C ., Stafford W . S ., Speight Tyler . The applause that followed the investiture showed the W . M . had made a good selection . A Committee was formed for the purpose of having a Summer Banquet , and by this means follow the custom thafc had hitherto given such great satisfaction ; this was carried nnanimously . A distressed brother was relieved with the sum of two guineas . The
Auditors' report was read ; it showed the Lodge was in a flourishing condition , and the balance in hand to the Benevolent Fund was £ 28 16 s . Bro . Daniel P . M . proposed that Brother Chicken P . M ., who had signified his intention to act as Steward for the forthcoming Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , bo voted the sum of ten cnineas , to be placed on bis list . This was carried . Hearfcv e-oorl
wishes were given by the Visitors , and Lodge was closed . The company , eighty in number , then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Ritter and Clifford , superintended by Bro . Mills . The tables were beautifully and artistically decorated , and button-holes were provided for each guest . Grace having been sung , the W . M . in eloquent terms proposed the
loyal toast , Bro . Holliday singing the solo verses of the National Anthem . In proposing the toast of the Pro Grand Master , the Depnty Grand Master , and tbe rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England present and past , the W . M . said ho would couple with it the name of Bro . Edgar Bowyer Grand Standard Bearer . After a very excellent and humorous glee , Brother Edgar
Bowyer responded . He remarked how ably those noblemen had attended to their duties , as indeed did every one of tbe Grand Officers . He was sure the new Grand Officers would do so in the futnre . He felt a great pride in being able to say that fifteen years since he was initiated in this Lodge , and it was with a degree of pleasure he now had to return thanks for the toast of tho Grand Officers . Bro
Scbadler , in proposing the W . M . ' s health , said he did so with much pleasure , for every one who had seen Bro . Rich work , knew how competent he was ; tho manner in which he bad conducted the dnties of tbe chair showed his ability . When he retired from tbe chair , he ( Bro . Schadler ) was sure it would be said that he had carried ' out every duty to their satisfaction . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro .
Schadler for his kind expressions , and the brethren for their hearty response to tbe toast ; ho felt it an honour to be placed in the chair he would do his utmost for the benefit of the Lodge . This was a red letter day for him , and be should never forget it . The toast ; of the initiates was then given , the Worshipful Master remarking how pleased he was to see them . They came in a dual capacity , and with good recommendations . Bro . Stafford sang the E . A . SOUB
Bros . Hermann , and Birkenfeld very appropriately responded . The "W . M . in proposing the toast of the Visitors hoped they bad been satisfied with the entertainment . He would couple with the toast the names of Bros . Cook and Mather . Bro . Hawkins S . W . here humorously sang , " Why shonld Loudon Wait ? " Bro . J . L . Mather who responded , said he was pleased to see the W . M . in the chain He , now an old P . M ., first saw the light of Freemasonry in this
Installation Meetings, &C.
Lodge , which was one he waa proud of . Ho hoped to be present on a future occasion during the W . M . ' s year of office , which he trusted wonld prove a great success . These remarks wero very eloquently endorsed by Bro . Cook , who also waa a P . M . of this Lodge . The W . M . then proposed tbe toast of tbe I . P . M . and Installing Master . The brethren knew Brother Schadler's qualifications ; he had , in a
most able way , raised a candidate , initiated two , and had also installed him into the chair . His facility for conducting Lodge business had been very rarely equalled . It was with preat pleasure he asked the brethren to drink to the toast . Before , however , he did so , he had great pleasure in placing upon Bro . Schadler ' s breast a gold P . M . 's jewel , the gift of the Lodge ; he hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare
him for many years to wear it . He had also to announce tbat the brethren , among themselves , had determined to give him a farther testimony of the respect in whioh he is held ; the gift took the shape of a piano , which would , he hoped , be prized by him and bis family as a memento of the respect the brethren entertained for him . Bro . Schadler , in reply , thanked the brethren for their valuable jewel ; he
also thanked them for the piano , so kindly given . He should never forget their kindness . The W . M . said there was a toast not in the list he shonld like to introduce . It was a source of pride to have a brother present who represented one of onr noble Charities ; a brother whose heart and soul was with them in the Craft ; he would couple Bro . Binckes ' 3 name with the toast . Bro . Chicken also , who
will act as a Steward for tbe Boys' School , he would like to associate with ifc . After a song by Bro . Taylor , " I only live for thee , " Bro . Binckes P . G . S . replied ; the brethren of the Prosperity Lodge had distinguished themselves in the cause of the Masonio Charities , and be bad to thank them for the grant for the Institution he represented ; he felt proud of the large amount given by them at the
last Festival . The W . M . had announced his intention to serve as a Steward for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution in 1885 ; if the worthy Secretary of that Institution were present he would say he was gratified for their support , for he had been enabled to announce the largest amount at his Festival for many years . The Secretaries were doing their best to do away with unwholesome
rivalry . £ 25 , 0 C 0 was raised last year for the Boys' Institution alone . He thanked the members for their kindness and hospitality , and hoped to be spared for many years to respond for the Charities and again to visit them . Bro . Chicken P . M . followed ; he had made np his mind to represent the Boys' Institution ; be regretted ill-health prevented him being present as often as he could wish ; however , all
he could doit wonld be his great aim to achieve . In representing this Lodge he hoped his list would not fall shorfc of three figures . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters ; their qualities the brethren well knew . Each and every one had done his duty well . He would call on Bros . Goodwin Treasurer , and Brown their energetic Secretary to respond ; they all knew his qualities , and
thoroughly respected him . Bro . Holliday then sang " Maid of Athens ; " he was accompanied by Brother Neale . Brother Brown had great pleasure in responding for the P . M . ' s ; so long as he held the post of Secretary his services were always at their command . Their Treasurer , Bro . Goodwin , had been obliged to leave ; he might however remark , witb pride , that in five years their
Stewards had taken up for the Charities £ 1100 ; this showed they were not unmindful of them . He hoped Bro . Chicken would take np a goodly sum , and also the W . M . They had completed their Prosperity Masonic Association , and had collected in four years £ 700 ; they were about to start another . Bro . Eoberts would be the Treasurer , and Bro . Walker Secretary . He thanked the brethren for
receiving his name in connection with the toast . The glee , " Mynheer Van Dunck , " was given by Bros . Chapman , Taylor , Hawkins , and Stock , after which the toast of the Wardens and Officers was given , and Bros . Hawkins and Walker responded . Tbe Tyler ' s toast having been given , the brethren separated , after passing a very agreeable evening . Bro . Roberts looked after the comforts of the brethren and Visitors .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —The annual meeting of the Audit Committee of the above-named Lodge was held ab tbe Cafe Nicol , Regent-street , on Monday , 31 sfc ult ., when a most satisfactory report was handed in by the Secretary , Bro . W . Paas P . M .
The following brethren y / ere present : Bros . E . T . Smith W . M ., J . J . Runtz W . M . elect , and the following P . M . ' s , Major Szulcssewski , Dr . Jagielski , Dr . Jackson , J . Lancaster , F . Rath , W . Paas Secretary and J . Nowakowski Treasurer ; also Bros . Edrupt , Davenport , J . Nowakowski and E . E . Geflowski .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —The weekly meeting of tho above was held on Wednesday last , afc the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road , when Bro . W . M . Stiles presided , assisted by the brethren of the Metropolitan Lodge , as follows : —Bros . Edwin Storr S . W ., P . M . Scales J . W ., Saunders S . D ., J . B . Smith J . D ., Ashton I . G ., also Bros . Barratfc Kidder , Scurrah ,
Ager , Dixie , Weeden , Ockelford , George P . M ., Clark P . M ., Henry Stiles , Oldham , A . Ferrar , Henry , G . Ferrar , Siliis . Lodgo having been duly opened the chair was vacated in favour of Bro . Ager , who rehearsed the initiation ceremony , after which tho W . M . resumed the chair , and Lodge was advanced . Bro . Siliis was presented as a candidate for the Master's Chair , and having been obligated was duly installed , Bro . Stiles W . M . acting as Installing Master . A vote of
thanks was recorded to him for the very impressive manner in which he had rehearsed the ceremony , as well as to the members of the Metropolitan Lodge for their kindress in visiting the New Concord . Nothing further having been offered for the advancement of Freemasonry or tho Lodge , it was closed in perfect harmony and adjourned until Wednesday , 9 th April . The brethren afterwards indulged in a little harmony ; several good songs were sung and recitations given , to the delight of all .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Address To Freemasons.
" Jesn , Infinite Redeemer , Maker of this mighty frame , Teach , oh teach us to remember What wo are and whence we came :
" Whence we came , and whither wending Soon we mnst through darkness go , To inhabit bliss unending , Or eternity of woe .
" Ob , by Thy power , grant , Lord , that we At our last hour fall not from Theo 5 Saved by Thy grace , Thine may we be AU through the days of eternity . "
Installation Meetings, &C.
— : o : — PROSPERITY LODGE , No . 65 . THE installation meeting of this numerous and flourishing Lodge was held on the 27 th ult ., at the Guildhall Tavern , Greshamstreet , and was numerously attended by members and visitors . Bros . G . Schadler W . M ., C . J . Rich S . W ., J . Hawkins J . W ., Goodwin Treasurer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , W . Walker S . D ., E . Dyson J . D ., Bourne I . G . ; P . M . ' s J . Roberts , C . E . Ferry , Charles Daniel , W . Chicken , Cornwall , Arnold , Cook , Bellerby , A . L . Leina . Visitors—E . Bowyer G . S . B ., Cook P . P . G . P . Hertfordshire , F . Binckes P . G . S ., G .
Faber 339 , A . Bellia W . M . 1901 , E . P . Page P . M . 1950 , D . Moss 1275 , Wells P . M . 299 , C . Holland , K . Barham P . M . 144 , Taylor W . M . 1922 , E . J . Taylor W . M . 1922 , Pedleyl 471 , E . J . Voisey 1963 , J . L . Mather P . P . G . D . C . Hertfordshire , E . Singer 1894 , G . Hohly 1423 , H . Kasner P . M . 1612 , H . Bevy 879 , J . Brown 974 , G . Cook 1580 , Oliver 1702 ,
Thompson 1471 , Holliday 1777 , E . W . Allen P . M . 173 , Chapman W . M . elect 1922 , B . Neale 179 , Stock J . W . 1506 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened and the minntes were confirmed . Bro . G . F . Steer was raised to the third degree , and ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . H . Hermann and G .
Birkenfeld , who were dnly initiated into the Order , both the ceremonies being excellently and perfectly rendered . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . C . J . Rich was presented to the Lodge and duly installed in the chair in the presence of twenfcy-six W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s . The retiring W . M ., Bro . Schadler , performing the ceremony in a perfect and impressive manner , that well warranted the
encomiums passed on him afc its conclusion . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom , Bro . Daniel P . M . ably acting as D . C . Bro . Eiob , in very appropriate terms , appointed his Officers , as follow : —G . Schadler I . P . M ., J . Hawkins S . W ,, W . "Walker J . W ., Goodwin P . M . Treasurer , G . T . Brown P . M . Secretary , Dyson S . D ., Bourne J . D ., Hallerl . G ., Eoberts
P . M . B . C ., Wall A . D . C ., Stafford W . S ., Speight Tyler . The applause that followed the investiture showed the W . M . had made a good selection . A Committee was formed for the purpose of having a Summer Banquet , and by this means follow the custom thafc had hitherto given such great satisfaction ; this was carried nnanimously . A distressed brother was relieved with the sum of two guineas . The
Auditors' report was read ; it showed the Lodge was in a flourishing condition , and the balance in hand to the Benevolent Fund was £ 28 16 s . Bro . Daniel P . M . proposed that Brother Chicken P . M ., who had signified his intention to act as Steward for the forthcoming Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , bo voted the sum of ten cnineas , to be placed on bis list . This was carried . Hearfcv e-oorl
wishes were given by the Visitors , and Lodge was closed . The company , eighty in number , then sat down to a very sumptuous banquet and dessert , provided by Bros . Ritter and Clifford , superintended by Bro . Mills . The tables were beautifully and artistically decorated , and button-holes were provided for each guest . Grace having been sung , the W . M . in eloquent terms proposed the
loyal toast , Bro . Holliday singing the solo verses of the National Anthem . In proposing the toast of the Pro Grand Master , the Depnty Grand Master , and tbe rest of the Grand Officers of the Grand Lodge of England present and past , the W . M . said ho would couple with it the name of Bro . Edgar Bowyer Grand Standard Bearer . After a very excellent and humorous glee , Brother Edgar
Bowyer responded . He remarked how ably those noblemen had attended to their duties , as indeed did every one of tbe Grand Officers . He was sure the new Grand Officers would do so in the futnre . He felt a great pride in being able to say that fifteen years since he was initiated in this Lodge , and it was with a degree of pleasure he now had to return thanks for the toast of tho Grand Officers . Bro
Scbadler , in proposing the W . M . ' s health , said he did so with much pleasure , for every one who had seen Bro . Rich work , knew how competent he was ; tho manner in which he bad conducted the dnties of tbe chair showed his ability . When he retired from tbe chair , he ( Bro . Schadler ) was sure it would be said that he had carried ' out every duty to their satisfaction . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro .
Schadler for his kind expressions , and the brethren for their hearty response to tbe toast ; ho felt it an honour to be placed in the chair he would do his utmost for the benefit of the Lodge . This was a red letter day for him , and be should never forget it . The toast ; of the initiates was then given , the Worshipful Master remarking how pleased he was to see them . They came in a dual capacity , and with good recommendations . Bro . Stafford sang the E . A . SOUB
Bros . Hermann , and Birkenfeld very appropriately responded . The "W . M . in proposing the toast of the Visitors hoped they bad been satisfied with the entertainment . He would couple with the toast the names of Bros . Cook and Mather . Bro . Hawkins S . W . here humorously sang , " Why shonld Loudon Wait ? " Bro . J . L . Mather who responded , said he was pleased to see the W . M . in the chain He , now an old P . M ., first saw the light of Freemasonry in this
Installation Meetings, &C.
Lodge , which was one he waa proud of . Ho hoped to be present on a future occasion during the W . M . ' s year of office , which he trusted wonld prove a great success . These remarks wero very eloquently endorsed by Bro . Cook , who also waa a P . M . of this Lodge . The W . M . then proposed tbe toast of tbe I . P . M . and Installing Master . The brethren knew Brother Schadler's qualifications ; he had , in a
most able way , raised a candidate , initiated two , and had also installed him into the chair . His facility for conducting Lodge business had been very rarely equalled . It was with preat pleasure he asked the brethren to drink to the toast . Before , however , he did so , he had great pleasure in placing upon Bro . Schadler ' s breast a gold P . M . 's jewel , the gift of the Lodge ; he hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would spare
him for many years to wear it . He had also to announce tbat the brethren , among themselves , had determined to give him a farther testimony of the respect in whioh he is held ; the gift took the shape of a piano , which would , he hoped , be prized by him and bis family as a memento of the respect the brethren entertained for him . Bro . Schadler , in reply , thanked the brethren for their valuable jewel ; he
also thanked them for the piano , so kindly given . He should never forget their kindness . The W . M . said there was a toast not in the list he shonld like to introduce . It was a source of pride to have a brother present who represented one of onr noble Charities ; a brother whose heart and soul was with them in the Craft ; he would couple Bro . Binckes ' 3 name with the toast . Bro . Chicken also , who
will act as a Steward for tbe Boys' School , he would like to associate with ifc . After a song by Bro . Taylor , " I only live for thee , " Bro . Binckes P . G . S . replied ; the brethren of the Prosperity Lodge had distinguished themselves in the cause of the Masonio Charities , and be bad to thank them for the grant for the Institution he represented ; he felt proud of the large amount given by them at the
last Festival . The W . M . had announced his intention to serve as a Steward for the Royal Masonio Benevolent Institution in 1885 ; if the worthy Secretary of that Institution were present he would say he was gratified for their support , for he had been enabled to announce the largest amount at his Festival for many years . The Secretaries were doing their best to do away with unwholesome
rivalry . £ 25 , 0 C 0 was raised last year for the Boys' Institution alone . He thanked the members for their kindness and hospitality , and hoped to be spared for many years to respond for the Charities and again to visit them . Bro . Chicken P . M . followed ; he had made np his mind to represent the Boys' Institution ; be regretted ill-health prevented him being present as often as he could wish ; however , all
he could doit wonld be his great aim to achieve . In representing this Lodge he hoped his list would not fall shorfc of three figures . The W . M . then proposed the toast of the Past Masters ; their qualities the brethren well knew . Each and every one had done his duty well . He would call on Bros . Goodwin Treasurer , and Brown their energetic Secretary to respond ; they all knew his qualities , and
thoroughly respected him . Bro . Holliday then sang " Maid of Athens ; " he was accompanied by Brother Neale . Brother Brown had great pleasure in responding for the P . M . ' s ; so long as he held the post of Secretary his services were always at their command . Their Treasurer , Bro . Goodwin , had been obliged to leave ; he might however remark , witb pride , that in five years their
Stewards had taken up for the Charities £ 1100 ; this showed they were not unmindful of them . He hoped Bro . Chicken would take np a goodly sum , and also the W . M . They had completed their Prosperity Masonic Association , and had collected in four years £ 700 ; they were about to start another . Bro . Eoberts would be the Treasurer , and Bro . Walker Secretary . He thanked the brethren for
receiving his name in connection with the toast . The glee , " Mynheer Van Dunck , " was given by Bros . Chapman , Taylor , Hawkins , and Stock , after which the toast of the Wardens and Officers was given , and Bros . Hawkins and Walker responded . Tbe Tyler ' s toast having been given , the brethren separated , after passing a very agreeable evening . Bro . Roberts looked after the comforts of the brethren and Visitors .
Polish National Lodge , No . 534 . —The annual meeting of the Audit Committee of the above-named Lodge was held ab tbe Cafe Nicol , Regent-street , on Monday , 31 sfc ult ., when a most satisfactory report was handed in by the Secretary , Bro . W . Paas P . M .
The following brethren y / ere present : Bros . E . T . Smith W . M ., J . J . Runtz W . M . elect , and the following P . M . ' s , Major Szulcssewski , Dr . Jagielski , Dr . Jackson , J . Lancaster , F . Rath , W . Paas Secretary and J . Nowakowski Treasurer ; also Bros . Edrupt , Davenport , J . Nowakowski and E . E . Geflowski .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —The weekly meeting of tho above was held on Wednesday last , afc the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate Road , when Bro . W . M . Stiles presided , assisted by the brethren of the Metropolitan Lodge , as follows : —Bros . Edwin Storr S . W ., P . M . Scales J . W ., Saunders S . D ., J . B . Smith J . D ., Ashton I . G ., also Bros . Barratfc Kidder , Scurrah ,
Ager , Dixie , Weeden , Ockelford , George P . M ., Clark P . M ., Henry Stiles , Oldham , A . Ferrar , Henry , G . Ferrar , Siliis . Lodgo having been duly opened the chair was vacated in favour of Bro . Ager , who rehearsed the initiation ceremony , after which tho W . M . resumed the chair , and Lodge was advanced . Bro . Siliis was presented as a candidate for the Master's Chair , and having been obligated was duly installed , Bro . Stiles W . M . acting as Installing Master . A vote of
thanks was recorded to him for the very impressive manner in which he had rehearsed the ceremony , as well as to the members of the Metropolitan Lodge for their kindress in visiting the New Concord . Nothing further having been offered for the advancement of Freemasonry or tho Lodge , it was closed in perfect harmony and adjourned until Wednesday , 9 th April . The brethren afterwards indulged in a little harmony ; several good songs were sung and recitations given , to the delight of all .