Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 2
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Installation Meetings, &C.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH LODGE , No . 1259 . THERE was a capital meeting of the above flourishing Lodgo on Tuesday last , at Bro . W . Davis's , Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Limehouso . Bro . E . H . Eolfe W . M . was supported by Bros . W . Bnchan P . M . as S . W . { in the regrettable absence through indisposition of Bro . I . Charlton S . W . ) , Esmond J . W ., E . Jex P . M . Treasurer , H Bradbrook P . M . Secretary , C . Wakefield S . D ., L . Ettling ( who we
were pleased to see again in good health ) J . D ., J . W . Moore P . M . I . G ., Very Ty ler ; T . W . Gilling I . P . M . ; W . Hancock , Rowe , Atkins , ancl numerous brethren . Visitors—Bros . Ross , Collet , & o . The work before the Lodge was to raise Bro . Larnder , and initiate Mr . Cole , who , after a successful test by ballot , was impressively admitted into the Order . At the conclusion of tho ceremonial , Bro .
Jex alluded to the recent loss the country and the Craft had sustained by the lamentable and sudden death of his Royal Highness the Dnke of Albany . Bro . Jex concluded a feeling address by proposing that a voto of condolence be forwarded to Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master of En glish Freemasons . This was seconded by Bro . Bnchan P . M ., and carried in solemn silence . Bro . G . T . H . Seddon P . M . 174 Organist
then played Handel's " Dead March in Saul , " and Lodge was solemnly closed . After banquet , Bro . Rolfe introduced the nsnal toasts , expressive of Loyalty to the Throne and prosperity to the best interests of the Craft , but these were pledged in solemn silence , and no musio was given , save an impressive rendering of Rossini's grand supplicatory chorus , " To thee , Great Lord ! " ( " Moses in Egitto" ) .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 , BOLTON . THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 26 fch March , 1884 , at the Commercial Hotel , afc six o ' clock p . m . Bros . R . Latham W . M ., W . Court I . P . M ., John Barrett S . W ., E . G . Harwood
3 . W ., George Ferguson Treasurer , N . "Nicholson Secretary , A . Cosgrove S . D ., L . B . Long J . D ., J . W . Taylor D . G ., Thomas E . Smith Organist , W . E . Bardsley I . G ., P . M . G . P . Brockbank G . S . S ., Thomas Morris 221 , J . Richardson 221 , Thomas Higson 348 , J . Heywood ,
J . H . Greenhalgh ; Bros . Collins , Whewell , Togg , Moms , Bolton , Kershaw , Hawksworth , Parkinson , Naylor , Forbes , Pendlebnry , Goulburn , Derham , Arden . The minntes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . William Broughton , of St . John's Lodge , 221 , Bolton , was balloted for and elected . It being tbe customary period for the election of W . M ., Bro . Barrett rose and expressed in graceful
terms his wish that the brethren would not consider him m any way in making choice of a Master for the ensuing year , and suggested that Bro . Harwood , who was now fulfilling his second year of office as Mayor of Bolton , should be elected to preside over them . Bro . Harwood was tbe first initiate in the Lodge who had qualified for election as W . M . since its formation , and from his popularity in the
borough , and his earnest and thorough-going character as a working Mason , he considered his appointment would be a compliment to his municipal office , and a reward for his zeal as a Mason . Bro . Harwood , in expressing his high appreciation of the favour proposed to be conferred upon him , disclaimed any wish to be unduly promoted at tbe expense of a worthy Mason and elder brother , as having worked his
way from the door of the Lodge to his present position he would personally greatly have preferred to continue in the usnal conrse , so as hereafter to be enabled to say that he had served every ordinary office from a Steward to the Mastership of his mother Lodge , but yielding to the strongly-expressed views of Bro . Barrett , to whose kindly conrtesy and fraternal conduct he paid an earnest and grateful
tribute , supplemented ns ifc was by tbe solicitations of tbe brethren , he wonld , if unanimously elected , accept the position , and discharge its duties in such a manner as he hoped would give every brother satisfaction , and leave no cause to regret the confidence reposed in him . The ballot proved unanimous in favonr of Bro . Harwood . Bros . George Fergnson P . Prov . G . S . of Works was unanimously re-elected
Treasurer . Bros . P . M . 's Collins and Hawksworth were appointed Auditors of the Treasurer ' s Accounts for tho past year . The thanks of tbe brethren were voted to Bro . Latham for tbe able , efficient , and courteous manner in which he had discharged the dnties of his office for the past year , and a P . M . ' s jewel was awarded to him , to be presented on the occasion of the installation of his successor . Bro .
Barrett was highly complimented for the prompt and spontaneous manner in which he suggested the propriety of offering to waive his claim to promotion in favour of the Mayor by his pressing the matter , and succeeding in removing any objections raised in acceding to his wishes . A portion of the Ancient Charges having been read , Lodge closed in peace and harmony afc 7 * 30 . The Festival will be held on Sfc . George ' s Day , 22 nd April .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —A mooting was held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . W . F . Poulfcon W . M ., J . Greenfield S . W ., Allison J . W ., Larter acting S . D ., 0 . Dearing acting I . G ., J . Oaborn P . M . Secretary , S . Hollidge Treasurer , and Bros . Garner , Field , Wood , Harmon , Dresden , and others ; also P . M . 's Weston and Pearcy . Bro . F . Small
was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . Greenfield waa unanimously elected W . M . for tbe ensuing year . Bro . Hollidge having expressed his desire to retire from the office of Treasurer , so as to take an active working collar next year , Bro . Weston P . M . was unanimously elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas was re-olccted Tyler . Upon the motion of Bro . Greenfield , a jewel of the value of ten
guineas was voted to the W . M . in recognition of his services for tlie past year . Auditors having been appointed , Lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren afterwards partook of a very homely bnt seasonable supper , without wines . The usual toasts were given . Bro . Greenfield , in responding to the toast of the evening—the W . M . elect , which was most feelingly proposed by Bro . Poulton—reminded
Installation Meetings, &C.
the members thafc ho was the first initiate of the Lodgo who had attained that proud position , and allnded to the excellent fouling prevailing amongst the brethren , who were in every sense a band of brothers . Several songs were sung , and tho Charity Box having been passed round with a good result , the brethren separated , having spent an agreeable evening .
ROYAL CLARENCE LODGE , No . 1823 . A LODGE of Emergency was held on Monday , the 31 sfc nit ., for the purpose of expressing sympathy and condolence witb tbe Royal Famil y on tho death of H . R . H . the Dnke of Albany ancl Earl of Clarence , K . G ., the R . W . M . of this Lodge for the present year . The Lodge furniture was draped with crape , and there was a fnll attendance of brethren , all of whom wore mourning . Tho W . D . M .
Bro . Major-General Cecil Ives P . Prov . G . S . Oxon presided , and was snpported by V . W . Bro . C . J . Martyn P . G . C . England D . P . G . M ., and Bros . Dr . Sedgwick P . G . C . England , Charles Coope P . Prov . G .. T . D ., C . H . Vincent I . P . M . Secretary , J . E . Barnes S . W ., the Rev . B . B . Syer J . W ., B . L . Tandy Treasurer , Thomas Stokoo D . C , W . L . Fenner
J . D ., and other brethren . General Ives referred in feeling terms to tho loss sustained by tho Royal Family , the Nation , and the Craft , and especially by this Lodge , in the sad event whioh had so unexpectedly deprived it of its head . It was ordered that tho brethren should wear Masonic mourning for the rest of the year , and resolved thafc
the next regular meeting of tho Lodgo should be postponed until May . Suitable addresses of condolence , wero adopted , and on tbe motion of V . W . Bro . Martyn , seconded by Bro . Cook P . M ., it was resolved that they should be signed by tho W . D . M . and Secretary and forwarded to Her Majesty and H . R . H . tha Dnchess of Albany ,
and also to H . R . II . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . Bro . Martyn having stated that he was about to conduct the funeral of Bro . William Page Phillips P . M . of the Doric Lodge , No . 81 , at which the Clare brethren had also been invited to be present , Bro . Martyn , was on tho motion of tbo W . D . M ., seconded by Bro . Barnes
S . W ., requested to convey to Bro . W . P . Thomas Phillips , of Mellon Grange , Woodbridge , an assurance of sympathy on the loss of his son , who was highly esteemed in the Province . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren dispersed . By the conrtesy of Bro . Vincent P . M . we have been favoured with the text of the addresses , which is as follows : —
" To HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN . May it please yonr Majesty , MADAM , We , the Deputy Master , Officers and Brethren of the Royal
Clarence Lodge of Freemasons ( this day specially assembled ) , desire most respectfully to express our heartfelt sympathy and condolence with your Majesty and the members of your Royal Family , on the death of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Dnke of Albany , K . G ., onr beloved Right Worshipful Master for tho present year .
Signed on behalf of the Lodge , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . Master . CHAS . HENRY VINCENT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic Hall , Clare , Snffolk , 31 sfc March 1884 . "
To HER ROTAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS or ALBANY . May ifc please yonr Royal Highness , MADAM , We , the Depnty Master , Officers and Brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge of Freemasons ( this day specially assembled ) , desire
to express onr great mrrnw at fho nntimely death of onr Right Wor . shipful Master H . R . H . The Dnke of Albany , Earl of Clarence , K . G . With all reverence ancl humility we pray thafc the Great Architect of the Universe will in His own good time assuage and mitigate the affliction of yonr Royal Highness , to whom we respectfully offer our heartfelt sympathy and condolence .
Signed on behalf of the Lodgo , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . Master . CHAS . HENRY VINCKNT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic Hall , Clare , Suffolk , Slsfc March 1884 .
" To His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., GRAND MASTER . MOST WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER , We , the Depnty Master , Officers and Brethren of tbe Royal Clarnnco Locl ^ e of Freemasons , No . 1823 , of which H . R . H . the late
Duko of Albany , Earl of Clarence , K . G ., was our beloved Right Worshipful Master for tbe present year , desire most respectfully to offer to your Royal Highness and the members of yonr Royal Family onr deep sympathy and condolence in this present hour of sorrow and affliction .
The untimely death of Uis Royal Highness is most sincerely deplored by thia Lodge ( now specially assembled ) , which has been honoured with so many marks of His Royal Highness ' s special favour
and interest . Signed on behalf of tbe Lodge , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . MaBter . CHAS . HENRY VIFCENT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic HaU , Clare , Suffolk , 31 st March 1834 .
An emergency meeting of toe Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk will be held afc the Freemasons' Hall , Ipswich , on Monday next , at two o ' clock , to prepare an address o £ condolence to the Queen and Duchess of Albany .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
DUKE OF EDINBURGH LODGE , No . 1259 . THERE was a capital meeting of the above flourishing Lodgo on Tuesday last , at Bro . W . Davis's , Cape of Good Hope Tavern , Limehouso . Bro . E . H . Eolfe W . M . was supported by Bros . W . Bnchan P . M . as S . W . { in the regrettable absence through indisposition of Bro . I . Charlton S . W . ) , Esmond J . W ., E . Jex P . M . Treasurer , H Bradbrook P . M . Secretary , C . Wakefield S . D ., L . Ettling ( who we
were pleased to see again in good health ) J . D ., J . W . Moore P . M . I . G ., Very Ty ler ; T . W . Gilling I . P . M . ; W . Hancock , Rowe , Atkins , ancl numerous brethren . Visitors—Bros . Ross , Collet , & o . The work before the Lodge was to raise Bro . Larnder , and initiate Mr . Cole , who , after a successful test by ballot , was impressively admitted into the Order . At the conclusion of tho ceremonial , Bro .
Jex alluded to the recent loss the country and the Craft had sustained by the lamentable and sudden death of his Royal Highness the Dnke of Albany . Bro . Jex concluded a feeling address by proposing that a voto of condolence be forwarded to Bro . His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales , Most Worshipful Grand Master of En glish Freemasons . This was seconded by Bro . Bnchan P . M ., and carried in solemn silence . Bro . G . T . H . Seddon P . M . 174 Organist
then played Handel's " Dead March in Saul , " and Lodge was solemnly closed . After banquet , Bro . Rolfe introduced the nsnal toasts , expressive of Loyalty to the Throne and prosperity to the best interests of the Craft , but these were pledged in solemn silence , and no musio was given , save an impressive rendering of Rossini's grand supplicatory chorus , " To thee , Great Lord ! " ( " Moses in Egitto" ) .
ST . GEORGE'S LODGE , No . 1723 , BOLTON . THE monthly meeting was held on Wednesday , the 26 fch March , 1884 , at the Commercial Hotel , afc six o ' clock p . m . Bros . R . Latham W . M ., W . Court I . P . M ., John Barrett S . W ., E . G . Harwood
3 . W ., George Ferguson Treasurer , N . "Nicholson Secretary , A . Cosgrove S . D ., L . B . Long J . D ., J . W . Taylor D . G ., Thomas E . Smith Organist , W . E . Bardsley I . G ., P . M . G . P . Brockbank G . S . S ., Thomas Morris 221 , J . Richardson 221 , Thomas Higson 348 , J . Heywood ,
J . H . Greenhalgh ; Bros . Collins , Whewell , Togg , Moms , Bolton , Kershaw , Hawksworth , Parkinson , Naylor , Forbes , Pendlebnry , Goulburn , Derham , Arden . The minntes of the last meeting having been confirmed , Bro . William Broughton , of St . John's Lodge , 221 , Bolton , was balloted for and elected . It being tbe customary period for the election of W . M ., Bro . Barrett rose and expressed in graceful
terms his wish that the brethren would not consider him m any way in making choice of a Master for the ensuing year , and suggested that Bro . Harwood , who was now fulfilling his second year of office as Mayor of Bolton , should be elected to preside over them . Bro . Harwood was tbe first initiate in the Lodge who had qualified for election as W . M . since its formation , and from his popularity in the
borough , and his earnest and thorough-going character as a working Mason , he considered his appointment would be a compliment to his municipal office , and a reward for his zeal as a Mason . Bro . Harwood , in expressing his high appreciation of the favour proposed to be conferred upon him , disclaimed any wish to be unduly promoted at tbe expense of a worthy Mason and elder brother , as having worked his
way from the door of the Lodge to his present position he would personally greatly have preferred to continue in the usnal conrse , so as hereafter to be enabled to say that he had served every ordinary office from a Steward to the Mastership of his mother Lodge , but yielding to the strongly-expressed views of Bro . Barrett , to whose kindly conrtesy and fraternal conduct he paid an earnest and grateful
tribute , supplemented ns ifc was by tbe solicitations of tbe brethren , he wonld , if unanimously elected , accept the position , and discharge its duties in such a manner as he hoped would give every brother satisfaction , and leave no cause to regret the confidence reposed in him . The ballot proved unanimous in favonr of Bro . Harwood . Bros . George Fergnson P . Prov . G . S . of Works was unanimously re-elected
Treasurer . Bros . P . M . 's Collins and Hawksworth were appointed Auditors of the Treasurer ' s Accounts for tho past year . The thanks of tbe brethren were voted to Bro . Latham for tbe able , efficient , and courteous manner in which he had discharged the dnties of his office for the past year , and a P . M . ' s jewel was awarded to him , to be presented on the occasion of the installation of his successor . Bro .
Barrett was highly complimented for the prompt and spontaneous manner in which he suggested the propriety of offering to waive his claim to promotion in favour of the Mayor by his pressing the matter , and succeeding in removing any objections raised in acceding to his wishes . A portion of the Ancient Charges having been read , Lodge closed in peace and harmony afc 7 * 30 . The Festival will be held on Sfc . George ' s Day , 22 nd April .
Sir Hugh Myddelton Lodge , No . 1602 . —A mooting was held on Friday , the 28 th ult ., at tho Agricultural Hall , Islington . Bros . W . F . Poulfcon W . M ., J . Greenfield S . W ., Allison J . W ., Larter acting S . D ., 0 . Dearing acting I . G ., J . Oaborn P . M . Secretary , S . Hollidge Treasurer , and Bros . Garner , Field , Wood , Harmon , Dresden , and others ; also P . M . 's Weston and Pearcy . Bro . F . Small
was passed to the second degree . Bro . J . Greenfield waa unanimously elected W . M . for tbe ensuing year . Bro . Hollidge having expressed his desire to retire from the office of Treasurer , so as to take an active working collar next year , Bro . Weston P . M . was unanimously elected Treasurer . Bro . Thomas was re-olccted Tyler . Upon the motion of Bro . Greenfield , a jewel of the value of ten
guineas was voted to the W . M . in recognition of his services for tlie past year . Auditors having been appointed , Lodge was closed in ancient form . The brethren afterwards partook of a very homely bnt seasonable supper , without wines . The usual toasts were given . Bro . Greenfield , in responding to the toast of the evening—the W . M . elect , which was most feelingly proposed by Bro . Poulton—reminded
Installation Meetings, &C.
the members thafc ho was the first initiate of the Lodgo who had attained that proud position , and allnded to the excellent fouling prevailing amongst the brethren , who were in every sense a band of brothers . Several songs were sung , and tho Charity Box having been passed round with a good result , the brethren separated , having spent an agreeable evening .
ROYAL CLARENCE LODGE , No . 1823 . A LODGE of Emergency was held on Monday , the 31 sfc nit ., for the purpose of expressing sympathy and condolence witb tbe Royal Famil y on tho death of H . R . H . the Dnke of Albany ancl Earl of Clarence , K . G ., the R . W . M . of this Lodge for the present year . The Lodge furniture was draped with crape , and there was a fnll attendance of brethren , all of whom wore mourning . Tho W . D . M .
Bro . Major-General Cecil Ives P . Prov . G . S . Oxon presided , and was snpported by V . W . Bro . C . J . Martyn P . G . C . England D . P . G . M ., and Bros . Dr . Sedgwick P . G . C . England , Charles Coope P . Prov . G .. T . D ., C . H . Vincent I . P . M . Secretary , J . E . Barnes S . W ., the Rev . B . B . Syer J . W ., B . L . Tandy Treasurer , Thomas Stokoo D . C , W . L . Fenner
J . D ., and other brethren . General Ives referred in feeling terms to tho loss sustained by tho Royal Family , the Nation , and the Craft , and especially by this Lodge , in the sad event whioh had so unexpectedly deprived it of its head . It was ordered that tho brethren should wear Masonic mourning for the rest of the year , and resolved thafc
the next regular meeting of tho Lodgo should be postponed until May . Suitable addresses of condolence , wero adopted , and on tbe motion of V . W . Bro . Martyn , seconded by Bro . Cook P . M ., it was resolved that they should be signed by tho W . D . M . and Secretary and forwarded to Her Majesty and H . R . H . tha Dnchess of Albany ,
and also to H . R . II . the Prince of Wales as Grand Master of England . Bro . Martyn having stated that he was about to conduct the funeral of Bro . William Page Phillips P . M . of the Doric Lodge , No . 81 , at which the Clare brethren had also been invited to be present , Bro . Martyn , was on tho motion of tbo W . D . M ., seconded by Bro . Barnes
S . W ., requested to convey to Bro . W . P . Thomas Phillips , of Mellon Grange , Woodbridge , an assurance of sympathy on the loss of his son , who was highly esteemed in the Province . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren dispersed . By the conrtesy of Bro . Vincent P . M . we have been favoured with the text of the addresses , which is as follows : —
" To HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QUEEN . May it please yonr Majesty , MADAM , We , the Deputy Master , Officers and Brethren of the Royal
Clarence Lodge of Freemasons ( this day specially assembled ) , desire most respectfully to express our heartfelt sympathy and condolence with your Majesty and the members of your Royal Family , on the death of H . R . H . Prince Leopold , Dnke of Albany , K . G ., onr beloved Right Worshipful Master for tho present year .
Signed on behalf of the Lodge , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . Master . CHAS . HENRY VINCENT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic Hall , Clare , Snffolk , 31 sfc March 1884 . "
To HER ROTAL HIGHNESS THE DUCHESS or ALBANY . May ifc please yonr Royal Highness , MADAM , We , the Depnty Master , Officers and Brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge of Freemasons ( this day specially assembled ) , desire
to express onr great mrrnw at fho nntimely death of onr Right Wor . shipful Master H . R . H . The Dnke of Albany , Earl of Clarence , K . G . With all reverence ancl humility we pray thafc the Great Architect of the Universe will in His own good time assuage and mitigate the affliction of yonr Royal Highness , to whom we respectfully offer our heartfelt sympathy and condolence .
Signed on behalf of the Lodgo , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . Master . CHAS . HENRY VINCKNT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic Hall , Clare , Suffolk , Slsfc March 1884 .
" To His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES , K . G ., GRAND MASTER . MOST WORSHIPFUL SIR AND BROTHER , We , the Depnty Master , Officers and Brethren of tbe Royal Clarnnco Locl ^ e of Freemasons , No . 1823 , of which H . R . H . the late
Duko of Albany , Earl of Clarence , K . G ., was our beloved Right Worshipful Master for tbe present year , desire most respectfully to offer to your Royal Highness and the members of yonr Royal Family onr deep sympathy and condolence in this present hour of sorrow and affliction .
The untimely death of Uis Royal Highness is most sincerely deplored by thia Lodge ( now specially assembled ) , which has been honoured with so many marks of His Royal Highness ' s special favour
and interest . Signed on behalf of tbe Lodge , CECIL IVES , Major-General , Dep . MaBter . CHAS . HENRY VIFCENT , I . P . M ., Secretary . Masonic HaU , Clare , Suffolk , 31 st March 1834 .
An emergency meeting of toe Provincial Grand Lodge of Suffolk will be held afc the Freemasons' Hall , Ipswich , on Monday next , at two o ' clock , to prepare an address o £ condolence to the Queen and Duchess of Albany .