Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the Tesmsva ot the Loirooif CHATHAM and DOVER RAIIWAT , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . Tbe appointments throughout so arranged as to eaaiire < Mome » tle comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ Public pinners & ~ * PTebtiwg JBwahfasts . THK CBPSADKHS LODGE , No . 1677 , AKB PKKSEVBRAJTCB LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THBIB MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdison Bleotrio Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAV RN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fire Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and BANQUETS ; BALLS and ASSEMBLIES ; PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLE , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . Tho members of tho St . John ' s Lodgo , No . 107 , havo held theiv meetings at this establishment for many years . IFhall particulars and . Tariff on application , to C . M . FROUD , Proprietor .
Now Beady , Grown 8 vo , 96 jpp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OP PREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery ia Lodges of Instrnction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , . BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen .
M : . A . s o : N * i c LECTURE . "KNOBS AND EXCRESCENCES . " BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations for tho delivery of this LECTTOE in MEtBOionTlK or PROVISCIAI . LODGBS , or LODGES OP IirsntncTioir . No Lecture Fee ; travelling expenses onlyaccepted . Address—Clanham , S . W .
C 2 L _ f ^^^ H ^^ a \ j ^^ J ^ V ^^ ^' ^' wf J'J ^^ j ^ f ^ rT * - ' m m ¦ ¦¦ _ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Jjn J
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF NORTH WALES . THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons was held on 25 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Portmadoc , under the presidency of R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . Bro . Capt . Hunter , of Plas Coch , assisted by his V . W . D . Prov . G . M . Dr . Roden , of Llandudno , & c . Tho Snowdonian Lodge , No . 259 , was opened at eleven o'clock . The usual bnsiness being gone through , the W . M .
Bro . J . 6 . Tusford , in masterly style , advanced a brother to the honour able degree of M . M . M . Grand Lodge was announced , and received afc one o ' clock , the R . W . P . G . M . in tho chair , assisted by his Prov . Officers , opened P . G . Lodge . Addressing tho brethren , the P . G . M . congratulated them on the progress that had been made by the Order last year . Ifc was a very great satisfaction to find that the Prince of Wales held the highest position of a Past G . M . of the Order , which
Mark Masonry.
proved the deep interest H . R . H . took in all the branches of Masonry to which he belonged . In tho district of North Wales two new Lodges had been added to the roll , viz ., the Elphin at Carnarvon , being the bardio title of Bro . Love Jones-Parry , M . P ., who is one of the founders and present W . M . of the Lodge ; the other afc Rhyl , which tho brethren of that Lodge had honoured their R . W . P . G . M . by
naming it the Hunter . Tho consecration of the Lodges had been a great success , and were well attended , and he was delighted to see so good a meeting at Porfcmadoc . He was sure they woro all moro than pleased to see the Depnty P . G . M ., Dr . Roden , with them again . He had been prevented by illness from attending the Huntor Lodge , but now he waa himself again ; and ia aa active aa ever in the Order in
which he has so great an interest , and in which he is so universally loved and respected . In the unavoidable absence of the P . G . Treasurer , the P . G . Secretary read the Treasurer's account , which proved very satisfactory and was adopted unanimously . Bro . Dr . Roden proposed that the sum of five guineas be voted to the Mark Charitable Assooiation , this was seconded by Bro . ti . L . Woodloy P . G . Seo ., and carried
unanimously . Tho Provincial Grand Master then made his appoint ' raents , as follow : —Bros . Dr . T . 0 . Roden , M . D . ( Llandudo ) D . P . G . M ., T . D . Love Jones-Parry , M . P ., P . G . S . W ., Major Gordon Warren P . G . J . W ., Revs . T . Edwards and W . Nichols Prov . Grand Chaplains , G . L . Woodlev P . G . Secretary , R . Owen Assist . P . G . Secretary , W . H . Fonlkes ( Rhyl ) P . G . M . O ., Dr . S . Griffith ( Portmadoc ) P . G . S . O .,
C . H . Rees ( Carnarvon ) P . G . J . O ., C . A . Jones ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Registrar , E . W . Keatinge P . G . S . D ., R . M . Parry P . G . J . D ., R . J . Davids ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Superintendent of Works , J . W . Poolo ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Director of Ceremonies , W . Hackworth P . G . Assist . Director of Ceremonies , Th . Snmmerhill P . G . Sword Bearer , J . Williams ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Standard Bearer , P . 0 . Watkins ( Organist
of St . Asaph Cathedral ) P . G . Organist , K . McEwen P . G . I . G . Bro . R . S . Chamberlain was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . J . Moon ( Llandudno ) re-elected P . G . Tyler , Bros . W . Jones ( N . and S . W . Bank ( Carnarvon ) , N . Bunnell ( Carnarvon ) , and J . W . Wheeler ( Portmadoc ) P . G . Stewards . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . Dr . R . Roberts P . G . S . W ., J . G . Taxford W . M . 259 ,
R . S . Hughes Registrar 259 , E . M . Pnrry Secretary 259 ; D . E . Kirkby P . M ., 0 . Davies P . P . G . W ., E . W . Keetiag S . W . 324 , E . A . Steer J . D . 324 , Dr . T . Davies P . P . G . Sup . of Works , W . Jones 321 , W . L . Bankes P . P . G . S . W ., G . Thomas 321 , C . Rowlands 328 , & a . The next annual Provincial Grand Lodge is to be held at Llandudno , under the banner of St . David's , No . 38 . All business transacted ,
and letters of apology for non-attendance being duly read , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in form . The brethren adjourned to the Sportsman Hotel , where a lunch waa provided for their wants , of which justice was done after a bard day's work . The R . W . P . G . M . presided , supported by his Deputy and Officers . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being gone through , the brethren went to enjoy themselves in viewing the scenery of Portmadoc and Tremadoo .
HOLMESDALE LODGE , No . 129 . rnHE installation meeting of this Lodge was held afc the Royaj -i- Hotel , Ramsgate , on Thursday , 27 th ult ., and was well attended . Amongst the numerous Mark Masons present were Bros . Charles J .
Ayton P . P . G . Asst . Secretary W . M ., James Smith Hams P . P . G . D . C . S . W ., S . S . Chancellor P . P . G . J . D . J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison , M . A ., G . Chaplain M . O ., J . G . Henning S . D ., Secretary pro tern . ; P . M . ' s P . Hughes Hallett P . P . G . J . W ., T . H . Grove Snowden P . P . D . G . M ., and James Stevens P . G . O . England j also Bros . J . Geo . Podevin
D . P . G . M . M . Kent , H . Ward P . P . G . M . O ., 0 . Holtum P . P . G . J . O ., & o . Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 p . m ., and after usual routine business , the D . P . G . M . M . Bro . Podevin , afc the request of the W . M ., took the chair of A ., and in a very affectionate and impressive manner , installed Bro . J . S . Harris as W . M . for the ensuing year . The Officers were appointed and invested in the following order , viz ., Bros . S . S . Chancellor S . W ., J . B . Harrison J . W ., Fredk . Leith P . P . G . A . D . C . M . O .,
Charles Palmer S . O ., J . G . Henning J . O ., Rev . E . Gnpper Banks , M . A ., Chaplain , George Page Treasurer , E . J . Bellerby Secretary , Charles Dudley S . D ., W . Jones Lone J . D ., C . P . Wacher I . G ., Alfred Aubrey Org ., R . T . Rolfe Tyler . The addresses were delivered by the Installing Master , and after propositions for advancement had been taken , and correspondence read , Lodge was closed and the
brethren adjourned to banquet . The speeches after the clearance of the cloth wore brief , as time pressed for early departure to towns at a distance , but all the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Podevin D . P . G . M ., in his reply to the toast of the Installing Master , took occasion to refer to the very marked progress of the Province in respect of the Mark Degree , there being no less
than fifteen Lodges working in Kent , and a very great increase m tho number of registered members . A very pleasant evening was spent in harmony , Bros . James Stevens and Alfred Aubrey distinguishing themselves by capital recitations , and , generally , the proceedings of tho afternoon and evening gave much satisfaction to all present on tbe occasion .
? ST . PETER'S CHAPTER ROSE CROIX , BOLTON . A MEETING of this Chapter was convened for Saturday , the 29 th March 1881 , afc tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton , afc four o'lock p . m ., when the following brethren wero in attendance : — W . J . Thomson 30 ° M . W . S ., Arthur Middleton Firsfc General , G . P . Brockbank 32 ° Treasurer , J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , W . Nicholl Raphael , T . H . Glendiunitig Director of Ceremonies , R . G ; Brock First
Herald , John E . Lees Organist , W . M . Wylde Steward , T . W . Edwards , E . Eveleigh P . M . W . S ., John Morris , James Horrocks " . Visitor—Bro . Tyrer 30 ° Liverpool Chapter . The minntes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . James Wilson , who was balloted for , aud elected at the last regular meeting , was duly perfected as a Rose Croix Mason , and invested with the symbols of the Order by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE IMPERIAL HOTEL , HOLBORN VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the Tesmsva ot the Loirooif CHATHAM and DOVER RAIIWAT , but distinct from the Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . Tbe appointments throughout so arranged as to eaaiire < Mome » tle comfort . EVERY ACCOMMODATION FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ Public pinners & ~ * PTebtiwg JBwahfasts . THK CBPSADKHS LODGE , No . 1677 , AKB PKKSEVBRAJTCB LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THBIB MEETINGS AT THIS ESTABLISHMENT . GOOD COOKING . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JEdison Bleotrio Light . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEGBIE .
HOLLY BUSH TAV RN , HAMPSTEAD , ( Close to the Fire Station ) . ACCOMMODATION for MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS and BANQUETS ; BALLS and ASSEMBLIES ; PAROCHIAL DINNERS ; RIFLE , CRICKET , and FOOTBALL GATHERINGS , & c . Rail and Bus within easy distance . Tho members of tho St . John ' s Lodgo , No . 107 , havo held theiv meetings at this establishment for many years . IFhall particulars and . Tariff on application , to C . M . FROUD , Proprietor .
Now Beady , Grown 8 vo , 96 jpp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONAL PAPERS ON THE HISTORY OP PREEMASONRY . Written expressly for delivery ia Lodges of Instrnction . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , . BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen .
M : . A . s o : N * i c LECTURE . "KNOBS AND EXCRESCENCES . " BRO . JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . is open to accept invitations for tho delivery of this LECTTOE in MEtBOionTlK or PROVISCIAI . LODGBS , or LODGES OP IirsntncTioir . No Lecture Fee ; travelling expenses onlyaccepted . Address—Clanham , S . W .
C 2 L _ f ^^^ H ^^ a \ j ^^ J ^ V ^^ ^' ^' wf J'J ^^ j ^ f ^ rT * - ' m m ¦ ¦¦ _ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Jjn J
Mark Masonry.
PROVINCIAL GRAND MARK LODGE OF NORTH WALES . THE annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons was held on 25 th ult ., at the Masonic Hall , Portmadoc , under the presidency of R . W . Prov . G . M . M . M . Bro . Capt . Hunter , of Plas Coch , assisted by his V . W . D . Prov . G . M . Dr . Roden , of Llandudno , & c . Tho Snowdonian Lodge , No . 259 , was opened at eleven o'clock . The usual bnsiness being gone through , the W . M .
Bro . J . 6 . Tusford , in masterly style , advanced a brother to the honour able degree of M . M . M . Grand Lodge was announced , and received afc one o ' clock , the R . W . P . G . M . in tho chair , assisted by his Prov . Officers , opened P . G . Lodge . Addressing tho brethren , the P . G . M . congratulated them on the progress that had been made by the Order last year . Ifc was a very great satisfaction to find that the Prince of Wales held the highest position of a Past G . M . of the Order , which
Mark Masonry.
proved the deep interest H . R . H . took in all the branches of Masonry to which he belonged . In tho district of North Wales two new Lodges had been added to the roll , viz ., the Elphin at Carnarvon , being the bardio title of Bro . Love Jones-Parry , M . P ., who is one of the founders and present W . M . of the Lodge ; the other afc Rhyl , which tho brethren of that Lodge had honoured their R . W . P . G . M . by
naming it the Hunter . Tho consecration of the Lodges had been a great success , and were well attended , and he was delighted to see so good a meeting at Porfcmadoc . He was sure they woro all moro than pleased to see the Depnty P . G . M ., Dr . Roden , with them again . He had been prevented by illness from attending the Huntor Lodge , but now he waa himself again ; and ia aa active aa ever in the Order in
which he has so great an interest , and in which he is so universally loved and respected . In the unavoidable absence of the P . G . Treasurer , the P . G . Secretary read the Treasurer's account , which proved very satisfactory and was adopted unanimously . Bro . Dr . Roden proposed that the sum of five guineas be voted to the Mark Charitable Assooiation , this was seconded by Bro . ti . L . Woodloy P . G . Seo ., and carried
unanimously . Tho Provincial Grand Master then made his appoint ' raents , as follow : —Bros . Dr . T . 0 . Roden , M . D . ( Llandudo ) D . P . G . M ., T . D . Love Jones-Parry , M . P ., P . G . S . W ., Major Gordon Warren P . G . J . W ., Revs . T . Edwards and W . Nichols Prov . Grand Chaplains , G . L . Woodlev P . G . Secretary , R . Owen Assist . P . G . Secretary , W . H . Fonlkes ( Rhyl ) P . G . M . O ., Dr . S . Griffith ( Portmadoc ) P . G . S . O .,
C . H . Rees ( Carnarvon ) P . G . J . O ., C . A . Jones ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Registrar , E . W . Keatinge P . G . S . D ., R . M . Parry P . G . J . D ., R . J . Davids ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Superintendent of Works , J . W . Poolo ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Director of Ceremonies , W . Hackworth P . G . Assist . Director of Ceremonies , Th . Snmmerhill P . G . Sword Bearer , J . Williams ( Carnarvon ) P . G . Standard Bearer , P . 0 . Watkins ( Organist
of St . Asaph Cathedral ) P . G . Organist , K . McEwen P . G . I . G . Bro . R . S . Chamberlain was unanimously re-elected P . G . Treasurer , and Bro . J . Moon ( Llandudno ) re-elected P . G . Tyler , Bros . W . Jones ( N . and S . W . Bank ( Carnarvon ) , N . Bunnell ( Carnarvon ) , and J . W . Wheeler ( Portmadoc ) P . G . Stewards . The following brethren were also present : —Bros . Dr . R . Roberts P . G . S . W ., J . G . Taxford W . M . 259 ,
R . S . Hughes Registrar 259 , E . M . Pnrry Secretary 259 ; D . E . Kirkby P . M ., 0 . Davies P . P . G . W ., E . W . Keetiag S . W . 324 , E . A . Steer J . D . 324 , Dr . T . Davies P . P . G . Sup . of Works , W . Jones 321 , W . L . Bankes P . P . G . S . W ., G . Thomas 321 , C . Rowlands 328 , & a . The next annual Provincial Grand Lodge is to be held at Llandudno , under the banner of St . David's , No . 38 . All business transacted ,
and letters of apology for non-attendance being duly read , the Provincial Grand Lodge was closed in form . The brethren adjourned to the Sportsman Hotel , where a lunch waa provided for their wants , of which justice was done after a bard day's work . The R . W . P . G . M . presided , supported by his Deputy and Officers . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts being gone through , the brethren went to enjoy themselves in viewing the scenery of Portmadoc and Tremadoo .
HOLMESDALE LODGE , No . 129 . rnHE installation meeting of this Lodge was held afc the Royaj -i- Hotel , Ramsgate , on Thursday , 27 th ult ., and was well attended . Amongst the numerous Mark Masons present were Bros . Charles J .
Ayton P . P . G . Asst . Secretary W . M ., James Smith Hams P . P . G . D . C . S . W ., S . S . Chancellor P . P . G . J . D . J . W ., Rev . J . B . Harrison , M . A ., G . Chaplain M . O ., J . G . Henning S . D ., Secretary pro tern . ; P . M . ' s P . Hughes Hallett P . P . G . J . W ., T . H . Grove Snowden P . P . D . G . M ., and James Stevens P . G . O . England j also Bros . J . Geo . Podevin
D . P . G . M . M . Kent , H . Ward P . P . G . M . O ., 0 . Holtum P . P . G . J . O ., & o . Lodge was opened at 3 . 30 p . m ., and after usual routine business , the D . P . G . M . M . Bro . Podevin , afc the request of the W . M ., took the chair of A ., and in a very affectionate and impressive manner , installed Bro . J . S . Harris as W . M . for the ensuing year . The Officers were appointed and invested in the following order , viz ., Bros . S . S . Chancellor S . W ., J . B . Harrison J . W ., Fredk . Leith P . P . G . A . D . C . M . O .,
Charles Palmer S . O ., J . G . Henning J . O ., Rev . E . Gnpper Banks , M . A ., Chaplain , George Page Treasurer , E . J . Bellerby Secretary , Charles Dudley S . D ., W . Jones Lone J . D ., C . P . Wacher I . G ., Alfred Aubrey Org ., R . T . Rolfe Tyler . The addresses were delivered by the Installing Master , and after propositions for advancement had been taken , and correspondence read , Lodge was closed and the
brethren adjourned to banquet . The speeches after the clearance of the cloth wore brief , as time pressed for early departure to towns at a distance , but all the customary Loyal and Masonic toasts were duly honoured . Bro . Podevin D . P . G . M ., in his reply to the toast of the Installing Master , took occasion to refer to the very marked progress of the Province in respect of the Mark Degree , there being no less
than fifteen Lodges working in Kent , and a very great increase m tho number of registered members . A very pleasant evening was spent in harmony , Bros . James Stevens and Alfred Aubrey distinguishing themselves by capital recitations , and , generally , the proceedings of tho afternoon and evening gave much satisfaction to all present on tbe occasion .
? ST . PETER'S CHAPTER ROSE CROIX , BOLTON . A MEETING of this Chapter was convened for Saturday , the 29 th March 1881 , afc tho Commercial Hotel , Bolton , afc four o'lock p . m ., when the following brethren wero in attendance : — W . J . Thomson 30 ° M . W . S ., Arthur Middleton Firsfc General , G . P . Brockbank 32 ° Treasurer , J . D . Murray Grand Marshal , W . Nicholl Raphael , T . H . Glendiunitig Director of Ceremonies , R . G ; Brock First
Herald , John E . Lees Organist , W . M . Wylde Steward , T . W . Edwards , E . Eveleigh P . M . W . S ., John Morris , James Horrocks " . Visitor—Bro . Tyrer 30 ° Liverpool Chapter . The minntes of the last meeting having been read and confirmed , Bro . James Wilson , who was balloted for , aud elected at the last regular meeting , was duly perfected as a Rose Croix Mason , and invested with the symbols of the Order by