Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
14 ? X Tli-rle Pn-k . Thp West-bourne . Craven-road , Paddin . ton ] .- ?« The f ! -eat . fit .--, , r _« r . n . ' TT « 'l . Masons' , \ v _ * n _ ,-R . r- at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 14 .-7 _ Per' -h . " - , Pr ' nrp * TTnll . Prirres-road . Buckhurst Hill ] ... . _ p »_ . of Connmirrht . Surrey ' \ . i « n"ic Hall , Camberwell . S . E . 1 . f ) . — ' . v . prino . Red L ' on . 1 pvtonstonp 1614-fm-ent r . 'irden , i ' nn « , ; r'iHnn , TV-I '* .-Wr , _ t W . O ., at 7 . 15 ( fusti-iction ) IB .- * — _ nrl of Carnarvon . ladbroke Hall . Netting Hill
1 B 7 . — .. mi . 'to .. Mansion Hou «» St a ' ion R . stai-rant . K . C at , (! , ( Instruction ) 1677— . nisnders . n * , * .. .-rns _ l . ru Tav ., St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 0 ( Inst . ) 180-1—Cob m . Vestry Hnll . Bow . inso—South , ate . Railway Hotel New Snot , _ n _\ at 7 30 . 'Instruction ) R . A . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridco House Hot" ! , London-hridgo „ . A . 753—r-rinre Frederick William , Lord's Hotel . St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) ¦ R . A . 1171—North London , Canonburv Tnvpv \ Canonbury Place , at 3 . ( Inst . ) K . T . 117—New Temple , Inner Temple , London
35—Medina , 85 Tush-street . Cowes . 97—Palatine . Masonic . Hal' Toward-road , Sunderland . 139—Britannia , Ficemasois' TTnll . Surrey-street Sheffield . 203—Aneienl- Unior . Mnsonic ITn'l . Livernool . ( Instruction ) 218—Harmonic , Adelphi Hotel , Livernool . 240—Mariners , Mnson n Ha'l . Livernool , at , 8 ( Instruction ) 333— Roval Preston . Castle Hotel . Prestnn 339—Unanimity . Crown Hotel . Penrith . Cumberland .
•169—Hundred nf Elloo . Masonic Rooms , London Road , Spalding . 477—Mersey , 55 Argyle-street . Birt-enhead . 618—Etrnsean . Masonic Hnll , Caroline-street ,. Longton , Stafford . 732—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pp . vilinn . Brighton . 739—Temperam *? , Masonic Room , New-street . Birmingham . 78-t—Wellington . Public Rrmma . Park-street , Deal 786—Croxteth United Service . 'Masonic Hn'l , Liverpool 945—Abbey . Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks
991—Tyne , Masonic Hall , Wellington Qnav . Northumberland 1035—Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . 1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s Hotel , Olieetlmm . Lancashire . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Tredegar , Mon . 1144—Milton , Cnmm . reinl Hotel . Ashton-under-Lyne . 114- —Equality . Red Lion Hotel , Aecrington 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . L ' verpool 1201—Rovd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire .
1273—St . Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittlngbourne . 1369—Bala . Plasgoph Hotel , Bala . 1416 -Falcon . Masonic Hall , Cnstle Yard , Thirsk . 1429—Albert Edward Prince of Wales . Masonic Hall , Newnovt , Mon-15-to—Cranbonrne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1683—Corbet . Corbet Arms , Towvn . 1 B 97—Hospitality , Royal Hotel . Watorfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Maehen , Swan Hotel , Colpshill .
1892—Wallington , King ' s Arms Hotel , Carshalton . ( Instruction ) 1011—DR La P-e . Masonic Hnll . Northampton 1915—Grnystone , Forester ' s Hnll , Whitstab ' e R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cup ? Hotel , Cn ' c ' iester R . A . 220— Hnrmonv . Wellington Hotel , Garston , Lancashire R . A . 251—Trinity , Castle Inn , Coventry
R . A . 464—Hwlffnrdd , Masonic Hall . Haverfordwest R . A . 613—B idson . Masonic Hnll . Snnthpnrt . R . A . 723—Panmure . Masonic Hall . Barrack Road . Aldershot R . A . 818—I'hilanthronic , Masonic Hall , Lion Street , Abergavenny BA . 889—Dobie , Griffl Hotel , King- * tr _ -on-Thames K . T . 21—Salan . anca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax
FRIDAY , 11 th MAY .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at . 7 . 25—Rohert Burns . The North Pole , 115 Oxford-street , XV ., at 8 ( Instruc . ) 33—Britannic , Freemasons' Hall , W . C 134—Caledonian , Ship and T mile , leadenhall-street 144— St .. _ „ , White Hart . Ki-ng's-road , Chelsea , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction" ) 167—Bedford , Freemasons' Ball , W . C 507—United Pilgi Iras . Surrev Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruct . ) 766—William Preston . Jacob ' s Well , Groree-st ,., Manchester-= q ., at 8 ( Inst . )
780—R yal Alfred . Star and Gni , n-, Kew Bridge . ( Instruction ) 834— Rnne ' agh . Six Rolls , Hamme-. -mith ( Instruction ) 1 ) 33—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whiter , appl-ma-l . a' 8 . / Instrnction ) 1056—Metropolitan . Portugal Hoiel , Fleet-street , R . C . at 7 . ( Instrnction ) 1158—Belgrn . ve , . Tevmvn-street , S . O ' ., at 8 . ( Instruct ! MI ) 1298—Royal S nndard . Alwyne Ca . tl e , St . P . ul's-road , Car . . nbury , at 8 . ( In . ) 13 _ K—Clnr > ton . White Hart , ' Lower Clanton , at . 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1789—Ubique , Guardsman Army Coffee Tavern , Buckingham Palace-road , S . W , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1901—Selwvn , East Dnlwich Hotel , East Dnlwich . ( Instruction ) R . A . 6—Friendship , Willis's Rooms , King Street , St . James ' s R . A . 65—Prosperity diaper of I mp-ovement , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall St . R . A . 70—Pwh . •rnrenn Pnrt . ln . nd Hn __ . T , nn . nn . - tr . or . O'een-virti ( f _« t . l _ t . A . 569—Fitzroy , Headquarters Hon . Artillery Company , City Hon .., E . C M . M . —Old Kent . Crown a . nd Cushion , London Wall , E . G . ' ( Instruction ) ' M . M 198—Croydon , 105 High Street , Croydon
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons'Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-strcet , Cardiff . 453—Chiewell , Prince's Hall , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 , 30 ' ( Instruction ) f 4 * .-A-re nnd Caldcr . Private Rooms . Ouse-steet , Goole . 626—Hononr , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 602—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel . West Bromwich . 697—United , fiem-. e Hotel Colchester . 815—Blair , Town Hall , Strotford-road , Hulmo
1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harriogate 1087—Benudesert . Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard 1299-Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rock Forrv General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic HaU . Net ' -street . Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 81—Royal York , Private Rooms , Doric Place , Woodbridge R . A . 993—Alexandra , Me . way Hotel , Levenshulme K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield
SATURDAY , 12 th MAY .
173—Phoenix , Freemasons' Hnll , W . C . 176—Cave . ic , Albion Tavern . Aldersgate-street lfH— Pore / . Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road . N \ , 8 . ( Instruction ) 1275—Star F ve Bells , 155 New Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1 . 28—Granite , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 136- - —Kail of Zetland , Roval Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . ( Instruction ) I . - ) i _ . . elevtn ., King ' s Head . Rbnrv Bridge , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1085 GuelnhRed Lion
— , , Lcytonstone 1886—Paxt . on , Su-ro- Masonic Hall . Camberwell 1928—Gallery , Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton Sinai Chapter of Improvement . Union . Air-st . rnnt . Regent-street , W . at 8 . R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green R . A . 1293—Bnrdett , Mit e Hotel , Ham . ton Court M . M . 234—Brixton , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1929—Mc . art , Hai-ewood House , High Street , Croydon
Notices Of Meetings.
"VX 7 " F ! , last week , gave an account of tho installation meeting of this ' ' Lodge , so far ns regards tho earlier events of the day . The after-dinner proceedings wero of an essentially harmonious character , and we feel assured the subjoined particulars will be accept . able to onr readers : — Tho brethren assembled for banquet shortly after the close of business . Mrs . Priestly of tho " Commercial , " having- put forth her
best efforts to cater to the wants of the brethren , was rewarded by a thorough appreciation of one of the most successful meetings of the brethren in Bolton ; the arrangements were simply perfect , and the viands all that the keenest epicure could desire . The St . George ' s Lodge choir , recently established , contributed largely to the enjoy , ment of the brethren , and sang ; their glees and songs in snob , a
manner as to entrance the audience . They were heartily thanked for their contribution to the harmony and enjoyment of the meeting . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed , and received full recognition from those assembled . In proposing the health of the Provincial Grand Officers the S . W ., Bro . Barrett , spoke highly of those brethren , and stated that it should be a matter of pride that
Bolton contributed some of the most valued members of that body . The toast was briefly responded to by Brother Henry Greenwood P . Prov . G-P ., who said that he was proud of his position as a Past Prov . Grand Officer , and that he would always endeavour to sustain the dignity of the office . The health of the W . M . ( Bro . Latham ) was proposed bv Bro . Brockbank , the senior P . M ., who expressed hia
•/rent gratification nt being asked to instal to the office the seventh Master of St . George ' s Lodge , who had proved himself so worth y of the distinction the brethren bad bsstowed npon him . His contributions that day shewed clearly that he thoroughly appreciated the axiom that office brought responsibilities as well as honours along with it . Bro . Dr . Bentley , composer of " Here ' s to his health in a song , "
favoured the brethren by a vocal display , which elicited the warm plaudits of the brethren . Bro . Pennington proposed the Installing Master , Bro . Brockbank , and spoke in very flattering terms of the Ions ? Masonic services of that brother , intimating that the pleasure he had in visiting the Lodge that evening was considerably enhanced hy hearing the Mnster of his own Lodge conduct the ceremony of
the day , and , as Master of the oldest Lodge in the town , instal the Master of the youngest Lodge into office . Brother Brockbank , in reply , alluded to the faot that this Lodge , of whioh he had the hononr of being the first Master , had in a short time become so marvellous a success , this showed that brethren of good social position peaceably and quietly agreed to accept their Masonic rank without
any desire to obtain precedence , which some brethren might think them entitled to ; for instance , the S . W . was Chairman of the Board of Guardians of tbe Bolton Poor Law Union , and the J . W . held the honourable position of Mayor of Bolton , while other members of the bodies over which these brethren respectively presided occupied various offices in the Lodge . He was proud of its success , and trusted
to be spared to continue to render it any service in his power . The Mother Lodge , 221 , was proposed by the Mayor , and responded to by Bro . John Isherwood , W . M . of the Lodge . The Mayor spoke in the most kindly way of the " Mater , " and the services the old Lodge had rendered to Freemasonry , and of the very excellent Masons who had been trained nnder its banner , heartily wishing it every success .
The Past Masters were duly honoured , and the toast replied to by B- * n . Court , who acknowledged the services which had been rendered to him dnring his year of office by the Past Masters and also the Officers of the Lodge . The Visitors , proposed by Bro . Barratt S . W ., was responde . to b y Bro . Brier ley , W . M . Lodge Relief , No . 42 , Bury , who expressed his great gratification at visiting Bolton Lodges , as his
Lodge was consecrated , now nearly 150 years ago , by the first Master nf the Anchor and Hope Lodge of Bolton ; he stated that the Sesqni-Centennial of his Lodge would be celebrated in the month of July , and be hoped to be well supported by Bolton Masons . The Charities were next proposed and honoured . The services of the Officers of the Lodge were fully recognised and the compliment paid them waa
gracefully acknowledged . The tonst , proposed by Bro . John Morris P . M . —Poor and Distressed Masons-concluded the programme . The musieal arrangements and general direction of the proceedings were entrusted to the able hands and experienced judgment of Bro . Taylor , Past Provincial Grand Organist , and gave general satisfaction . The following brethren formed the choir whose services were so highly
appreciated : —Bros . J . M . Bentlev , Mas . Doc , J . B . Gonlbnm , Cheesewri ght , J . T . Smith . J . W . Taylor , and Tom Collins . The fol . lowing is a list of the glees , & c . sung : — " National Anthem , " choir ; "God bless the Prince of Wales . " choir ; "Ye Shepherds , " Dr . Rentley ; "Let ns have harmony , " choir ; " Gnnd Company , " Bro . Walker ; "Red Cross Knight , " choir ; "Polly , " Cheese ' v-: ight ;
"Glorious Apollo , " choir ; "Tho Poacher , " Bro . Penr . bigton ; " Friendship , Love and Truth , " Bro . Higs-m ; " Mother Hf-bard , " The Chaplain ; " Here ' s to his health , " Dr . Bentley ; " Fill co him , " Bro . Nicholson ; " Stranded . " Bro . Goulburn ; " When Evening ' s Twilight , " choir ; "The Collier Lad , " Bro . J . H . Greenhalgh ; "Shonld Auld Acquaintance , " Dr . Bensey ; " Powder Monkey , " Bro . Cheesewright .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Meeting at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N ., on 28 th April . Present —Bros . Weeden W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Capstick J . W ., Venning S . D ., Woolf J . D ., Snook I . G ., Fenner acting Preceptor , Galer Secretary ;
also Bros . Houghton , Manger , Richardson , and Dixie . Lodge was opened in due form with prayer , and the minutes of last Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After preliminaries , Brother Mangor ( a F . C . ) answered the questions leading to the third degree . The coromony of passiug was afterwards rehearsed , Brother Manger
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
14 ? X Tli-rle Pn-k . Thp West-bourne . Craven-road , Paddin . ton ] .- ?« The f ! -eat . fit .--, , r _« r . n . ' TT « 'l . Masons' , \ v _ * n _ ,-R . r- at 6 . 30 ( Inst . ) 14 .-7 _ Per' -h . " - , Pr ' nrp * TTnll . Prirres-road . Buckhurst Hill ] ... . _ p »_ . of Connmirrht . Surrey ' \ . i « n"ic Hall , Camberwell . S . E . 1 . f ) . — ' . v . prino . Red L ' on . 1 pvtonstonp 1614-fm-ent r . 'irden , i ' nn « , ; r'iHnn , TV-I '* .-Wr , _ t W . O ., at 7 . 15 ( fusti-iction ) IB .- * — _ nrl of Carnarvon . ladbroke Hall . Netting Hill
1 B 7 . — .. mi . 'to .. Mansion Hou «» St a ' ion R . stai-rant . K . C at , (! , ( Instruction ) 1677— . nisnders . n * , * .. .-rns _ l . ru Tav ., St . John's Gate , Clerkenwell , at 0 ( Inst . ) 180-1—Cob m . Vestry Hnll . Bow . inso—South , ate . Railway Hotel New Snot , _ n _\ at 7 30 . 'Instruction ) R . A . 73—Mount Lebanon , Bridco House Hot" ! , London-hridgo „ . A . 753—r-rinre Frederick William , Lord's Hotel . St . John ' s Wood , at 8 . ( In . ) ¦ R . A . 1171—North London , Canonburv Tnvpv \ Canonbury Place , at 3 . ( Inst . ) K . T . 117—New Temple , Inner Temple , London
35—Medina , 85 Tush-street . Cowes . 97—Palatine . Masonic . Hal' Toward-road , Sunderland . 139—Britannia , Ficemasois' TTnll . Surrey-street Sheffield . 203—Aneienl- Unior . Mnsonic ITn'l . Livernool . ( Instruction ) 218—Harmonic , Adelphi Hotel , Livernool . 240—Mariners , Mnson n Ha'l . Livernool , at , 8 ( Instruction ) 333— Roval Preston . Castle Hotel . Prestnn 339—Unanimity . Crown Hotel . Penrith . Cumberland .
•169—Hundred nf Elloo . Masonic Rooms , London Road , Spalding . 477—Mersey , 55 Argyle-street . Birt-enhead . 618—Etrnsean . Masonic Hnll , Caroline-street ,. Longton , Stafford . 732—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pp . vilinn . Brighton . 739—Temperam *? , Masonic Room , New-street . Birmingham . 78-t—Wellington . Public Rrmma . Park-street , Deal 786—Croxteth United Service . 'Masonic Hn'l , Liverpool 945—Abbey . Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks
991—Tyne , Masonic Hall , Wellington Qnav . Northumberland 1035—Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . 1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s Hotel , Olieetlmm . Lancashire . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Tredegar , Mon . 1144—Milton , Cnmm . reinl Hotel . Ashton-under-Lyne . 114- —Equality . Red Lion Hotel , Aecrington 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall . L ' verpool 1201—Rovd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire .
1273—St . Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittlngbourne . 1369—Bala . Plasgoph Hotel , Bala . 1416 -Falcon . Masonic Hall , Cnstle Yard , Thirsk . 1429—Albert Edward Prince of Wales . Masonic Hall , Newnovt , Mon-15-to—Cranbonrne , Red Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction ) 1683—Corbet . Corbet Arms , Towvn . 1 B 97—Hospitality , Royal Hotel . Watorfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Maehen , Swan Hotel , Colpshill .
1892—Wallington , King ' s Arms Hotel , Carshalton . ( Instruction ) 1011—DR La P-e . Masonic Hnll . Northampton 1915—Grnystone , Forester ' s Hnll , Whitstab ' e R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cup ? Hotel , Cn ' c ' iester R . A . 220— Hnrmonv . Wellington Hotel , Garston , Lancashire R . A . 251—Trinity , Castle Inn , Coventry
R . A . 464—Hwlffnrdd , Masonic Hall . Haverfordwest R . A . 613—B idson . Masonic Hnll . Snnthpnrt . R . A . 723—Panmure . Masonic Hall . Barrack Road . Aldershot R . A . 818—I'hilanthronic , Masonic Hall , Lion Street , Abergavenny BA . 889—Dobie , Griffl Hotel , King- * tr _ -on-Thames K . T . 21—Salan . anca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax
FRIDAY , 11 th MAY .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at . 7 . 25—Rohert Burns . The North Pole , 115 Oxford-street , XV ., at 8 ( Instruc . ) 33—Britannic , Freemasons' Hall , W . C 134—Caledonian , Ship and T mile , leadenhall-street 144— St .. _ „ , White Hart . Ki-ng's-road , Chelsea , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction" ) 167—Bedford , Freemasons' Ball , W . C 507—United Pilgi Iras . Surrev Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruct . ) 766—William Preston . Jacob ' s Well , Groree-st ,., Manchester-= q ., at 8 ( Inst . )
780—R yal Alfred . Star and Gni , n-, Kew Bridge . ( Instruction ) 834— Rnne ' agh . Six Rolls , Hamme-. -mith ( Instruction ) 1 ) 33—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whiter , appl-ma-l . a' 8 . / Instrnction ) 1056—Metropolitan . Portugal Hoiel , Fleet-street , R . C . at 7 . ( Instrnction ) 1158—Belgrn . ve , . Tevmvn-street , S . O ' ., at 8 . ( Instruct ! MI ) 1298—Royal S nndard . Alwyne Ca . tl e , St . P . ul's-road , Car . . nbury , at 8 . ( In . ) 13 _ K—Clnr > ton . White Hart , ' Lower Clanton , at . 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Ladbroke Hall , Netting Hill , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1789—Ubique , Guardsman Army Coffee Tavern , Buckingham Palace-road , S . W , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1901—Selwvn , East Dnlwich Hotel , East Dnlwich . ( Instruction ) R . A . 6—Friendship , Willis's Rooms , King Street , St . James ' s R . A . 65—Prosperity diaper of I mp-ovement , Hercules Tav ., Leadenhall St . R . A . 70—Pwh . •rnrenn Pnrt . ln . nd Hn __ . T , nn . nn . - tr . or . O'een-virti ( f _« t . l _ t . A . 569—Fitzroy , Headquarters Hon . Artillery Company , City Hon .., E . C M . M . —Old Kent . Crown a . nd Cushion , London Wall , E . G . ' ( Instruction ) ' M . M 198—Croydon , 105 High Street , Croydon
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons'Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-strcet , Cardiff . 453—Chiewell , Prince's Hall , Buckhurst Hill , at 7 , 30 ' ( Instruction ) f 4 * .-A-re nnd Caldcr . Private Rooms . Ouse-steet , Goole . 626—Hononr , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 602—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel . West Bromwich . 697—United , fiem-. e Hotel Colchester . 815—Blair , Town Hall , Strotford-road , Hulmo
1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harriogate 1087—Benudesert . Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard 1299-Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rock Forrv General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic HaU . Net ' -street . Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 81—Royal York , Private Rooms , Doric Place , Woodbridge R . A . 993—Alexandra , Me . way Hotel , Levenshulme K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-street , Huddersfield
SATURDAY , 12 th MAY .
173—Phoenix , Freemasons' Hnll , W . C . 176—Cave . ic , Albion Tavern . Aldersgate-street lfH— Pore / . Jolly Farmers ' , Southgate Road . N \ , 8 . ( Instruction ) 1275—Star F ve Bells , 155 New Cross-road , S . E ., at 7 . ( Instruction ) 1 . 28—Granite , Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 136- - —Kail of Zetland , Roval Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 . ( Instruction ) I . - ) i _ . . elevtn ., King ' s Head . Rbnrv Bridge , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1085 GuelnhRed Lion
— , , Lcytonstone 1886—Paxt . on , Su-ro- Masonic Hall . Camberwell 1928—Gallery , Brixton Hall , Acre Lane , Brixton Sinai Chapter of Improvement . Union . Air-st . rnnt . Regent-street , W . at 8 . R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green R . A . 1293—Bnrdett , Mit e Hotel , Ham . ton Court M . M . 234—Brixton , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet Street , E . C . 1929—Mc . art , Hai-ewood House , High Street , Croydon
Notices Of Meetings.
"VX 7 " F ! , last week , gave an account of tho installation meeting of this ' ' Lodge , so far ns regards tho earlier events of the day . The after-dinner proceedings wero of an essentially harmonious character , and we feel assured the subjoined particulars will be accept . able to onr readers : — Tho brethren assembled for banquet shortly after the close of business . Mrs . Priestly of tho " Commercial , " having- put forth her
best efforts to cater to the wants of the brethren , was rewarded by a thorough appreciation of one of the most successful meetings of the brethren in Bolton ; the arrangements were simply perfect , and the viands all that the keenest epicure could desire . The St . George ' s Lodge choir , recently established , contributed largely to the enjoy , ment of the brethren , and sang ; their glees and songs in snob , a
manner as to entrance the audience . They were heartily thanked for their contribution to the harmony and enjoyment of the meeting . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts were proposed , and received full recognition from those assembled . In proposing the health of the Provincial Grand Officers the S . W ., Bro . Barrett , spoke highly of those brethren , and stated that it should be a matter of pride that
Bolton contributed some of the most valued members of that body . The toast was briefly responded to by Brother Henry Greenwood P . Prov . G-P ., who said that he was proud of his position as a Past Prov . Grand Officer , and that he would always endeavour to sustain the dignity of the office . The health of the W . M . ( Bro . Latham ) was proposed bv Bro . Brockbank , the senior P . M ., who expressed hia
•/rent gratification nt being asked to instal to the office the seventh Master of St . George ' s Lodge , who had proved himself so worth y of the distinction the brethren bad bsstowed npon him . His contributions that day shewed clearly that he thoroughly appreciated the axiom that office brought responsibilities as well as honours along with it . Bro . Dr . Bentley , composer of " Here ' s to his health in a song , "
favoured the brethren by a vocal display , which elicited the warm plaudits of the brethren . Bro . Pennington proposed the Installing Master , Bro . Brockbank , and spoke in very flattering terms of the Ions ? Masonic services of that brother , intimating that the pleasure he had in visiting the Lodge that evening was considerably enhanced hy hearing the Mnster of his own Lodge conduct the ceremony of
the day , and , as Master of the oldest Lodge in the town , instal the Master of the youngest Lodge into office . Brother Brockbank , in reply , alluded to the faot that this Lodge , of whioh he had the hononr of being the first Master , had in a short time become so marvellous a success , this showed that brethren of good social position peaceably and quietly agreed to accept their Masonic rank without
any desire to obtain precedence , which some brethren might think them entitled to ; for instance , the S . W . was Chairman of the Board of Guardians of tbe Bolton Poor Law Union , and the J . W . held the honourable position of Mayor of Bolton , while other members of the bodies over which these brethren respectively presided occupied various offices in the Lodge . He was proud of its success , and trusted
to be spared to continue to render it any service in his power . The Mother Lodge , 221 , was proposed by the Mayor , and responded to by Bro . John Isherwood , W . M . of the Lodge . The Mayor spoke in the most kindly way of the " Mater , " and the services the old Lodge had rendered to Freemasonry , and of the very excellent Masons who had been trained nnder its banner , heartily wishing it every success .
The Past Masters were duly honoured , and the toast replied to by B- * n . Court , who acknowledged the services which had been rendered to him dnring his year of office by the Past Masters and also the Officers of the Lodge . The Visitors , proposed by Bro . Barratt S . W ., was responde . to b y Bro . Brier ley , W . M . Lodge Relief , No . 42 , Bury , who expressed his great gratification at visiting Bolton Lodges , as his
Lodge was consecrated , now nearly 150 years ago , by the first Master nf the Anchor and Hope Lodge of Bolton ; he stated that the Sesqni-Centennial of his Lodge would be celebrated in the month of July , and be hoped to be well supported by Bolton Masons . The Charities were next proposed and honoured . The services of the Officers of the Lodge were fully recognised and the compliment paid them waa
gracefully acknowledged . The tonst , proposed by Bro . John Morris P . M . —Poor and Distressed Masons-concluded the programme . The musieal arrangements and general direction of the proceedings were entrusted to the able hands and experienced judgment of Bro . Taylor , Past Provincial Grand Organist , and gave general satisfaction . The following brethren formed the choir whose services were so highly
appreciated : —Bros . J . M . Bentlev , Mas . Doc , J . B . Gonlbnm , Cheesewri ght , J . T . Smith . J . W . Taylor , and Tom Collins . The fol . lowing is a list of the glees , & c . sung : — " National Anthem , " choir ; "God bless the Prince of Wales . " choir ; "Ye Shepherds , " Dr . Rentley ; "Let ns have harmony , " choir ; " Gnnd Company , " Bro . Walker ; "Red Cross Knight , " choir ; "Polly , " Cheese ' v-: ight ;
"Glorious Apollo , " choir ; "Tho Poacher , " Bro . Penr . bigton ; " Friendship , Love and Truth , " Bro . Higs-m ; " Mother Hf-bard , " The Chaplain ; " Here ' s to his health , " Dr . Bentley ; " Fill co him , " Bro . Nicholson ; " Stranded . " Bro . Goulburn ; " When Evening ' s Twilight , " choir ; "The Collier Lad , " Bro . J . H . Greenhalgh ; "Shonld Auld Acquaintance , " Dr . Bensey ; " Powder Monkey , " Bro . Cheesewright .
Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 . —Meeting at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate-road , Islington , N ., on 28 th April . Present —Bros . Weeden W . M ., Ashton S . W ., Capstick J . W ., Venning S . D ., Woolf J . D ., Snook I . G ., Fenner acting Preceptor , Galer Secretary ;
also Bros . Houghton , Manger , Richardson , and Dixie . Lodge was opened in due form with prayer , and the minutes of last Lodge meeting were read and confirmed . After preliminaries , Brother Mangor ( a F . C . ) answered the questions leading to the third degree . The coromony of passiug was afterwards rehearsed , Brother Manger