Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 2 Article THE FIFTEEN SECTIONS Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Notices Of Meetings.
candidate . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Ashton was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Capstick , of the Industry Lodge , No . 186 , was elected a member . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Upton Lodge of Instruction , held at the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green-road , by members of tho Percy , on Thursday , the 10 th May , nnder the presidency of Bros . I . P . Cohen W . M ., H . G . Gush S . W ., A . Trewinnard J . W ., and A . W . Fenner I . P . M . Brethren are cordially invited .
Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —At the weekly meeting , held at the Cambria Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughborough , S . E ., on Monday evening last , Brother James Stevens P . M . P . Z . & c . paid his long-promised visit to this flourishing Lodge , and gave his lecture on the first degree . Amongst the members present we noticed" Bro . J . R . Johnson Preceptor , and Bros . Donald ,
Baldwin , Philips , Richardson , Harvey , Westly , Banks , Rush , Wood , Allison , Snelling , Leigh , Perkins , Sherring , Haines , Poore . The Lodge was opened , Bro . J . R . Johnson occupying the chair , assisted by Bros . Allison and J . Saddler Wood as Senior and Jnnior Wardens , Bros . Banks S . D ., Harvey J . D ., and Westley I . G . After the confirmation of the minutes Bro . James Stevens proceeded with his
lecture , which was listened to with marked attention by the brethren , and as time did not permit of it being concluded , Bro . Stevens consented to attend at an early date , at the request of the brethren , to deliver the second portion of his lecture . Three members wore elected , and a nnanimous vote of thanks was passed to Brother Stevens for the part of his interesting lecture he had delivered , and
as a small token of respect he was elected an honorary member of the Lodge . He in reply to the vote accepted it in the fraternal sp irit of the intentions of the brethren . The Lodge was then closed in ancient form , and it was tbe unanimously expressed view of the brethren present that they had received considerable instruction from what Brother Stevens had ao kindly imparted to them in his lecture .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 — The usual weekly meeting was held at tho Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday evening , the 27 th ultimo , when there was a large attendance of brethren . The Worshipful Master , Bro . E . A . Francis was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . H . Baldwin S . W ., Serjeant J . VV ., Pooro Secretary , Phillips S . D ., Jones J . D .,
Hakini P . M . I . G ., Williams Organist , Knight Master of Ceremonies , there were also present Bros . Richardson , Bye jun ., Bate , Stokes , Albert , Banks , Styles , Pooler , and others . After preliminaries , Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and , in accordance with previous arrangements , the W . M . ( Brother Francis ) proceeded to rehearse the installation ceremony ( omitting that portion relating to
the board of Installed Masters ) . Brother S . Richardson having assumed tbe chair of K . S ., the Officers of the evening , as above , were dnly invested , and the remainder of the ceremony waa proceeded with , and concluded . Lodge being closed to the first degree , a hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Brother Francis for the admirable manner in which he bad worked the ceremonies , to the
great pleasure and profit of the brethren . The resolution was ordered to be inserted on the minutes . Brother Francis thanked the Lodge for their kind vote , which was a sufficient reward for his exertions . Brother G . H . Knight rendered efficient service as Master of Ceremonies , as also did Brother Williams as Organist ; he
gave the musical portions with great taste and effect . Bro . Baldwin was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing week . Brother S . Richardson was elected a member . The usual routine business being duly completed , and hearty good wishes expressed by the brethren , Lodge was closed .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 27 th April , at 8 o ' clock p . m . Present—Hros . C . E . Botley W . M ., F . Botley S . W ., Gomm J . W ., Cammell S . D ., Monson J . D ., Tucker W . M . 1612 Treasurer , Sperring I . G ., Andrews P . M . Precep . tor ; also Maton , & c . Lodge was opened in the first degree , and
tbe minutes of last meeting were read confirmed atid signed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Preceptor acting as candMate . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . The W . M . and the brethren then worked the first and fourth sections of the lecture . Brother Botley was elected W . M . for next Friday .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday last , at the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road . Present—F . Ashton W . M ., Gush S . W ., W . Potter J . W ., F . Perl Secretary , Jnpp S . D ., Delvalle J . D ., Halford I . G . ; P . M . ' s Cnsworth Preceptor , Killick . Visitors—Allsopp , Gadsby , Ockelford , Head , Lone , Weeden , Dixie , Langdale . The cnstomaiy formalities having been observed in opening the Lodge , and the
minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to rehearse the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Dixie candidate . Bro . Gush , assisted by the brethren , worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . Bro . Langdale , of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 401 , was elected a member . Bro . Gush was appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting . Hearty good wishes having been offered , the meeting adjourned until Wednesday next , at the hour of eight precisely . The breiluvn then indul ged in harmony , which is the practice here after Lodge business 18 over .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —Held at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , on the 30 th April . Present—Bros . Hubbert W . M .., Austen S . W ., Oxley J . W ., West S . D ., Job J . D ., bohee -boom I . G ., I . P . Cohen P . M . 205 acting as Preceptor ,
Notices Of Meetings.
B . Stewart Hon . Sec . ; also Bros . Clements , C . Kendall , Pringle , and Pugh . Lodge was opened in due form , aud the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Pugh answered the questions leading from first to second degree . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Clements , as candidate to be raised to the third degree , answered the questions , and was duly entrusted . Lodge was opened
in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Clements candidate . Bio . George Kennett Pugh , of Old England Lodgo 1790 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Austen was appointed VV . M . for the meeting on Wth May . Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on 7 th May , oa which occasion Bro . Stewart 1278 will preside .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No 1949 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening last , the 1 st instant , at Bro . Monk ' s , the Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , when there was a good attendance of brethren . The W . M . Brother A . E . Albert being supported by the following : —Richardson S . W ., Hakini J . W ., Francis Preceptor , Phillips Treasurer , Williams Secretary .
Poore S . D ., Banks J . D ., Baldwin I . G . ; also Bros . Harling P . M . , Knight , Hooper , Letchfield , Pooler , Croucher , Hudepohl , Monk , Danks , Hill , Millen . Lodge being opened in due form , the Secre . tary read the minutes of the previous meeting , whioh were unanimously confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation ,
Bio . Knight candidate . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Hill candidate . Lodge was olosed to the first degree , and a hearty vote of thanks accorded to the VV . M . for the excellent manner in which he had conducted the duties of the chair , for the first time in his Masonio career . Bro . Richardson was elected W . M . for the
ensuing week . Lodge was closed io duo form in peace and harmony , and adjourned until Tuesday next , at 8 p . m . The anniversary meeting of the Lodge will be held on Tuesday , 12 th June , when the worthy Preceptor , Bro . Francis , will preside , and work the ceremony of installation . After the Lodge of Instruction closed , the monthly meeting of the Brixton Lodge of lustruction Benevolent
Association was held , Bro . Francis , the President , being in the chair . The Secretary , Bro . Hooper , read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . The Treasurer , Brother Richardson , announced that he bad over £ 10 10 s iu hand , and it was resolved that there should be two ballots , of £ 5 5 s each , in accordance with the rules . Bro . Harling P . M . and Miss Hammond proved to be the
fortunate recipients . Tbe Society now numbers forty members , who pay a subscription of ls p r week . Twenty-five guineas have already been paid over to the Charities . This augurs well for the snocess of the Society in the future , and our Masonio Charities will benefit accordingly . Members are admitted any week after the lustruction
Lodge is closed , and at . the monthly meeting , on the first Tuesday in each month . Ballots are taken if funds allow ; there will , however , always be one or two each monthly meeting , and shortly , it is hoped , even more . A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the pro . ceediugs at a somewhat late hour .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED At the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , Crown and Cushion , 73 London Wall , E . G ., on Monday 7 th May , at 7 o'clock p . m . Bros . Walter Martin S . D . 879 W . M ., j ; C . Smith A . M . C . 1744 S . W ., G . Emblin 147 J . W ., First Lecture—Bros . Moran , Hester , Thomas , Money , Sillis , Smith , Powell . Second Lecture—Bros . Knight , Hemming , Paul , Ager , Morney . Third Lecture—Bros . Pierdon , Emblin , Weeden . Bro . Edwin Storr S . D . 167 Secretary ,
At the Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 , Royal Hotel , Mile End . road , on Monday evening , 7 th May , at seven o'clock precisely . Bro . B . Stewart 1278 will preside . Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 S . W ., Cundick P . M . 1421 J . W ., Moss S . D . 1275 I . P . M . Fi'st Lecture—Bros . Brittain , Hammond , Hubbert , Levy , West , Stephens , Cundick . Second Lecture—Bros . Clements , Richardson , Job , Musto , Moss . Third Lecture—Bros . Soheerboom , Myers , Barnes . Bro . B . Stewart 1278 Hon . Sec .
By the brethren of the Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , by special invito of the Upton Lodge of lustruction , No . 1227 , on Thursday , the 10 th instant , at the Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Greenroad . Bro . I . P . Cohen P . M . 1594 W . M ., at seven o ' clock . Brethren are kindly invited to attend .
Crown Svo , price 2 s 6 d , cloth lettered . WniUxmity 0 I pas ante § . . tin . mn \ ® Ummt . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Times . 'Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Shejield Post . " The subject is ably argued b y the author . "—Western Daily Mercury . " U .-el ' ul and valuable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . " Will have a material -ffoet on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . ' ¦ The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors "—COJ ' S Monthly Legal Circular . " - , ' 8 )' be inthe hands of every . Vinson . "—Northampton Guardian . "To Jf'ieemasoi is gent-rally ; it will be found useful and valuable , -. ml we com mend it to their notice accor \ a . ix , \ y . "—Surrey County Obsercer . " Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritua was carried by a large majority . "—Freemason's Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1 S 79 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , Belvidere Works , Hermes H' !' , Pentonville , London , N .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
candidate . Lodge was resumed , and Bro . Ashton was unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Bro . Capstick , of the Industry Lodge , No . 186 , was elected a member . The Fifteen Sections will be worked in the Upton Lodge of Instruction , held at the Swan Tavern , Bethnal Green-road , by members of tho Percy , on Thursday , the 10 th May , nnder the presidency of Bros . I . P . Cohen W . M ., H . G . Gush S . W ., A . Trewinnard J . W ., and A . W . Fenner I . P . M . Brethren are cordially invited .
Loughborough Lodge of Instruction , No . 22 . —At the weekly meeting , held at the Cambria Tavern , Cambria-road , Loughborough , S . E ., on Monday evening last , Brother James Stevens P . M . P . Z . & c . paid his long-promised visit to this flourishing Lodge , and gave his lecture on the first degree . Amongst the members present we noticed" Bro . J . R . Johnson Preceptor , and Bros . Donald ,
Baldwin , Philips , Richardson , Harvey , Westly , Banks , Rush , Wood , Allison , Snelling , Leigh , Perkins , Sherring , Haines , Poore . The Lodge was opened , Bro . J . R . Johnson occupying the chair , assisted by Bros . Allison and J . Saddler Wood as Senior and Jnnior Wardens , Bros . Banks S . D ., Harvey J . D ., and Westley I . G . After the confirmation of the minutes Bro . James Stevens proceeded with his
lecture , which was listened to with marked attention by the brethren , and as time did not permit of it being concluded , Bro . Stevens consented to attend at an early date , at the request of the brethren , to deliver the second portion of his lecture . Three members wore elected , and a nnanimous vote of thanks was passed to Brother Stevens for the part of his interesting lecture he had delivered , and
as a small token of respect he was elected an honorary member of the Lodge . He in reply to the vote accepted it in the fraternal sp irit of the intentions of the brethren . The Lodge was then closed in ancient form , and it was tbe unanimously expressed view of the brethren present that they had received considerable instruction from what Brother Stevens had ao kindly imparted to them in his lecture .
United Pilgrims Lodge of Instruction , No . 507 — The usual weekly meeting was held at tho Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , on Friday evening , the 27 th ultimo , when there was a large attendance of brethren . The Worshipful Master , Bro . E . A . Francis was supported by the following Officers : —Bros . H . Baldwin S . W ., Serjeant J . VV ., Pooro Secretary , Phillips S . D ., Jones J . D .,
Hakini P . M . I . G ., Williams Organist , Knight Master of Ceremonies , there were also present Bros . Richardson , Bye jun ., Bate , Stokes , Albert , Banks , Styles , Pooler , and others . After preliminaries , Lodge was advanced to the second degree , and , in accordance with previous arrangements , the W . M . ( Brother Francis ) proceeded to rehearse the installation ceremony ( omitting that portion relating to
the board of Installed Masters ) . Brother S . Richardson having assumed tbe chair of K . S ., the Officers of the evening , as above , were dnly invested , and the remainder of the ceremony waa proceeded with , and concluded . Lodge being closed to the first degree , a hearty vote of thanks was unanimously passed to Brother Francis for the admirable manner in which he bad worked the ceremonies , to the
great pleasure and profit of the brethren . The resolution was ordered to be inserted on the minutes . Brother Francis thanked the Lodge for their kind vote , which was a sufficient reward for his exertions . Brother G . H . Knight rendered efficient service as Master of Ceremonies , as also did Brother Williams as Organist ; he
gave the musical portions with great taste and effect . Bro . Baldwin was elected Worshipful Master for the ensuing week . Brother S . Richardson was elected a member . The usual routine business being duly completed , and hearty good wishes expressed by the brethren , Lodge was closed .
Royal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held at the Star and Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge , on Friday , 27 th April , at 8 o ' clock p . m . Present—Hros . C . E . Botley W . M ., F . Botley S . W ., Gomm J . W ., Cammell S . D ., Monson J . D ., Tucker W . M . 1612 Treasurer , Sperring I . G ., Andrews P . M . Precep . tor ; also Maton , & c . Lodge was opened in the first degree , and
tbe minutes of last meeting were read confirmed atid signed . Lodge was opened in the second and third degrees , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Preceptor acting as candMate . Lodge was closed in the third and second degrees . The W . M . and the brethren then worked the first and fourth sections of the lecture . Brother Botley was elected W . M . for next Friday .
New Concord Lodge of Instruction , No . 813 . —A meeting was held on Wednesday last , at the Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road . Present—F . Ashton W . M ., Gush S . W ., W . Potter J . W ., F . Perl Secretary , Jnpp S . D ., Delvalle J . D ., Halford I . G . ; P . M . ' s Cnsworth Preceptor , Killick . Visitors—Allsopp , Gadsby , Ockelford , Head , Lone , Weeden , Dixie , Langdale . The cnstomaiy formalities having been observed in opening the Lodge , and the
minutes read and confirmed , the W . M . proceeded to rehearse the ceremony of initiation , Bro . Dixie candidate . Bro . Gush , assisted by the brethren , worked the first and second sections of the first lecture . Bro . Langdale , of the St . Andrew ' s Lodge , No . 401 , was elected a member . Bro . Gush was appointed W . M . for the ensuing meeting . Hearty good wishes having been offered , the meeting adjourned until Wednesday next , at the hour of eight precisely . The breiluvn then indul ged in harmony , which is the practice here after Lodge business 18 over .
Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 . —Held at the Royal Hotel , Mile End-road , on the 30 th April . Present—Bros . Hubbert W . M .., Austen S . W ., Oxley J . W ., West S . D ., Job J . D ., bohee -boom I . G ., I . P . Cohen P . M . 205 acting as Preceptor ,
Notices Of Meetings.
B . Stewart Hon . Sec . ; also Bros . Clements , C . Kendall , Pringle , and Pugh . Lodge was opened in due form , aud the minutes of previous meeting were read and confirmed . Bro . Pugh answered the questions leading from first to second degree . Lodge was advanced , and Bro . Clements , as candidate to be raised to the third degree , answered the questions , and was duly entrusted . Lodge was opened
in tho third degree , and the ceremony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Clements candidate . Bio . George Kennett Pugh , of Old England Lodgo 1790 , was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Austen was appointed VV . M . for the meeting on Wth May . Tho Fifteen Sections will be worked in this Lodge on 7 th May , oa which occasion Bro . Stewart 1278 will preside .
Brixton Lodge of Instruction , No 1949 . —The usual weekly meeting was held on Tuesday evening last , the 1 st instant , at Bro . Monk ' s , the Prince Regent , Dulwich-road , East Brixton , when there was a good attendance of brethren . The W . M . Brother A . E . Albert being supported by the following : —Richardson S . W ., Hakini J . W ., Francis Preceptor , Phillips Treasurer , Williams Secretary .
Poore S . D ., Banks J . D ., Baldwin I . G . ; also Bros . Harling P . M . , Knight , Hooper , Letchfield , Pooler , Croucher , Hudepohl , Monk , Danks , Hill , Millen . Lodge being opened in due form , the Secre . tary read the minutes of the previous meeting , whioh were unanimously confirmed . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of initiation ,
Bio . Knight candidate . The W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Hill candidate . Lodge was olosed to the first degree , and a hearty vote of thanks accorded to the VV . M . for the excellent manner in which he had conducted the duties of the chair , for the first time in his Masonio career . Bro . Richardson was elected W . M . for the
ensuing week . Lodge was closed io duo form in peace and harmony , and adjourned until Tuesday next , at 8 p . m . The anniversary meeting of the Lodge will be held on Tuesday , 12 th June , when the worthy Preceptor , Bro . Francis , will preside , and work the ceremony of installation . After the Lodge of Instruction closed , the monthly meeting of the Brixton Lodge of lustruction Benevolent
Association was held , Bro . Francis , the President , being in the chair . The Secretary , Bro . Hooper , read the minutes of the previous meeting , which were confirmed . The Treasurer , Brother Richardson , announced that he bad over £ 10 10 s iu hand , and it was resolved that there should be two ballots , of £ 5 5 s each , in accordance with the rules . Bro . Harling P . M . and Miss Hammond proved to be the
fortunate recipients . Tbe Society now numbers forty members , who pay a subscription of ls p r week . Twenty-five guineas have already been paid over to the Charities . This augurs well for the snocess of the Society in the future , and our Masonio Charities will benefit accordingly . Members are admitted any week after the lustruction
Lodge is closed , and at . the monthly meeting , on the first Tuesday in each month . Ballots are taken if funds allow ; there will , however , always be one or two each monthly meeting , and shortly , it is hoped , even more . A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the pro . ceediugs at a somewhat late hour .
The Fifteen Sections
WILL BE WORKED At the Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507 , Crown and Cushion , 73 London Wall , E . G ., on Monday 7 th May , at 7 o'clock p . m . Bros . Walter Martin S . D . 879 W . M ., j ; C . Smith A . M . C . 1744 S . W ., G . Emblin 147 J . W ., First Lecture—Bros . Moran , Hester , Thomas , Money , Sillis , Smith , Powell . Second Lecture—Bros . Knight , Hemming , Paul , Ager , Morney . Third Lecture—Bros . Pierdon , Emblin , Weeden . Bro . Edwin Storr S . D . 167 Secretary ,
At the Tredegar Lodge of Instruction , No . 1625 , Royal Hotel , Mile End . road , on Monday evening , 7 th May , at seven o'clock precisely . Bro . B . Stewart 1278 will preside . Bros . T . J . Barnes P . M . 554 and 933 S . W ., Cundick P . M . 1421 J . W ., Moss S . D . 1275 I . P . M . Fi'st Lecture—Bros . Brittain , Hammond , Hubbert , Levy , West , Stephens , Cundick . Second Lecture—Bros . Clements , Richardson , Job , Musto , Moss . Third Lecture—Bros . Soheerboom , Myers , Barnes . Bro . B . Stewart 1278 Hon . Sec .
By the brethren of the Percy Lodge of Instruction , No . 198 , by special invito of the Upton Lodge of lustruction , No . 1227 , on Thursday , the 10 th instant , at the Swan Tavern , New Bethnal Greenroad . Bro . I . P . Cohen P . M . 1594 W . M ., at seven o ' clock . Brethren are kindly invited to attend .
Crown Svo , price 2 s 6 d , cloth lettered . WniUxmity 0 I pas ante § . . tin . mn \ ® Ummt . By Bro . JAMES STEVENS , P . M ., P . Z ., & c . " May be read with advantage by the whole Craft . "—Sunday Times . 'Grand Lodge should at once set to work to secure the desired uniformity . " —Shejield Post . " The subject is ably argued b y the author . "—Western Daily Mercury . " U .-el ' ul and valuable in the highest degree . "—Exeter Gazette . " Will have a material -ffoet on the future of Masonic Ritual . "—South Western Star . ' ¦ The author adduces many variations in the language used by different Preceptors "—COJ ' S Monthly Legal Circular . " - , ' 8 )' be inthe hands of every . Vinson . "—Northampton Guardian . "To Jf'ieemasoi is gent-rally ; it will be found useful and valuable , -. ml we com mend it to their notice accor \ a . ix , \ y . "—Surrey County Obsercer . " Bro . Stevens' motion for a Committee on the subject of Uniformity of Ritua was carried by a large majority . "—Freemason's Chronicle report of Grand Lodge meeting , 3 rd December 1 S 79 . Sent , by post , en receipt of stamps , by the Author , Bro . JAMES STEVENS , 112 High-street , Clapham , S . W . ; or by Bro . W . W . MORGAN , Belvidere Works , Hermes H' !' , Pentonville , London , N .