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THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record ot Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . . F . HE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct-X from the Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., on receipt of Post Office Order for the amonnt . Intending Snbacribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . VV . MORGAN , at Penton-street Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' SCHBONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTSPer Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page ... £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . SPENCER , and Co ., 23 A Great Qneen-street , W . C . Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-row , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 6 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
HOTELS,ETC. CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor "PALING—Feathers Hotel EASTBOURN _—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor HAVGRF ORDWE 8 T .-Q ueen ' s Family and Commorciat Hotd . BEN . . VI . DAVIE- Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation lor Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BlUL . L Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN—Lord Nel < on Hotel . T . PALvlER 1 ' rojirietor CJANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , w Good Stabling . J . J . FILM IS R Proprietor
it . BEDSTEAD " 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HAMCHR , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
THE THEATRES , & c . COVENT GABDENb— ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA . HAYM ABKET . —At 8 , SCHOOL . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 30 , YOUTH . HBB MAJESTY'S—At S , A TRIP TO THE MOON . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 15 , BROTHER HILL AND MR . At 7 . 45 , STORMBEATEN . PBIN'nT . SS-S . —At 7 , AUXT CHARLOTTE'S MUD . At 7 . 10 , THE SILVER KING . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , THR FIRST NIGHT . At 3 . 11 , RACHRL . LYCETTM .-At 7 . 45 , MUCH ADO ABOU I' NOTHIVO . This day , at 2 also . STRAND . —At 7 . 15 , ETHEL'S TEST . At 8 . 15 , CYMBIA . SAVOY . —At 8 , PRlVATK WIRE . At 8 40 , IOLANTHK . VAUDEVILLE . —At 8 , THR RIVALS . OPEBA COM . QUE . —At 8 , FROU-FROU . BOYALTY .-At 8 , THR MERRY DUCHESS . COMEDY . —At 7 . 15 , PARADISE VILLA . At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . COURT . —At 8 . 10 , ALL FOR HER . TOOLE'S . —At 7 . 30 . NAMESAKES . ARTFUL CARDS . At 10 , Mr . GUFFIN'S ELOPEMENT . GLOBB . —At 7 . 20 , INTRIQUB . At 8 , LADY CLARE . AVENUE .-At 8 , LURETTE . OAIETY .-At 7 . 45 . THOSE GIRLS . At 8 . 30 , BLUE BEARD . ST . JAMES'S .-At 8 , IMPULSE . STANDAED .-At 7 . 30 , WE ALL HAVE OUR LITTLE FAULTS . At 8 , ROBIN HOOD . SADLER'S WE LLS . —At 7 . 30 , FUN ON THE BRISTOL . SUEBEY—At 7 . 30 , OBLIGING A FRIEND . At 8 , NEW BABYLON . MOHAWK MIWSTREI-S . Agricultural Hall . —Every evening , at 8 . On Thursday , 10 th May , BALLAD CONCERT . EGYPTIAN HALL . —Messrs . MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Every evening at 8 . CBYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . Lieutenant COLE , VENTRILOQUIST . PANORAMA . Open Daily , Aquarium . Picture Gallery . AG-EICULTUBAL HALL . —FURNITURE EXHIBITION .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GROYBR&.GBOYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , "WttgW BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . ' 1 ^ ^ PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , »> J ) F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . , I p . * f | The AtlvautageM of » Trial , wttli the Convenience of the M fW «_ - •_ " ¦ . J fl Three Tears' Sytitem at Cash Price , by Paying about a <| narter «__¦/— H— - , _ . ^ j- ^ a j / of the value down , the Balance by Knar Payment * , Iroin •__ . __ # ^^_ j ^ __ j- 15 _ per quarter . GROVER & GROVER Gate AVILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . G . lOTVltllSHBI ) 18 'tO
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and 'Pouch .. EJlearant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to O . LIKST - , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Ever , holt Street , Camden Town , London .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi any mini - in r » i _« -il lc-t--i- _ . C 1 AN be obtained direct from the Maki .., / at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of I P . O . O . payable at Stratford . - . , _ , . .. ,,.-, Will r .. ik . \ ' S , t ' . - , - ' /"¦••' .- ' •' -. " * , '„ ' . ' : '; .. ' Price -, nam-. ; . >! W 0 $£ & : £ V ^ -j " . & t N ... 3 2 / 0 t -iia :, -. . ft' # s £ w $ ^ _ - » -i v- -- * - - ,, i i / ti WmfflBtifflM ••5 w ¦'" J--^__|________? -i ' _? ' *^ n '> * i U _ l . t A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Uigurs , and Importer of Havana aud Continental Ci gars , HI HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON E .
ESTABLIS HED 1832 . HP ! REASON , Manufacturer of Perambu-X . lators and Invalid Chairs , & c , of every description . 317 and 3 W Upper Street , Islington , N . ,-and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG Ctl . _ t . l-AR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
AliL WHO SUF . FEB PBOSI G-OTJT Ab-TD RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AMD " ^ RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , ls lid and 2 a 9 d , GEORGE EADE , SOLE PROPRIETOR , 72 GOSWJE __ I _ I ROAD , LONDON .
RHEUMATISM. TEE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is , lid each , to be had or ' all OUemists . Proprietors aad Manufacturer , EDWARDS XHD ALEXANDER , 29 Hla-kett-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
73 T A T"R 5 Q THE GRE . VT REMEDY UJJlSl . ± l \ i iD FOtt GOUT and RHEUMATISM . The excruc ating pain is i quickly rel eved and cured f * i ^\ TTIT 1 * - ewr , la ys by this cele-\ J" \ J yj ± br ited Medicine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use . aud are certain to prevent tho diseasu _ ttack _ ug T _ TT -T- oi anv v tal part . fr _ LJ _ l J _ J __ i s , lc - by il 11 Chemists at ¦ *• ¦* - J - - **~ ' » Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
jfg 3 ' ^^^ > 'p ¥ ^^^^|^ BEBB | ffiP ^ Wf « _| 1 P ^ I _ - _^__ I _ I ^'_ ! - _ -- ____ - - ^_ Mi ^_ ji
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEFREEMASON'SCHRONICLE, A Weekly Record ot Masonic Intelligence . Sanctioned by the Grand Lodge of England . Price—13 s 6 d per annum , post free . . F . HE FREEMASON'S CHRONICLE will be forwarded direct-X from the Office , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , Pentonville , N ., on receipt of Post Office Order for the amonnt . Intending Snbacribers shonld forward their full Addresses to prevent mistakes . Post Office Orders to be made payable to W . VV . MORGAN , at Penton-street Office . Cheques crossed " London and County . " Advertisers will find THE FREEMASON ' SCHBONICLE an exceptionally good medium for Advertisements of every class . SCALE OF CHARGES FOR ADVERTISEMENTSPer Page £ 8 0 0 Back Page ... £ 10 0 0 Births , Marriages and Deaths , Is per line . General Advertisements , Trade Announcements , & o . single column , 5 s per inch . Double Column Advertisements ls per line . Special Terms for a Series of Insertions on application . Agents , from whom copies can always be had : — Messrs . SPENCER , and Co ., 23 A Great Qneen-street , W . C . Messrs . CURTICE and Co ., 12 Catherine-street , Strand . Messrs . KENT and Co ., Paternoster-row , E . C . Mr . RITCHIE , 6 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SIMPSON BROS ., Shoe Lane . Mr . H . SIMPSON , 7 Red Lion Court , E . C . Messrs . SMITH and SONS , 183 Strand . Messrs . STEEL and JONES , 4 Spring Gardens , Charing Cross . Mr . G . VICKERS , Angel Court , Strand . Mr . H . VICKERS , 317 Strand .
HOTELS,ETC. CARLISLE—Bush Hotel . SUTCLIFFE HOLROYD , Proprietor "PALING—Feathers Hotel EASTBOURN _—Pier Hotel , Cavendish Place . View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor HAVGRF ORDWE 8 T .-Q ueen ' s Family and Commorciat Hotd . BEN . . VI . DAVIE- Proprietor . KEW—Star and Garter . Good accommodation lor Lodge & Dinner Parties . J . BlUL . L Proprietor MILFORD HAVEN—Lord Nel < on Hotel . T . PALvlER 1 ' rojirietor CJANDWICH—Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , w Good Stabling . J . J . FILM IS R Proprietor
it . BEDSTEAD " 9 St . Martin ' s Street , Leicester Square , PAPER HAMCHR , PAINTER AND DECORATOR . Estimates sent free on application . CHARGES MODERATE .
THE THEATRES , & c . COVENT GABDENb— ROYAL ITALIAN OPERA . HAYM ABKET . —At 8 , SCHOOL . DRURY LANE . —At 7 . 30 , YOUTH . HBB MAJESTY'S—At S , A TRIP TO THE MOON . ADELPHI . —At 7 . 15 , BROTHER HILL AND MR . At 7 . 45 , STORMBEATEN . PBIN'nT . SS-S . —At 7 , AUXT CHARLOTTE'S MUD . At 7 . 10 , THE SILVER KING . OLYMPIC—At 7 . 30 , THR FIRST NIGHT . At 3 . 11 , RACHRL . LYCETTM .-At 7 . 45 , MUCH ADO ABOU I' NOTHIVO . This day , at 2 also . STRAND . —At 7 . 15 , ETHEL'S TEST . At 8 . 15 , CYMBIA . SAVOY . —At 8 , PRlVATK WIRE . At 8 40 , IOLANTHK . VAUDEVILLE . —At 8 , THR RIVALS . OPEBA COM . QUE . —At 8 , FROU-FROU . BOYALTY .-At 8 , THR MERRY DUCHESS . COMEDY . —At 7 . 15 , PARADISE VILLA . At 8 , RIP VAN WINKLE . COURT . —At 8 . 10 , ALL FOR HER . TOOLE'S . —At 7 . 30 . NAMESAKES . ARTFUL CARDS . At 10 , Mr . GUFFIN'S ELOPEMENT . GLOBB . —At 7 . 20 , INTRIQUB . At 8 , LADY CLARE . AVENUE .-At 8 , LURETTE . OAIETY .-At 7 . 45 . THOSE GIRLS . At 8 . 30 , BLUE BEARD . ST . JAMES'S .-At 8 , IMPULSE . STANDAED .-At 7 . 30 , WE ALL HAVE OUR LITTLE FAULTS . At 8 , ROBIN HOOD . SADLER'S WE LLS . —At 7 . 30 , FUN ON THE BRISTOL . SUEBEY—At 7 . 30 , OBLIGING A FRIEND . At 8 , NEW BABYLON . MOHAWK MIWSTREI-S . Agricultural Hall . —Every evening , at 8 . On Thursday , 10 th May , BALLAD CONCERT . EGYPTIAN HALL . —Messrs . MASKELYNE AND COOKE . Every evening at 8 . CBYSTAL PALACE .-This day , CONCERT . Lieutenant COLE , VENTRILOQUIST . PANORAMA . Open Daily , Aquarium . Picture Gallery . AG-EICULTUBAL HALL . —FURNITURE EXHIBITION .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GROYBR&.GBOYEB LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , "WttgW BEAUTIFUL AND PERFECT INSTRUMENTS . ' 1 ^ ^ PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , »> J ) F ROM 15 S TO £ 3 3 s PER Q UARTER . , I p . * f | The AtlvautageM of » Trial , wttli the Convenience of the M fW «_ - •_ " ¦ . J fl Three Tears' Sytitem at Cash Price , by Paying about a <| narter «__¦/— H— - , _ . ^ j- ^ a j / of the value down , the Balance by Knar Payment * , Iroin •__ . __ # ^^_ j ^ __ j- 15 _ per quarter . GROVER & GROVER Gate AVILL & SMART ) , TABERNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . G . lOTVltllSHBI ) 18 'tO
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and 'Pouch .. EJlearant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIED . Before deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to O . LIKST - , Manager . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Ever , holt Street , Camden Town , London .
Bro . A . OLDROYD , Stratford , London , MANUFACTURER OF TOBACCO POUCHES , Willi any mini - in r » i _« -il lc-t--i- _ . C 1 AN be obtained direct from the Maki .., / at the undermentioned prices , on receipt of I P . O . O . payable at Stratford . - . , _ , . .. ,,.-, Will r .. ik . \ ' S , t ' . - , - ' /"¦••' .- ' •' -. " * , '„ ' . ' : '; .. ' Price -, nam-. ; . >! W 0 $£ & : £ V ^ -j " . & t N ... 3 2 / 0 t -iia :, -. . ft' # s £ w $ ^ _ - » -i v- -- * - - ,, i i / ti WmfflBtifflM ••5 w ¦'" J--^__|________? -i ' _? ' *^ n '> * i U _ l . t A . OLDROYD , Agent for Algerian Uigurs , and Importer of Havana aud Continental Ci gars , HI HIGH STREET , STRATFORD , LONDON E .
ESTABLIS HED 1832 . HP ! REASON , Manufacturer of Perambu-X . lators and Invalid Chairs , & c , of every description . 317 and 3 W Upper Street , Islington , N . ,-and at the Factory , 339 Kingsland Road , London . A STRONG Ctl . _ t . l-AR CARRIAGE , on Bicycle Wheels , Warranted , £ 2 2 s .
AliL WHO SUF . FEB PBOSI G-OTJT Ab-TD RHEUMATISM Should immediately have recourse to TRADE'S CELEBRATED GOUT AMD " ^ RHEUMATIC PILLS . Known throughout the world as the safest and most effectual remedy for the instant relief and rapid cure of Gout , Rheumatism , Rheumatic Gout , Lumbago , and all Pains in the Head , Face , and Limbs . OF ALL CHEMISTS , ls lid and 2 a 9 d , GEORGE EADE , SOLE PROPRIETOR , 72 GOSWJE __ I _ I ROAD , LONDON .
RHEUMATISM. TEE only real remedy for this complaint is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is , lid each , to be had or ' all OUemists . Proprietors aad Manufacturer , EDWARDS XHD ALEXANDER , 29 Hla-kett-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
73 T A T"R 5 Q THE GRE . VT REMEDY UJJlSl . ± l \ i iD FOtt GOUT and RHEUMATISM . The excruc ating pain is i quickly rel eved and cured f * i ^\ TTIT 1 * - ewr , la ys by this cele-\ J" \ J yj ± br ited Medicine . These Pills require no restraint of diet during their use . aud are certain to prevent tho diseasu _ ttack _ ug T _ TT -T- oi anv v tal part . fr _ LJ _ l J _ J __ i s , lc - by il 11 Chemists at ¦ *• ¦* - J - - **~ ' » Is lid and 2 s 9 d per box .
jfg 3 ' ^^^ > 'p ¥ ^^^^|^ BEBB | ffiP ^ Wf « _| 1 P ^ I _ - _^__ I _ I ^'_ ! - _ -- ____ - - ^_ Mi ^_ ji