Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER. No. 534. Page 1 of 1 Article POLISH NATIONAL CHAPTER. No. 534. Page 1 of 1 Article THE HUMBER INSTALLED MASTERS' LODGE OF INSTRUCTION. Page 1 of 1
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Royal Arch.
— : o . — SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . THE Quarterly Convocation was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . J . M . P . Montague , Col . Creaton , and the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg occupying the three principals' chairs . The Prince of Wales was again declared M . E . Z . of the Order . His Royal Highness appointed
Comp . Earl of Carnarvon - Pro Grand Z . Earl of Lathom .. .. Grand H . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., was appointed Grand J ., Lord de Tabley having preferred a request to be released from his appointment , on acconnt of ill-health , i The other appointments were— I
Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke - Scribe E . Colonel Stanley , M . P . - - . Scribe N . Rev . Herbert G . Morse •- - Pr . Sojourner Thomas M . Tew .... 1 st . A . Sojourner
Ralph Gooding , M . D . ... 2 nd A . Sojourner John Dorby Allcroft - - - Treasurer _ E . J . Molntyre , Q . C . - - - Registrar Frank Green Sword Bearer
Thomas Dnlhng Bolton - - - 1 st Standard Bearer Raymond Henry Thrupp - - - 2 nd Standard Bearer Lient .-Col . A . C . Foster Gongh- - 3 rd Standard Bearer Edgar Bowyer .... 4 th Standard Bearer
George Lambert - - - - Dir . of Ceremonies Robert Turtle Pigott , D . C . L . - - A . Dir . of Ceremonies Wilbelm Ganz Organist Henry Gustavus Buss . . - Asst . Scribe E . Henrv Sadler Janitor
Charters were granted for new Chapters to be attached to the several Lodges particularised by us last week , while the Companions of the Cana Chapter , No . 116 , Colne , Lancashire , were authorised to wear a centenary jewel , this Chapter having worked continuously for upwards of 100 I
years . Comps . Colonel Creaton , Robert Grey , and Duff-Filer were appointed by the Prince of Wales members of the Committee of General Purposes , and Grand Chapter elected Comps . George Lambert , James L . Thomas , E . Letchworth , J . Sampson Peirce , R . H . Thrupp , and J . H . ! Matthews members of the Committee . !
Polish National Chapter. No. 534.
THE installation meeting of this old established and rapidly improving Chapter took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Thursday , the 29 th April . The business was commenced at six o ' clock p . m ., under the presidency of Comp . Palmer P . Z . M . E . Z ., Comp . Hyde Clarke P . Z . H ., Comp . Nowakowski P . Z . J . Comp . Palmer performed the ceremony of exalting three
candidates—Bros . Geflowski , Morley and Hayo—in a manner whioh seemed to deeply impress those brethren . All Comps . bolow the rank of Principal , were then called npon to retire , and the ceremony of installing Comp . Paas as M . E . Z . was performed , Comp . Hyde Clarke being H . and Comp . Lowden J . Tbe M . E . Z . selected tlie following as his Officers : —Comps . Palmer S . E ., Dr . Jagielski S . N ., Dr . Jackson
P . S . ( who selected Comps . Kelsey and Kelsey 1 st and 2 nd Assistant Sojourners ) , Nowakowski Treasurer and Banks Janitor . The name of Bro . A . Bell , Organist of the Polish National Lodge , having been proposed as a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting , and other bnsiness being completed , the Chapter was closed in due form . The Companions then adjourned to the banqnet-room . After the usual
Loyal and R . A . toasts had been disposed of , Comp . Palmer P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z . Comp . Paas , alluding to the fact of bis being so well known in Freemasonry , and to the efforts be had made to bring the Polish National Lodge np to the high standard it had reached ; all hoped Comp . Paas would be equally successful in regard to the Polish National Chapter . Comp . Paas proposed the
health of Comps . Hyde Clarke and Lowden , as H . and J ., referring especiall y to the manner in which Comp . Hyde Clarke had adhered to the fortunes of the Chapter . For his own part , no effort shonld be spared if he conld advance the condition of tho Chapter . Comp . Uarke , in returning thanks , stated he had been many years a member of the Chapter ; he was glad to feci thafc after half a century in
freemasonry he was again amongst Poles ; for whom he would always do all he conld for their advantage . Comp . Lowden replied in a few appropriate remarks . The M . E Z . next proposed tho health of the Exaltees , calling upon Comp . Geflowski to reply . This Companion Stated that it was more than an ordinary pleasure for him to bo present that evening ; he , being a Pole , had been delighted with the ceremony , the sympath y he had received , the sentiments he had heard , and
the manner in which the M . E . Z . had conducted his part . The ¦ r . S . was also deserving of eqnal praise ; he only hoped ho should be spared to be with them for many years . Tho next toast wns that of the Past Principals . Comp . Palmer had acted well as M . E . Z ., and Comp . Nowakowski , who was Treanrer , had kept tho Chapter afloat by innds supplied from his own spocket . Comp . Palmer , in returning thanks , said he was pleased to see the Chapter supported by the mother Lod ge •at any timo his services wero at tho command of tho
Polish National Chapter. No. 534.
Companions . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the Officers , alluded to the manner in which the P . S . and S . N . had performed their duties . The Janitor ' s toast brought to a close a most agreeable evening .
The Humber Installed Masters' Lodge Of Instruction.
A SPECIAL Meeting of the Humber Installed Masters' Lodge of Instrnction was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Osborn-sfreet , Hull , on Friday , the 27 th instant , for the purpose of hearing Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z . give his lecture on tho rituals and ceremony of the first degree . The W . D . P . G . M ., J . P . Bell Esq ., J . P ., M . D ., occupied the W . M . 's chair . The Rev . H . W . Kemp , M . A ., acted as S . W ., and Bro . Forder W . M . 1010 as J . W . There were also present the following Masters and Past Masters : —Bros . A . King 57 ,
R . Beevers 57 , W . E . Hay , M . D ., P . P . G . S . D ., Georgo Wilson P . P . G . J . D ., M . Haberland Prov . G . J . D ., George D . Shackles 1511 Prov . G . S . D ., Thomas Hewson P . P . G . T ., W . D . Keyworth P . P . G . S . Works , A . Ansell P . P . G . S . B ., F . A . Hopwood P . P . G . D . C . 1010 , H . Preston P . P . G . D ., Thomas Sissons 1010 P . P . G . Reg ., M . 0 . Peck Prov . Grand Secretary , George Hardy 250 P . P . G . S . D ., R . E . Harrison P . P . G . Org ., W . Cheeseman 1611 P . P . G . Org ., J . R . Ansdale 1611 Prov . G . S . B ., W . Gillett 1611 ; Bros . D . J . O'Donoghue , J . W .
Holmes , George Storey Prov . Grand Organist , Cockio , Dindsale , Hall , Kemp , Feltam , Pexton , Norris , Ganderton , Rutter , Thyer , Dyson , Wildbore , Shaw , Gates , Masterman , Batty , Gray , Foster , Brown , Linwood , Fletcher , Vogbt , Logan J . W . 1010 , Bennett S . W . lfill , Davis , Fowler-Sntton , Shearsmith , Towler , Wesfcerraan ,
Whiteside , Welton 1511 , Wilson 1511 , Harrison , Whitfield , Clayton , Longley , Moll , Hogg , High moor , and others . Tho Lodge having been opened in tho first degree , Bro . Dr . Bell , in briefly introducing Brother Stevens , stated thafc his lecture had been given in various Lodges in the South and neighbourhood of London with great success , and he was very glad thafc fche honour of
first introducing Brother Stevens to the North , for the purpose of giving this lecture , had been achieved by this Past Masters' Lodge of Instruction ; he considered thafc by such a course a Lodge of Instrnction , as the ono in question , was taking its proper position in inquiring into , ascertaining , and correcting divergences of ritual , if bv so doing no alterations were made in the established landmarks
of the Order . Bro . Stevens then proceeded with his lecture , prefacing it with a few remarks to the effect that the observations he was abont to make were his individual opinions alone , and as he claimed a certain latitude of opinion for himself , so he could not but allow a similar latitude to others . The lecture , which occupied up . wards of two hours , was listened to with great attention , some of
the remarks eliciting a considerable amount ot applause and ap . proval . At the conclusion , after discussing a few points of divergence of ritual , W . Bro . Dr . Bell , in moving a vote of thanks to Brother Stevens , said that every one present must have been struck with , and he hoped would carry nway with him , some portion of the lecture to meditate on and digest ; and if by that means a few of the
inaccuracies in fche working of the different Lodges in the Province , one of the aims ancl wishes of fche Founders of the Installed Masters * Lodge of Instruction , under whose auspices the lecture had been given , would be accomplished . W . Bro . Rev . H . W . Kemp , M . A ., S . W ., having briefly responded , Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired , well satisfied at having spent snch an enjoyable evening .
At the first meeting of the brethren who have undertaken to serve as Stewards at the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , at Freemasons ' HaU , on Monday last , there were present : —Bros . James Smith Eastes , Horace B . Marshall , Edgar Bowyer , John P . Hale P . M ., John L . Mather , George Cooper , T . W .
Ramsay , M . D ., W . W . Morgan , W . E . Whadcoat , G . P . Festa , C . Dearing , F . R . Spaull , George Drysdale , George Brown , G . A . Ames , Louis A . Leins , Richard Barbara , P . J . Taylor , B . Bird , W . W . Nevill , W . Lake , T . A . Logan , S . H . Goldsehmidfc , T .. Ernest Pocock , M . D ., George Page , Charles Belton , J . Child , J . Gresman 0 hillingworth , Hugh M . Gordon , Arthur C . Tauqueray , Jermyn Boyd , F . J . Stohwasser , Ralph Gooding , M . D ., Captain F . Butterworth , Richard Clowes , J . G . Henning , 0 . B . Cousens , Thomas Wallis , Patrick McCarthy , W . Maple , H . W .
Homann , E . G . Lewis , W . H . Hooper , W . Mann , W . P . Webb , F . Foxley , J . Cutbush , E . Good , H . Faija , R . A .
Meyer , J . H . Hawkins , 0 . Hawkstey , T . White , 0 . E . Steel . It was announced that the Board of Stewards now numbered 308 . Col . Lo Gendre N . Starkie was appointed President , with Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., Col . Malet de Carteret , T . W . Tew , and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford as
Honorary Presidents . Bro . James Smith Eastes D . P . G . M . Kent ( for which Province Viscount Holmesdale , the Chairman of the Festival , is tho Right Worshipful Grand Master ) and Bro . Edgar Bowyer Grand Standard Bearer acting-Presidents . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., was
appointed Honorary Treasurer , and Bro . Frederick Binckes Honorary Secretary . Considerable discussion took place as to where the Festival should take place , and a decision on this question will not be come to until the next meeting of the Board of Stewards , which wiil take place on the 17 th inst .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch.
— : o . — SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER . THE Quarterly Convocation was held on Wednesday , at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . J . M . P . Montague , Col . Creaton , and the Rev . J . Studholme Brownrigg occupying the three principals' chairs . The Prince of Wales was again declared M . E . Z . of the Order . His Royal Highness appointed
Comp . Earl of Carnarvon - Pro Grand Z . Earl of Lathom .. .. Grand H . H . R . H . the Duke of Albany , K . G ., was appointed Grand J ., Lord de Tabley having preferred a request to be released from his appointment , on acconnt of ill-health , i The other appointments were— I
Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke - Scribe E . Colonel Stanley , M . P . - - . Scribe N . Rev . Herbert G . Morse •- - Pr . Sojourner Thomas M . Tew .... 1 st . A . Sojourner
Ralph Gooding , M . D . ... 2 nd A . Sojourner John Dorby Allcroft - - - Treasurer _ E . J . Molntyre , Q . C . - - - Registrar Frank Green Sword Bearer
Thomas Dnlhng Bolton - - - 1 st Standard Bearer Raymond Henry Thrupp - - - 2 nd Standard Bearer Lient .-Col . A . C . Foster Gongh- - 3 rd Standard Bearer Edgar Bowyer .... 4 th Standard Bearer
George Lambert - - - - Dir . of Ceremonies Robert Turtle Pigott , D . C . L . - - A . Dir . of Ceremonies Wilbelm Ganz Organist Henry Gustavus Buss . . - Asst . Scribe E . Henrv Sadler Janitor
Charters were granted for new Chapters to be attached to the several Lodges particularised by us last week , while the Companions of the Cana Chapter , No . 116 , Colne , Lancashire , were authorised to wear a centenary jewel , this Chapter having worked continuously for upwards of 100 I
years . Comps . Colonel Creaton , Robert Grey , and Duff-Filer were appointed by the Prince of Wales members of the Committee of General Purposes , and Grand Chapter elected Comps . George Lambert , James L . Thomas , E . Letchworth , J . Sampson Peirce , R . H . Thrupp , and J . H . ! Matthews members of the Committee . !
Polish National Chapter. No. 534.
THE installation meeting of this old established and rapidly improving Chapter took place at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street , on Thursday , the 29 th April . The business was commenced at six o ' clock p . m ., under the presidency of Comp . Palmer P . Z . M . E . Z ., Comp . Hyde Clarke P . Z . H ., Comp . Nowakowski P . Z . J . Comp . Palmer performed the ceremony of exalting three
candidates—Bros . Geflowski , Morley and Hayo—in a manner whioh seemed to deeply impress those brethren . All Comps . bolow the rank of Principal , were then called npon to retire , and the ceremony of installing Comp . Paas as M . E . Z . was performed , Comp . Hyde Clarke being H . and Comp . Lowden J . Tbe M . E . Z . selected tlie following as his Officers : —Comps . Palmer S . E ., Dr . Jagielski S . N ., Dr . Jackson
P . S . ( who selected Comps . Kelsey and Kelsey 1 st and 2 nd Assistant Sojourners ) , Nowakowski Treasurer and Banks Janitor . The name of Bro . A . Bell , Organist of the Polish National Lodge , having been proposed as a candidate for exaltation at the next meeting , and other bnsiness being completed , the Chapter was closed in due form . The Companions then adjourned to the banqnet-room . After the usual
Loyal and R . A . toasts had been disposed of , Comp . Palmer P . Z . proposed the health of the M . E . Z . Comp . Paas , alluding to the fact of bis being so well known in Freemasonry , and to the efforts be had made to bring the Polish National Lodge np to the high standard it had reached ; all hoped Comp . Paas would be equally successful in regard to the Polish National Chapter . Comp . Paas proposed the
health of Comps . Hyde Clarke and Lowden , as H . and J ., referring especiall y to the manner in which Comp . Hyde Clarke had adhered to the fortunes of the Chapter . For his own part , no effort shonld be spared if he conld advance the condition of tho Chapter . Comp . Uarke , in returning thanks , stated he had been many years a member of the Chapter ; he was glad to feci thafc after half a century in
freemasonry he was again amongst Poles ; for whom he would always do all he conld for their advantage . Comp . Lowden replied in a few appropriate remarks . The M . E Z . next proposed tho health of the Exaltees , calling upon Comp . Geflowski to reply . This Companion Stated that it was more than an ordinary pleasure for him to bo present that evening ; he , being a Pole , had been delighted with the ceremony , the sympath y he had received , the sentiments he had heard , and
the manner in which the M . E . Z . had conducted his part . The ¦ r . S . was also deserving of eqnal praise ; he only hoped ho should be spared to be with them for many years . Tho next toast wns that of the Past Principals . Comp . Palmer had acted well as M . E . Z ., and Comp . Nowakowski , who was Treanrer , had kept tho Chapter afloat by innds supplied from his own spocket . Comp . Palmer , in returning thanks , said he was pleased to see the Chapter supported by the mother Lod ge •at any timo his services wero at tho command of tho
Polish National Chapter. No. 534.
Companions . The M . E . Z ., in proposing the Officers , alluded to the manner in which the P . S . and S . N . had performed their duties . The Janitor ' s toast brought to a close a most agreeable evening .
The Humber Installed Masters' Lodge Of Instruction.
A SPECIAL Meeting of the Humber Installed Masters' Lodge of Instrnction was held at tho Freemasons' Hall , Osborn-sfreet , Hull , on Friday , the 27 th instant , for the purpose of hearing Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . Z . give his lecture on tho rituals and ceremony of the first degree . The W . D . P . G . M ., J . P . Bell Esq ., J . P ., M . D ., occupied the W . M . 's chair . The Rev . H . W . Kemp , M . A ., acted as S . W ., and Bro . Forder W . M . 1010 as J . W . There were also present the following Masters and Past Masters : —Bros . A . King 57 ,
R . Beevers 57 , W . E . Hay , M . D ., P . P . G . S . D ., Georgo Wilson P . P . G . J . D ., M . Haberland Prov . G . J . D ., George D . Shackles 1511 Prov . G . S . D ., Thomas Hewson P . P . G . T ., W . D . Keyworth P . P . G . S . Works , A . Ansell P . P . G . S . B ., F . A . Hopwood P . P . G . D . C . 1010 , H . Preston P . P . G . D ., Thomas Sissons 1010 P . P . G . Reg ., M . 0 . Peck Prov . Grand Secretary , George Hardy 250 P . P . G . S . D ., R . E . Harrison P . P . G . Org ., W . Cheeseman 1611 P . P . G . Org ., J . R . Ansdale 1611 Prov . G . S . B ., W . Gillett 1611 ; Bros . D . J . O'Donoghue , J . W .
Holmes , George Storey Prov . Grand Organist , Cockio , Dindsale , Hall , Kemp , Feltam , Pexton , Norris , Ganderton , Rutter , Thyer , Dyson , Wildbore , Shaw , Gates , Masterman , Batty , Gray , Foster , Brown , Linwood , Fletcher , Vogbt , Logan J . W . 1010 , Bennett S . W . lfill , Davis , Fowler-Sntton , Shearsmith , Towler , Wesfcerraan ,
Whiteside , Welton 1511 , Wilson 1511 , Harrison , Whitfield , Clayton , Longley , Moll , Hogg , High moor , and others . Tho Lodge having been opened in tho first degree , Bro . Dr . Bell , in briefly introducing Brother Stevens , stated thafc his lecture had been given in various Lodges in the South and neighbourhood of London with great success , and he was very glad thafc fche honour of
first introducing Brother Stevens to the North , for the purpose of giving this lecture , had been achieved by this Past Masters' Lodge of Instruction ; he considered thafc by such a course a Lodge of Instrnction , as the ono in question , was taking its proper position in inquiring into , ascertaining , and correcting divergences of ritual , if bv so doing no alterations were made in the established landmarks
of the Order . Bro . Stevens then proceeded with his lecture , prefacing it with a few remarks to the effect that the observations he was abont to make were his individual opinions alone , and as he claimed a certain latitude of opinion for himself , so he could not but allow a similar latitude to others . The lecture , which occupied up . wards of two hours , was listened to with great attention , some of
the remarks eliciting a considerable amount ot applause and ap . proval . At the conclusion , after discussing a few points of divergence of ritual , W . Bro . Dr . Bell , in moving a vote of thanks to Brother Stevens , said that every one present must have been struck with , and he hoped would carry nway with him , some portion of the lecture to meditate on and digest ; and if by that means a few of the
inaccuracies in fche working of the different Lodges in the Province , one of the aims ancl wishes of fche Founders of the Installed Masters * Lodge of Instruction , under whose auspices the lecture had been given , would be accomplished . W . Bro . Rev . H . W . Kemp , M . A ., S . W ., having briefly responded , Lodge was closed , and the brethren retired , well satisfied at having spent snch an enjoyable evening .
At the first meeting of the brethren who have undertaken to serve as Stewards at the approaching Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , at Freemasons ' HaU , on Monday last , there were present : —Bros . James Smith Eastes , Horace B . Marshall , Edgar Bowyer , John P . Hale P . M ., John L . Mather , George Cooper , T . W .
Ramsay , M . D ., W . W . Morgan , W . E . Whadcoat , G . P . Festa , C . Dearing , F . R . Spaull , George Drysdale , George Brown , G . A . Ames , Louis A . Leins , Richard Barbara , P . J . Taylor , B . Bird , W . W . Nevill , W . Lake , T . A . Logan , S . H . Goldsehmidfc , T .. Ernest Pocock , M . D ., George Page , Charles Belton , J . Child , J . Gresman 0 hillingworth , Hugh M . Gordon , Arthur C . Tauqueray , Jermyn Boyd , F . J . Stohwasser , Ralph Gooding , M . D ., Captain F . Butterworth , Richard Clowes , J . G . Henning , 0 . B . Cousens , Thomas Wallis , Patrick McCarthy , W . Maple , H . W .
Homann , E . G . Lewis , W . H . Hooper , W . Mann , W . P . Webb , F . Foxley , J . Cutbush , E . Good , H . Faija , R . A .
Meyer , J . H . Hawkins , 0 . Hawkstey , T . White , 0 . E . Steel . It was announced that the Board of Stewards now numbered 308 . Col . Lo Gendre N . Starkie was appointed President , with Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., Col . Malet de Carteret , T . W . Tew , and the Rev . A . F . A . Woodford as
Honorary Presidents . Bro . James Smith Eastes D . P . G . M . Kent ( for which Province Viscount Holmesdale , the Chairman of the Festival , is tho Right Worshipful Grand Master ) and Bro . Edgar Bowyer Grand Standard Bearer acting-Presidents . Bro . Horace Brooks Marshall , C . C ., was
appointed Honorary Treasurer , and Bro . Frederick Binckes Honorary Secretary . Considerable discussion took place as to where the Festival should take place , and a decision on this question will not be come to until the next meeting of the Board of Stewards , which wiil take place on the 17 th inst .