Article CORRESPONDENCE. Page 1 of 1 Article OLD KENT LODGE OF MARK MASTER MASONS, Page 1 of 1 Article Obituary. Page 1 of 1 Article THE NEW RESTAURANT MONICO. Page 1 of 1
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We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . All Letters must hear the name anl address of the Write ) -, not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK SIR AND BROTHER , —We are pleased to be able to inform you thafc notwithstanding the lamentable Fire at Freemasons' Hall , the Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls will nofc be
postponed ; bnt aa the accommodation will necessarily be somewhat contracted , we feel confident we may rely npon the co-operation of all those who are taking part in its celebration to make the best of any little inconvenience whioh may unavoidably arise . We are , Dear Sir and Brother ,
Tours faithfully and fraternally , ROBERT GREY , President of tho Board of Stewards . F . R . W . HEDGES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards . 4 th May 1883 .
Old Kent Lodge Of Mark Master Masons,
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONIC , E . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your report of the proceedings on the occasion of fche introduction to the above Lodge of Lord Wolseley of Cairo you have , doubtless unwittingly , done gross injustice to such poor modicum of common sense as I may claim to possess . In the few
earnest words I addressed to the brethren assembled—with the consent and at the request of the W . M . in the chair—I said no more than I should have said had the opportunity been afforded me while presiding at the customary banquet —( on the occasion in question refreshment did not follow labour)—to propose the toast of " The Newly-Advanced Candidate . "
I recognised the position and services of our distinguished brother , but , with all the respect I feel for men of light and leading , whose adhesion to our ranks must always be matter for congratulation , I appreciate and value the privileges of our Order far too highly to think of proposing a " vote of thanks " to any one who may offer himself to participation therein . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , FREDERICK BINCKES . 8 A Red Lion-square , W . C . 30 th April .
Obituary .
WE regret to have to record the death of Bro . William H . Lucia , Provincial Grand Secretary Suffolk , which sad event took place on Tuesday morning , at his residence , Bury St . Edmunds . The deceased gentleman , who was 63 years of age , had been ill for some time ,
and by his death Freemasonry in West Suffolk loses one of its most energetic supporters . Bro . Lucia ' s connection with the Order extended over a number of years . He was the founder of the Royal St . Edmunds Lod ge , No . 1008 ,
and the Abbey Lodge , No . 1592 , both of Bury ; he took a very active part in the establishment of the White Rose Chapter , Buiy , ancl was Past Master of four Lodges , and P . Z . of the White Rose Chapter . He held the offices
of Prov . Grand Secretary of- Suffolk , and Grand Scribe E . in the Provincial Chapter . He was also a P . P . G . S . W ., and a few years ago was elected by the Grand Master to the office of Grand Sword Bearer of England . The funeral will take place this day ( Saturday ) .
HottoWAY ' S PILLS . —Any dyspeptic sufferer , aware of the purifying , regulating , and gently aperient powers of these Pills , should permit no one to cloud his judgment or to warp bis course . With a , box of Holloway ' s Pills , and attention to its accompanying directions , be may feel thoroughly satisfied that he can safely and effectually release himse'f from his miseries without
impairing his appetite , or - .-eakeniug his digestion . This most excellent medicine act » as a nervine and bodily tonic by aiding nutrition , and banishes a thousand annoying forms of nervous complaints . An occasional resort to Holloway ' s remedy will provo highly salutary to all persons , whether well or ill , whose digestion is slow or imperfect , a condition usually evidenced by weariness , languor , li . tlessnoss , and despondency .
The New Restaurant Monico.
THE dinner given on the occasion of the opening of the new Restaurant Monico took place on the 30 th ult ., when a select and distinguished company of the friends of the proprietors met to celebrate the event . The chair was occupied by Brother Willis , and the vice-chair by Brother Gros , of the firm of Hau and Co . About eighty guests were present . The chairman proposed the toast of the Queen , and Signor Tito Mattei delicrhfced the company with a
performance on fche piano , which secured for fche talented porformer a perfect furore of applause . The toast of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales was next given , and was full y honoured . Signor Ria then sang " Non e Ver , " accompanied by the composer ; the company fully appreciated this musical treat . Bro . Hudson in an eloquent speech responded to the toast of the
Naval Forces , and Mr . Simpson played a very excellent solo on the violincello . The chairman proposed the toasfc of the evening , tho health of the Brothers Monico . In the course of his remarks he said they were assembled together to celebrate the re-opening of this restaurant . The building was closed some few months since for the purpose of making great and necessary alterations . As those present
could see , it had been beautifully re-decorated ; as likewise had the Grand Hall , which he could recommend to their inspection . Tho Bros . Monico had zealously gone to work , and completed the vast improvements now visible . In incurring the great outlay these alterations had entailed , they relied on the continued and increased support of the public , to whom already they were so much
indebted . They would continue to supply the besfc viands and wines that could be procured . He ( the chairman ) knew all present wished them success , and would do full hononr to the toast , whioh without further remarks he would now offer for acceptance . Thia compliment was acknowledged by Bro . M . Davis , who was entrusted by the Brothers Monico to express their gratification at
the way in which the toast had been proposed and received . To Bro . Gros was entrusted the next toast , the health of the Chairman —Brother Willis—whom he had hitherto only known in his official capacity . He , however , was well known in the City of London , and the genial manner in whioh he had presided over them entitled him to their respect . The President , in
reply , said his object in taking the chair was to render a service to the worthy proprietors , who he thought deserved every success . He was sure all the guests had enjoyed themselves , and hoped such social gatherings wonld frequently take place . He thanked Bro . Gros for so kindly introducing the toast . To Signor Mattei and the gentlemen who assisted by their vocal efforts great praise is due .
The installation meeting of the Lily of Richmond Lodge , No . 820 , will take place on Wednesday next , the 9 th inst , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Brother Charles
Hubbard , who has already twice filled the chair of this Lodge , viz . in 1878 and 1879 , was , at the last meeting , unanimously elected Master . The proceedings commence at 3 o ' clock p . m .
WHITSUNTIDE HOLIDAYS . —The London and North Western Railway Company announce that the ticket offices afc Euaton , Broad Street , Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day from Monday , 7 th May , until Monday , 14 th ( inclusive ) , so thafc passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the London and North Western Railway can do so at any time of the
day , prior to the starting of the trains . The tickets will be dated to suit the convenience of passengers . Tickets can also be obtained for the principal stations on the London and North Western system and its connections ( Sunday and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the following town receiving offices of the Company : —Swan with two Necks , Golden Cross , Charing Cross ; Spread Eagle , Piccadilly Circus ;
70 St . Martin ' s Lane ; 16 Holborn ; George and Blue Boar , Holborn ; Spread Eagle , Gracechurch Street ; Bolt-in-Tun , Fleet Street ; 34 Albert Gate ; Griffin , Green Man , and Still , 241 Oxford-street , and 33 High-street , Kensington . On Saturday , 12 th May , the express train leaving London ( Euston ) at 3 . 0 p . m ., Birming . ham ( New-street ) at 5 . 30 p . m ., Liverpool ( Lime-street ) afc
7 . 35 p . m ., and Manchester ( Victoria ) at 7 . 30 p . m . will be extended to Windermere . On the same date a special express , 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd class , will leave London ( Euston Station ) at 3 . 45 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden Junction , Rugby , and Coventry only , and reaching Birmingham ( New-street ) at 6 . 20 p . m . The express trains to and from the City , St . Albans , Watford , and
Kensington will not rnn on Whit Monday . Cheap Excursion Trains will run from London , for three and six days , to Carlisle , the Lake District , North , South , and Central ' Wales , the North of England , the Potteries , Birmingham , and the Midland Counties , & c . Foil particulars of which can be obtained at any of the above Offices , or at the Railway Stations .
A movement is on foot among fche Masons of Philadelphia to establish in thafc city a Home for aged and indigent Freemasons . Meetings have been held and an effort is being made to secure the co-operation of all the Lodges in the city for this laudable purpose . An institution of this sort would be a greater hononr to Masonry in Philadelphia than it now enjoys in having the finest Masonio
Temple in the world . Philadelphia claims priority in Masonic organizations in this country . She can attain to hi gher honour by beitig the first to establish a Home for worthy brethren who may have been unfortunate in business , or from any canse have no home of their own as old age comes creeping on aud they are unable to provide for themselves . We bid our Fraters Godspeed in their noble work . — Masonic Advocate
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Cor . respondents . All Letters must hear the name anl address of the Write ) -, not necessarily for publication , but as a guarantee of good faith . We cannot undertake to return rejected communications .
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE . DEAK SIR AND BROTHER , —We are pleased to be able to inform you thafc notwithstanding the lamentable Fire at Freemasons' Hall , the Festival of the Royal Masonio Institution for Girls will nofc be
postponed ; bnt aa the accommodation will necessarily be somewhat contracted , we feel confident we may rely npon the co-operation of all those who are taking part in its celebration to make the best of any little inconvenience whioh may unavoidably arise . We are , Dear Sir and Brother ,
Tours faithfully and fraternally , ROBERT GREY , President of tho Board of Stewards . F . R . W . HEDGES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards . 4 th May 1883 .
Old Kent Lodge Of Mark Master Masons,
To the Editor of the FREEMASON ' S CHRONIC , E . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —In your report of the proceedings on the occasion of fche introduction to the above Lodge of Lord Wolseley of Cairo you have , doubtless unwittingly , done gross injustice to such poor modicum of common sense as I may claim to possess . In the few
earnest words I addressed to the brethren assembled—with the consent and at the request of the W . M . in the chair—I said no more than I should have said had the opportunity been afforded me while presiding at the customary banquet —( on the occasion in question refreshment did not follow labour)—to propose the toast of " The Newly-Advanced Candidate . "
I recognised the position and services of our distinguished brother , but , with all the respect I feel for men of light and leading , whose adhesion to our ranks must always be matter for congratulation , I appreciate and value the privileges of our Order far too highly to think of proposing a " vote of thanks " to any one who may offer himself to participation therein . I am , Dear Sir and Brother , Yours faithfully and fraternally , FREDERICK BINCKES . 8 A Red Lion-square , W . C . 30 th April .
Obituary .
WE regret to have to record the death of Bro . William H . Lucia , Provincial Grand Secretary Suffolk , which sad event took place on Tuesday morning , at his residence , Bury St . Edmunds . The deceased gentleman , who was 63 years of age , had been ill for some time ,
and by his death Freemasonry in West Suffolk loses one of its most energetic supporters . Bro . Lucia ' s connection with the Order extended over a number of years . He was the founder of the Royal St . Edmunds Lod ge , No . 1008 ,
and the Abbey Lodge , No . 1592 , both of Bury ; he took a very active part in the establishment of the White Rose Chapter , Buiy , ancl was Past Master of four Lodges , and P . Z . of the White Rose Chapter . He held the offices
of Prov . Grand Secretary of- Suffolk , and Grand Scribe E . in the Provincial Chapter . He was also a P . P . G . S . W ., and a few years ago was elected by the Grand Master to the office of Grand Sword Bearer of England . The funeral will take place this day ( Saturday ) .
HottoWAY ' S PILLS . —Any dyspeptic sufferer , aware of the purifying , regulating , and gently aperient powers of these Pills , should permit no one to cloud his judgment or to warp bis course . With a , box of Holloway ' s Pills , and attention to its accompanying directions , be may feel thoroughly satisfied that he can safely and effectually release himse'f from his miseries without
impairing his appetite , or - .-eakeniug his digestion . This most excellent medicine act » as a nervine and bodily tonic by aiding nutrition , and banishes a thousand annoying forms of nervous complaints . An occasional resort to Holloway ' s remedy will provo highly salutary to all persons , whether well or ill , whose digestion is slow or imperfect , a condition usually evidenced by weariness , languor , li . tlessnoss , and despondency .
The New Restaurant Monico.
THE dinner given on the occasion of the opening of the new Restaurant Monico took place on the 30 th ult ., when a select and distinguished company of the friends of the proprietors met to celebrate the event . The chair was occupied by Brother Willis , and the vice-chair by Brother Gros , of the firm of Hau and Co . About eighty guests were present . The chairman proposed the toast of the Queen , and Signor Tito Mattei delicrhfced the company with a
performance on fche piano , which secured for fche talented porformer a perfect furore of applause . The toast of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales was next given , and was full y honoured . Signor Ria then sang " Non e Ver , " accompanied by the composer ; the company fully appreciated this musical treat . Bro . Hudson in an eloquent speech responded to the toast of the
Naval Forces , and Mr . Simpson played a very excellent solo on the violincello . The chairman proposed the toasfc of the evening , tho health of the Brothers Monico . In the course of his remarks he said they were assembled together to celebrate the re-opening of this restaurant . The building was closed some few months since for the purpose of making great and necessary alterations . As those present
could see , it had been beautifully re-decorated ; as likewise had the Grand Hall , which he could recommend to their inspection . Tho Bros . Monico had zealously gone to work , and completed the vast improvements now visible . In incurring the great outlay these alterations had entailed , they relied on the continued and increased support of the public , to whom already they were so much
indebted . They would continue to supply the besfc viands and wines that could be procured . He ( the chairman ) knew all present wished them success , and would do full hononr to the toast , whioh without further remarks he would now offer for acceptance . Thia compliment was acknowledged by Bro . M . Davis , who was entrusted by the Brothers Monico to express their gratification at
the way in which the toast had been proposed and received . To Bro . Gros was entrusted the next toast , the health of the Chairman —Brother Willis—whom he had hitherto only known in his official capacity . He , however , was well known in the City of London , and the genial manner in whioh he had presided over them entitled him to their respect . The President , in
reply , said his object in taking the chair was to render a service to the worthy proprietors , who he thought deserved every success . He was sure all the guests had enjoyed themselves , and hoped such social gatherings wonld frequently take place . He thanked Bro . Gros for so kindly introducing the toast . To Signor Mattei and the gentlemen who assisted by their vocal efforts great praise is due .
The installation meeting of the Lily of Richmond Lodge , No . 820 , will take place on Wednesday next , the 9 th inst , at the Greyhound Hotel , Richmond . Brother Charles
Hubbard , who has already twice filled the chair of this Lodge , viz . in 1878 and 1879 , was , at the last meeting , unanimously elected Master . The proceedings commence at 3 o ' clock p . m .
WHITSUNTIDE HOLIDAYS . —The London and North Western Railway Company announce that the ticket offices afc Euaton , Broad Street , Kensington , and Willesden Junction will be open throughout the day from Monday , 7 th May , until Monday , 14 th ( inclusive ) , so thafc passengers wishing to obtain tickets for any destination on the London and North Western Railway can do so at any time of the
day , prior to the starting of the trains . The tickets will be dated to suit the convenience of passengers . Tickets can also be obtained for the principal stations on the London and North Western system and its connections ( Sunday and Bank Holidays excepted ) at the following town receiving offices of the Company : —Swan with two Necks , Golden Cross , Charing Cross ; Spread Eagle , Piccadilly Circus ;
70 St . Martin ' s Lane ; 16 Holborn ; George and Blue Boar , Holborn ; Spread Eagle , Gracechurch Street ; Bolt-in-Tun , Fleet Street ; 34 Albert Gate ; Griffin , Green Man , and Still , 241 Oxford-street , and 33 High-street , Kensington . On Saturday , 12 th May , the express train leaving London ( Euston ) at 3 . 0 p . m ., Birming . ham ( New-street ) at 5 . 30 p . m ., Liverpool ( Lime-street ) afc
7 . 35 p . m ., and Manchester ( Victoria ) at 7 . 30 p . m . will be extended to Windermere . On the same date a special express , 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd class , will leave London ( Euston Station ) at 3 . 45 p . m . for Birmingham , calling at Willesden Junction , Rugby , and Coventry only , and reaching Birmingham ( New-street ) at 6 . 20 p . m . The express trains to and from the City , St . Albans , Watford , and
Kensington will not rnn on Whit Monday . Cheap Excursion Trains will run from London , for three and six days , to Carlisle , the Lake District , North , South , and Central ' Wales , the North of England , the Potteries , Birmingham , and the Midland Counties , & c . Foil particulars of which can be obtained at any of the above Offices , or at the Railway Stations .
A movement is on foot among fche Masons of Philadelphia to establish in thafc city a Home for aged and indigent Freemasons . Meetings have been held and an effort is being made to secure the co-operation of all the Lodges in the city for this laudable purpose . An institution of this sort would be a greater hononr to Masonry in Philadelphia than it now enjoys in having the finest Masonio
Temple in the world . Philadelphia claims priority in Masonic organizations in this country . She can attain to hi gher honour by beitig the first to establish a Home for worthy brethren who may have been unfortunate in business , or from any canse have no home of their own as old age comes creeping on aud they are unable to provide for themselves . We bid our Fraters Godspeed in their noble work . — Masonic Advocate