Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article FREEMASONRY IN NOTTINGHAMSHIRE. Page 1 of 2 →
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if 'I _ kl _ U -l-- » ---- ML- ¦ - ____ -nP ^ S * l _ L _ L _ L _ ¦ ¦ _ - ¦ - ¦ -- •- _ t _ » h " - ' - » *_ r _ - *_ "B "_ - _* i _ a M "_ i l "_ - | i ^ " , t "_ S' - _ _ - - ^ --V - _ - -r _ _ _ , V « ^^^^^^^ RBJ _ a __ g _ VW _ - _ -WT __ j ^ W . V- AWA'Jwi
Freemasonry In Nottinghamshire.
FROJI THE NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN . THE Freemasons find a congenial homo in the county of Nottingham , and aa tho principles of tho Order become more pxtpnsively disseminated .. PV inct * eusp in nnmher . and i . „_ enc < . The Provineial Grand Lodgo of Nottingham , claims for its Grand Mnster his Grace the Dnkn nf St . Albans , for if . T > t > nfy Prov . Orand
Master Bro . John Walson , for its Spnior Warden Bro . Sir Henry Bromley Bart , nnd for its Jnnior Warden Bro . 0 . B . T ' tieman . The oldest Lodge in the Grand Lodge records is Newstead ( No . 47 ") , which is often referrpd to as having its origin in " timo immemorial , " bnt . tho first warrant pertaining to it is dated 1735 . It has for its Worshipfnl Mister Bro . Geo . Chan man , for its Senior Warden
Bro . B . 0 . Patchitt . and for its J . W . Bro . H . Tickers . The Lodge meets at the Masonio Hall on tho first Tuesday in each month . The Royal Snssex Lodgo ( No . 402 ) was founded in 1829 , and has its headquarters at the George Hotel , where it meets fnnr times a venr . Ifc has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . "Herhprfc Owen Taylor , for its Senior Warden the Rev . A . J . L . Dobbin , and for its Junior Warden
Dr . Seaton . The Commercial Lodge was founded on the 16 th April 1832 , meets at the Mnsonic Hall on the second Mondav in the month , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . Willinm Hiekling , for its Senior Warden Bro . S . Walker , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . R . Halford . The next Lodge in point of rank is the Pelham Lodge , No . 939 , which was founded in the year 1862 , and mpets afc tho Corn
Exchange , Worksop , on the third Thnrsdav in the month . It has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . Robert T . Matterson , its Senior Warden Bro . Joseph Pickering , and its Jnnior Warden Bro . Charles Rntler . The Southwell Lodge , No . 1405 , waa established in May 1872 , and meets afc the Masonio Hall on tho firsfc Friday in each month , except May and Jnne . It has for its Worshipfnl Master , Bro . William Hirst
for its Senior Warden Bro . F . Hind , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . J . S . Hardy . The Nottinghamshire Lodge , No . 1434 , was founded in April 1873 , meets at the Masonic Hnll on the first Monday in the month from September to April , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . J . T . McCraith , for its Senior Warden Bro . Arthur James Paw , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . Arthur Kirby . The Annesley
Lodge , No . 1435 , was founded on the same date as the Nottinghamshire Lodge , meets at the Masonic Hall , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . William Clarke , for its Senior Warden Bro . G . T . Alenson , and for its Junior Warden Bro . J . Thornley . Tho Robin Hood Lodge , 1495 , founded in June 1874 , meets afc the Mechanics ' Hall , Eastwood , on the Wednesday on or before tho full monn , and
has for its Worshipful Master Bro . W . H . Burton , for its Senior Warden Bro . H . Saxton , and for its Junior Warden Bro . James Gall . The Newton Lodge , No . 1 fifil , was founded in May 1887 , meets at the Savings Bank , Lombard-street , Newark , on the second Friday in the month , and his for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . F . H . A . Applebv , for its Senior Warden Bro . Walton , and For its Junior Warden Bro .
H . George . The Da Yere Lodge , No . 1791 , was founded in December 1878 , and meets afc fche M sonic Hall . The Vernon Lod'a , No , 1802 , was founded on the 1 st of Jannarv 1879 , and meets at the Exchange Buildings , East Ref / ord . Tho Forest Lodge , No . 1852 , was established in November 1879 , and has its headquarters at the Swan Hotel , Mansfield . The Carnarvon Lodge was founded on the 22 nd
April 1881 , and meets at the Masonic HaU . The Royal Arch Masons have also a moderately numerous contingent within the county . The firsfc Provincial Grand Chapter of Nottinghamshire has Sir Henry Bromley , Barfc . for its Provincial Grand Snp rintendent , and Companion John Watson for its Provincial Grand H . The Abbov Rov . 1 Arch Chapter , No . 47 , meets four times a year afc the Masonio Hall ,
and has for its Z . Companion A . Lawson . The Royal Sussex Royal Arch Chapter , No . 402 , was established in 1881 , meets afc the Masonio Hall , and has for its Z . Companion Sir H . Bromley , Barfc . Tho Com . mercial Royal Aroh Chapter was also founded in May 1881 , meets at the Masonic Hall , and has for its Z . Companion 0 . G . Wrn _ g . Tho Alexander Royal Arch Chapter was established in August 1881 , meets
afc the Savings Bank , Newark , and has for its Z . Comp . W . Newton . There are also held at the Masonic Hall , in connection with the Knights Templars , the Abbey Chapter Encampment , the Nottingham Chapter , No . 17 , and the Rose Croix Chapter . The proceedings which took place at Nottingham on Thursday , the 26 th nit ., wero in connection with the Order of Mark Master Masons . Thia is b » 1 ieved to be
of greater antiquity than the moro popular branch of Freema _ onrv , and has made rapid strides in pnblic favour during recent years . The origin of the Newstead Mark Lodge , like its namesake , is said to be of " time immemorial , " though its minutes only date from the year 1802 . It meets at the Masonic Hall fonr times a venr , nnd has for its W . M . Bro . 0 . B . Trnman , for its Senior Warden Bro . E . C . Patchitt , and for its Junior Warden Bro . H . J . Norr s . The Fleming Mark Lodge
No . 265 , is held afc the Savings Bank , Newark , four times a-year , and has for its Worshipful Mnster Bro . J . M . Davis , for its Senior Warden Bro . H . Walton , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . J . MeLend . Ifc was thought that there shonld be a Grand Mark Lodge for Nottingham . Shire , and the highly interesting proceedings at the Mnsonic Hal 1 Were instituted for the purpose of establishing such a Lodge , and appointing its first Grand Ofii . ers . There was a largo number of Mark Masons present from London , Birmingham , Derby , Leicester ,
Sh . Afield , Leeds , Bradford , Hartlepool , and othor Midland ami Northern towns . Thu members of th . News-toad Mark Lodge ., ol whom B'o . Joseph Ward is the Secretary , attended at . the -la-tonic ( fall at eleven in th . f < nen- .-., to roceivn the brethren from a dis . tan («\ to supply them with information , and to conduct them to the nn ' noip . 1 places of interest in the town and neighbourhood . The
Visitors were received afc the entr _ -u-.. by Bro- > . J . Ward , S « . M-efcary , Dr . Hatherly , Thornley , J . Wigglesworth , Will .., and Councillor Vickers . The following were nmon . st the places visited : —The Castlo Mnseum , the University Buildings , the lace-dressing works of his worship the Mayor ( Bro . Alderman Lindley ) , the laco manufactory of Bro . Sir James Oldknow , the lace enrtain m . mifaotory of Bro . ^
Donghtey , tho leather works of Bro . Alderman Turney , the machinebuilding works of Bros . Blackbnrn and Attenborough , and tho hosiery manufactories of Messrs . I . and R . Morley . At two o ' clock a Lodge of Emergency of the Newstead Mark Lodge was opened by tho Worshipfnl Master , Bro . Charles B . Truman , the choir singing tbe opening hymn ,
commencing—Hail Eternal , by whose aid All created things were made . Amongst those present were tho following : —Grand Officers—Bros Lord Henniker M . W . G . M ., Lord Kintore R . W . D . G . M ., C . F . Matiet P . G . W . acting as G . J . W ., F . Davison D . P . G . M ., G . Foljambe G . S . D .,
F . Binckes Grand Secretary , D . M . Dovvar Assistant Grand Sec , R . Berridge G . D . of C , W . Watson G . Assistant D . of C , F . Lang G . S . B ., G . Carter G . S ., G . Powell G . C . Provincial Grand Masters—Bros . Pryn Pryn Province of South Wales , W . Kelly Secretary Leicester , Notts , and Derbyshire Province , J . W . Wooclhall N . and E Yorks Province , J . Watson Notts Province . Pasfc Grand
Officers—C . T . Lane P . IT . D ., VV . Kno . uck f . w . M . U ., A . J .. - JOCISOU _ .. _» . _ . » .., T . B . Whytehead P . G . M . O ., T . J . Pulley P . G . S . D ., 0 . F . Matier P . G . W ., and J . Arbitt P . G . S . D . Bro . the Earl of Limerick was expected to be present , but his duties in the House of Lords prevented him leaving London . After some preliminary Lodge business had been transacted , Bro . Truman appointed a deputation to receive
the M . W . G . M . Lord Henniker and the Officers of the Grand Lodge . Tlio brethren stood to order , and fcho Organist having played a voluntary , Brother Lord Henniker assumed the throne , and was saluted with Grand hononrs . His Lordship then opened the Grand Lodge , and the choir sang the ode
beginning—Hail , Masonry divine . Bro . Binckes , the Grand Secretary , then road the summons convening the meeting , after which the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master Lord Henniker was informed that the R . W . Provincial G' -and Master Designate , Bro . John Watson , was without , and requested to be installed . Brother Lord Henniker directed that Brother Watson
should bo introduced in proper form . Brother Robert Berridge , the Grand Director of Ceremonies , together with several other Grand Officers and a number of Provincial Grand Officers , retired , formed into processional order , introduced Brother Watson , ancl conducted him to the front of tho pedestal in the east . Brother Binckes Grand Secretary then read the patent of appointment , after whioh the Rev .
Bro . Bagshawe Past Grand Chaplain offered a prayer , and the choir sang the ode , " Supreme Grand Master , * God of Power . " Bro . Lord Henniker then addressed Bro . Watson on the nature of his duties and the qualifications for the offi . e of Provincial Grand Master . At this poinfc , Bro . Berridge , in his capacity of Grand Director of Ceremonies , proclaimed " The county of Nottinghamshire is now and
henceforth constituted a Mark Province . " Brother Watson then undertook the necessary obligations pertaining to his appointment , and wns conducted to tho right of Bro . Lord Henniker , who invested him and inducted him to the chair . Brother Watson was officially proclaimed as the Provincial Grand Master for Nottinghamshire , and was sainted with grand honours . The choir sang the anthem ,
" Thafc which has gone onfc of thy lips , " after which the other Provincial Grand Officers were appointed , as follow . *—Bros . W . Newton ( coroner of Newark ) D . P . G . M ., R . Fitzhugh S . W ., C . G . Wragg J . W ., Joseph Ward S . D ., Thomas Thorpe ( Newark ) J . D ., M . Mann M . O ., J . M . Davis ( Newark ) S . O ., H . Walton ( Newark ) J . O ., 0 . B . Truman Treasurer , E . 0 . Patchitt Registrar of Marks , H . R . Hatherly
Seoretary , H . J . Norris and the Rev . A . Wood ( Newark ) Stewards , H . George Director of Ceremonies , Rev . F . V . Bussell Chaplain , W . Wright Organist , Appleby ( Newark ) I . G ., Bro . Glover Tyler . After votes of thanks had been proposed , and other business transacted , Bro . Lord Henniker resumed his position on the throne , and the choir sang the closing ode ,
Now the evening shadows closing , Warn from toil to peaceful rest . The Rev . Bro . Bagshawe , Past Grand Chaplain , again offered up prayer , and Grand Lodgo having beon duly closed , the brethren retired to tho banquet-room . The banquet took place in the lower room of the Masonic Hall , and was presided over by Bro . Lord
Heuniker Right , Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England , who wns supported by most of those pressnfc afc the meeting of Grand Lodge . After the repast , Bro . Lord Elenniker proposed the Queen and Mark Masonry . His Lordship said this toast was always received with enthusiasm by all classes , ancl particularly amongst Masons , and not less amongst , atiy other body than by fche Mark
Masons . Her Majesty fcho Queen was the Patron of the Order , the Prince of Wales was the Grand Master of England , and the Dnke of Albany was one of the Grand Masters of Mark Masonry . He was sure they wonld all join with him on that occasion , not only in drinking Her Majesty ' s health with the usual cordiality , but also in the sincere wish thafc the Queen might be restored to her usual
health with the utmost possible speed . This toast was received with Masonic honours . Bro . Watson proposed tho M . W . Grand Master ' he Right Hon . Lord Henniker . He said JIark Masonry was progressing and extending , and he believed a great dual of its success was due to the popularity of its Grand Master . Bro . Lord Honniker , in reply , _ jid he thanked thorn very much ( or tho cordial reception thoy had
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
if 'I _ kl _ U -l-- » ---- ML- ¦ - ____ -nP ^ S * l _ L _ L _ L _ ¦ ¦ _ - ¦ - ¦ -- •- _ t _ » h " - ' - » *_ r _ - *_ "B "_ - _* i _ a M "_ i l "_ - | i ^ " , t "_ S' - _ _ - - ^ --V - _ - -r _ _ _ , V « ^^^^^^^ RBJ _ a __ g _ VW _ - _ -WT __ j ^ W . V- AWA'Jwi
Freemasonry In Nottinghamshire.
FROJI THE NOTTINGHAM DAILY GUARDIAN . THE Freemasons find a congenial homo in the county of Nottingham , and aa tho principles of tho Order become more pxtpnsively disseminated .. PV inct * eusp in nnmher . and i . „_ enc < . The Provineial Grand Lodgo of Nottingham , claims for its Grand Mnster his Grace the Dnkn nf St . Albans , for if . T > t > nfy Prov . Orand
Master Bro . John Walson , for its Spnior Warden Bro . Sir Henry Bromley Bart , nnd for its Jnnior Warden Bro . 0 . B . T ' tieman . The oldest Lodge in the Grand Lodge records is Newstead ( No . 47 ") , which is often referrpd to as having its origin in " timo immemorial , " bnt . tho first warrant pertaining to it is dated 1735 . It has for its Worshipfnl Mister Bro . Geo . Chan man , for its Senior Warden
Bro . B . 0 . Patchitt . and for its J . W . Bro . H . Tickers . The Lodge meets at the Masonio Hall on tho first Tuesday in each month . The Royal Snssex Lodgo ( No . 402 ) was founded in 1829 , and has its headquarters at the George Hotel , where it meets fnnr times a venr . Ifc has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . "Herhprfc Owen Taylor , for its Senior Warden the Rev . A . J . L . Dobbin , and for its Junior Warden
Dr . Seaton . The Commercial Lodge was founded on the 16 th April 1832 , meets at the Mnsonic Hall on the second Mondav in the month , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . Willinm Hiekling , for its Senior Warden Bro . S . Walker , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . R . Halford . The next Lodge in point of rank is the Pelham Lodge , No . 939 , which was founded in the year 1862 , and mpets afc tho Corn
Exchange , Worksop , on the third Thnrsdav in the month . It has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . Robert T . Matterson , its Senior Warden Bro . Joseph Pickering , and its Jnnior Warden Bro . Charles Rntler . The Southwell Lodge , No . 1405 , waa established in May 1872 , and meets afc the Masonio Hall on tho firsfc Friday in each month , except May and Jnne . It has for its Worshipfnl Master , Bro . William Hirst
for its Senior Warden Bro . F . Hind , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . J . S . Hardy . The Nottinghamshire Lodge , No . 1434 , was founded in April 1873 , meets at the Masonic Hnll on the first Monday in the month from September to April , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . J . T . McCraith , for its Senior Warden Bro . Arthur James Paw , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . Arthur Kirby . The Annesley
Lodge , No . 1435 , was founded on the same date as the Nottinghamshire Lodge , meets at the Masonic Hall , and has for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . William Clarke , for its Senior Warden Bro . G . T . Alenson , and for its Junior Warden Bro . J . Thornley . Tho Robin Hood Lodge , 1495 , founded in June 1874 , meets afc the Mechanics ' Hall , Eastwood , on the Wednesday on or before tho full monn , and
has for its Worshipful Master Bro . W . H . Burton , for its Senior Warden Bro . H . Saxton , and for its Junior Warden Bro . James Gall . The Newton Lodge , No . 1 fifil , was founded in May 1887 , meets at the Savings Bank , Lombard-street , Newark , on the second Friday in the month , and his for its Worshipfnl Master Bro . F . H . A . Applebv , for its Senior Warden Bro . Walton , and For its Junior Warden Bro .
H . George . The Da Yere Lodge , No . 1791 , was founded in December 1878 , and meets afc fche M sonic Hall . The Vernon Lod'a , No , 1802 , was founded on the 1 st of Jannarv 1879 , and meets at the Exchange Buildings , East Ref / ord . Tho Forest Lodge , No . 1852 , was established in November 1879 , and has its headquarters at the Swan Hotel , Mansfield . The Carnarvon Lodge was founded on the 22 nd
April 1881 , and meets at the Masonic HaU . The Royal Arch Masons have also a moderately numerous contingent within the county . The firsfc Provincial Grand Chapter of Nottinghamshire has Sir Henry Bromley , Barfc . for its Provincial Grand Snp rintendent , and Companion John Watson for its Provincial Grand H . The Abbov Rov . 1 Arch Chapter , No . 47 , meets four times a year afc the Masonio Hall ,
and has for its Z . Companion A . Lawson . The Royal Sussex Royal Arch Chapter , No . 402 , was established in 1881 , meets afc the Masonio Hall , and has for its Z . Companion Sir H . Bromley , Barfc . Tho Com . mercial Royal Aroh Chapter was also founded in May 1881 , meets at the Masonic Hall , and has for its Z . Companion 0 . G . Wrn _ g . Tho Alexander Royal Arch Chapter was established in August 1881 , meets
afc the Savings Bank , Newark , and has for its Z . Comp . W . Newton . There are also held at the Masonic Hall , in connection with the Knights Templars , the Abbey Chapter Encampment , the Nottingham Chapter , No . 17 , and the Rose Croix Chapter . The proceedings which took place at Nottingham on Thursday , the 26 th nit ., wero in connection with the Order of Mark Master Masons . Thia is b » 1 ieved to be
of greater antiquity than the moro popular branch of Freema _ onrv , and has made rapid strides in pnblic favour during recent years . The origin of the Newstead Mark Lodge , like its namesake , is said to be of " time immemorial , " though its minutes only date from the year 1802 . It meets at the Masonic Hall fonr times a venr , nnd has for its W . M . Bro . 0 . B . Trnman , for its Senior Warden Bro . E . C . Patchitt , and for its Junior Warden Bro . H . J . Norr s . The Fleming Mark Lodge
No . 265 , is held afc the Savings Bank , Newark , four times a-year , and has for its Worshipful Mnster Bro . J . M . Davis , for its Senior Warden Bro . H . Walton , and for its Jnnior Warden Bro . J . MeLend . Ifc was thought that there shonld be a Grand Mark Lodge for Nottingham . Shire , and the highly interesting proceedings at the Mnsonic Hal 1 Were instituted for the purpose of establishing such a Lodge , and appointing its first Grand Ofii . ers . There was a largo number of Mark Masons present from London , Birmingham , Derby , Leicester ,
Sh . Afield , Leeds , Bradford , Hartlepool , and othor Midland ami Northern towns . Thu members of th . News-toad Mark Lodge ., ol whom B'o . Joseph Ward is the Secretary , attended at . the -la-tonic ( fall at eleven in th . f < nen- .-., to roceivn the brethren from a dis . tan («\ to supply them with information , and to conduct them to the nn ' noip . 1 places of interest in the town and neighbourhood . The
Visitors were received afc the entr _ -u-.. by Bro- > . J . Ward , S « . M-efcary , Dr . Hatherly , Thornley , J . Wigglesworth , Will .., and Councillor Vickers . The following were nmon . st the places visited : —The Castlo Mnseum , the University Buildings , the lace-dressing works of his worship the Mayor ( Bro . Alderman Lindley ) , the laco manufactory of Bro . Sir James Oldknow , the lace enrtain m . mifaotory of Bro . ^
Donghtey , tho leather works of Bro . Alderman Turney , the machinebuilding works of Bros . Blackbnrn and Attenborough , and tho hosiery manufactories of Messrs . I . and R . Morley . At two o ' clock a Lodge of Emergency of the Newstead Mark Lodge was opened by tho Worshipfnl Master , Bro . Charles B . Truman , the choir singing tbe opening hymn ,
commencing—Hail Eternal , by whose aid All created things were made . Amongst those present were tho following : —Grand Officers—Bros Lord Henniker M . W . G . M ., Lord Kintore R . W . D . G . M ., C . F . Matiet P . G . W . acting as G . J . W ., F . Davison D . P . G . M ., G . Foljambe G . S . D .,
F . Binckes Grand Secretary , D . M . Dovvar Assistant Grand Sec , R . Berridge G . D . of C , W . Watson G . Assistant D . of C , F . Lang G . S . B ., G . Carter G . S ., G . Powell G . C . Provincial Grand Masters—Bros . Pryn Pryn Province of South Wales , W . Kelly Secretary Leicester , Notts , and Derbyshire Province , J . W . Wooclhall N . and E Yorks Province , J . Watson Notts Province . Pasfc Grand
Officers—C . T . Lane P . IT . D ., VV . Kno . uck f . w . M . U ., A . J .. - JOCISOU _ .. _» . _ . » .., T . B . Whytehead P . G . M . O ., T . J . Pulley P . G . S . D ., 0 . F . Matier P . G . W ., and J . Arbitt P . G . S . D . Bro . the Earl of Limerick was expected to be present , but his duties in the House of Lords prevented him leaving London . After some preliminary Lodge business had been transacted , Bro . Truman appointed a deputation to receive
the M . W . G . M . Lord Henniker and the Officers of the Grand Lodge . Tlio brethren stood to order , and fcho Organist having played a voluntary , Brother Lord Henniker assumed the throne , and was saluted with Grand hononrs . His Lordship then opened the Grand Lodge , and the choir sang the ode
beginning—Hail , Masonry divine . Bro . Binckes , the Grand Secretary , then road the summons convening the meeting , after which the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master Lord Henniker was informed that the R . W . Provincial G' -and Master Designate , Bro . John Watson , was without , and requested to be installed . Brother Lord Henniker directed that Brother Watson
should bo introduced in proper form . Brother Robert Berridge , the Grand Director of Ceremonies , together with several other Grand Officers and a number of Provincial Grand Officers , retired , formed into processional order , introduced Brother Watson , ancl conducted him to the front of tho pedestal in the east . Brother Binckes Grand Secretary then read the patent of appointment , after whioh the Rev .
Bro . Bagshawe Past Grand Chaplain offered a prayer , and the choir sang the ode , " Supreme Grand Master , * God of Power . " Bro . Lord Henniker then addressed Bro . Watson on the nature of his duties and the qualifications for the offi . e of Provincial Grand Master . At this poinfc , Bro . Berridge , in his capacity of Grand Director of Ceremonies , proclaimed " The county of Nottinghamshire is now and
henceforth constituted a Mark Province . " Brother Watson then undertook the necessary obligations pertaining to his appointment , and wns conducted to tho right of Bro . Lord Henniker , who invested him and inducted him to the chair . Brother Watson was officially proclaimed as the Provincial Grand Master for Nottinghamshire , and was sainted with grand honours . The choir sang the anthem ,
" Thafc which has gone onfc of thy lips , " after which the other Provincial Grand Officers were appointed , as follow . *—Bros . W . Newton ( coroner of Newark ) D . P . G . M ., R . Fitzhugh S . W ., C . G . Wragg J . W ., Joseph Ward S . D ., Thomas Thorpe ( Newark ) J . D ., M . Mann M . O ., J . M . Davis ( Newark ) S . O ., H . Walton ( Newark ) J . O ., 0 . B . Truman Treasurer , E . 0 . Patchitt Registrar of Marks , H . R . Hatherly
Seoretary , H . J . Norris and the Rev . A . Wood ( Newark ) Stewards , H . George Director of Ceremonies , Rev . F . V . Bussell Chaplain , W . Wright Organist , Appleby ( Newark ) I . G ., Bro . Glover Tyler . After votes of thanks had been proposed , and other business transacted , Bro . Lord Henniker resumed his position on the throne , and the choir sang the closing ode ,
Now the evening shadows closing , Warn from toil to peaceful rest . The Rev . Bro . Bagshawe , Past Grand Chaplain , again offered up prayer , and Grand Lodgo having beon duly closed , the brethren retired to tho banquet-room . The banquet took place in the lower room of the Masonic Hall , and was presided over by Bro . Lord
Heuniker Right , Worshipful Grand Mark Master Mason of England , who wns supported by most of those pressnfc afc the meeting of Grand Lodge . After the repast , Bro . Lord Elenniker proposed the Queen and Mark Masonry . His Lordship said this toast was always received with enthusiasm by all classes , ancl particularly amongst Masons , and not less amongst , atiy other body than by fche Mark
Masons . Her Majesty fcho Queen was the Patron of the Order , the Prince of Wales was the Grand Master of England , and the Dnke of Albany was one of the Grand Masters of Mark Masonry . He was sure they wonld all join with him on that occasion , not only in drinking Her Majesty ' s health with the usual cordiality , but also in the sincere wish thafc the Queen might be restored to her usual
health with the utmost possible speed . This toast was received with Masonic honours . Bro . Watson proposed tho M . W . Grand Master ' he Right Hon . Lord Henniker . He said JIark Masonry was progressing and extending , and he believed a great dual of its success was due to the popularity of its Grand Master . Bro . Lord Honniker , in reply , _ jid he thanked thorn very much ( or tho cordial reception thoy had