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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A.LAZARUS MERCHANT TAILOR AND JUVENILE CLOTHIER , COEITEE OF WORSHIP STREET , 244 & 245 , 3 H 03 EDITCH , E ., 51 , LIVERPOOL STREET , LONDON , E . C . The New- Spviuc : Stoclc is Now Roadr tbv Tuspeotiou .
HENRYVAUGHAN, TAILOR , HABIT MAKER , OUTFITTER , & c . 106 LONG ACRE , LONDON , W . C . Special attention paid to tho Fit ancl General Appearance of DRESS SUITS , which are ofl ' erecl from THREE GUINEAS upwards . NEW MATERIALS FOR SPRING OR SUMMER W EAR .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKE^OV^KilR,SzOBOYEH; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , ^pppPtfBEAUTIFULANDPERFECTINSTRUMENTS. %*^&% *§ i PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , . jjj . ' — ^ F 15 TO -23 3 s PEP , Q UARTER . L @ I & Tlie Advantage * , of : i Trial , with tl » c <*» uv «» l « n «« ol * lliv O rfi / . „ .,. <¦¦«¦ J ff Three ei «* ' * t' Sy-ttfin at CtvtU Price , b . y IPuyiiii ; -il >» iiit « ( iusirtcr ti ^ JizU ™ --== jcii = i II oi ' t ,, c value dona , tlie Snl-inee »» y K »* y I * nyment » , I to m Z ^~ Z ~ $ " ^^^ TT ^ . t ) Ms * per quarter . 6 B 0 VEE & C 4 R 0 VEB ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABEKNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . EMTABLIMHE'R 1830 .
mrnmJFORTESCUE ,iS«sr ^' •' ¦^ p : ' ^'' JHA . T MANUFACTDRRR , $ ^ yvV ; -i ^| SIWMm " 29 FLEET ST , ; H 4 & 115 SH 2 E LANE , Kr-- "fS fife W ! A , 'S * i ' 'filf' l ° n 0 lloor fmm Flf-ot Street ) ite ^ -- " " - iafiffl Pf ^ Viy ^ Sfi ! 6 EXMOUTH STRKET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . ^ p « fe- ^ # « -1 ? % .-. ffi 1 | i * 5 *| vlw' ! And 143 Mare Street , ¦' . ' rian . elo , Hacknoy vi | $ ivd ' ' ^; , ' ., ; . , 1 ' : ' ' , $ QWf r * fp ^ 1 Sy § L ® frt ,, Gents' Silk Hats fro -. \ 5 / 6 each . Second best li / li 7 / 6 8 /» H ^ J ? S ~ i / - , * ' ' rf ' S ^ ^| iffl : il ! iii | y |;! 'lii |^ ' Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / B & 16 / . The ve- ; , Lest mails 21 / . ^ sS ^ : ' t- ^ iS ^ ^ S ^^ r ^ JS . SSiis ^ ^ Felt Hats , hai'd and soft , iu all the newest shapes , — - _; s £ - ^^ ^ 'aiSii ^^ from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and . Touch . Elec-ant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIN-STEAD , JIanagsr . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
ECONOMYINSUMMERCOOKING.ILSsJ Time and Money saved by using i ^ === r \ \ s | IllliP RIPPINGIILE'S PATENT PRIZE MEDAL §\ , ^ ^// I' fM ^^ OIL COOKING STOVES . fSS FTlC- ^ Odourlcm , Smokelem , Portable , Safe , and Cleanly . ^ Jj " T £ LT ^ L ^ J 3 ~ % 0 $ > $ [ PHBY will roast joints or poultry , boil fish , vegetables ) ' TST = " ^ , 1 -1 / 1 i . „ . * « •¦ r , ry c , l 0 " « . steiiki , or bacon , bnko bre . id or pastry , toast , KWJiiW ^ i W » *""" *"" ? ? " I' I I , ITi TST AS SI '' out fhit irons , ana do the o tiro work . f II kitchen Are , whilo W f 0 » * I , 4 4 f , J ' 'J , 11 they i , vo the advantage of uciiisfltt m-exting . dshed liiu moment . illbfCl'l - LW 1 ! riiey » nvo keeplnu a Hro In hot weather , and for ecraioiny and M Bf * - < , " j ^™ 5 f 5 ff » <| W ' , il llll ' l ! Jlomeatio uao are unequalled . Food eookocl iiy them acquires no WhlKir ' P > V ? I '',, ' ill I ^ ortn e bUfc " - "' •" "" . l-t . totha-. euo - cea b , a coal ^ J ^^ fP * I j I l arXrf Ol" ? " ?* - ™^ — , every purpose ol a coa , fire , | Plf ^ l ^ l ^^ , * ' » ' ift ! WW nndureap . rteotauiwtituto lor same . fNfc =- '""" a *« "i |! , ril L I Ufl * ! Three m 6 alsl ror fom- to six persona cooked for a penny . fpl * ^ . - *^ -== ~^ E ^ U 11 , 1 |! ^? Write for UluUniSed list aucl full partieulavs to the ' ( it >* U - ^ ^ ' J ^^' sS ^ im I-sAJIl fJWli ALBION LAMP COMPANY , W ^ ^ -r ^^ / ^^ m 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . MT ~ — " ^^ ^^ . » n « l say where y < m s » w tliin Adioitiscntcnt . < iii = ! £ - ' '*&
W . BEASLEY , Bespoke Boot Maker , 23 Queen Victoria Street . HUTSTTI-N- G-, RIDIJSTG-, DRESS A !( D BOOTS FOR THK MOORS , St-UiK IK A . VBW DAYS . Speoialito-Hand Sow . i aud Standard Screwed
!__g* JlfSiiS^^alJI^. ROCHESTER4FOX, cfPost emel ? £ ol zMcvsters , 799 COMMERCIAL ROAD , E . AND 81 JUBILEE STEEST , MILE END , E . Carriages of every description on hire . SUPEBIOK WEDDING CAERIAGES .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . V ^ yTirinTrTOh ^ uiirT .- ^ l **' ' .-. ' , 1 t Vjl ^' j . ' . * * " ^ g i ^^^^ - ^^ t ^ n-s ^ rg ^^^ si : . ' . . ' i-v : ^ ^ . S ^ 'S ^ jy ^ r ^^^^ H" ^^"" ROYAL UOUTK . rM CUINAN * and C . U . K-> no . ILLS' CAX . LLS liv [ loyal SCiiU Stcsimor "COU'JIUA . " or ' * IONA , " fiotu CiUisi'ow Daily at 7 a . m ., ; iwl 1 ' rum ( livenoek at !) a . m ., convevirifr nassenwrs for OISAN' N'ORTH and WEST HliiULANDri . Soo bill , with w . ip ' . vwl touvUt * Eaves , free , at Missix . ( JUATTO and WINDUS , l ' iililislio . * s . 2 M I'iceadillv . London , or bv post from tlio owner , DAVID MACIillAYXK , lii ) Ho |> o Street , ( "Jliisgnw .
HOTELS,ETC. pAHUSIiK-nnsh Hotel . U SUTOriEPb'K HOr-ROVD , Proprietor nAIilNO—Fonthers Hotel n * ASTUOLrRXr > * .-Pior Hotel , GavendUU Place . Ill View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KKW— Star and ( Jartor . Good accommodation lor UiA'ro & Dinner Parties . J . IUUMJ Proprietor QANDVVICH-Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , O Good Stiihliiiff . J . J . I'lfiMKU Proprietor WOOD GRSKN—Kin « 8 Arrnst Hotel . A . U . URKKNSLADK Proprietor YORK—Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel , Mid-legate . II . OUUROIIELIi Proprietor LONDON " . PANNING TOW . V-HvorpoolArms . J . H PAVITT . \ J Friars U . of Instruction , 1319 , Tuesdays at 7 . 30 GREEN ttRAGON—Sprinc * Gardon-nlaco , Stepney Wines and Spirits oftlio best quality . Billiards . Banquets provided for lari ; o or small parties . Yarborough L . & C . 551 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held hero . Lodgo o ! Instruo . ( 551 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WAL I'ER Proprietor " jl / fOORGATE STATION RESTAURANT—Moor-111 gate Street , E . C . Hot and Cold Dinners , & e . Chops and Steaks . Good accommodation for Lodge Meetings , . tc . A . KENT Proprietor NE * V MARKET HOTEL—King Street , Snow Hill , E . G . Good accommodation for Club and other Banquets . Wines and Spirits of best quality . Specially licensed for Masonic B > ills . Lodges lOi'l and 1 ( 177 aro hold here . Strong Man No . 43 and West Smithlield No . li > 23 Lodges of Instruction , moot hero , every Monday at 8 p . vn . Thomas BUTT Proprietor
ADLAHD' 3 JEWEL ATTACHER 7 / 6 . If with Pockets , 6 d each Pocket extra . CgjfjHjjfeJfk MM [& Vm £$ & ' ^\ Wl0fi^ v * * ¦ - > 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
rpAMAlt INDIEN--GKIMOU ' S . rnAMAE INDIEN , for RELIEF and CURE JL of CONSTIPATION . rpAMAR INDIEK , for Bilionsneas , Head-8 ache , and all Stomachic Complaints . BEWAKE OF IMITATIONS . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists . E . GRILLON , Sole Proprietor . Wholesale—69 QUEEN STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON .
RHEUMATISM. r jpHE ouly real remedy for this complaint JL is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is lid each , to bo had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaskott-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
GEO . JONES , ^ J'USICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACJ . TIIRER and IMPORTER , 350 and 1 S 1 Commercial Road , Loudon , E . Price List of cver . v description of Instruments post freo . Established 1350 .
^ RiaURDBAltS , Chalks , Cues , s * . , ^ ami Tip * , nt , HHNKIO RKO : * . ' «* . * $ ^ r Ivoi-y Workj , 11 Uigh Street , Lon-C CN ^ J ^ tv d 'ii , W . C . Cheapest house in the . y ^^ L . ^ -J tr . icle fur billuird-table requisites ancl ^ ^^ tv ivory iroods in jreneml . Old balls . <^^ sri ^^ ^ adjusted or exchatmed , and tables S * ' !& fhf & Q ^ iv recovered . Priee Lists on application < y " "N ^ Kstabliftticrt 1 S 03 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A.LAZARUS MERCHANT TAILOR AND JUVENILE CLOTHIER , COEITEE OF WORSHIP STREET , 244 & 245 , 3 H 03 EDITCH , E ., 51 , LIVERPOOL STREET , LONDON , E . C . The New- Spviuc : Stoclc is Now Roadr tbv Tuspeotiou .
HENRYVAUGHAN, TAILOR , HABIT MAKER , OUTFITTER , & c . 106 LONG ACRE , LONDON , W . C . Special attention paid to tho Fit ancl General Appearance of DRESS SUITS , which are ofl ' erecl from THREE GUINEAS upwards . NEW MATERIALS FOR SPRING OR SUMMER W EAR .
PIANOFORTES AND HARMONIUMS ON EASY TERMS . GKE^OV^KilR,SzOBOYEH; LET ON HIRE , WITH OPTION OF PURCHASE , ^pppPtfBEAUTIFULANDPERFECTINSTRUMENTS. %*^&% *§ i PURCHASERS CHOOSE THEIR OWN TERMS , . jjj . ' — ^ F 15 TO -23 3 s PEP , Q UARTER . L @ I & Tlie Advantage * , of : i Trial , with tl » c <*» uv «» l « n «« ol * lliv O rfi / . „ .,. <¦¦«¦ J ff Three ei «* ' * t' Sy-ttfin at CtvtU Price , b . y IPuyiiii ; -il >» iiit « ( iusirtcr ti ^ JizU ™ --== jcii = i II oi ' t ,, c value dona , tlie Snl-inee »» y K »* y I * nyment » , I to m Z ^~ Z ~ $ " ^^^ TT ^ . t ) Ms * per quarter . 6 B 0 VEE & C 4 R 0 VEB ( late AVILL & SMART ) , TABEKNACLE SQUARE , FINSBURY , E . C . EMTABLIMHE'R 1830 .
mrnmJFORTESCUE ,iS«sr ^' •' ¦^ p : ' ^'' JHA . T MANUFACTDRRR , $ ^ yvV ; -i ^| SIWMm " 29 FLEET ST , ; H 4 & 115 SH 2 E LANE , Kr-- "fS fife W ! A , 'S * i ' 'filf' l ° n 0 lloor fmm Flf-ot Street ) ite ^ -- " " - iafiffl Pf ^ Viy ^ Sfi ! 6 EXMOUTH STRKET , CLERKENWELL , E . C . ^ p « fe- ^ # « -1 ? % .-. ffi 1 | i * 5 *| vlw' ! And 143 Mare Street , ¦' . ' rian . elo , Hacknoy vi | $ ivd ' ' ^; , ' ., ; . , 1 ' : ' ' , $ QWf r * fp ^ 1 Sy § L ® frt ,, Gents' Silk Hats fro -. \ 5 / 6 each . Second best li / li 7 / 6 8 /» H ^ J ? S ~ i / - , * ' ' rf ' S ^ ^| iffl : il ! iii | y |;! 'lii |^ ' Superfine quality , 10 / 612 / B & 16 / . The ve- ; , Lest mails 21 / . ^ sS ^ : ' t- ^ iS ^ ^ S ^^ r ^ JS . SSiis ^ ^ Felt Hats , hai'd and soft , iu all the newest shapes , — - _; s £ - ^^ ^ 'aiSii ^^ from 3 / 6 to 10 / 6 .
PIANOFORTES , £ 19 10 s . AMERICAN ORGANS , £ 9 5 s . HARMONIUMS , £ 5 15 s . Perfect in Tone and . Touch . Elec-ant Walnut Cases . Every Instrument warranted to stand any extreme climate . SHIPPERS AND DEALERS SUPPLIEDBefore deciding on purchasing , write for a descriptive Price List and Testimonials to G . LIN-STEAD , JIanagsr . COBDEN PIANOFORTE COMPANY , 18 & 19 Eversholt Street , Camden Town , London ,
ECONOMYINSUMMERCOOKING.ILSsJ Time and Money saved by using i ^ === r \ \ s | IllliP RIPPINGIILE'S PATENT PRIZE MEDAL §\ , ^ ^// I' fM ^^ OIL COOKING STOVES . fSS FTlC- ^ Odourlcm , Smokelem , Portable , Safe , and Cleanly . ^ Jj " T £ LT ^ L ^ J 3 ~ % 0 $ > $ [ PHBY will roast joints or poultry , boil fish , vegetables ) ' TST = " ^ , 1 -1 / 1 i . „ . * « •¦ r , ry c , l 0 " « . steiiki , or bacon , bnko bre . id or pastry , toast , KWJiiW ^ i W » *""" *"" ? ? " I' I I , ITi TST AS SI '' out fhit irons , ana do the o tiro work . f II kitchen Are , whilo W f 0 » * I , 4 4 f , J ' 'J , 11 they i , vo the advantage of uciiisfltt m-exting . dshed liiu moment . illbfCl'l - LW 1 ! riiey » nvo keeplnu a Hro In hot weather , and for ecraioiny and M Bf * - < , " j ^™ 5 f 5 ff » <| W ' , il llll ' l ! Jlomeatio uao are unequalled . Food eookocl iiy them acquires no WhlKir ' P > V ? I '',, ' ill I ^ ortn e bUfc " - "' •" "" . l-t . totha-. euo - cea b , a coal ^ J ^^ fP * I j I l arXrf Ol" ? " ?* - ™^ — , every purpose ol a coa , fire , | Plf ^ l ^ l ^^ , * ' » ' ift ! WW nndureap . rteotauiwtituto lor same . fNfc =- '""" a *« "i |! , ril L I Ufl * ! Three m 6 alsl ror fom- to six persona cooked for a penny . fpl * ^ . - *^ -== ~^ E ^ U 11 , 1 |! ^? Write for UluUniSed list aucl full partieulavs to the ' ( it >* U - ^ ^ ' J ^^' sS ^ im I-sAJIl fJWli ALBION LAMP COMPANY , W ^ ^ -r ^^ / ^^ m 118 HOLBORN , LONDON , W . C . MT ~ — " ^^ ^^ . » n « l say where y < m s » w tliin Adioitiscntcnt . < iii = ! £ - ' '*&
W . BEASLEY , Bespoke Boot Maker , 23 Queen Victoria Street . HUTSTTI-N- G-, RIDIJSTG-, DRESS A !( D BOOTS FOR THK MOORS , St-UiK IK A . VBW DAYS . Speoialito-Hand Sow . i aud Standard Screwed
!__g* JlfSiiS^^alJI^. ROCHESTER4FOX, cfPost emel ? £ ol zMcvsters , 799 COMMERCIAL ROAD , E . AND 81 JUBILEE STEEST , MILE END , E . Carriages of every description on hire . SUPEBIOK WEDDING CAERIAGES .
GLASGOW AND THE HIGHLANDS . V ^ yTirinTrTOh ^ uiirT .- ^ l **' ' .-. ' , 1 t Vjl ^' j . ' . * * " ^ g i ^^^^ - ^^ t ^ n-s ^ rg ^^^ si : . ' . . ' i-v : ^ ^ . S ^ 'S ^ jy ^ r ^^^^ H" ^^"" ROYAL UOUTK . rM CUINAN * and C . U . K-> no . ILLS' CAX . LLS liv [ loyal SCiiU Stcsimor "COU'JIUA . " or ' * IONA , " fiotu CiUisi'ow Daily at 7 a . m ., ; iwl 1 ' rum ( livenoek at !) a . m ., convevirifr nassenwrs for OISAN' N'ORTH and WEST HliiULANDri . Soo bill , with w . ip ' . vwl touvUt * Eaves , free , at Missix . ( JUATTO and WINDUS , l ' iililislio . * s . 2 M I'iceadillv . London , or bv post from tlio owner , DAVID MACIillAYXK , lii ) Ho |> o Street , ( "Jliisgnw .
HOTELS,ETC. pAHUSIiK-nnsh Hotel . U SUTOriEPb'K HOr-ROVD , Proprietor nAIilNO—Fonthers Hotel n * ASTUOLrRXr > * .-Pior Hotel , GavendUU Place . Ill View of Sea and Pier . A . TAYLOR Proprietor KKW— Star and ( Jartor . Good accommodation lor UiA'ro & Dinner Parties . J . IUUMJ Proprietor QANDVVICH-Bell Family and Commercial Hotel , O Good Stiihliiiff . J . J . I'lfiMKU Proprietor WOOD GRSKN—Kin « 8 Arrnst Hotel . A . U . URKKNSLADK Proprietor YORK—Queen ' s Family and Commercial Hotel , Mid-legate . II . OUUROIIELIi Proprietor LONDON " . PANNING TOW . V-HvorpoolArms . J . H PAVITT . \ J Friars U . of Instruction , 1319 , Tuesdays at 7 . 30 GREEN ttRAGON—Sprinc * Gardon-nlaco , Stepney Wines and Spirits oftlio best quality . Billiards . Banquets provided for lari ; o or small parties . Yarborough L . & C . 551 , and Temple Mark L . 173 held hero . Lodgo o ! Instruo . ( 551 ) meets every Tuesday at 8 . A . WAL I'ER Proprietor " jl / fOORGATE STATION RESTAURANT—Moor-111 gate Street , E . C . Hot and Cold Dinners , & e . Chops and Steaks . Good accommodation for Lodge Meetings , . tc . A . KENT Proprietor NE * V MARKET HOTEL—King Street , Snow Hill , E . G . Good accommodation for Club and other Banquets . Wines and Spirits of best quality . Specially licensed for Masonic B > ills . Lodges lOi'l and 1 ( 177 aro hold here . Strong Man No . 43 and West Smithlield No . li > 23 Lodges of Instruction , moot hero , every Monday at 8 p . vn . Thomas BUTT Proprietor
ADLAHD' 3 JEWEL ATTACHER 7 / 6 . If with Pockets , 6 d each Pocket extra . CgjfjHjjfeJfk MM [& Vm £$ & ' ^\ Wl0fi^ v * * ¦ - > 225 HIGH HOLBORN , W . C .
rpAMAlt INDIEN--GKIMOU ' S . rnAMAE INDIEN , for RELIEF and CURE JL of CONSTIPATION . rpAMAR INDIEK , for Bilionsneas , Head-8 ache , and all Stomachic Complaints . BEWAKE OF IMITATIONS . Sold by all respectable Chemists and Druggists . E . GRILLON , Sole Proprietor . Wholesale—69 QUEEN STREET , CHEAPSIDE , LONDON .
RHEUMATISM. r jpHE ouly real remedy for this complaint JL is the Northern Cure ( patent ) . In bottles Is lid each , to bo had of all Chemists . Proprietors and Manufacturers , Edwards and Alexander , 29 Blaskott-street , Newcastle-on-Tyne .
GEO . JONES , ^ J'USICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACJ . TIIRER and IMPORTER , 350 and 1 S 1 Commercial Road , Loudon , E . Price List of cver . v description of Instruments post freo . Established 1350 .
^ RiaURDBAltS , Chalks , Cues , s * . , ^ ami Tip * , nt , HHNKIO RKO : * . ' «* . * $ ^ r Ivoi-y Workj , 11 Uigh Street , Lon-C CN ^ J ^ tv d 'ii , W . C . Cheapest house in the . y ^^ L . ^ -J tr . icle fur billuird-table requisites ancl ^ ^^ tv ivory iroods in jreneml . Old balls . <^^ sri ^^ ^ adjusted or exchatmed , and tables S * ' !& fhf & Q ^ iv recovered . Priee Lists on application < y " "N ^ Kstabliftticrt 1 S 03 .