Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fidelity " in six-eight time , pretty and lively , ami with a simple accompaniment ; "The Mason ' s Wife , " an ode for recitation , quaint and humorous ; " A Star hurst forth from tho Golden fvist , " words by l ! ro . W . Snewing , well-written and effective ; " The March of tho Masons ; " "Villainy Dofeatt'd , " for recitation , and the "No-Singer ' s Song , " words by Bro . J . Leo Stevens , tlio last three being qnito equal in point of merit to the three which precede them . We hope
jind believe that Bro . Croger ' : * " Masonic Mnso " will be very popular with tho Craft , for tho contents are decidedly above the average of Masonic songs and odes . Moreover they have the advantage of being easy to sing and play , and easy to commit to memory . As regards the pieces for recitation , we may remark that they havo been published iu thoso columns , and moreover that we havo several times heard them recited with telling effect .
MOHAWK MINSTRELS . —Friday last , tho 2 Sth ult ., being the miniversary of the poet Moore ' s birthday , the Mohawks provided an Irish Festival programme , tho principal features of which lvaro somo of tho immortal " Moore ' s Irish melodies . " As may be imagined , everything went admirably . There was a full house , and tho Minstrels' efforts to entertain their audience wero appreciated and
applauded to the echo . Mr . H . Florence sang iu good taste " Norah , fcho Pride of Kilda o . " Master Rowland Ifowell gave "Tho Last Rose of Summer" exquisitely . "Tho Minstrel Boy , " given by a double quartette of Mohawks , with accompaniment of harps , was most effective . Bro . James Francis , in his quaint , humourous way , did justice to a new comic refrain , " The Kerry Girls aro beautiful , "
and Mr . C . Garland ' s voice found opportunity for expression in the well-known words by Lord Byron— " A Health to thee , Tom Afooro , " set to music expressly for the occasion by Mr . Walter Redmond . Mr . J . Kavanagh was greatly appreciated in his interpretation of " Tho Harp thafc once thro' Tarn ' s Halls ; " but his great triumph was achieved in tho recitation of " Slicmus O'Brien , " in which lv > carried his audience with him—unquestionably a grand picco of declamation ,
and tho event of tho evening . Bo it added thafc tho usual glee in Part II . sung hy the Mohawk choir had a harp accompaniment , and that Messrs . G . Claro and C . Garland contributed , effectively to tho evening ' s entertainment . Messrs . Mason and Dixon and tho Brothers Ray in their several items , and tho popular absurdity "Tho Mulligan Guards , " by Bro . James Francis , wero also in tho programme , ancl were warmly received as usual . On Wednesday next tho Mohawks will eive a Ballad Concert .
The floral decorations at the Central City Tabernacle during tho recent Feast of Pentecost were most artistic , and wero a pleasing addition to the interior of tho building . Thoy were undertaken , as they have been on similar occasions in past years , by Messrs . Dick Raclclyffe and Co ., who were congratulated by thoso interested on the way in which they had carried out their work .
Obituary .
IT is with great regret we announce tho death of this worthy brother , who for a long series of years was ono of the foremost men of St . Luke ' s , E . C . Thoso whoso memories will carry them back sufficientl y far , will remember him in his successive capacities as schoolmaster in Golden-aue , as organist of tho parish chnrch , registrar
of births , deaths and marriages , and a prominent member of tho Vestry . Certainly many of tho inhabitants of the parish will , in our deceased brother , miss an old and valued friend . As a trustee of the Commercial Philanthropic Institution , ho fonnd another field for his labours , and there is probably nofc a single member of that charitable society who will not feel the loss of this well-tried and trusted
honorary servant . At one with his colleagues in all good measures , still he remained a dangerous antagonist when measures nofc calculated to promote the public weal were mooted . In purse and person he used his best endeavours on behalf of the poor , many of whom Avill sadly miss his genial countenance . Bro . Bilby had lived to an advanced age , and succumbed afc last to the ravages of that painful
malady—cancer of the month . Although his sufferings were , through his declining years , very great , he bore them with a fortitude that betokened the thorough Christian . Ho leaves behind him a large famil y as well as a circle of friends , who will undoubtedly feel thafc although the " great majority" claim him among their number , still
their loss is none tho less great . The body of our deceased brother was interred on Monday afc Finchlcy , with Masonic honours . Marks of respect were exhibited throughout tho line of route , many members of tho Craft being on the ground to pay their Insfc tribute of respect to his memory . Bro . Bilby was a Past Master and Organist of Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 .
' Second Series ; nom reailij , Grown Svo , Cloth , price o « s" Gd , pud ' free . MASONICPORTRAITS. SKETCHES or DISTINGUISHED FREEMASONS . llEi'RINTEB ERO't "THE FBEKMASON ' S CHROXICLE . " BY G . BLIZABD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KING ' S COLLEGE , LONDON - . IJTST OAT PORTRAITS . NESTOR AN * INSTALLING MASTER ( liro . W . Hyde Pullen , . Tiling ., Past ( I ' m . AV . Biggs , Past Prov . ( I . S . W . G . S . I' ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hunts , Wilts , and Past I'rov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Conn- Berks anil liueks ) . i-il A . anil A . Hito . j A VETERAN TlIE STATESMAN j ( Bro . W . Kelly , Past 1 ' rov . G . M . mill ( Tlio Right Hon . Furl of OarnaiTon , Prov . C . Sup . Loieestm-sli ire anil 33 dog-., I ' m Grand Muster , Pro Puitland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Loi-Griiinl V ,., Fust G . M . M . M ., anil I ccstorshirc ) . Fust M P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite , ( jj ,.,,. John Wordsworth , 30 dog-., THE TREASURER i > ilst O . St , o \ v-. > nl , Past Prov . ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and Treasurer G . J . \ V . W . Yorkaliiro , aud Prov . Royal York Lodffo of Persover- G . M . M . M . 'V . Yorkshire ) . anco , No . 7 ) . ViR FmTAs TliK DEPUTY ( Bro . G . Ward Vcrrv , IVM and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmevsdalo , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 de ? ., Deputy CMaster . Grand Aci [ I r , LES H ., G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of / Bro- E . , . Morris , Past G . J . D ., and tho Temple , and J .. P . Sov . G . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . of Kastcru Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAT , MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W B . Bench , M . P ., Prov . ([! l . j . Curteis , 30 deg ' ., Past O . ^ I-ami & . Sup . iriints-ancllslo Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) . ot Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and s T . , , n , Prov . G . Prior ofthe Temple , for , „ V Yr TVT / ir . ,, T T . Uants ) { Bvo . J . M . Pultcney Montagu , J . P ., lIMfc-UONOUKED LiANCASlER p . lst no ^ . QV . G . M . ami Prov . ( Bro . J . Lancaster Hine , P . Prov . G- Sllp . Dorsetshire , and G . G . fe . | Wavden East Lancashire ) . I Chancellor Supremo Council A . THE SCHOLAR and A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of Works on Navi- / Bro < j . pCarson Bell , M . D ., Past •ration ) . fi _ Deacon . Dep . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOULE CRITIC i > mv . o . Sup . N . and fi . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Lciffh , 30 dc < r , shire ) . Prov . G . M . aud G . Sup . War- A CEST'RIAX Cl'lEI ' 'vicksluro , Past G . M . M . M . ) I VM ^ Ait Hon Lord do Tabley , Ouu PERIPATETIC BISOTIIKR rust G . S . w ., Prov . G . N ! . Chc-( Bro . C . Fitx Gerald Matiev , 30 dop ; ., shire , Grand . T ., aud Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARI-INGER of PEACE A BOT . TOM LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockhank , 31 clo-r ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov . Till " . LoilD OF UNDERLEY G . Treas . [ Arch ] K . Lancashire . ( The Karl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OF THE PENS O . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . i Westmoreland , and Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Ordcr . of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Rod Cross of Constantino ) . ( ThoRiRht Hon . tho Earl of Don-i A BOON COMPANION oughmore , 32 dog ' .. Past G . S . ( Bro . K . C . Woodward , P . M . 332 , Warden , ami Dop . G . M . M . M ) . 1037 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwislo , 30 dog ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . ofWorksK . Lnn . ) dec-., Prov . G . M . and G . Sir , OUR COSMOPOMT . 'N BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEscur . APIUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., g A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN d 0 g ., Past G . S . i :., Craft , ana ( Bro . It . B . Webster , Member of tho Past O . Sfc . B ., Arch , Xntendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Red of tho R . M . Girls' aud Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 8 s 6 d , Crown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS, FIRST SERIES . REPRINTED FKOlt " THK FBEEJIASON ' CttHONlCLI * . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LIT BEAKY BROTHER . 17 T ; IR (' imis-riAJf MINISTER 2 A DISTINGUISHED MASO ? ' . 18 TUB MYSTIC . ' 1 Tim MAX OP ENE ' IOT . 10 A Mom :-, MASO : ; . ¦ 1 FATHER Tung 20 A CHIP TJ : OM JorpA . S A COB ** i'B ScOME . 21 A PlLI . AS OF MASONRY . ( J THE OBAFTSMA . V . . 22 P . ' ID . 7 THE Goivgrs'tv-f . ; 23 A RIGHT Hii-i * MAS . H Ay EASTERN - STAR . - _ 't OUB C . ' ITIZKM BROTHER . 9 Tnii K-fiouT ERRANT :. 2 *> A : r A :: r . i : . 1 ' EHCEPTOR . 10 Tu ; : OCTOGE . \ 'ARIA * I . 2 > i AY A :, cn-. XT Buno : r . 11 A ZEALOUS OITICER . 27 T : ir . ARTIST . [ 2 THE SOLDIER . •"¦ ' Ti : « FATHER OF TUE LODGE 13 FROM UNDER THE Ci'owa-. 2 : > A Snr . vi-fr- LIGHT . [ 1 OUR HERCULES . 3 I > . ' . v ART STUDENT . lo A MERCHANT 1 ' KI . YCE . : ' •'•' ! Tu : ' MARINER . IU THE CnuseiniAN . 32 A Sox , DIKE OF FORTCJTE 33 . "OLD MII ; . " London : W . W . I / IOIIGAJT . By Order of all Booksellers , or will uo coufc direct , by po ^ fc , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C . I
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Fidelity " in six-eight time , pretty and lively , ami with a simple accompaniment ; "The Mason ' s Wife , " an ode for recitation , quaint and humorous ; " A Star hurst forth from tho Golden fvist , " words by l ! ro . W . Snewing , well-written and effective ; " The March of tho Masons ; " "Villainy Dofeatt'd , " for recitation , and the "No-Singer ' s Song , " words by Bro . J . Leo Stevens , tlio last three being qnito equal in point of merit to the three which precede them . We hope
jind believe that Bro . Croger ' : * " Masonic Mnso " will be very popular with tho Craft , for tho contents are decidedly above the average of Masonic songs and odes . Moreover they have the advantage of being easy to sing and play , and easy to commit to memory . As regards the pieces for recitation , we may remark that they havo been published iu thoso columns , and moreover that we havo several times heard them recited with telling effect .
MOHAWK MINSTRELS . —Friday last , tho 2 Sth ult ., being the miniversary of the poet Moore ' s birthday , the Mohawks provided an Irish Festival programme , tho principal features of which lvaro somo of tho immortal " Moore ' s Irish melodies . " As may be imagined , everything went admirably . There was a full house , and tho Minstrels' efforts to entertain their audience wero appreciated and
applauded to the echo . Mr . H . Florence sang iu good taste " Norah , fcho Pride of Kilda o . " Master Rowland Ifowell gave "Tho Last Rose of Summer" exquisitely . "Tho Minstrel Boy , " given by a double quartette of Mohawks , with accompaniment of harps , was most effective . Bro . James Francis , in his quaint , humourous way , did justice to a new comic refrain , " The Kerry Girls aro beautiful , "
and Mr . C . Garland ' s voice found opportunity for expression in the well-known words by Lord Byron— " A Health to thee , Tom Afooro , " set to music expressly for the occasion by Mr . Walter Redmond . Mr . J . Kavanagh was greatly appreciated in his interpretation of " Tho Harp thafc once thro' Tarn ' s Halls ; " but his great triumph was achieved in tho recitation of " Slicmus O'Brien , " in which lv > carried his audience with him—unquestionably a grand picco of declamation ,
and tho event of tho evening . Bo it added thafc tho usual glee in Part II . sung hy the Mohawk choir had a harp accompaniment , and that Messrs . G . Claro and C . Garland contributed , effectively to tho evening ' s entertainment . Messrs . Mason and Dixon and tho Brothers Ray in their several items , and tho popular absurdity "Tho Mulligan Guards , " by Bro . James Francis , wero also in tho programme , ancl were warmly received as usual . On Wednesday next tho Mohawks will eive a Ballad Concert .
The floral decorations at the Central City Tabernacle during tho recent Feast of Pentecost were most artistic , and wero a pleasing addition to the interior of tho building . Thoy were undertaken , as they have been on similar occasions in past years , by Messrs . Dick Raclclyffe and Co ., who were congratulated by thoso interested on the way in which they had carried out their work .
Obituary .
IT is with great regret we announce tho death of this worthy brother , who for a long series of years was ono of the foremost men of St . Luke ' s , E . C . Thoso whoso memories will carry them back sufficientl y far , will remember him in his successive capacities as schoolmaster in Golden-aue , as organist of tho parish chnrch , registrar
of births , deaths and marriages , and a prominent member of tho Vestry . Certainly many of tho inhabitants of the parish will , in our deceased brother , miss an old and valued friend . As a trustee of the Commercial Philanthropic Institution , ho fonnd another field for his labours , and there is probably nofc a single member of that charitable society who will not feel the loss of this well-tried and trusted
honorary servant . At one with his colleagues in all good measures , still he remained a dangerous antagonist when measures nofc calculated to promote the public weal were mooted . In purse and person he used his best endeavours on behalf of the poor , many of whom Avill sadly miss his genial countenance . Bro . Bilby had lived to an advanced age , and succumbed afc last to the ravages of that painful
malady—cancer of the month . Although his sufferings were , through his declining years , very great , he bore them with a fortitude that betokened the thorough Christian . Ho leaves behind him a large famil y as well as a circle of friends , who will undoubtedly feel thafc although the " great majority" claim him among their number , still
their loss is none tho less great . The body of our deceased brother was interred on Monday afc Finchlcy , with Masonic honours . Marks of respect were exhibited throughout tho line of route , many members of tho Craft being on the ground to pay their Insfc tribute of respect to his memory . Bro . Bilby was a Past Master and Organist of Tranquillity Lodge , No . 185 .
' Second Series ; nom reailij , Grown Svo , Cloth , price o « s" Gd , pud ' free . MASONICPORTRAITS. SKETCHES or DISTINGUISHED FREEMASONS . llEi'RINTEB ERO't "THE FBEKMASON ' S CHROXICLE . " BY G . BLIZABD ABBOTT , OF LODGE NO . 1385 , ASSOCIATE OF KING ' S COLLEGE , LONDON - . IJTST OAT PORTRAITS . NESTOR AN * INSTALLING MASTER ( liro . W . Hyde Pullen , . Tiling ., Past ( I ' m . AV . Biggs , Past Prov . ( I . S . W . G . S . I' ., Past Dep . P . G . M . Hunts , Wilts , and Past I'rov . G . Sec . Assistant Secretary Sup . Conn- Berks anil liueks ) . i-il A . anil A . Hito . j A VETERAN TlIE STATESMAN j ( Bro . W . Kelly , Past 1 ' rov . G . M . mill ( Tlio Right Hon . Furl of OarnaiTon , Prov . C . Sup . Loieestm-sli ire anil 33 dog-., I ' m Grand Muster , Pro Puitland , Prov . G . M . M . M . Loi-Griiinl V ,., Fust G . M . M . M ., anil I ccstorshirc ) . Fust M P . S . G . Commander A . A GRAND STEWARD and A . Rite , ( jj ,.,,. John Wordsworth , 30 dog-., THE TREASURER i > ilst O . St , o \ v-. > nl , Past Prov . ( Bro . F . Adlard , P . M . and Treasurer G . J . \ V . W . Yorkaliiro , aud Prov . Royal York Lodffo of Persover- G . M . M . M . 'V . Yorkshire ) . anco , No . 7 ) . ViR FmTAs TliK DEPUTY ( Bro . G . Ward Vcrrv , IVM and Past ( The Right Hon . Lord Skelmevsdalo , Prov . Grand . Soj . [ Arch ] Herts ) . 33 de ? ., Deputy CMaster . Grand Aci [ I r , LES H ., G . M . M . M ., Great Prior of / Bro- E . , . Morris , Past G . J . D ., and tho Temple , and J .. P . Sov . G . Past Dep . Prov . G . M . of Kastcru Commander A . and A . Rite . ) Division of South Wales ) . A PROVINCIAT , MAGNATE A DEVON CRAFTSMAN ( Bro W . W B . Bench , M . P ., Prov . ([! l . j . Curteis , 30 deg ' ., Past O . ^ I-ami & . Sup . iriints-ancllslo Prov . G . S . Warden Devon ) . ot Wight , Past G . M . M . M . and s T . , , n , Prov . G . Prior ofthe Temple , for , „ V Yr TVT / ir . ,, T T . Uants ) { Bvo . J . M . Pultcney Montagu , J . P ., lIMfc-UONOUKED LiANCASlER p . lst no ^ . QV . G . M . ami Prov . ( Bro . J . Lancaster Hine , P . Prov . G- Sllp . Dorsetshire , and G . G . fe . | Wavden East Lancashire ) . I Chancellor Supremo Council A . THE SCHOLAR and A . Rite ) . ( Bro . John Newton , F . R . A . S ., P . M ., HIPPOCRATES P . Z ., Author of Works on Navi- / Bro < j . pCarson Bell , M . D ., Past •ration ) . fi _ Deacon . Dep . Prov . G . M . and OUR NOULE CRITIC i > mv . o . Sup . N . and fi . York-( Tho Right Hon . Lord Lciffh , 30 dc < r , shire ) . Prov . G . M . aud G . Sup . War- A CEST'RIAX Cl'lEI ' 'vicksluro , Past G . M . M . M . ) I VM ^ Ait Hon Lord do Tabley , Ouu PERIPATETIC BISOTIIKR rust G . S . w ., Prov . G . N ! . Chc-( Bro . C . Fitx Gerald Matiev , 30 dop ; ., shire , Grand . T ., aud Prov . G . G . Steward Scotland , and Past Sup . Cheshire ) . G . S . Warden Greece ) . A HARI-INGER of PEACE A BOT . TOM LUMINARY ( Bro . Charles Lacey , P . M ., Past ( Bro . G . Parker Brockhank , 31 clo-r ., Prov . G . J . D . Herts ) . Past Prov . G . S . D ., and P . Prov . Till " . LoilD OF UNDERLEY G . Treas . [ Arch ] K . Lancashire . ( The Karl of Bective , M . P ., Prov . A WARDEN OF THE PENS O . M ., Prov . G . Sup ., and Prov . ( The lato Bro . John Sutcliffe , Past G . M . M . M . Cumberland and Prov . G . S . Warden , and Prov . i Westmoreland , and Past . G . G . M . M . M . Lincolnshire ) . Sov . of tho Ordcr . of Rome and A WARDEN OF MARK Rod Cross of Constantino ) . ( ThoRiRht Hon . tho Earl of Don-i A BOON COMPANION oughmore , 32 dog ' .. Past G . S . ( Bro . K . C . Woodward , P . M . 332 , Warden , ami Dop . G . M . M . M ) . 1037 , & c . ) A MASTER OF CEREMONIAL A GRAND SUPERINTENDENT ( Bro . Thos . Entwislo , 30 dog ., Past ( Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., 30 Prov . G . S . ofWorksK . Lnn . ) dec-., Prov . G . M . and G . Sir , OUR COSMOPOMT . 'N BROTHER Berks and Bucks ) . ( Bro . Samuel Rawson , 33 deg ., Past iEscur . APIUS Dist . G . M . and G . Sup . China ) . ( Bro . J . Daniel Moore , M . D ., g A GREAT ARITHMETICIAN d 0 g ., Past G . S . i :., Craft , ana ( Bro . It . B . Webster , Member of tho Past O . Sfc . B ., Arch , Xntendant Finance and Audit Committees General Order of Rome and Red of tho R . M . Girls' aud Boys' Cross of Constantino for North Schools . ) Lancashire ) .
Uniform with above , price 8 s 6 d , Crown 8 vo , cloth , gilt . MASONICPORTRAITS, FIRST SERIES . REPRINTED FKOlt " THK FBEEJIASON ' CttHONlCLI * . " LIST OF THE PORTRAITS . 1 OUR LIT BEAKY BROTHER . 17 T ; IR (' imis-riAJf MINISTER 2 A DISTINGUISHED MASO ? ' . 18 TUB MYSTIC . ' 1 Tim MAX OP ENE ' IOT . 10 A Mom :-, MASO : ; . ¦ 1 FATHER Tung 20 A CHIP TJ : OM JorpA . S A COB ** i'B ScOME . 21 A PlLI . AS OF MASONRY . ( J THE OBAFTSMA . V . . 22 P . ' ID . 7 THE Goivgrs'tv-f . ; 23 A RIGHT Hii-i * MAS . H Ay EASTERN - STAR . - _ 't OUB C . ' ITIZKM BROTHER . 9 Tnii K-fiouT ERRANT :. 2 *> A : r A :: r . i : . 1 ' EHCEPTOR . 10 Tu ; : OCTOGE . \ 'ARIA * I . 2 > i AY A :, cn-. XT Buno : r . 11 A ZEALOUS OITICER . 27 T : ir . ARTIST . [ 2 THE SOLDIER . •"¦ ' Ti : « FATHER OF TUE LODGE 13 FROM UNDER THE Ci'owa-. 2 : > A Snr . vi-fr- LIGHT . [ 1 OUR HERCULES . 3 I > . ' . v ART STUDENT . lo A MERCHANT 1 ' KI . YCE . : ' •'•' ! Tu : ' MARINER . IU THE CnuseiniAN . 32 A Sox , DIKE OF FORTCJTE 33 . "OLD MII ; . " London : W . W . I / IOIIGAJT . By Order of all Booksellers , or will uo coufc direct , by po ^ fc , from the Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C . I