Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FEESMASONS' TAVERN , GI ' -EAT QI 7 SEN STP . EET , LONDON W . C . The ; uliiiii-: i ! j ! . ' an . I uiu-iv ; ilU-g :: ivi . iii ; : u . gul . 'ii provided : ' . tthi Establishment for IKI-A-SOI-TIC ; 23 AITQTJETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is tnu \ ve ! lklK > -. va tu mvilcumui'ig . Tar iiiitm : m : ui ; lj : e : iH >! itIiiis tot'ilrtanifuil , ami the Ksgibli-limcut in all its branchus ttiiirmr . 'hty l-u- 'ilsgauisccl . Tlie atg-ntimi of the Mi a . nie lloily ! .- •diivetel to the many sulvi'iit .-isos oiTeren . CIJISITNTH ] OP THE I-HOT-ll- 'iST CHATS AG'TVEIS . ITUSKS PKRF 1 HT IX «*>**» 'JMTSON ASI » I'lAUTY . N . 3 . —DINGERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WIXE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tue fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NEW~MASON10ROOMS ^^^^ ^ COMPLETE SUITE , ^^^ ON ^ V SPECIALLY ARRWi ^ CKH'ID ^fiSSfjLODGE,.BANQUETTE l ^^ iSw - ^ AND ANTE IlOOMS , X ^ ITCS ^ ON OKE ELOOE ' - ^ === == i- '"' " Particulars to bo hail of BSD . A . XEJJT , MOORGATE STATIOH RESTAURANT , © P * »*»* s * tTI" KA 1 IAVAY STATION , From which trains run nt frequent intervals in connection with the Groat Northern , Midland , Great Western , London Chatham & Dover , and Metropolitan Railways . |
NOTICE. MASONICLODGES, BANQUETS,&c. AT THE CRITERION. SPIERS & POND respectfully beg to invite attention to the splendid Suite of Masonic Rooms in the Criterion Annexe , specially designed for all kinds of Masouic Meetings and Functions . GBi 7E3i 08, HEBEBTGiGOS, P 100 A 03 LLY .
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'clock . f ~\ HOI'S ' and STEAKS from tho GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maid-well , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhail St ., City . _ VITRUVIAN ' LODGE , "" NO . " 8 T T ~" |> RO . ISAAC , wlio } gis for somo time past provided for the rcquire-> : J incuts II ! ' this Lodge , begs to announce tlid , lie has obtained permission tor the removal of his license-to tho Del veil rc-rond , and that ho has erected commodious promises thero . These comprise - A . SZF-A . CIOT 7 S MASOITIC SIA . T _ . Xi . WITH AHTK IIOOJIS , r . ARGK JiAXQL ' K'J'TrXI * HALL , Ti " i ; gi ;! . li . r with evey convenience for Masonic / gatherings . Applicatior . s I'lv . m Koci-ctai-ies and ntlicrs for accoannodatinn lo bo addressed . ( . ' .. LSAAC , " WHITE HAKT , " COI . I . KOK STIIKKT , LAUBKTU , LOSUOS , S . E .
MUSIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC . CHATiTjli ' -N- G-n : TO TJ-IJi * ' WORLD . f WILL PAY \' J > toriny person — no * , blind— -: iurt in full possession of L their f ,-ii .-iihirg who fails to play ; i Piano or Hmmoniiim by my systnm I . MjiKniATi-. i . v -without tin ; SMOIITKST Ksmvi . Kniii : of Music or of the lifsntriii :. vr ii (;!!' . Full i > : iviicu ! -. u-:-. . niist I ' re " , Twelve Stampa F . CALDEE , TOTTEEDOWI , BRISTOL . Clirixfiim OMirot - Sith September 1 . S 70 says : — "It U quite equal to all it profosses to uecoinniisii . "
Ninth Kdirion , pout free , One Shilling ' . " ij ' Vi- WATT . - ' on ASTHMA . A Tro-itiso on tho only Saccossful \ J Method of Curing' t ! ,- ; l . ,: , ua .-. l ! y b ' oiiKKT G . WAITS , M . D ., I ' . Fi . S . L ., . ' cc , " i Ihilstrode-strc'C , Caviauli-h-sguarc , haadou . London : M'Tcin : i . i , ANII Co ., ll . a-d liinu-court , i ' 'le : ; t-4 rcet .
" §) OYAL I'OLY'i'MCi . 'XIC— " Hi . mdir ; , " tbo most 'vowloriiil Arito-2 v ! o : i' ¦! ' ¦!* > - ¦»¦ \ g' \ gar ; ' v : us i | -. i !! y 1111 t ! . o hi . g'li rope . Shal < e .-jir : ; irian l ! r ,- ; il-i ! s : Mai'ar : ! ., ilangi ' . ; , [ , .., ¦!; . ; ,., ,, f Vauicig ba Mr . Miirbiidc Clark " , lib ! ' "i -niad by Kin- ; ' ihil i ii' ;> - . i !> i : .- KU ' ag . a A lioViug in Ki-othiuil , by Mr . li . J . M . 'g g . ii . w ; r ' -i banatifiii > , ';¦! nr ; : J - ' II . I . I ¦ gi noili . gropartd spivia'lv lor this la-lure . Tir- I'iiriinivn : ¦ , •: X . ituii- : iini I 'ho -qiViresoi'ii' -o , i iv M r . . I . ' l ' .. King ' . The Magician l- ' nilcd : a law am ! amnsing Ghi . si , Knl . crlaii ' iin nl . wriflen ijy Flhs Kuynoids , rctilc . 1 by Mi .-s Alice Uiirnclle . Admission to the whole , ig .
X 9 V «\ J ^ A . .. ' * j . «/ V X ^ QmOf m * fT *~ VA
I DIGf < RAOGLYFFE & CO.,F . R . H . S .. » tJfiPHIZEMED^AL SEEDS .flife | l|fl ^bfS^^^^SS^^^M^^ l : I Cm ^ i ^ r ^ zM ^ C ^ LQSb c . |^ g § BI 5 S r ^ V ^ C ^^^ lu ^^ iX / l \ ^™ ° i I J A l \ li f \ w P % ~ P I LA J V ?» s . S ll .- 'o ^ W ^ " - » s | 9 t us 8 3 ffl 5 ^ 129 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C . r *
WrVJ-VWrWJW ^ flaa flM ^ AMM s^^^^^^a B-iWSrWWrWW l ^ pA' ^ JAMJ . WA ' . Ajftl 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Grand Mark Lodge.
THE Half-yearly Communication of Grand Mark Lodge was held on Tnesday evening * , at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . TV . W . B . Beach Past Grand Master presided , Viscomit Mandevillo occupied tho chair of S . G . W ., and Bro . J . M . P . Montague that of J . G . W . The attendance of tho brethren was more numerous than on any previous occasion . Bro . Beach apologised for the absence of the Earl of Lathom , the Earl of Limerick , ancl Lorcl Leigh , owing to other
engagements . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the report of tho General Board , of which we have already furnished tho most salient features , was submitted to the brethren . On the motion of Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , and seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , Grand Lodgo voted £ 21 . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . On the motion of Bro . Portal , seconded by General Brownrigg ,
a vote of thanks was passed to Dr . Passawer for tho gift of an annual scholarship of fcho value of fifteen guineas at the Netting Hill Hi gh School . The Earl of Lathom was then declared installed as Grancl Master , and proclaimed and sainted , and tho following brethren were appointed to Grancl Office : —Bros . Lord Henniker Deputy Grand Master , tho Earl of Onslow S . G . Warden , Col . Shadwcll H . Gierke
J . fi . Warden , Baron de Fcrrieies G . M . O ., J . P . Tweedale G . S . O ., T . Dolling Bolton G . J . O ., tlio Rev . Ambrose W . Hall G . Chaplain , I . ho Rev . W . Stainton Moses G . Chaplain , F . Davison G . Treasurer , 11 . C . Lcvander G . Registrar of Marks , F . Binckes G . Secretary , Donald M . Dewar Assistant Secretary , Charles Woodall G . S . D ., George J . McKay G . S . D ., G . J . Mattison G . J . D ., Richard Boggett
G . J . D ., Richard Driver G . Inspector of Works , Robert Berridgo G . D . C , W . T . Westgato G . A . D . C , Georgo Ward Verry G . Sword Bearer , Arthur Middleton G . Standard Bearer , Alfred Rowley G . Organist , George Morgan G . I . G . •Bros . T . W . Adams , F . W . Ansell , W . T . Clarke , Foster Gongh LL . D ., A . Haynes , T . A . de Leliva , R . L . Lovclaud , G . Ronnie Powell , James Smytho , Charles E . Soppet , and
W . Watkins Grand Stewards , and Bro . C . T . Speight Grand Tyler . The following brethren wero nominated by the Grand Master to serve on the General Board : —Bros , the Rev . G . R . Portal P . G . M . ( President ) , Thomas Meggy , S . Rosenthal , S . C . Dibdin , Robert Porridge , 0 . F . Matier , and Thomas Cubitt . The following five brethren wero elected by Grand Lodge : — Herbert Dicketts , E . C .
Mather , W . Roebuck , 11 . P . Spice , and Alfred Williams . Bro . Binckes read n list of brethren from whom ho had received letters of apology for absence , and then announced that the Mark Benevolent Fund Festival would be hold at tho Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on tho 7 th July , afc which Bro . Col . Burdett would preside . There were already
20 brethren as Stewards , and he expected to receive a large amount of pecuniary support . He would be happy to receive any additional names of Stewards . Grand Locige was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned lo banquet . Bro . tho Rev . G . 11 . Portal , in responding to the toast of tho Pasfc G . Masters , said fchafc if Lord Leig h had beeu
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THE FEESMASONS' TAVERN , GI ' -EAT QI 7 SEN STP . EET , LONDON W . C . The ; uliiiii-: i ! j ! . ' an . I uiu-iv ; ilU-g :: ivi . iii ; : u . gul . 'ii provided : ' . tthi Establishment for IKI-A-SOI-TIC ; 23 AITQTJETS , PUBLIC AND PRIVATE DINNERS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , BALLS , 4 c . Is tnu \ ve ! lklK > -. va tu mvilcumui'ig . Tar iiiitm : m : ui ; lj : e : iH >! itIiiis tot'ilrtanifuil , ami the Ksgibli-limcut in all its branchus ttiiirmr . 'hty l-u- 'ilsgauisccl . Tlie atg-ntimi of the Mi a . nie lloily ! .- •diivetel to the many sulvi'iit .-isos oiTeren . CIJISITNTH ] OP THE I-HOT-ll- 'iST CHATS AG'TVEIS . ITUSKS PKRF 1 HT IX «*>**» 'JMTSON ASI » I'lAUTY . N . 3 . —DINGERS PROVIDED FROM 3 / -. RESTAURANT , WIXE , SMOKING & RETIRING ROOMS . Tue fullest measure of public confidence and support ensured . BRO . ALFRED BEST , PROPRIETOR .
NEW~MASON10ROOMS ^^^^ ^ COMPLETE SUITE , ^^^ ON ^ V SPECIALLY ARRWi ^ CKH'ID ^fiSSfjLODGE,.BANQUETTE l ^^ iSw - ^ AND ANTE IlOOMS , X ^ ITCS ^ ON OKE ELOOE ' - ^ === == i- '"' " Particulars to bo hail of BSD . A . XEJJT , MOORGATE STATIOH RESTAURANT , © P * »*»* s * tTI" KA 1 IAVAY STATION , From which trains run nt frequent intervals in connection with the Groat Northern , Midland , Great Western , London Chatham & Dover , and Metropolitan Railways . |
NOTICE. MASONICLODGES, BANQUETS,&c. AT THE CRITERION. SPIERS & POND respectfully beg to invite attention to the splendid Suite of Masonic Rooms in the Criterion Annexe , specially designed for all kinds of Masouic Meetings and Functions . GBi 7E3i 08, HEBEBTGiGOS, P 100 A 03 LLY .
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'clock . f ~\ HOI'S ' and STEAKS from tho GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maid-well , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhail St ., City . _ VITRUVIAN ' LODGE , "" NO . " 8 T T ~" |> RO . ISAAC , wlio } gis for somo time past provided for the rcquire-> : J incuts II ! ' this Lodge , begs to announce tlid , lie has obtained permission tor the removal of his license-to tho Del veil rc-rond , and that ho has erected commodious promises thero . These comprise - A . SZF-A . CIOT 7 S MASOITIC SIA . T _ . Xi . WITH AHTK IIOOJIS , r . ARGK JiAXQL ' K'J'TrXI * HALL , Ti " i ; gi ;! . li . r with evey convenience for Masonic / gatherings . Applicatior . s I'lv . m Koci-ctai-ies and ntlicrs for accoannodatinn lo bo addressed . ( . ' .. LSAAC , " WHITE HAKT , " COI . I . KOK STIIKKT , LAUBKTU , LOSUOS , S . E .
MUSIC-UNIVERSAL MUSIC . CHATiTjli ' -N- G-n : TO TJ-IJi * ' WORLD . f WILL PAY \' J > toriny person — no * , blind— -: iurt in full possession of L their f ,-ii .-iihirg who fails to play ; i Piano or Hmmoniiim by my systnm I . MjiKniATi-. i . v -without tin ; SMOIITKST Ksmvi . Kniii : of Music or of the lifsntriii :. vr ii (;!!' . Full i > : iviicu ! -. u-:-. . niist I ' re " , Twelve Stampa F . CALDEE , TOTTEEDOWI , BRISTOL . Clirixfiim OMirot - Sith September 1 . S 70 says : — "It U quite equal to all it profosses to uecoinniisii . "
Ninth Kdirion , pout free , One Shilling ' . " ij ' Vi- WATT . - ' on ASTHMA . A Tro-itiso on tho only Saccossful \ J Method of Curing' t ! ,- ; l . ,: , ua .-. l ! y b ' oiiKKT G . WAITS , M . D ., I ' . Fi . S . L ., . ' cc , " i Ihilstrode-strc'C , Caviauli-h-sguarc , haadou . London : M'Tcin : i . i , ANII Co ., ll . a-d liinu-court , i ' 'le : ; t-4 rcet .
" §) OYAL I'OLY'i'MCi . 'XIC— " Hi . mdir ; , " tbo most 'vowloriiil Arito-2 v ! o : i' ¦! ' ¦!* > - ¦»¦ \ g' \ gar ; ' v : us i | -. i !! y 1111 t ! . o hi . g'li rope . Shal < e .-jir : ; irian l ! r ,- ; il-i ! s : Mai'ar : ! ., ilangi ' . ; , [ , .., ¦!; . ; ,., ,, f Vauicig ba Mr . Miirbiidc Clark " , lib ! ' "i -niad by Kin- ; ' ihil i ii' ;> - . i !> i : .- KU ' ag . a A lioViug in Ki-othiuil , by Mr . li . J . M . 'g g . ii . w ; r ' -i banatifiii > , ';¦! nr ; : J - ' II . I . I ¦ gi noili . gropartd spivia'lv lor this la-lure . Tir- I'iiriinivn : ¦ , •: X . ituii- : iini I 'ho -qiViresoi'ii' -o , i iv M r . . I . ' l ' .. King ' . The Magician l- ' nilcd : a law am ! amnsing Ghi . si , Knl . crlaii ' iin nl . wriflen ijy Flhs Kuynoids , rctilc . 1 by Mi .-s Alice Uiirnclle . Admission to the whole , ig .
X 9 V «\ J ^ A . .. ' * j . «/ V X ^ QmOf m * fT *~ VA
I DIGf < RAOGLYFFE & CO.,F . R . H . S .. » tJfiPHIZEMED^AL SEEDS .flife | l|fl ^bfS^^^^SS^^^M^^ l : I Cm ^ i ^ r ^ zM ^ C ^ LQSb c . |^ g § BI 5 S r ^ V ^ C ^^^ lu ^^ iX / l \ ^™ ° i I J A l \ li f \ w P % ~ P I LA J V ?» s . S ll .- 'o ^ W ^ " - » s | 9 t us 8 3 ffl 5 ^ 129 HIGH HOLBORN . W . C . r *
WrVJ-VWrWJW ^ flaa flM ^ AMM s^^^^^^a B-iWSrWWrWW l ^ pA' ^ JAMJ . WA ' . Ajftl 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . O .
Grand Mark Lodge.
THE Half-yearly Communication of Grand Mark Lodge was held on Tnesday evening * , at Freemasons' Tavern . Bro . TV . W . B . Beach Past Grand Master presided , Viscomit Mandevillo occupied tho chair of S . G . W ., and Bro . J . M . P . Montague that of J . G . W . The attendance of tho brethren was more numerous than on any previous occasion . Bro . Beach apologised for the absence of the Earl of Lathom , the Earl of Limerick , ancl Lorcl Leigh , owing to other
engagements . After the minutes had been read and confirmed , the report of tho General Board , of which we have already furnished tho most salient features , was submitted to the brethren . On the motion of Bro . the Rev . G . R . Portal , and seconded by Bro . S . Rawson , Grand Lodgo voted £ 21 . to the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . On the motion of Bro . Portal , seconded by General Brownrigg ,
a vote of thanks was passed to Dr . Passawer for tho gift of an annual scholarship of fcho value of fifteen guineas at the Netting Hill Hi gh School . The Earl of Lathom was then declared installed as Grancl Master , and proclaimed and sainted , and tho following brethren were appointed to Grancl Office : —Bros . Lord Henniker Deputy Grand Master , tho Earl of Onslow S . G . Warden , Col . Shadwcll H . Gierke
J . fi . Warden , Baron de Fcrrieies G . M . O ., J . P . Tweedale G . S . O ., T . Dolling Bolton G . J . O ., tlio Rev . Ambrose W . Hall G . Chaplain , I . ho Rev . W . Stainton Moses G . Chaplain , F . Davison G . Treasurer , 11 . C . Lcvander G . Registrar of Marks , F . Binckes G . Secretary , Donald M . Dewar Assistant Secretary , Charles Woodall G . S . D ., George J . McKay G . S . D ., G . J . Mattison G . J . D ., Richard Boggett
G . J . D ., Richard Driver G . Inspector of Works , Robert Berridgo G . D . C , W . T . Westgato G . A . D . C , Georgo Ward Verry G . Sword Bearer , Arthur Middleton G . Standard Bearer , Alfred Rowley G . Organist , George Morgan G . I . G . •Bros . T . W . Adams , F . W . Ansell , W . T . Clarke , Foster Gongh LL . D ., A . Haynes , T . A . de Leliva , R . L . Lovclaud , G . Ronnie Powell , James Smytho , Charles E . Soppet , and
W . Watkins Grand Stewards , and Bro . C . T . Speight Grand Tyler . The following brethren wero nominated by the Grand Master to serve on the General Board : —Bros , the Rev . G . R . Portal P . G . M . ( President ) , Thomas Meggy , S . Rosenthal , S . C . Dibdin , Robert Porridge , 0 . F . Matier , and Thomas Cubitt . The following five brethren wero elected by Grand Lodge : — Herbert Dicketts , E . C .
Mather , W . Roebuck , 11 . P . Spice , and Alfred Williams . Bro . Binckes read n list of brethren from whom ho had received letters of apology for absence , and then announced that the Mark Benevolent Fund Festival would be hold at tho Crystal Palace , Sydenham , on tho 7 th July , afc which Bro . Col . Burdett would preside . There were already
20 brethren as Stewards , and he expected to receive a large amount of pecuniary support . He would be happy to receive any additional names of Stewards . Grand Locige was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned lo banquet . Bro . tho Rev . G . 11 . Portal , in responding to the toast of tho Pasfc G . Masters , said fchafc if Lord Leig h had beeu