Article PROV. GRAND LODGE OF HERTFORDSHIRE. ← Page 3 of 3 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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Prov. Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
side at the annual meeting of one of these Institutions , and when that day came , it would be found that Hertfordshire , " littlo Herts , " had maintained its reputation by coming forward at fche head of the list . Song , " I fear no foe " ( Pinsuti ) , Bro . E . J . Bell . The Provincial Grand Master said the next toast referred to the foundation of their success . It was the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges of the
Province . It must be self-evident to every ono that it was owing to the exertions of the Masters that the Lodges were kept in a state of efficiency , and that in this way the Province was kept in tho same position . These were the kind of men who held , and he trusted always would hold , high office in this Province . For the second time in the course of his rule , he had been entertained by tbe
Hertford Lodge , and this Lodge , like all the others in the Province , had done its duty well , and as long as that was the case , they need have no fear of their efficiency being maintained . He bad had much p leasure in appointing tho W . M . of the Hertford Lodgo to the highest office in his power , aud lie begged to couple the toasfc with his name . The Master of the Hertford Lodgo ( Brother J . E . Cussans ) said
ho ought to have known , bufc he did not know , that he was to be called on to respond to this toast , or be should have prepared a very nice speech , but had he had weeks of preparation , he could only have said , " I thank you for myself , and for the other members of the Hertford Lodge ; they all most heartily thank you , not only for the position to which you have more directly raised me , but for the
courtesy and ability you always have shown at the head of this Province . " A great deal had been said , and said with truth , that this Province had sent a great deal more money than some others , and if he wore asked to account for that fact , he would soy it was because they had such a good Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and such good Provincial Lodge Officers to rule over
them , and keep tbe subsidiary Lodges np to the mark . They required some one to keep them up to tbe mark , and they had that iu their Provincial Grand Master . A good man was wanted at the helm , and another good man at tbe sheet , and a botit thus cared for was sure to sail well . They had a good man at the helm , and another good man at the sheet , aud ifc thus happened that they went on
famously . He thanked them on behalf of the Masters of the various Lodges of the Province , and for himself personally he thanked the Provincial Grand Master for conferring upon him the highest honour it was in his power to bestow . Glee , " Kiug Canute " ( Macfarren ) . Tbe Tyler ' s toast was then given , and shortly afterwards the company separated . —Hertford Mercury .
A warrant for a new Lodge , under the title of the Saint Mary Abbott ' s Lodge , has been granted to the under-mentioned brethren , aud will be consecrated on Thursday , the 10 th inst ,, in the Town Hall , Kensington : —W . Bros . Capt . A . Nicols , Col . Martin Petrie , Sir George Rendleshaw Prescofct , Bart ., Francis Charles Compfcou , Edwin M . Lott ; Bros . Capt . H . S . Andrews , Capt . C . F . Compton , and F . H . Crnggen . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary will perform the consecration ceremony .
AxornEK Lodge has been added to the roll of Lodges under the rule of the Grand Master for the Province of Kent . The consecration of tho Saye and Sele Lodge took place , on the 25 th ultimo , at Essenden House , Belvedere , Brother Dr . Spurrell , to whom the house belongs , and who is well known throughout and beyond the Province as a mosfc enthusiastic Mason , giving the use
of his dining-room , a saloon of noble proportions , for the transaction of tbe Lodge business on the occasion . It will nob surprise our readers under theso circumstances to learn that ifc is fche wish of fche founders to keep the Saye and Sele Lodge eminently select . Notwitb . standing that ifc was some time since laid down as a , rale by Grand Lodgo thafc the number of members of a Lodge cannot legitimately
be limited , it is still , no doubt , a fact , that a Lodge can , in framing its bye-laws , limit the number of members to be admitted . In fact , like any other society or club , so long as the members are agreed amongst themselves , they may make any rules they please , provided thafc theso rules aro nofc inconsistent with law and order . The number of members of the Saye and Sele Lodge , ns
indicated by a notice of motion given by tho Junior Warden , is to be limited fco thirty . It is a small number , and to fcho outsider may appear too small , bnfc still tho founders must bo supposed to know what is requisite for tho fcruo interests of the Lodgo ; and they havo , no doubt , good reasons for fixing the small limit which they have placed on tho numbers to be admitted . Taking tho number wtr
signed tho petition , and are , therefore , members ab initio , aud the others who were proposed either for initiation or joining , the number above stated is already very nearly , if not quite , complete . The cere , niony of consecration was performed by Lord Holmesdale , tbe Provincial Grand Master , and the ceremony of installing tho Worshi pful Master was entrusted to Bro . Lucas , a Past Master of the Lion and
Lamb Lodge . The first Master is Bro . J . Giesman Chillingworth , nnd his principal Officers aro Bros . F . Wood S . W . and A . II . Ba ' eman J . W . After the ceremony was completed , the company dined together in the large room of the Institution for Decayed Merchant Seamen . Lord Holmesdale presided , and the whole proceedings passed off in the most agreeable manner . —Evening News .
HOMOWAV ' S PILLS ,. —Though good health is preferable to high honour , how regardless people often nits of the former— -how covetous of the latter ! Jfimv suffer their strength to drain away ere maturity i . s reached , th'ouuh ignorance of tlie facility afforded by these incomparable Pills of checking the first untoward symptoms of derangement , and reinstating order without , interfering in the lea t with their pleasure or pursuits . To tlie young especially it is inrp rtant to maintain the highest diges ive efficiency , without which the growth is stunted , the muscles hecnuc lax . the frame feeble , and the mind slothful . The removal of indigestion by these Pills : s so easy that none fiive tho most thoughtlo-.:-., ' .. uuUl noruiit it to sap the spriugs of life .
Royal Arch.
r PHE Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter was h eld I . on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , General Brown , rigg , C . B ., acting as M . E . Z ., Comp . S . Rawson as H ., and Comp . J , A . Rucker as J . ; the other Coinps . present were Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , Col . Creaton , Frank Richardson , W . G . Harrison , Q . C ., J . S . Peirce , James Lewis Thomas , Charles Greenwood , Magnus Ohren , J . S . Scott , H . Maudslay , If . J . P . Dnuiaa , Joshua Nunn , Rev .
Ambrose W . Hall , Rev . Thomas Itvbinson , H . G . Buss , VVilhelm Ganz , W . H . Ferryman , VV . IT . Dean , Edgar Bowyer , H . Massey , R . R . Davis , A . A . Pendl ** bury . W . H . Lee , Nathan Moss , T . W . Whit , marsh , William Dodd , R . Fisher Yonng , W . George Lemou , William Stephens , C . H . Webb , and H . Sadler . The following petitions were granted : —
1 st . From Companions Thomas John Jackman as / ., Charles Shaw as H ., John Braim as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Corabermere Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , to be called the " Combermere Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Lonsdale , street , Melbourne , Victoria . 2 nd . From Companions William Goodacre as Z ., John Robert
England as H ., William Greatorox as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Urmston Lodge , No . 1730 , Urmston , to be called the " Urmston Chapter , " and fco meet at the Lord Nelson Hotel , Urmston , Lancashire . 3 rd . From Companions Daniel Keen Congdou as Z ., John Fred , erick Stone as H ., Barrington Clarke Wood as J ., aud eight others
for a Chapter to be attached to the Frennaufcle Lodge , No . 1033 , Fremantle , to be called the " West Australian Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Fremantle , Western Australia . Grand Chapter also granted a Charter to the Companions of the Royal Cumberland Chapter , No . 41 , Bath , authorising them to wear a Centenary Jewel , in accordance with the resolution passed by fche
Supreme Graud Chapter on tbe 1 st of February 1882 , the Chapter having proved tin uninterrupted existence of 100 years . The Rev . Thomas Robinson was invested as Second Assistant Sojourner , to which office he was appointed by tho Prince of Wales , bufc through ill-health was unable to be present for investiture at the meeting iu May . Grand Chapter was then closed .
rPHE Annual Provincial meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter of J- Kent was held , on the invitation of the Bertha Chapter , No . 31 , at the Masonic Temple , St . Peter ' s-streefc , Canterbury , on Wednesday , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Kent , Comp . Lord Holmesdale , wheu ho appointed aud invested fche following Companions as Provincial Officer for fche ensuing year : —
Comp . J . S . Eastes P . G . H . C . Holttnm P . G . J . T . S . Warne P . G . Scribe E . J . S . Podevin P . G . Scribe N . H . J . Butter P . G . P . S . W . Mate P . G . 1 st Assist . Sojourner B . Swallow P . G . 2 nd Assist , Sojourner
B . K . Thorpe P . G . Treasurer W . Russell P . G . Registrar Capt . W . J . Blakey P . G . Sword Bearer C . E . Wright P . G . Standard Bearer G . Page P . G . Director of Ceremouies A . Bourne P . G . Organist J . Cooke P . G . Janitor
Tho Provincial Chapter being closed , the Companions adjourned to the Royal Fountain Hotel , where upwards of sixty sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Comp . H . Ward , under the presidency of Lord Holmesdale . After the removal of the cloth the usual Loyal and Arch toasts wero given and duly honoured .
ST . HILDA CHAPTER , No . 240 .
ON Wednesday night , 19 th ult ., the annual Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-sfcreefc , South Shields , when there was a large attendance of Companions . Tbe Chapter was opened in due form by Most Excellent Companion Thomas Conlson Z . ; and after the transaction of the ordinary business Moat Excellent Companion Benjamin Levy P . Z . and P . P . G . H . was conducted to tho installing chair , nnd performed tbe interesting and imposing ceremony
of installing M . E . Comp . J . S . Wilson as Z ., M . E . Comp . J . T . Wilson as H ., and M . E . Comp . M . Dodds as J . The First Principal then invested his Officers , as follow : —Comps . J . Hunter E ., G . S . Shotten N ., Thomas Conlson P . Z . as Treasurer , John A . Hall P . S ., George Robson and Thomas Bincks A . S ., George Wilson Organist , nnd John Brown Janitor . It was resolved that the Chapter
subscribe £ 9 9 s fco the Province of Durham Charity Education Scheme , after which the Chapter was closed iu proper form . It may be mentioned that for the occasion of the installation , opportunity was taken of the flourishing condition of the funds of the Chapter to renew most of the furniture aud to renovate the remainder , aud tho effect of the newly-painted cloth , handsome new silk banners , forth
candlesticks , sceptres , & c , was exceedingly striking , and drew the ready and hearty commendations of the Companions . The Companions , after bnsiness , adjourned to the pleasantly-sitmite . 1 Marine Hotel ( Mr . W . Armstrong ' s ) , at the head of the Siuth Shields Pier , from which a fine view of the entrance to the Tyne , and extensive sea beach is obtained , wh .-re tho annual banquet was served up iu excellent style . 'Ibis chair HUB occupied by Most Excellent Comp-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Prov. Grand Lodge Of Hertfordshire.
side at the annual meeting of one of these Institutions , and when that day came , it would be found that Hertfordshire , " littlo Herts , " had maintained its reputation by coming forward at fche head of the list . Song , " I fear no foe " ( Pinsuti ) , Bro . E . J . Bell . The Provincial Grand Master said the next toast referred to the foundation of their success . It was the Worshipful Masters of the Lodges of the
Province . It must be self-evident to every ono that it was owing to the exertions of the Masters that the Lodges were kept in a state of efficiency , and that in this way the Province was kept in tho same position . These were the kind of men who held , and he trusted always would hold , high office in this Province . For the second time in the course of his rule , he had been entertained by tbe
Hertford Lodge , and this Lodge , like all the others in the Province , had done its duty well , and as long as that was the case , they need have no fear of their efficiency being maintained . He bad had much p leasure in appointing tho W . M . of the Hertford Lodgo to the highest office in his power , aud lie begged to couple the toasfc with his name . The Master of the Hertford Lodgo ( Brother J . E . Cussans ) said
ho ought to have known , bufc he did not know , that he was to be called on to respond to this toast , or be should have prepared a very nice speech , but had he had weeks of preparation , he could only have said , " I thank you for myself , and for the other members of the Hertford Lodge ; they all most heartily thank you , not only for the position to which you have more directly raised me , but for the
courtesy and ability you always have shown at the head of this Province . " A great deal had been said , and said with truth , that this Province had sent a great deal more money than some others , and if he wore asked to account for that fact , he would soy it was because they had such a good Provincial Grand Master and Deputy Provincial Grand Master , and such good Provincial Lodge Officers to rule over
them , and keep tbe subsidiary Lodges np to the mark . They required some one to keep them up to tbe mark , and they had that iu their Provincial Grand Master . A good man was wanted at the helm , and another good man at tbe sheet , and a botit thus cared for was sure to sail well . They had a good man at the helm , and another good man at the sheet , aud ifc thus happened that they went on
famously . He thanked them on behalf of the Masters of the various Lodges of the Province , and for himself personally he thanked the Provincial Grand Master for conferring upon him the highest honour it was in his power to bestow . Glee , " Kiug Canute " ( Macfarren ) . Tbe Tyler ' s toast was then given , and shortly afterwards the company separated . —Hertford Mercury .
A warrant for a new Lodge , under the title of the Saint Mary Abbott ' s Lodge , has been granted to the under-mentioned brethren , aud will be consecrated on Thursday , the 10 th inst ,, in the Town Hall , Kensington : —W . Bros . Capt . A . Nicols , Col . Martin Petrie , Sir George Rendleshaw Prescofct , Bart ., Francis Charles Compfcou , Edwin M . Lott ; Bros . Capt . H . S . Andrews , Capt . C . F . Compton , and F . H . Crnggen . Bro . Col . Shadwell H . Gierke Grand Secretary will perform the consecration ceremony .
AxornEK Lodge has been added to the roll of Lodges under the rule of the Grand Master for the Province of Kent . The consecration of tho Saye and Sele Lodge took place , on the 25 th ultimo , at Essenden House , Belvedere , Brother Dr . Spurrell , to whom the house belongs , and who is well known throughout and beyond the Province as a mosfc enthusiastic Mason , giving the use
of his dining-room , a saloon of noble proportions , for the transaction of tbe Lodge business on the occasion . It will nob surprise our readers under theso circumstances to learn that ifc is fche wish of fche founders to keep the Saye and Sele Lodge eminently select . Notwitb . standing that ifc was some time since laid down as a , rale by Grand Lodgo thafc the number of members of a Lodge cannot legitimately
be limited , it is still , no doubt , a fact , that a Lodge can , in framing its bye-laws , limit the number of members to be admitted . In fact , like any other society or club , so long as the members are agreed amongst themselves , they may make any rules they please , provided thafc theso rules aro nofc inconsistent with law and order . The number of members of the Saye and Sele Lodge , ns
indicated by a notice of motion given by tho Junior Warden , is to be limited fco thirty . It is a small number , and to fcho outsider may appear too small , bnfc still tho founders must bo supposed to know what is requisite for tho fcruo interests of the Lodgo ; and they havo , no doubt , good reasons for fixing the small limit which they have placed on tho numbers to be admitted . Taking tho number wtr
signed tho petition , and are , therefore , members ab initio , aud the others who were proposed either for initiation or joining , the number above stated is already very nearly , if not quite , complete . The cere , niony of consecration was performed by Lord Holmesdale , tbe Provincial Grand Master , and the ceremony of installing tho Worshi pful Master was entrusted to Bro . Lucas , a Past Master of the Lion and
Lamb Lodge . The first Master is Bro . J . Giesman Chillingworth , nnd his principal Officers aro Bros . F . Wood S . W . and A . II . Ba ' eman J . W . After the ceremony was completed , the company dined together in the large room of the Institution for Decayed Merchant Seamen . Lord Holmesdale presided , and the whole proceedings passed off in the most agreeable manner . —Evening News .
HOMOWAV ' S PILLS ,. —Though good health is preferable to high honour , how regardless people often nits of the former— -how covetous of the latter ! Jfimv suffer their strength to drain away ere maturity i . s reached , th'ouuh ignorance of tlie facility afforded by these incomparable Pills of checking the first untoward symptoms of derangement , and reinstating order without , interfering in the lea t with their pleasure or pursuits . To tlie young especially it is inrp rtant to maintain the highest diges ive efficiency , without which the growth is stunted , the muscles hecnuc lax . the frame feeble , and the mind slothful . The removal of indigestion by these Pills : s so easy that none fiive tho most thoughtlo-.:-., ' .. uuUl noruiit it to sap the spriugs of life .
Royal Arch.
r PHE Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter was h eld I . on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' Hall , General Brown , rigg , C . B ., acting as M . E . Z ., Comp . S . Rawson as H ., and Comp . J , A . Rucker as J . ; the other Coinps . present were Col . Shadwell H . Gierke , Col . Creaton , Frank Richardson , W . G . Harrison , Q . C ., J . S . Peirce , James Lewis Thomas , Charles Greenwood , Magnus Ohren , J . S . Scott , H . Maudslay , If . J . P . Dnuiaa , Joshua Nunn , Rev .
Ambrose W . Hall , Rev . Thomas Itvbinson , H . G . Buss , VVilhelm Ganz , W . H . Ferryman , VV . IT . Dean , Edgar Bowyer , H . Massey , R . R . Davis , A . A . Pendl ** bury . W . H . Lee , Nathan Moss , T . W . Whit , marsh , William Dodd , R . Fisher Yonng , W . George Lemou , William Stephens , C . H . Webb , and H . Sadler . The following petitions were granted : —
1 st . From Companions Thomas John Jackman as / ., Charles Shaw as H ., John Braim as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Corabermere Lodge , No . 752 , Melbourne , to be called the " Combermere Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Lonsdale , street , Melbourne , Victoria . 2 nd . From Companions William Goodacre as Z ., John Robert
England as H ., William Greatorox as J ., and six others for a Chapter to be attached to the Urmston Lodge , No . 1730 , Urmston , to be called the " Urmston Chapter , " and fco meet at the Lord Nelson Hotel , Urmston , Lancashire . 3 rd . From Companions Daniel Keen Congdou as Z ., John Fred , erick Stone as H ., Barrington Clarke Wood as J ., aud eight others
for a Chapter to be attached to the Frennaufcle Lodge , No . 1033 , Fremantle , to be called the " West Australian Chapter , " and to meet at the Masonic Hall , Fremantle , Western Australia . Grand Chapter also granted a Charter to the Companions of the Royal Cumberland Chapter , No . 41 , Bath , authorising them to wear a Centenary Jewel , in accordance with the resolution passed by fche
Supreme Graud Chapter on tbe 1 st of February 1882 , the Chapter having proved tin uninterrupted existence of 100 years . The Rev . Thomas Robinson was invested as Second Assistant Sojourner , to which office he was appointed by tho Prince of Wales , bufc through ill-health was unable to be present for investiture at the meeting iu May . Grand Chapter was then closed .
rPHE Annual Provincial meeting of the Royal Arch Chapter of J- Kent was held , on the invitation of the Bertha Chapter , No . 31 , at the Masonic Temple , St . Peter ' s-streefc , Canterbury , on Wednesday , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Kent , Comp . Lord Holmesdale , wheu ho appointed aud invested fche following Companions as Provincial Officer for fche ensuing year : —
Comp . J . S . Eastes P . G . H . C . Holttnm P . G . J . T . S . Warne P . G . Scribe E . J . S . Podevin P . G . Scribe N . H . J . Butter P . G . P . S . W . Mate P . G . 1 st Assist . Sojourner B . Swallow P . G . 2 nd Assist , Sojourner
B . K . Thorpe P . G . Treasurer W . Russell P . G . Registrar Capt . W . J . Blakey P . G . Sword Bearer C . E . Wright P . G . Standard Bearer G . Page P . G . Director of Ceremouies A . Bourne P . G . Organist J . Cooke P . G . Janitor
Tho Provincial Chapter being closed , the Companions adjourned to the Royal Fountain Hotel , where upwards of sixty sat down to a most sumptuous banquet , provided by Comp . H . Ward , under the presidency of Lord Holmesdale . After the removal of the cloth the usual Loyal and Arch toasts wero given and duly honoured .
ST . HILDA CHAPTER , No . 240 .
ON Wednesday night , 19 th ult ., the annual Chapter was held at Freemasons' Hall , Fowler-sfcreefc , South Shields , when there was a large attendance of Companions . Tbe Chapter was opened in due form by Most Excellent Companion Thomas Conlson Z . ; and after the transaction of the ordinary business Moat Excellent Companion Benjamin Levy P . Z . and P . P . G . H . was conducted to tho installing chair , nnd performed tbe interesting and imposing ceremony
of installing M . E . Comp . J . S . Wilson as Z ., M . E . Comp . J . T . Wilson as H ., and M . E . Comp . M . Dodds as J . The First Principal then invested his Officers , as follow : —Comps . J . Hunter E ., G . S . Shotten N ., Thomas Conlson P . Z . as Treasurer , John A . Hall P . S ., George Robson and Thomas Bincks A . S ., George Wilson Organist , nnd John Brown Janitor . It was resolved that the Chapter
subscribe £ 9 9 s fco the Province of Durham Charity Education Scheme , after which the Chapter was closed iu proper form . It may be mentioned that for the occasion of the installation , opportunity was taken of the flourishing condition of the funds of the Chapter to renew most of the furniture aud to renovate the remainder , aud tho effect of the newly-painted cloth , handsome new silk banners , forth
candlesticks , sceptres , & c , was exceedingly striking , and drew the ready and hearty commendations of the Companions . The Companions , after bnsiness , adjourned to the pleasantly-sitmite . 1 Marine Hotel ( Mr . W . Armstrong ' s ) , at the head of the Siuth Shields Pier , from which a fine view of the entrance to the Tyne , and extensive sea beach is obtained , wh .-re tho annual banquet was served up iu excellent style . 'Ibis chair HUB occupied by Most Excellent Comp-