Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 2 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 2 of 3 →
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Installation Meetings, &C.
OLD CONCORD LODGE , No . 172 . THE installation meeting of this excellent working lodge was held on the 2 nd iust ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . At tho commencement of tho proceedings tho following brethren were present :-- Bros . Beazley W . M ., Hilton S . W ., Harris J . W ., Hancock P . M . Treasurer , King P . M . Secretary , Cope S . D ., Stedman J . D . ; A . E . Gladvvoll I . P . M . j P . M . ' s Gurton ( tho father of tho Lodge ) , Gaubert , Hockley , Hoadley , Holland , Dixon , aud a nnmorous
assemblage of the members . The following were among tho visitors : — Hickman 177 , Gib 3 on P . M . 1420 , Carmaud 548 , Pilditoh P . M . 1420 , Lee P . M . 975 , Wray P . M . 1604 , Ray 1624 , Morley 1 S 91 , Gosden 1532 , Theodore Distin 145 , Richardson J . W . SG 2 , Donaldson 1968 , Tappendeu 548 , Grammout 1559 , Hilton 1175 , Lee P . M . 975 , Conolly 157 , Worsden 1328 , George P . M . 101 , Croaker P . M . 185 Merry 1420 ,
, Ayling W . M . 973 , Vickery P . M . 1627 , Reid 1743 , Baker 132 S , Coleman 11 , Baker 73 , Hunt 1424 , Morley 1891 , Ray 1891 , Miller 25 , Wrigglesworfch P . M . 975 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Heideberger and Hone were passed , and Bros . Brooks and Wallis wore raised . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . J . Hall , H . J . Braisher , and W .
Schutze . The result was unanimous , and these gentlemen were duly initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being ably rendered by the W . M . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Hilton S . W . and W . M . elect was presented . He was then duly installed into the chair by Bro . Geo . King P . M . and Secretary , whose ability as a worker of the Ritual is well recognised . There were twenty
W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s present . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom . In appropriate terms he appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : — Bros . Beazley I . P . M ., Harris S . W ., Cope J . W ., J . Hancock P . M . Treasurer ( re-elected ) , G . King P . M . Secretary Stedman Senior Deacon , Whalley J . D ., Sadler I . G ., Gladwell P . M . M . C ., Marriott Organist ,
0 . T . Speight P . M . Tyler . The applause that followed the investment of Officers showed the W . M . had made a selection that was approved of . Feeling allusion was made to a severe accident that lately occured to the Treasurer , but who now , we are pleased to say , was able to be present to be re-invesfced . Bro . Beazley I . P . M . annonnoed his intention to serve as Steward for the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution , and Bro . Gladwell proposed that ten guineas be voted to the Widows' Fund , and this sum to be given as an endowment for the Inner Gnard of the Lodge for tho time being , with votes in perpetuity . Bro . Cope proposed that the sum of ten guineas be placed on the list of tho Junior Deacon , who will serve as Steward for the Boys' Festival . Bro . Hoadley P . M . stated his intention to
act as Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and tho sum of ten guineas was voted for his list . These votes were all carried unanimously . The report of the Auditors was read ; it showed the balance in hand was £ 243 12 s lid , while the Benevolent Fund had £ 218 19 s 5 d to its credit . The Lodge was then closed , and an adjournment to the Crowu Room was made , where the
brethren—93 in number—sat down to a sumptuous bauquet and dessert provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . Dawkins . Graoe— " For these and all Thy mercies "having been sung , the W . M . proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , Madame Worrell singing the National Anthem . This lady during the evening was assisted by Miss Emma Buer , Bros . Sydney Tower , and
Theodore Distin ; while Bro . C . Imhoff accompanied at the piano . The brethren seemed well in accord with the W . M ., when he , with a few pertinent remarks , introduced the toast of the Provincial Grand Master , the Depnty Grand Master , and the re 3 t of the Grand Officers , and after a song by Bro . Sidney Tower , Bro . Hilton introduced the toast of the Initiates . He was proud to say the members of the
Lodge were pleased to see initiates . Later on they would have a few words addressed to them by the father of the Lodge , Bro . Gurton , He ( the W . M . ) knew they would ho pleased to hear him . Bro . George Garton , thus urged , then addressed the initiates , giving thorn somo excellent advice , and expressing a fervent hope that neither they nor the Lodge , would ever regret their entrance into Freemasonry .
Here Miss Emma Buer sang , with exquisite taste , " Tit for Tat . " Bros . Schutze , Braisher and Hall severally responded , aud Bro . Speight sang- the E . A . song . The Worshipful Msster then proposed the toast of the Visitors , they had thirty-four present ) lie as well as every member of the Lodge was pleased to see them , and he would call on Bros . Pilditch , Gib 3 on , Hilton and
Wriggles to respond . Bro . Pilditch P . M . 1287 , io replying , paid a great compliment to the Lodge for its perfect working , aud speaking of its efforts on behalf of the Institutions , said , no other Lodge in one night had done so much for the three Charities . Bro . Hilton fully endorsed these remarks , and hoped other Lodges would follow so noble an example . Bro . Gibson followed ; he felt it a great
pleasure to see the excellent working of the Installing Master . Several of the other Visitors also spoke in reply to this toast . Bro . Beazley now rose to propose the health of the W . M . ; the brethren had seen how ably he had clone hisdnty before being invested ; there was no doubt the Lodge would be proud of him , as they had the right man in the right place . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro .
Beazley for his kind remarks ; he had been placed there by the free will and accord of the members ; he wished to do his duty , and he oonld rely on his Officers . Tho W . M . then announced that the Annual Ball of the Lodge would take place , and he hoped it would be the ball of tho season . The next toast wa 3 the health of the I . P . M ., to whom the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge was presented , and special reference made to tho energy Bro . Beazley had displayed during his
year of Mastership . This was gracefully acknowledged , and then the other toasts were pushed merrily along . In reply for tho Past Masters , Bro . Gurton , the father of the Lodge , said , personally he thanked the W . M . for his kind expressions . He had been with them thirty-five years , and if he had worked for that period to the satisfaction of the Lodge , he hoped , while he had health , his services might be equally well appreciated . Bros . Holland , Hockley , Gaubert , aud Gladwell followed . The Tyler in duo course gave the parting
Installation Meetings, &C.
toast . Tho musical party must be congratulated on their efforts , also Bro . Marriott , for providing good music aud such excellent singers ; Madame Worrell , Miss JSmma Buer , Bro . Theodore Distin , and Bro . Sidney Tower being the artistes engaged .
CHARITY LODGE , No . 223 . THE annual meeting was holden at tho Masonic Hall , 193 Unionstreet , Plymouth , on 19 th ult . There was a large attendance to do honour to the retiring Master—Bro . John Moysey—who had well and worthily carried out his duties for tho past year , aud oulminated hi 3 work by installing his successor iu a manner which elicitod warm commendation from the Board of Installed Masters present . The
Master installed was Bro . John Delve , and he appointed and iuyested as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Moysey I . P . M ., Lane S . W ., Goodyear J . W ., Cornish Treasurer , Browning Secretary , Hoyten , S . D ., Hanuaford J . D ., Frost M . C ., Bridgmau A . M . C ., Stenlake 0 ., Williams I . G ., Layers jun . S . S ., Sopers J . S ., Bartlett Tyler . The
Lodge is in a very prosperous condition , and as a proof it will ab the aunual banquet present to the retiring Master ( Bro . Moysey ) a gold Past Master ' s jewel , to mark its appreciation of his services ; and a token of respect will also be presented to the Treasurer ( Bro . Cornish ) , the form of testimonial being left to a committee . The Lodge
adjourned for refreshment in their own rooms , where , under the presidency of Bro . Delve , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , the Master congratulated , and a pleasant half hour spent . The banquet was held at Bro . Walter ' s , Farley Hotel , on Tuesday , 2 nd January 1883 .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 348 , BOLTON . THE installation meeting of this Lilgo wis hoi 1 on Thursday , the 28 th December 1882 , ab the Bull ' s Head Inn , Bolton , at three o ' clook in the afternoon . Bros . J . B . Taylor W . M ., W . Crankshaw S . W ., John Kenyon J . W ., Thomas Raby P . M . Treasurer , Johu Alcock P . M . Secretary , John Partington S . D ., R . II . Phillips I . G ., Thomas Higson Tyler ; W . Barnes , W . Heunifer , Alfred Jones , James F . Ryley , H . Stevenson , T . G . Orrell , James Eckersley , Robert Jones ,
J . Wood , W . Wood , W . Green , J . Calderbank , James Allen , George Walker , John Hamor , P . M . 's John Hir . vool , James Horrocks , P . H . Harwood P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , J . Wolstenholme . Visitors — Bros . G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . G . S . D . and W . M . elect Lodge 37 , W . Cooper P . M . It 6 , J . Boothroyd W . M . 221 , W . Court W . M . St . George ' s 1723 , J . L . Aldred P . M . 221 , J . Mitchell , J . W . Forbes
L 723 , Robert Latham S . W . St . George ' s 1723 , Charles Cromptou J . D . 221 , William Nicholson P . M . 116 Provincial Grand Sword Bearer . Lodge proceeded to tho second degree , when Bro . William Craukshaw was presented by Bro . Tohn Harwood to a Board of Installed Masters under the presidency of Bro . John Alcock , and he having been obligated , was subsequently installed , proclaimed , and saluted
as Worshipful Mastor for the ensuing year , and proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his Officers : —J . B . Taylor I . P . M ., John Kenyon S . W ., J . Partington J . W ., R . H . Philips S . D ., W . Chadvvick J . D ., T , Rab y Treas . ( elected ) , J . Alcock Sec , J . Horrocks Charit y Representative ( elected ) , G . Walker I . G ., R . Jones and W . Wood Stewards , R . Harwood M . C ., VV . H . Alcock Asst . M . C ., J . Harwood
Organist , T . Higson Tyler . The newly-appointel Officers were in . vested and instructed by Bro . Harwood ou the nature of the duties of their respective offices , and the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren wero very effectively renderod by Brother Alcock . A gentleman was proposed for initiation , and hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren . A portion of the Ancient
Rules and Charges was read by the S . W ., and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at half-past five o ' clock . Tho brethren assembled at banquet , prepared with Mrs . Long ' s provorbial good taste , and a somewhat long toast list was duly honoured , Bro . Nicholson respond , ing for the present Provincial Officers , and Bros . Brookbaak and Harwood for the Past Officers . The W . M ., iu responding his to
to the toast of his health ^ expressed determination work assiduously during his term of office , aud repay the confidence the brethren had placed in him by diligent attention to his duties . Bro . James Horrocks , in proposing the Masonic Charities , made a forcible appeal to the brethren to use greater efforts to support tbe Masonio Institutions , and pointedly referred to their claims upon the brethren
of this Lodge , inasmuch as one member was an annuitant on the Benevolent Institution , and another deceased brother ' s child was being educated by the East Lancashire Institution . A generous response was given to the request made , which doubtless will result in a substantial donation to one of the Charities . The Visiting Brethren was responded to by the W . M . ' s of the Lodges 231 and 1723 . The
Installing Master was duly hononred , and replied to by the veteran Secretary , who for many years has , single-handed , undertaken this onerous duty . The vocal talent displayed added considerably to the success of this well-orlered meeting , and the brethren were indebted to Bros . Allen , Partington , William Wood , and John Harwood for their contributions to the harmony of the evening .
CORNUBIAN LODGE , No . 450 , HAYLE . THE brethren of this Lodge met on the 28 th December , to celebrate their annual Festival of St . John . The W . M . elect ; , Bro . Frank John Vivian , wa ^ iustalled by tho retiring Master , Bro . Mills , assisted by Bro . Peareo , who carried ont the ancient ceremony very creditably and with much satisfaction to tho Lodge . At the close of the ceremony tho W . M . invested tho following brethren as the Officers for tho
ensuing year .- —Bros . Mills I . P . M ., Hawkins S . W ., Bazeloy J . W ., Harvoy Treasurer , Smith Secretary , West Chaplain , Sope S . D ., Richards J . D ., Paarce M . C ., Broad I . Or-, Bra / Tyler , an I Co . imbe Steward of tho
Charities , into whoso bauds the Lodga voted five guineas to tho C . M . A . and Benevolent Fnnd , and ten guineas to the Boys' School The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjouruud to tho banquet at tho White Hart Hotel , where a very pleasant evening was spent .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
OLD CONCORD LODGE , No . 172 . THE installation meeting of this excellent working lodge was held on the 2 nd iust ., at the Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen-street . At tho commencement of tho proceedings tho following brethren were present :-- Bros . Beazley W . M ., Hilton S . W ., Harris J . W ., Hancock P . M . Treasurer , King P . M . Secretary , Cope S . D ., Stedman J . D . ; A . E . Gladvvoll I . P . M . j P . M . ' s Gurton ( tho father of tho Lodge ) , Gaubert , Hockley , Hoadley , Holland , Dixon , aud a nnmorous
assemblage of the members . The following were among tho visitors : — Hickman 177 , Gib 3 on P . M . 1420 , Carmaud 548 , Pilditoh P . M . 1420 , Lee P . M . 975 , Wray P . M . 1604 , Ray 1624 , Morley 1 S 91 , Gosden 1532 , Theodore Distin 145 , Richardson J . W . SG 2 , Donaldson 1968 , Tappendeu 548 , Grammout 1559 , Hilton 1175 , Lee P . M . 975 , Conolly 157 , Worsden 1328 , George P . M . 101 , Croaker P . M . 185 Merry 1420 ,
, Ayling W . M . 973 , Vickery P . M . 1627 , Reid 1743 , Baker 132 S , Coleman 11 , Baker 73 , Hunt 1424 , Morley 1891 , Ray 1891 , Miller 25 , Wrigglesworfch P . M . 975 , H . M . Levy P . M . 188 . Lodge was opened , and the minutes were confirmed . Bros . Heideberger and Hone were passed , and Bros . Brooks and Wallis wore raised . Ballots were taken for the admission of Messrs . J . Hall , H . J . Braisher , and W .
Schutze . The result was unanimous , and these gentlemen were duly initiated into the Order , the ceremonies being ably rendered by the W . M . A Board of Installed Masters was opened , and Bro . Hilton S . W . and W . M . elect was presented . He was then duly installed into the chair by Bro . Geo . King P . M . and Secretary , whose ability as a worker of the Ritual is well recognised . There were twenty
W . M . ' s and P . M . ' s present . On the re-admission of the brethren , the W . M . was saluted according to ancient custom . In appropriate terms he appointed and invested his Officers , as follow : — Bros . Beazley I . P . M ., Harris S . W ., Cope J . W ., J . Hancock P . M . Treasurer ( re-elected ) , G . King P . M . Secretary Stedman Senior Deacon , Whalley J . D ., Sadler I . G ., Gladwell P . M . M . C ., Marriott Organist ,
0 . T . Speight P . M . Tyler . The applause that followed the investment of Officers showed the W . M . had made a selection that was approved of . Feeling allusion was made to a severe accident that lately occured to the Treasurer , but who now , we are pleased to say , was able to be present to be re-invesfced . Bro . Beazley I . P . M . annonnoed his intention to serve as Steward for the Royal Masonic
Benevolent Institution , and Bro . Gladwell proposed that ten guineas be voted to the Widows' Fund , and this sum to be given as an endowment for the Inner Gnard of the Lodge for tho time being , with votes in perpetuity . Bro . Cope proposed that the sum of ten guineas be placed on the list of tho Junior Deacon , who will serve as Steward for the Boys' Festival . Bro . Hoadley P . M . stated his intention to
act as Steward for the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , and tho sum of ten guineas was voted for his list . These votes were all carried unanimously . The report of the Auditors was read ; it showed the balance in hand was £ 243 12 s lid , while the Benevolent Fund had £ 218 19 s 5 d to its credit . The Lodge was then closed , and an adjournment to the Crowu Room was made , where the
brethren—93 in number—sat down to a sumptuous bauquet and dessert provided by Messrs . Spiers and Pond ( Limited ) , and superintended by Bro . Dawkins . Graoe— " For these and all Thy mercies "having been sung , the W . M . proposed the Loyal and Masonic toasts , Madame Worrell singing the National Anthem . This lady during the evening was assisted by Miss Emma Buer , Bros . Sydney Tower , and
Theodore Distin ; while Bro . C . Imhoff accompanied at the piano . The brethren seemed well in accord with the W . M ., when he , with a few pertinent remarks , introduced the toast of the Provincial Grand Master , the Depnty Grand Master , and the re 3 t of the Grand Officers , and after a song by Bro . Sidney Tower , Bro . Hilton introduced the toast of the Initiates . He was proud to say the members of the
Lodge were pleased to see initiates . Later on they would have a few words addressed to them by the father of the Lodge , Bro . Gurton , He ( the W . M . ) knew they would ho pleased to hear him . Bro . George Garton , thus urged , then addressed the initiates , giving thorn somo excellent advice , and expressing a fervent hope that neither they nor the Lodge , would ever regret their entrance into Freemasonry .
Here Miss Emma Buer sang , with exquisite taste , " Tit for Tat . " Bros . Schutze , Braisher and Hall severally responded , aud Bro . Speight sang- the E . A . song . The Worshipful Msster then proposed the toast of the Visitors , they had thirty-four present ) lie as well as every member of the Lodge was pleased to see them , and he would call on Bros . Pilditch , Gib 3 on , Hilton and
Wriggles to respond . Bro . Pilditch P . M . 1287 , io replying , paid a great compliment to the Lodge for its perfect working , aud speaking of its efforts on behalf of the Institutions , said , no other Lodge in one night had done so much for the three Charities . Bro . Hilton fully endorsed these remarks , and hoped other Lodges would follow so noble an example . Bro . Gibson followed ; he felt it a great
pleasure to see the excellent working of the Installing Master . Several of the other Visitors also spoke in reply to this toast . Bro . Beazley now rose to propose the health of the W . M . ; the brethren had seen how ably he had clone hisdnty before being invested ; there was no doubt the Lodge would be proud of him , as they had the right man in the right place . The W . M ., in reply , thanked Bro .
Beazley for his kind remarks ; he had been placed there by the free will and accord of the members ; he wished to do his duty , and he oonld rely on his Officers . Tho W . M . then announced that the Annual Ball of the Lodge would take place , and he hoped it would be the ball of tho season . The next toast wa 3 the health of the I . P . M ., to whom the Past Master ' s jewel of the Lodge was presented , and special reference made to tho energy Bro . Beazley had displayed during his
year of Mastership . This was gracefully acknowledged , and then the other toasts were pushed merrily along . In reply for tho Past Masters , Bro . Gurton , the father of the Lodge , said , personally he thanked the W . M . for his kind expressions . He had been with them thirty-five years , and if he had worked for that period to the satisfaction of the Lodge , he hoped , while he had health , his services might be equally well appreciated . Bros . Holland , Hockley , Gaubert , aud Gladwell followed . The Tyler in duo course gave the parting
Installation Meetings, &C.
toast . Tho musical party must be congratulated on their efforts , also Bro . Marriott , for providing good music aud such excellent singers ; Madame Worrell , Miss JSmma Buer , Bro . Theodore Distin , and Bro . Sidney Tower being the artistes engaged .
CHARITY LODGE , No . 223 . THE annual meeting was holden at tho Masonic Hall , 193 Unionstreet , Plymouth , on 19 th ult . There was a large attendance to do honour to the retiring Master—Bro . John Moysey—who had well and worthily carried out his duties for tho past year , aud oulminated hi 3 work by installing his successor iu a manner which elicitod warm commendation from the Board of Installed Masters present . The
Master installed was Bro . John Delve , and he appointed and iuyested as Officers for the ensuing year : —Bros . Moysey I . P . M ., Lane S . W ., Goodyear J . W ., Cornish Treasurer , Browning Secretary , Hoyten , S . D ., Hanuaford J . D ., Frost M . C ., Bridgmau A . M . C ., Stenlake 0 ., Williams I . G ., Layers jun . S . S ., Sopers J . S ., Bartlett Tyler . The
Lodge is in a very prosperous condition , and as a proof it will ab the aunual banquet present to the retiring Master ( Bro . Moysey ) a gold Past Master ' s jewel , to mark its appreciation of his services ; and a token of respect will also be presented to the Treasurer ( Bro . Cornish ) , the form of testimonial being left to a committee . The Lodge
adjourned for refreshment in their own rooms , where , under the presidency of Bro . Delve , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were honoured , the Master congratulated , and a pleasant half hour spent . The banquet was held at Bro . Walter ' s , Farley Hotel , on Tuesday , 2 nd January 1883 .
ST . JOHN'S LODGE , No . 348 , BOLTON . THE installation meeting of this Lilgo wis hoi 1 on Thursday , the 28 th December 1882 , ab the Bull ' s Head Inn , Bolton , at three o ' clook in the afternoon . Bros . J . B . Taylor W . M ., W . Crankshaw S . W ., John Kenyon J . W ., Thomas Raby P . M . Treasurer , Johu Alcock P . M . Secretary , John Partington S . D ., R . II . Phillips I . G ., Thomas Higson Tyler ; W . Barnes , W . Heunifer , Alfred Jones , James F . Ryley , H . Stevenson , T . G . Orrell , James Eckersley , Robert Jones ,
J . Wood , W . Wood , W . Green , J . Calderbank , James Allen , George Walker , John Hamor , P . M . 's John Hir . vool , James Horrocks , P . H . Harwood P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , J . Wolstenholme . Visitors — Bros . G . P . Brockbank P . Prov . G . S . D . and W . M . elect Lodge 37 , W . Cooper P . M . It 6 , J . Boothroyd W . M . 221 , W . Court W . M . St . George ' s 1723 , J . L . Aldred P . M . 221 , J . Mitchell , J . W . Forbes
L 723 , Robert Latham S . W . St . George ' s 1723 , Charles Cromptou J . D . 221 , William Nicholson P . M . 116 Provincial Grand Sword Bearer . Lodge proceeded to tho second degree , when Bro . William Craukshaw was presented by Bro . Tohn Harwood to a Board of Installed Masters under the presidency of Bro . John Alcock , and he having been obligated , was subsequently installed , proclaimed , and saluted
as Worshipful Mastor for the ensuing year , and proceeded to appoint the following brethren as his Officers : —J . B . Taylor I . P . M ., John Kenyon S . W ., J . Partington J . W ., R . H . Philips S . D ., W . Chadvvick J . D ., T , Rab y Treas . ( elected ) , J . Alcock Sec , J . Horrocks Charit y Representative ( elected ) , G . Walker I . G ., R . Jones and W . Wood Stewards , R . Harwood M . C ., VV . H . Alcock Asst . M . C ., J . Harwood
Organist , T . Higson Tyler . The newly-appointel Officers were in . vested and instructed by Bro . Harwood ou the nature of the duties of their respective offices , and the addresses to the Master , Wardens , and brethren wero very effectively renderod by Brother Alcock . A gentleman was proposed for initiation , and hearty good wishes were expressed by the visiting brethren . A portion of the Ancient
Rules and Charges was read by the S . W ., and the Lodge closed in peace and harmony at half-past five o ' clock . Tho brethren assembled at banquet , prepared with Mrs . Long ' s provorbial good taste , and a somewhat long toast list was duly honoured , Bro . Nicholson respond , ing for the present Provincial Officers , and Bros . Brookbaak and Harwood for the Past Officers . The W . M ., iu responding his to
to the toast of his health ^ expressed determination work assiduously during his term of office , aud repay the confidence the brethren had placed in him by diligent attention to his duties . Bro . James Horrocks , in proposing the Masonic Charities , made a forcible appeal to the brethren to use greater efforts to support tbe Masonio Institutions , and pointedly referred to their claims upon the brethren
of this Lodge , inasmuch as one member was an annuitant on the Benevolent Institution , and another deceased brother ' s child was being educated by the East Lancashire Institution . A generous response was given to the request made , which doubtless will result in a substantial donation to one of the Charities . The Visiting Brethren was responded to by the W . M . ' s of the Lodges 231 and 1723 . The
Installing Master was duly hononred , and replied to by the veteran Secretary , who for many years has , single-handed , undertaken this onerous duty . The vocal talent displayed added considerably to the success of this well-orlered meeting , and the brethren were indebted to Bros . Allen , Partington , William Wood , and John Harwood for their contributions to the harmony of the evening .
CORNUBIAN LODGE , No . 450 , HAYLE . THE brethren of this Lodge met on the 28 th December , to celebrate their annual Festival of St . John . The W . M . elect ; , Bro . Frank John Vivian , wa ^ iustalled by tho retiring Master , Bro . Mills , assisted by Bro . Peareo , who carried ont the ancient ceremony very creditably and with much satisfaction to tho Lodge . At the close of the ceremony tho W . M . invested tho following brethren as the Officers for tho
ensuing year .- —Bros . Mills I . P . M ., Hawkins S . W ., Bazeloy J . W ., Harvoy Treasurer , Smith Secretary , West Chaplain , Sope S . D ., Richards J . D ., Paarce M . C ., Broad I . Or-, Bra / Tyler , an I Co . imbe Steward of tho
Charities , into whoso bauds the Lodga voted five guineas to tho C . M . A . and Benevolent Fnnd , and ten guineas to the Boys' School The Lodge being closed , the brethren adjouruud to tho banquet at tho White Hart Hotel , where a very pleasant evening was spent .