Article A FORTNIGHT'S SUMMARY. ← Page 2 of 4 Article A FORTNIGHT'S SUMMARY. Page 2 of 4 →
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A Fortnight's Summary.
The Stanford Lodge , No . 1947 , was , as wo have said , consecrated on Friday , the 15 th ult ., in the Town Hall . Hove , the principal Officers designate in'the warrant being Bros . V . Fane-Benett-Stanford W . M ., 0 . A . Woollev P . M . 311 P . P . G . Registrar Sussex S . W ., and Captain S . B . McWhinnie P . M . 14 G 6 P . P . G . S . D . J . W . Thoro was a
strong gathering of brethren present at tho commencement of the proceedings , and the Provincial Grand Master and his P . G . Officers having walked in procession to tho large room , Lodge was opened , the chair being occupied by Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., while Bros . J . M . Kidd and G . Smith acted as Prov . G . S . W . ancl
Prov . G . J . W . respectively . A suitable address was delivered by Brother J . H . Scott , to whom were entrusted the duties of consecrating Officer , and who , after congratulating the brethren of the new Lodge on having at length been able to take possession of their quarters and commence their labours , administered to them the usual
caution as to the care they should exercise in the olection and admission of candidates . Bro . the Rev . A . F . Davies followed , with a shorter but equally effective address , in which he pointed out that Masonry had nothing political in its character , nor could it be considered as being
otherwise than subservient to religion , and he trusted the members of the new Lodge wonld uphold steadfastly the principles of the Craft , as exemplified by their devotion to the G . A . O . T . U ., and their observance of the watchwords of the Fraternity . The ceremony of consecration was then
carried out according to ancient usage , after which Bro . Fane-Benett-Stanford was duly and impressively installed into the chair of K . S ., Bro . Scott being equally successful in this as in the preceding ceremony . The following brethren were appointed and invested , namely , Bros . C . A .
Woolley S . W ., Captain S . B . McWhinnie J . W ., J . W , Stride Treasurer , G . Nash Secretary , C . J . Smith S . D ., J . Eberall J . D ., J . Dixon M . C ., L . R . Styer I . G ., and T . Hughes Tyler . Bros . Woolley , McWhinnie , Stride , Smith , and Nash having been chosen to serve on the Bye-laws
Committee , and Bro . Woolley as the Lodge representative on the Charity Committee of the Province , letters of apology for non-attendance from the Grand Secretary and others were read , and several propositions for joining and initiation handed in . Lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to banquet , under the presidency of the W . Master , the after proceedings being of the usual genial character . Sir W . W . Burrell , in responding for the toast of his health as Prov . G . Master , paid a high compliment to his Deputy Bro . Scott for the efficient manner in which he discharged
his duties and the services which he ( the Provincial Grand Master ) always received at his hands . Bros . Scott Kidd , and Woolley responded for the Prov . G . Officers Present and Past , while that of the Prov . G . Chaplain was acknowledged by that brother . The health of the W .
Master was proposed by Sir W . W . Burrell , and Bro . Fane-Benett-Stanford , in his reply , expressed a hope that the Lodge founded that day would have before it a long , useful , and prosperous career . The other toasts followed and the brethren then separated . The musical
arrangements were entrusted to Bro . W . R . Roe Prov . G . Org ., who had the valuable assistance of Bros . A . King , J . Large , G . Broadbridge and G . Cole , and in one of the intervals between the toasts Bro . W . Kuhe P . G . O . played
a pianoforte solo in his usually masterly style . It should be added that Bro . Scott was complimented for his serivces as Consecrating Officer by being elected an honorary member of the Lodge .
The Martyn Lodge , No . 1983 , Sonthwold , began its career nnder most favourable circumstances on Monday , the 18 th December . It had been the intention of Lord Waveney , Prov . Grand Master Suffolk , to be present on that occasion , bnt his Lordship was prevented , by indisposition , from
carrying out his wish . He manifested , however , his sympathy with the proceedings of the day in a communication addressed to his Deputy , Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., in which he offered his congratulations and good wishes to the officers elect and members of the Lodge , remarking on
the happy circumstances which had led to the revival of an old Lodge , and auguring well , from that proof of the Masonic vitality of the borough , for the prosperity of the new body . Even this expression of hearty good wishes does not appear
to have been sufficient in Lord Waveney s estimation , for Bro . Martyn , after his arrival in Southwold , received a telegram from his lordship , in which he reiterated his good wishers for the prosperity of the Lodge , and added the usnal Christmas and New Year ' s greetings . However , the regret
A Fortnight's Summary.
experienced at Lord Waveney's unavoidable absence was diminished by tho circumstance of his popular and highly respected Deputy , Bro . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., acting as his representative , and undertaking the principal functions of the day . There was a large gathering of brethren from
the vicinity and other parts of tho Province , and Lodge having been opened , Bro . Martyn delivered the usual address , in which , having expressed regret at the absence of their chief , the circximstances of which have already been explained , and having conveyed his thanks for the
honour done in naming the Lodge after him , he hoped the Lodge would go on and prosper , increasing in strength , and doing its utmost to promote the principles of the Craft . Bro . James Terry Past Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts delivered an oration on the nature and design of
Freemasonry , and the usual ceremony having been most ably and impressively carried out , the brethren went in procession to the Church of St . Edmund , where a short afternoon service was held , the first part of which was taken by Bro . Rev . P . L . Cautley the Vicar , and the second by
Bro . the Rev . J . Frome Wilkinson , Chaplain of the Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1224 , Sudbury , Rev . Bro . Martyn ' s "Home" Lodge ; after which , Bro . the Rev . E . J . Griffiths Prov . G . C . preached an eloquent sermon , which it affords us great pleasure to reproduce in full in another part of our
columns . A collection , which realised £ 6 14 s 5 d , having been made on behalf of the Southwold Dispensary , the procession was reformed , ancl the brethren having resumed the Lodge , Bro . J . M . Canova , to whom is mainly clue the credit of having brought about the revival of the old
Southwold Lodge , was installed W . Master , and , after the customary salutations , appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the year , namely—Bros . A . E . Smith S . W ., R . Barker J . W ., Rev . P . L . Cautley Chapalin , H . R . Allen ( elected ) Treasurer , T . H . Jellicoe Secretary ,
W . Chambers S . D ., R . Claxton J . D ., and W . A . Pepper I . G . Votes of thanks having been passed to Bros . Rev . P . L . Cautley for the use of the Church , Rev . E . J . Griffiths P . G . C . for his sermon , W . Clarke P . G . P . who had acted as Director of Ceremonies , James Terry who had
travelled specially from London in order to be present , Sir Albert Woods G . D . of C . for the loan of the consecrating vessels , which were the same used by the Prince of Wales at the laying of the foundation stones of Truro Cathedral , and to Bro . Sadler G . Tyler for having brought them
down ; a similar compliment of a special character was paid to the Deputy P . G . Master Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn , tho motion being proposed by Bro . Strathern , a surviving member of the old Lodge at Southwold , who remarked that their reverend brother deserved commendation
for the manner in which he conducted everything in Masonry , especially on behalf of its Charitable Institutions , while they one and all owed him their thanks , not only for his presence that day , but also for what he and his family had clone for the Lodge . If tho D . P . G . Master
considered it an honour that the Lodge should bear his name , he ( Bro . Strathern ) was sure the brethren esteemed it a still greater honour that it should have been named after him . The motion having been seconded by Bro . W . Clarke P . G . P ., Bro . Martyn warmly returned thanks for
the compliment , assuring them of the pride which both he ancl his children , his parishioners , ancl his brethren of the Stour Valley Lodge , felt at his name having been adopted by the Lodge , and of his anxiety to do at all times what lay in his power to promote the well-being of the Craft . He
had already expressed his regret at the absence of Lord Waveney , and he should experience great pleasure in communicating to him a full and circumstantial account of their proceedings . After sundry propositions for joining and initiation had been tendered , Lodge was closed , and the
brethren sat down to a banquet at the Swan Hotel , close by the Town Hall , where the ceremony had taken place . The Lodge was handsomely furnished , the most noticeable articles being a fine Master ' s chair , presented by the
D . P . G . M . and bearing a suitable inscription , and a copy of the Holy Bible , with the following inscription in it : — "Presented to the 'Martyn' Lodge , No . 1983 , South - wold , by the daughters of the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , 18 th December 1882 . "
The consecration of the Arnold Lodge , No . 1981 , took place on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., at the Bull Hotel , East Molesey , the leading part in the ceremony , as well as in that of the installation of the W . Master being taken by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold P . G . C . and Dep . P . G . Master Surrey . The initiatory proceedings having been carried
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Fortnight's Summary.
The Stanford Lodge , No . 1947 , was , as wo have said , consecrated on Friday , the 15 th ult ., in the Town Hall . Hove , the principal Officers designate in'the warrant being Bros . V . Fane-Benett-Stanford W . M ., 0 . A . Woollev P . M . 311 P . P . G . Registrar Sussex S . W ., and Captain S . B . McWhinnie P . M . 14 G 6 P . P . G . S . D . J . W . Thoro was a
strong gathering of brethren present at tho commencement of the proceedings , and the Provincial Grand Master and his P . G . Officers having walked in procession to tho large room , Lodge was opened , the chair being occupied by Sir W . W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., while Bros . J . M . Kidd and G . Smith acted as Prov . G . S . W . ancl
Prov . G . J . W . respectively . A suitable address was delivered by Brother J . H . Scott , to whom were entrusted the duties of consecrating Officer , and who , after congratulating the brethren of the new Lodge on having at length been able to take possession of their quarters and commence their labours , administered to them the usual
caution as to the care they should exercise in the olection and admission of candidates . Bro . the Rev . A . F . Davies followed , with a shorter but equally effective address , in which he pointed out that Masonry had nothing political in its character , nor could it be considered as being
otherwise than subservient to religion , and he trusted the members of the new Lodge wonld uphold steadfastly the principles of the Craft , as exemplified by their devotion to the G . A . O . T . U ., and their observance of the watchwords of the Fraternity . The ceremony of consecration was then
carried out according to ancient usage , after which Bro . Fane-Benett-Stanford was duly and impressively installed into the chair of K . S ., Bro . Scott being equally successful in this as in the preceding ceremony . The following brethren were appointed and invested , namely , Bros . C . A .
Woolley S . W ., Captain S . B . McWhinnie J . W ., J . W , Stride Treasurer , G . Nash Secretary , C . J . Smith S . D ., J . Eberall J . D ., J . Dixon M . C ., L . R . Styer I . G ., and T . Hughes Tyler . Bros . Woolley , McWhinnie , Stride , Smith , and Nash having been chosen to serve on the Bye-laws
Committee , and Bro . Woolley as the Lodge representative on the Charity Committee of the Province , letters of apology for non-attendance from the Grand Secretary and others were read , and several propositions for joining and initiation handed in . Lodge was closed , and the brethren
adjourned to banquet , under the presidency of the W . Master , the after proceedings being of the usual genial character . Sir W . W . Burrell , in responding for the toast of his health as Prov . G . Master , paid a high compliment to his Deputy Bro . Scott for the efficient manner in which he discharged
his duties and the services which he ( the Provincial Grand Master ) always received at his hands . Bros . Scott Kidd , and Woolley responded for the Prov . G . Officers Present and Past , while that of the Prov . G . Chaplain was acknowledged by that brother . The health of the W .
Master was proposed by Sir W . W . Burrell , and Bro . Fane-Benett-Stanford , in his reply , expressed a hope that the Lodge founded that day would have before it a long , useful , and prosperous career . The other toasts followed and the brethren then separated . The musical
arrangements were entrusted to Bro . W . R . Roe Prov . G . Org ., who had the valuable assistance of Bros . A . King , J . Large , G . Broadbridge and G . Cole , and in one of the intervals between the toasts Bro . W . Kuhe P . G . O . played
a pianoforte solo in his usually masterly style . It should be added that Bro . Scott was complimented for his serivces as Consecrating Officer by being elected an honorary member of the Lodge .
The Martyn Lodge , No . 1983 , Sonthwold , began its career nnder most favourable circumstances on Monday , the 18 th December . It had been the intention of Lord Waveney , Prov . Grand Master Suffolk , to be present on that occasion , bnt his Lordship was prevented , by indisposition , from
carrying out his wish . He manifested , however , his sympathy with the proceedings of the day in a communication addressed to his Deputy , Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., in which he offered his congratulations and good wishes to the officers elect and members of the Lodge , remarking on
the happy circumstances which had led to the revival of an old Lodge , and auguring well , from that proof of the Masonic vitality of the borough , for the prosperity of the new body . Even this expression of hearty good wishes does not appear
to have been sufficient in Lord Waveney s estimation , for Bro . Martyn , after his arrival in Southwold , received a telegram from his lordship , in which he reiterated his good wishers for the prosperity of the Lodge , and added the usnal Christmas and New Year ' s greetings . However , the regret
A Fortnight's Summary.
experienced at Lord Waveney's unavoidable absence was diminished by tho circumstance of his popular and highly respected Deputy , Bro . C . J . Martyn P . G . C ., acting as his representative , and undertaking the principal functions of the day . There was a large gathering of brethren from
the vicinity and other parts of tho Province , and Lodge having been opened , Bro . Martyn delivered the usual address , in which , having expressed regret at the absence of their chief , the circximstances of which have already been explained , and having conveyed his thanks for the
honour done in naming the Lodge after him , he hoped the Lodge would go on and prosper , increasing in strength , and doing its utmost to promote the principles of the Craft . Bro . James Terry Past Prov . G . S . W . Norths and Hunts delivered an oration on the nature and design of
Freemasonry , and the usual ceremony having been most ably and impressively carried out , the brethren went in procession to the Church of St . Edmund , where a short afternoon service was held , the first part of which was taken by Bro . Rev . P . L . Cautley the Vicar , and the second by
Bro . the Rev . J . Frome Wilkinson , Chaplain of the Stour Valley Lodge , No . 1224 , Sudbury , Rev . Bro . Martyn ' s "Home" Lodge ; after which , Bro . the Rev . E . J . Griffiths Prov . G . C . preached an eloquent sermon , which it affords us great pleasure to reproduce in full in another part of our
columns . A collection , which realised £ 6 14 s 5 d , having been made on behalf of the Southwold Dispensary , the procession was reformed , ancl the brethren having resumed the Lodge , Bro . J . M . Canova , to whom is mainly clue the credit of having brought about the revival of the old
Southwold Lodge , was installed W . Master , and , after the customary salutations , appointed and invested the following brethren as his Officers for the year , namely—Bros . A . E . Smith S . W ., R . Barker J . W ., Rev . P . L . Cautley Chapalin , H . R . Allen ( elected ) Treasurer , T . H . Jellicoe Secretary ,
W . Chambers S . D ., R . Claxton J . D ., and W . A . Pepper I . G . Votes of thanks having been passed to Bros . Rev . P . L . Cautley for the use of the Church , Rev . E . J . Griffiths P . G . C . for his sermon , W . Clarke P . G . P . who had acted as Director of Ceremonies , James Terry who had
travelled specially from London in order to be present , Sir Albert Woods G . D . of C . for the loan of the consecrating vessels , which were the same used by the Prince of Wales at the laying of the foundation stones of Truro Cathedral , and to Bro . Sadler G . Tyler for having brought them
down ; a similar compliment of a special character was paid to the Deputy P . G . Master Bro . Rev . C . J . Martyn , tho motion being proposed by Bro . Strathern , a surviving member of the old Lodge at Southwold , who remarked that their reverend brother deserved commendation
for the manner in which he conducted everything in Masonry , especially on behalf of its Charitable Institutions , while they one and all owed him their thanks , not only for his presence that day , but also for what he and his family had clone for the Lodge . If tho D . P . G . Master
considered it an honour that the Lodge should bear his name , he ( Bro . Strathern ) was sure the brethren esteemed it a still greater honour that it should have been named after him . The motion having been seconded by Bro . W . Clarke P . G . P ., Bro . Martyn warmly returned thanks for
the compliment , assuring them of the pride which both he ancl his children , his parishioners , ancl his brethren of the Stour Valley Lodge , felt at his name having been adopted by the Lodge , and of his anxiety to do at all times what lay in his power to promote the well-being of the Craft . He
had already expressed his regret at the absence of Lord Waveney , and he should experience great pleasure in communicating to him a full and circumstantial account of their proceedings . After sundry propositions for joining and initiation had been tendered , Lodge was closed , and the
brethren sat down to a banquet at the Swan Hotel , close by the Town Hall , where the ceremony had taken place . The Lodge was handsomely furnished , the most noticeable articles being a fine Master ' s chair , presented by the
D . P . G . M . and bearing a suitable inscription , and a copy of the Holy Bible , with the following inscription in it : — "Presented to the 'Martyn' Lodge , No . 1983 , South - wold , by the daughters of the Rev . C . J . Martyn D . P . G . M . of Suffolk , 18 th December 1882 . "
The consecration of the Arnold Lodge , No . 1981 , took place on Wednesday , the 20 th ult ., at the Bull Hotel , East Molesey , the leading part in the ceremony , as well as in that of the installation of the W . Master being taken by Bro . the Rev . C . W . Arnold P . G . C . and Dep . P . G . Master Surrey . The initiatory proceedings having been carried