Article CORRESPONDENCE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article WEST MIDDLESEX LODGE, No. 1612. Page 1 of 1
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At the last monthly meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence , held on Wednesday evening , 20 th nit ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . James Brett , Senior Vice President , presided in the absence , through illness , of Bro . Joshua Nunn President , Bro . the Rev . A . V . A . Woodford Past Grand
Chaplain occupied the chair of Senior Vice President , and Bro . Frank Richardson held the chair of Junior Vice President , in the absence of Bro . Charles Atkins . The attendance was not large , owing to the season of the year . Tho brethren first confirmed grants to tho extent
of £ 390 , recommended at the November meeting . Of new eases there were thirty-six on the list , out of which twentyono were Provincial , and fifteen London . Ono conntry case was dismissed , and one deferred . Tho remainder were relieved with a total of £ 660 .
Our readers will he glad to hear that for the Eightyfifth Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , Brother Binckes has been so fortunate as to enlist the services as Chairman of Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Kent . Both Lord Holmesdale and the Province
ho has presided over for so many years are known to evince on all occasions a deep interest in the success of our Institutions , and we have little reason to doubt that , under his
lordship ' s auspices and through his influence , backed up , as it assuredly will bo by the sympathetic co-operation of his Province , Bro . Binckes in Juno next will be in a position to announce another of his big successes .
At tho regular meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on Thursday , the 28 th ultimo , Lt .-Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the chair , the tender of Messrs . Merryweather for a supply of
fire buckets for the School was accepted . It was further resolved to insure tbe furniture in the Secretary ' s office , Freemasons' Hall , for £ 300 . Twenty-five vacancies were declared for the April election , for which there are twentynine candidates .
Lord Brooke , M . P ., it is said , "will be the new Prov . G . Master of Essex in the place of the late Bro . Lord Tenterden , K . C . B .
The usual New Tear ' s Entertainment to the Old Folks at Croydon took place on Wednesday . Everything passed off most satisfactorily . There was a strong muster of visiting brethren and their friends . An excellent dinner was provided in the Hall of the Institution , at which , under
the presidency of Dr . Strong , the Old Folks thoroughly enjoyed themselves . Later in the evening Bro . George Bnckland and Miss Blanche Paige gave a musical entertainment , which was as highly appreciated as it was -worthy
of appreciation . Bro . Terry , of course , was a prominent figure on the occasion , and the statistics he gave , which will be found mentioned in another part of our columns , ¦ were extremely well received .
A painted window , from the studio of Mr . Taylor , of Berners-strect , has been erected in Scmley Church , Wilts , by Bro . V . Fanc-Bcnctt-Stanford , in memory of seven of his brother officers of tho 43 rd Regiment who fell at tho Assault of the ' Gate-Pa' fort , New Zealand , on tho 30 th
April 1864 , viz . : —Lieut-Col . Booth , Captains Mure , Hamilton , TJttcrton , Coke Glover , his brother Lieut . F . Guy Glover , and Ensign Langlands ; also of Captain G . V . Macdonald , of tho 19 th Reg ., Exon . to the Queen . Brasses on either side of the window contain the badges and honours of the regiments , with suitable inscriptions .
On Wednesday evening , the 10 th January 1883 , Bro . James Terry P . M . P . Z . P . P . G . S . W . will rehearse the ceremony of installation , including the opening and closing of Board of Installed Masters , at the Mount Lebanon Lodge of Instruction , held at the Horse Shoe Inn , Nevvingfconcauseway . The chair will be taken at 7 o ' clock precisely . Brethren are requested to attend in full Masonic clothincr .
" The New Crusades : a Vision aud a Warning , " is the title of a brochure which , under the noni de plume ol " Saladin , " will bo published immediately by Mr . W . Satcholl . It deals with what the writer regards as the socially ancl politically dangerous tendencies of tho "Salvation Army " movement , and foreshadows tho statu of England under Salvationist domination iu tho year 1900 .
Notices Of Meetings.
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . r T ^ HE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th -L nit ., at tho Masonic Hull , Duncombe-place , York . Tho W . M . Bro . J . Sykes Bymer ( Sheriff of York ) presided , supported by the following Officers and brethren , viz .: —Bros . Rooke I . P . M ., Kirby S . W . W . M . elect , Garbutt J . W ., the Very Rev . Dr . Purey-Cust Dean of York P . G . C . Chaplain , Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasnrer , Border
acting Secretary , Draper S . D ., Powell J . D ., Hodgson I . G ., Smith M . C ., Take Organist , Lawton , P . M . P . P . G . R ., Major Barstow P . M ., Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O ., Seller P . M ., Major McGaohen P . M ., Lea W . M . Barnard Lodge , Terry , Sampson , Thompson , Foster , Thomas , Leeman , M . P . for York , Dent , Day , Clarke , Hewitt , Eberle , Jefferson , Camidge P . P . G . O ., Nicholson , Young , Churchill , Houlden , and many
others . Amongst the visitors were the following : —Bros . Gifford W . M . 570 ( 5 th Dragoon Guards ) , Banks P . M . 570 , Cumberland P . M . 1611 P . P . G . W ., Millington W . M . 1611 , Major-General Naaon , Clennel 41 , Everett 1015 , Short 570 , Knight 570 , Kendall 570 , Cheeseman 570 , De Salis Aldershot Camp 1331 , Blenkia S . W . 1611 , Turner J . W . 1611 , Dyson S . D . 1611 , Goodall 1611 , Mannell 1611 , Waters 161 L ,
Starkey 1611 , Pearson 1611 , & o . After the minutes of two previous meetings had been read and confirmed , Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke G . Sec . and R . F . Gould Past G . Deacon were unanimously elected honorary members of the Lodge . An illuminated address was then presented by the W . M ., on behalf of the Lodge , to Bro . Camidge P . P . G . O . on his removal from York . Tbe chair was afterwards taken
by Bro . Todd P . M ., who appointed as his Wardens Broa . Cumberland P . M . and Rooke P . M ., and the W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The following brethren were appointed and invested aa Officers : —Bros . Rymer I . P . M ., Geo . Garbutt S . W ., Draper J . W ., Rev . A . B . Day Chaplain , Todd P . M . Treasurer , Smith Secretary , Thompson S . D ., Hodgson J . D ., Rooke P . M . Master of Ceremonies ,
Sanderson Organist , Border I . G ., Sampson and Purnell Stewards , and Calvert Tyler . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . the Dean of York for his services as Chaplain during the past two yeara , to which the Dean replied in an excellent speech . Letters of apology for non-attendance having been communicated by the Secretary from numerous brethren , and the expressions of hearty good wishes having
been given , the Lodge was duly olosed . The brethren subsequently dined together in the Masonio Hall , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M . The usual Loyal and Masonic toaata were given and heartily responded to , and a capital programme of music , by Bros . Gifford , Cumberland , Todd , Sampson , and others , considerably enhanced the enjoyment of the proceedings .
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
THE last regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Ealing Institute , on Saturday , the 9 th ult . There waa a strong muster of members present , including all the past Masters but Bro . Kingston , who has retired from the Lodge , and sundry Visitors . Bro . Henry E . Tucker W . M . presided , and was supported by Bros . Dyer S . W ., Seward J . W ., H . Kasner P . M . Treas ., J . Chambers Roe P . M . Sec , Fisher S . D ., Clarke as J . D ., Wright I . G ., Harrison Tyler .
Visitors—Bros . Charles Veal 1549 , Henry Stiles Worshipfnl Master 1507 , Henry Esses 511 , R . Goodinge Worshipful Master 171 , and W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 . Lodge having been opened aud the minutes of ths previous meeting read ancl confirmed , Bro . E . J . Penny was raised to the sublime degree , after which Bros . W . F . Henning and S . C . Hadley were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft .
In each case the ceremony was perfectly and impressively rendered by the Worshipful Master , who is to be congratulated on the marked efficiency with which ho accomplished his task . There being no other business , Lodge was closed , and the brethren made for the Westbonrne Restaurant , Paddington , where an excellent dinner awaited them . Full justice having been done to the viands , the cloth was removed ,
aud the usual programme of toasts set before the brethren . Those of a Loyal and Masonic character were received with the accustomed enthusiasm , while that of the W . M ., proposed by Bro . Green P . M ., experienced a most cordial approval , and drew from Bro . Tnoker an equally cordial reply , in kind acknowledgment of the compliment .
Tbe Visitors of conrse received an hospitablo welcome in word , as they had previously received in deed , and expressed their thanks and the pleasure it had given them to be present . Bro . Coop , acting for tho Senior Warden , returned thanks for the Officers , who were complimented on the efficient manner in which they fulfilled their duties . There was also an additional toast to the
Masonic Press , for which Bro . Morgan was called upon to respond , and after he had spoken briefly but earnestly , and to the point , Brother Beasley P . M . rose , ancl with permission proposed that , in tho event of Bro . Morgan reproducing in book-form the series of articles on tho " Revised Book of Constitutions , " which appeared in the closing numbers of our last volume , the Lodge shonld purchase
the requisite number of copies for the Lodge members . This proposition was carried unanimously , and we trust may be taken as an index that tho articles , when they are published in book-form , will be received encouragingly by other Lodges . Tbe Tyler ' s toast closed this part of tho proceedings , and the brethren parted in perfect harmony .
HOT . T . O'WA . Y ' Pir . r . s AWB OnfTMHOT . —Rheumatism anil Gout . —Those purifying and soothing remedies deserve the earnest attention of at ! persons liablo to fout , sciatica , or other painful affections of tho muscles , nerves , or joints . Tho Ointment should bo applied after the affected parts have been patiently Fomented with warm water , when tho nnguont should bo diligently rubbed upon
tho adjacent skin , unless tho friction causos pain . Holloway ' s Pills should bo simultaneously taken to diminish pain , reduce inflammation , and purify tho blood . This treatment abates tlio violence , and lessons tbo frequency ot ' gouf , rheumatism , ami all spasmodic diseases which spring- from hereditary predispositions , or from any accidental weakness of constitution . Tho Ointment checks tlic local malady , while the Pills restore vital power .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At the last monthly meeting of tho Lodge of Benevolence , held on Wednesday evening , 20 th nit ., at Freemasons' Hall , Bro . James Brett , Senior Vice President , presided in the absence , through illness , of Bro . Joshua Nunn President , Bro . the Rev . A . V . A . Woodford Past Grand
Chaplain occupied the chair of Senior Vice President , and Bro . Frank Richardson held the chair of Junior Vice President , in the absence of Bro . Charles Atkins . The attendance was not large , owing to the season of the year . Tho brethren first confirmed grants to tho extent
of £ 390 , recommended at the November meeting . Of new eases there were thirty-six on the list , out of which twentyono were Provincial , and fifteen London . Ono conntry case was dismissed , and one deferred . Tho remainder were relieved with a total of £ 660 .
Our readers will he glad to hear that for the Eightyfifth Anniversary Festival of the Boys' School , Brother Binckes has been so fortunate as to enlist the services as Chairman of Viscount Holmesdale , R . W . Provincial Grand Master of Kent . Both Lord Holmesdale and the Province
ho has presided over for so many years are known to evince on all occasions a deep interest in the success of our Institutions , and we have little reason to doubt that , under his
lordship ' s auspices and through his influence , backed up , as it assuredly will bo by the sympathetic co-operation of his Province , Bro . Binckes in Juno next will be in a position to announce another of his big successes .
At tho regular meeting of the General Committee of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , on Thursday , the 28 th ultimo , Lt .-Col . Creaton , Grand Treasurer , in the chair , the tender of Messrs . Merryweather for a supply of
fire buckets for the School was accepted . It was further resolved to insure tbe furniture in the Secretary ' s office , Freemasons' Hall , for £ 300 . Twenty-five vacancies were declared for the April election , for which there are twentynine candidates .
Lord Brooke , M . P ., it is said , "will be the new Prov . G . Master of Essex in the place of the late Bro . Lord Tenterden , K . C . B .
The usual New Tear ' s Entertainment to the Old Folks at Croydon took place on Wednesday . Everything passed off most satisfactorily . There was a strong muster of visiting brethren and their friends . An excellent dinner was provided in the Hall of the Institution , at which , under
the presidency of Dr . Strong , the Old Folks thoroughly enjoyed themselves . Later in the evening Bro . George Bnckland and Miss Blanche Paige gave a musical entertainment , which was as highly appreciated as it was -worthy
of appreciation . Bro . Terry , of course , was a prominent figure on the occasion , and the statistics he gave , which will be found mentioned in another part of our columns , ¦ were extremely well received .
A painted window , from the studio of Mr . Taylor , of Berners-strect , has been erected in Scmley Church , Wilts , by Bro . V . Fanc-Bcnctt-Stanford , in memory of seven of his brother officers of tho 43 rd Regiment who fell at tho Assault of the ' Gate-Pa' fort , New Zealand , on tho 30 th
April 1864 , viz . : —Lieut-Col . Booth , Captains Mure , Hamilton , TJttcrton , Coke Glover , his brother Lieut . F . Guy Glover , and Ensign Langlands ; also of Captain G . V . Macdonald , of tho 19 th Reg ., Exon . to the Queen . Brasses on either side of the window contain the badges and honours of the regiments , with suitable inscriptions .
On Wednesday evening , the 10 th January 1883 , Bro . James Terry P . M . P . Z . P . P . G . S . W . will rehearse the ceremony of installation , including the opening and closing of Board of Installed Masters , at the Mount Lebanon Lodge of Instruction , held at the Horse Shoe Inn , Nevvingfconcauseway . The chair will be taken at 7 o ' clock precisely . Brethren are requested to attend in full Masonic clothincr .
" The New Crusades : a Vision aud a Warning , " is the title of a brochure which , under the noni de plume ol " Saladin , " will bo published immediately by Mr . W . Satcholl . It deals with what the writer regards as the socially ancl politically dangerous tendencies of tho "Salvation Army " movement , and foreshadows tho statu of England under Salvationist domination iu tho year 1900 .
Notices Of Meetings.
YORK LODGE , No . 236 . r T ^ HE annual meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday , the 18 th -L nit ., at tho Masonic Hull , Duncombe-place , York . Tho W . M . Bro . J . Sykes Bymer ( Sheriff of York ) presided , supported by the following Officers and brethren , viz .: —Bros . Rooke I . P . M ., Kirby S . W . W . M . elect , Garbutt J . W ., the Very Rev . Dr . Purey-Cust Dean of York P . G . C . Chaplain , Todd P . M . P . P . G . Reg . Treasnrer , Border
acting Secretary , Draper S . D ., Powell J . D ., Hodgson I . G ., Smith M . C ., Take Organist , Lawton , P . M . P . P . G . R ., Major Barstow P . M ., Balmford P . M . P . P . G . O ., Seller P . M ., Major McGaohen P . M ., Lea W . M . Barnard Lodge , Terry , Sampson , Thompson , Foster , Thomas , Leeman , M . P . for York , Dent , Day , Clarke , Hewitt , Eberle , Jefferson , Camidge P . P . G . O ., Nicholson , Young , Churchill , Houlden , and many
others . Amongst the visitors were the following : —Bros . Gifford W . M . 570 ( 5 th Dragoon Guards ) , Banks P . M . 570 , Cumberland P . M . 1611 P . P . G . W ., Millington W . M . 1611 , Major-General Naaon , Clennel 41 , Everett 1015 , Short 570 , Knight 570 , Kendall 570 , Cheeseman 570 , De Salis Aldershot Camp 1331 , Blenkia S . W . 1611 , Turner J . W . 1611 , Dyson S . D . 1611 , Goodall 1611 , Mannell 1611 , Waters 161 L ,
Starkey 1611 , Pearson 1611 , & o . After the minutes of two previous meetings had been read and confirmed , Bros . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke G . Sec . and R . F . Gould Past G . Deacon were unanimously elected honorary members of the Lodge . An illuminated address was then presented by the W . M ., on behalf of the Lodge , to Bro . Camidge P . P . G . O . on his removal from York . Tbe chair was afterwards taken
by Bro . Todd P . M ., who appointed as his Wardens Broa . Cumberland P . M . and Rooke P . M ., and the W . M . elect was duly installed into the chair of K . S . The following brethren were appointed and invested aa Officers : —Bros . Rymer I . P . M ., Geo . Garbutt S . W ., Draper J . W ., Rev . A . B . Day Chaplain , Todd P . M . Treasurer , Smith Secretary , Thompson S . D ., Hodgson J . D ., Rooke P . M . Master of Ceremonies ,
Sanderson Organist , Border I . G ., Sampson and Purnell Stewards , and Calvert Tyler . A cordial vote of thanks was passed to Bro . the Dean of York for his services as Chaplain during the past two yeara , to which the Dean replied in an excellent speech . Letters of apology for non-attendance having been communicated by the Secretary from numerous brethren , and the expressions of hearty good wishes having
been given , the Lodge was duly olosed . The brethren subsequently dined together in the Masonio Hall , under the presidency of the newly-installed W . M . The usual Loyal and Masonic toaata were given and heartily responded to , and a capital programme of music , by Bros . Gifford , Cumberland , Todd , Sampson , and others , considerably enhanced the enjoyment of the proceedings .
West Middlesex Lodge, No. 1612.
THE last regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Ealing Institute , on Saturday , the 9 th ult . There waa a strong muster of members present , including all the past Masters but Bro . Kingston , who has retired from the Lodge , and sundry Visitors . Bro . Henry E . Tucker W . M . presided , and was supported by Bros . Dyer S . W ., Seward J . W ., H . Kasner P . M . Treas ., J . Chambers Roe P . M . Sec , Fisher S . D ., Clarke as J . D ., Wright I . G ., Harrison Tyler .
Visitors—Bros . Charles Veal 1549 , Henry Stiles Worshipfnl Master 1507 , Henry Esses 511 , R . Goodinge Worshipful Master 171 , and W . W . Morgan Secretary 211 . Lodge having been opened aud the minutes of ths previous meeting read ancl confirmed , Bro . E . J . Penny was raised to the sublime degree , after which Bros . W . F . Henning and S . C . Hadley were passed to the degree of Fellow Craft .
In each case the ceremony was perfectly and impressively rendered by the Worshipful Master , who is to be congratulated on the marked efficiency with which ho accomplished his task . There being no other business , Lodge was closed , and the brethren made for the Westbonrne Restaurant , Paddington , where an excellent dinner awaited them . Full justice having been done to the viands , the cloth was removed ,
aud the usual programme of toasts set before the brethren . Those of a Loyal and Masonic character were received with the accustomed enthusiasm , while that of the W . M ., proposed by Bro . Green P . M ., experienced a most cordial approval , and drew from Bro . Tnoker an equally cordial reply , in kind acknowledgment of the compliment .
Tbe Visitors of conrse received an hospitablo welcome in word , as they had previously received in deed , and expressed their thanks and the pleasure it had given them to be present . Bro . Coop , acting for tho Senior Warden , returned thanks for the Officers , who were complimented on the efficient manner in which they fulfilled their duties . There was also an additional toast to the
Masonic Press , for which Bro . Morgan was called upon to respond , and after he had spoken briefly but earnestly , and to the point , Brother Beasley P . M . rose , ancl with permission proposed that , in tho event of Bro . Morgan reproducing in book-form the series of articles on tho " Revised Book of Constitutions , " which appeared in the closing numbers of our last volume , the Lodge shonld purchase
the requisite number of copies for the Lodge members . This proposition was carried unanimously , and we trust may be taken as an index that tho articles , when they are published in book-form , will be received encouragingly by other Lodges . Tbe Tyler ' s toast closed this part of tho proceedings , and the brethren parted in perfect harmony .
HOT . T . O'WA . Y ' Pir . r . s AWB OnfTMHOT . —Rheumatism anil Gout . —Those purifying and soothing remedies deserve the earnest attention of at ! persons liablo to fout , sciatica , or other painful affections of tho muscles , nerves , or joints . Tho Ointment should bo applied after the affected parts have been patiently Fomented with warm water , when tho nnguont should bo diligently rubbed upon
tho adjacent skin , unless tho friction causos pain . Holloway ' s Pills should bo simultaneously taken to diminish pain , reduce inflammation , and purify tho blood . This treatment abates tlio violence , and lessons tbo frequency ot ' gouf , rheumatism , ami all spasmodic diseases which spring- from hereditary predispositions , or from any accidental weakness of constitution . Tho Ointment checks tlic local malady , while the Pills restore vital power .