Article JAMAICA. ← Page 2 of 2 Article INDEPENDENT LODGE, No. 236 I.C., AT PORT LOUIS, MAURITIUS. Page 1 of 1 Article HONG KONG. Page 1 of 1 Article HONG KONG. Page 1 of 1 Article THE SOUTH LONDON MASONIC HALL. Page 1 of 1
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Dadson has hcen installed Master of the Jamaica Lodge . During his short sojourn in this island he has gained many friends , and it is hoped he will have a successful year of . administration . Ho has already initiated into the Order the Rev . W . E . Pearce , a minister of the Church of England in Jamaica , and Mr . C . Goldio , Chief of tho Outdoor Department of Her Majesty ' s Customs . Bro . John Harris ,
Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department , has been installed Master of the Sussex Lodge , which can boast of many good Past Masters nnd brethren . Tho Right Worshipfnl J . L . Asheuheim has been installed Master of tho Friendly Lodge ; this brother holds a position in the Grand Lodgo of East Jamaica , and has previously occupied tho ohair of this Lodgo , when ho had a very successful year . Bro .
K . J . Spicer haa been installed Master of the Glenlyon ( S . C . ) , and Bro . Coward Master of the Caledonia Lodge ( S . C . ) , Port Maria . In a few months time tho Royal , Collegium , Fabrorum , Hamilton , and Phcenix will have to mako selection of a Master . In a few weeks Bro . G . Pierce will be installed Master of tho Sfc . John ' s ( S . C . ) Lodge .
The ordinary meeting of the Jamaica Rose Crois was held on 23 rd January , at the Sussex Hall , E . Bro . W . R . Lee in tho chair , when Bros . J . McLean , A . H . Alexander , I . G . D . Broughfcon , and G . Waldron were perfected in the degrees , and six brethren admitted , belonging to the New Kingston Chapter , which was consecrated in due form by Illustrious Bro . tho Hon . Dr .
Hamilton 33 ' , Past Grand Chaplain of tho Supreme Council for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown . Tho M . W . S . E . Bro . W . Andrews was then installed by III . Bro . Capt . P . Dadson 32 dog ., and tho Officers for the ensuing year were appointed . E . Bro . IT . Garcia was elected as M . W . S . and E . Bro . C . H . Davis as Treasurer for the Jamaica Chapter . Tho installation
• will take place on St . George a day . E . Bro . Lieut . W . C . H . Hastings , R . N . was raised to tho 30 th degree . The brethren belonging to the Army and Navy have come to the determination to have a Lodge of their own . Consequently , at the last ordinary meeting of tho Sussex Lodge the members recommended to H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales Most Worshipfnl Grand Master of England , through the Right
Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , several brethren to form a new Craft Lodgo , to bo held in Kingston , to be called the United Service Lodge aud to he confined to the officers of the Army and Navy . Bro . Commander Narry , R . N . ( of H . M . S . Nugent ) is named as first Master , Bro . Captain W . Marin A . P . D . as Senior Warden , and Bro . Lieut . Stewart Polkinghorn , R . N . as tho first Junior Warden . We confess ¦ we scarcely see the necessity for the opening of another Lodge
exclusively for the Army and Navy when the Phcanix , which has been in existence for many years , has for its Mnster the Commodore ' s Secretary , Surgeons of the Navy and others who hold important positions in the Services . At present tho Phcenix Master , Dr . J . Tyndall , has had to leave the island , his time of service on tho Station having expired before he had tho pleasure of ruling his Lodge for twelve months .
Independent Lodge, No. 236 I.C., At Port Louis, Mauritius.
THE regular installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Sfc . John ' s Day , Saturday , 27 th December 1879 . There wore present members of all the Lodges in the island . Bro . A . G . Rickwood P . M . being duly proclaimed and saluted as W . M . for the second year , he invested the following Officers : —Bros- G . Lewisen P . M . of tho British and Friendship Lodges S . W ., F . Mathews J . W ., J . N . Graves
Sec ., A . B . Commins Treas ., H . W . Rickwood S . D ., J . J . Asher J . D ., J . Jones I . G ., J . Corbotfc Steward , Dumont Tyler . The business of the evening being completed , the brethren adjonrned bo tho banquet room , whero a first-rate dinner was served , of which no less than sixty-seven brethren partook . The usual Loyal toasts were proposed , and most enthusiastically received . Tho proceedings terminated by the usual compliment being paid to all distressed brethren .
Hong Kong.
I TIHE Freemasons never do things by halves . It is now some years •*¦ since a Masonic Ball has been given by the Craffc in Hong Kong , the last occasion being on tho 22 nd Jan . 1874 , when a highly successful ball took place at the City Hall , Sir Arthur and Miss Kennedy gracing ifc with their presence . That entertainment was , however ,
surpassed b y the present ball given in the City Hall , to which upwards of 800 guests were invited . The assemblage was a numerous and brilliant one , the decorations were of a superb description aud in tho best possible taste , the arrangements for dancing and refreshment were all that could bo desired , and the wholo entertainment did tho
greatest honour alike to tho generosity and tasts of tho members of the Craft . The ball will , in fact , be an event to be remembered in the colony . At tho entrance to the City Hall an imposing portico covered with evergreens and hung with lanterns had been erected , and immediatel y in front of this on a lofty post the powerful anrand lamp .
wnich has on ono or two occasions been exhibited in different parts of the town , had been placed . In the entrance hall the pillars were lestooned with evergreens , and plants and enfc foliage lined the way to the stairs . At the foot of tho stairs were two massive gilt pillars reaching nearl y to the ceiling , each adorned with chapiters . These
pillars wero surmounted by two spherical balls , on which were delineated maps of tho celestial and terrestrial globes , with a ring of gas jets around them , and suspended between these was tho emblematic square and compass in gas , with the letter G . in the centre . The stairs were covered with a red carpet edged with bine and white , and on the fiT VM " ' fncitl " entrance , was the W . M . ' s pedestal , bearing me bible and the perfect ashlar , with crossed sVrords in front , the
Hong Kong.
pedestal being surrounded with cut flowers . Above this was a hand * somo mirror , surmounted by a star in gas . On each side of this was fixed a similar star with Master Masons' shields between . On tho side walla wero hung four largo pictures representing tho four cardinal virtues , namely . Temperance , Fortitude , Prudence , and Justice , each surmounted by a star . Tho effect of theso decorations was
resplendent , and tho staircase looked especially brilliant . On the top landing , abovo the staircase , hung a portrait of tho M . W . G . M . hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wato * , with a five-pointed star abovo , and tho walls wero decked with tho flags and arms of various nations . Both St . George ' s and St . Andrew's Halls wero used for dancing , and oach was elegantly decorated . Afc the linad of tho former was a
magnificent trophy composed of Masonio furniture and emblems of nearly every degree in Masonry , surmounted by tho banner of the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and South China and flanked by the banners of tho Perseverance Lodge and Royal Arch . Around tho walls wore hung flags , shields bearing Masonic emblems , and tho Royal Arch bannorets . Tho decorations in St . Andrew ' s Hall wore of
a similar character , at the head of tho room boing the sqnaro and compass in gilt and the banner of the Zetland Lodge . Tho verandahs wore tented in with flags and hung with Chinese and Japanese lanterns with Masonio emblems painted on thorn . About a quarter to ten his Excellencv Major-General Donovan , Mrs . Donovan , Lady Smale , tho Hon . W . H . and Mrs . Marsh arrived , when the Depnty District Grand
Master vory Worshipfnl Bro . C . P . Chater , supported by tho Officers of the District Grand Lodge , received them in the portico . The D . D . G . M . escorted Mrs . Donovan , tho rest of the party following , under an " arch of steel" formed by tho Knights Templar to the foofc of the staircase , which was lined on either side by members of tho Royal Arch and Master Masons in full regalia , presenting altogether
an imposing spectacle . The procession was heralded by trumpeters belonging to tho 27 th Regiment , aud procoeded to tho ladies cloak room . Another procession was then formed to tho head of St . George ' s Hall , tho Masons lining tho route on either side . The ballroom presented a scene of gaiety never , perhaps , equalled in Houg Kong , all the Masons being dressed in their various collars , scarves and aprons .
Dancing was commenced about ten o ' clock to tho strains of tho bund of the 27 th Inniskillings , under tho direction of Horr Werner . The ball was opened by Mrs . Donovan with the D . D . G . M ., tho General taking Lady Smale , Commodore Smith Mrs . Marsh , and tho Hon . W . H . Marsh Mrs . Geddes . Supper took place at midnight , after the tenth dance , the guests again passing under an arch of steel formed
by the Rose Croix . The theatre had been improvised for the supperroom , a temporary floor having been constructed on the level of the orchestra . The decorations here were perhaps more brilliant than in tho ball rooms . Ou the stage was tho V . W . D . D . G . M . ' s table , afc which Major-General and Mrs . Donovan , La'ly Smale , Hon . W . II . aud Mrs . Marsh , Colonel Stuart R . E ., Lienfc .-Colonol and Mrs . Hall , Lieut .-
Colonel and Mrs . Geddes , and Commodoro Smith were seated . Behind tin ' s there was a fountain playing , the band being placed at the rear . The general tables in the auditorium wero arranged in tho form of Masonio emblems , the square and compass occupying the greater portion of tho space , with another tablo between tho points of tho compass in the form of tho Senior Warden's level , while on each side were
tables in the form of tho Junior Warden ' s plumb-rule . On the tables was a large quantity of racing plate , kindly lent ; by tho owners . The theatre was hung with festoons and lanterns , with numerous five-pointed stars , while in front of fche Governor's box was a device of Masonio banners and shields . While the decorations were splendid , it is needless to say that tho catering was of tho besfc . Tho menu cards when
folded np represented tho aprons of Master Masons , Royal Arch , Mark Masters , and Rose Croix , and wero very neat and unique . Tho D . D . G . M . having sounded tho gavel , proposed thetoasfc of "the Queen and the Craft , " the band plaving , "God save the Queen . " Tho D . D . G . M . next propospd tho health of "H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master of England , and the other members
of the Royal Family , " when the band played " God bless the Prince of Wales . " After this the District Grand Tvler , Bro . J . R . Grimble , proposed the toast of "All the Poor and Distressed Masons . " This concluded the list of toasts . After supper dancing was renewed , and wns continued until about half past throe o ' clock . —London and China Telegraph .
The South London Masonic Hall.
WE are pleased to learn , from reports which appear from time to time in tho local press , that the accommodation lately provided by Bro . Isaac at tho White Hart , Belvedere-Road , Lambeth , is being patronised by others than the members of the mystic tie , indeed thafc the extensive rooms recently opened aro becoming well known among the employes of tho large ( irms of the neighbourhood , many of whom now hold their annnal suppers cr other gatherings under tho roof of tho
South London Masonic Hall . Wo aro assured on all sides thafc Bro . Isaac gives satisfaction to his numerous guests , and we need hardly say that such is onr experience as regards his catering for the Vitrovian Lodge , at tho gatherings of whioh we have on moro than one occasion assisted . From reports now before us of the annual dinner
of the South Wesern Railway employes ( outdoor department , Waterloo ) , and of the annual Club supper of the employe ' s of Messrs . Nobles and Hoaro , which aro among the more recent ; gatherings , we learn that most pleasant evenings havo been spent , and we can ouly hope that such may bo tho experience of all who patronise our brother iu tho fnfcnro .
HOLLOWAT ' OIITTIIEUT AWD PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised during winter , and the earliest evidences of ill health must bo immediately checked and removed , or a slight illness may result in a serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , quussev , throat cough , chrome cough , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections will be relieved by rubbing this cooling ointment into tho skin as noar as practicable to the seat of mischief . This treatment so simple and effective , is admirably adapted for tho removal of these diseases during infancy and youth- Old asthmatic invalids will derive marvellous relief from the use of Holloway ' s remedies , which havo brought round many such , sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Dadson has hcen installed Master of the Jamaica Lodge . During his short sojourn in this island he has gained many friends , and it is hoped he will have a successful year of . administration . Ho has already initiated into the Order the Rev . W . E . Pearce , a minister of the Church of England in Jamaica , and Mr . C . Goldio , Chief of tho Outdoor Department of Her Majesty ' s Customs . Bro . John Harris ,
Chief Clerk of the Treasury Department , has been installed Master of the Sussex Lodge , which can boast of many good Past Masters nnd brethren . Tho Right Worshipfnl J . L . Asheuheim has been installed Master of tho Friendly Lodge ; this brother holds a position in the Grand Lodgo of East Jamaica , and has previously occupied tho ohair of this Lodgo , when ho had a very successful year . Bro .
K . J . Spicer haa been installed Master of the Glenlyon ( S . C . ) , and Bro . Coward Master of the Caledonia Lodge ( S . C . ) , Port Maria . In a few months time tho Royal , Collegium , Fabrorum , Hamilton , and Phcenix will have to mako selection of a Master . In a few weeks Bro . G . Pierce will be installed Master of tho Sfc . John ' s ( S . C . ) Lodge .
The ordinary meeting of the Jamaica Rose Crois was held on 23 rd January , at the Sussex Hall , E . Bro . W . R . Lee in tho chair , when Bros . J . McLean , A . H . Alexander , I . G . D . Broughfcon , and G . Waldron were perfected in the degrees , and six brethren admitted , belonging to the New Kingston Chapter , which was consecrated in due form by Illustrious Bro . tho Hon . Dr .
Hamilton 33 ' , Past Grand Chaplain of tho Supreme Council for England and Wales and the Dependencies of the British Crown . Tho M . W . S . E . Bro . W . Andrews was then installed by III . Bro . Capt . P . Dadson 32 dog ., and tho Officers for the ensuing year were appointed . E . Bro . IT . Garcia was elected as M . W . S . and E . Bro . C . H . Davis as Treasurer for the Jamaica Chapter . Tho installation
• will take place on St . George a day . E . Bro . Lieut . W . C . H . Hastings , R . N . was raised to tho 30 th degree . The brethren belonging to the Army and Navy have come to the determination to have a Lodge of their own . Consequently , at the last ordinary meeting of tho Sussex Lodge the members recommended to H . R . H . tho Prince of Wales Most Worshipfnl Grand Master of England , through the Right
Hon . Dr . R . Hamilton , several brethren to form a new Craft Lodgo , to bo held in Kingston , to be called the United Service Lodge aud to he confined to the officers of the Army and Navy . Bro . Commander Narry , R . N . ( of H . M . S . Nugent ) is named as first Master , Bro . Captain W . Marin A . P . D . as Senior Warden , and Bro . Lieut . Stewart Polkinghorn , R . N . as tho first Junior Warden . We confess ¦ we scarcely see the necessity for the opening of another Lodge
exclusively for the Army and Navy when the Phcanix , which has been in existence for many years , has for its Mnster the Commodore ' s Secretary , Surgeons of the Navy and others who hold important positions in the Services . At present tho Phcenix Master , Dr . J . Tyndall , has had to leave the island , his time of service on tho Station having expired before he had tho pleasure of ruling his Lodge for twelve months .
Independent Lodge, No. 236 I.C., At Port Louis, Mauritius.
THE regular installation meeting of this Lodgo was held on Sfc . John ' s Day , Saturday , 27 th December 1879 . There wore present members of all the Lodges in the island . Bro . A . G . Rickwood P . M . being duly proclaimed and saluted as W . M . for the second year , he invested the following Officers : —Bros- G . Lewisen P . M . of tho British and Friendship Lodges S . W ., F . Mathews J . W ., J . N . Graves
Sec ., A . B . Commins Treas ., H . W . Rickwood S . D ., J . J . Asher J . D ., J . Jones I . G ., J . Corbotfc Steward , Dumont Tyler . The business of the evening being completed , the brethren adjonrned bo tho banquet room , whero a first-rate dinner was served , of which no less than sixty-seven brethren partook . The usual Loyal toasts were proposed , and most enthusiastically received . Tho proceedings terminated by the usual compliment being paid to all distressed brethren .
Hong Kong.
I TIHE Freemasons never do things by halves . It is now some years •*¦ since a Masonic Ball has been given by the Craffc in Hong Kong , the last occasion being on tho 22 nd Jan . 1874 , when a highly successful ball took place at the City Hall , Sir Arthur and Miss Kennedy gracing ifc with their presence . That entertainment was , however ,
surpassed b y the present ball given in the City Hall , to which upwards of 800 guests were invited . The assemblage was a numerous and brilliant one , the decorations were of a superb description aud in tho best possible taste , the arrangements for dancing and refreshment were all that could bo desired , and the wholo entertainment did tho
greatest honour alike to tho generosity and tasts of tho members of the Craft . The ball will , in fact , be an event to be remembered in the colony . At tho entrance to the City Hall an imposing portico covered with evergreens and hung with lanterns had been erected , and immediatel y in front of this on a lofty post the powerful anrand lamp .
wnich has on ono or two occasions been exhibited in different parts of the town , had been placed . In the entrance hall the pillars were lestooned with evergreens , and plants and enfc foliage lined the way to the stairs . At the foot of tho stairs were two massive gilt pillars reaching nearl y to the ceiling , each adorned with chapiters . These
pillars wero surmounted by two spherical balls , on which were delineated maps of tho celestial and terrestrial globes , with a ring of gas jets around them , and suspended between these was tho emblematic square and compass in gas , with the letter G . in the centre . The stairs were covered with a red carpet edged with bine and white , and on the fiT VM " ' fncitl " entrance , was the W . M . ' s pedestal , bearing me bible and the perfect ashlar , with crossed sVrords in front , the
Hong Kong.
pedestal being surrounded with cut flowers . Above this was a hand * somo mirror , surmounted by a star in gas . On each side of this was fixed a similar star with Master Masons' shields between . On tho side walla wero hung four largo pictures representing tho four cardinal virtues , namely . Temperance , Fortitude , Prudence , and Justice , each surmounted by a star . Tho effect of theso decorations was
resplendent , and tho staircase looked especially brilliant . On the top landing , abovo the staircase , hung a portrait of tho M . W . G . M . hia Royal Highness the Prince of Wato * , with a five-pointed star abovo , and tho walls wero decked with tho flags and arms of various nations . Both St . George ' s and St . Andrew's Halls wero used for dancing , and oach was elegantly decorated . Afc the linad of tho former was a
magnificent trophy composed of Masonio furniture and emblems of nearly every degree in Masonry , surmounted by tho banner of the District Grand Lodge of Hong Kong and South China and flanked by the banners of tho Perseverance Lodge and Royal Arch . Around tho walls wore hung flags , shields bearing Masonic emblems , and tho Royal Arch bannorets . Tho decorations in St . Andrew ' s Hall wore of
a similar character , at the head of tho room boing the sqnaro and compass in gilt and the banner of the Zetland Lodge . Tho verandahs wore tented in with flags and hung with Chinese and Japanese lanterns with Masonio emblems painted on thorn . About a quarter to ten his Excellencv Major-General Donovan , Mrs . Donovan , Lady Smale , tho Hon . W . H . and Mrs . Marsh arrived , when the Depnty District Grand
Master vory Worshipfnl Bro . C . P . Chater , supported by tho Officers of the District Grand Lodge , received them in the portico . The D . D . G . M . escorted Mrs . Donovan , tho rest of the party following , under an " arch of steel" formed by tho Knights Templar to the foofc of the staircase , which was lined on either side by members of tho Royal Arch and Master Masons in full regalia , presenting altogether
an imposing spectacle . The procession was heralded by trumpeters belonging to tho 27 th Regiment , aud procoeded to tho ladies cloak room . Another procession was then formed to tho head of St . George ' s Hall , tho Masons lining tho route on either side . The ballroom presented a scene of gaiety never , perhaps , equalled in Houg Kong , all the Masons being dressed in their various collars , scarves and aprons .
Dancing was commenced about ten o ' clock to tho strains of tho bund of the 27 th Inniskillings , under tho direction of Horr Werner . The ball was opened by Mrs . Donovan with the D . D . G . M ., tho General taking Lady Smale , Commodore Smith Mrs . Marsh , and tho Hon . W . H . Marsh Mrs . Geddes . Supper took place at midnight , after the tenth dance , the guests again passing under an arch of steel formed
by the Rose Croix . The theatre had been improvised for the supperroom , a temporary floor having been constructed on the level of the orchestra . The decorations here were perhaps more brilliant than in tho ball rooms . Ou the stage was tho V . W . D . D . G . M . ' s table , afc which Major-General and Mrs . Donovan , La'ly Smale , Hon . W . II . aud Mrs . Marsh , Colonel Stuart R . E ., Lienfc .-Colonol and Mrs . Hall , Lieut .-
Colonel and Mrs . Geddes , and Commodoro Smith were seated . Behind tin ' s there was a fountain playing , the band being placed at the rear . The general tables in the auditorium wero arranged in tho form of Masonio emblems , the square and compass occupying the greater portion of tho space , with another tablo between tho points of tho compass in the form of tho Senior Warden's level , while on each side were
tables in the form of tho Junior Warden ' s plumb-rule . On the tables was a large quantity of racing plate , kindly lent ; by tho owners . The theatre was hung with festoons and lanterns , with numerous five-pointed stars , while in front of fche Governor's box was a device of Masonio banners and shields . While the decorations were splendid , it is needless to say that tho catering was of tho besfc . Tho menu cards when
folded np represented tho aprons of Master Masons , Royal Arch , Mark Masters , and Rose Croix , and wero very neat and unique . Tho D . D . G . M . having sounded tho gavel , proposed thetoasfc of "the Queen and the Craft , " the band plaving , "God save the Queen . " Tho D . D . G . M . next propospd tho health of "H . R . H . tho Princo of Wales , the Most Worshipfnl Grand Master of England , and the other members
of the Royal Family , " when the band played " God bless the Prince of Wales . " After this the District Grand Tvler , Bro . J . R . Grimble , proposed the toast of "All the Poor and Distressed Masons . " This concluded the list of toasts . After supper dancing was renewed , and wns continued until about half past throe o ' clock . —London and China Telegraph .
The South London Masonic Hall.
WE are pleased to learn , from reports which appear from time to time in tho local press , that the accommodation lately provided by Bro . Isaac at tho White Hart , Belvedere-Road , Lambeth , is being patronised by others than the members of the mystic tie , indeed thafc the extensive rooms recently opened aro becoming well known among the employes of tho large ( irms of the neighbourhood , many of whom now hold their annnal suppers cr other gatherings under tho roof of tho
South London Masonic Hall . Wo aro assured on all sides thafc Bro . Isaac gives satisfaction to his numerous guests , and we need hardly say that such is onr experience as regards his catering for the Vitrovian Lodge , at tho gatherings of whioh we have on moro than one occasion assisted . From reports now before us of the annual dinner
of the South Wesern Railway employes ( outdoor department , Waterloo ) , and of the annual Club supper of the employe ' s of Messrs . Nobles and Hoaro , which aro among the more recent ; gatherings , we learn that most pleasant evenings havo been spent , and we can ouly hope that such may bo tho experience of all who patronise our brother iu tho fnfcnro .
HOLLOWAT ' OIITTIIEUT AWD PILLS . —Much watchfulness must be exercised during winter , and the earliest evidences of ill health must bo immediately checked and removed , or a slight illness may result in a serious malady . Relaxed and sore throat , quussev , throat cough , chrome cough , bronchitis , and most other pulmonary affections will be relieved by rubbing this cooling ointment into tho skin as noar as practicable to the seat of mischief . This treatment so simple and effective , is admirably adapted for tho removal of these diseases during infancy and youth- Old asthmatic invalids will derive marvellous relief from the use of Holloway ' s remedies , which havo brought round many such , sufferers , and re-established health after every other means had signally failed .