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Royal Arch Masonry In York.
Treasurer ; Comp . C . G . Padel to the office of S . N ., and Comp . P . Pearson to thafc of Janitor . On tho proposition of tho M . E . Z ., seconded by the II ., Comp . A . M . Broadley P . Z . Ancient Carthage Chapter 1717 was elected au honorary member . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions adjourned to an excellent suppor , after which a short toast list was gono through . In proposing the
Honorary Members of tho Chapter , the M . E . Z . said that tho Eboracnm was fortunate in having afc least ono honorary member who had already proved himself really useful . Ho alluded to E . Comp . Todd , who had given them so ably tho mystical lecture that evening . Ho tho ( M . E . Z . ) had not been enjoying very good health of late , and it would have been quite impossible for him to havo delivered the lecture as
it ought to be given , and had it nofc been for the kindness of Comp . Todd ifc would havo to bo postponed . Comp . Todd , Prov . G . J ., in responding , said thafc he was glad to seo tho Eboracnm Chapter making snch an excellent start , and under its present rulers he had no doubt it would rival the Eboracum Lodgo in its excellence of working and success . Tho P . S . proposed the health of the M . E . Z .,
saying that his energy was unfailing , and whatever degree they wont into , Bro . AVhytehead seemed to be tho pivot on which it swung . The M . E . Z . said thab whilsb thanking tho P . S . and tho brethren for their kindness , ho trusted that what he had said about his connection with various degrees was not justified by facts , for he should think it a bad day for any Lodge , Chapter or Conclave
when its prosperity hung on the existence of any ono member . As it was , he knew that he was surrounded and supported by so many hearty and warm-hearted Masons thab the success of tho York Masonio bodies was assured by the combined energy and influence of genuine Masonio feeling . Tho evening sitting was not prolonged ; and tho Comps . parted early . Comp . G . Balmford , J . 236 , acted as Organist .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
The annual meeting of tho Grand Chapter of the Province , convened by the M . E . Provincial Graud Superintendent ( Comp . W . W . B . Beach , M . P . ) , was held at the Masonic Hall , Basingstoke , on Friday afternoon , 30 th ult ., when tho following officers were appointed for tho ensuing year : —Comps . Hickman , P . G . H . ; Dew , P . G . J . ; Le Feuvro P . G .
Scribe E . ; Newman , P . G . Scribe N . ; M . E . Frost , P . G . Treasr . ; Arnold , P . G . P . S . ; V . Brown , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; Francis , P . G . 2 nd A . S ; Stone , P . G . Regr . ; Thatcher , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Palsgrave , P . G . Stand Br . ; Osborne , P . G . Org . ; Powell , P . G . D . C . ; Biggs and Exell , P . G . Janitors .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
rTlHE Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Yorkshire held its quarterly - * - court ab Pontefract on AVednesday , 28 th nit . The proceedings throughout were of a moro than ordinarily attractive and interesting character . The preliminary Lodge having been opened by the W . M . and Officers of St . Oswald Lodge ( No . 910 ) , Pontefract , Provincial Grand Lodge entered , and having been duly opened , was presided over
by Bro . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., R . W . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . T . W . Tow D . P . G . M ., and a large muster of P . G . Officers . Notwith . standing the severity of fche weather , nearly every Lodgo in fche province was represented , about 250 brethren putting in an appearance . After the customary salutation of the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Sir Henry Edwards said : Brethren and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , —Onco more , and afc the commencement of a new year , Anno Lucis 5880 , 1 have the gratification of meeting the Craft of AVest Yorkshire assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge , and in doing so tender to the different Lodges here represented the heartiest congratulations of the new year . As year after year rolls away , when in my capacity
as your Prov . Grand Masterl have to reciprocate the best wishes of this season , I cannot bnt feel pleasure in this recurring opportunity of offering to every one of you my felicitations upon the welfare , happiness , and unanimity of tho Freemasons , as a body , in my province . Let ns hope that this new year opens with evidences of prosperity to all ; that in spite of hostile tariffs , and a too dear labour market afc
home , wo , as a nation , havo bid adieu to fcho worst ; period of commercial depression , and may look forward in a spirib of confidence to a happier future both as regards agriculture and commerce . Tho brother who to-day has been able to withstand the strain of discouragement should bo thankful indeed ; and he who has not been unprosperous should draw a comparison with his less fortunate
brethren whose prospects wero enco of the hi ghest , yet , through no fault of their own , have been struck down in their career of prosperity , and reduced , it may be , in some cases , to depths of poverty and distress . Towards such some of us can give counsel and advice , and others the assistance of that charity which blesses him thafc gives as well as him thafc receives ; and all of us can offer that sympathy to those who have
been the least fortunate , which acts like balm poured out upon the troubled spirit ; , by encouraging renewed efforts for the future . AVe must now devote a moment to the consideration of the extent to which our Masonic circle of good of late has attained . Our welfare , as a Masonic body , has steadily progressed . During the Masonic year , although no now Warrants wero granted for AVest Yorkshire , yefc 65 new AVarrants were granted by tho M . W . Grand Master his Royal
Highness the Prince of AVales ; and there is no lack of desire to join onr ranks in the 7475 certificates granted by Grand Lodge . The financial result of our Featival is , thafc sums of money havo beon realised for our threo Charities far beyond what could have been anticipated , £ 44 , 800 , and now there is a special appeal to the brethren throughout the country to establish a Royal Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund , and if the founders of this fund can create an organisation for preventing some portion of the heartburning that ensues to candidate . ft
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
who have not beon successful afc tho ballot of the Masonic Charities it will havo yonr dispassionate consideration and support , and tho founders , if the scheme bo successful , will bo rewarded for the trouble they havo taken in inaugurating this , and to prevent disappointment at the elections of candidates in London . Thoro is now under consideration tho projected extension of fche Girls' School . It is
intended to spond £ 6 , 500 for tho purchase of a house , on three-quarters of an aero of ground adjoining tho Girl ' s School afc Battersea Rise . Tho policy in an outlay of so largo a sum for an old building , nnd so small an area as this purchase of Lyncombo Honso , is in itself a question for deliberation in your Lodges . Considering tho large annual amount required to maintain tho present School , tho addition this purchase
will entail is a serious item , because ifc is virtually permanent , and pledges tho future generation to a still greater amount for maintenance than wo aro afc present committed to . Ifc will bo gratifying to West Yorkshire that at tho Quarterly Court of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution , held in London on tho 10 th Jan ., in pursuance of notice given by tho chairman of our Charity Committeo , the Court has
accepted tho sum of 1000 guineas from this province , for a porpetnal presentation of ono girl to the School , to bo called " The Bentley Shaw Presentation ; " tho right of such presentation being vested in tho Provincial Grand Master of AVest Yorkshire for tho timo being , or other duly authorised person , in accordance with an agreement similar to thoso providing for presentations from AVest Yorkshire to tho Boys '
School , Wood Green . Tho cash paid into tho bank on account of this fund is £ 1 , 035 . Shonld tho donations promised nofc all bo paid , yon may rely upon the guarantee offered by myself and Deputy for the balance when tho money has to bo handed over to the Court . Referringto another of our Charities , the Festival of tho Aged Freemasons ' and Widows' Annnity Fund is fixed for Monday the 9 th February , in
the Freemasons' Hall . Tho Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , tho Earl of Zetland , has consented to take tho chair . I should like tho noble Earl and his Deputy , Dr . Bell , to bo surrounded by a goodly list of Stewards from this Province . My Deputy , and probably myself , will bo present , and wo trust the old contributing Stewards of Wesfc Yorkshire may bo supported by now names . On
tho list in circulation I seo tho old names of thoso who havo served tho office of Steward three , five , and eight times over . I appeal to tho AVorshipful Masters of Lodges to obtain fresh subscribers . AVe much regret the retirement from tho Secretaryship of fche Grand Lodge of England of Brother Hervey , through failing health . Every one of us can speak of tho learning and excellent qualities of Brother
Hervey , and the invaluable services ho has rendered to tho Craft . May tho Great Architect of fcho Universe spare his life for some years to como to enjoy the pension of £ 500 a year , and tho gratuity Grand Lodgo has awarded to him , with tho unanimous concurrence of tha Craffc . And lastly , brethren , as this Provincial Grand Lodgo has assembled for tho " third timo , since its establishment in 1862 , under
tho banner of the " Saint Oswald " Lodge , and in this Town Hall , lefc me express tho acknowledgments of the province to Brother W . S . Simpson , the Worshipfnl Master , and his Officers , for their invitation and arrangements . The previous occasion was one never to be forgotten . It was the last public appearance in this province in his official capacity as Grand Master of AVesfc Yorkshire of the Marquess
of Ripon . He laid tho foundation stone of St . Stephen's Church , East Hardwick , October 1872 . Principally through the energies of tho Freemasons of this Lodge that work is completed , and tho church has been consecrated . A now vicarage honso has been also added by the liberality of the Craft , and tho old trust school there pub upon a better educational footing . The son of an old Freemason of this
province is now tho vicar of that newly-created ecclesiastical parish , and not only is ho personally popular , bub his ministerial services aro much appreciated . To-day bhe Freemasons of bhis Province are asked to inaugurate another charitable work , viz , that of a new and much needed bniWmg for the Dispensary of this town . The Vicar of Pontefract has invited us to tho Parish Church of Saint Giles , and wo
thank him for according us an opportunity of promoting this work , which my Deputy , who is the treasurer and secretary of the institntion , and his brethren of " Sainfc Oswald ' s " have , with others , so much ab heart to accomplish . And last , nofc least , wo thank tho Rev . J . J . Christie for permitting tho Freemasons of AVesfc Yorkshire to show their public attachment to and belief in tho volume of the sacred law
aud the principles of religious faith . May Jehovah bless and prosper this work of a new Dispensary . I havo accepted a cordial invitation from tho brethren of tho two Lodges in Dewsbury to hold tho annual meeting under their banners , in April next , afc Dewsbury . A petition was forwarded to mo for this purpose from tho AVorshipful Masters of 208 and 827 , and recommended hy our Provincial Grand Registrar and
Brothers AVhitaker and Critchloy . It now only remains for to acknowledge your salutation . I feel a pride in the progress of tho Masonic work wo undertake , and I am sure thafc you will one and all join with mo in wishing every member of tho Graft a happy and prosperous year .
The business of Provincial Grand Lodge being concluded , tho brethren formed into order of procession , and marched to St . Giles ' Church , where , by permission of the vicar , a sermon was preached by the Rev . Brother John Room , and a collection made in aid of the fnnds . After service the brethren returned to the Lodge room , when Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed . —Yorkshire Post .
Wo have received a copy of the 1880 issue of the diary of Masonic Meetings in East Lancashire , which is compiled by tho Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . John Chadwick . With a Province comprising so many Lodges as East Lancashire , our brother has had no light task , for even
though ho may have the best wishes of the Secretaries of every Lodge in his district , he cannot rely on receiving from them the necessary information , except after a great amount of labour . The work appears to have been most carefully undertaken .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Arch Masonry In York.
Treasurer ; Comp . C . G . Padel to the office of S . N ., and Comp . P . Pearson to thafc of Janitor . On tho proposition of tho M . E . Z ., seconded by the II ., Comp . A . M . Broadley P . Z . Ancient Carthage Chapter 1717 was elected au honorary member . Tho Chapter was then closed , and tho Companions adjourned to an excellent suppor , after which a short toast list was gono through . In proposing the
Honorary Members of tho Chapter , the M . E . Z . said that tho Eboracnm was fortunate in having afc least ono honorary member who had already proved himself really useful . Ho alluded to E . Comp . Todd , who had given them so ably tho mystical lecture that evening . Ho tho ( M . E . Z . ) had not been enjoying very good health of late , and it would have been quite impossible for him to havo delivered the lecture as
it ought to be given , and had it nofc been for the kindness of Comp . Todd ifc would havo to bo postponed . Comp . Todd , Prov . G . J ., in responding , said thafc he was glad to seo tho Eboracnm Chapter making snch an excellent start , and under its present rulers he had no doubt it would rival the Eboracum Lodgo in its excellence of working and success . Tho P . S . proposed the health of the M . E . Z .,
saying that his energy was unfailing , and whatever degree they wont into , Bro . AVhytehead seemed to be tho pivot on which it swung . The M . E . Z . said thab whilsb thanking tho P . S . and tho brethren for their kindness , ho trusted that what he had said about his connection with various degrees was not justified by facts , for he should think it a bad day for any Lodge , Chapter or Conclave
when its prosperity hung on the existence of any ono member . As it was , he knew that he was surrounded and supported by so many hearty and warm-hearted Masons thab the success of tho York Masonio bodies was assured by the combined energy and influence of genuine Masonio feeling . Tho evening sitting was not prolonged ; and tho Comps . parted early . Comp . G . Balmford , J . 236 , acted as Organist .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Hampshire.
The annual meeting of tho Grand Chapter of the Province , convened by the M . E . Provincial Graud Superintendent ( Comp . W . W . B . Beach , M . P . ) , was held at the Masonic Hall , Basingstoke , on Friday afternoon , 30 th ult ., when tho following officers were appointed for tho ensuing year : —Comps . Hickman , P . G . H . ; Dew , P . G . J . ; Le Feuvro P . G .
Scribe E . ; Newman , P . G . Scribe N . ; M . E . Frost , P . G . Treasr . ; Arnold , P . G . P . S . ; V . Brown , P . G . 1 st A . S . ; Francis , P . G . 2 nd A . S ; Stone , P . G . Regr . ; Thatcher , P . G . Swd . Br . ; Palsgrave , P . G . Stand Br . ; Osborne , P . G . Org . ; Powell , P . G . D . C . ; Biggs and Exell , P . G . Janitors .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
rTlHE Provincial Grand Lodge of AVest Yorkshire held its quarterly - * - court ab Pontefract on AVednesday , 28 th nit . The proceedings throughout were of a moro than ordinarily attractive and interesting character . The preliminary Lodge having been opened by the W . M . and Officers of St . Oswald Lodge ( No . 910 ) , Pontefract , Provincial Grand Lodge entered , and having been duly opened , was presided over
by Bro . Sir Henry Edwards , Bart ., R . W . P . G . M ., assisted by Bro . T . W . Tow D . P . G . M ., and a large muster of P . G . Officers . Notwith . standing the severity of fche weather , nearly every Lodgo in fche province was represented , about 250 brethren putting in an appearance . After the customary salutation of the Provincial Grand Master and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ,
Sir Henry Edwards said : Brethren and Officers of Provincial Grand Lodge , —Onco more , and afc the commencement of a new year , Anno Lucis 5880 , 1 have the gratification of meeting the Craft of AVest Yorkshire assembled in Provincial Grand Lodge , and in doing so tender to the different Lodges here represented the heartiest congratulations of the new year . As year after year rolls away , when in my capacity
as your Prov . Grand Masterl have to reciprocate the best wishes of this season , I cannot bnt feel pleasure in this recurring opportunity of offering to every one of you my felicitations upon the welfare , happiness , and unanimity of tho Freemasons , as a body , in my province . Let ns hope that this new year opens with evidences of prosperity to all ; that in spite of hostile tariffs , and a too dear labour market afc
home , wo , as a nation , havo bid adieu to fcho worst ; period of commercial depression , and may look forward in a spirib of confidence to a happier future both as regards agriculture and commerce . Tho brother who to-day has been able to withstand the strain of discouragement should bo thankful indeed ; and he who has not been unprosperous should draw a comparison with his less fortunate
brethren whose prospects wero enco of the hi ghest , yet , through no fault of their own , have been struck down in their career of prosperity , and reduced , it may be , in some cases , to depths of poverty and distress . Towards such some of us can give counsel and advice , and others the assistance of that charity which blesses him thafc gives as well as him thafc receives ; and all of us can offer that sympathy to those who have
been the least fortunate , which acts like balm poured out upon the troubled spirit ; , by encouraging renewed efforts for the future . AVe must now devote a moment to the consideration of the extent to which our Masonic circle of good of late has attained . Our welfare , as a Masonic body , has steadily progressed . During the Masonic year , although no now Warrants wero granted for AVest Yorkshire , yefc 65 new AVarrants were granted by tho M . W . Grand Master his Royal
Highness the Prince of AVales ; and there is no lack of desire to join onr ranks in the 7475 certificates granted by Grand Lodge . The financial result of our Featival is , thafc sums of money havo beon realised for our threo Charities far beyond what could have been anticipated , £ 44 , 800 , and now there is a special appeal to the brethren throughout the country to establish a Royal Masonic Pupils' Assistance Fund , and if the founders of this fund can create an organisation for preventing some portion of the heartburning that ensues to candidate . ft
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Yorkshire.
who have not beon successful afc tho ballot of the Masonic Charities it will havo yonr dispassionate consideration and support , and tho founders , if the scheme bo successful , will bo rewarded for the trouble they havo taken in inaugurating this , and to prevent disappointment at the elections of candidates in London . Thoro is now under consideration tho projected extension of fche Girls' School . It is
intended to spond £ 6 , 500 for tho purchase of a house , on three-quarters of an aero of ground adjoining tho Girl ' s School afc Battersea Rise . Tho policy in an outlay of so largo a sum for an old building , nnd so small an area as this purchase of Lyncombo Honso , is in itself a question for deliberation in your Lodges . Considering tho large annual amount required to maintain tho present School , tho addition this purchase
will entail is a serious item , because ifc is virtually permanent , and pledges tho future generation to a still greater amount for maintenance than wo aro afc present committed to . Ifc will bo gratifying to West Yorkshire that at tho Quarterly Court of tho Governors and Subscribers of this Institution , held in London on tho 10 th Jan ., in pursuance of notice given by tho chairman of our Charity Committeo , the Court has
accepted tho sum of 1000 guineas from this province , for a porpetnal presentation of ono girl to the School , to bo called " The Bentley Shaw Presentation ; " tho right of such presentation being vested in tho Provincial Grand Master of AVest Yorkshire for tho timo being , or other duly authorised person , in accordance with an agreement similar to thoso providing for presentations from AVest Yorkshire to tho Boys '
School , Wood Green . Tho cash paid into tho bank on account of this fund is £ 1 , 035 . Shonld tho donations promised nofc all bo paid , yon may rely upon the guarantee offered by myself and Deputy for the balance when tho money has to bo handed over to the Court . Referringto another of our Charities , the Festival of tho Aged Freemasons ' and Widows' Annnity Fund is fixed for Monday the 9 th February , in
the Freemasons' Hall . Tho Provincial Grand Master of North and East Yorkshire , tho Earl of Zetland , has consented to take tho chair . I should like tho noble Earl and his Deputy , Dr . Bell , to bo surrounded by a goodly list of Stewards from this Province . My Deputy , and probably myself , will bo present , and wo trust the old contributing Stewards of Wesfc Yorkshire may bo supported by now names . On
tho list in circulation I seo tho old names of thoso who havo served tho office of Steward three , five , and eight times over . I appeal to tho AVorshipful Masters of Lodges to obtain fresh subscribers . AVe much regret the retirement from tho Secretaryship of fche Grand Lodge of England of Brother Hervey , through failing health . Every one of us can speak of tho learning and excellent qualities of Brother
Hervey , and the invaluable services ho has rendered to tho Craft . May tho Great Architect of fcho Universe spare his life for some years to como to enjoy the pension of £ 500 a year , and tho gratuity Grand Lodgo has awarded to him , with tho unanimous concurrence of tha Craffc . And lastly , brethren , as this Provincial Grand Lodgo has assembled for tho " third timo , since its establishment in 1862 , under
tho banner of the " Saint Oswald " Lodge , and in this Town Hall , lefc me express tho acknowledgments of the province to Brother W . S . Simpson , the Worshipfnl Master , and his Officers , for their invitation and arrangements . The previous occasion was one never to be forgotten . It was the last public appearance in this province in his official capacity as Grand Master of AVesfc Yorkshire of the Marquess
of Ripon . He laid tho foundation stone of St . Stephen's Church , East Hardwick , October 1872 . Principally through the energies of tho Freemasons of this Lodge that work is completed , and tho church has been consecrated . A now vicarage honso has been also added by the liberality of the Craft , and tho old trust school there pub upon a better educational footing . The son of an old Freemason of this
province is now tho vicar of that newly-created ecclesiastical parish , and not only is ho personally popular , bub his ministerial services aro much appreciated . To-day bhe Freemasons of bhis Province are asked to inaugurate another charitable work , viz , that of a new and much needed bniWmg for the Dispensary of this town . The Vicar of Pontefract has invited us to tho Parish Church of Saint Giles , and wo
thank him for according us an opportunity of promoting this work , which my Deputy , who is the treasurer and secretary of the institntion , and his brethren of " Sainfc Oswald ' s " have , with others , so much ab heart to accomplish . And last , nofc least , wo thank tho Rev . J . J . Christie for permitting tho Freemasons of AVesfc Yorkshire to show their public attachment to and belief in tho volume of the sacred law
aud the principles of religious faith . May Jehovah bless and prosper this work of a new Dispensary . I havo accepted a cordial invitation from tho brethren of tho two Lodges in Dewsbury to hold tho annual meeting under their banners , in April next , afc Dewsbury . A petition was forwarded to mo for this purpose from tho AVorshipful Masters of 208 and 827 , and recommended hy our Provincial Grand Registrar and
Brothers AVhitaker and Critchloy . It now only remains for to acknowledge your salutation . I feel a pride in the progress of tho Masonic work wo undertake , and I am sure thafc you will one and all join with mo in wishing every member of tho Graft a happy and prosperous year .
The business of Provincial Grand Lodge being concluded , tho brethren formed into order of procession , and marched to St . Giles ' Church , where , by permission of the vicar , a sermon was preached by the Rev . Brother John Room , and a collection made in aid of the fnnds . After service the brethren returned to the Lodge room , when Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed . —Yorkshire Post .
Wo have received a copy of the 1880 issue of the diary of Masonic Meetings in East Lancashire , which is compiled by tho Provincial Grand Secretary , Bro . John Chadwick . With a Province comprising so many Lodges as East Lancashire , our brother has had no light task , for even
though ho may have the best wishes of the Secretaries of every Lodge in his district , he cannot rely on receiving from them the necessary information , except after a great amount of labour . The work appears to have been most carefully undertaken .