Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICE OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Diary For The Week.
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel . AVaterfoot , near Manchester . 1783—Machon , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester R . A . 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-streot , Manchester R . A . 1393—Hamer , Mnsonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . —Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax
Emulation Lodge ot Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , AV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—AVilliam Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., Edgware-rd . 8 ( Inst . ) 834— Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction ) 903—Burgoyno , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instrnction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapol-road , at 8 ( Instruction )
1066—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Bolgrave , Jermyn-strect , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyno Castlo , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , at 8 ( In . ) . 1365—Clapton , AVhito Hnrt , Lower Clapton , nt 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitro Hotel , Goulborne-rd . N . Kensington , nt 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . C—Mount Calvary , Masonic Hall , 33 Goldcn-squaro
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 155—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 458—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Onsc-street , Goole . 52 B—Honour , Star nnd Garter Hotel , AVolvcnhampton . 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , AVest Bromwich . 697—United , Georgo Hotel , Colchester . 780—Royal Alfred . Star nnd Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction )
815—Blair , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hulmo . 1001—Hnrrognto and Clnro , Mnsonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1087—Beaudesert , Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard , Beds . 12 S 9—Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Mnsonic Hall , Plumstcad . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 406—De Sussex , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., afc 8 ( Instruction ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Nngs Head , Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1426—Tho Great City , Cannon-street Hotel , E . C . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1671—Mizpah , Albion Hotel , Aklersgato-strcct R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , AVood Green . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-strcot , Regent-street , W ., at 8 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester 1612—AVest Middlesex , Tho Institute , Ealing
Notice Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 27 . —Hold at Bro . Mnidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday , 29 th January . Bros . Chapman W . M ., Coulson S . W ., King J . W ., Abrahams S . D ., II . Phillips J . D ., J . A . Carfcby I . G ., AVebb Preceptor , li . Norden Secretary ; also Bros . Davis , Valentine , "Ward , Maidwell , Blitz , Kichards and Haynes . Tho Lodge was opened to the third
degree , and was then resumed in the first . Tho ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge was resumed in tho second degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of investiture of Officers . Bro . Maidwell rehearsed the charges of the installation ceremony . Bro . Haynes was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Coulson was elected AV . M . for ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65- —At Bro . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 27 th ult . Present —Bros . Shadier W . M ., Wooding S . W ., Valentine J . W ., Roberts S . D ., Couture J . D ., J . B . King I . G ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands , Daniel , Ferry , Weller , Walker , Clements , Tarling , Brain . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Walker candidate . The first section of the
lecture was worked by Bro . Moss , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Walker , an initiate , answered the questions leading to tho second degree for his improvement . Bro . Wooding was elected W . M . for ensuing Tuesday . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minntes to Bro . Shadier for the very proficient manner he filled the chair for tho first time . Bro . Sonton announced that ho was deputed to givo
£ 20 from his Lodge to be placed on the lists of Bros . Daniel and J . B . King , for tho Old People , which was accepted , with thanks . Bro . Daniel's ballot then took place , the following proving successful : — Bros . Wooding 1306 , Marleb 1743 , Moss 1275 , Edwards , Kirby , Ferry 65 . Bro . King ' s ballot took placo on Tuesday , 3 rd February , at this Lodge of Instruction .
Old Globe Lodge , Wo . 200 . —On Wednesday afternoon , the 21 st January , the brethren of the Old Globe Lodge met at tho Lodge room , Scarborough , when Bro . W . Benson Eichardson was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . W . Woodall P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., assisted by Bros . Col . W . II . Smythe P . G . M . Lincolnshire , G . H . Walshaw P . M . P . P . G . D . C , D . Fletcher P . M . and J . W . Taylor P . M . Prov . G . S . W . Tho W . M . invested the
following brethren as Officers for ( he year : —Bros . J . E . Dippie S . W ., Geo . Dippie J . W ., J . W . Woodall Treas ., 0 . J . Eoberts Sec , E . Cooper S . D ., E . Hume J . D ., Joseph Hardgrave D . C , J . AV . Taylor Chaplain , B . Shaw Organist , W . Meek and G . E . Coates Stewards , J . Wanless I . G . and Jno . Verity Tyler . The banquet , which was subsequently held in tho Lodge-rcom , was presided over by the VV . M ., and attended by several distinguished brethren from the various towns in the Province .
High Cross Lodge , No . 754 . —The first regular meeting of tho new year was held on Wednesday , the 28 th January , at the Seven Sistois' Hotel , Tottenham , uudpr tlio presidency of Bro . Geo . Burford the VV . M ., who was well supported by his Officers , Past Masters , and a good muster of the brethren , together with tho following Visitors : —
Notice Of Meetings.
Bros . Driscoll P . M . 30 , E . W . Mackney P . M . 131 , George Diokerson 117 , Stevens 1766 , Bryant 1237 , and G . Tegg 1579 . The Lodge was duly opened in ancient form , and the minor business having been disposed of , Bro . A . Smart was passed to the second degree , and the Lecture on the Tracing-board iu that degree was given . The Lodgo unanimously voted that the sum of £ 10 10 s should ho placed on tho
W . M . ' s list , who will act aa Steward to the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution at the forthcoming Festival . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned for refreshment , when ample justice was dono to the far famed catering of tho host , Bro . Oddy . On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Wells P . M ., in tho unavoidable absence of the I . P . M .,
proposed tho health of the W . M ., who thanked tho brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had received the toast ; he trusted he should prove worthy of tho confidence thoy had p laced in him ; it would always bo his desiro to promote tho welfare of the Lodge , and with such an ablo staff of Oflicors ho felt that tho task before him would bo comparatively easy . To tho toast of tho Visitors Bro .
Mackney , in his remarks , expressed great pleasure afc what he had witnessed that evening ; it was quito clear that the principles of Freemasonry woro carried out with thafc excellence which was a credit to any society . Tho rest of fche Visitors briefly replied . Bro . Wells , on behalf of tho Past Masters , expressed tho great pleasure it gavo him—as ho felt suro ifc did to the other Past Masters—in
rendenng any assistance to tho W . M . thafc laid in their power ; as long as ho was able ho should consider ifc his duty to support the chair . Other toasts followed , and a particularly enjoyable evening was spent , as thero happened to bo present many of tho brethren who were ablo to conduce to its harmony , especially may bo mentioned Bro .
Mackney , who thoroughly delighted his hearers , as did also Bro . Driscoll , in giving the "Speech of Mr . Serjeant Buzfuz , " in the celebrated trial of Bardell v . Pickwick . The Tyler ' s toasfc concluded the evening ' s proceedings , and the brethren separated afc a reasonable hour .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 27 th instant Bros . C . Lorkin VV . M ., Smith S . W ., Christian J . W ., Hand S . D ., Johnson J . D ., Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Allen , Fleck , Baker , Worsley , Hallam , Finch , Bingham P . M . 771 , Brasted , Fieldwick , Wardeil , Garrod ,
Perren , Polak , Marsh , Weige W . M . 8 G 0 , T . Cook 1056 , and others . The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and then resumed to the first , when tho Fifteen Sections wero worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Smyth 1524 , Clark I . G . 1178 , Hand 1178 , Christian 860 , Hallam S . W . 1319 , Fieldwick W . M . 1361 , C . Lorkin J . D . 1524 . Second Lecture—Bros . Wardeil S . D . 95 , Hallam S . W . 1349 , Garrod I . G . 754 , Smith S . D . 860 , Worsley S . W . 860 .
Third Lecture—Bros . Brasted J . W . 1524 , Allen VV . M . 733 , Perren P . M . 1056 . Bro . Hand was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Cook was elected a member . A cordial vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes for the able manner in which the W . M . had worked tho Fifteen Sections . He was also elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was likewise recorded to the brethren who assisted to work the Sections .
On 3 rd inst ., present Bros . Hand W . M ., Clark S . W ., Smyth J . W ., Collins S . D ., Wardeil J . D ., Baker I . G .,-J . Lorkin Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Christian , Brasted . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Christian candidate . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming
its Masonic duties , Bro . Christian worked tho first and second , aud Bro . Brasted tho fourth sections , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Clark was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The brethren of tho Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction will work tho Fifteen Sections in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tuesday , 24 th February ( by invitation ) .
Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 . —Tho first meeting since fcho installation was hold on Wednesday , tho 28 th ult ., afc tho Masonio Hall , Air-street , Eegent-streofc , under the presidency of tho W . M ., Bro . L . J . Salomons , Ellis S . W ., A . Lazarus as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , Syers S . D ., Mann I . G ., P . M . ' s Grunebaum , J . Lazarus , S . Abrahams , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes
wero confirmed . Bro . Davis having answered tho usual questions very satisfactorily , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned for slight refreshments . This being an off-night , the brethren , over a social glass and cigar , discussed Masonic affairs , no toasts being given . The Visitors were Bros . L . Alexander P . M . 188 and Phillips 205 .
St . John of Wapping Lodgo , No . 1306—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 14 th instant at the Gun Ho ^* High-street , Wapping , E . Bro . W . W . Hayward opened the Lodgo supported by Bros . C Veal S . W ., J . Magrath J . W ., T . Wooding S . D . i W . Horseley J . D ., J . Carrociero I . G ., E . Hayward P . M . Treasurer ' H . T . Hardy Secretary , A . VV . Coleman I . P . M ., VV . Poore P . M .,
Bros-T . Barnes , Eev . M . C . Brown , J . Sommers , C . Kurnber , T . J . Tarling » A . G . Clements , T . Tyer , J . N . Stevens , H . Parsons , J . McDougall , CEayner , I . P . T . Couture , E . Blaney . Visitors—J . Bowron P . M . and Sec . 933 , G . H . Stephens I . G . 1623 , Crane J . W . 933 , M . Watson 95 ( S . C ) , Bro . Longstaffe Tyler . Bro . Blaney having proved proficient , was entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and he was admitted to the
degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . Clements , Couture , and Eayner were tested as Craftsmen and afterwards entrusted , the W . M . finishing the labours by raising them to the superior degree in a creditable manner . Au interesting event of the evening waa the election as members of Bros . Eev . M . C . Brown 931 . G ., and Thomas Barnes 536 . Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren , after n tcdions wait , partook of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
1612—West Middlesex , Feathers Hotel , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction . ) 1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel . AVaterfoot , near Manchester . 1783—Machon , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotel , Colchester R . A . 163—Integrity , Freemasons' Hall , Cooper-streot , Manchester R . A . 1393—Hamer , Mnsonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . —Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John's-place , Halifax
Emulation Lodge ot Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , AV ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 177—Domatic , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , E . C . 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 766—AVilliam Preston , Feathers Tavern , Up . Georgo-st ., Edgware-rd . 8 ( Inst . ) 834— Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction ) 903—Burgoyno , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instrnction ) 933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapol-road , at 8 ( Instruction )
1066—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Bolgrave , Jermyn-strect , S . W ., nt 8 ( Instruction ) 1288—Finsbury Park M . M ., Earl Russell , Isledon-road , N . at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyno Castlo , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbnry , at 8 ( In . ) . 1365—Clapton , AVhito Hnrt , Lower Clapton , nt 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitro Hotel , Goulborne-rd . N . Kensington , nt 8 . 0 ( Inst . ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel . London-street , Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . C—Mount Calvary , Masonic Hall , 33 Goldcn-squaro
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 155—Perseverance , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 458—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Onsc-street , Goole . 52 B—Honour , Star nnd Garter Hotel , AVolvcnhampton . 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , AVest Bromwich . 697—United , Georgo Hotel , Colchester . 780—Royal Alfred . Star nnd Garter , Kew Bridge , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction )
815—Blair , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hulmo . 1001—Hnrrognto and Clnro , Mnsonic Rooms , Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1087—Beaudesert , Assembly Rooms , Corn Exchange , Leighton Buzzard , Beds . 12 S 9—Rock , Bedford House , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Mnsonic Hall , Plumstcad . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 406—De Sussex , Masonic Hall , Maple-street , Newcastle
198—Percy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Southgate-road , N ., afc 8 ( Instruction ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Nngs Head , Mare-street , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1426—Tho Great City , Cannon-street Hotel , E . C . 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1671—Mizpah , Albion Hotel , Aklersgato-strcct R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , AVood Green . Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-strcot , Regent-street , W ., at 8 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester 1612—AVest Middlesex , Tho Institute , Ealing
Notice Of Meetings.
Egyptian Lodge of Instruction , Wo . 27 . —Hold at Bro . Mnidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , E . G ., on Thursday , 29 th January . Bros . Chapman W . M ., Coulson S . W ., King J . W ., Abrahams S . D ., II . Phillips J . D ., J . A . Carfcby I . G ., AVebb Preceptor , li . Norden Secretary ; also Bros . Davis , Valentine , "Ward , Maidwell , Blitz , Kichards and Haynes . Tho Lodge was opened to the third
degree , and was then resumed in the first . Tho ceremony of initiation was ably rehearsed by the W . M . The Lodge was resumed in tho second degree , and the W . M . rehearsed the ceremony of investiture of Officers . Bro . Maidwell rehearsed the charges of the installation ceremony . Bro . Haynes was unanimously elected a member . Bro . Coulson was elected AV . M . for ensuing week , and appointed Officers in rotation .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction , No . 65- —At Bro . Maidwell's , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 27 th ult . Present —Bros . Shadier W . M ., Wooding S . W ., Valentine J . W ., Roberts S . D ., Couture J . D ., J . B . King I . G ., Moss Preceptor , Hollands , Daniel , Ferry , Weller , Walker , Clements , Tarling , Brain . Tho ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Walker candidate . The first section of the
lecture was worked by Bro . Moss , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Walker , an initiate , answered the questions leading to tho second degree for his improvement . Bro . Wooding was elected W . M . for ensuing Tuesday . A vote of thanks was recorded on tho minntes to Bro . Shadier for the very proficient manner he filled the chair for tho first time . Bro . Sonton announced that ho was deputed to givo
£ 20 from his Lodge to be placed on the lists of Bros . Daniel and J . B . King , for tho Old People , which was accepted , with thanks . Bro . Daniel's ballot then took place , the following proving successful : — Bros . Wooding 1306 , Marleb 1743 , Moss 1275 , Edwards , Kirby , Ferry 65 . Bro . King ' s ballot took placo on Tuesday , 3 rd February , at this Lodge of Instruction .
Old Globe Lodge , Wo . 200 . —On Wednesday afternoon , the 21 st January , the brethren of the Old Globe Lodge met at tho Lodge room , Scarborough , when Bro . W . Benson Eichardson was installed as W . M . for the ensuing year , the ceremony being performed by Bro . J . W . Woodall P . M . P . P . G . S . W ., assisted by Bros . Col . W . II . Smythe P . G . M . Lincolnshire , G . H . Walshaw P . M . P . P . G . D . C , D . Fletcher P . M . and J . W . Taylor P . M . Prov . G . S . W . Tho W . M . invested the
following brethren as Officers for ( he year : —Bros . J . E . Dippie S . W ., Geo . Dippie J . W ., J . W . Woodall Treas ., 0 . J . Eoberts Sec , E . Cooper S . D ., E . Hume J . D ., Joseph Hardgrave D . C , J . AV . Taylor Chaplain , B . Shaw Organist , W . Meek and G . E . Coates Stewards , J . Wanless I . G . and Jno . Verity Tyler . The banquet , which was subsequently held in tho Lodge-rcom , was presided over by the VV . M ., and attended by several distinguished brethren from the various towns in the Province .
High Cross Lodge , No . 754 . —The first regular meeting of tho new year was held on Wednesday , the 28 th January , at the Seven Sistois' Hotel , Tottenham , uudpr tlio presidency of Bro . Geo . Burford the VV . M ., who was well supported by his Officers , Past Masters , and a good muster of the brethren , together with tho following Visitors : —
Notice Of Meetings.
Bros . Driscoll P . M . 30 , E . W . Mackney P . M . 131 , George Diokerson 117 , Stevens 1766 , Bryant 1237 , and G . Tegg 1579 . The Lodge was duly opened in ancient form , and the minor business having been disposed of , Bro . A . Smart was passed to the second degree , and the Lecture on the Tracing-board iu that degree was given . The Lodgo unanimously voted that the sum of £ 10 10 s should ho placed on tho
W . M . ' s list , who will act aa Steward to the Eoyal Masonio Benevolent Institution at the forthcoming Festival . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned for refreshment , when ample justice was dono to the far famed catering of tho host , Bro . Oddy . On the removal of the cloth , tho W . M . gave the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts . Bro . Wells P . M ., in tho unavoidable absence of the I . P . M .,
proposed tho health of the W . M ., who thanked tho brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had received the toast ; he trusted he should prove worthy of tho confidence thoy had p laced in him ; it would always bo his desiro to promote tho welfare of the Lodge , and with such an ablo staff of Oflicors ho felt that tho task before him would bo comparatively easy . To tho toast of tho Visitors Bro .
Mackney , in his remarks , expressed great pleasure afc what he had witnessed that evening ; it was quito clear that the principles of Freemasonry woro carried out with thafc excellence which was a credit to any society . Tho rest of fche Visitors briefly replied . Bro . Wells , on behalf of tho Past Masters , expressed tho great pleasure it gavo him—as ho felt suro ifc did to the other Past Masters—in
rendenng any assistance to tho W . M . thafc laid in their power ; as long as ho was able ho should consider ifc his duty to support the chair . Other toasts followed , and a particularly enjoyable evening was spent , as thero happened to bo present many of tho brethren who were ablo to conduce to its harmony , especially may bo mentioned Bro .
Mackney , who thoroughly delighted his hearers , as did also Bro . Driscoll , in giving the "Speech of Mr . Serjeant Buzfuz , " in the celebrated trial of Bardell v . Pickwick . The Tyler ' s toasfc concluded the evening ' s proceedings , and the brethren separated afc a reasonable hour .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —At Bro Smyth's , Sisters' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston , on 27 th instant Bros . C . Lorkin VV . M ., Smith S . W ., Christian J . W ., Hand S . D ., Johnson J . D ., Clark I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , Smyth Treas ., Wallington P . M . Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Allen , Fleck , Baker , Worsley , Hallam , Finch , Bingham P . M . 771 , Brasted , Fieldwick , Wardeil , Garrod ,
Perren , Polak , Marsh , Weige W . M . 8 G 0 , T . Cook 1056 , and others . The Lodge was opened in tho three degrees , and then resumed to the first , when tho Fifteen Sections wero worked by the following brethren : —First Lecture—Bros . Smyth 1524 , Clark I . G . 1178 , Hand 1178 , Christian 860 , Hallam S . W . 1319 , Fieldwick W . M . 1361 , C . Lorkin J . D . 1524 . Second Lecture—Bros . Wardeil S . D . 95 , Hallam S . W . 1349 , Garrod I . G . 754 , Smith S . D . 860 , Worsley S . W . 860 .
Third Lecture—Bros . Brasted J . W . 1524 , Allen VV . M . 733 , Perren P . M . 1056 . Bro . Hand was appointed W . M . for tho ensuing week . Bro . Cook was elected a member . A cordial vote of thanks was ordered to bo recorded on the minutes for the able manner in which the W . M . had worked tho Fifteen Sections . He was also elected an honorary member of the Lodge . A vote of thanks was likewise recorded to the brethren who assisted to work the Sections .
On 3 rd inst ., present Bros . Hand W . M ., Clark S . W ., Smyth J . W ., Collins S . D ., Wardeil J . D ., Baker I . G .,-J . Lorkin Secretary , P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; also Bros . Dallas , Christian , Brasted . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Christian candidate . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming
its Masonic duties , Bro . Christian worked tho first and second , aud Bro . Brasted tho fourth sections , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Clark was elected W . M . for tho ensuing week . The brethren of tho Eoyal Standard Lodge of Instruction will work tho Fifteen Sections in this Lodgo of Instruction on Tuesday , 24 th February ( by invitation ) .
Montefiore Lodge , No . 1017 . —Tho first meeting since fcho installation was hold on Wednesday , tho 28 th ult ., afc tho Masonio Hall , Air-street , Eegent-streofc , under the presidency of tho W . M ., Bro . L . J . Salomons , Ellis S . W ., A . Lazarus as J . W ., L . Jacobs Treas ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Sec , Syers S . D ., Mann I . G ., P . M . ' s Grunebaum , J . Lazarus , S . Abrahams , & c . Tho Lodge was opened , and the minutes
wero confirmed . Bro . Davis having answered tho usual questions very satisfactorily , was raised to the sublime degree of a Master Mason . Tho Lodge was then closed , and tho brethren adjourned for slight refreshments . This being an off-night , the brethren , over a social glass and cigar , discussed Masonic affairs , no toasts being given . The Visitors were Bros . L . Alexander P . M . 188 and Phillips 205 .
St . John of Wapping Lodgo , No . 1306—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on the 14 th instant at the Gun Ho ^* High-street , Wapping , E . Bro . W . W . Hayward opened the Lodgo supported by Bros . C Veal S . W ., J . Magrath J . W ., T . Wooding S . D . i W . Horseley J . D ., J . Carrociero I . G ., E . Hayward P . M . Treasurer ' H . T . Hardy Secretary , A . VV . Coleman I . P . M ., VV . Poore P . M .,
Bros-T . Barnes , Eev . M . C . Brown , J . Sommers , C . Kurnber , T . J . Tarling » A . G . Clements , T . Tyer , J . N . Stevens , H . Parsons , J . McDougall , CEayner , I . P . T . Couture , E . Blaney . Visitors—J . Bowron P . M . and Sec . 933 , G . H . Stephens I . G . 1623 , Crane J . W . 933 , M . Watson 95 ( S . C ) , Bro . Longstaffe Tyler . Bro . Blaney having proved proficient , was entrusted . Lodge was advanced , and he was admitted to the
degree of Fellow Craft . Bros . Clements , Couture , and Eayner were tested as Craftsmen and afterwards entrusted , the W . M . finishing the labours by raising them to the superior degree in a creditable manner . Au interesting event of the evening waa the election as members of Bros . Eev . M . C . Brown 931 . G ., and Thomas Barnes 536 . Lodgo was closed , and tho brethren , after n tcdions wait , partook of