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Notice Of Meetings.
supper . Owing to the length of tho business and the delay , the VV . M . was compelled to put the toasts rather briefly , but in his usual happy manner . After the Loyal and Craft toasts had beon duly honoured , and a song sung by Bro . Veal , Bro . Coleman I . P . M . proposed the health of the VV . M ., who in response expressed his thanks for the reception of his name ; ho would apologise if ho had fallen
short in the work of the Lodge , and was gratified to fiud his efforts wero appreciated . The P . M . ' s was received with applause . Bro . Beck , who had so often distinguished himself , tho W . M . regretted was absent . Bro . Poore , who had kept away through illness , they were very glad to seo . Thafc evening ho had filled a double capacity , and had proved a host in himself by his unremitting attention to tho
Visitors at tho table . Bro . Coleman had also rendered tho Lodge good service , and they wero all pleased to see hia happy and blooming countenance in their midst . Bro . P . M . Poore thanked the W . M . and brethren for the flattering reception of the toasfc . Ho was pleased to find the W . M . so well acquainted with the duties that ho did not require the service of tho P . M . ' s , which however thoy were afc all times
ready to afford . Tho Visitors , which tho W . M . considered tho toast of the evening , was heartily received . Ho was sure tho Visitors would agree with him that ifc was nofc outward display thafc gavo a welcome , but the innermost sentiment of tho heart . The Lodgo of Wapping was always pleased with its Visitors . Bro . Stephens will never wear his welcome out . Bro . P . M . Bowron they Avero glad to see
again ; Bro . Crane he had known under other circumstances , and he was glad to meet him for the first timo in Masonry . To Bro . Watson the W . M . also extended a hearty welcome . Bro . Poore favoured the brethren with " Happy be thy dreams , " after which Bro . Crano responded . The VV . M . next honoured the joining members , whom tho Lodgo highly prized , nofc only for their personal , but for
their social qualities . Eev . Bro . Brown thanked them sincerely for the hearty reception of tho toast ; coming as he did as a stranger among them , thoy had paid him much honour , and ho confessed he fell in love with tho Lodgo on his first visit , and determined to become a member of the Lodgo if they woujd accept him . Bro . T .
Barnes endorsed Bro . Brown ' s remarks . Ho had long had opportunities of visiting them , and at last had come and seen what he had not seen in his lonesome wanderings—a house of rest ; the brethren knew the rest . He hoped he should always be proud of being with them . The Officers was next given , and severally responded to , and tho Tyler ' s toast closed a very happy evening .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349—Held at ; Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Anns , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 3 rd February . Bros . Pavitt VV . M ., Smith S . W ., Power J . W ., Barker S . D ., P . M . Myers J . D ., Fyfe I . G ., Worsley Sec , P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also the following brethren : —Butler , Spencer , Watkins , White , Sadler , H . G . Cope , Nash , Thos . Cope , & c . The Lodge was opened and the minntes
of last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Worsley as candidate . Bro . Worsley worked tho first four sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . G . H . Copo , of Prince Leopold Lodge , Victoria Park , 181 G , and Nash of Capper Lodge 1076 , were unanimously elected members . Bro . W . J .
Smith S . D ., 860 was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week . Ifc was announced that the Annual Snpper would take place on Tuesday , 2 nd March , the Secretary will feel much obliged by tho brethren giving in their names , as no tickets will be issued . The chair on this occasion will be taken by Bro . Musto P . M . the Preceptor .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Held afc the Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on 26 fch ultimo . Present—Bros . McDowall VV . M ., Bryant S . W ., Fleck J . W ., Garrod S . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Preceptor , & c . Bro . Pige answered the usual questions , was entrusted , and then raised . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree , and then called from labour to refreshment . Bro . Bryant waa elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —The regular meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , 21 st inst .
Notice Of Meetings.
Bro . Scales the W . M . presided , supported by Bros . C . W . Side S . W ., W . M . Stiles J . W ., J . J . Michael P . M . Treasurer , G . Colls S . D ., Henry Lovegrove D . of C , G . Clark jun . I . G ., John Douglas I . P . M . Among tho Visitors woro Bros . G . Mayes 51 , J . H . Southwood P . M . 1260 S . Albert John 1260 , Caleb Wells 212 , Sidney T . Fisk 212 , Thomas W . Heath 1642 , F . A . Kelly 1524 , Eoberfc Gillard 109 , VV . VV .
Morgan jun . 13 S 5 , VV . Terrington 1360 . The work comprised the raising of Bro . C . Turner , the passing of Bros . R . VV . Fraser and J . Jones , and the initiation of Mr . J . Barnard . Ifc will thus be seen thafc the ability of tho W . M . and Officers was pnfc to the fullest test , and when wo remember the pasfc of the Metropolitan Lodge , we hardly like to comment on the way in which tho work was done .
Still we think thafc we should be wanting in the proper discharge of our duty if wo omitted to draw the attention of the Officers to the fact thafc ab this meeting their reputation for good working was greatly shaken . Wo trust our friends will accept these remarks in tho same kindly spirit they aro offered , and that at tha next meeting thoy will retrieve their good character . We know
they can do the work , and we wore tho more surprised at the lasfc meeting from this fact . A vote of fifteen guineas waa made from tho Lodgo funds on behalf of tho Benevolent Institntion , to bo placed on the list of the Worshipful Master , who haa undertaken the duty of Steward , after which the Lodge waa closed . After tho banquet which followed , Bro . Michael
proposed the health of the Worshipful Master . Ifc had devolved on him to offer thia toasfc to the brethren in consequence of the other Past Masters being absent . No W . M . ever strove harder to do hia duty than the present Master of the Metropolitan Lodge ; with what result the brethren had seen for themselves . They were afc all times pleased to give honour to whom honour might be duo , and thafc
honour ho now asked the brethren to accord to tho W . M . Bro . Scales , in reply , after tendering his thanks said , that Bro . Michael had made some reference to his working ; ifc had been far from satisfactory to himself . He felt somewhat nervous so many Visitors beta " present . However , ho had striven to do his best , and ho folk that the brethren would appreciate his efforts on that account . He should
however , have liked to have done much better , and hoped that afc future meetings ho should do so . He then proposed the health of the Pasfc Masters . He regretted thafc so few of the number were present . They only had Bro . Michael , but he was so zealous in hia duties thafc they need have no fear but that the toasfc would be well responded to . Bro . Michael , in reply , thanked the company on behalf
of the Pasfc Masters . It waa a very proud position for any brother to rank as P . M . of No . 1507 . The health of the initiate was next given and suitably acknowledged , after which the Visitors and Officers each received their due meed of praise . The toasts were heartily received and responded to . During the eveing Bro . Heath , of 1642 , contributed two cornet solos , thereby adding to the harmony of the evening , which on this occasion was well maintained .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611—On Monday , 26 th Jannary , an emergency meeting of this Lodge waa held at York , when the VV . M . Bro . C . G . Padel presided , supported by Bros . T , B . Whyfce . head P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., J . T . Seller S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., J . Kay Secretary , and a number of Officers and brethren . The Lodge was called for purposes of instruction , and accordingly the
S . W . took the chair as soon aa the Lodge waa opened , and worked the first degree with great excellence , Bro . G . H . Simpson acting aa candidate . The W . M . having subsequently resumed the chair , Bro . T . B . Whytehead read a paper on " Women in Freemasonry , " ia which he gave some account of the system of adoption aa worked on the Continent ; of Europe , of the androgynous systems of the ancient
mysteries , and of the modern systems of Side Degrees for women aa carried out in America . The address waa listened to with attention , and a hearty vote of thanks waa accorded to Bro . Whytehead , who said thafc any little trouble involved in the preparation of a paper waa more than compensated for by the assurance that fche brethren were
thereby led to cherish a real taste for the study of Freemasonry . The Eboracum Lodge had taken a very high stand amongst the English Lodges in thia very matter , and it was his earnest desire thafc its reputation should be sustained by its members . At tho close of the Lodge the brethren met afc refreshment , several visitors beinopresent , and passed a pleasant evening .
CATOTCMS" STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render thia establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o , THE LAEGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWABDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
LADBROKE HALL , NOTTING HILL , LONDON , W . ( Opposite the Netting Hill Station of the Metropolitan Railway , from which Trains run every fow minutes to all parts of London , and in connection with the principal Lines of Railway . ) THE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDED FOR LODGE MEETINGS 13 UNEQUALLED BY ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE DISTRICT . LARGE LODGE -AJSTD BAJSTQTJET ROOMS , WITH EVERY [ CO ^ VEjSTIElSrCE ., THE HALL MAY BE ENGAGED for BANQUETS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , DINNERS , PUBLIC or PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENTS , & e . Apply to Bro . J . LINSCOTT ( at the HaU ) , U Ladbroke Grove Road , London , W .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notice Of Meetings.
supper . Owing to the length of tho business and the delay , the VV . M . was compelled to put the toasts rather briefly , but in his usual happy manner . After the Loyal and Craft toasts had beon duly honoured , and a song sung by Bro . Veal , Bro . Coleman I . P . M . proposed the health of the VV . M ., who in response expressed his thanks for the reception of his name ; ho would apologise if ho had fallen
short in the work of the Lodge , and was gratified to fiud his efforts wero appreciated . The P . M . ' s was received with applause . Bro . Beck , who had so often distinguished himself , tho W . M . regretted was absent . Bro . Poore , who had kept away through illness , they were very glad to seo . Thafc evening ho had filled a double capacity , and had proved a host in himself by his unremitting attention to tho
Visitors at tho table . Bro . Coleman had also rendered tho Lodge good service , and they wero all pleased to see hia happy and blooming countenance in their midst . Bro . P . M . Poore thanked the W . M . and brethren for the flattering reception of the toasfc . Ho was pleased to find the W . M . so well acquainted with the duties that ho did not require the service of tho P . M . ' s , which however thoy were afc all times
ready to afford . Tho Visitors , which tho W . M . considered tho toast of the evening , was heartily received . Ho was sure tho Visitors would agree with him that ifc was nofc outward display thafc gavo a welcome , but the innermost sentiment of tho heart . The Lodgo of Wapping was always pleased with its Visitors . Bro . Stephens will never wear his welcome out . Bro . P . M . Bowron they Avero glad to see
again ; Bro . Crane he had known under other circumstances , and he was glad to meet him for the first timo in Masonry . To Bro . Watson the W . M . also extended a hearty welcome . Bro . Poore favoured the brethren with " Happy be thy dreams , " after which Bro . Crano responded . The VV . M . next honoured the joining members , whom tho Lodgo highly prized , nofc only for their personal , but for
their social qualities . Eev . Bro . Brown thanked them sincerely for the hearty reception of tho toast ; coming as he did as a stranger among them , thoy had paid him much honour , and ho confessed he fell in love with tho Lodgo on his first visit , and determined to become a member of the Lodgo if they woujd accept him . Bro . T .
Barnes endorsed Bro . Brown ' s remarks . Ho had long had opportunities of visiting them , and at last had come and seen what he had not seen in his lonesome wanderings—a house of rest ; the brethren knew the rest . He hoped he should always be proud of being with them . The Officers was next given , and severally responded to , and tho Tyler ' s toast closed a very happy evening .
Friars Lodge of Instruction , No . 1349—Held at ; Bro . Pavitt ' s , Liverpool Anns , Canning Town , on Tuesday , 3 rd February . Bros . Pavitt VV . M ., Smith S . W ., Power J . W ., Barker S . D ., P . M . Myers J . D ., Fyfe I . G ., Worsley Sec , P . M . Musto Preceptor ; also the following brethren : —Butler , Spencer , Watkins , White , Sadler , H . G . Cope , Nash , Thos . Cope , & c . The Lodge was opened and the minntes
of last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Worsley as candidate . Bro . Worsley worked tho first four sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . G . H . Copo , of Prince Leopold Lodge , Victoria Park , 181 G , and Nash of Capper Lodge 1076 , were unanimously elected members . Bro . W . J .
Smith S . D ., 860 was elected VV . M . for the ensuing week . Ifc was announced that the Annual Snpper would take place on Tuesday , 2 nd March , the Secretary will feel much obliged by tho brethren giving in their names , as no tickets will be issued . The chair on this occasion will be taken by Bro . Musto P . M . the Preceptor .
Marquess of Eipon Lodge of Instruction , No . 1489 . — Held afc the Pembury Tavern , Amhurst-road , Hackney , on 26 fch ultimo . Present—Bros . McDowall VV . M ., Bryant S . W ., Fleck J . W ., Garrod S . D ., Martin I . G ., J . Lorkin Sec , C . Lorkin Preceptor , & c . Bro . Pige answered the usual questions , was entrusted , and then raised . The Lodgo was resumed to the first degree , and then called from labour to refreshment . Bro . Bryant waa elected W . M . for the ensuing week .
Metropolitan Lodge , No . 1507 . —The regular meeting was held at Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , on Wednesday , 21 st inst .
Notice Of Meetings.
Bro . Scales the W . M . presided , supported by Bros . C . W . Side S . W ., W . M . Stiles J . W ., J . J . Michael P . M . Treasurer , G . Colls S . D ., Henry Lovegrove D . of C , G . Clark jun . I . G ., John Douglas I . P . M . Among tho Visitors woro Bros . G . Mayes 51 , J . H . Southwood P . M . 1260 S . Albert John 1260 , Caleb Wells 212 , Sidney T . Fisk 212 , Thomas W . Heath 1642 , F . A . Kelly 1524 , Eoberfc Gillard 109 , VV . VV .
Morgan jun . 13 S 5 , VV . Terrington 1360 . The work comprised the raising of Bro . C . Turner , the passing of Bros . R . VV . Fraser and J . Jones , and the initiation of Mr . J . Barnard . Ifc will thus be seen thafc the ability of tho W . M . and Officers was pnfc to the fullest test , and when wo remember the pasfc of the Metropolitan Lodge , we hardly like to comment on the way in which tho work was done .
Still we think thafc we should be wanting in the proper discharge of our duty if wo omitted to draw the attention of the Officers to the fact thafc ab this meeting their reputation for good working was greatly shaken . Wo trust our friends will accept these remarks in tho same kindly spirit they aro offered , and that at tha next meeting thoy will retrieve their good character . We know
they can do the work , and we wore tho more surprised at the lasfc meeting from this fact . A vote of fifteen guineas waa made from tho Lodgo funds on behalf of tho Benevolent Institntion , to bo placed on the list of the Worshipful Master , who haa undertaken the duty of Steward , after which the Lodge waa closed . After tho banquet which followed , Bro . Michael
proposed the health of the Worshipful Master . Ifc had devolved on him to offer thia toasfc to the brethren in consequence of the other Past Masters being absent . No W . M . ever strove harder to do hia duty than the present Master of the Metropolitan Lodge ; with what result the brethren had seen for themselves . They were afc all times pleased to give honour to whom honour might be duo , and thafc
honour ho now asked the brethren to accord to tho W . M . Bro . Scales , in reply , after tendering his thanks said , that Bro . Michael had made some reference to his working ; ifc had been far from satisfactory to himself . He felt somewhat nervous so many Visitors beta " present . However , ho had striven to do his best , and ho folk that the brethren would appreciate his efforts on that account . He should
however , have liked to have done much better , and hoped that afc future meetings ho should do so . He then proposed the health of the Pasfc Masters . He regretted thafc so few of the number were present . They only had Bro . Michael , but he was so zealous in hia duties thafc they need have no fear but that the toasfc would be well responded to . Bro . Michael , in reply , thanked the company on behalf
of the Pasfc Masters . It waa a very proud position for any brother to rank as P . M . of No . 1507 . The health of the initiate was next given and suitably acknowledged , after which the Visitors and Officers each received their due meed of praise . The toasts were heartily received and responded to . During the eveing Bro . Heath , of 1642 , contributed two cornet solos , thereby adding to the harmony of the evening , which on this occasion was well maintained .
Eboracum Lodge , No . 1611—On Monday , 26 th Jannary , an emergency meeting of this Lodge waa held at York , when the VV . M . Bro . C . G . Padel presided , supported by Bros . T , B . Whyfce . head P . M ., G . Balmford P . M ., J . T . Seller S . W ., G . Simpson J . W ., J . Kay Secretary , and a number of Officers and brethren . The Lodge was called for purposes of instruction , and accordingly the
S . W . took the chair as soon aa the Lodge waa opened , and worked the first degree with great excellence , Bro . G . H . Simpson acting aa candidate . The W . M . having subsequently resumed the chair , Bro . T . B . Whytehead read a paper on " Women in Freemasonry , " ia which he gave some account of the system of adoption aa worked on the Continent ; of Europe , of the androgynous systems of the ancient
mysteries , and of the modern systems of Side Degrees for women aa carried out in America . The address waa listened to with attention , and a hearty vote of thanks waa accorded to Bro . Whytehead , who said thafc any little trouble involved in the preparation of a paper waa more than compensated for by the assurance that fche brethren were
thereby led to cherish a real taste for the study of Freemasonry . The Eboracum Lodge had taken a very high stand amongst the English Lodges in thia very matter , and it was his earnest desire thafc its reputation should be sustained by its members . At tho close of the Lodge the brethren met afc refreshment , several visitors beinopresent , and passed a pleasant evening .
CATOTCMS" STREET HOTEL , CANNON STREET , LONDON , E . C . Has been thoroughly renovated ; the Eailway advantages , in direct communication with the Hotel , render thia establishment unequalled in the Metropolis for MASONIC BANQUETS , PUBLIC & PRIVATE DINNERS , BREAKFASTS , & c . DRAMATIC ENTERTAINMENTS , PUBLIC MEETINGS , ARBITRATIONS , & o , THE LAEGE HALL IS CAPABLE OF SEATING UPWABDS OF TWELVE HUNDRED PEOPLE . VISITORS AND FAMILIES visiting LONDON , for LONG or SHOUT PERIODS , will find the APPOINTMENTS , and ACCOMMODATION UNRIVALLED . E . H . RAND , MANAGER .
LADBROKE HALL , NOTTING HILL , LONDON , W . ( Opposite the Netting Hill Station of the Metropolitan Railway , from which Trains run every fow minutes to all parts of London , and in connection with the principal Lines of Railway . ) THE ACCOMMODATION PROVIDED FOR LODGE MEETINGS 13 UNEQUALLED BY ANY ESTABLISHMENT IN THE DISTRICT . LARGE LODGE -AJSTD BAJSTQTJET ROOMS , WITH EVERY [ CO ^ VEjSTIElSrCE ., THE HALL MAY BE ENGAGED for BANQUETS , WEDDING BREAKFASTS , DINNERS , PUBLIC or PRIVATE ENTERTAINMENTS , & e . Apply to Bro . J . LINSCOTT ( at the HaU ) , U Ladbroke Grove Road , London , W .