Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. ← Page 3 of 3 Article INSTALLATION MEETINGS, &c. Page 3 of 3 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE OF DEVON. Page 1 of 1
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Installation Meetings, &C.
» mon"st whom wore fcho following . —Bros . IT . C Pickorsgill Sec . 837 , Rev AY . C . Lnkia P . P . G . C . I . P . M . 837 , P . Donaldson AV . M . 837 , AV . McConachio J . D . 837 , F . Barroby 837 , J . Stephenson S . AV . 1001 , T Robinson 764 , R . Fothergill 123 , J . Newton 123 , AV . Coltman AV . M . 1416 T J . Wilkinson I . P . M . 1416 , W . Hall S . AV . 1416 , C Greensides J AV ' l 416 , T . Johnson J . D . 1416 , G . Avro P . M . Prov . G . J . D . 1416 , J T Farmery 1416 , J . Huntou P . M . 940 , J . J . Thorman I . P . M . 1416 ,
J . Bradley 509 , J . F . Newarb 602 , & o . Lebters aud telegrams , regretting inability to attend , and congratulating the AV . M ., were received from Bro . T . B . AVhytehead P . M ., Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . M ., and many other brethren . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Golden Lion Hotel , whero a substantial banquet waa partaken of , the chair being occupied by the AV . M . and the vice-chair by the S . W . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts wero duly honoured , and the rest of the evening was spent in harmony .
THE sixth anniversary meeting of thia prosperous Lodgo of Instruction waa hold at tho Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , London , E . G ., on Thursday , tho 29 fch ult ., and was well attended , although , in consequence of tho severity of tho weather , nofc quite so fully as had been anticipated . As many of tho members and their invited friends reside in the suburbs , the absentees could be , and
wero , fairly excused for preferring tho comforts of their respective homes to the miserable journey throngh the densest fog with which the City and its environs wero ever visited . Amongst those present were the AV . M . of tho Mother Lodge , Bro . G . AV . Blackie , who presided ; Past Masters James Stevens , N . B . Headon and James Freeman ; Bros . T . Hamer , T . Harper , R . Pawley , L . Lewis , F . Le Rossignol ,
H . Schove , AY . Paddle , T . De Leliva , H . J . King , AY . Shaw , J . Jenkins , AV . Baber , G . L . Saul Preceptor , G . Lewis , R . A . Morgan , C . A . Baber , H . AVarden , G . Taylor , J . Rixworthy , A . R . Staley , J . AV . H . Rosa P . M . 185 , 0 . Acocka 879 I . C , J . Rush , A . Rule , G . Moss , L . J . Hudd , and others who failed to sign the attendance book . Lod ge was opened afc 6 . 30 by the AV . Bro . Blackie , and the ceremony of
the first degree waa ably rehearsed . The Lodge waa then " called off" and tho brethren dined together . The nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and tho subsequent proceedings were pleasantl y freed from unnecessary formality—songs and recitals being substituted for speech making . The purport of- the meeting could not , however , entirely bo lost sight of ; and whilst tho toasfc of " Success
to The Great City Lodge of Instrnction" afforded an opportunity for an excellent re ' sumd of its pasfc proceedings , and a statement as to its present popularity and prosperous position , hearty recognition was accorded to those who had laboured in the past and wero now zealously upholding its established credit . To Bros . Blackie , as Secretary from its commencement , and until ho became W . M .
of the Mother Lodge ; T . Pooro and G . L . Saul , its past and present Preceptors ; T . Hamer Treasurer , and T . Harper the present ; Secretary , hearty thanks and Masonic honours were given , aud by them severally acknowledged . To the Mother Lodge , represented by its Past Masters , a very courteous acknowledgment was extended , and Bros . Stevens , Headon and Freeman briefly responded . At a
reasonably early hour the Lodge was " called on , " and several new members having been accepted and propositions made , was closed in dne order . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very harmonious and agreeable evening having been thoroughly enjoyed by all , tho brethren dispersed and we presume , if our experience was also theirs , groped , their way through " darkness visible " to their respective residences .
THIS Lodgo assembled for tho first timo at its new quarters , tho Moorgate Station Restaurant , E . G ., on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation meeting . Brethren present : —Bros . N . Green AV . M ., W . H . Brand S . AV , F . Brasted J . AV , C AV . Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Lee P . M . Sec , T . C Chapman P . M ., E . Dignam S . D ., C Lorkin J . D ., C L . Payne I . G ., A . Ferrar D . C , R . Polak AV . S .,
AV . Beasley , G . Reynolds , A . 11 . Olley , A . Leoffeler , E . Harding , E . W . Silk , J . Varncy , H . G . Moon , J . Hill , G . Ferrar , F . Bonner , J . Symes , F . A . Kelly , R . Fisher ; also Bro . H . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary , an honorary member of tho Lodge . After the Lodge had been opened , and the minntes read and confirmed , a satisfactory report from the Audit Committee was received and
adopted . The names of four gentlemen appeared on the summons as candidates for initiation ; having bceu duly elected , and being in attendance , Messrs . J . Larter , J . AV . AVhito , E . Woodman , and D . Munro , were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Brand S . W . the W . M . elect . was then presented for installation , aud was duly installed aa AV . M . according to ancient custom , tho addresses beinc
delivered b y Bro . Lee P . M . and Secretary . Tho following Officers were appointed -. —Bros . F . Brasted S . AV ., E . Dignam J . AV ., C AV . Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Lee P . M . Sec , J . Lorkin S . D ., J . L . Payne J . D ., A . Ferrar E . G ., R . Polak D . C , H . G . Moon Org ., J . Hill and R . George Stewards , and J . Marsh Tyler . Some propositions were then received for the next meeting , and a Committee waa appointed to revise the Bye-laws , after which tho Lodgo waa closed , and tho uveuiren
adjourned to the adjoining banquetting room , where an elegant banquet was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Kent , the proprietor . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and dul y honoured . Bro . Buss Assist . G . Sec . returned tuanks for the Grand Officers , and expressed his greafc gratification lujntnessirjg the continued prosperity of the Duke of Connaught j ^ dge . The health of the W . M . was next ; proposed by Bro . Green i-i . M ., and cordiall y received , after which Bro . Brand AY . M . re-
Installation Meetings, &C.
turned thanks for tho honour conferred upon him , and expressed his great desiro to further the interests and welfare of tho Lodgo . A valuable jewel waa presented to Bro . Green I . P . M . in recognition of his great services during tho past year , and hia health was drank , aud tho toast suitably acknowledged . Tho Initiates was then given , and suitably responded to . Bro . Brand AV . M ., in
proposing the toasfc of tho Visitors , expressed tho groat gratification ho felfc in seeing so large a number of visitors assembled to do him honour on the occasion of hia installation . Amongst them were some eminent Masons , and he gave them a hearty and cordial welcome . Bros . Cottebrune P . G . P ., and AV . Stephens Prov . G . D . C . Mid ., responded for the Visitors , congratulating tho Lodge upon
tho success ib had attained , aud wishing ifc every prosperity in its new quarters . Tho remaining toasts having been disposed of , tho brethren separated , highly pleased with the first meeting of tho Lodgo at tho Moorgato Station Restaurant .. It may be added thab the rooms , a complete suite on ono floor , aro highly snitablo for Masonic purposes . The following Visitors were present : —Bros .
C A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., AVm . Stephens Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex , E . Somors P . M . 1602 , W . Fieldwick AV . M . 1364 , W . Wallington P . M . 860 , A . A . Pendlebnry P . M . 1056 , J . F . Lovelock AV . M . 212 , W . Rogers J . W . 704 , J . Cross J . AV . 119 i , G . AV . Larter 1602 , J . AV . Dewsnap 188 , F . Parkin 749 , 0 . Barrow 1424 , IT . G . Harris 1586 , A . Eldridgo 1585 , B . Fordiuando 13 , F . Hawthorn 1489 , F .
Dickenson 1298 , E . J . Gale 491 , A . Chisholm 1602 , J . Jones 1681 , H . Russell 1669 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
THE annual meeting of the Committee of Petitiona of thia Provin - cial Grand Lodge was held on the 21 st ult . at the Huyshe Masonio Temple , Plymouth . Tho following brethren wero present , representing Lodges-. —Bros . James P . Heath AV . M . 39 , L . D . AVestcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Works 70 , M . Embden AV . M . 105 , Rev . AV . AVhittloy P . M . P . P . G . C . 156 , Francis Littleton P . M . 159 , J . Edward Curteis P . M . P . P . G . S . W . 189 , H . Welch P . M . P . P . G . P . 202 , W . Browning P . M
P . P . G . D . C . 223 , R . Cawsey I . P . M . and Secretary 230 , J . R . Dugdalo AV . M . 954 , Henry Colo P . M . 1091 , E . A . Davies P . M . P . P . G . S . AAorka 1099 , George Evana P . M . P . P . G . S . D . 1181 , Jamea Rendle P . M . and Secretary 1247 , Samuel B . Harvey P . M . and Secretary 1255 , Vincent Bird P . M . P . P . G . Tr . 1550 , William Brodie P . M . P . P . G . J . D . 1753 , John B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , the Secretary , and Bro . Charlea
Godschalk P . M . 70 and 1255 , the representative of Devon in London . Bro . J . E . Curteis was elected chairman , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the Secretary reported that the Province , as regarded votes for the great Charities , waa in a good position . AVhilsfc they were indebted to other Provinces for about 200 votes , they held I . O . TJ . ' a from certain others for over 300
votes . The report was received and adopted . There were only three petitions for assistance—in the first case the widow of a brother of Lodge 39 , Exeter , waa voted tho sum of £ 5 , ancl this case will be again considered at the next meeting . In the second case a brother of Lodgo 156 was voted the sum of £ 5 , and it will be recommended that ho receive a further sum of £ 10 from the P . G . Lodge . In the third case the
sum of £ 5 was voted for tho widow of a brother of Lodge 112 , Exeter . In each case the expenditure of the money will be under the supervision of the representatives of the different Lodges . Tho next business was to select from the various candidates , who had been before approved , ono aged Freemason , or widow of a Freemason , to receive tho united support of tho Province . After mature consideration , ifc
was resolved that tho widow of a lato brother of Lodge 159 and 77 should bo the candidate to bo so supported . There was then either a boy or girl to be selected for the London Schools , and it was unanimously resolved thafc the son of a lato brother of Lodge 1123 , Tiverton , bo the Devon candidate . From the admirable way in which the votes are used by Bro . Godtsehalk for the Province , and from tho
influence and credit the Province has , both these candidates maybe expected to be successful at tho approaching elections . It should be known that the committee had before them the difficult task of selecting from fifteen candidates from all parts of the county , all eligible , bnt they havo in this case selected tho mosfc necessitous . A letter was read from tho Right AVorshipful Bro . L . P .
Metham P . D . P . G . M ., expressing his intention of resigning the Chairmanship of tho Committee , an office which he has held from the commencement of its being rc-organisod . He had been associated with ifc for a long time , and ho knew tho largo amonnt of real good which he had been enabled to do in conjunction with tho Secretary . It was then unanimously resolved that the R . AV . Bro .
AV . G . Rogers D . P . G . M . of Devon be the Chairman for tho ensuing year , his well known business qualifications , high Masonic attainments , and eminent position in tho Order ensuring this position . AV . Bro . J . B . Gover was re-elected tho Secretary , and AY . Bro . Charles Godtsehalk , who was warmly thanked and complimented on his highly successful exertions , was elected the
representative of Devon in London . A very hearty vote of thanks was passed in favour of R . AV . Bro . Metham for hia pasfc services , and there waa a general expression of regret thafc he could no longer give them hia assistance . Thanks were also given to Bros . Gover and Godtsehalk , and an especial vote to V . AV . Bro . Curteis for his conduct in the chair , his genial and firm rule having received tho admiration of all present .
HOLLOW AY ' S OHTTMEST AJTD PILLS . —Rheumatism , Keuralgia . —It is sometimes difficult to determine which of these diseases is afflicting tho sufferer , but this ignorance will not matter if Holloway's remedies be used . Thoy alleviate and cure all muscular and nervous pains . Ia hereditary rheumatism , after bathing tho affected parts with warm salt water , Holloway's Ointment
should be well rubbed upon the spot , that it may penetrate and exert its soothins ? and regulating properties on the deeper vessels and nerves , which are unduly excited and cause both the pain and swelling . Holloway ' s treatment has the merit of removing the disease without debilitating the constitution , which was the inevitable result of the bleeding , mercury , and colchicum practice , formerly adopted in MIPM » cnmplnints .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Installation Meetings, &C.
» mon"st whom wore fcho following . —Bros . IT . C Pickorsgill Sec . 837 , Rev AY . C . Lnkia P . P . G . C . I . P . M . 837 , P . Donaldson AV . M . 837 , AV . McConachio J . D . 837 , F . Barroby 837 , J . Stephenson S . AV . 1001 , T Robinson 764 , R . Fothergill 123 , J . Newton 123 , AV . Coltman AV . M . 1416 T J . Wilkinson I . P . M . 1416 , W . Hall S . AV . 1416 , C Greensides J AV ' l 416 , T . Johnson J . D . 1416 , G . Avro P . M . Prov . G . J . D . 1416 , J T Farmery 1416 , J . Huntou P . M . 940 , J . J . Thorman I . P . M . 1416 ,
J . Bradley 509 , J . F . Newarb 602 , & o . Lebters aud telegrams , regretting inability to attend , and congratulating the AV . M ., were received from Bro . T . B . AVhytehead P . M ., Bro . J . S . Cumberland P . M ., and many other brethren . The brethren afterwards adjourned to the Golden Lion Hotel , whero a substantial banquet waa partaken of , the chair being occupied by the AV . M . and the vice-chair by the S . W . The usual Loyal and Masonio toasts wero duly honoured , and the rest of the evening was spent in harmony .
THE sixth anniversary meeting of thia prosperous Lodgo of Instruction waa hold at tho Masons' Hall , Masons' Avenue , London , E . G ., on Thursday , tho 29 fch ult ., and was well attended , although , in consequence of tho severity of tho weather , nofc quite so fully as had been anticipated . As many of tho members and their invited friends reside in the suburbs , the absentees could be , and
wero , fairly excused for preferring tho comforts of their respective homes to the miserable journey throngh the densest fog with which the City and its environs wero ever visited . Amongst those present were the AV . M . of tho Mother Lodge , Bro . G . AV . Blackie , who presided ; Past Masters James Stevens , N . B . Headon and James Freeman ; Bros . T . Hamer , T . Harper , R . Pawley , L . Lewis , F . Le Rossignol ,
H . Schove , AY . Paddle , T . De Leliva , H . J . King , AY . Shaw , J . Jenkins , AV . Baber , G . L . Saul Preceptor , G . Lewis , R . A . Morgan , C . A . Baber , H . AVarden , G . Taylor , J . Rixworthy , A . R . Staley , J . AV . H . Rosa P . M . 185 , 0 . Acocka 879 I . C , J . Rush , A . Rule , G . Moss , L . J . Hudd , and others who failed to sign the attendance book . Lod ge was opened afc 6 . 30 by the AV . Bro . Blackie , and the ceremony of
the first degree waa ably rehearsed . The Lodge waa then " called off" and tho brethren dined together . The nsual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and tho subsequent proceedings were pleasantl y freed from unnecessary formality—songs and recitals being substituted for speech making . The purport of- the meeting could not , however , entirely bo lost sight of ; and whilst tho toasfc of " Success
to The Great City Lodge of Instrnction" afforded an opportunity for an excellent re ' sumd of its pasfc proceedings , and a statement as to its present popularity and prosperous position , hearty recognition was accorded to those who had laboured in the past and wero now zealously upholding its established credit . To Bros . Blackie , as Secretary from its commencement , and until ho became W . M .
of the Mother Lodge ; T . Pooro and G . L . Saul , its past and present Preceptors ; T . Hamer Treasurer , and T . Harper the present ; Secretary , hearty thanks and Masonic honours were given , aud by them severally acknowledged . To the Mother Lodge , represented by its Past Masters , a very courteous acknowledgment was extended , and Bros . Stevens , Headon and Freeman briefly responded . At a
reasonably early hour the Lodge was " called on , " and several new members having been accepted and propositions made , was closed in dne order . Shortly afterwards the Tyler ' s toast was given , and a very harmonious and agreeable evening having been thoroughly enjoyed by all , tho brethren dispersed and we presume , if our experience was also theirs , groped , their way through " darkness visible " to their respective residences .
THIS Lodgo assembled for tho first timo at its new quarters , tho Moorgate Station Restaurant , E . G ., on Thursday , the 29 th ult ., on the occasion of the installation meeting . Brethren present : —Bros . N . Green AV . M ., W . H . Brand S . AV , F . Brasted J . AV , C AV . Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Lee P . M . Sec , T . C Chapman P . M ., E . Dignam S . D ., C Lorkin J . D ., C L . Payne I . G ., A . Ferrar D . C , R . Polak AV . S .,
AV . Beasley , G . Reynolds , A . 11 . Olley , A . Leoffeler , E . Harding , E . W . Silk , J . Varncy , H . G . Moon , J . Hill , G . Ferrar , F . Bonner , J . Symes , F . A . Kelly , R . Fisher ; also Bro . H . G . Buss Assistant Grand Secretary , an honorary member of tho Lodge . After the Lodge had been opened , and the minntes read and confirmed , a satisfactory report from the Audit Committee was received and
adopted . The names of four gentlemen appeared on the summons as candidates for initiation ; having bceu duly elected , and being in attendance , Messrs . J . Larter , J . AV . AVhito , E . Woodman , and D . Munro , were regularly initiated into Freemasonry . Bro . Brand S . W . the W . M . elect . was then presented for installation , aud was duly installed aa AV . M . according to ancient custom , tho addresses beinc
delivered b y Bro . Lee P . M . and Secretary . Tho following Officers were appointed -. —Bros . F . Brasted S . AV ., E . Dignam J . AV ., C AV . Smyth Treas ., AV . H . Lee P . M . Sec , J . Lorkin S . D ., J . L . Payne J . D ., A . Ferrar E . G ., R . Polak D . C , H . G . Moon Org ., J . Hill and R . George Stewards , and J . Marsh Tyler . Some propositions were then received for the next meeting , and a Committee waa appointed to revise the Bye-laws , after which tho Lodgo waa closed , and tho uveuiren
adjourned to the adjoining banquetting room , where an elegant banquet was served under the personal superintendence of Bro . Kent , the proprietor . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and dul y honoured . Bro . Buss Assist . G . Sec . returned tuanks for the Grand Officers , and expressed his greafc gratification lujntnessirjg the continued prosperity of the Duke of Connaught j ^ dge . The health of the W . M . was next ; proposed by Bro . Green i-i . M ., and cordiall y received , after which Bro . Brand AY . M . re-
Installation Meetings, &C.
turned thanks for tho honour conferred upon him , and expressed his great desiro to further the interests and welfare of tho Lodgo . A valuable jewel waa presented to Bro . Green I . P . M . in recognition of his great services during tho past year , and hia health was drank , aud tho toast suitably acknowledged . Tho Initiates was then given , and suitably responded to . Bro . Brand AV . M ., in
proposing the toasfc of tho Visitors , expressed tho groat gratification ho felfc in seeing so large a number of visitors assembled to do him honour on the occasion of hia installation . Amongst them were some eminent Masons , and he gave them a hearty and cordial welcome . Bros . Cottebrune P . G . P ., and AV . Stephens Prov . G . D . C . Mid ., responded for the Visitors , congratulating tho Lodge upon
tho success ib had attained , aud wishing ifc every prosperity in its new quarters . Tho remaining toasts having been disposed of , tho brethren separated , highly pleased with the first meeting of tho Lodgo at tho Moorgato Station Restaurant .. It may be added thab the rooms , a complete suite on ono floor , aro highly snitablo for Masonic purposes . The following Visitors were present : —Bros .
C A . Cottebrune P . G . P ., AVm . Stephens Prov . G . D . C . Middlesex , E . Somors P . M . 1602 , W . Fieldwick AV . M . 1364 , W . Wallington P . M . 860 , A . A . Pendlebnry P . M . 1056 , J . F . Lovelock AV . M . 212 , W . Rogers J . W . 704 , J . Cross J . AV . 119 i , G . AV . Larter 1602 , J . AV . Dewsnap 188 , F . Parkin 749 , 0 . Barrow 1424 , IT . G . Harris 1586 , A . Eldridgo 1585 , B . Fordiuando 13 , F . Hawthorn 1489 , F .
Dickenson 1298 , E . J . Gale 491 , A . Chisholm 1602 , J . Jones 1681 , H . Russell 1669 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Devon.
THE annual meeting of the Committee of Petitiona of thia Provin - cial Grand Lodge was held on the 21 st ult . at the Huyshe Masonio Temple , Plymouth . Tho following brethren wero present , representing Lodges-. —Bros . James P . Heath AV . M . 39 , L . D . AVestcott P . M . P . P . G . S . Works 70 , M . Embden AV . M . 105 , Rev . AV . AVhittloy P . M . P . P . G . C . 156 , Francis Littleton P . M . 159 , J . Edward Curteis P . M . P . P . G . S . W . 189 , H . Welch P . M . P . P . G . P . 202 , W . Browning P . M
P . P . G . D . C . 223 , R . Cawsey I . P . M . and Secretary 230 , J . R . Dugdalo AV . M . 954 , Henry Colo P . M . 1091 , E . A . Davies P . M . P . P . G . S . AAorka 1099 , George Evana P . M . P . P . G . S . D . 1181 , Jamea Rendle P . M . and Secretary 1247 , Samuel B . Harvey P . M . and Secretary 1255 , Vincent Bird P . M . P . P . G . Tr . 1550 , William Brodie P . M . P . P . G . J . D . 1753 , John B . Gover P . M . 70 P . P . G . A . D . C , the Secretary , and Bro . Charlea
Godschalk P . M . 70 and 1255 , the representative of Devon in London . Bro . J . E . Curteis was elected chairman , and the minutes of the previous meeting having been read and confirmed , the Secretary reported that the Province , as regarded votes for the great Charities , waa in a good position . AVhilsfc they were indebted to other Provinces for about 200 votes , they held I . O . TJ . ' a from certain others for over 300
votes . The report was received and adopted . There were only three petitions for assistance—in the first case the widow of a brother of Lodge 39 , Exeter , waa voted tho sum of £ 5 , ancl this case will be again considered at the next meeting . In the second case a brother of Lodgo 156 was voted the sum of £ 5 , and it will be recommended that ho receive a further sum of £ 10 from the P . G . Lodge . In the third case the
sum of £ 5 was voted for tho widow of a brother of Lodge 112 , Exeter . In each case the expenditure of the money will be under the supervision of the representatives of the different Lodges . Tho next business was to select from the various candidates , who had been before approved , ono aged Freemason , or widow of a Freemason , to receive tho united support of tho Province . After mature consideration , ifc
was resolved that tho widow of a lato brother of Lodge 159 and 77 should bo the candidate to bo so supported . There was then either a boy or girl to be selected for the London Schools , and it was unanimously resolved thafc the son of a lato brother of Lodge 1123 , Tiverton , bo the Devon candidate . From the admirable way in which the votes are used by Bro . Godtsehalk for the Province , and from tho
influence and credit the Province has , both these candidates maybe expected to be successful at tho approaching elections . It should be known that the committee had before them the difficult task of selecting from fifteen candidates from all parts of the county , all eligible , bnt they havo in this case selected tho mosfc necessitous . A letter was read from tho Right AVorshipful Bro . L . P .
Metham P . D . P . G . M ., expressing his intention of resigning the Chairmanship of tho Committee , an office which he has held from the commencement of its being rc-organisod . He had been associated with ifc for a long time , and ho knew tho largo amonnt of real good which he had been enabled to do in conjunction with tho Secretary . It was then unanimously resolved that the R . AV . Bro .
AV . G . Rogers D . P . G . M . of Devon be the Chairman for tho ensuing year , his well known business qualifications , high Masonic attainments , and eminent position in tho Order ensuring this position . AV . Bro . J . B . Gover was re-elected tho Secretary , and AY . Bro . Charles Godtsehalk , who was warmly thanked and complimented on his highly successful exertions , was elected the
representative of Devon in London . A very hearty vote of thanks was passed in favour of R . AV . Bro . Metham for hia pasfc services , and there waa a general expression of regret thafc he could no longer give them hia assistance . Thanks were also given to Bros . Gover and Godtsehalk , and an especial vote to V . AV . Bro . Curteis for his conduct in the chair , his genial and firm rule having received tho admiration of all present .
HOLLOW AY ' S OHTTMEST AJTD PILLS . —Rheumatism , Keuralgia . —It is sometimes difficult to determine which of these diseases is afflicting tho sufferer , but this ignorance will not matter if Holloway's remedies be used . Thoy alleviate and cure all muscular and nervous pains . Ia hereditary rheumatism , after bathing tho affected parts with warm salt water , Holloway's Ointment
should be well rubbed upon the spot , that it may penetrate and exert its soothins ? and regulating properties on the deeper vessels and nerves , which are unduly excited and cause both the pain and swelling . Holloway ' s treatment has the merit of removing the disease without debilitating the constitution , which was the inevitable result of the bleeding , mercury , and colchicum practice , formerly adopted in MIPM » cnmplnints .