Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eoyal Keystone Lodge of Mark Masters . — The ordinary meeting was held at Friendly Hall , on 15 th December , presided over by Bro . J . J . G . Lewis Hon . M . aud AV . M . of Clifton Mount Lodge , G . Sargeant S . W ., E . X . Leon J . W ., & e . Tho following wero installed as Officers : —Broa . G . J . Sargeant AV . M ., E . X . Leon S . AV ., G . A . Campbell J . AV , B . Stonoa jnn . M . O ., J . N . Aguilar S . O ., T .
Demetrius J . O ., S . A . Iftla Treasurer , A . P . Athya Reg . of Marks , AV . R . Ryder Secretary ,. J . F . Fryer S . D ., R . J . ilcPherson J . D ., A . Tripo I . G ., J . Hayes Tyler . Several Past Masters and brethren of sister Lodges wero present . Bro . R . Langley I . P . M . waa unable to attend from sickness . Tho brethren afterwards adjourned for light refreshments . The R . AV . A . E . Burke , P . P . G . Sec of Scotland for Jamaica , has
been appointed Haytian Consul for this port . Bro . Harris , S . AV . of tho Sussex Lodge , has boon elected Master ; the Installation took placo in January . The R . W . J . L . Ashemieu has boon elected Master of the Friendly Lodge , and was to have been installed on tho 12 th January . This is the second time thia Brother haa occupied tho chair . Bro . Pearco S . AV . of the St . John ' a Lodgo ( S . C . ) was elected Master at a meeting hold on St . John ' a Day .
Presentation . —On Christmas morning last , Captain G . F . Coward , Dr . J . Pringle , Broa . H . F . Hire , J . Nelson , and A . 0 . Solomon , on behalf of several members of tho Caledonian Lodge , Port Maria , waited on Bro . D . N . Berwick , at hia residence , and presented him with a very fine gold Past Master ' s Jewel . Captain Coward ( the AV . M . elect ) presented the jewel in appropriate terms , and his
remarks were endorsed by the other brethren who formed tho deputation . Bro . Berwick , in a few well-ohosen words , acknowledged tho compliment . The jewel is a beautiful work of art , and bears tho following inscription : — " Presented to tho Rt . AVor . D . N . Berwick P . M . P . G . J . D . by 15 members of tho Caledonian Lodgo , No . 554 S . C , Port Maria , Jamaica , aa a mark of esteem , aud in appreciation of services rendered to tho Lodgo . "
Amoy, China.
THE members of tho Ionic Lodge held a mosfc successful meeting on Tuesday , 9 th Dec , afc tho Masonic HaU , Kulangsu , for the purpose of installing AVor . Bro . H . A . Giles , H . B . M . Consul , as their Master for the ensuing year . A number of visiting brethren from the fleet honored them with their presence , indeed one of the most pleasing features of this meeting was the attendance of several Blue Jackets , and thia goea far to prove the trite saying thafc in Masonry
" all meet on the level and part on tho square , " for here we acknowledge no class distinctions . Tho noble Hall thafc the zeal and liberality of the Amoy Masons has given to this little island was tested to its fullest extent , and we heard nothing but praise as to its splendid fittings , and the perfection of its acoustic properties . Several very handsome donations were made to the Hall Fund . The wife of
one of our prominent Masons made the Lodge a present of a set of magnificent markers for the Volume of tho Sacred Law ; another gift was two excellent engravings of Her Mosfc Gracious Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and the late Prince Consort , both loved Patrons of tho Noble Order . AVe are glad to find thafc Bro . AV . C . Howard , AV . M . elecfc of the Sister Lodge—the Corinthian—received the
hig hest honour ifc was in the power of the Ionic Lodge to bestow ; he waa elected the first honorary member of tho Ionic aa a slight acknowledgment of hia invaluable services in the building of this splendid Hall , and we are sure the compliment will be appreciated by his own Lodge , and that the year thafc has been ushered in so successfully will be one of great progress and of renewed effort in
promoting the benefits of brotherly love and good fellowship amongst our little community . The new Masonic Hall on Kulangsu was again lighted up and thrown open to all brethren of the " Mystic Tie" on Saturday evening , 13 th Dec . Tho occasion was thafc of the installation of Bro . Howard , Harbour Master afc Amoy , and Junior Warden of the Corinthian
Lodge , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . A large number of distinguished Masons were present , no less than five P . M ' s occupying the dais , among whom were most of the brethren from tho sister Lodge and many officers from the British and United States' navies . The absence of the Ling Feng from the port ; was much regretted
entailing as it did the absence of her Commander and four of her Officers . However , in spite of this and other unlooked for contingencies , the Hall was well filled and a worthy object of admiration to the numerous visitors . Wo hope to sco ifc " warmed " before long in a manner creditable to the well-known hdspitality and liberality of tho Craft .
Worshipfnl Bro . H . M . Sidford P . M . of 1027 , 1433 , and 1781 E . C . and D . G . S . W . for Hong Kong and South China , in writing to us from the Far East , says : — " I am glad to tell you that we have made great progress here since Masonic light dawned upon Amoy , a short year and six months ago . Nofc content at hiring rooms , the Craft set to work , and have erected a splendid building devoted solely to
Masonry . The Lodge Room is fifty feet by twenty-five , and has an open vaulted timbered roof , and refreshment , preparation , and other rooms in proportion . " As soon as tho place is thoroughly finished , ho hopes to have a photograph sent to somo of tho London illustrated papers . He has enclosed tis several reports of proceedings which may prove interesting to some of onr readers , and we are sure
wherever Bro . Sidford resides , there will the lights bo found burning brightly . He haa done well for the Craft , as witness tho formation of fonr Lodges in China , tho outcome of his exertions , namely , Tuscan 1027 , in Shanghai in 1864 ; Doric 1433 , in Ching Kiang in 1873 ; Ionic and Corinthian 1781 and 1806 in Amoy iu 1878 . If he was to form yefc another , he wonld doubtless complete—what we imagine is his intention—the Five Orders of Architecture .
Amoy, China.
The Silvortown , Canning Town , and Victoria Dock Freehold Land and Building Company Limited , has beon established to enable its shareholders to obtain tho largo profits made on tho purchase and sale of estates by laying them out in building plots ; also on the building , purchase , and sale of houses aud land . The prospects of tho Company aro of tho mosfc promising character , tho enormous
extension of tho Victoria Dock and other large industries in this part of London making it certain that a groat demand for house property in tho neighbourhood will speedily arise . The Company is registered under the Limited Liabilities Acts , so thafc shareholders stand no risk beyond tho amount of their shares . Among the gentlemen connected with tho management wo notice Bros . Jamea
Patrick Muir , Michael Adamson , AVilliam Henry Hooper , John AVilton , Directors ; Bros . Avery and Jennings ( of tho firm of AVolferstan , Avery , and Jennings ) , Solicitors ; Bros . Gordon and Lowther , Architects and Surveyors ; and Bro . F . A . AVhite , Secretary . The first issue of shares will be allotted on fcho 14 th instant , when we hope to hoar thafc a large number have boon applied for .
The utter failure of fcho 1879 vintage in tho Champagne districts has very naturally enhanced tho prices of the well-known Cnveo and Brands , so that wo must look for other Vin Monsseux if we wish to economise and yefc enjoy tho wholesome A new sparkling wine has recently been imported by Messrs . J . E . Shand and Co ., and
on the occasion of the recent Markets Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall was referred to by fcho Times and other journals . This sparkling Sautorne is of 1875 vintage , sec and extra seo j the price afc which ifc is offered brings ifc within the reach of all . We have tried the wino ourselves , and can recommend ifc to our readers .
The proprietors of the Pm-tsmouth Times and Naval Gazette announce thafc in future that paper will be issued on Wednesday and Saturday mornings afc one penny ; and also that the mid-weekly edition will be permanently , enlarged to eight pages . Arrangements have also been made for tho amalgamation of tho West Sussex County Chronicle and Chichester , Midlmrst and Petersficld Advertiser with tho
Portsmouth Times , so thafc tho paper may bo expected to become ov £ « moro interesting than before . We trust our brethren iu its district will do what they can to support the proprietors in making this enlargement ; thoy aro well known as advocates for the Masonic cause , and we have no doubt will continue as opportunity offers to devote a portion of thoir space to tho doings of the Craft .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soups , Entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , Salad , Served from 12 to 1 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
/ 2 V , RJ iffi ^ . m til - * = z € . ¦ - rcsi ui i X'S ^ f 1 r 1 ^ ST ' ¦ ) Wi LATEST NOVELTY , MASONIC CHARM POR CHAIN . The whole of tho working Tools complete as above . MOUNTED IS GOOD GOLD AND ORNAMENTALLY ENGRAVED . To be had of tho maker on receipt of 25 s . E . PELIKA 2 T , Manufacturing Jeweller , "No . 102 St . John Street Road , London , E . C . P . O . O . to be made payable at the St . John Street Road Office .
IVOB ? : H . A-I : R BETJSHBS ¦ Mirrors A all other Ivory Toilet Articles , V I V P 0 ® 3 ^«\/^ E ^ Q , "S ¦ S Sia & i Jl 5 ??& YWMUiuimn / / ] V GQS 3 © nn ft fr AL r ^^^ - . „ E » ifg ^_ - ^ | __| l ; l 1 * 8 ? : ©? U O Up tgumju ^^ lmuumc— -, \ w _ - ^«* ,: = » 8 s ITOBT GOODS I 3 ST GKEZErtEH-A-I ,, Wholesale A for Exportation & the Trade only . I OMis ^^^ KTH ^ jK / f ^ i M f ^^^ gi j ^ y o ? iis © -A . T zHiErN-nsrxG- BROS- Ivory Works , 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , "W . C .
FBEEJUSOJTS' CALENDAR ancl POCKET-BOOK , containing a complete list of all the regular Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , with their places and times of racetm , cr . Published for the benefit of tho Charity Fund , under tho sanction of tho United Grand Lodge of England . May bo had from W . AV . Morgan jun ., FREEMASON ' S CHKOHICLE Office , 23 Groat Queen-street , London , W . C . Price 2 o , post freo .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing tho Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . ; & c , 5 Eulstrodo-strcet , Cavendish-square , London . London : MIICHKLI , AND Co ., Rod Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FURNITURE FOR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Complete Set , nearly nevr , for Sale . Address . , T . W . H ., " FBXEiiisos ' s CHBOJICLB ' Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eoyal Keystone Lodge of Mark Masters . — The ordinary meeting was held at Friendly Hall , on 15 th December , presided over by Bro . J . J . G . Lewis Hon . M . aud AV . M . of Clifton Mount Lodge , G . Sargeant S . W ., E . X . Leon J . W ., & e . Tho following wero installed as Officers : —Broa . G . J . Sargeant AV . M ., E . X . Leon S . AV ., G . A . Campbell J . AV , B . Stonoa jnn . M . O ., J . N . Aguilar S . O ., T .
Demetrius J . O ., S . A . Iftla Treasurer , A . P . Athya Reg . of Marks , AV . R . Ryder Secretary ,. J . F . Fryer S . D ., R . J . ilcPherson J . D ., A . Tripo I . G ., J . Hayes Tyler . Several Past Masters and brethren of sister Lodges wero present . Bro . R . Langley I . P . M . waa unable to attend from sickness . Tho brethren afterwards adjourned for light refreshments . The R . AV . A . E . Burke , P . P . G . Sec of Scotland for Jamaica , has
been appointed Haytian Consul for this port . Bro . Harris , S . AV . of tho Sussex Lodge , has boon elected Master ; the Installation took placo in January . The R . W . J . L . Ashemieu has boon elected Master of the Friendly Lodge , and was to have been installed on tho 12 th January . This is the second time thia Brother haa occupied tho chair . Bro . Pearco S . AV . of the St . John ' a Lodgo ( S . C . ) was elected Master at a meeting hold on St . John ' a Day .
Presentation . —On Christmas morning last , Captain G . F . Coward , Dr . J . Pringle , Broa . H . F . Hire , J . Nelson , and A . 0 . Solomon , on behalf of several members of tho Caledonian Lodge , Port Maria , waited on Bro . D . N . Berwick , at hia residence , and presented him with a very fine gold Past Master ' s Jewel . Captain Coward ( the AV . M . elect ) presented the jewel in appropriate terms , and his
remarks were endorsed by the other brethren who formed tho deputation . Bro . Berwick , in a few well-ohosen words , acknowledged tho compliment . The jewel is a beautiful work of art , and bears tho following inscription : — " Presented to tho Rt . AVor . D . N . Berwick P . M . P . G . J . D . by 15 members of tho Caledonian Lodgo , No . 554 S . C , Port Maria , Jamaica , aa a mark of esteem , aud in appreciation of services rendered to tho Lodgo . "
Amoy, China.
THE members of tho Ionic Lodge held a mosfc successful meeting on Tuesday , 9 th Dec , afc tho Masonic HaU , Kulangsu , for the purpose of installing AVor . Bro . H . A . Giles , H . B . M . Consul , as their Master for the ensuing year . A number of visiting brethren from the fleet honored them with their presence , indeed one of the most pleasing features of this meeting was the attendance of several Blue Jackets , and thia goea far to prove the trite saying thafc in Masonry
" all meet on the level and part on tho square , " for here we acknowledge no class distinctions . Tho noble Hall thafc the zeal and liberality of the Amoy Masons has given to this little island was tested to its fullest extent , and we heard nothing but praise as to its splendid fittings , and the perfection of its acoustic properties . Several very handsome donations were made to the Hall Fund . The wife of
one of our prominent Masons made the Lodge a present of a set of magnificent markers for the Volume of tho Sacred Law ; another gift was two excellent engravings of Her Mosfc Gracious Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and the late Prince Consort , both loved Patrons of tho Noble Order . AVe are glad to find thafc Bro . AV . C . Howard , AV . M . elecfc of the Sister Lodge—the Corinthian—received the
hig hest honour ifc was in the power of the Ionic Lodge to bestow ; he waa elected the first honorary member of tho Ionic aa a slight acknowledgment of hia invaluable services in the building of this splendid Hall , and we are sure the compliment will be appreciated by his own Lodge , and that the year thafc has been ushered in so successfully will be one of great progress and of renewed effort in
promoting the benefits of brotherly love and good fellowship amongst our little community . The new Masonic Hall on Kulangsu was again lighted up and thrown open to all brethren of the " Mystic Tie" on Saturday evening , 13 th Dec . Tho occasion was thafc of the installation of Bro . Howard , Harbour Master afc Amoy , and Junior Warden of the Corinthian
Lodge , as Worshipful Master for the ensuing year . A large number of distinguished Masons were present , no less than five P . M ' s occupying the dais , among whom were most of the brethren from tho sister Lodge and many officers from the British and United States' navies . The absence of the Ling Feng from the port ; was much regretted
entailing as it did the absence of her Commander and four of her Officers . However , in spite of this and other unlooked for contingencies , the Hall was well filled and a worthy object of admiration to the numerous visitors . Wo hope to sco ifc " warmed " before long in a manner creditable to the well-known hdspitality and liberality of tho Craft .
Worshipfnl Bro . H . M . Sidford P . M . of 1027 , 1433 , and 1781 E . C . and D . G . S . W . for Hong Kong and South China , in writing to us from the Far East , says : — " I am glad to tell you that we have made great progress here since Masonic light dawned upon Amoy , a short year and six months ago . Nofc content at hiring rooms , the Craft set to work , and have erected a splendid building devoted solely to
Masonry . The Lodge Room is fifty feet by twenty-five , and has an open vaulted timbered roof , and refreshment , preparation , and other rooms in proportion . " As soon as tho place is thoroughly finished , ho hopes to have a photograph sent to somo of tho London illustrated papers . He has enclosed tis several reports of proceedings which may prove interesting to some of onr readers , and we are sure
wherever Bro . Sidford resides , there will the lights bo found burning brightly . He haa done well for the Craft , as witness tho formation of fonr Lodges in China , tho outcome of his exertions , namely , Tuscan 1027 , in Shanghai in 1864 ; Doric 1433 , in Ching Kiang in 1873 ; Ionic and Corinthian 1781 and 1806 in Amoy iu 1878 . If he was to form yefc another , he wonld doubtless complete—what we imagine is his intention—the Five Orders of Architecture .
Amoy, China.
The Silvortown , Canning Town , and Victoria Dock Freehold Land and Building Company Limited , has beon established to enable its shareholders to obtain tho largo profits made on tho purchase and sale of estates by laying them out in building plots ; also on the building , purchase , and sale of houses aud land . The prospects of tho Company aro of tho mosfc promising character , tho enormous
extension of tho Victoria Dock and other large industries in this part of London making it certain that a groat demand for house property in tho neighbourhood will speedily arise . The Company is registered under the Limited Liabilities Acts , so thafc shareholders stand no risk beyond tho amount of their shares . Among the gentlemen connected with tho management wo notice Bros . Jamea
Patrick Muir , Michael Adamson , AVilliam Henry Hooper , John AVilton , Directors ; Bros . Avery and Jennings ( of tho firm of AVolferstan , Avery , and Jennings ) , Solicitors ; Bros . Gordon and Lowther , Architects and Surveyors ; and Bro . F . A . AVhite , Secretary . The first issue of shares will be allotted on fcho 14 th instant , when we hope to hoar thafc a large number have boon applied for .
The utter failure of fcho 1879 vintage in tho Champagne districts has very naturally enhanced tho prices of the well-known Cnveo and Brands , so that wo must look for other Vin Monsseux if we wish to economise and yefc enjoy tho wholesome A new sparkling wine has recently been imported by Messrs . J . E . Shand and Co ., and
on the occasion of the recent Markets Exhibition at the Agricultural Hall was referred to by fcho Times and other journals . This sparkling Sautorne is of 1875 vintage , sec and extra seo j the price afc which ifc is offered brings ifc within the reach of all . We have tried the wino ourselves , and can recommend ifc to our readers .
The proprietors of the Pm-tsmouth Times and Naval Gazette announce thafc in future that paper will be issued on Wednesday and Saturday mornings afc one penny ; and also that the mid-weekly edition will be permanently , enlarged to eight pages . Arrangements have also been made for tho amalgamation of tho West Sussex County Chronicle and Chichester , Midlmrst and Petersficld Advertiser with tho
Portsmouth Times , so thafc tho paper may bo expected to become ov £ « moro interesting than before . We trust our brethren iu its district will do what they can to support the proprietors in making this enlargement ; thoy aro well known as advocates for the Masonic cause , and we have no doubt will continue as opportunity offers to devote a portion of thoir space to tho doings of the Craft .
FISH DINNERS IN PERFECTION 2 S EACH , including Soups , Entrees , Poultry , Joints , Cheese , Salad , Served from 12 to 1 daily . —GEORGE TAVERN , Billingsgate Market . Sole Proprietor , GEORGE SMITH , from Anderton ' s Hotel .
/ 2 V , RJ iffi ^ . m til - * = z € . ¦ - rcsi ui i X'S ^ f 1 r 1 ^ ST ' ¦ ) Wi LATEST NOVELTY , MASONIC CHARM POR CHAIN . The whole of tho working Tools complete as above . MOUNTED IS GOOD GOLD AND ORNAMENTALLY ENGRAVED . To be had of tho maker on receipt of 25 s . E . PELIKA 2 T , Manufacturing Jeweller , "No . 102 St . John Street Road , London , E . C . P . O . O . to be made payable at the St . John Street Road Office .
IVOB ? : H . A-I : R BETJSHBS ¦ Mirrors A all other Ivory Toilet Articles , V I V P 0 ® 3 ^«\/^ E ^ Q , "S ¦ S Sia & i Jl 5 ??& YWMUiuimn / / ] V GQS 3 © nn ft fr AL r ^^^ - . „ E » ifg ^_ - ^ | __| l ; l 1 * 8 ? : ©? U O Up tgumju ^^ lmuumc— -, \ w _ - ^«* ,: = » 8 s ITOBT GOODS I 3 ST GKEZErtEH-A-I ,, Wholesale A for Exportation & the Trade only . I OMis ^^^ KTH ^ jK / f ^ i M f ^^^ gi j ^ y o ? iis © -A . T zHiErN-nsrxG- BROS- Ivory Works , 11 , HIGH STREET , LONDON , "W . C .
FBEEJUSOJTS' CALENDAR ancl POCKET-BOOK , containing a complete list of all the regular Lodges and Royal Arch Chapters , with their places and times of racetm , cr . Published for the benefit of tho Charity Fund , under tho sanction of tho United Grand Lodge of England . May bo had from W . AV . Morgan jun ., FREEMASON ' S CHKOHICLE Office , 23 Groat Queen-street , London , W . C . Price 2 o , post freo .
Ninth Edition , post free , Ono Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful Method of Curing tho Disease . By ROBERT G . WAITS , M . D ., F . R . S . L . ; & c , 5 Eulstrodo-strcet , Cavendish-square , London . London : MIICHKLI , AND Co ., Rod Lion-court , Fleet-street .
FURNITURE FOR LODGE OF INSTRUCTION . —Complete Set , nearly nevr , for Sale . Address . , T . W . H ., " FBXEiiisos ' s CHBOJICLB ' Office , 23 Great Queen Street , London , W . C .