Article Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER OF ENGLAND. Page 1 of 1 Article ROYAL ARCH MASONRY IN YORK. Page 1 of 2 →
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H ^^^^^^^ a tfcswww . WB B ^ Bm wjyyMju ^ cB 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
THE Quarterly Convocation of Supremo Grand Chapter was hold on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' llall . Comp . W . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand Superintendent of Hants and tho Islo of Wight , acted as M . E . Z ., Eev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Superintendent of Suffolk , as IL , Comp . Powell , Grand Superb , of Bristol as J ., Shadwell H . Gierke S . E ., Burt S . N ., . Capt . W . Piatt P . S ., James Glaisher 1 st A . S ., J . A . Ruckor 2 nd A . S .. Col . Creaton Treas ., James Lewis Thomas as
Swd . B ., Thomas Penn P . Swd . B ., H . J . P . Dumas P . Swd . B ., J . 0 . Parkinson P . Swd . B ., Samuel Mullens D . C , Joshua Nunn P . D . C ., J . M . Case P . D . C ., Robert Grey P . A . S ., H . G . Buss P . Std . B ., and a large number of Comps . also attended . Comp . Beach informed the Comps . that iu conformity with tho Eoyal Arch Regulations , p 24 , Comp . Shadwell Gierke took tho position of Grand Scribe E . Warrants
were granted for tho William Kingston Chapter , No . 407 , "Valetta , Malta ; St . Andrew ' s Chapter , No . 1631 , Gorleston , Suffolk ; Friendly Chapter . No . 1513 , Bamslcy , Yorkshire ; RavensborneChapter , No . l 601 , Catford Bridge , Lowlsham ; and tho Highgate Chapter , No . 136 G , Highgato , Middlesex . Comp . Beach stated thafc after a long correspondonco and much consideration , his objections to tho granting of a
warrant for the Alder-shot Camp Chapter had been overcome , and ho now gave his recommendation that it be granted , on condition that only military brethren be members of the Chapter . The motion was seconded by Comp . H . Hacker , and carried unanimously . After the Comps . had adopted the remainder of tho report of the Committee of General Purposes , as published in tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE last
week , Comp . W . Smallpoico P . Z . No . 21 , brought forward his motion " That Clause five ( 5 ) , page five ( 5 ) , of tho Book of Regulations of the Royal Arch bo repeated in order that all Companions may bo present at tho opening of private Chapters . " Companions woro allowed to bo present at tho closing of Chapters , when tho form was almost tho samo . No insight was given into the secrets of
the chair in tho opening , and ho did not seo why all Com . panions should not bo present . When Companions reached the position of Principals they consequently knew nothing of their duty in opening , and ho felt that his work as an instructor in Eoyal Arch Masonry was incomplete while he could not instruct in tho ceremony of opening . Comp . H . Garrod seconded
the motion , which was opposed , first by Comp . Thomas Fenn , Past Sword Bearer , who deprecated any resolution having in view an alteration of any of the Masonic ceremonies . Conscientiously and consistently he resisted every attempt at tampering with ceremonies , either in tho Craft or Arch , and although tho present was very small and trivial , there wero reasons why ordinary members
of a Chapter shonld not be present afc the ceremony of opening . If the clause complained of had never existed , no one beneath tho rank of a Principal conld attend Grand Chapter , which was as essentially a Past Principals' Chapter as Grand Lodso was a Master Masons ' Lodge , which no Entered Apprentice could attend . He questioned very much whether Grand Chapter had any right to alter its
ceremonies , because it had peculiar secrets , agreed upon by a Committee first , and afterwards acknowledged by Grand Lodge , and if thoy were altered Grand Chapter would have to go to Grand Lodge again . There was no hardship in tho present system , by which Comps . wero only kept out of the Chapter about four minntes . The matter might bo considered by a Committee , who should examine
the records , and go back to 1835 , when a Committee was appointed , which settled the present system of working . If they examined , thoy would probably see there was strong reason for excluding Companions from tho opening . Comp . Joshua Nunn also opposed any alteration , unless inquired into and reported upon by a committee . Comp . the Eev . C . W . Arnold was in favour of the
motion , and thought that if carried it would conduce to tho good of Freemasonry . Many Comps . did not attend their Chapters at all because they could not be present at tho opening . If Comps . wero allowed to be present it would havo an influence on the way the opening ceremony was performed ; in Chapters it was usually performed in a very slovenly and disgraceful manner , when it should
be most orderly and impressive . Comp . James Lewis Thomas , who had had much experience of Chapters , dissented from this view . Considering the forms employed , ho thought it wonld bo injudicious to admit all Comps . to tho opening . Being excluded , they felt that there was a more important ceremony going on than they were qualified to be admitted to , and it stimulated them to anxiety and
ambition to go up to the three chairs . Comp . Parkinson was instinctively led to sympathise with Comp . Smallpeice , but he wished for more information from skilled and competent Comps . before deciding which way to vote . He had not experienced any hardship himself , nor had he hoard of any from the present system ; but if there was even
umall hardship to any one , ho would bo in favour of its being re moved . Ho thought tho matter shonld be referred to a Committee . Comp . Woodford , who was opposed to any chaugo in tho present system , thought that the best plan now to adopt would bo to meet the motion with a direct negative , and Comp . Smallpeico could then bring tho matter on again in another form . After some further slight
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
discussion , an amendment for referring tho question to a Committeo was carried , after which another amendment , "That the motion bo dismissed , " was also carried . Comp . Beach having stated that Grand Chapter was much indebted to Comp . Smallpeice for calling attention to tho subject , that Companion thanked them for having listened to him , and the Grand Chapter was o losed .
Royal Arch Masonry In York.
A FEW weeks ago wo published an account , from the pen of Comp . AVhytehead , of the doings of Royal Arch Masons iu the ancient City of York a hundred aud twenty years ago , and now we havo to record a grand field-day of members of tho Supremo degree under tho shadow of the grand old towers of St . Peter , tho patron Saint of the Cathedral BO curiously associated with both ancieub and modem Masonry . Tho Eboracnm Lodge , whoso activity is notorious in the
Masonio world , having beon in existence a little over threo years , has had a Royal Arch Chapter attached to it , and ou Wednesday , tho 28 th ult ., tho ceremony of constitution and con . sccra ^ tion was conducted by tho Grand Superintendent of North and East Yorkshire , Dr . J . P . Bell , at tho Masonio Rooms , Queen ' s Hotel , York . Tho founders of tho Eboracnm Chapter had
looked forward to tho first chair being filled by Bro . Thos . Cooper , who was tho first Master of tho Eboracum Lodge , and who had throe times served tho office of Z . in the Zetland Chapter 230 ; but , as re . corded in our columns , the G . A . O . T . TJ . removed thab distinguished Brother during the last year from tho scene of his earthly labours , and Comp . T . B . Whytehead , as the senior member of the Lodge , was
selected as tho Z . Designate , the second and third chairs being assigned respectively to Comps . J . S . Cumberland and P . H . Rowland P . Z . At 3 . p . m . thoComp ' s . assembled in the anfce-room , where light refreshments woro provided , and tho Provincial Officers proceeded to open a Chapter in tho Lodgo Room . Tho Grand Superintendent then entered and proceeded at onco to perform tho ceremonies of the day ,
in which ho was assisted by E . Comps . Sir James Meek P . Z . 236 P . P . G . H ., W . H . Porritt Prov . G . H ., J . Todd Prov . G . J ., Mclvor Murray Prov . G . N ., and other distinguished Companions , Comp . T . B . Whytehead presiding at the organ . The delicate state of health of tho Grand Superintendent making ib necessary for him to retire from the Chapter at the conclusion of tha consecration , ho was accorded
the thanks of the assembled Companions ; but before retiring ho addressed a few remarks to thoso present , in which he touched npon tho early history oE tho degree , its origin and progress , and expressed a firm assurance that tho Eboracnm Chapter would be worked in such a manner as to reflect credit on tho Provinco and on its' founders . Tho ceremony of installation of tho Threo Principals was then proceeded
with , and was carried out by E . Comp . J . Todd P . Z . Prov . G . J . with great excellence . On tho ro-admission of tho members the following Companions wero invested with their collars of office—James Kay S . E ., Matthew Millington P . S ., J . T . Seller 1 st Assist . Soj ., A . T . B . Turner 2 nd Assist . Soj . The M . E .-Z . then spoke of the pleasure it had afforded them to seo amongst them their Grand Superintendent , who
in spito of bad health had contrived to bo present , and read several letters from Companions in all parts of tho country who were unable to attend , some throngh illness , and others who wero at the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Yorkshire that day a 6 Pontofract , and concluded by proposing the election of the Grand Superintendent ( Dr . Bell ) and E . Comps . W . H , Porritt Prov . G . H ., J . Todd Prov . G . J .,
M . C . Peck Prov . G . S . E ., ns honorary members , which was carried unanimously . A number of names of candidates for exaltation were then proposed aud seconded , and the Chapter was closed . The members afterwards entertained their Visitors at a " high tea , " when the good things woro thoroughly enjoyed . At seven p . m . the party adjourned to the Masonic Hall , where the Zetland Chapter ( attached
to the York Lodgo 23 G ) was holding its annual meeting for the election of Officers . The Three Principals E . Comps . Sir James Meek , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett and Geo . Balmford were iu their chairs , and two candidates were exalted to the Supremo Degree . Tho election of Officers resulted as follows : —Comps . W . T . Orde-Powlett Z ., George Balmford H ., J . M . Meek J ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., J . Hollins S . E .,
Rev . W . Valentine P . M . S . N ., A . Bucklo P . S . Comp . J . Redfare was elected Janitor . A Committeo consisting of the threo Principals , tho S . E ., the P . S ., and Comps . J . Todd and T . B . Whytehead was appointed to make preparations for tho reception of the Prov . Grand Chapter , which will meet in May next under the banner of the Zetland Chapter . At 10 p . m . the Chapter was closed , and the
Companions adjourned to supper , at the conclusion of which a few of tho principal toasts wero drunk , and a pleasant timo was experienced . Amongst thoso present at tho consecration of the Eboracum Chapter we noticed ( in . addition to thoso already named ) Companions Rev . W . Valentine 23 ( 5 , J . Ward Prov . G . Janitor , G . Balmford J . 236 , G . Simpson 236 , R . Cundall 250 , J . Hanley 555 ( I . C ) , T . Gibson P . Z . 289 , W . Rowley 289 , CPalliser 236 , J . Redfare 236 , E . Houlden P . P . G . S . B .
236 , Jas . Blako 216 , Hon . AV . T . Orde-Powlett H . 236 Prov . G . D . C , AV . AVatson Z . 734 , Quarter-Master Sergt . Somerset 555 , Sergt .-Major Harris 555 . Afc the meeting of the Zetland Chapter in the evening wo noticed in addition to the above Comps . J . G . Turner S . E ., M . Rooke , T . S . Camidge , C . D . Barstow , J . Tissiman , A . Hanson , G . Cattell , J . Fairburn , G . C Lee , G . Kirby , T . J . AVilson , W . Draper , T . G . Hodgson , S . Border , J . Ayres , Rev . C . E . Camidge 154 , H . Smith 837 , AV . B . Jackson 1218 , & c .
The first regular meeting of the Eboracum Chapter was held ou Tuesday evening . Present—Comps . T . B . AVhytehead Z ., J . S . Cumberland H ., J . Todd P . Z . as J ., J . Kay S . E ., Turner as S . N " ., M . Millington P . S ., & c . Bros . 0 . G . Padel , P . Pearson , T . D . Smith ,
11 . Ware , W . Lackcuby , AV . P . Husband , J . E . Wilkinson , and W . J . Girling , of the Eboracmn Lodge 1611 , wero exalted to the supreme degree by the M . E . Z ., tho mystical lecture being given by Comp . Todd P . Z . Comp . the Rev . James Blake , Sacred Delta Chapter 216 , was elected a joining member ; Comp . G . Simpson was elected
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
H ^^^^^^^ a tfcswww . WB B ^ Bm wjyyMju ^ cB 23 GREAT QUEEN STREET , W . C .
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
THE Quarterly Convocation of Supremo Grand Chapter was hold on Wednesday evening , at Freemasons' llall . Comp . W . AV . B . Beach , M . P ., Grand Superintendent of Hants and tho Islo of Wight , acted as M . E . Z ., Eev . C . J . Martyn , Grand Superintendent of Suffolk , as IL , Comp . Powell , Grand Superb , of Bristol as J ., Shadwell H . Gierke S . E ., Burt S . N ., . Capt . W . Piatt P . S ., James Glaisher 1 st A . S ., J . A . Ruckor 2 nd A . S .. Col . Creaton Treas ., James Lewis Thomas as
Swd . B ., Thomas Penn P . Swd . B ., H . J . P . Dumas P . Swd . B ., J . 0 . Parkinson P . Swd . B ., Samuel Mullens D . C , Joshua Nunn P . D . C ., J . M . Case P . D . C ., Robert Grey P . A . S ., H . G . Buss P . Std . B ., and a large number of Comps . also attended . Comp . Beach informed the Comps . that iu conformity with tho Eoyal Arch Regulations , p 24 , Comp . Shadwell Gierke took tho position of Grand Scribe E . Warrants
were granted for tho William Kingston Chapter , No . 407 , "Valetta , Malta ; St . Andrew ' s Chapter , No . 1631 , Gorleston , Suffolk ; Friendly Chapter . No . 1513 , Bamslcy , Yorkshire ; RavensborneChapter , No . l 601 , Catford Bridge , Lowlsham ; and tho Highgate Chapter , No . 136 G , Highgato , Middlesex . Comp . Beach stated thafc after a long correspondonco and much consideration , his objections to tho granting of a
warrant for the Alder-shot Camp Chapter had been overcome , and ho now gave his recommendation that it be granted , on condition that only military brethren be members of the Chapter . The motion was seconded by Comp . H . Hacker , and carried unanimously . After the Comps . had adopted the remainder of tho report of the Committee of General Purposes , as published in tho FREEMASON ' S CHRONICLE last
week , Comp . W . Smallpoico P . Z . No . 21 , brought forward his motion " That Clause five ( 5 ) , page five ( 5 ) , of tho Book of Regulations of the Royal Arch bo repeated in order that all Companions may bo present at tho opening of private Chapters . " Companions woro allowed to bo present at tho closing of Chapters , when tho form was almost tho samo . No insight was given into the secrets of
the chair in tho opening , and ho did not seo why all Com . panions should not bo present . When Companions reached the position of Principals they consequently knew nothing of their duty in opening , and ho felt that his work as an instructor in Eoyal Arch Masonry was incomplete while he could not instruct in tho ceremony of opening . Comp . H . Garrod seconded
the motion , which was opposed , first by Comp . Thomas Fenn , Past Sword Bearer , who deprecated any resolution having in view an alteration of any of the Masonic ceremonies . Conscientiously and consistently he resisted every attempt at tampering with ceremonies , either in tho Craft or Arch , and although tho present was very small and trivial , there wero reasons why ordinary members
of a Chapter shonld not be present afc the ceremony of opening . If the clause complained of had never existed , no one beneath tho rank of a Principal conld attend Grand Chapter , which was as essentially a Past Principals' Chapter as Grand Lodso was a Master Masons ' Lodge , which no Entered Apprentice could attend . He questioned very much whether Grand Chapter had any right to alter its
ceremonies , because it had peculiar secrets , agreed upon by a Committee first , and afterwards acknowledged by Grand Lodge , and if thoy were altered Grand Chapter would have to go to Grand Lodge again . There was no hardship in tho present system , by which Comps . wero only kept out of the Chapter about four minntes . The matter might bo considered by a Committee , who should examine
the records , and go back to 1835 , when a Committee was appointed , which settled the present system of working . If they examined , thoy would probably see there was strong reason for excluding Companions from tho opening . Comp . Joshua Nunn also opposed any alteration , unless inquired into and reported upon by a committee . Comp . the Eev . C . W . Arnold was in favour of the
motion , and thought that if carried it would conduce to tho good of Freemasonry . Many Comps . did not attend their Chapters at all because they could not be present at tho opening . If Comps . wero allowed to be present it would havo an influence on the way the opening ceremony was performed ; in Chapters it was usually performed in a very slovenly and disgraceful manner , when it should
be most orderly and impressive . Comp . James Lewis Thomas , who had had much experience of Chapters , dissented from this view . Considering the forms employed , ho thought it wonld bo injudicious to admit all Comps . to tho opening . Being excluded , they felt that there was a more important ceremony going on than they were qualified to be admitted to , and it stimulated them to anxiety and
ambition to go up to the three chairs . Comp . Parkinson was instinctively led to sympathise with Comp . Smallpeice , but he wished for more information from skilled and competent Comps . before deciding which way to vote . He had not experienced any hardship himself , nor had he hoard of any from the present system ; but if there was even
umall hardship to any one , ho would bo in favour of its being re moved . Ho thought tho matter shonld be referred to a Committee . Comp . Woodford , who was opposed to any chaugo in tho present system , thought that the best plan now to adopt would bo to meet the motion with a direct negative , and Comp . Smallpeico could then bring tho matter on again in another form . After some further slight
Supreme Grand Chapter Of England.
discussion , an amendment for referring tho question to a Committeo was carried , after which another amendment , "That the motion bo dismissed , " was also carried . Comp . Beach having stated that Grand Chapter was much indebted to Comp . Smallpeice for calling attention to tho subject , that Companion thanked them for having listened to him , and the Grand Chapter was o losed .
Royal Arch Masonry In York.
A FEW weeks ago wo published an account , from the pen of Comp . AVhytehead , of the doings of Royal Arch Masons iu the ancient City of York a hundred aud twenty years ago , and now we havo to record a grand field-day of members of tho Supremo degree under tho shadow of the grand old towers of St . Peter , tho patron Saint of the Cathedral BO curiously associated with both ancieub and modem Masonry . Tho Eboracnm Lodge , whoso activity is notorious in the
Masonio world , having beon in existence a little over threo years , has had a Royal Arch Chapter attached to it , and ou Wednesday , tho 28 th ult ., tho ceremony of constitution and con . sccra ^ tion was conducted by tho Grand Superintendent of North and East Yorkshire , Dr . J . P . Bell , at tho Masonio Rooms , Queen ' s Hotel , York . Tho founders of tho Eboracnm Chapter had
looked forward to tho first chair being filled by Bro . Thos . Cooper , who was tho first Master of tho Eboracum Lodge , and who had throe times served tho office of Z . in the Zetland Chapter 230 ; but , as re . corded in our columns , the G . A . O . T . TJ . removed thab distinguished Brother during the last year from tho scene of his earthly labours , and Comp . T . B . Whytehead , as the senior member of the Lodge , was
selected as tho Z . Designate , the second and third chairs being assigned respectively to Comps . J . S . Cumberland and P . H . Rowland P . Z . At 3 . p . m . thoComp ' s . assembled in the anfce-room , where light refreshments woro provided , and tho Provincial Officers proceeded to open a Chapter in tho Lodgo Room . Tho Grand Superintendent then entered and proceeded at onco to perform tho ceremonies of the day ,
in which ho was assisted by E . Comps . Sir James Meek P . Z . 236 P . P . G . H ., W . H . Porritt Prov . G . H ., J . Todd Prov . G . J ., Mclvor Murray Prov . G . N ., and other distinguished Companions , Comp . T . B . Whytehead presiding at the organ . The delicate state of health of tho Grand Superintendent making ib necessary for him to retire from the Chapter at the conclusion of tha consecration , ho was accorded
the thanks of the assembled Companions ; but before retiring ho addressed a few remarks to thoso present , in which he touched npon tho early history oE tho degree , its origin and progress , and expressed a firm assurance that tho Eboracnm Chapter would be worked in such a manner as to reflect credit on tho Provinco and on its' founders . Tho ceremony of installation of tho Threo Principals was then proceeded
with , and was carried out by E . Comp . J . Todd P . Z . Prov . G . J . with great excellence . On tho ro-admission of tho members the following Companions wero invested with their collars of office—James Kay S . E ., Matthew Millington P . S ., J . T . Seller 1 st Assist . Soj ., A . T . B . Turner 2 nd Assist . Soj . The M . E .-Z . then spoke of the pleasure it had afforded them to seo amongst them their Grand Superintendent , who
in spito of bad health had contrived to bo present , and read several letters from Companions in all parts of tho country who were unable to attend , some throngh illness , and others who wero at the meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge of Yorkshire that day a 6 Pontofract , and concluded by proposing the election of the Grand Superintendent ( Dr . Bell ) and E . Comps . W . H , Porritt Prov . G . H ., J . Todd Prov . G . J .,
M . C . Peck Prov . G . S . E ., ns honorary members , which was carried unanimously . A number of names of candidates for exaltation were then proposed aud seconded , and the Chapter was closed . The members afterwards entertained their Visitors at a " high tea , " when the good things woro thoroughly enjoyed . At seven p . m . the party adjourned to the Masonic Hall , where the Zetland Chapter ( attached
to the York Lodgo 23 G ) was holding its annual meeting for the election of Officers . The Three Principals E . Comps . Sir James Meek , Hon . W . T . Orde-Powlett and Geo . Balmford were iu their chairs , and two candidates were exalted to the Supremo Degree . Tho election of Officers resulted as follows : —Comps . W . T . Orde-Powlett Z ., George Balmford H ., J . M . Meek J ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., J . Hollins S . E .,
Rev . W . Valentine P . M . S . N ., A . Bucklo P . S . Comp . J . Redfare was elected Janitor . A Committeo consisting of the threo Principals , tho S . E ., the P . S ., and Comps . J . Todd and T . B . Whytehead was appointed to make preparations for tho reception of the Prov . Grand Chapter , which will meet in May next under the banner of the Zetland Chapter . At 10 p . m . the Chapter was closed , and the
Companions adjourned to supper , at the conclusion of which a few of tho principal toasts wero drunk , and a pleasant timo was experienced . Amongst thoso present at tho consecration of the Eboracum Chapter we noticed ( in . addition to thoso already named ) Companions Rev . W . Valentine 23 ( 5 , J . Ward Prov . G . Janitor , G . Balmford J . 236 , G . Simpson 236 , R . Cundall 250 , J . Hanley 555 ( I . C ) , T . Gibson P . Z . 289 , W . Rowley 289 , CPalliser 236 , J . Redfare 236 , E . Houlden P . P . G . S . B .
236 , Jas . Blako 216 , Hon . AV . T . Orde-Powlett H . 236 Prov . G . D . C , AV . AVatson Z . 734 , Quarter-Master Sergt . Somerset 555 , Sergt .-Major Harris 555 . Afc the meeting of the Zetland Chapter in the evening wo noticed in addition to the above Comps . J . G . Turner S . E ., M . Rooke , T . S . Camidge , C . D . Barstow , J . Tissiman , A . Hanson , G . Cattell , J . Fairburn , G . C Lee , G . Kirby , T . J . AVilson , W . Draper , T . G . Hodgson , S . Border , J . Ayres , Rev . C . E . Camidge 154 , H . Smith 837 , AV . B . Jackson 1218 , & c .
The first regular meeting of the Eboracum Chapter was held ou Tuesday evening . Present—Comps . T . B . AVhytehead Z ., J . S . Cumberland H ., J . Todd P . Z . as J ., J . Kay S . E ., Turner as S . N " ., M . Millington P . S ., & c . Bros . 0 . G . Padel , P . Pearson , T . D . Smith ,
11 . Ware , W . Lackcuby , AV . P . Husband , J . E . Wilkinson , and W . J . Girling , of the Eboracmn Lodge 1611 , wero exalted to the supreme degree by the M . E . Z ., tho mystical lecture being given by Comp . Todd P . Z . Comp . the Rev . James Blake , Sacred Delta Chapter 216 , was elected a joining member ; Comp . G . Simpson was elected