Article PROGRESS OF THE BOYS SCHOOL. Page 1 of 1 Article THE OLD MASONIANS. Page 1 of 1 Article THE OLD MASONIANS. Page 1 of 1
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Progress Of The Boys School.
I Abl week we were able to briefly announce that *—* the Foundation Stone of the new Schools for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be erected at Bushey , Herts , would be laid by H . R . H , the Duke of Connaught , as representative of the Most
Worshipful the Grand Master , on the 12 th May next , with full Masonic Honours ; and we are now able to supplement that information with some further particulars of what it is proposed to do on the occasion .
We are pleased to find the Committee do not propose to follow the course , so usual at similar celebrations , of making a collection on behalf of the funds . They recognise that the generous support given by
the Craft in the Centenary year of the Institution—and which has enabled the great work now in progress to be carried out—justifies them making the ceremony one of special prominence , without a direct appeal for
extra funds ; and we can only hope that the result of the present year ' s Festival , encouraged as it must be by . the proposed ceremony of next month , will fully justify their forbearance .
It is expected the occasion will bring together one of the most representative gatherings of English Freemasons of recent years , and we think it not at all
unlikely the Management may find it difficult to deal with all the applications they receive for tickets , in view of the fact that the accommodation is limited to about
2 , 500 persons . It is proposed to issue tickets for Ladies and Brethren , at a guinea each , to covei the expense of railway fare—from London to Bushey and
back , —seat to view the ceremony , and luncheon , with light wines ; and applications for these tickets must be made to Bro . McLeod , Secretary of the Institution , not later than Tuesday next , 10 th inst .
It is intended that the company shall leave Euston Station about 11 . 0 a . m . on the 12 th prox ., and return to London about 4 . 30 p . m . ; and if the weather should prove propitious an enjoyable , as well as an
interesting outing should result , as the surrounding country will be at its best in its early spring garb , and in view of the unique nature of . the proceedings the ceremony will be one which all who attend it will be
able to refer back to with pride and pleasure . We can only repeat our good wishes for the success of this initial ceremony , and express the hope that all will proceed satisfactorily and harmoniously .
The Old Masonians.
rpHE annual dinner was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet _ L Street , on Saturday evening , and afforded ample proof that the Association is vigorously flourishing in the fourteenth year of its existence . It boasts some 270 members , a good representative number of whom attended the dinner , which
was under the presidency of Bro . H . Manfield President of the Association , while the Rev . Harry Hebb ,. headmaster of the School ; Bros . R . Eve , J . Morrison McLeod , and Percy Fitzgerald were among those who supported him . The
The Old Masonians.
Chairman ' s references to the sympathetic support always extended by the Queen and the Prince of Wales to Masonic Charities were received with enthusiasm . As several members of the Association are now in South Africa , fighting for their country , Bro . Manfield ' s remarks on the struggle had all the force of personal interest .
It is with extreme regret we hear that the eldest son of our Bro . Dr . Chas . Forshaw , of Bradford , met with a very serious accident on Wednesday of last week . It seems he was cycling in Victoria Park , Harrogate , and , losing control
of his machine , collided with a couple of Corporation carts filled with mud . The wheel of one cart passed over his chest , crushing it and causing internal injuries , while the wheel of the other went over his left thigh , fracturing it close to the
pelvic bone . The lad was removed to the Pembroke College , where he is a student , and Drs . Fearnley and Dimmock summoned . The following day Dr . Rabagliati , of Bradford , was called in , and this gentleman advised his removal home ,
the Bradford Ambulance being requisitioned for this purpose . JLater the doctor set the fractured limb , and , considering his narrow escape and precarious condition , the patient , who
is in his 14 th year , is progressing towards recovery most favourably . We trust we may ere long be able to record the further , progress of pur young friend .
Harold Mackenzie Sherman is one of the last application cases in connection with this month ' s elections , he being a candidate for the Boys School , with 2 , 324 votes already placed to his credit ; and we hope his friends may be so far
successful as to secure his return . The father died in 18 94 , being at the time W . M . of the Buckingham Lodge , No . 591 . The case is well recommended , and is worthy of support . We shall be pleased to receive proxies from any of our readers on the lad ' s behalf .
The inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia , and the installation of His Excellency the Governor Sir Gerard Smith as first Grand Master , took place at Government House , Perth ( W . A . ) , on the 27 th February . A large and representative gathering attended .
A very good authority estimates that probably 4 , 000 votes—or even less—will secure a place on the occasion of the coming election for the Boys School , while probably upwards of 4 , 000 will be necessary in the case of the sister Institution .
Those who are interested in the coming election for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys should note that the candidature of the lad No . 40 on the list—L . H . D . Roberts —has been withdrawn .
The members of the Cotehele Lodge , No . 2166 , which meets at Calstock , have in contemplation the erection of a new Half for their meetings / and other Masonic purposes .
Bro . H . A . Badman was installed as W . M . of the Royal Standard Lodge , at Holborn , on Wednesday . An account of the proceedings will appear in our next issue .
The new Lodge for South Devon—the Lodge of the Three Pillars , No . 2806—is to be consecrated early next month , at Cockington .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Progress Of The Boys School.
I Abl week we were able to briefly announce that *—* the Foundation Stone of the new Schools for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , to be erected at Bushey , Herts , would be laid by H . R . H , the Duke of Connaught , as representative of the Most
Worshipful the Grand Master , on the 12 th May next , with full Masonic Honours ; and we are now able to supplement that information with some further particulars of what it is proposed to do on the occasion .
We are pleased to find the Committee do not propose to follow the course , so usual at similar celebrations , of making a collection on behalf of the funds . They recognise that the generous support given by
the Craft in the Centenary year of the Institution—and which has enabled the great work now in progress to be carried out—justifies them making the ceremony one of special prominence , without a direct appeal for
extra funds ; and we can only hope that the result of the present year ' s Festival , encouraged as it must be by . the proposed ceremony of next month , will fully justify their forbearance .
It is expected the occasion will bring together one of the most representative gatherings of English Freemasons of recent years , and we think it not at all
unlikely the Management may find it difficult to deal with all the applications they receive for tickets , in view of the fact that the accommodation is limited to about
2 , 500 persons . It is proposed to issue tickets for Ladies and Brethren , at a guinea each , to covei the expense of railway fare—from London to Bushey and
back , —seat to view the ceremony , and luncheon , with light wines ; and applications for these tickets must be made to Bro . McLeod , Secretary of the Institution , not later than Tuesday next , 10 th inst .
It is intended that the company shall leave Euston Station about 11 . 0 a . m . on the 12 th prox ., and return to London about 4 . 30 p . m . ; and if the weather should prove propitious an enjoyable , as well as an
interesting outing should result , as the surrounding country will be at its best in its early spring garb , and in view of the unique nature of . the proceedings the ceremony will be one which all who attend it will be
able to refer back to with pride and pleasure . We can only repeat our good wishes for the success of this initial ceremony , and express the hope that all will proceed satisfactorily and harmoniously .
The Old Masonians.
rpHE annual dinner was held at Anderton's Hotel , Fleet _ L Street , on Saturday evening , and afforded ample proof that the Association is vigorously flourishing in the fourteenth year of its existence . It boasts some 270 members , a good representative number of whom attended the dinner , which
was under the presidency of Bro . H . Manfield President of the Association , while the Rev . Harry Hebb ,. headmaster of the School ; Bros . R . Eve , J . Morrison McLeod , and Percy Fitzgerald were among those who supported him . The
The Old Masonians.
Chairman ' s references to the sympathetic support always extended by the Queen and the Prince of Wales to Masonic Charities were received with enthusiasm . As several members of the Association are now in South Africa , fighting for their country , Bro . Manfield ' s remarks on the struggle had all the force of personal interest .
It is with extreme regret we hear that the eldest son of our Bro . Dr . Chas . Forshaw , of Bradford , met with a very serious accident on Wednesday of last week . It seems he was cycling in Victoria Park , Harrogate , and , losing control
of his machine , collided with a couple of Corporation carts filled with mud . The wheel of one cart passed over his chest , crushing it and causing internal injuries , while the wheel of the other went over his left thigh , fracturing it close to the
pelvic bone . The lad was removed to the Pembroke College , where he is a student , and Drs . Fearnley and Dimmock summoned . The following day Dr . Rabagliati , of Bradford , was called in , and this gentleman advised his removal home ,
the Bradford Ambulance being requisitioned for this purpose . JLater the doctor set the fractured limb , and , considering his narrow escape and precarious condition , the patient , who
is in his 14 th year , is progressing towards recovery most favourably . We trust we may ere long be able to record the further , progress of pur young friend .
Harold Mackenzie Sherman is one of the last application cases in connection with this month ' s elections , he being a candidate for the Boys School , with 2 , 324 votes already placed to his credit ; and we hope his friends may be so far
successful as to secure his return . The father died in 18 94 , being at the time W . M . of the Buckingham Lodge , No . 591 . The case is well recommended , and is worthy of support . We shall be pleased to receive proxies from any of our readers on the lad ' s behalf .
The inauguration of the Grand Lodge of Western Australia , and the installation of His Excellency the Governor Sir Gerard Smith as first Grand Master , took place at Government House , Perth ( W . A . ) , on the 27 th February . A large and representative gathering attended .
A very good authority estimates that probably 4 , 000 votes—or even less—will secure a place on the occasion of the coming election for the Boys School , while probably upwards of 4 , 000 will be necessary in the case of the sister Institution .
Those who are interested in the coming election for the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys should note that the candidature of the lad No . 40 on the list—L . H . D . Roberts —has been withdrawn .
The members of the Cotehele Lodge , No . 2166 , which meets at Calstock , have in contemplation the erection of a new Half for their meetings / and other Masonic purposes .
Bro . H . A . Badman was installed as W . M . of the Royal Standard Lodge , at Holborn , on Wednesday . An account of the proceedings will appear in our next issue .
The new Lodge for South Devon—the Lodge of the Three Pillars , No . 2806—is to be consecrated early next month , at Cockington .