Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ← Page 2 of 4 Article REPORTS OF MEETINGS. Page 2 of 4 →
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Reports Of Meetings.
COTEHELE LODGE , No . 2166 , CALSTOGK . Installation of Brother John Northam . THE annual meeting was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Calstock . There was a very good attendance , over which Bro . Major J . G . Shanks , K . M ., presided .
The Brethren had under consideration the subject of new Lodge premises , and it was decided to refer the plans and specifications of the contemplated building to the Building Committee . As soon as the plans are approved and the land conveyed , tenders will be invited for the erection of the Hall .
Bro . Major J . G . Shanks very impressively passed three candidates , after which the installation of the Master for the ensuing year was proceeded with , the W . M .-elect being Bro . John Northam . The ceremony was performed in characteristic style by Bro . Major Shanks .
Before the Lodge was closed a very interesting presentation took place . Bro . J . G . Shanks asked the Lodge ' s acceptance of eight solid silver jewels for the Officers' collars . Each jewel bore the following inscription : Presented to
Cotehele Lodge , No . 2166 , by W . Bro . Major J . G . Shanks , K . M ., April 1900 . The W . M . proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the donor for his magnificent gift .
Bro . Bowhay , in seconding , reminded the Brethren that only last year Bro . Shanks gave the Lodge silver jewels for the Master and Wardens . He had now completed the set , and had given Lodge Cotehele a gift by which he would always be
remembered . The vote was enthusiastically accorded , and Bro . Shanks suitably replied . Subsequently the Brethren dined together at the Tamar Hotel , where the chair was occupied by Bro . J . Northam W . M .
— : o : — HONOUR AND GENEROSITY LODGE , No . 165 . AT the regular meeting of this old and popular Lodge , held on Tuesday , 27 th ult ., there were present Bros . F . H . Rosher W . M ., Alfred P . Crabb I . P . M ., Woodhouse S . W ., Sykes J . W ., W . de B . Herbert S . D ., W . M . Thompson J . D ., H . Bearman acting I . G ., Richard Eve P . M . P . G . Treas ., Howard Thompson P . M . Treas ., Henry Times P . M . Sec , Alfred W . Bush P . M ., J . R . Drake P . M ., H . W . Olarkson Organist , J . H . Stone , Wm . H . Burt , F . S . Gaylor , H . J . Strudwick , B . B . Van Praagh , C . J . Andrews , and J . A . Dugdale .
Visitors : Bros . Edward Terry P . Grand Treas ., E . N . Beningfield S . W . ana Master-elect No . 2278 , Reginald Groome 2620 , H . Wharton Wells P . P . G . Org ., Templer Saxe 2190 , and Sir William Murray , Bart . Letters of regret for non ability to attend had been received from Bros , the Archdeacon of London , the Grand Secretary , Henry Neville P . A . G . D . C ., and other distinguished Grand Officers . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . J . Harris Stona was passed as a P . O . in an impressive manner by the W . M .
The election of Officers for the ensuing year was the next business , and resulted in favour of Bros . John Woodhouse as W . M .-elect , J . H . Howard Thompson P . M . as Treasurer , and R . H . Goddard as Tyler . Sir William Robert Murray was proposed by the Secretary as a joining member ol the Lodge , and Lieut . Pocock , R . N ., was proposed as a candidate for initiation by the Master-elect . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M ., who vacates the chair at the Installation meeting in May next .
All Masonic business being ended the Lodge was closed , and an adjournment was made for refreshment . After the banquet the Master proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which are always received with enthusiasm in this Lodge . Bro , Edward Terry P . G . Treas . responded for the Grand Officers . Bro . Richard Eve P . G . Treas . proposed the toast of the W . M ., which was briefly and suitably acknowledged bv Bro . Howard Rosher .
Sir William Murray , in acknowledging the toast of the Visitors , stated he hoped that this was the last occasion that he would be present in the Lodge as a visitor ; he looked forward to being a regular attendant as a member , should he be elected . Bro . Beningfield also replied , and regretted that he wa 3 only able to be
in time for dinner , but promised to be present in May to see Bro . Woodhouse installed , and then he would do his best to be more punctual . What was a most successful meeting had its harmony further advanced by splendid music and recitations which were contributed by BroB . Edward Terry , Templer Saxe , Reginald Groome , H . Wharton Wells , F . C . O ., and others .
KENNINGTON LODGE , No . 1381 . THE W . M . Bro . W . H . Wolsey had a full evening ' s work at his first meeting after his installation , all three degrees being required of him . Bro . H . A . Lassam was raised , Bro . W . S . Sharp passed , and Mr . E . Roberts initiated , the whole of the ritual being superbly given . At the banquet which followed , the management of the Horns did splendidly , notwithstanding the difficulties caused by the alterations in progress .
In the speeches which followed the banquet , Past Master Everett and the I . P . M . Bro . Thos . Davies both warmly and sincerely congratulated the W . M . on the splendid manner in which he had delivered the ritual ; and their opinion was cordially endorsed by both members and visitors . Capital singing and recitations followed , Bro . Prederick Clay ' s " Era Giacomo " being dramatically rendered . The meeting was certainly one of the pleasantest in the annals of the Lodge .
Reports Of Meetings.
SURREY MASONIC HALL LODGE , No . 1539 . THE annual ladies' night ( which is always a most successful evening ) took place on Wednesday , 21 st ult ., when about 150 Brethren and Ladies , with other guests , assembled at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road .
Previous to the banquet , which opened that portion of the proceedings to which ladies were invited , the ordinary March meeting of the Lodge was held , with Bro . G , Mash in the chair of K . S . Naturally the Lodge was not largely attended , the major portion of the Brethren preferring to wait till the hour arrived at which they could be accompanied bv their lady friends . The whole of the Masonic work was done in that admirable style which is now expected of the earnest W . M . of the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge .
The W . M . next held a reception , after which a banquet took place in the Pillar Hall , the W . M . presiding . The Hall itself and the tables were charmingly decorated by Bro . Salter , and every diner was also favoured with a handsome buttonhole . The dinner itself was a great success , and reflected much credit upon Mrs . Venables ; whilst the fact that it might almost be said everybody knew everybody , made this portion of the proceedings pass off most pleasantly .
After the Queen had been proposed in eloquent terms by the W . M ., Bro . Shonfeld I . P . M ., in giving the toast of the W . M ., said that iu Bro . W . Mash they had a most enthusiastic worker in all Masonic causes , whilst the way in which he had catered for the enjoyment of the ladies that night showed that his genius for promoting good fellowship and enjoyment did not end
with his purely Masonic duties . With the toast he coupled the name of that most enthusiastic lady , Mrs . Mash , whose absence , through indisposition , they all deeply regretted , and the speaker was sure all the company would join with him in wishing Bro . Mash and Mrs . Mash long life , prosperity , and happiness .
Bro . Mash responded in most hearty terms . To be in the position he held that night was a thing that generally came only to a man once in his lifetime . He had done all he could to promote that evening ' s enjoyment , and the best thanks he could receive would be an acknowledgment that the evening had been a happy one .
Then Bro . Mash went on to propose the Ladies , in very happy terms , and as Past Master Mulliss was too ill to be present , Bro . Drake responded in a lively vein on behalf of the fair sex . An adjournment was made to the ball-room , where till 2 . 30 dancing was kept up in the most lively fashion .
LADIES NIGHT OF THE SAMSON LODGE , No . 1668 . A VERY successful function was arranged by the members of this Lodge , about 150 Ladies and Brethren being present on the occasion , at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street . The principal Officers of the Lodge , Bro 3 . T . H . Lamble W . M ., S . J . Heilbron S . W . ( who will be installed as Master at the regular meeting on Tuesday next ) , and Joshua Cohn J . W . ( the latter accompanied by his wife and daughter ) did all in their power to secure the enjoyment of the company , and were heartily supported by other Officers and members . During the evening a concert was given .
With the object of initiating a collection in aid of the War Fund , Miss Johanna Heymann splendidly played a pianoforte solo ( Mendelssohn's " Bees ' Wedding" ) . A novel feature was that the sum collected was offered to the highest bidder , and realised £ 12 , although the amount actually collected was considerably below that figure .
ANNUAL SUPPER OF THE DALHOUSIE LODGE , No . 865 AND THE EARL ' S COURT LODGE , No . 2765 . A VERY interesting meeting of these two Lodges took place on Wednesday of last week , when the first joint Annual Dinner was held at Bro . Joel Davis ' s , the Greyhound , Kensington Square , W ., where both the Lodges hold their regular weekly meetings—the former on Mondays , the latter on Wednesdays .
The members of the two Lodges make it a rule to visit each other ' s meatings at frequent intervals , and to give proof of their fraternal feeling they decided to hold a joint Annual Supper , which , in every sense of the word , proved interesting and most successful . Indeed those responsible deserve high compliment for the way in which the affair was managed . Bro . A . Williams P . M . Preceptor 865 presided at the dinner , while Bro . J . Worth P . M . Preceptor of the Earl's Court Lodge occupied the chair nextto Bro . Williams , with Bro . ! Dver S . W . of the Dalhousie Lodge in the vice
chair . Amongst others present were Bros . W . Eacey P . M . Treasurer 2665 ( Instruction ) , J . Cox P . M . Secretary 865 ( I . ) , A . J . Taylor Secretary 2765 ( I . ) , Spiegel P . P . G . S . B ., Betts 865 , Nielson 865 , Smothurst , Dixon , Honniball , Johnson , Robinson , W . Lewis , Herbert , Howard , Harris , Binfield , Sanders , Young , Neale , H . Neighbour , Stevens , W . Neighbour , Leete , Joel Davis , Stovold , Lyons , J . Cox , H . S . Cox , Wynman , T . E . P . Bell , and several others .
The excellent repast provided by Bro . Davis was a credit to his establishment and himself , and was generally ^ enjoyed by the company ; indeed , there are many well known Hotels which might have profited by seeing how the dinner was served—there was abundance of everything , beautifully hot , and at a moderate cost . After the dinner Bro . Williams proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , which was followed by the National Anthem , Bro . J . Worth P . M . Preceptor of the Earl ' s Court Lodge singing the solo .
The toast of the Grand Master also met a hearty response , Bro . Heelis singing " God bless the Prince of WaleB . " Bro . J . Worth P . M . next rose , and gave in a short and complimentary speech the toast of the Chairman . Bro . Williams was heartily received on rising to respond . He thanked Bro . Worth for his kind remarks , but felt they ought rather to be considered as jointly occupying the post of Chairman . Bro . Worth had been kind
enough to give way to him , and allow him the premier position , but they must share the honours of the evening between them . Ho was delighted to see the good fellowship existing between tho two Lodges . He knew Bro . Worth as a good Preceptor , and he felt that all who were able to attend his Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday evenings would acquire a knowledge of Preemasoncy from him , and a knowledge that would be of service to them , as he was such a perfect exponent of the ritual . Bro . Worth was well received , and thanked Bro . Williams for his kind
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Reports Of Meetings.
COTEHELE LODGE , No . 2166 , CALSTOGK . Installation of Brother John Northam . THE annual meeting was held on the 2 nd inst ., at the Masonic Hall , Calstock . There was a very good attendance , over which Bro . Major J . G . Shanks , K . M ., presided .
The Brethren had under consideration the subject of new Lodge premises , and it was decided to refer the plans and specifications of the contemplated building to the Building Committee . As soon as the plans are approved and the land conveyed , tenders will be invited for the erection of the Hall .
Bro . Major J . G . Shanks very impressively passed three candidates , after which the installation of the Master for the ensuing year was proceeded with , the W . M .-elect being Bro . John Northam . The ceremony was performed in characteristic style by Bro . Major Shanks .
Before the Lodge was closed a very interesting presentation took place . Bro . J . G . Shanks asked the Lodge ' s acceptance of eight solid silver jewels for the Officers' collars . Each jewel bore the following inscription : Presented to
Cotehele Lodge , No . 2166 , by W . Bro . Major J . G . Shanks , K . M ., April 1900 . The W . M . proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the donor for his magnificent gift .
Bro . Bowhay , in seconding , reminded the Brethren that only last year Bro . Shanks gave the Lodge silver jewels for the Master and Wardens . He had now completed the set , and had given Lodge Cotehele a gift by which he would always be
remembered . The vote was enthusiastically accorded , and Bro . Shanks suitably replied . Subsequently the Brethren dined together at the Tamar Hotel , where the chair was occupied by Bro . J . Northam W . M .
— : o : — HONOUR AND GENEROSITY LODGE , No . 165 . AT the regular meeting of this old and popular Lodge , held on Tuesday , 27 th ult ., there were present Bros . F . H . Rosher W . M ., Alfred P . Crabb I . P . M ., Woodhouse S . W ., Sykes J . W ., W . de B . Herbert S . D ., W . M . Thompson J . D ., H . Bearman acting I . G ., Richard Eve P . M . P . G . Treas ., Howard Thompson P . M . Treas ., Henry Times P . M . Sec , Alfred W . Bush P . M ., J . R . Drake P . M ., H . W . Olarkson Organist , J . H . Stone , Wm . H . Burt , F . S . Gaylor , H . J . Strudwick , B . B . Van Praagh , C . J . Andrews , and J . A . Dugdale .
Visitors : Bros . Edward Terry P . Grand Treas ., E . N . Beningfield S . W . ana Master-elect No . 2278 , Reginald Groome 2620 , H . Wharton Wells P . P . G . Org ., Templer Saxe 2190 , and Sir William Murray , Bart . Letters of regret for non ability to attend had been received from Bros , the Archdeacon of London , the Grand Secretary , Henry Neville P . A . G . D . C ., and other distinguished Grand Officers . The Lodge was opened in due form , and the minutes read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened in the second degree , and Bro . J . Harris Stona was passed as a P . O . in an impressive manner by the W . M .
The election of Officers for the ensuing year was the next business , and resulted in favour of Bros . John Woodhouse as W . M .-elect , J . H . Howard Thompson P . M . as Treasurer , and R . H . Goddard as Tyler . Sir William Robert Murray was proposed by the Secretary as a joining member ol the Lodge , and Lieut . Pocock , R . N ., was proposed as a candidate for initiation by the Master-elect . A Past Master ' s jewel was unanimously voted to the W . M ., who vacates the chair at the Installation meeting in May next .
All Masonic business being ended the Lodge was closed , and an adjournment was made for refreshment . After the banquet the Master proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts , which are always received with enthusiasm in this Lodge . Bro , Edward Terry P . G . Treas . responded for the Grand Officers . Bro . Richard Eve P . G . Treas . proposed the toast of the W . M ., which was briefly and suitably acknowledged bv Bro . Howard Rosher .
Sir William Murray , in acknowledging the toast of the Visitors , stated he hoped that this was the last occasion that he would be present in the Lodge as a visitor ; he looked forward to being a regular attendant as a member , should he be elected . Bro . Beningfield also replied , and regretted that he wa 3 only able to be
in time for dinner , but promised to be present in May to see Bro . Woodhouse installed , and then he would do his best to be more punctual . What was a most successful meeting had its harmony further advanced by splendid music and recitations which were contributed by BroB . Edward Terry , Templer Saxe , Reginald Groome , H . Wharton Wells , F . C . O ., and others .
KENNINGTON LODGE , No . 1381 . THE W . M . Bro . W . H . Wolsey had a full evening ' s work at his first meeting after his installation , all three degrees being required of him . Bro . H . A . Lassam was raised , Bro . W . S . Sharp passed , and Mr . E . Roberts initiated , the whole of the ritual being superbly given . At the banquet which followed , the management of the Horns did splendidly , notwithstanding the difficulties caused by the alterations in progress .
In the speeches which followed the banquet , Past Master Everett and the I . P . M . Bro . Thos . Davies both warmly and sincerely congratulated the W . M . on the splendid manner in which he had delivered the ritual ; and their opinion was cordially endorsed by both members and visitors . Capital singing and recitations followed , Bro . Prederick Clay ' s " Era Giacomo " being dramatically rendered . The meeting was certainly one of the pleasantest in the annals of the Lodge .
Reports Of Meetings.
SURREY MASONIC HALL LODGE , No . 1539 . THE annual ladies' night ( which is always a most successful evening ) took place on Wednesday , 21 st ult ., when about 150 Brethren and Ladies , with other guests , assembled at the Surrey Masonic Hall , Camberwell New Road .
Previous to the banquet , which opened that portion of the proceedings to which ladies were invited , the ordinary March meeting of the Lodge was held , with Bro . G , Mash in the chair of K . S . Naturally the Lodge was not largely attended , the major portion of the Brethren preferring to wait till the hour arrived at which they could be accompanied bv their lady friends . The whole of the Masonic work was done in that admirable style which is now expected of the earnest W . M . of the Surrey Masonic Hall Lodge .
The W . M . next held a reception , after which a banquet took place in the Pillar Hall , the W . M . presiding . The Hall itself and the tables were charmingly decorated by Bro . Salter , and every diner was also favoured with a handsome buttonhole . The dinner itself was a great success , and reflected much credit upon Mrs . Venables ; whilst the fact that it might almost be said everybody knew everybody , made this portion of the proceedings pass off most pleasantly .
After the Queen had been proposed in eloquent terms by the W . M ., Bro . Shonfeld I . P . M ., in giving the toast of the W . M ., said that iu Bro . W . Mash they had a most enthusiastic worker in all Masonic causes , whilst the way in which he had catered for the enjoyment of the ladies that night showed that his genius for promoting good fellowship and enjoyment did not end
with his purely Masonic duties . With the toast he coupled the name of that most enthusiastic lady , Mrs . Mash , whose absence , through indisposition , they all deeply regretted , and the speaker was sure all the company would join with him in wishing Bro . Mash and Mrs . Mash long life , prosperity , and happiness .
Bro . Mash responded in most hearty terms . To be in the position he held that night was a thing that generally came only to a man once in his lifetime . He had done all he could to promote that evening ' s enjoyment , and the best thanks he could receive would be an acknowledgment that the evening had been a happy one .
Then Bro . Mash went on to propose the Ladies , in very happy terms , and as Past Master Mulliss was too ill to be present , Bro . Drake responded in a lively vein on behalf of the fair sex . An adjournment was made to the ball-room , where till 2 . 30 dancing was kept up in the most lively fashion .
LADIES NIGHT OF THE SAMSON LODGE , No . 1668 . A VERY successful function was arranged by the members of this Lodge , about 150 Ladies and Brethren being present on the occasion , at the Cafe Royal , Regent Street . The principal Officers of the Lodge , Bro 3 . T . H . Lamble W . M ., S . J . Heilbron S . W . ( who will be installed as Master at the regular meeting on Tuesday next ) , and Joshua Cohn J . W . ( the latter accompanied by his wife and daughter ) did all in their power to secure the enjoyment of the company , and were heartily supported by other Officers and members . During the evening a concert was given .
With the object of initiating a collection in aid of the War Fund , Miss Johanna Heymann splendidly played a pianoforte solo ( Mendelssohn's " Bees ' Wedding" ) . A novel feature was that the sum collected was offered to the highest bidder , and realised £ 12 , although the amount actually collected was considerably below that figure .
ANNUAL SUPPER OF THE DALHOUSIE LODGE , No . 865 AND THE EARL ' S COURT LODGE , No . 2765 . A VERY interesting meeting of these two Lodges took place on Wednesday of last week , when the first joint Annual Dinner was held at Bro . Joel Davis ' s , the Greyhound , Kensington Square , W ., where both the Lodges hold their regular weekly meetings—the former on Mondays , the latter on Wednesdays .
The members of the two Lodges make it a rule to visit each other ' s meatings at frequent intervals , and to give proof of their fraternal feeling they decided to hold a joint Annual Supper , which , in every sense of the word , proved interesting and most successful . Indeed those responsible deserve high compliment for the way in which the affair was managed . Bro . A . Williams P . M . Preceptor 865 presided at the dinner , while Bro . J . Worth P . M . Preceptor of the Earl's Court Lodge occupied the chair nextto Bro . Williams , with Bro . ! Dver S . W . of the Dalhousie Lodge in the vice
chair . Amongst others present were Bros . W . Eacey P . M . Treasurer 2665 ( Instruction ) , J . Cox P . M . Secretary 865 ( I . ) , A . J . Taylor Secretary 2765 ( I . ) , Spiegel P . P . G . S . B ., Betts 865 , Nielson 865 , Smothurst , Dixon , Honniball , Johnson , Robinson , W . Lewis , Herbert , Howard , Harris , Binfield , Sanders , Young , Neale , H . Neighbour , Stevens , W . Neighbour , Leete , Joel Davis , Stovold , Lyons , J . Cox , H . S . Cox , Wynman , T . E . P . Bell , and several others .
The excellent repast provided by Bro . Davis was a credit to his establishment and himself , and was generally ^ enjoyed by the company ; indeed , there are many well known Hotels which might have profited by seeing how the dinner was served—there was abundance of everything , beautifully hot , and at a moderate cost . After the dinner Bro . Williams proposed the toast of the Queen and the Craft , which was followed by the National Anthem , Bro . J . Worth P . M . Preceptor of the Earl ' s Court Lodge singing the solo .
The toast of the Grand Master also met a hearty response , Bro . Heelis singing " God bless the Prince of WaleB . " Bro . J . Worth P . M . next rose , and gave in a short and complimentary speech the toast of the Chairman . Bro . Williams was heartily received on rising to respond . He thanked Bro . Worth for his kind remarks , but felt they ought rather to be considered as jointly occupying the post of Chairman . Bro . Worth had been kind
enough to give way to him , and allow him the premier position , but they must share the honours of the evening between them . Ho was delighted to see the good fellowship existing between tho two Lodges . He knew Bro . Worth as a good Preceptor , and he felt that all who were able to attend his Lodge of Instruction on Wednesday evenings would acquire a knowledge of Preemasoncy from him , and a knowledge that would be of service to them , as he was such a perfect exponent of the ritual . Bro . Worth was well received , and thanked Bro . Williams for his kind