Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Article CHESHIRE CHARITY. Page 1 of 1 Article BELFAST CHARITIES. Page 1 of 2 Article BELFAST CHARITIES. Page 1 of 2 →
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Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . OEiRiEiMzoiisnsr OF LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE NEW SCHOOLS AT BUSHEY , HERTS , BY H . R . H . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , K . G ., & C , & G ., & C ., & C , PAST M . W . S . M ., ON SATURDAY , 12 th MAY 1900 . By command of the Most WQrshipfMl Qpancl Master , THE CEREMONY WILL BE PERFORMED , WITH MASONIC HONOURS , UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE OFFICERS OF G R / I N D LODGE , TICKETS ( limited in number to 2 , 50 Q ) £ 1 Is each , to include First Class Railway Fare , London ( Euston ) to Bushey Station and return , seat to view the Ceremony , and Luncheon with light wines . TICKETS are available for Ladies , as well as Brethren , and will be issued only to applicants on or before Tuesday , iOth April . A remittance for the price of the Tickets must accompany the application , to be addressed to J . M . McLEOD , Secretary . Office—6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 31 st March 1900 . N . B . —A Circular with form of application for Tickets has been addressed to every Subscriber to the institution , and to each Lodge . The 102 nd ANNIYERSARY FESTIYAL will be held at Brighton , in July 1900 , under the most Distinguished Presidency of H . R . H . The DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND STRATHEARN , K . G ., & c , & c , & c , & c , M . W . Past Grand Master , Proy . G . M . Sussex , PM , G , M . Bombay , Vice-President of Institution . The Services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards on the occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
Cheshire Charity.
A MEETING of the Committee of Benevolence of the . Province of Cheshire was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , Crewe , on Wednesday , 28 th ult ., Bro . Colonel Dean presiding . Bro . T . Broadsmith ( Manchester ) moved : — " That in view of the vast amount of work which has been imposed
upon the Prov .- Grand Secretary Bro . R . Newhouse , by the constitution of the Committee of Benevolence as the Committee of Management of local Institutions , and the invaluable assistance and aid which Bro . Newhouse has rendered , and will still be required to give in relation thereto , this
Committee humbly recommends the Right Hon . the Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to authorise the Provincial Charity Council to consider the advisability of increasing the stipend
of the Provincial Grand Secretary , and to report thereon to the Provincial Grand Lodge at its annual meeting . " Bro . H . Jackson Vice-Chairman seconded the motion , and it was carried unanimously .
The Chairman read a letter from the Prov . Grand Master Earl Egerton of Tatton suggesting the raising of a fund of 100 guineas in the Province of Cheshire towards helping the District Grand Lodges in South Africa . On the motion of the Rev . C . Atkinson , seconded by Bro . F . K . Stevenson , it was resolved to issue an appeal to the Lodges .
Belfast Charities.
THE annual meeting and concert in connection with the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund and the Belfast Widows Fund was held on Friday evening , 30 th ult , in the Ulster Hall , Belfast , under the presidency of Bro . R . J . Hilton , J . P .,
Belfast Charities.
D . P . G . M . The proceedings opened at half-past seven o ' clock , in presence of a very large audience , with a grand costume procession , under the directorship of Bro . H . J . Hill Prov . G . D . C . The report of the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund
contained the following : —Our funds , we are pleased to state , notwithstanding the numerous appeals of national importance subscribed to by our Brethren , remain in a healthy condition . The income at £ 515 18 s gd ( inclusive of donations £ 45 ) shows an increase of £ 19 17 s 8 d ; the
expenditure , £ 504 ns yd , exceeds that of last year by £ 17 10 s yd . The donations amount to £ 45 . The vacancy in the Trusteeship has been filled by the appointment of Bro . John Gregg , J . P ., who kindly accepted the responsibilites of that important position . The attendance of representatives
at the monthly Committee meetings is increasing , and is regarded as indicative of the realisation by those Brethren who have been appointed representatives , of their obligation when they undertook to discharge that duty . Your
Committee desire to place on record their regret at the decease of Bro . Richard Woods P . M ., for many years a valued member of Committee , and who for three successive years filled the office of Chairman , with dignity and advantage to the fund .
The report of the Belfast Masonic Widows Fund stated : —The Committee acknowledge with thankfulness having received £ 100 from the executors of the late Countess of Shaftesbury . A comparison of the income of 18 9 8 and 18 99 shows that in the former year £ 1 , 135 19 s 7 d was subscribed , ed and
and in the latter £ 1 , 294 ^ IIC * - ® nuncu' thirteen widows and their families were assisted during 18 99 , ninetythree claiming through Lodges meeting in County Antrim , and receiving grants amounting to £ 708 ; twenty through Lodges meeting in county Down , and receiving grants
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Royal Masonic Institution for Boys . OEiRiEiMzoiisnsr OF LAYING THE FOUNDATION STONE OF THE NEW SCHOOLS AT BUSHEY , HERTS , BY H . R . H . THE DUKE OF CONNAUGHT , K . G ., & C , & G ., & C ., & C , PAST M . W . S . M ., ON SATURDAY , 12 th MAY 1900 . By command of the Most WQrshipfMl Qpancl Master , THE CEREMONY WILL BE PERFORMED , WITH MASONIC HONOURS , UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE OFFICERS OF G R / I N D LODGE , TICKETS ( limited in number to 2 , 50 Q ) £ 1 Is each , to include First Class Railway Fare , London ( Euston ) to Bushey Station and return , seat to view the Ceremony , and Luncheon with light wines . TICKETS are available for Ladies , as well as Brethren , and will be issued only to applicants on or before Tuesday , iOth April . A remittance for the price of the Tickets must accompany the application , to be addressed to J . M . McLEOD , Secretary . Office—6 Freemasons' Hall , Great Queen Street , London , W . C . 31 st March 1900 . N . B . —A Circular with form of application for Tickets has been addressed to every Subscriber to the institution , and to each Lodge . The 102 nd ANNIYERSARY FESTIYAL will be held at Brighton , in July 1900 , under the most Distinguished Presidency of H . R . H . The DUKE OF CONNAUGHT AND STRATHEARN , K . G ., & c , & c , & c , & c , M . W . Past Grand Master , Proy . G . M . Sussex , PM , G , M . Bombay , Vice-President of Institution . The Services of Ladies and Brethren as Stewards on the occasion are earnestly solicited , and will be gratefully acknowledged .
Cheshire Charity.
A MEETING of the Committee of Benevolence of the . Province of Cheshire was held at the Crewe Arms Hotel , Crewe , on Wednesday , 28 th ult ., Bro . Colonel Dean presiding . Bro . T . Broadsmith ( Manchester ) moved : — " That in view of the vast amount of work which has been imposed
upon the Prov .- Grand Secretary Bro . R . Newhouse , by the constitution of the Committee of Benevolence as the Committee of Management of local Institutions , and the invaluable assistance and aid which Bro . Newhouse has rendered , and will still be required to give in relation thereto , this
Committee humbly recommends the Right Hon . the Worshipful Provincial Grand Master to authorise the Provincial Charity Council to consider the advisability of increasing the stipend
of the Provincial Grand Secretary , and to report thereon to the Provincial Grand Lodge at its annual meeting . " Bro . H . Jackson Vice-Chairman seconded the motion , and it was carried unanimously .
The Chairman read a letter from the Prov . Grand Master Earl Egerton of Tatton suggesting the raising of a fund of 100 guineas in the Province of Cheshire towards helping the District Grand Lodges in South Africa . On the motion of the Rev . C . Atkinson , seconded by Bro . F . K . Stevenson , it was resolved to issue an appeal to the Lodges .
Belfast Charities.
THE annual meeting and concert in connection with the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund and the Belfast Widows Fund was held on Friday evening , 30 th ult , in the Ulster Hall , Belfast , under the presidency of Bro . R . J . Hilton , J . P .,
Belfast Charities.
D . P . G . M . The proceedings opened at half-past seven o ' clock , in presence of a very large audience , with a grand costume procession , under the directorship of Bro . H . J . Hill Prov . G . D . C . The report of the Belfast Masonic Charity Fund
contained the following : —Our funds , we are pleased to state , notwithstanding the numerous appeals of national importance subscribed to by our Brethren , remain in a healthy condition . The income at £ 515 18 s gd ( inclusive of donations £ 45 ) shows an increase of £ 19 17 s 8 d ; the
expenditure , £ 504 ns yd , exceeds that of last year by £ 17 10 s yd . The donations amount to £ 45 . The vacancy in the Trusteeship has been filled by the appointment of Bro . John Gregg , J . P ., who kindly accepted the responsibilites of that important position . The attendance of representatives
at the monthly Committee meetings is increasing , and is regarded as indicative of the realisation by those Brethren who have been appointed representatives , of their obligation when they undertook to discharge that duty . Your
Committee desire to place on record their regret at the decease of Bro . Richard Woods P . M ., for many years a valued member of Committee , and who for three successive years filled the office of Chairman , with dignity and advantage to the fund .
The report of the Belfast Masonic Widows Fund stated : —The Committee acknowledge with thankfulness having received £ 100 from the executors of the late Countess of Shaftesbury . A comparison of the income of 18 9 8 and 18 99 shows that in the former year £ 1 , 135 19 s 7 d was subscribed , ed and
and in the latter £ 1 , 294 ^ IIC * - ® nuncu' thirteen widows and their families were assisted during 18 99 , ninetythree claiming through Lodges meeting in County Antrim , and receiving grants amounting to £ 708 ; twenty through Lodges meeting in county Down , and receiving grants