Article DIARY FOR THE WEEK. ← Page 2 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Diary For The Week.
119—Cecil . San Hotel , Hitchin 158—Foresters , Whito Hurt Hotel , Uttoxeter ! «¦> —Bank Terrace , Hargrcaves Arms Hotc , Accrington 469—Hundred of Elloo , Masonic Rooms , Loudou Road , Spalding . 477—Mersey , 55 Argyle-strcet , Birkenhead . jjg Etruscan , Masonic Hall , Caroline-street , Longton , Stafford . 636—D'Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth « 59—Blagdon , Ridley Arms Hotel , Blyth
732—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pavilion , Brighton . 739—Temperance , Masonic Room , New-street , Birmingham . 7 fK _ Wellmgton , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal 788 _ Croxteth United Service , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 816— Royd , Spring Gardens Inn , Wardle , near Rochdale 945—Abbey , Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks 091—Tyne , Masonic Hall , Wellington Quay , Northumberland 1035—Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . HotelCheethamLancashire
1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s , , . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Trodegar , Mon . 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Tiverton , Devon 1141—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . German's , " Cornwall . 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire . 1273—St . ' Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittingbourue . 1369—Bala , Plasgoch Hotel , Bala . 1416—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Tl ' * k . 1429—Albert Edward Princo of Wales , Mason ¦ ¦ Hall , Newport , Mon , 1457—Bagshaw , Princes Hall , Princes-road , Buckhui'st Hill 1576—Dee , Union Hotel , Parkgate , Cheshire 1580—Craubourno , Rod Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1583—Corbet , Corbet Arms , Towyn . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotol , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Waterfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Machen , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotol , Colchester B . A . 613—Bridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . R . A . 1393—Hamcr . Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax
FRIDAY , 13 th MAY .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camborwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 786—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgwarn-rd . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 834—Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction )
933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapol-road , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 8 . ( In . )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 458—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Onse-steet , Goolo . 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotol , Newcastle-under-Lyme 626—Hononr , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmflrth 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , West Bromwich . 697—United , George Hotel , Colchester .
815—Blair , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hulme . 1001—HaiTOgate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , » 34-Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill 1087—Boaudescrt , Assembly Rooms , Com Exchange , Leighton Buzzard 1289-Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic Hall , Plnmstead . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 993—Alexandra , Medway Hotel , Levenshulme K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-strect , Hnddersfield
SATURDAY , 14 th MAY .
198—Porcy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Sonthgate-road , N „ at 8 ( Instruction ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogent-st ., W ., at 8
149—Peace , Privato Rooms , Meltham . 615—St . John and St . Paul , Pier Hotol , Erifch 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester lo 5 S—Addiscombo , Surrey Club , West Croydon lo 81—Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
Joppa Lodge , No . 188 . —The last meeting prior to the customary vacation was held on Monday , the 2 nd instant , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . R . Baker , supported by Bros . L . M . Myers S . W ., Benjamin J . W ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Secretary , J . S . Lyou Treasurer , A . J . Dodson
P . M . D . C , G . Beau Assist . D . C , L . Wall Steward , P . E . Van Noorden Organist ; Past Masters L . Alexander , S . L . Hickman , Lazarus , H . Hymans , H . M . Levy , M . Alexander . Visitors—Bros . Brad y 1158 , Argent Jutsum 382 , H . W . Homan 59 , A . Henochsberg P . M . 1502 , L . A . Lazarus 1017 , A . Avenal 1017 , S . Marks late 188
, A . Bi gnolcl 1624 , G . P . Bellerby 1612 , Lewis 493 , S . M . Lazarus P-P . G . W . Wilts . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Messrs . Coombes and G . M . Lion were duly initiated into the Order . The latter gentleman , by the courtesy of tho Worshipful Master , was initiated by Bro
. Hymans I . P . M . Bro . Avenal , of Lodge 1017 , was passed to the second degree , and Bros . H . Lion , S . Lion , Vicary , and McKinlay Were raised to the third degree . Tho entire proceedings reflected great credit on the Worshipful Master , whose rendering of the ceremonies was most perfect . The traditional history was given . Bro . & . M . Levy proposed , and Bro . L . M . Myers seconded—That a letter
° f condolence be sent to Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M ., P . G . S ., on his recent domestic affliction . This was carried unanimously . A letter waa read from Bro . Dodson , stating that a Lodge of Instruction would meet every Thursday evening at seven o ' clock , under the Unction of the parent Lodge , to bo called the Joppa Lodge of In-^ ruction , to be held at the Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , and stating that the thanks of the Founders were due to the Worship'ul Master for his hearty ecopwation . This letter was ordered to be
Notices Of Meetings.
entered on the minutes . The Lodge was then closed until October . The brethren adjourned to slight refreshment , this being ono of the so-called bread and cheese nights . The Worshipful Master , iu his usual genial manner , proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Past Master E . P . Albert Prov . Grand Pursuivant responding for the Grand Officers . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . returned
thanks for the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and anuouueed that the sum in hand was rearly £ 1000 . The newly initiated brethren gave 21 s each to this fund . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Initiates , who came to them well and worthily recommended ; he wa 3 sure they would prove a credit to tho Order . Bros . Lion and Coombs severally returned thanks . Bro . Hymans I . P . M ., in proposing the
health of the W . M ., could with pleasure say it was the toast of tho evening ; he had seen many Masters occupy the chair ; the W . M . might be equalled , bnt could not be excelled . His capacity for pre . siding , like his capacity for working , was perfect , and he hoped the members would give the toast a hearty reception . The W . M . in reply said he could hardly find words to return thanks for their kind
reception of tho toast . His working had been referred to ; if it had met with their approbation it was sufficient gratification to him , and would be an incentive to him to work still more diligently in thoir cause . The brethren were now abont to separate until October , he then hoped to see them one and all , and to meet them in health and prosperity . The toast of the Visitors was next given , and Bro . S . M .
Lazarus responded . This was his 82 nd birthday , ho felt a great pleasure as an old Mason to hear such good accounts of the working of the W . M . He had felt great interest in reading , in tho FKKE - MASON ' S CHRONICLE , a very faithful history of the proceedings of this old and influential Lodge . A history which must prove interesting ,
not only to the old , but also to the young members . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Past Masters , and Bro . H . Hymana I . P . M . responded . The toasts of the Treasurer , Secretary , Wardens , and Junior Officers were given in due couse , and the Tyler ' s finally closed the proceedings . Bros . Dodson P . M ., Jutsum , and Phillips contributed to the Harmony .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 26 th instant , at the Moorgate Tavorn , Finsbury-pavement . Present : —Bros . Holness W . M ., Orme S . W ., Pitt J . W ., J . L . Mather Preceptor , C . G . Sparrow Secretary , Hepburn S . D ., Bedding I . G ., and others . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Whale candidate . Lodge opened in the second aud third degrees , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Shipley candidate . Bro . Sparrow Hon . Secretary was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge closed , and adjourned- till Tuesday next .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —The regular meeting of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was held on the 1 st inst ., at Bro . Devine ' s , the Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . Jutsum W . M ., J . Snowdin S . W ., Kauffmann J . W ., Devine Treasnrer , L . Solomon Hon . Sec , Burgess I . G ., Hem . ming Preceptor . The Lodge of Instruction was opened , and tie
minntes were confirmed . The first , second , third and fourth sections of the first lecture were worked . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Silvester acting as candidate . A special vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Jutsum for the excellent manner he had performed the ceremony , for the first time . Bro . Snodiu was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge of Instruction was then adjourned until the following week .
Landport Lodge , No . 1776 . —The regular meeting was held in'the handsome Lodge-room of the Portsmouth Freemasons' Hall and Club Company Limited , 79 Commercial-road , Landport , on Thursday , the 21 st instant . The chair , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., was taken by Bro . G . A . Green P . M ., who with his customary ability performed the ceremonies of passing and raising . At
the conclusion of the ritual , several propositions were made for candidates for initiation and joining . Resolutions were passed , one of sympathy with the W . M ., he having met with a severe accident , which has incapacitated him from following his professional duties for some weeks ; and one to Bro . E . S . Main P . M ., for his donation of
ten guiueas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in the name of the Landport Lodge . The brethren pledged themselves to snpport his Stewardship for that Institution at the next Annual Festival After the Lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the large dining hall , and partook of supper . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were afterwards duly honoured .
EPPS'SCOCOA . GBATEFUL AND COMFORTING . 11 By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , and a properly nourished frame . " —Glvil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon iiae .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Diary For The Week.
119—Cecil . San Hotel , Hitchin 158—Foresters , Whito Hurt Hotel , Uttoxeter ! «¦> —Bank Terrace , Hargrcaves Arms Hotc , Accrington 469—Hundred of Elloo , Masonic Rooms , Loudou Road , Spalding . 477—Mersey , 55 Argyle-strcet , Birkenhead . jjg Etruscan , Masonic Hall , Caroline-street , Longton , Stafford . 636—D'Ogle , Masonic Hall , Morpeth « 59—Blagdon , Ridley Arms Hotel , Blyth
732—Royal Brunswick , Royal Pavilion , Brighton . 739—Temperance , Masonic Room , New-street , Birmingham . 7 fK _ Wellmgton , Public Rooms , Park-street , Deal 788 _ Croxteth United Service , Masonic Hall , Liverpool 816— Royd , Spring Gardens Inn , Wardle , near Rochdale 945—Abbey , Abbey Council Chamber , Abingdon , Berks 091—Tyne , Masonic Hall , Wellington Quay , Northumberland 1035—Prince of Wales , Masonic Hall , Kirkdale , Liverpool . HotelCheethamLancashire
1055—Derby , Knowsley ' s , , . 1098—St . George , Private Room , Temperance Hotel , Trodegar , Mon . 1125—St . Peter , Masonic Hall , Tiverton , Devon 1141—Milton , Commercial Hotel , Ashton-under-Lyne . 1145—Equality , Red Lion Hotel , Accrington . 1147—St . David , Freemasons' Hall , Manchester . 1161—Eliot , Private Rooms , St . German's , " Cornwall . 1182—Duke of Edinburgh , Masonic Hall , Liverpool
1201—Royd , Imperial Hotel , Malvern , Worcestershire . 1273—St . ' Michael , Free Church School-rooms , Sittingbourue . 1369—Bala , Plasgoch Hotel , Bala . 1416—Falcon , Masonic Hall , Castle Yard , Tl ' * k . 1429—Albert Edward Princo of Wales , Mason ¦ ¦ Hall , Newport , Mon , 1457—Bagshaw , Princes Hall , Princes-road , Buckhui'st Hill 1576—Dee , Union Hotel , Parkgate , Cheshire 1580—Craubourno , Rod Lion Hotel , Hatfield , Herts , at 8 . ( Instruction )
1583—Corbet , Corbet Arms , Towyn . 1612—West Middlesex , Feathers' Hotol , Ealing , at 7 . 30 . ( Instruction ) 1697—Hospitality , Royal Hotel , Waterfoot , near Manchester . 1782—Machen , Swan Hotel , Coleshill . R . A . 51—Patriotic , Three Cups Hotol , Colchester B . A . 613—Bridson , Masonic Hall , Southport . R . A . 1393—Hamcr . Masonic Hall , Liverpool K . T . Salamanca , Freemasons' Hall , St . John ' s-place , Halifax
FRIDAY , 13 th MAY .
Emulation Lodge of Improvement , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . 25—Robert Burns , Union Tavern , Air-street , W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 607—United Pilgrims , Surrey Masonic Hall , Camborwell , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) 786—William Preston , Feathers' Tavern , Up . George-st ., Edgwarn-rd . 8 ( Inst . ) 780—Royal Alfred , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge , at 8 . ( Instruction . ) 834—Kanelagh , Six Bells , Hammersmith ( Instruction . ) 902—Burgoyne , Red Cap , Camden Town , at 8 ( Instruction )
933—Doric , Duke ' s Head , 79 Whitechapol-road , at 8 ( Instruction ) 1056—Metropolitan , Portugal Hotel , 155 Fleet-street , E . C . at 7 ( Instruction ) 1158—Belgrave , Jermyn-street , S . W ., at 8 ( Instruction ) 1298—Royal Standard , Alwyne Castle , St . Paul ' s-road , Canonbury , at 8 ( In . ) 1365—Clapton , White Hart , Lower Clapton , at 7 . 30 ( Instruction ) R . A . 79—Pythagorean , Portland Hotel , London-street . Greenwich , at 8 ( Inst . ) R . A . 1642—E . Carnarvon , Mitre Hotel , Goulborne-rd , N . Kensington , at 8 . ( In . )
36—Glamorgan , Freemasons' Hall , Arcade , St . Mary ' s-street , Cardiff . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn 458—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Onse-steet , Goolo . 460—Sutherland of Unity , Castle Hotol , Newcastle-under-Lyme 626—Hononr , Star and Garter Hotel , Wolverhampton . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , Holmflrth 662—Dartmouth , Dartmouth Hotel , West Bromwich . 697—United , George Hotel , Colchester .
815—Blair , Town Hall , Stratford-road , Hulme . 1001—HaiTOgate and Claro , Masonic Rooms , Parliament-street , » 34-Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill 1087—Boaudescrt , Assembly Rooms , Com Exchange , Leighton Buzzard 1289-Rock , Royal Rock Hotel , Rock Ferry . 1536—United Military , Masonic Hall , Plnmstead . General Lodge of Instruction , Masonic Hall , New-street , Birmingham , at 7 R . A . 993—Alexandra , Medway Hotel , Levenshulme K . T . —Hope , Freemasons' Hall , Fitzwilliam-strect , Hnddersfield
SATURDAY , 14 th MAY .
198—Porcy , Jolly Farmers' Tavern , Sonthgate-road , N „ at 8 ( Instruction ) 1361—Earl of Zetland , Royal Edward , Triangle , Hackney , at 7 ( Instruction ) 1607—Loyalty 1624—Eccleston , Grosvenor Club , Ebury-square , Pimlico , at 7 ( Instruction ) R . A . 1185—Lewis , King ' s Arms Hotel , Wood Green Sinai Chapter of Instruction , Union , Air-street , Rogent-st ., W ., at 8
149—Peace , Privato Rooms , Meltham . 615—St . John and St . Paul , Pier Hotol , Erifch 1391—Commercial , Freemasons Hall , Leicester lo 5 S—Addiscombo , Surrey Club , West Croydon lo 81—Loyalty and Charity , Star and Garter , Kew Bridge
Notices Of Meetings.
Joppa Lodge , No . 188 . —The last meeting prior to the customary vacation was held on Monday , the 2 nd instant , at the Albion , Aldersgate-street , under the able presidency of the W . M ., Bro . R . Baker , supported by Bros . L . M . Myers S . W ., Benjamin J . W ., E . P . Albert P . G . P . Secretary , J . S . Lyou Treasurer , A . J . Dodson
P . M . D . C , G . Beau Assist . D . C , L . Wall Steward , P . E . Van Noorden Organist ; Past Masters L . Alexander , S . L . Hickman , Lazarus , H . Hymans , H . M . Levy , M . Alexander . Visitors—Bros . Brad y 1158 , Argent Jutsum 382 , H . W . Homan 59 , A . Henochsberg P . M . 1502 , L . A . Lazarus 1017 , A . Avenal 1017 , S . Marks late 188
, A . Bi gnolcl 1624 , G . P . Bellerby 1612 , Lewis 493 , S . M . Lazarus P-P . G . W . Wilts . After the Lodge had been formally opened , and the minutes of last meeting read and confirmed , Messrs . Coombes and G . M . Lion were duly initiated into the Order . The latter gentleman , by the courtesy of tho Worshipful Master , was initiated by Bro
. Hymans I . P . M . Bro . Avenal , of Lodge 1017 , was passed to the second degree , and Bros . H . Lion , S . Lion , Vicary , and McKinlay Were raised to the third degree . Tho entire proceedings reflected great credit on the Worshipful Master , whose rendering of the ceremonies was most perfect . The traditional history was given . Bro . & . M . Levy proposed , and Bro . L . M . Myers seconded—That a letter
° f condolence be sent to Bro . Israel Abrahams P . M ., P . G . S ., on his recent domestic affliction . This was carried unanimously . A letter waa read from Bro . Dodson , stating that a Lodge of Instruction would meet every Thursday evening at seven o ' clock , under the Unction of the parent Lodge , to bo called the Joppa Lodge of In-^ ruction , to be held at the Champion Hotel , Aldersgate-street , and stating that the thanks of the Founders were due to the Worship'ul Master for his hearty ecopwation . This letter was ordered to be
Notices Of Meetings.
entered on the minutes . The Lodge was then closed until October . The brethren adjourned to slight refreshment , this being ono of the so-called bread and cheese nights . The Worshipful Master , iu his usual genial manner , proposed the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts . Past Master E . P . Albert Prov . Grand Pursuivant responding for the Grand Officers . Bro . L . Alexander P . M . returned
thanks for the toast of the Benevolent Fund , and anuouueed that the sum in hand was rearly £ 1000 . The newly initiated brethren gave 21 s each to this fund . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of tho Initiates , who came to them well and worthily recommended ; he wa 3 sure they would prove a credit to tho Order . Bros . Lion and Coombs severally returned thanks . Bro . Hymans I . P . M ., in proposing the
health of the W . M ., could with pleasure say it was the toast of tho evening ; he had seen many Masters occupy the chair ; the W . M . might be equalled , bnt could not be excelled . His capacity for pre . siding , like his capacity for working , was perfect , and he hoped the members would give the toast a hearty reception . The W . M . in reply said he could hardly find words to return thanks for their kind
reception of tho toast . His working had been referred to ; if it had met with their approbation it was sufficient gratification to him , and would be an incentive to him to work still more diligently in thoir cause . The brethren were now abont to separate until October , he then hoped to see them one and all , and to meet them in health and prosperity . The toast of the Visitors was next given , and Bro . S . M .
Lazarus responded . This was his 82 nd birthday , ho felt a great pleasure as an old Mason to hear such good accounts of the working of the W . M . He had felt great interest in reading , in tho FKKE - MASON ' S CHRONICLE , a very faithful history of the proceedings of this old and influential Lodge . A history which must prove interesting ,
not only to the old , but also to the young members . The W . M . then proposed tho toast of the Past Masters , and Bro . H . Hymana I . P . M . responded . The toasts of the Treasurer , Secretary , Wardens , and Junior Officers were given in due couse , and the Tyler ' s finally closed the proceedings . Bros . Dodson P . M ., Jutsum , and Phillips contributed to the Harmony .
Islington Lodge of Instruction , No . 1471 . —A meeting was held on Tuesday , the 26 th instant , at the Moorgate Tavorn , Finsbury-pavement . Present : —Bros . Holness W . M ., Orme S . W ., Pitt J . W ., J . L . Mather Preceptor , C . G . Sparrow Secretary , Hepburn S . D ., Bedding I . G ., and others . Lodge was opened , and the minutes of last
meeting were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Whale candidate . Lodge opened in the second aud third degrees , and the ceremony of raising was rehearsed , Bro . Shipley candidate . Bro . Sparrow Hon . Secretary was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . Lodge closed , and adjourned- till Tuesday next .
King ' s Cross Lodge of Instruction , No . 1732 . —The regular meeting of this excellent Lodge of Instruction was held on the 1 st inst ., at Bro . Devine ' s , the Blue Posts , Charlotte-street , Fitzroy-square . Bros . Jutsum W . M ., J . Snowdin S . W ., Kauffmann J . W ., Devine Treasnrer , L . Solomon Hon . Sec , Burgess I . G ., Hem . ming Preceptor . The Lodge of Instruction was opened , and tie
minntes were confirmed . The first , second , third and fourth sections of the first lecture were worked . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Silvester acting as candidate . A special vote of thanks was accorded to Bro . Jutsum for the excellent manner he had performed the ceremony , for the first time . Bro . Snodiu was elected W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge of Instruction was then adjourned until the following week .
Landport Lodge , No . 1776 . —The regular meeting was held in'the handsome Lodge-room of the Portsmouth Freemasons' Hall and Club Company Limited , 79 Commercial-road , Landport , on Thursday , the 21 st instant . The chair , in the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., was taken by Bro . G . A . Green P . M ., who with his customary ability performed the ceremonies of passing and raising . At
the conclusion of the ritual , several propositions were made for candidates for initiation and joining . Resolutions were passed , one of sympathy with the W . M ., he having met with a severe accident , which has incapacitated him from following his professional duties for some weeks ; and one to Bro . E . S . Main P . M ., for his donation of
ten guiueas to the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , in the name of the Landport Lodge . The brethren pledged themselves to snpport his Stewardship for that Institution at the next Annual Festival After the Lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the large dining hall , and partook of supper . The usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were afterwards duly honoured .
EPPS'SCOCOA . GBATEFUL AND COMFORTING . 11 By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition , and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa , Mr . Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately flavoured beverage which may save us many heavy doctors' bills . It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist every tendency to disease . Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point . We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood , and a properly nourished frame . " —Glvil Service Gazette . JAMES EPPS & CO ., Homoeopathic Chemists . Also Makers of Epps ' s Chocolate Essence for Afternoon iiae .