Article REVIEWS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 1 Article PROVINCIAL GRAND CHAPTER OF SUSSEX. Page 1 of 1 Article ZETLAND CHAPTER, No. 236. Page 1 of 2 →
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Library . Particulars wero submitted by Bro . Dnplesms respecting the appointment and investiture of the Provincial G . Officers of San Domingo , aud the condition of the Craft in that island ; from which it would seem that the country was in a very disturbed state , that the P . G . Lodge and Lodges were unable to meet with regularity , * nd that all the brethren who conld do so wero using their best
endeavours to escape from the island , while many who had done so had beon plundered of all they had saved by British crnisers . In December , Bro . Israel was re-elected G . Master , and Bro . James Million , in spite of his request to be succeeded in his offico by some other brother , D . G . Master ; and these , with the Grand Wardens , & c . 4 c ., were subsequently installed , and the subordinate G . Officers and
Hall Committee appointed . In January 1801 , a Committee reported adversely as to the proposition whether or not a brother could be " a member of two Lodges at one and the same time , and under two different Grand Lodges , " and the report was endorsed by Grand Lodge . In March a resolution was agreed to " That the Committee of Accounts be directed to call on the Committee appointed on the
15 th of November 1802 to procure subscriptions in aid of the building in Filbert-street , and to examine and inspect what moneys have been subscribed , what moneys havo actually been collected by each member of the said Committee , and how much oaoh member has paid over to the Building Committee , and also the amouut of moneys subscribed and remaining uncollected , and that they
report the same fully to this Grand Lodge . " At a Special Communication on 10 th April , a letter was read from the Chairman of the Joint Committees of the Tammany Society and the Philadelphia Legion , inviting the Masons to join in a procession that was being organised for the purpose of celebrating on the 12 th May the acquisition of Louisiana , bnt Grand Lodge passed a resolution to tho effect , that
while thanking the Joint Committee for the said invitation , it would not be in the power of the brethren to take part in the procession in the character of Masons . In June , it was resolved that in future all communications from other Grand Lodges should be referred to a Committee of Correspondence , while the petition of a brother of Lodge No . 75 , complaining of his having been expelled
the Lodge without having been informed of the complaint made against , or having had a ohance allowed him to make any defence , was acted upon in so far as that the Grand Secretary was instructed to write to Lodge No . 75 transmitting copy of said letter , and requesting to be furnished with a copy of the proceedings in the case . The com . mittee of accounts reported that they were not ready to report on the
accounts of the committee appointed on 15 th November 1802 , to procure subscriptions towards the erection of the Hall . At the meeting on 25 th June , the Committee of Correspondence presented a long and elaborate report on the propriety and expediency of applying for an act of incorporation . It is unnecessary to repeat the Committee ' s reasons for declining to recommend the plan , which emanated from
the Grand Lodge of Virginia . It will bo enough if we mention that reference was made to the case of Grand Lodge of England , which " once agreed to apply for a charter of incorporation , and a bill was introduced into Parliament for that purpose , but no sooner was its pernicious tendency discovered than the united remonstrances of the brethren induced the then Deputy Grand Master , who was a member
of the House of Commons , to move for its postponement sine die . The motion was agreed to , and the measure has not been revived . " Even a Grand Tyler has his difficulties to contend with , as will be seen from the following letter from Bro . Schnider , who held that important office , to the Grand Master , asking for advice under certain troublesome circumstances .-
"Right Worshipful Grand Master , " Your Grand Tyler respectfully begs leave to represent that on every St . John ' s Day he is in a very disagreeable situation , and without intention gives offence either to the new officers elect or to the old ones . Both are wanting the aprons and jewels of their office , and claim the right to represent the Grand Lodge for their respective
Lodges for that day . The new Officers say that they are installed and their time begins on that day . The old Officers contend that they receive notices from the Grand Secretary to attend Grand Lodge , and not the Grand Officers elect ; that the Grand Lodge does not know the new Officers until the Grand Lodge is opened , and the reports of
the new Officers is read , consequently the time of the new Officers begins after the Grand Lodge is closed . I , therefore , humbly beg the R . W . Grand Lodge will please to decide which of the Officers has the right to wear the aprons and jewels on St . John ' s Day , and prevent further altercation on that day .
I remain , with the greatest respect , R . W . Grand Master , " Your very humble servant and Brother , " WILLIAM SCHNIDER , " Grand Tyler . " The consideration of this letter was deferred ; but at the meeting on 15 th October it was resolved" That the new Officers of the dif °
, ferenfc Lodges are entitled to wear their bad ges and represent their respeotive | Lodges in Grand Lodge on the St . John ' s Day ensuing their election . " At the meeting on the 2 nd December a letter was read from Bro . James Milnor , requesting not to be re-appointed Dep . G . Master , and this time his wish was respected , Bro . Israel being reelected Grand Masterand Bro . Fred . Wolbert elected Dep . G . Master
, while Bro . Thomas Armstrong was elected Grand Treasurer . This completes Part III . of the Minutes , which includes " A Paper read before the Eosiorucian Society of Philadelphia , by Charles E . Meyer , on Friday Evening , January 30 th , 1880 , " and a list of Lodges in Pennsylvania , both vacated and defunct , from the beginning of Masonry in that
State in 1730 till the present time . As , however , we have alread y said all that is necessary as to the Pennsylvania Freemasons ' Wall , to which Bro . Meyer ' s excellent paper refers , we need not take any further notice of it . We are content with repealing our thanks for the copy forwarded us by the conrtesy and with tho compliments of Bro , C . E . Meyer .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — GRAND CHAPTER .
THE Quarterly Meeting of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday evening , 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . S . Rawson , W . F . A . Powell and E . E . Wendt occupied tho Principals' chairs . The other Officers present were Comps . J . A . Rucker P . S ., R . F . Gould 1 st Assistant , Frank Richardson 2 nd Assistant , Shadwell H . Clorko S . E ., Joshua Nnnn S . N ., Col . II . S . Somervillo Bnrney G . S . B ., and H . G . Buss Assistant S . E . There was a full attendanco of tho Comps .
After tho formal opening of the Grand Chapter , the following were announced as the Principals and Grand Officers for the year : —The Prince of Wales , K . G ., Grand Z ., the Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . Z ., the Earl of Lathom H ., Lord de Tabley J ., Col . Shadwell H . Clerke S . E ., Montagno Guest , M . P ., S . N ., Major Gen . n . Clevk , F . R . S ., Principal Sojourner , Rov . Ambrose W . Uall 1 st Assistant , J . Sampson
Peirce 2 nd Assistant , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Treasurer , H . C . Levander Sword Bearer , Capt . A . Bott Cook Standard Bearer , Ralph Costa Director of Ceremonies , Wilhelm Ganz Organist , Henry Gustavus Buss Past Standard Bearer Assistant S . E ., Honry Sadler Janitor . Capt . Rawson announced that the Prince of Wales would be pleased to confer on Col . Creaton tho rank of P . G . Principal Sojourner .
Charters wero then granted for the following new Chapters : —• The Marmaduke Ramsey Chapter 1722 , Dugshai , Punjab , in tho East Indies ; the Royal Sussex Chapter 102 , Nottingham ; the United Chapter 1629 , Freemasons' Hall , London ; tho Blair Chapter 815 , Holme , Manchester ; the Commercial Chaptor 411 , Nottingham ; tho Chapter of Israel , 1502 , Liverpool ; tho Cable Chapter , 1701 , London
tho Eastern Star Chaptor 9 o , London ; the Prosperity Chapter 65 , London ; the Masefteld Chapter 617 , Buenos Ayres . Comps . Colonel Creatou , Robert Grey , A . J . Dnff-Filer , E . Lotchworth , W . Stephens , H . C . Levandor , W . H . Perryman , F . Adlard , and C . F . Hogard wero appointed the Committee of General Purposes , and Grand Chaptor was then closed .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Sussex.
ON Saturday afternoon , 23 rd nit ., a special meeting of this Chapter was held in the Music Room , Royal Pavilion , the most ¦ mportant feature of the gathering being the installation of Comp . Sir W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Z . 1466 , as Grand Superintendent . There was a good attendance of brethren . The Installing Officer was the Most Ex . Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke Grand Scribe E ., and the
ceremony , unique in its character , was doubly interesting from'tbe fact that it was the foundation of the Sussex Provincial Grand Chapter , and that Sir Walter W . Burrell held the proud position of being tho first Grand Superintendent . At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly-installed G . S . appointed the other Principals ( who
were duly obligated ) , and invested his Officers , addressing them briefl y on the nature of their duties , and pledging them to the performance of them . The Principals and Officers appointed were—Provincial Grand Principals Comps . John H . Scott as H . and G . W . King as J ., V . F . Freeman Scribe E ., W . R . Wood N ., Dr . Trollopo First
Principal S ., Woolley Second Principal S ., Pidcock Third Principal S ., J . Dixon Director of Ceremonies , St . Clair Smith Grand Sword Bearer , C . J . Smith Grand Standard Bearer , Gerard Ford Grand Registrar , Crosskey Treasurer , A . King Organist , and T . Hughes Janitor .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236.
The annual installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at York . The Chapter was opened at 6 p . m ., and the minutes having been read and a ballot taken for candidates , the installation of Principals was proceeded with . Comp . Joseph Todd P . Z . acted as installing Principal , assisted by Comp . the Hon W . T . Orde-Powlett P . Z ., and the three chairs were filled as follows : —
Comps . G . Balmford Z ., J . M . Meek H ., and A . Buckle J . The Officers then took their chairs as follow : —Comps . G . Kirby S . E ., M . Rooke S . N ., W . H . Gainforth P . S ., W . Draper 1 st A . S ., S . Border 2 nd A . S ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., T . J . Hodgson Org ., J . S . Eymer D . C , W . Smith and William Nicholson Stewards , J . Redfare Janitor . Three exaltations took placo , and a sum of ten guineas was voted to tho list of
Comp . Todd , who will be a Steward at the approaching Girls Festival . After the close of the Chapter the members met at supper , and the usual toasts were duly honoured . Amongst those present during the evening were : —Comps . Sir James Meek P . Z ., T . B . Whyte . head P . Z ., J . S . Cumberland Z . 1611 , Rev . W . Valentine , T . W . Wilson , J . Fairburn , T . S . Camidge , C . Waistell , O . Robinson , G . Cattell , J . Young and E . J . de Salis .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The usual meeting of tho Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement was held on Tnesday evening , 3 rd May , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' salley , Cornhill . Present—Comps . Lardner Z ., R . Payne H ., J . Payne J ., W . Fraser N ., Saver P . S ., also Comps . Maidwell , Darcy , Edmonds , Goodchild , Veal , Dottridge , Daniels , G . Brown , Sayer , Chicken , J . S . Fraser , Steingrober , Turner , Walker , Massa , Turquand , Taylor ,
Brasted , Kirke , Gillard , and F . Brown S . E . Preceptor . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Gillard being the candidate . Comp . Daniels , of the New Concord Chapter , 813 , was elected a member . The following Officers were elected for the next fortnight : —R . Payee Z ., J . Payne H ., Chicken J ., Gillard N ., Maid , well P . S . It was anuounced that Comp . Turquand , M . E . Z . of the Stockwell Chapter , 1339 , and Hornsey , 890 , will rehearse the ceremony of installation of Principals on Tuesday , the 17 th of May , at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lodge Library . Particulars wero submitted by Bro . Dnplesms respecting the appointment and investiture of the Provincial G . Officers of San Domingo , aud the condition of the Craft in that island ; from which it would seem that the country was in a very disturbed state , that the P . G . Lodge and Lodges were unable to meet with regularity , * nd that all the brethren who conld do so wero using their best
endeavours to escape from the island , while many who had done so had beon plundered of all they had saved by British crnisers . In December , Bro . Israel was re-elected G . Master , and Bro . James Million , in spite of his request to be succeeded in his offico by some other brother , D . G . Master ; and these , with the Grand Wardens , & c . 4 c ., were subsequently installed , and the subordinate G . Officers and
Hall Committee appointed . In January 1801 , a Committee reported adversely as to the proposition whether or not a brother could be " a member of two Lodges at one and the same time , and under two different Grand Lodges , " and the report was endorsed by Grand Lodge . In March a resolution was agreed to " That the Committee of Accounts be directed to call on the Committee appointed on the
15 th of November 1802 to procure subscriptions in aid of the building in Filbert-street , and to examine and inspect what moneys have been subscribed , what moneys havo actually been collected by each member of the said Committee , and how much oaoh member has paid over to the Building Committee , and also the amouut of moneys subscribed and remaining uncollected , and that they
report the same fully to this Grand Lodge . " At a Special Communication on 10 th April , a letter was read from the Chairman of the Joint Committees of the Tammany Society and the Philadelphia Legion , inviting the Masons to join in a procession that was being organised for the purpose of celebrating on the 12 th May the acquisition of Louisiana , bnt Grand Lodge passed a resolution to tho effect , that
while thanking the Joint Committee for the said invitation , it would not be in the power of the brethren to take part in the procession in the character of Masons . In June , it was resolved that in future all communications from other Grand Lodges should be referred to a Committee of Correspondence , while the petition of a brother of Lodge No . 75 , complaining of his having been expelled
the Lodge without having been informed of the complaint made against , or having had a ohance allowed him to make any defence , was acted upon in so far as that the Grand Secretary was instructed to write to Lodge No . 75 transmitting copy of said letter , and requesting to be furnished with a copy of the proceedings in the case . The com . mittee of accounts reported that they were not ready to report on the
accounts of the committee appointed on 15 th November 1802 , to procure subscriptions towards the erection of the Hall . At the meeting on 25 th June , the Committee of Correspondence presented a long and elaborate report on the propriety and expediency of applying for an act of incorporation . It is unnecessary to repeat the Committee ' s reasons for declining to recommend the plan , which emanated from
the Grand Lodge of Virginia . It will bo enough if we mention that reference was made to the case of Grand Lodge of England , which " once agreed to apply for a charter of incorporation , and a bill was introduced into Parliament for that purpose , but no sooner was its pernicious tendency discovered than the united remonstrances of the brethren induced the then Deputy Grand Master , who was a member
of the House of Commons , to move for its postponement sine die . The motion was agreed to , and the measure has not been revived . " Even a Grand Tyler has his difficulties to contend with , as will be seen from the following letter from Bro . Schnider , who held that important office , to the Grand Master , asking for advice under certain troublesome circumstances .-
"Right Worshipful Grand Master , " Your Grand Tyler respectfully begs leave to represent that on every St . John ' s Day he is in a very disagreeable situation , and without intention gives offence either to the new officers elect or to the old ones . Both are wanting the aprons and jewels of their office , and claim the right to represent the Grand Lodge for their respective
Lodges for that day . The new Officers say that they are installed and their time begins on that day . The old Officers contend that they receive notices from the Grand Secretary to attend Grand Lodge , and not the Grand Officers elect ; that the Grand Lodge does not know the new Officers until the Grand Lodge is opened , and the reports of
the new Officers is read , consequently the time of the new Officers begins after the Grand Lodge is closed . I , therefore , humbly beg the R . W . Grand Lodge will please to decide which of the Officers has the right to wear the aprons and jewels on St . John ' s Day , and prevent further altercation on that day .
I remain , with the greatest respect , R . W . Grand Master , " Your very humble servant and Brother , " WILLIAM SCHNIDER , " Grand Tyler . " The consideration of this letter was deferred ; but at the meeting on 15 th October it was resolved" That the new Officers of the dif °
, ferenfc Lodges are entitled to wear their bad ges and represent their respeotive | Lodges in Grand Lodge on the St . John ' s Day ensuing their election . " At the meeting on the 2 nd December a letter was read from Bro . James Milnor , requesting not to be re-appointed Dep . G . Master , and this time his wish was respected , Bro . Israel being reelected Grand Masterand Bro . Fred . Wolbert elected Dep . G . Master
, while Bro . Thomas Armstrong was elected Grand Treasurer . This completes Part III . of the Minutes , which includes " A Paper read before the Eosiorucian Society of Philadelphia , by Charles E . Meyer , on Friday Evening , January 30 th , 1880 , " and a list of Lodges in Pennsylvania , both vacated and defunct , from the beginning of Masonry in that
State in 1730 till the present time . As , however , we have alread y said all that is necessary as to the Pennsylvania Freemasons ' Wall , to which Bro . Meyer ' s excellent paper refers , we need not take any further notice of it . We are content with repealing our thanks for the copy forwarded us by the conrtesy and with tho compliments of Bro , C . E . Meyer .
Royal Arch.
— : o : — GRAND CHAPTER .
THE Quarterly Meeting of Grand Chapter was held on Wednesday evening , 4 th inst ., at Freemasons' Hall . Comps . S . Rawson , W . F . A . Powell and E . E . Wendt occupied tho Principals' chairs . The other Officers present were Comps . J . A . Rucker P . S ., R . F . Gould 1 st Assistant , Frank Richardson 2 nd Assistant , Shadwell H . Clorko S . E ., Joshua Nnnn S . N ., Col . II . S . Somervillo Bnrney G . S . B ., and H . G . Buss Assistant S . E . There was a full attendanco of tho Comps .
After tho formal opening of the Grand Chapter , the following were announced as the Principals and Grand Officers for the year : —The Prince of Wales , K . G ., Grand Z ., the Earl of Carnarvon Pro G . Z ., the Earl of Lathom H ., Lord de Tabley J ., Col . Shadwell H . Clerke S . E ., Montagno Guest , M . P ., S . N ., Major Gen . n . Clevk , F . R . S ., Principal Sojourner , Rov . Ambrose W . Uall 1 st Assistant , J . Sampson
Peirce 2 nd Assistant , Lieut .-Col . John Creaton Treasurer , H . C . Levander Sword Bearer , Capt . A . Bott Cook Standard Bearer , Ralph Costa Director of Ceremonies , Wilhelm Ganz Organist , Henry Gustavus Buss Past Standard Bearer Assistant S . E ., Honry Sadler Janitor . Capt . Rawson announced that the Prince of Wales would be pleased to confer on Col . Creaton tho rank of P . G . Principal Sojourner .
Charters wero then granted for the following new Chapters : —• The Marmaduke Ramsey Chapter 1722 , Dugshai , Punjab , in tho East Indies ; the Royal Sussex Chapter 102 , Nottingham ; the United Chapter 1629 , Freemasons' Hall , London ; tho Blair Chapter 815 , Holme , Manchester ; the Commercial Chaptor 411 , Nottingham ; tho Chapter of Israel , 1502 , Liverpool ; tho Cable Chapter , 1701 , London
tho Eastern Star Chaptor 9 o , London ; the Prosperity Chapter 65 , London ; the Masefteld Chapter 617 , Buenos Ayres . Comps . Colonel Creatou , Robert Grey , A . J . Dnff-Filer , E . Lotchworth , W . Stephens , H . C . Levandor , W . H . Perryman , F . Adlard , and C . F . Hogard wero appointed the Committee of General Purposes , and Grand Chaptor was then closed .
Provincial Grand Chapter Of Sussex.
ON Saturday afternoon , 23 rd nit ., a special meeting of this Chapter was held in the Music Room , Royal Pavilion , the most ¦ mportant feature of the gathering being the installation of Comp . Sir W . Burrell , Bart ., M . P ., Z . 1466 , as Grand Superintendent . There was a good attendance of brethren . The Installing Officer was the Most Ex . Comp . Col . Shadwell H . Clerke Grand Scribe E ., and the
ceremony , unique in its character , was doubly interesting from'tbe fact that it was the foundation of the Sussex Provincial Grand Chapter , and that Sir Walter W . Burrell held the proud position of being tho first Grand Superintendent . At the conclusion of the ceremony the newly-installed G . S . appointed the other Principals ( who
were duly obligated ) , and invested his Officers , addressing them briefl y on the nature of their duties , and pledging them to the performance of them . The Principals and Officers appointed were—Provincial Grand Principals Comps . John H . Scott as H . and G . W . King as J ., V . F . Freeman Scribe E ., W . R . Wood N ., Dr . Trollopo First
Principal S ., Woolley Second Principal S ., Pidcock Third Principal S ., J . Dixon Director of Ceremonies , St . Clair Smith Grand Sword Bearer , C . J . Smith Grand Standard Bearer , Gerard Ford Grand Registrar , Crosskey Treasurer , A . King Organist , and T . Hughes Janitor .
Zetland Chapter, No. 236.
The annual installation meeting of this Chapter was held on Wednesday , the 27 th ult ., at York . The Chapter was opened at 6 p . m ., and the minutes having been read and a ballot taken for candidates , the installation of Principals was proceeded with . Comp . Joseph Todd P . Z . acted as installing Principal , assisted by Comp . the Hon W . T . Orde-Powlett P . Z ., and the three chairs were filled as follows : —
Comps . G . Balmford Z ., J . M . Meek H ., and A . Buckle J . The Officers then took their chairs as follow : —Comps . G . Kirby S . E ., M . Rooke S . N ., W . H . Gainforth P . S ., W . Draper 1 st A . S ., S . Border 2 nd A . S ., J . Todd P . Z . Treas ., T . J . Hodgson Org ., J . S . Eymer D . C , W . Smith and William Nicholson Stewards , J . Redfare Janitor . Three exaltations took placo , and a sum of ten guineas was voted to tho list of
Comp . Todd , who will be a Steward at the approaching Girls Festival . After the close of the Chapter the members met at supper , and the usual toasts were duly honoured . Amongst those present during the evening were : —Comps . Sir James Meek P . Z ., T . B . Whyte . head P . Z ., J . S . Cumberland Z . 1611 , Rev . W . Valentine , T . W . Wilson , J . Fairburn , T . S . Camidge , C . Waistell , O . Robinson , G . Cattell , J . Young and E . J . de Salis .
Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement . —The usual meeting of tho Metropolitan Chapter of Improvement was held on Tnesday evening , 3 rd May , at the Jamaica Coffee House , St . Michael ' salley , Cornhill . Present—Comps . Lardner Z ., R . Payne H ., J . Payne J ., W . Fraser N ., Saver P . S ., also Comps . Maidwell , Darcy , Edmonds , Goodchild , Veal , Dottridge , Daniels , G . Brown , Sayer , Chicken , J . S . Fraser , Steingrober , Turner , Walker , Massa , Turquand , Taylor ,
Brasted , Kirke , Gillard , and F . Brown S . E . Preceptor . The ceremony of exaltation was rehearsed , Comp . Gillard being the candidate . Comp . Daniels , of the New Concord Chapter , 813 , was elected a member . The following Officers were elected for the next fortnight : —R . Payee Z ., J . Payne H ., Chicken J ., Gillard N ., Maid , well P . S . It was anuounced that Comp . Turquand , M . E . Z . of the Stockwell Chapter , 1339 , and Hornsey , 890 , will rehearse the ceremony of installation of Principals on Tuesday , the 17 th of May , at