Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUMMER BANQUETS . EPPING FOREST . THB ROYALPIKES ? HOTEL , CH 1 NGFORD . CLOSE TO CHINGFORD STATION , adjoining the auciont Huutiug Lodge of Queen Elizabeth , aud accessible by constant traius from Liverpool Street , City , aud other Stations on the Great Eastern Line . Time from Liverpool Street 35 ruinates . THE FINE ELIZABETHAN HALL , IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR H& SOST 1 ClllWMfl , A new Masonic Hall , specially appointed for Lodge Meetings , with suitable ante rooms and appropriate furniture .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , CORNER OF CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD . : B \ J . SWEJTCTnSrO , Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entries , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'Clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , & c , THE " CATHEDRAL " HALF-CROWN DINNER . ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) lis served in the Saloon from Twelve till Five daily . The Smoking Room overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PRIVATE BOOMS TOR SMALT . PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & o . The following Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hoteli-GBOSVENOB , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLEBANCE , & c .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL & BURRO WS, WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . m „ . „ , ( "SUPPLY—Always regular , vr " -, < QUALITY—Best possible . ( . Piticis—lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
T. & T. GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English . Oold 4 t 5 s and 47 " s 6 d per lOOO , foreign G-old 41 s and 4 L 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s < 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BORD'SPIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , havo Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may bo soen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB Olf T HE T H II E Til YEARS' SYS T E M , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on tho Throe Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s ( id per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . O . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
lEapl ISasanic | nstiteti 0 i \ for (Skis , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : H . 1 J . H . THE PRINCE OK WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., PRESIDENT . HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS or WALES . NINETY THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . W . Bio . FRANK RICHARDSON P . G . D ., President of tho Board of Stewards . W . Bro . WILLIAM ROEBUCK , Grand Steward , Treasurer . rpHE NINETY . THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this In . JL stitution will take place ; on WEDNESDAY , ISth MAY next , on which occasion The Bt . Hon . Sir MICHAEL E . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names v * early a * possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give auy information required . F . R . AV . HEDGES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards . OFFICE—5 FREEMASONS' HALL , GBEAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Ilflpl SJasmnr Imitation fat % n $ & t WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE or WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ¦ — ¦ ¦ . EIGHTY-THIRD AOTIVERSAKY FESTIVAL, Wednesday , 29 th June 1881 . THE MOST HON . THE MARQUIS OF LONDONDERRY , K . P . R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF DURHAM , IN THE CHAIR . Officers of the Board oF Stewards . President . R . W . Bro . Lt .-Col . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , Bart ., V . Patron of the Institution , P . G . W ., Prov . G . Master of West Yorkshire . Acting Presidents . V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTYN . M . A ., P . G . Chaplain , D . P . G . M . Suffolk . W . Bro . GEO . LAMBERT , G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Herts , P . M . No . 198 , Vice-Patron of the Institution . W . Bro . A . J . DUFF-FILER , P . G . S . B ., P . M . No . 65 , Yice-Patron of the Institution . Vice-Presidents . Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents of the Institution , Present and Past Grand Officers , Present and Past Grand Stewards , Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Hon . Treasurer . W . Bro . WM . ROEBUCK , G . Std ., No . 29 , P . G . S . W . Middlesex , & o . The names of Brethren willing to act as Stewards may still be received . Support is urgently needed , the number of Stewards being below the average of recent years . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Steward , and Patron of Institution , Sec . of Institution ) , Hon . Sec . Office , 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 3 rd May 1881 .
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'Clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
GL T. BAHH , WPbtilmte Mi tktol $ } Mwt ItomfMfctw MMI!|) Mffte , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS AND GOODS ORDERED FROM DESIGNS . 55 CURTAIN ROAD , E . C . ( Two doors from G . E . Street . ) A large stock always on view , to which the attention of those abont to furnish is particularly directed .
THE FRENCH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON A . MKSROTJZE P . M . 1238 , B-uss L'University of France , wishes to obtain some additional Pupils . Special and superior Instruction for advanced Pupil * and Candidates for Examinations . Highest references . —Address 90 Lansdow " Road , N'otting Hill , London , W .
Tenth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful llothod of Curing th ' s Disease . By ROBKKT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., Ac ., 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . M ITCHJSWI AITD Co ., Bed Lion-court , Fleet-street .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
SUMMER BANQUETS . EPPING FOREST . THB ROYALPIKES ? HOTEL , CH 1 NGFORD . CLOSE TO CHINGFORD STATION , adjoining the auciont Huutiug Lodge of Queen Elizabeth , aud accessible by constant traius from Liverpool Street , City , aud other Stations on the Great Eastern Line . Time from Liverpool Street 35 ruinates . THE FINE ELIZABETHAN HALL , IS ADMIRABLY ADAPTED FOR H& SOST 1 ClllWMfl , A new Masonic Hall , specially appointed for Lodge Meetings , with suitable ante rooms and appropriate furniture .
THE CATHEDRAL HOTEL , CORNER OF CHEAPSIDE & ST . PAUL'S CHURCHYARD . : B \ J . SWEJTCTnSrO , Proprietor . LUNCHEON BAR ON GROUND FLOOR FOR LIGHT REFRESHMENTS . Soups , Fish , Chops , Steaks , Entries , Cold Joints , & c . from Eight a . m . till Ten p . m . DINING ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR . Hot Joints , & c . from Twelve o'Clock daily . Dinners a la Carte . Teas , & c , THE " CATHEDRAL " HALF-CROWN DINNER . ( Soup , Fish , Joint ) lis served in the Saloon from Twelve till Five daily . The Smoking Room overlooks the New Gardens round St . Paul ' s Cathedral . PRIVATE BOOMS TOR SMALT . PARTIES , MASONIC AUDITS , & o . The following Lodges have recently held their Audit Meetings at this Hoteli-GBOSVENOB , STANHOPE , POLISH NATIONAL , LA TOLEBANCE , & c .
ESTABLISHED 1802 . SODA WATER AND SELTZER MANUFACTORY . PAUL & BURRO WS, WILSON STREET and ENDELL STREET , LONG ACRE , W . C . m „ . „ , ( "SUPPLY—Always regular , vr " -, < QUALITY—Best possible . ( . Piticis—lowest consistent with FIRST CLASS ARTICLES .
T. & T. GATES , GOLD BEATERS , AND FOREIGN GOLD LEAF IMPORTERS . English . Oold 4 t 5 s and 47 " s 6 d per lOOO , foreign G-old 41 s and 4 L 3 s do . Bronze Powder 3 s < 6 d and 5 s per lb . 44 HATTON WALL , LONDON , E . C . Merchants and Shippers supplied .
BORD'SPIANOS . CHAS . STILES & CO ., the well-known Importers of these celebrated Pianos , havo Removed to 42 Southampton-row , Holborn , London , W . C . Where may bo soen a large and varied assortment of Instruments , of New and Artistic Design , at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per Cent . Co-operative Disct . for Cash , OB Olf T HE T H II E Til YEARS' SYS T E M , Prom 15 s per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST . Second-Hand Pianos on tho Throe Years' System , from 10 s 6 d per Month . Full Value allowed for Old Instruments of any kind in Exchange .
AMERICAN ORGANS , CHEAPEST AND BEST , BY the STERLING ORGAN CO ., DERBY , CONN ., U . S . A ., at Low Prices , with Twenty-Five per cent . Co-operative Discount for Cash ; or on the THREE YEARS' SYSTEM , from 10 s ( id per Month . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED LIST TO CHAS . STILES and CO ., 42 SOUTHAMPTON ROW , HOLBORN , LONDON , W . O . These Organs are eminently suited for use in MASONIC LODGES .
lEapl ISasanic | nstiteti 0 i \ for (Skis , ST . JOHN'S HILL , BATTERSEA RISE , S . W . Patrons : H . 1 J . H . THE PRINCE OK WALES K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ., PRESIDENT . HER ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS or WALES . NINETY THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL . W . Bio . FRANK RICHARDSON P . G . D ., President of tho Board of Stewards . W . Bro . WILLIAM ROEBUCK , Grand Steward , Treasurer . rpHE NINETY . THIRD ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL of this In . JL stitution will take place ; on WEDNESDAY , ISth MAY next , on which occasion The Bt . Hon . Sir MICHAEL E . HICKS BEACH , Bart ., M . P . R . W . Prov . G . M . for Gloucestershire , in the Chair . Brethren willing to act as Stewards are urgently needed , and will greatly oblige by forwarding their names v * early a * possible to the Secretary , who will gladly give auy information required . F . R . AV . HEDGES , Hon . Sec . Board of Stewards . OFFICE—5 FREEMASONS' HALL , GBEAT QUEEN STREET , LONDON , W . C .
Ilflpl SJasmnr Imitation fat % n $ & t WOOD GREEN , LONDON , N . Patron : HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN . President : His ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE or WALES , K . G ., & c , M . W . G . M ¦ — ¦ ¦ . EIGHTY-THIRD AOTIVERSAKY FESTIVAL, Wednesday , 29 th June 1881 . THE MOST HON . THE MARQUIS OF LONDONDERRY , K . P . R . W . PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER OF DURHAM , IN THE CHAIR . Officers of the Board oF Stewards . President . R . W . Bro . Lt .-Col . Sir HENRY EDWARDS , Bart ., V . Patron of the Institution , P . G . W ., Prov . G . Master of West Yorkshire . Acting Presidents . V . W . Bro . Rev . C . J . MARTYN . M . A ., P . G . Chaplain , D . P . G . M . Suffolk . W . Bro . GEO . LAMBERT , G . S . B ., P . P . G . W . Herts , P . M . No . 198 , Vice-Patron of the Institution . W . Bro . A . J . DUFF-FILER , P . G . S . B ., P . M . No . 65 , Yice-Patron of the Institution . Vice-Presidents . Vice-Patrons and Vice-Presidents of the Institution , Present and Past Grand Officers , Present and Past Grand Stewards , Present and Past Provincial Grand Officers . Hon . Treasurer . W . Bro . WM . ROEBUCK , G . Std ., No . 29 , P . G . S . W . Middlesex , & o . The names of Brethren willing to act as Stewards may still be received . Support is urgently needed , the number of Stewards being below the average of recent years . FREDERICK BINCKES ( P . G . Steward , and Patron of Institution , Sec . of Institution ) , Hon . Sec . Office , 6 Freemasons' Hall , W . C . 3 rd May 1881 .
DINNERS FROM THE JOINT , from TWELVE to THREE o'Clock . pHOPS and STEAKS from the GRILL , till FIVE o'Clock . T . Maidwell , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall St ., City .
GL T. BAHH , WPbtilmte Mi tktol $ } Mwt ItomfMfctw MMI!|) Mffte , SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIPPERS AND GOODS ORDERED FROM DESIGNS . 55 CURTAIN ROAD , E . C . ( Two doors from G . E . Street . ) A large stock always on view , to which the attention of those abont to furnish is particularly directed .
THE FRENCH LANGUAGE and LITERATURE . —BRO . LEON A . MKSROTJZE P . M . 1238 , B-uss L'University of France , wishes to obtain some additional Pupils . Special and superior Instruction for advanced Pupil * and Candidates for Examinations . Highest references . —Address 90 Lansdow " Road , N'otting Hill , London , W .
Tenth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA . A Treatise on the only Successful llothod of Curing th ' s Disease . By ROBKKT G . WATTS , M . D ., F . R . S . L ., F . C . S ., Ac ., 5 Bulstrodo-street , Cavendish-square , London . London : C . M ITCHJSWI AITD Co ., Bed Lion-court , Fleet-street .