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Diary For, The Week.
WEDNESDAY . 253—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckraondwike . 290—Huddersfield , Masonic HaU , South Parade , Huddersuold . 380—Integrity , Masonic Tompie , Commerciat-street , Morley , near Leeds . 337—Airedale , Masonic Hall , Westgate , Shipley . 910—St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Roporgate , Pontefract . 1018—Shakespeare , Freemasons' HaU , Salem-stveot , Bradford . 1615—Colno Vafley , Lewisham Hotef , Slaithwaite .
THURSDAY . 139—Britannia , Freemasons' HaU , Surrey-street , Sheffield . 971—Trafalgar , Pi'ivato Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 1514—Thornhill , Doarn House , Lindloy , Huddersfield . R . A . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic HaU , Dewsbury . R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppormill .
FRIDAY . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn . 459—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Ouse-street , Goole . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , HolmSrth . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms . Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1034—Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill . 1102—Mirfiold , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpo , Mirfield . SATUKDAY . 149—Peace , Private Rooms , Melthnm .
Strong Man . Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This well established Lodge held its first meeting , after a recess of two months , at the Old Rodney's Head , on Monday last . Present—Bros . B . H . Halford W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., G . Cook J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , J . A .. Powell S . D ., A . Wing J . D ., W . Cook I . G . ; also Bros . J . Stock , Crawley , Hallam sen ., Hallam jun ., W . Rowley ,
Garrod , Byng , W . J . Goode , Morgan , & c . Lodge was formally opened , and tho minutes of the last meeting were read awl confirmed , Tho ceremony of initiation was excellently rehearsed by the W . BI ., who was well supported by his Officers ; Bro . W . Eowley was tho candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the first , Bro . Fenner tho second , Bvo . Powell the
third , and Bro . Pearcy the fourth section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros , S . J . Byng , W . M . of the Burgoyno Lodge No . 902 , and W . J . Goode , of the Crusaders' Lodge 'So . 1 R 77 , wero elected members , Bro . Pearcy was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge will now meet regularly every Monday evening .
Warrington Lodge of Lights , No . 148 . —The regular monthly meeting was hold on Monday , 26 th August , at the 'Masonic Rooms , Sankcy-street . The W . M ., Bro . Joseph Pickthall , presided , and was assisted by his Wardens and a goodly number of brethren . Tho Lodge having been opened in ancient form , tho minutes wove read . The Lodge was raised one degree , when Bros . A . Mackie and
G . F . Curzon claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , ¦ were entrusted and they retired . Tho Lodge having been opened in the third degree , tho W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , who separately raised in ample form tho two brethren before named . To illustrate the lecture of this degree , a new tracing board of large size was used for the first timo . After labour tho brethren
were invited by the W . M . to supper , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . Tho usual toasts wero duly honoured . The W . M . ' s health was drunk with much heartiness , as was that of the junior members . The Visitors one and all complimented Past Master Bowes on the manner in which he had rendered the ceremony of raising . Some excellent songs were sung during the evening , and at half-past ten the Tyler ' s Toast was proposed .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held on 30 th August , at the Star ancl Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Costelow W . M ., Goss ( W . M . 7 S 0 ) S . W ., May ( S . W . 780 ) J . W ., Gunner Sec , TuckerTreas ., Gunner S . D ., Franckol . T . D ., Talbot I . G ., J . 0 . Hoe P . M . Preceptor , Blasby , Sco . Lodge regularly opened ; minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro .
Tucker volunteered as candidate , and was carefully taken through the initiation ceremony . He then answered the questions leading to sacond degree perfectly . The call was given to refreshment . Labour was resumed by tho esteemed W . M . of the Mother Lodge , who , at the request of Bro . Costelow , and for the instruction of the juniors ,
rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Blasby acting as candidate . Bro . Costelow then resumed the gavel ; and having opened up to the third degree , closed down to tho first . On proposition by Bro . Roe , seconded by Bro . Tucker , Bro . Goss was elected W . M . for next meeting . Lodge was then closed in brotherly love , and adjourned till the ensuing Friday at half-past seven p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smvth's , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Hunt W . M ., Forss S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Carr S . D ., Polak J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Wymau , Wright , Christian , Taylor , Allen , Finch , J . Lorkin , Gilham and others . After due observance of preliminaries , the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Slaiter candidate . Bro . Moss answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Moss candidate . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming its duties , was opened in the third degree , and regularly
closed down . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the fourth Section of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Moss , of Lodgo 1275 , was elected a member . Bro . Forss will preside at the next meeting a vote of thanks was passed to the W . M ., for his able working in the chair for the first time in this Lodge ,
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , the 30 th ult . Present—Bros . Moss AV . M ., Hine S . W ., Quincey J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Crouch S . D ., Sorjeant J . D ., Gieseke 1 . 6 . ; also Bros . Bolton , Powell , & c . Lodge was opened , nnd tho minutes were read ancl confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the
W . M ., Bro . Bolton as candidate . Lodgo was opened in the second degree ; Bro . Moss resigned tho chair in favour of Bro . Crouch , who worked the ceremony of Installation . Lodgo being resumed to the first degree , Bro . Moss again took tho chair , ancl Bro . Fenner worked the third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Hine
was elected W . M . for ensuing week . According to a notice of motion given last week , a proposition that the Lodge meetings be held in future on Thursday instead of Friday evenings , was unanimously carried . A vote of thanks was accorded Bro . Crouch for working the ceremony of installation , which he acknowledged . Lodge was then closed .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —The installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Tuesday , 27 th Aug . Bro . J . Georgo W . M . raised Bros . J . Proffitfc and F . G . Luke . Bro . C . G . Rushworth , P . G . R . Middlesex and P . M ., Sec , initiated Mr . J . E . Faith . Bro . F . Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . installed Bro . C . G . 0 . Stahr P . M . 871 as W . M . The ceremonies were
admirably rendered . The Officers are Bros . R . P . Tebb S . W ., J . Scott J . W ., F . Walters ( the Father of tho Lodge and its first W . M . ) Treas ., 0 . G . Rush worth Hon . Sec , J . Davies S . D ., C . 0 . Smiles J . D ., J . Sutcliff I . G ., W . Y . Laing P . M . Tyler . The I . P . M . Bro . J . George having declined to accept a Past Master ' s jewel , the amount voted to him was spent in purchasing a Life Governorship oi *
tho Male Annuity Fund in the name of the Secretary of the Lodge for the time being . Tho Stewards to represent this Lodge at the forth , coming Charity Festivals are Bros . Chas . Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex P . M ., & c Benevolent ; J . SntclB' o Girls ' , and J . Proffitfc Boys' Schools . Notice of motion waa given by the Treasurer to
vote some surplus funds to the Masonic Charities . This brother also exerted himself to get the several Stewards for the Charities , and was well seconded by the estimable Secretary . Banquet followed . The Visitors were " Bros . E . C . Taylor P . M . 11 , R . Jennings J . W . 907 , G .-Musgrave 1507 , & c , & c .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507—The ¦ usual -weekly meeting waa held at tho Metropolitan Club , Kingscross , on Tuesday , 3 rd September . Present—Bros . Edmonds W . M ., Pierdon S . W ., Sillis J . W ., Side S . D ., Pntland I . G ., Stiles Secretary , Kingham acting Preceptor , and several others . The Lodgo was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising were rehearsed , the W . M . performing his duties in an able manner . Bro . Pierdon S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing meeting . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in due form . The ceromony of Installation -will be
rehearsed in this Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday , 17 th inst ., at seven p . m ., by Bro . R . T . Kingham , W . M . of the parent Lodge . He will be supported by Bros . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Willing P . M . and Treasurer 1507 , Douglas W . M . elect , and other brethren of eminence in the Craft .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1802 . —Held its meeting on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Bro . Wood ' s , Crown and Woolpack , No . 102 St . John-street-road . Present—Bro . Pearcy W . M ., Isaac S . W ., Hyland J . W ., Osborne Sec , Powell S . D ., W . Rowley J . D ., Fenner I . G ., also Bros . Stock , Gibbs , W . Cook , Moses , Wood ,
Hurst , Hallam seu ., and Hallam jnn . Lodge being opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked the first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of inifciatiou was rehearsed by tho W . M . in a faultless manner , Bro . Cook acting as candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Moses .
the Lodgo being advanced , Bro . Gibbs answered the questions , and The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the W . M . showing marked improvement in his working , and being ably assisted by the Officers of the Lodge , Bro . Gibbs was candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked tho second and third sections , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed , Bro . Isaac was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and we hope the brethren will gather round him on that occasion . We are
assured his working will be appreciated by those who favour him with their attendance . Bro . C . K . Killick , W . M . of the Kingsland Lodge 1 G 93 , presented a copy of the Constitutions to this Lodge of Instruction , and a vote of thanks was recorded ou the minutes for the same . Bro . Stock , in a eulogistic speech , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Fenner for having acted as Secretary during the temporary absence of Bro . Osborne ; this was duly carried , and Bro . Fenner returned thanks . Lodge was then closed .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1445 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday evening , at the Prince George Tavern , Parkhoime-road , Dalston . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . II . Myers , who was supported by his Officers , a goodly number of members , and the following visitors : —C . Hubbard W . M . 820 , B . Cundick P . M . 114 . G . H . Seddon S . W . 17-1 . J . W .
Francis J . W . 1 GS 5 , S . Lazarus P . M . 53 , W . W . Morgan 211 , & c . The Lodge was opened at fonr o ' clock , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . John Thomas Macgregor was examined and duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . After the receipt of tho Auditors' Report , Bro . Joseph Clark was introduced as the W . M .
elect , and the ceremony of installation was carefully performed by the out-going Master , Bro . W . H . Myers . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Clark was saluted , aud he appointed his Officers : — Bros . Wm , H , Myers I . P . M ., S . L . Green S . W ., Goddard J . W ., W . F .
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Diary For, The Week.
WEDNESDAY . 253—Amphibious , Freemasons' Hall , Heckraondwike . 290—Huddersfield , Masonic HaU , South Parade , Huddersuold . 380—Integrity , Masonic Tompie , Commerciat-street , Morley , near Leeds . 337—Airedale , Masonic Hall , Westgate , Shipley . 910—St . Oswald , Masonic Hall , Roporgate , Pontefract . 1018—Shakespeare , Freemasons' HaU , Salem-stveot , Bradford . 1615—Colno Vafley , Lewisham Hotef , Slaithwaite .
THURSDAY . 139—Britannia , Freemasons' HaU , Surrey-street , Sheffield . 971—Trafalgar , Pi'ivato Room , Commercial-street , Batley . 1514—Thornhill , Doarn House , Lindloy , Huddersfield . R . A . 208—Three Grand Principles , Masonic HaU , Dewsbury . R . A . 307—Good Intent , White Horse Hotel , Hebden Bridge . R . A . 337—Confidence , Private Rooms , Commercial Inn , Uppormill .
FRIDAY . 401—Royal Forest , Hark to Bounty Inn , Slaidburn . 459—Aire and Calder , Private Rooms , Ouse-street , Goole . 652—Holme Valley , Victoria Hotel , HolmSrth . 1001—Harrogate and Claro , Masonic Rooms . Parliament-street , Harrogate . 1034—Eccleshill . Freemasons' Hall , Eccleshill . 1102—Mirfiold , Assembly Rooms , Eastthorpo , Mirfield . SATUKDAY . 149—Peace , Private Rooms , Melthnm .
Strong Man . Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —This well established Lodge held its first meeting , after a recess of two months , at the Old Rodney's Head , on Monday last . Present—Bros . B . H . Halford W . M ., Pearcy S . W ., G . Cook J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , A . W . Fenner Secretary , J . A .. Powell S . D ., A . Wing J . D ., W . Cook I . G . ; also Bros . J . Stock , Crawley , Hallam sen ., Hallam jun ., W . Rowley ,
Garrod , Byng , W . J . Goode , Morgan , & c . Lodge was formally opened , and tho minutes of the last meeting were read awl confirmed , Tho ceremony of initiation was excellently rehearsed by the W . BI ., who was well supported by his Officers ; Bro . W . Eowley was tho candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked the first , Bro . Fenner tho second , Bvo . Powell the
third , and Bro . Pearcy the fourth section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros , S . J . Byng , W . M . of the Burgoyno Lodge No . 902 , and W . J . Goode , of the Crusaders' Lodge 'So . 1 R 77 , wero elected members , Bro . Pearcy was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week . The Lodge will now meet regularly every Monday evening .
Warrington Lodge of Lights , No . 148 . —The regular monthly meeting was hold on Monday , 26 th August , at the 'Masonic Rooms , Sankcy-street . The W . M ., Bro . Joseph Pickthall , presided , and was assisted by his Wardens and a goodly number of brethren . Tho Lodge having been opened in ancient form , tho minutes wove read . The Lodge was raised one degree , when Bros . A . Mackie and
G . F . Curzon claimed preferment , and having sustained their claim , ¦ were entrusted and they retired . Tho Lodge having been opened in the third degree , tho W . M . vacated the chair in favour of Bro . John Bowes P . M . P . P . G . J . W . Cumberland and Westmoreland , who separately raised in ample form tho two brethren before named . To illustrate the lecture of this degree , a new tracing board of large size was used for the first timo . After labour tho brethren
were invited by the W . M . to supper , and a very enjoyable evening was spent . Tho usual toasts wero duly honoured . The W . M . ' s health was drunk with much heartiness , as was that of the junior members . The Visitors one and all complimented Past Master Bowes on the manner in which he had rendered the ceremony of raising . Some excellent songs were sung during the evening , and at half-past ten the Tyler ' s Toast was proposed .
Eoyal Alfred Lodge of Instruction , No . 780 . —A meeting was held on 30 th August , at the Star ancl Garter Hotel , Kew Bridge . Present—Bros . Costelow W . M ., Goss ( W . M . 7 S 0 ) S . W ., May ( S . W . 780 ) J . W ., Gunner Sec , TuckerTreas ., Gunner S . D ., Franckol . T . D ., Talbot I . G ., J . 0 . Hoe P . M . Preceptor , Blasby , Sco . Lodge regularly opened ; minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . Bro .
Tucker volunteered as candidate , and was carefully taken through the initiation ceremony . He then answered the questions leading to sacond degree perfectly . The call was given to refreshment . Labour was resumed by tho esteemed W . M . of the Mother Lodge , who , at the request of Bro . Costelow , and for the instruction of the juniors ,
rehearsed the ceremony of passing , Bro . Blasby acting as candidate . Bro . Costelow then resumed the gavel ; and having opened up to the third degree , closed down to tho first . On proposition by Bro . Roe , seconded by Bro . Tucker , Bro . Goss was elected W . M . for next meeting . Lodge was then closed in brotherly love , and adjourned till the ensuing Friday at half-past seven p . m .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —On Tuesday evening last , at Bro . Smvth's , Sisters Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Hunt W . M ., Forss S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Carr S . D ., Polak J . D ., Smyth I . G ., Dallas Sec , Smyth Treas ., P . M . Wallington Preceptor ; Bros . Wymau , Wright , Christian , Taylor , Allen , Finch , J . Lorkin , Gilham and others . After due observance of preliminaries , the
ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Slaiter candidate . Bro . Moss answered the necessary questions , the Lodge was opened in the 2 nd degree , and the ceremony of passing was rehearsed , Bro . Moss candidate . The Lodge was called from labour to refreshment , and after resuming its duties , was opened in the third degree , and regularly
closed down . Bro . C . Lorkin worked the fourth Section of the first lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Moss , of Lodgo 1275 , was elected a member . Bro . Forss will preside at the next meeting a vote of thanks was passed to the W . M ., for his able working in the chair for the first time in this Lodge ,
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —At Bro . Bolton ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on Friday , the 30 th ult . Present—Bros . Moss AV . M ., Hine S . W ., Quincey J . W ., Fenner Preceptor , Townsend Sec , Crouch S . D ., Sorjeant J . D ., Gieseke 1 . 6 . ; also Bros . Bolton , Powell , & c . Lodge was opened , nnd tho minutes were read ancl confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed by the
W . M ., Bro . Bolton as candidate . Lodgo was opened in the second degree ; Bro . Moss resigned tho chair in favour of Bro . Crouch , who worked the ceremony of Installation . Lodgo being resumed to the first degree , Bro . Moss again took tho chair , ancl Bro . Fenner worked the third section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . Hine
was elected W . M . for ensuing week . According to a notice of motion given last week , a proposition that the Lodge meetings be held in future on Thursday instead of Friday evenings , was unanimously carried . A vote of thanks was accorded Bro . Crouch for working the ceremony of installation , which he acknowledged . Lodge was then closed .
Acacia Lodge , No . 1309 . —The installation meeting of this Lodgo was held at the Ship Hotel , Halliford , on Tuesday , 27 th Aug . Bro . J . Georgo W . M . raised Bros . J . Proffitfc and F . G . Luke . Bro . C . G . Rushworth , P . G . R . Middlesex and P . M ., Sec , initiated Mr . J . E . Faith . Bro . F . Walters P . P . G . D . Middlesex P . M . installed Bro . C . G . 0 . Stahr P . M . 871 as W . M . The ceremonies were
admirably rendered . The Officers are Bros . R . P . Tebb S . W ., J . Scott J . W ., F . Walters ( the Father of tho Lodge and its first W . M . ) Treas ., 0 . G . Rush worth Hon . Sec , J . Davies S . D ., C . 0 . Smiles J . D ., J . Sutcliff I . G ., W . Y . Laing P . M . Tyler . The I . P . M . Bro . J . George having declined to accept a Past Master ' s jewel , the amount voted to him was spent in purchasing a Life Governorship oi *
tho Male Annuity Fund in the name of the Secretary of the Lodge for the time being . Tho Stewards to represent this Lodge at the forth , coming Charity Festivals are Bros . Chas . Horsley P . P . G . R . Middlesex P . M ., & c Benevolent ; J . SntclB' o Girls ' , and J . Proffitfc Boys' Schools . Notice of motion waa given by the Treasurer to
vote some surplus funds to the Masonic Charities . This brother also exerted himself to get the several Stewards for the Charities , and was well seconded by the estimable Secretary . Banquet followed . The Visitors were " Bros . E . C . Taylor P . M . 11 , R . Jennings J . W . 907 , G .-Musgrave 1507 , & c , & c .
Metropolitan Lodge of Instruction , No . 1507—The ¦ usual -weekly meeting waa held at tho Metropolitan Club , Kingscross , on Tuesday , 3 rd September . Present—Bros . Edmonds W . M ., Pierdon S . W ., Sillis J . W ., Side S . D ., Pntland I . G ., Stiles Secretary , Kingham acting Preceptor , and several others . The Lodgo was opened in due form with solemn prayer , and the minutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed . The ceremonies of initiation , passing , and raising were rehearsed , the W . M . performing his duties in an able manner . Bro . Pierdon S . W . was unanimously elected W . M . for tho ensuing meeting . All Masonic business being ended , the Lodgo was closed in due form . The ceromony of Installation -will be
rehearsed in this Lodge of Instruction on Tuesday , 17 th inst ., at seven p . m ., by Bro . R . T . Kingham , W . M . of the parent Lodge . He will be supported by Bros . Adams P . G . P . Preceptor , Willing P . M . and Treasurer 1507 , Douglas W . M . elect , and other brethren of eminence in the Craft .
Sir Hugh Middelton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1802 . —Held its meeting on Tuesday , the 3 rd inst ., at Bro . Wood ' s , Crown and Woolpack , No . 102 St . John-street-road . Present—Bro . Pearcy W . M ., Isaac S . W ., Hyland J . W ., Osborne Sec , Powell S . D ., W . Rowley J . D ., Fenner I . G ., also Bros . Stock , Gibbs , W . Cook , Moses , Wood ,
Hurst , Hallam seu ., and Hallam jnn . Lodge being opened , the minutes were read and confirmed . The W . M . worked the first section of tho lecture , assisted by the brethren . The ceremony of inifciatiou was rehearsed by tho W . M . in a faultless manner , Bro . Cook acting as candidate . The W . M . then vacated the chair in favour of Bro . Moses .
the Lodgo being advanced , Bro . Gibbs answered the questions , and The ceremony of raising was rehearsed , the W . M . showing marked improvement in his working , and being ably assisted by the Officers of the Lodge , Bro . Gibbs was candidate . Bro . Pearcy worked tho second and third sections , assisted by the brethren . Lodge being resumed , Bro . Isaac was elected W . M . for the ensuing week , and we hope the brethren will gather round him on that occasion . We are
assured his working will be appreciated by those who favour him with their attendance . Bro . C . K . Killick , W . M . of the Kingsland Lodge 1 G 93 , presented a copy of the Constitutions to this Lodge of Instruction , and a vote of thanks was recorded ou the minutes for the same . Bro . Stock , in a eulogistic speech , proposed a vote of thanks to Bro . Fenner for having acted as Secretary during the temporary absence of Bro . Osborne ; this was duly carried , and Bro . Fenner returned thanks . Lodge was then closed .
Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1445 . — The installation meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday evening , at the Prince George Tavern , Parkhoime-road , Dalston . The chair was taken by the W . M ., Bro . W . II . Myers , who was supported by his Officers , a goodly number of members , and the following visitors : —C . Hubbard W . M . 820 , B . Cundick P . M . 114 . G . H . Seddon S . W . 17-1 . J . W .
Francis J . W . 1 GS 5 , S . Lazarus P . M . 53 , W . W . Morgan 211 , & c . The Lodge was opened at fonr o ' clock , and the minutes were read and confirmed . Bro . John Thomas Macgregor was examined and duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . After the receipt of tho Auditors' Report , Bro . Joseph Clark was introduced as the W . M .
elect , and the ceremony of installation was carefully performed by the out-going Master , Bro . W . H . Myers . On the re-admission of the brethren , Bro . Clark was saluted , aud he appointed his Officers : — Bros . Wm , H , Myers I . P . M ., S . L . Green S . W ., Goddard J . W ., W . F .