Article SCRUTINEERS. ← Page 2 of 2 Article In Memoriam Page 1 of 1 Article In Memoriam Page 1 of 1 Article CONSECRATON OF THE ELDON LODGE, Page 1 of 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
committed a great breach of trust in communicating to his friend in the election room , but in also volunteering to be placed on the list of scrutineers for the purpose ( as it appears ) of securing the election of his candidate . " Such was my Petition . Now , may I ask could there have been a moro flagrant breach of
trust than this ? but what reply did I got . Tho case was brought before the Board , without any notice being given me , but , strange to say , by some extraordinary means the erring scrutineer was present , and all I heard of the matter was , " That ifc had been discussed , and the Brother had expressed his regret , for ( what he called ) an eiror in judgment , " ancl that was all tho redress I obtained . There was , therefore , only ono
course open to me , admission by purchase ; so I paid tho hundred aud fifty guineas , which was partially recouped by subscriptions amongst the boy ' s relativos and those who worked the case . I might ; add that C . headed the poll with 1598 votes , whilo the lowest successful candidate got in with 958 !! ancl I threw up 1179 on the representation of a scrutineer ! Comment on such a case I leave to others , with the wish
thafc next Wednesday this disagreeable episode and blot on our Institutions may find a remedy by some system being devised that shall place an effectual bar to its recurrence . Believe me , & c . & c , WILLIAM BIGUS , P . Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks , P . Prov . S . G . W . Wilts . 31 st August 1878 .
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
IT is with the deepest regret that we record this week the sad and sudden death of one who was one of the brightest ornaments of Cornish Masonry . It will be long , indeed , before that most distant of our Western Provinces can boast of his equal in activity , in loyalty , and in
liberality among its brethren . Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., at the time of his death held several important offices in Masonry . He was D . C Master of the Province in Craft , and its Grand Master in Mark Masonry , while he was Intendant General in the Masonic and Military
Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine . Sir F . Williams was born 25 th January 1830 . He was educated at Winchester , and in 1858 married Mary Christian , youngest daughter of the Rev . Robert V . Law , Rector of Christian Malford , Wilts , and granddaughter of
the late Right Rev . G . H . Law , D . D ., Bishop of Bath and Wells . He was a member of the firm of Twecldy , Williams and Co ., Bankers , of Redruth and Truro , and was also largely engaged in mining and other operations . He was
Deputy Warden of the Stannaries , a D . L . and J . P . of Cornwall , a J . P . for Devon , and a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society . He succeeded to the title on the death of his father , the first baronet , in 1870 , while his connection with the Commons House of Parliament dates
from the year I 860 , when he was first returned for Truro in the Conservative interest . A memoir of our late distinguished brother will be found in the volume of "Masonic Portraits" reprinted from the FREEMASON ' CHROA'ICLE , the title under which he figured in that list of
worthies being " The Merchant Prince . However , a few facts in connection with his Masonic career , above and beyond what we have stated , will be read with interest . Sir F . Williams was initiated in Januaryl 863 , in the Phcenix Lodge of Honour ancl Prudence , No . 331 , Truro . He was
a joining member of No . 131 , Lodge of Fortitude of Truro , and of Westminster and Keystone , No . 10 , and the Marquis of Dalhonsie , No . 1155 , both London Lodges . He was the representative of the Grand Lodge of Portugal in our Grand Lodge , as well as a Past Grand Warden . In Royal
Arch Masonry he held the office of Second Grand Principal in the Chapter of his Province , and was a Past Grand Scribe N . We have already noted that of Mark Masonry in Cornwall he was the presiding genius in fact as well as in name , while he was a Past Graud Sovereign of the Order of Knisrhts of Rome and of the Red Cross
of Constantine , and had taken the S . P . R S . or thirtysecond degree in the Ancient and Accepted Rite . He was Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , aud a Vice-Patron of both the Royal Masonic : Institution for Boys and the Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution , besides being the largest contributor to , and one of the moving spirits of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund . This is , indeed , a proud record of titles to the love and respect of his brother Masons , and one that will not easily be surpassed . It is sad to think he should have
been suddenly stricken unto death by a hfc of apoplexy , and so , in the fulness of mature age , removed from all he loved most dearly . But life and death are in the hands of the Supreme Being for Him to dispense as seemeth best , and it ia not for ^ mortal men to question the justice of His
In Memoriam
awards . We can but offer to his bereaved family and the brethren of his Province our sincere tribute of respectful sympathy . We trust that He who has visited them
thus grievously will give them strength to endure their grief . In fine , to quote some lines by the Earl of Surrey" Divers thy death do diversely bemoan
But I , thafc knew what harbour'd in that head ; What virtues rare were tempered in that breast ; Honour the place thafc such a jowol bred , Aud kiss the ground wherein the corpse doth rest . "
On Wednesday morning there was a large muster of the Masonic body at the York Cemetery , on the occasion of the funeral of the late Bro . William Cowling , P . M . 23 b ' , who had died at Scarborough on the previous Friday . Bro . Cowling had for some years occupied a prominent position amongst
York Masons , and had laboured hard and successfully m the interests of the York Lodge , No . 236 . He was initiated in 1850 in the Y " ork Lodge ( then called the Union Lodge ) , by Bro . R . W . Hollon , then W . M ., and was elected Master in 1855 . For a number of years he served the Lodge as
Treasurer , and was re-elected W . M . in the centenary year ( 1877 ) . He was a P . M . of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) , ancl P . Z . of the Zetland Chapter 236 , and was a P . Prov . Senior G . "Warden for N . and B . Yorkshire . The pall was borne by five Past Masters and the Inner Guard of the
York Lodge . Amongst those present , in addition to the Officers of the Lodge , and many brethren , were Bros . J . March P . M . 236 , \ V . Lawton P . M . 236 , Rev . J . K M .
Young P . M . 236 , Thomas Cooper P . M . 236 and P . M . 1611 , R . Davison P . M . 236 , J . Todd P . M . 236 , G . Balmford P . M . 236 F . Rawling P . M . 236 , T . B . Whytehead W . M . 1611 , & c .
Consecraton Of The Eldon Lodge,
This ceremony took place on Tuesday , in the largo room over the Pier refreshment-hall ab Portisheacl , tho new Lodge of tho Order really being in connection with the Eoyal Hotel . There was a very full meeting of tho brethren from Somerset aud the adjoining province of Bristol , and the ceremony was ably performed , in the mosfc solemn and impressive manner , by tho V . W . Bro . R . C . Else D . P . G . M .,
ancl the Officers of the P . G . L . of Somerset , among the latter being Bros , the Ilev . F . Scale Chaplain , E . Turner Payne Treasurer , F . Brown S . W ,, A . Pago J . W ., F . R . Payne Secretary , H . C . Smith Registrar , W . H . Batten and W . W . Westcott D . C . ' s , J . Walker Deacon , and the following Past Provincial Grand Officers : —Dr . Bry « ant P . P . J . W ., Captain Peel Lloyd P . P . G . R ., It . M . Worlock P . G . S .
( Bristol ) , W . Barge P . P . G . J . W . ( Bristol ) , Sidney Lewis P . P . G . S . B ., aud W . Dill P . G . Pur . The musical portion of tho ceremony was most ably conducted by Bros . J . 11 . Thebridge , F . Worlock , John Gard , W . K . Maby , ancl A . G . Haymau . The consecrating officer having constituted the Lodge , installed Bro . Charles B . Daniel W . M ., and he appointed Bro . T . W . Hardwicke S . W . aud Bro . Walter
Minns J . W . The proceedings , which were of the mosfc interesting and impressive character , terminated soon afterwards . Tho Lodge being closed , a splendid banquet was subsequently spread in the samo room by Mr . Boulter , of tho Royal tlofcel , and the excellent catering gave the utmost satisfaction . Brother Charles E , Daniel W . M . presided , and of the following brethren who were
present at the ceremony nearly all sat clown —Bros . K . C . Else D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; Robert M . Worlock P . G . S ., Bristol ; Sidney Lewis P . G . S ., Somerset ; W . Barge P . M . 187 , P . P . G . J . W . Bristol ; J . Blizzard P . M . 261 , P . P . G . S . W . Taunton ; F . J . Brown P . M . 41 , P . S . G . W . Somerset ; Wm . Hodges I . P . M . 1 , 295 ; J . A . Page P . M . and Sec . 1 , 296 ; J . Roberts Bristol , 187 ; Alfred G . Hayman S . W . 973 , Frome ;
F . Scale i . G . C . 135 , Somerset ; S . Bryant P . P . S . G . W . Somerset ; W . C . Jarrett P . M . 68 , ancl P . P . J . G . D . Bristol ; H . Walker P . M . 53 , P . G . S . D . Bath ; W . F . Collins I . G . 53 , Bath ; F . H . Worlock J . W . 1 , 296 , I . G . 1 , 388 ; R . C . Stephens 610 , Bristol ; T . T . Hallam P . P . G . J . W ., Bristol ; E . Payne P . G . D . ; W . H . Dill P . M . 906 , P . G . A . P ., Somerset ; G . Daudo Bristol ; W . W . Westcott P . M . 814 , P . G . i . D . C :
Robert Peel Floyd P . M . 41 P . P . G . R . Somerset , John B . Hdloid P . M . 137 and 103 , E . Floor 610 , 906 and 326 , Bristol , J . R . Fader J . D . 68 Bristol , E . G . Grnbb , E . E . Sohier 610 , Bristol , Robert Scott 63 , P . G . S . W . Bristol , William Buzzard P . P . G . S . D . Bristol , Robert Compton P . P . G . S . D ., 68 , Bristol , Herbert J . Gough P . l'lf . l ' ., 326 , Bristol , W . C . Bamfioid M . M . 326 , Bristol , Thomas Bamfield M . M ,
326 , Bristol , J . btoateblO , Bristol , A . J . Salter 53 , Bath , G . Patterson 010 , Bristol , Thomas Bovvden I . G . 10-3 , Bristol , G . Renin Sec . 68 , Bristol , G . F . Forster 329 , R . Wilton 133 , Bridgwater , H . W Batten 291 , Highbridge , James Lloyd 1 , 363 , Tyndal , John Hill 68 ' Bristol , William Mumoe P . M ., P . P . D . O . Bristol , 326 , T . W . Hardwick Bristol , 103 , J . R . Thelbridge 68 and 1 , 765 , William Rice 419 ,
C . S . Daniel 291 and 1 , 404 , diaries C . Woodlbrde 1 , 199 , George i Phillips 1 , 199 , H . R . Smith G . P . R ., 1 , 117 , J . E . Jones 68 , T . Rovvlea 68 , VV . J . Cullimore A . D . C . 103 , F . II . Pikleaux P . M . 291 , P . P . G . b . C .,. Francis Trull W . M . 68 , Charles Fisher 103 , . . W . 68 , W . R . Maby 68 , I J . Courtice S . D . 68 , & c . After dinner the usual Masouic toasts were given , aud a very plsa--ant evening was enjojed , —Daily lirisiol Times avxh Mirror ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
committed a great breach of trust in communicating to his friend in the election room , but in also volunteering to be placed on the list of scrutineers for the purpose ( as it appears ) of securing the election of his candidate . " Such was my Petition . Now , may I ask could there have been a moro flagrant breach of
trust than this ? but what reply did I got . Tho case was brought before the Board , without any notice being given me , but , strange to say , by some extraordinary means the erring scrutineer was present , and all I heard of the matter was , " That ifc had been discussed , and the Brother had expressed his regret , for ( what he called ) an eiror in judgment , " ancl that was all tho redress I obtained . There was , therefore , only ono
course open to me , admission by purchase ; so I paid tho hundred aud fifty guineas , which was partially recouped by subscriptions amongst the boy ' s relativos and those who worked the case . I might ; add that C . headed the poll with 1598 votes , whilo the lowest successful candidate got in with 958 !! ancl I threw up 1179 on the representation of a scrutineer ! Comment on such a case I leave to others , with the wish
thafc next Wednesday this disagreeable episode and blot on our Institutions may find a remedy by some system being devised that shall place an effectual bar to its recurrence . Believe me , & c . & c , WILLIAM BIGUS , P . Prov . G . Sec . Berks and Bucks , P . Prov . S . G . W . Wilts . 31 st August 1878 .
In Memoriam
In Memoriam
IT is with the deepest regret that we record this week the sad and sudden death of one who was one of the brightest ornaments of Cornish Masonry . It will be long , indeed , before that most distant of our Western Provinces can boast of his equal in activity , in loyalty , and in
liberality among its brethren . Sir Frederick Martin Williams , Bart ., M . P ., at the time of his death held several important offices in Masonry . He was D . C Master of the Province in Craft , and its Grand Master in Mark Masonry , while he was Intendant General in the Masonic and Military
Order of Knights of Rome and of the Red Cross of Constantine . Sir F . Williams was born 25 th January 1830 . He was educated at Winchester , and in 1858 married Mary Christian , youngest daughter of the Rev . Robert V . Law , Rector of Christian Malford , Wilts , and granddaughter of
the late Right Rev . G . H . Law , D . D ., Bishop of Bath and Wells . He was a member of the firm of Twecldy , Williams and Co ., Bankers , of Redruth and Truro , and was also largely engaged in mining and other operations . He was
Deputy Warden of the Stannaries , a D . L . and J . P . of Cornwall , a J . P . for Devon , and a Fellow of the Royal Geological Society . He succeeded to the title on the death of his father , the first baronet , in 1870 , while his connection with the Commons House of Parliament dates
from the year I 860 , when he was first returned for Truro in the Conservative interest . A memoir of our late distinguished brother will be found in the volume of "Masonic Portraits" reprinted from the FREEMASON ' CHROA'ICLE , the title under which he figured in that list of
worthies being " The Merchant Prince . However , a few facts in connection with his Masonic career , above and beyond what we have stated , will be read with interest . Sir F . Williams was initiated in Januaryl 863 , in the Phcenix Lodge of Honour ancl Prudence , No . 331 , Truro . He was
a joining member of No . 131 , Lodge of Fortitude of Truro , and of Westminster and Keystone , No . 10 , and the Marquis of Dalhonsie , No . 1155 , both London Lodges . He was the representative of the Grand Lodge of Portugal in our Grand Lodge , as well as a Past Grand Warden . In Royal
Arch Masonry he held the office of Second Grand Principal in the Chapter of his Province , and was a Past Grand Scribe N . We have already noted that of Mark Masonry in Cornwall he was the presiding genius in fact as well as in name , while he was a Past Graud Sovereign of the Order of Knisrhts of Rome and of the Red Cross
of Constantine , and had taken the S . P . R S . or thirtysecond degree in the Ancient and Accepted Rite . He was Vice-President of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , aud a Vice-Patron of both the Royal Masonic : Institution for Boys and the Royal Masonic Benevolent
Institution , besides being the largest contributor to , and one of the moving spirits of the Cornwall Masonic Annuity Fund . This is , indeed , a proud record of titles to the love and respect of his brother Masons , and one that will not easily be surpassed . It is sad to think he should have
been suddenly stricken unto death by a hfc of apoplexy , and so , in the fulness of mature age , removed from all he loved most dearly . But life and death are in the hands of the Supreme Being for Him to dispense as seemeth best , and it ia not for ^ mortal men to question the justice of His
In Memoriam
awards . We can but offer to his bereaved family and the brethren of his Province our sincere tribute of respectful sympathy . We trust that He who has visited them
thus grievously will give them strength to endure their grief . In fine , to quote some lines by the Earl of Surrey" Divers thy death do diversely bemoan
But I , thafc knew what harbour'd in that head ; What virtues rare were tempered in that breast ; Honour the place thafc such a jowol bred , Aud kiss the ground wherein the corpse doth rest . "
On Wednesday morning there was a large muster of the Masonic body at the York Cemetery , on the occasion of the funeral of the late Bro . William Cowling , P . M . 23 b ' , who had died at Scarborough on the previous Friday . Bro . Cowling had for some years occupied a prominent position amongst
York Masons , and had laboured hard and successfully m the interests of the York Lodge , No . 236 . He was initiated in 1850 in the Y " ork Lodge ( then called the Union Lodge ) , by Bro . R . W . Hollon , then W . M ., and was elected Master in 1855 . For a number of years he served the Lodge as
Treasurer , and was re-elected W . M . in the centenary year ( 1877 ) . He was a P . M . of the York Mark Lodge ( T . I . ) , ancl P . Z . of the Zetland Chapter 236 , and was a P . Prov . Senior G . "Warden for N . and B . Yorkshire . The pall was borne by five Past Masters and the Inner Guard of the
York Lodge . Amongst those present , in addition to the Officers of the Lodge , and many brethren , were Bros . J . March P . M . 236 , \ V . Lawton P . M . 236 , Rev . J . K M .
Young P . M . 236 , Thomas Cooper P . M . 236 and P . M . 1611 , R . Davison P . M . 236 , J . Todd P . M . 236 , G . Balmford P . M . 236 F . Rawling P . M . 236 , T . B . Whytehead W . M . 1611 , & c .
Consecraton Of The Eldon Lodge,
This ceremony took place on Tuesday , in the largo room over the Pier refreshment-hall ab Portisheacl , tho new Lodge of tho Order really being in connection with the Eoyal Hotel . There was a very full meeting of tho brethren from Somerset aud the adjoining province of Bristol , and the ceremony was ably performed , in the mosfc solemn and impressive manner , by tho V . W . Bro . R . C . Else D . P . G . M .,
ancl the Officers of the P . G . L . of Somerset , among the latter being Bros , the Ilev . F . Scale Chaplain , E . Turner Payne Treasurer , F . Brown S . W ,, A . Pago J . W ., F . R . Payne Secretary , H . C . Smith Registrar , W . H . Batten and W . W . Westcott D . C . ' s , J . Walker Deacon , and the following Past Provincial Grand Officers : —Dr . Bry « ant P . P . J . W ., Captain Peel Lloyd P . P . G . R ., It . M . Worlock P . G . S .
( Bristol ) , W . Barge P . P . G . J . W . ( Bristol ) , Sidney Lewis P . P . G . S . B ., aud W . Dill P . G . Pur . The musical portion of tho ceremony was most ably conducted by Bros . J . 11 . Thebridge , F . Worlock , John Gard , W . K . Maby , ancl A . G . Haymau . The consecrating officer having constituted the Lodge , installed Bro . Charles B . Daniel W . M ., and he appointed Bro . T . W . Hardwicke S . W . aud Bro . Walter
Minns J . W . The proceedings , which were of the mosfc interesting and impressive character , terminated soon afterwards . Tho Lodge being closed , a splendid banquet was subsequently spread in the samo room by Mr . Boulter , of tho Royal tlofcel , and the excellent catering gave the utmost satisfaction . Brother Charles E , Daniel W . M . presided , and of the following brethren who were
present at the ceremony nearly all sat clown —Bros . K . C . Else D . P . G . M ., Somerset ; Robert M . Worlock P . G . S ., Bristol ; Sidney Lewis P . G . S ., Somerset ; W . Barge P . M . 187 , P . P . G . J . W . Bristol ; J . Blizzard P . M . 261 , P . P . G . S . W . Taunton ; F . J . Brown P . M . 41 , P . S . G . W . Somerset ; Wm . Hodges I . P . M . 1 , 295 ; J . A . Page P . M . and Sec . 1 , 296 ; J . Roberts Bristol , 187 ; Alfred G . Hayman S . W . 973 , Frome ;
F . Scale i . G . C . 135 , Somerset ; S . Bryant P . P . S . G . W . Somerset ; W . C . Jarrett P . M . 68 , ancl P . P . J . G . D . Bristol ; H . Walker P . M . 53 , P . G . S . D . Bath ; W . F . Collins I . G . 53 , Bath ; F . H . Worlock J . W . 1 , 296 , I . G . 1 , 388 ; R . C . Stephens 610 , Bristol ; T . T . Hallam P . P . G . J . W ., Bristol ; E . Payne P . G . D . ; W . H . Dill P . M . 906 , P . G . A . P ., Somerset ; G . Daudo Bristol ; W . W . Westcott P . M . 814 , P . G . i . D . C :
Robert Peel Floyd P . M . 41 P . P . G . R . Somerset , John B . Hdloid P . M . 137 and 103 , E . Floor 610 , 906 and 326 , Bristol , J . R . Fader J . D . 68 Bristol , E . G . Grnbb , E . E . Sohier 610 , Bristol , Robert Scott 63 , P . G . S . W . Bristol , William Buzzard P . P . G . S . D . Bristol , Robert Compton P . P . G . S . D ., 68 , Bristol , Herbert J . Gough P . l'lf . l ' ., 326 , Bristol , W . C . Bamfioid M . M . 326 , Bristol , Thomas Bamfield M . M ,
326 , Bristol , J . btoateblO , Bristol , A . J . Salter 53 , Bath , G . Patterson 010 , Bristol , Thomas Bovvden I . G . 10-3 , Bristol , G . Renin Sec . 68 , Bristol , G . F . Forster 329 , R . Wilton 133 , Bridgwater , H . W Batten 291 , Highbridge , James Lloyd 1 , 363 , Tyndal , John Hill 68 ' Bristol , William Mumoe P . M ., P . P . D . O . Bristol , 326 , T . W . Hardwick Bristol , 103 , J . R . Thelbridge 68 and 1 , 765 , William Rice 419 ,
C . S . Daniel 291 and 1 , 404 , diaries C . Woodlbrde 1 , 199 , George i Phillips 1 , 199 , H . R . Smith G . P . R ., 1 , 117 , J . E . Jones 68 , T . Rovvlea 68 , VV . J . Cullimore A . D . C . 103 , F . II . Pikleaux P . M . 291 , P . P . G . b . C .,. Francis Trull W . M . 68 , Charles Fisher 103 , . . W . 68 , W . R . Maby 68 , I J . Courtice S . D . 68 , & c . After dinner the usual Masouic toasts were given , aud a very plsa--ant evening was enjojed , —Daily lirisiol Times avxh Mirror ,