Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOW READY . Handsomely- Bound in Cloth , 900 Pages , Prico 20 s , AL 80 IN MORE EXPENSIVE BINDINGS , np -t ^ r Ten HISTORYOFFREEMASONRY AND CONCORDANT ORDERS . ILLUSTRATED . WRITTEN BY A BOARD OF EDITORS , HjfiNLY LEONARD STJ . LL . iON , Editor-in-ChieC WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , Consulting EHtor . THIS work contains a comprehensive ! account of Ancient Musonry ; the Ancient Masonic M 3 S ., or " Old Charges "; the Crusades , ami their Delation to the Fraternity ; Cosmopolitan freemasonry , including all its Kites , throughout tno World ; thoAmeriom and British Templar Systems ; tho A . and A . S . Bite , and Royal Oulor of Scotland ; other Rites and Orders connected with the Institution ; and Tables of Vital Statistics , never before compiled , —the whole c > mpri » ing the most Authentic History of tho fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ever originated uud printed in America . WRITTEN BY A BOARD OF EDITORS AND SPECIAL CONTHIBUTORS , twenty-two in number , chosen from among the most eminent and teamed specialists of the day ; and a Corps of over seventy ADDITIONAL ONTRIUUTOHS , also comprising some of the most distinguished and best known Ofllcors nncl members of the Cratt in tho Unitod States , Canada , and England . In the Capitular , Cryptic , and Templar Departments especially , thivolume will furnish tho foundation for » lf future efforts ; showing how , when , and where these Degrees and Rites begun , as well as their rise and progress throughout the Masonio world . It contains 800 auper-royal octavo page ? , o ' osjautly printe 1 on superfine book paper , and illustrated with SO choice engravings . Can be had of W . W . MORGAN , Offloo of the Freemason ' * Chronicle , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , N .
XATO'SGASVLIBOVSXu EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the KAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the neflr wing of this old-ostablished and noted Riverside Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies * Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whenco Stoam Launches can start . Specimens of Monns , with prices , sent on application . Three Louses meet at tho Castlo Hotel , itnd referou ? e may bo made to the respective Masters us to tho catering , Sec .
I ft STALLAT 1 O N OF H . R . H . THE FRINGE OF WALES As tJie M . W . G-. M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 187 5 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HA 11 TY P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints mayiio had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
CRYSTAL PALACE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — The SCHOOL OF ART , SCIENCE , aud LITERATURE , LADIES' DIVISION . —THIRTY-FIRST SESSION , 1891 . 1-Mucation of tttu highest class for Ladies , by Tutorial Instruction , Private L . 'ssims , and University Lectures and Classes ; the Art and Scientific Collections 1 of the Crystal Palace being utilUed for practical education , by distinguished Instructors . A complete curriculum can be taken by the student , or a single subject , at option , commencing at any time . To the ordinary Literary and Scientific branches of Education are added Faculties of Fine Arts , and of Music , that have very special and exceptional advantages for the student . An education of the most advanced and refined type , whether of an elementary character , or complementary to ordinary school instruction , can be obtained . The Instructors and Lecturers in the several Facu ties of Fine Arts , History , Literature , Languages , Science , and Music , & c , are of the highest eminence , and the mode of tuition involves personal attention . FINE AKTS . —Samuel J . Hodson . R . W . S ., John Scott , R . I .. E . Wensley Russell , Herbert A . Bone , Edward Crompton , H . Windsor Fry , G . A . Rogers , U . A . Lillie . VISITORS IN THE ART SCHOOL . —E . J . Poynter , R . t \„ J . B . Burgess , R . A . LETTERS . —Professor H . F'ank Heath , B . A ., Ph . D .. Miss E . Fogerty , Mortimer do Larmoyer , Dr . N . Heinemann , F . R . G . S ., Luigi Ricci , B . A ., J . H . Rose , M . A ., F . R . Hist . S , H . E . Maiden , M . A ., F . R . Hist . S ., W . B . Kemshead , M . A , Ph . D . Music—Herr Gustav Ernest , Frederick Cliffe , Arlii ir O'Leary . John Francis Biirnett , A . J . Eyre , Mdme . Pereira , Miss E . Tedder , Otto Manns , Robert Reed , . Mdine . St . Germaine , Henry Blower , Gustavo Garcia , A . Romili , W . A . B . Russell , Mus . Bac . Oxon ., Professor I . F . Bridge , Mus . Doc , Ebenezer Prout , 11 . A . Dauehig . —M . Louis d'Egville , Miss L . Pear . Particulars iu the Library , next Byzantine Court , Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent Educational Department .
CRYSTAL PALAGE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — JUNIOR SCHOOL FOR LADIES . Designed to afford , by tutorial Instruction , an elementary education of the best class , having regard to principles as well as particulars , for Girls up to the age of 16 years , and to serve as a preparation for the advanced training of the Senior School of Art , Sc'ence , and Literature . _ v The fee is inclusive of the complete curriculum . Particulars in the Library , next Byzantine Court , Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent Educational Department .
CRYSTAL PALACE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — The SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL ENGINEERING . Founded 1872 . Principal—Mr . J . W . "Wilson , M . Inst . C . E . and M . E . This Division of the school was established in 1872 , with the purpose of affording to students of Civil or of Mechanical Engineering the advantage of thorough practical instruction in the rudiments of either branch of the profession , and ill the manipulation of materials . The Divisions are 1 . —MECHANICAL COURSE . II . —CIVIL ENGINEERING SECTION . HI . —COLONIAL DIVISION . —For preliminary practical training of young men lor Colonial life . . . ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . —Devoted to instruction in the science of Electrical Force , and the Practical Application of it . Marine and Mining Divisions . Prospectus of the undersigned , in the Library , next Byzantine Court Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent . Educational Department .
^ ¦ v . v . vA ^ ^ r ^ . ^ .,. . . . . . .,. , SATURDAY , 7 TH OCTOBER 1891 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
ON tbo 28 th ult . between 600 and 700 Freemasons journeyed from nil parts of West Lancashire to Blackpool , for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was held at tbe
Winter Gardens . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom Pro Grand Master , R . W Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire presided . The rolls of Prov . G . Officers and Lodges were palled , only oue Lodge , the Baldwin , No . 1398 , Dalton , foiling to send representatives . From the P . G . Treasurer ' s statement it appeared that tho total receipts up to the close of the year , including balances , arnounud to £ 2339 6 s 6 d ;
the disbursements to £ 1271 , leaving a balance in hand of £ 1068 . A cordial vote of tlmukB was accorded to Bro . G . A . Harradon for his r-ervices as P . G . Treasurer during the prist year . Bro . W . Goodacre Provincial Grand Secretary read his annual report , in the course of which he haid that though ihe past year had not been conspicuous for any increase in the number of Lodges , yet the roll of
membership had very considerable additions . The number of candidates during the year was 709 , and there were now 0 * 806 brethren on the roll of members compared with a total of GGG 1 tbe previous year . It might be well to inquire
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
NOW READY . Handsomely- Bound in Cloth , 900 Pages , Prico 20 s , AL 80 IN MORE EXPENSIVE BINDINGS , np -t ^ r Ten HISTORYOFFREEMASONRY AND CONCORDANT ORDERS . ILLUSTRATED . WRITTEN BY A BOARD OF EDITORS , HjfiNLY LEONARD STJ . LL . iON , Editor-in-ChieC WILLIAM JAMES HUGHAN , Consulting EHtor . THIS work contains a comprehensive ! account of Ancient Musonry ; the Ancient Masonic M 3 S ., or " Old Charges "; the Crusades , ami their Delation to the Fraternity ; Cosmopolitan freemasonry , including all its Kites , throughout tno World ; thoAmeriom and British Templar Systems ; tho A . and A . S . Bite , and Royal Oulor of Scotland ; other Rites and Orders connected with the Institution ; and Tables of Vital Statistics , never before compiled , —the whole c > mpri » ing the most Authentic History of tho fraternity of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons ever originated uud printed in America . WRITTEN BY A BOARD OF EDITORS AND SPECIAL CONTHIBUTORS , twenty-two in number , chosen from among the most eminent and teamed specialists of the day ; and a Corps of over seventy ADDITIONAL ONTRIUUTOHS , also comprising some of the most distinguished and best known Ofllcors nncl members of the Cratt in tho Unitod States , Canada , and England . In the Capitular , Cryptic , and Templar Departments especially , thivolume will furnish tho foundation for » lf future efforts ; showing how , when , and where these Degrees and Rites begun , as well as their rise and progress throughout the Masonio world . It contains 800 auper-royal octavo page ? , o ' osjautly printe 1 on superfine book paper , and illustrated with SO choice engravings . Can be had of W . W . MORGAN , Offloo of the Freemason ' * Chronicle , Belvidere Works , Hermes Hill , N .
XATO'SGASVLIBOVSXu EAST MOLESEY , HAMPTON COURT STATION ( Adjoining the KAILWAY , and facing the RIVER and PALACE ) . BRO . JOHN MAYO has ample accommodation in the neflr wing of this old-ostablished and noted Riverside Hotel for Banquets for any number up to 100 . Every convenience for Ladies * Gatherings . Spacious landing to river , whenco Stoam Launches can start . Specimens of Monns , with prices , sent on application . Three Louses meet at tho Castlo Hotel , itnd referou ? e may bo made to the respective Masters us to tho catering , Sec .
I ft STALLAT 1 O N OF H . R . H . THE FRINGE OF WALES As tJie M . W . G-. M . of England , AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL , 28 th APRIL 187 5 . COPIES of this BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVING by Brother HA 11 TY P . M ., consisting of Artist's Proofs , Proofs before Letters , and Lettered Proofs , India Prints , and Plain Prints mayiio had at Cost Price by applying to Bro . W . R . NORRIS , 29 Southampton Buildings , W . C , London .
CRYSTAL PALACE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — The SCHOOL OF ART , SCIENCE , aud LITERATURE , LADIES' DIVISION . —THIRTY-FIRST SESSION , 1891 . 1-Mucation of tttu highest class for Ladies , by Tutorial Instruction , Private L . 'ssims , and University Lectures and Classes ; the Art and Scientific Collections 1 of the Crystal Palace being utilUed for practical education , by distinguished Instructors . A complete curriculum can be taken by the student , or a single subject , at option , commencing at any time . To the ordinary Literary and Scientific branches of Education are added Faculties of Fine Arts , and of Music , that have very special and exceptional advantages for the student . An education of the most advanced and refined type , whether of an elementary character , or complementary to ordinary school instruction , can be obtained . The Instructors and Lecturers in the several Facu ties of Fine Arts , History , Literature , Languages , Science , and Music , & c , are of the highest eminence , and the mode of tuition involves personal attention . FINE AKTS . —Samuel J . Hodson . R . W . S ., John Scott , R . I .. E . Wensley Russell , Herbert A . Bone , Edward Crompton , H . Windsor Fry , G . A . Rogers , U . A . Lillie . VISITORS IN THE ART SCHOOL . —E . J . Poynter , R . t \„ J . B . Burgess , R . A . LETTERS . —Professor H . F'ank Heath , B . A ., Ph . D .. Miss E . Fogerty , Mortimer do Larmoyer , Dr . N . Heinemann , F . R . G . S ., Luigi Ricci , B . A ., J . H . Rose , M . A ., F . R . Hist . S , H . E . Maiden , M . A ., F . R . Hist . S ., W . B . Kemshead , M . A , Ph . D . Music—Herr Gustav Ernest , Frederick Cliffe , Arlii ir O'Leary . John Francis Biirnett , A . J . Eyre , Mdme . Pereira , Miss E . Tedder , Otto Manns , Robert Reed , . Mdine . St . Germaine , Henry Blower , Gustavo Garcia , A . Romili , W . A . B . Russell , Mus . Bac . Oxon ., Professor I . F . Bridge , Mus . Doc , Ebenezer Prout , 11 . A . Dauehig . —M . Louis d'Egville , Miss L . Pear . Particulars iu the Library , next Byzantine Court , Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent Educational Department .
CRYSTAL PALAGE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — JUNIOR SCHOOL FOR LADIES . Designed to afford , by tutorial Instruction , an elementary education of the best class , having regard to principles as well as particulars , for Girls up to the age of 16 years , and to serve as a preparation for the advanced training of the Senior School of Art , Sc'ence , and Literature . _ v The fee is inclusive of the complete curriculum . Particulars in the Library , next Byzantine Court , Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent Educational Department .
CRYSTAL PALACE EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS . — The SCHOOL OF PRACTICAL ENGINEERING . Founded 1872 . Principal—Mr . J . W . "Wilson , M . Inst . C . E . and M . E . This Division of the school was established in 1872 , with the purpose of affording to students of Civil or of Mechanical Engineering the advantage of thorough practical instruction in the rudiments of either branch of the profession , and ill the manipulation of materials . The Divisions are 1 . —MECHANICAL COURSE . II . —CIVIL ENGINEERING SECTION . HI . —COLONIAL DIVISION . —For preliminary practical training of young men lor Colonial life . . . ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING . —Devoted to instruction in the science of Electrical Force , and the Practical Application of it . Marine and Mining Divisions . Prospectus of the undersigned , in the Library , next Byzantine Court Crystal Palace . F . K . J . SHENTON , F . R . Hist . S ., Superintendent . Educational Department .
^ ¦ v . v . vA ^ ^ r ^ . ^ .,. . . . . . .,. , SATURDAY , 7 TH OCTOBER 1891 .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of West Lancashire.
ON tbo 28 th ult . between 600 and 700 Freemasons journeyed from nil parts of West Lancashire to Blackpool , for the purpose of attending the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , which was held at tbe
Winter Gardens . Bro . the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom Pro Grand Master , R . W Prov . G . M . of West Lancashire presided . The rolls of Prov . G . Officers and Lodges were palled , only oue Lodge , the Baldwin , No . 1398 , Dalton , foiling to send representatives . From the P . G . Treasurer ' s statement it appeared that tho total receipts up to the close of the year , including balances , arnounud to £ 2339 6 s 6 d ;
the disbursements to £ 1271 , leaving a balance in hand of £ 1068 . A cordial vote of tlmukB was accorded to Bro . G . A . Harradon for his r-ervices as P . G . Treasurer during the prist year . Bro . W . Goodacre Provincial Grand Secretary read his annual report , in the course of which he haid that though ihe past year had not been conspicuous for any increase in the number of Lodges , yet the roll of
membership had very considerable additions . The number of candidates during the year was 709 , and there were now 0 * 806 brethren on the roll of members compared with a total of GGG 1 tbe previous year . It might be well to inquire