Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 Article NOTICES OF MEETINGS. Page 1 of 2 →
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Notices Of Meetings.
Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15—On Thursday , the 6 th of September , at the Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow Present—Bros . Appleby , W . M ., Franklin S . W ., W . Hallows J . W ., Pinder Preceptor , Upward S . D ., Hunt J . D ., Lovelock I . G . } also Bros . F . Hallows , Groome , Rubery , E . Abrams 1602 , J . Gibbs 1602 , & c . Lodge waa opened in due form . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
Groome candidate . Bro . Appleby worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . It wa 3 proposed by Bro . Upward and seconded by Bro . Franklin that Bros . Abrams and Gibbs become members of this Lodge of Instruction . Carried unanimously . Proposed by Bro . P . M . Pinder , and seconded by Bro . Franklin S . W ., that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minntes to Bro . Appleby for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Franklin will preside at the next meeting .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Met at the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday last , the 3 rd instant . Present—Bros . R . Pearcy W . M ., Millward S . W ., Isaao J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Stook S . D ., Hunter J . D ., Weeden I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; there were also present Bros . Kidder , Powell , Edwards , Trewinnard , Hall , Burtle , Garrod , & o . Lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed . The W . M . then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , in a faultless manner , Bro . Powell cnndidate . The W . M . worked the 1 st and 2 nd , Bro . Tolmie the 3 rd , and the W . M . the 4 th seotions of the leoture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . W . Burtle of the Kingrsland Lodge 1693 , and Bro . W . F . Garrod of the Crusaders Lodge 1677 , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Mill , ward was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which the
Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . This being the first meeting after the recess , it was hoped a large gathering of the members would hare taken place ; but the elements proved nnpropitious ( Jupiter Pluvius being in the ascendant ) ; this must have had the effect of keeping away a great number , who wonld other , wise have favoured the Lodge by their presence ; however , we look forward to more numerously attended meetings on future Monday evenings .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —On Tuesday evening , 4 th inst ., about twenty brethren of this Lodge invited Bro . W . S . Sprent , R . A ., S . W . to meet them at supper at the Lodge Room , to bid him farewell , he having obtained his Captaincy and been ordered to Dublin . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . T . J . Railing P . G . S ., who was on a holiday excursion , in Cornwall , the chair was ably filled
by Bro . G . Gard Pye I . P . M ., and the S . W . ' s chair by Bro . C . 0 . G . Becker P . M . After the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Welch P . M . rose and remarked that he had been entrusted by the W . M . with the gavel . In his well known terse aud appropriate style , he told Bro . Sprent the great regret that the brethren present , and the Lodge generally , felt at his removal from
Colchester , after having been amongst them for a period of 12 years . He concluded an admirable speech by asking Bro . Sprent's acceptance of a cigarette case , which had been subscribed for by a few personal friends , who did not like him to go away without taking with him some mark of the esteem in which he was so deservedly held . Bro . Sprent acknowledged the presentation in very feeling terms , saying
that he would ever remember the kindness that he had received from the brethren at Colchester . The cigarette case , which was a massive silver one , was supplied by Bro . H . Samuel P . M ., of Colchester , and contained the following inscription : — " Presented to Capt . W . S . Sprent , R . A ., on his leaving , by a few brethren of the Angel Lodge , No , 51 . Colchester , September 1877 .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 4 th September . Present—Bros . PewseyW . M ., West S . W ., Daniel J . W ., SayerS . D ., Ellis J . D ., Harris I . G ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec . ; Bros . Walker , Parker , Posener , Wharman , Maidwell , & c . The Lodgo was opened in due form . The minntes of the previous meeting
were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wharman candidate . Bro . Maidwell answered the qnestions leading to the second degree and was entrusted . The Lodge was advanoed , and Bro . Maidwell duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Ellis , assisted by Bro . Rudderforth and the brethren . The Lodge was closed
in the second degree . Bro . West was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . The votes of the Lodge for the Boys' and Girls' Schools were asked for by Bro . Daniel W . M . 65 , seconded by Bro . Rudder , forth , and carried unanimously . Bro . Rudderforth will be thankful for any votes forwarded to him at the above address , as Lodge 65 is anxious to carry in a deserving case . The Lodge was closed in due form .
Thistle and Bose Lodge , No . 73 . —Met at 213 Buohanan . street , Glaugow , on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., Bro , John Kinaaird R . W . M .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —Held its regular monthly meeting on 29 th August . G . W . Wheeler Z ., J . 0 . Park H ., W . Gunn J „ Jas . Balfour S . E ., J . Bannerman T ., D . Gilchrist P . Z . acting as 1 st S ., Wm . Harden 2 nd S ., J . McCarne 3 rd S . The nomination of officers for the ensuing year was the principal business , after which Comp . Wheeler , assisted by Past Principals Gilohrist and McDonald , conferred the three installed principals degrees on Comp . Alexander Macpherson and others of the Paisley Chapter , No . 112 , at the request of the Companions of that Chapter .
Notices Of Meetings.
in the chair . The three degrees ware worked ia excellent stjle , all the principal officers being in their respective chairs .
Panmure Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 139 . —This Lodge met at the Balham Hotel , Balham , S . W ., on Monday the 3 rd inst ., being the occasion of the seventh Installation . In the absence of the W . M . Bro . D . Trasler , the Lodge was opened by the V . W . Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . G . O ., in addition to whom were present the W . M . elect , Bros . Mark S . Larlham S . W ., Wm . Poore J . W ., M . Spiegel M . O ., J . W . Gibson J . O ., C . P . MoKay Sec , Geo . Lilley
P . M . Treas ., J . J . Joseph R . M ., W . Aokland J . D .. W . Mitchell
Steward . The W . M . attended later in the evening , and there were also present Past Masters the W . Bro . Thos . Poore G . I . G ., and Chas . Pulman , also Bros . Gush , Miller , Sheard , Barney , Steadman , Mitchell , Rawles , Oacliett and others . Bro . Osman Vinoent , W . M . of the Abercorn Lodge , was duly advanced into the honourable degree . Several other candidates sent apologies for non-attendance , the
influence of the " holiday season " being manifest in eaoh . Bro . Poore then installed into the chair of A . Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham , who having been cordially congratulated , oommenced his duties as W . M . by appointing his officers in the following order , viz .: —Bros . Wm . Poore S . W . . M . Spiegel J . W ., 0 . P . MoKay M . O ., J . W . Gibson S . O ., W . Aokland J . O ., James Stevens P . M . Sec , J . J . Joseph It . M . and
S . D ., W . Mitchell J . D ., W . B . Miller I . G ., W . Caokett D . C , E . Mitohell
Steward . Each officer waa , on investment , at the request of the W . M ., addressed as to his duties by Bro . Stevens P . M . Bro . Geo . Lilley P . M . was reiuvested Treasurer by unanimous vote of the Lodge . Bro . Grant ' s resignation of office , as Tyler , occasioned by ill health and increasing infirmity , was received with regret , and a motion by Bro . Stevens that Bro . Grant should receive a life pension , equiva
lent to two-thirds of the usual Tylers fees , was carried nem con . Bro . W . Steadman was then eleoted to the vacant office . Candidates were proposed for advancement at ensuing meeting , and the Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . Refreshment fol . lowed labour , and the W . M . proved his proficiency as president at the sooial board . The usual Masonio toasts having been honoured , harmony prevailed , and a pleasant evening was the result .
Percy Lodge of Instruction . No . 198 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 1 st September , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate . road , Islington . Present—Bros . H . P . Isaac W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Killiok Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Goode S . D ., J . A . Powell J . D ., De Silva I . G . Visitors—Bros . Burtle Kingsland Lodge 1693 , J . Brock Emulation
299 . Business—The Lodge was opened and the minutes of the last Lodge meeting were read aud confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Gibbs candidate . Several seotions were worked by the W . M . and Preceptor . Bros . Burtle and Brock were eleoted members , and Bro . Fenner was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Jordan Lodge of Instruction , No . 201 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Tuesday the 4 th inst ., at the Devon , shire Arms , Devonshire-street , W . Present—Bros . Hurdell W . M ., Docker S . W ., Ben . Phillips J . W ., Belfrage S . D ., Hiscox J . D ., Fox I . G ., Bentley P . M . ; Bros . Morgan , Baker , Martin , Pope , Morgan jun .,
Latreille , & o . Lodge was duly opened in the three degrees . Cere , mony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Baker candidate . Lodge resumed to 1 st degree . 1 st and 2 nd seotions were worked . Bros . Latreille , Phillips , Baker , Bentley , Morgan and Morgan jun . were elected members .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at 213 Buchanan-street , on Monday , 3 rd inst ., Bro . J . McKirdy R . W . M . in the chair , who was well supported by his officers . The work consisted of an entering , passing , and raising .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 , Glasgow . —Met at 3 p . m . on Wednesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . H . W . Jaokman R . W . M . presiding . Owing to the absence from town of sundry members , it being the holiday season , there was only a small attendance . One brother waa passed and another raised , both ceremonies being admirably per . formed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Perrin W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Finch J . W ., Dallas Sec . pro tern , Smyth Treas ., Wardell S . D ., Weige J . D ., Sanders I . G . ; Bros . Webb , Young , and several others . Busi . ness—Lodge opened in due form ; minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed . Bro . Webb acted as candidate , and the initiation ceremony was rehearsed . Tho W . M . then opened the Lodge in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and closed down to the first , after whioh he called the brethren from labour to refreshment , and again from refreshment to labonr . Bro . Webb worked the 3 rd section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on "Friday , the 31 st August . Present—Bros . Fenner W . M ., Kent S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Simmonds S . D ., Townsend J . D ., Lane I . G ., and Bros . Bolton , Hine , Crouch , Tutton , R . W . Pearcy , & c . Lodge was opened in due
form . Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The cere , mony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., in an excellent manner , Bro . Hine being candidate . The W . M . worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Hine aud Edwards were unanimously elected members . Bro . Kent will fill the chair at the next meeting .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Notices Of Meetings.
Kent Lodge of Instruction , No . 15—On Thursday , the 6 th of September , at the Chequers , Marsh-street , Walthamstow Present—Bros . Appleby , W . M ., Franklin S . W ., W . Hallows J . W ., Pinder Preceptor , Upward S . D ., Hunt J . D ., Lovelock I . G . } also Bros . F . Hallows , Groome , Rubery , E . Abrams 1602 , J . Gibbs 1602 , & c . Lodge waa opened in due form . The minutes of last meeting read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro .
Groome candidate . Bro . Appleby worked the 1 st , 2 nd , and 3 rd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . It wa 3 proposed by Bro . Upward and seconded by Bro . Franklin that Bros . Abrams and Gibbs become members of this Lodge of Instruction . Carried unanimously . Proposed by Bro . P . M . Pinder , and seconded by Bro . Franklin S . W ., that a vote of thanks be recorded on the minntes to Bro . Appleby for his able conduct in the chair . Bro . Franklin will preside at the next meeting .
Strong Man Lodge of Instruction , No . 45 . —Met at the Old Rodney ' s Head , 12 Old-street , Goswell-road , on Monday last , the 3 rd instant . Present—Bros . R . Pearcy W . M ., Millward S . W ., Isaao J . W ., Tolmie Preceptor , Fenner Secretary , Stook S . D ., Hunter J . D ., Weeden I . G ., Christopher Tyler ; there were also present Bros . Kidder , Powell , Edwards , Trewinnard , Hall , Burtle , Garrod , & o . Lodge was opened in due form . The minutes of last meeting were
read and confirmed . The W . M . then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , in a faultless manner , Bro . Powell cnndidate . The W . M . worked the 1 st and 2 nd , Bro . Tolmie the 3 rd , and the W . M . the 4 th seotions of the leoture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . W . Burtle of the Kingrsland Lodge 1693 , and Bro . W . F . Garrod of the Crusaders Lodge 1677 , were unanimously elected joining members . Bro . Mill , ward was appointed W . M . for the ensuing week , after which the
Lodge was closed in due form and adjourned . This being the first meeting after the recess , it was hoped a large gathering of the members would hare taken place ; but the elements proved nnpropitious ( Jupiter Pluvius being in the ascendant ) ; this must have had the effect of keeping away a great number , who wonld other , wise have favoured the Lodge by their presence ; however , we look forward to more numerously attended meetings on future Monday evenings .
Angel Lodge , No . 51 . —On Tuesday evening , 4 th inst ., about twenty brethren of this Lodge invited Bro . W . S . Sprent , R . A ., S . W . to meet them at supper at the Lodge Room , to bid him farewell , he having obtained his Captaincy and been ordered to Dublin . In the unavoidable absence of the W . M ., Bro . T . J . Railing P . G . S ., who was on a holiday excursion , in Cornwall , the chair was ably filled
by Bro . G . Gard Pye I . P . M ., and the S . W . ' s chair by Bro . C . 0 . G . Becker P . M . After the usual Loyal and Masonio toasts had been duly honoured , Bro . Welch P . M . rose and remarked that he had been entrusted by the W . M . with the gavel . In his well known terse aud appropriate style , he told Bro . Sprent the great regret that the brethren present , and the Lodge generally , felt at his removal from
Colchester , after having been amongst them for a period of 12 years . He concluded an admirable speech by asking Bro . Sprent's acceptance of a cigarette case , which had been subscribed for by a few personal friends , who did not like him to go away without taking with him some mark of the esteem in which he was so deservedly held . Bro . Sprent acknowledged the presentation in very feeling terms , saying
that he would ever remember the kindness that he had received from the brethren at Colchester . The cigarette case , which was a massive silver one , was supplied by Bro . H . Samuel P . M ., of Colchester , and contained the following inscription : — " Presented to Capt . W . S . Sprent , R . A ., on his leaving , by a few brethren of the Angel Lodge , No , 51 . Colchester , September 1877 .
Prosperity Lodge of Instruction . —Held at Bro . Maidwell ' s , Hercules Tavern , Leadenhall-street , on 4 th September . Present—Bros . PewseyW . M ., West S . W ., Daniel J . W ., SayerS . D ., Ellis J . D ., Harris I . G ., Rudderforth Preceptor , Hollands Sec . ; Bros . Walker , Parker , Posener , Wharman , Maidwell , & c . The Lodgo was opened in due form . The minntes of the previous meeting
were read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Wharman candidate . Bro . Maidwell answered the qnestions leading to the second degree and was entrusted . The Lodge was advanoed , and Bro . Maidwell duly passed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The first section of the lecture was worked by Bro . Ellis , assisted by Bro . Rudderforth and the brethren . The Lodge was closed
in the second degree . Bro . West was elected W . M . for the ensuing Tuesday . The votes of the Lodge for the Boys' and Girls' Schools were asked for by Bro . Daniel W . M . 65 , seconded by Bro . Rudder , forth , and carried unanimously . Bro . Rudderforth will be thankful for any votes forwarded to him at the above address , as Lodge 65 is anxious to carry in a deserving case . The Lodge was closed in due form .
Thistle and Bose Lodge , No . 73 . —Met at 213 Buohanan . street , Glaugow , on Tuesday , 4 th inst ., Bro , John Kinaaird R . W . M .
Caledonian of Unity Chapter , No . 73 . —Held its regular monthly meeting on 29 th August . G . W . Wheeler Z ., J . 0 . Park H ., W . Gunn J „ Jas . Balfour S . E ., J . Bannerman T ., D . Gilchrist P . Z . acting as 1 st S ., Wm . Harden 2 nd S ., J . McCarne 3 rd S . The nomination of officers for the ensuing year was the principal business , after which Comp . Wheeler , assisted by Past Principals Gilohrist and McDonald , conferred the three installed principals degrees on Comp . Alexander Macpherson and others of the Paisley Chapter , No . 112 , at the request of the Companions of that Chapter .
Notices Of Meetings.
in the chair . The three degrees ware worked ia excellent stjle , all the principal officers being in their respective chairs .
Panmure Mark Masters' Lodge , No . 139 . —This Lodge met at the Balham Hotel , Balham , S . W ., on Monday the 3 rd inst ., being the occasion of the seventh Installation . In the absence of the W . M . Bro . D . Trasler , the Lodge was opened by the V . W . Bro . James Stevens P . M . P . G . O ., in addition to whom were present the W . M . elect , Bros . Mark S . Larlham S . W ., Wm . Poore J . W ., M . Spiegel M . O ., J . W . Gibson J . O ., C . P . MoKay Sec , Geo . Lilley
P . M . Treas ., J . J . Joseph R . M ., W . Aokland J . D .. W . Mitchell
Steward . The W . M . attended later in the evening , and there were also present Past Masters the W . Bro . Thos . Poore G . I . G ., and Chas . Pulman , also Bros . Gush , Miller , Sheard , Barney , Steadman , Mitchell , Rawles , Oacliett and others . Bro . Osman Vinoent , W . M . of the Abercorn Lodge , was duly advanced into the honourable degree . Several other candidates sent apologies for non-attendance , the
influence of the " holiday season " being manifest in eaoh . Bro . Poore then installed into the chair of A . Bro . Mark Samuel Larlham , who having been cordially congratulated , oommenced his duties as W . M . by appointing his officers in the following order , viz .: —Bros . Wm . Poore S . W . . M . Spiegel J . W ., 0 . P . MoKay M . O ., J . W . Gibson S . O ., W . Aokland J . O ., James Stevens P . M . Sec , J . J . Joseph It . M . and
S . D ., W . Mitchell J . D ., W . B . Miller I . G ., W . Caokett D . C , E . Mitohell
Steward . Each officer waa , on investment , at the request of the W . M ., addressed as to his duties by Bro . Stevens P . M . Bro . Geo . Lilley P . M . was reiuvested Treasurer by unanimous vote of the Lodge . Bro . Grant ' s resignation of office , as Tyler , occasioned by ill health and increasing infirmity , was received with regret , and a motion by Bro . Stevens that Bro . Grant should receive a life pension , equiva
lent to two-thirds of the usual Tylers fees , was carried nem con . Bro . W . Steadman was then eleoted to the vacant office . Candidates were proposed for advancement at ensuing meeting , and the Lodge was then closed in due form with solemn prayer . Refreshment fol . lowed labour , and the W . M . proved his proficiency as president at the sooial board . The usual Masonio toasts having been honoured , harmony prevailed , and a pleasant evening was the result .
Percy Lodge of Instruction . No . 198 . —This Lodge held its first meeting of the season on Saturday , the 1 st September , at the Jolly Farmers , Southgate . road , Islington . Present—Bros . H . P . Isaac W . M ., A . W . Fenner S . W ., C . Lorkin J . W ., Killiok Secretary , Halford Treasurer , Goode S . D ., J . A . Powell J . D ., De Silva I . G . Visitors—Bros . Burtle Kingsland Lodge 1693 , J . Brock Emulation
299 . Business—The Lodge was opened and the minutes of the last Lodge meeting were read aud confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was then rehearsed , Bro . Gibbs candidate . Several seotions were worked by the W . M . and Preceptor . Bros . Burtle and Brock were eleoted members , and Bro . Fenner was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Jordan Lodge of Instruction , No . 201 . —This Lodge held its usual weekly meeting on Tuesday the 4 th inst ., at the Devon , shire Arms , Devonshire-street , W . Present—Bros . Hurdell W . M ., Docker S . W ., Ben . Phillips J . W ., Belfrage S . D ., Hiscox J . D ., Fox I . G ., Bentley P . M . ; Bros . Morgan , Baker , Martin , Pope , Morgan jun .,
Latreille , & o . Lodge was duly opened in the three degrees . Cere , mony of raising rehearsed , Bro . Baker candidate . Lodge resumed to 1 st degree . 1 st and 2 nd seotions were worked . Bros . Latreille , Phillips , Baker , Bentley , Morgan and Morgan jun . were elected members .
Union Lodge , No . 332 . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at 213 Buchanan-street , on Monday , 3 rd inst ., Bro . J . McKirdy R . W . M . in the chair , who was well supported by his officers . The work consisted of an entering , passing , and raising .
Dramatic Lodge , No . 571 , Glasgow . —Met at 3 p . m . on Wednesday , 5 th inst ., Bro . H . W . Jaokman R . W . M . presiding . Owing to the absence from town of sundry members , it being the holiday season , there was only a small attendance . One brother waa passed and another raised , both ceremonies being admirably per . formed .
Dalhousie Lodge of Instruction , No . 860 . —This Lodge held its weekly meeting on Tuesday , the 4 th inst ., at the Sisters ' Tavern , Pownall-road , Dalston . Bros . Perrin W . M ., C . Lorkin S . W ., Finch J . W ., Dallas Sec . pro tern , Smyth Treas ., Wardell S . D ., Weige J . D ., Sanders I . G . ; Bros . Webb , Young , and several others . Busi . ness—Lodge opened in due form ; minutes of last meeting read and
confirmed . Bro . Webb acted as candidate , and the initiation ceremony was rehearsed . Tho W . M . then opened the Lodge in 2 nd and 3 rd degrees , and closed down to the first , after whioh he called the brethren from labour to refreshment , and again from refreshment to labonr . Bro . Webb worked the 3 rd section of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bro . C . Lorkin was appointed W . M . for the next meeting .
Upton Lodge of Instruction , No . 1227 . —Held at Bros . Bolton and Lane ' s , King and Queen , Norton Folgate , on "Friday , the 31 st August . Present—Bros . Fenner W . M ., Kent S . W ., Edwards J . W ., Simmonds S . D ., Townsend J . D ., Lane I . G ., and Bros . Bolton , Hine , Crouch , Tutton , R . W . Pearcy , & c . Lodge was opened in due
form . Minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed . The cere , mony of initiation was rehearsed by the W . M ., in an excellent manner , Bro . Hine being candidate . The W . M . worked the 1 st and 2 nd sections of the lecture , assisted by the brethren . Bros . Hine aud Edwards were unanimously elected members . Bro . Kent will fill the chair at the next meeting .