Article Old Warrants. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Old Warrants. Page 2 of 2 Article ST. ANDREW LODGE, No. 432, S.C Page 1 of 1
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Old Warrants.
impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful William Strettoa one of our Master Masons , Tho Worshipful James Pritchett his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful Thomas Robothem his Junior Warden , to Form aud Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house known by the sign of the Crown and
Anvil , Swan Street , Ye Minories , in the Parish of Saint Botholph , Aldgate , in the City of London ( or elsewhere ) aforesaid , upon the third Thursday in each Calendar Month , on all seasonable times aud lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and
Honourable Custom of tho Eoyal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known world . And we do hereby further authorize and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , William Stretton , Samuel Pritchett , and Thomas Robothem ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their
Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers aud dignities as Freemasons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , ohuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near )
every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , lor ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodgo , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Givon under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fifteenth day of June , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hnndrod Eighty and Nine , and iu the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred Eighty and Nine . Jonjr MCCORMICK ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , > Letter F . ; The present title , No ., & c . are , The " Oak " Lodge , No . 190 , Freemasons' Hall , London .
No . 88 . No . 62 "Ancients ; " No . 85 A . D . 1814 , No . 75 A . D . 1832 , and No . 62 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . THOMAS MAHON , S . G . W . WILLIAM CLARKE , J . G . W .
an all Mom xt mag conmn . WE , tho Grand Lodge of tho Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Constitutions granted by His Eoyal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form
assembled , viz ., Tho Eight Worshipful Tho Most Noble Prmco John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Viscount Ballquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Constable of tho Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in tho County
of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OE MASONS , The Eight Worshipful Thomas Harper , Esq -, Deputy Graud Master , Tho Right Worshipful Thomas Mahon , Esq ' -, Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful William Clarke , Esq ' -, Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , do hereby
authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful John Cooper one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Thomas Brierly his Senior Warden , and tho Worshipful John Bostock his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the Swan Inn , Deansgate , Manchester ( or elsewhere ) , upon the second and fourth Tuesday in
No . 62 every month , aud on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby further authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , John Cooper ,
Thomas Brierly , and John Bostock ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities as Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c ,
& c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , dnring the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respeot to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this sixteenth day of February , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Eleven , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred and Eleven . ROBERT LESLIE ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 2 , > Letter B . April 1757 . Fol . 2 G 5 . ) [ S EAL . ] [ SEAL . ]
The present tiUe . No ,, « o . are , The Social Lodge , 2 fo , 62 , Manchester . ;
Old Warrants.
OLD WARRANTS . To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am pleased to see the publication iu your valuable weekly Masonic Journal , of a number of Old English Warrants . I send yon a copy of our Old Warrant , No . 350 , Cappagh Lodge , of Tyrone , whioh was only dormant a few years , with a small
debt against it ; and , on the petition of the surviving members , the Grand Lodge of Ireland were pleased to order its revival , on the payment of £ 7 ( price of a Neio Warrant ) , and restore all the brethren to their Masonio privileges , who wore ipso jacto suspended when tho Warrant was dormant .
The Eoyal Arch , and Knight Templars , and other side degrees ( at present defunct ) , were all worked under this Old Warrant , as appears by the minute books and certificates of deceased members . This Warrant is a very small one , about the sizo of a sheet of letter paper . Youra fraternally , CHARLES SCOTT , 20 th August 1877 . P . M . 350 , Cappagh Lodge .
No . 350 . By the Right Worshipful and Right Honourable CHARLES CHARLEA ' ILLE , G . M ., Earl of Charleville , Grand Master of all the Lodges of Free Masons in the Kingdom of Ireland ; the Worshipful EDWARD MARTIN , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , the Worshipful Capt . CHRiSTorriER PARKER , and WILLIAM MARSHALL , Esq ., Grand Wardens .
WHEREAS our Trusty and Well-beloved Brothers , James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , have besought us that wo would be pleased to erect a Lodge of Free Masons , in the Parish of Cappagh and County Tyrone , near Omagh , of suoh persons who by their knowledge and skill in Masonry , may contribute to the well
being and advancement thereof . We therefore , duly weighing the premisses , and having nothing more at heart than the prosperity and true advancement of Masonry , and reposing special trust and confidence in our Trusty and Well-beloved Brothers , the said James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , of whose abilities
and knowledge in Masonry , We are satisfied : Jla by these Presents of our certain knowledge , and meer Motion , Nominate , Create , Authorize and Constitute the said James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , to bo Master and Wardens of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , to be held by them and their successors , lawfully
admitted in the said Lodge for evor . § uiil we do hereby give and grant unto the said James Townley , Duncan Graham and Charles Stuart , and their successors , full Power and Lawful Authority , from timo to time , to proceed to election of a new Master and Wardens , to make such Laws , Enles and Orders , as they from time to time shall
think proper and convenient for the well being and ordering of tho said Lodge . Reserving to ourselves and our successors , Grand Masters or Grand Wardens of Ireland , the solo Eight of deciding all differences which shall be brought by appeal before us , and our successors , Grand Masters or Grand Wardens of Ireland .
' 4 it fottness whereof , we have hereunto set our Hauds and Seal of Office , this Seventh of August , ia the Year of our Lord God , 1760 , and in the Year of Masonry , 5760 . Entered by me , JOHN CALDEK ,
G . Secretary . Revived by order of Graud Lodgo , 6 th December 1866 . CHARLES T . WALMISLEY , D . G . Secretary . / GRAND \ I LODGE j V SEAL J
St. Andrew Lodge, No. 432, S.C
ST . ANDREW LODGE , No . 432 , S . C
The annual meeting iu celebration of St . John ' s Day , was held in the Masonic Hall , on tho 26 th ulfc ., when the following officers were installed in various chair 3 : —J . B . Finlaysou E . W . M ., E . J . Schlotel P . M ., George KiddD . M ., John Guthrie S . W ., W . Bremer J . W ., Geo . Findlay Treasurer , A . Croll Secretary , T . H . Welch S . D ., C . Keasfc J . D ., A . Gardner S . S ., F . G . Nanmann I . G . The ceremony of
installation was performed by P . M . ' s Bros . Caldwell and Schlotel . The Lodge was visited by the E . W . P . G . M . Bro . John Hislop , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , also by Bro . Thomson , Deputy District Grand Master of Canterbury , Bro . James , District Grand Secretary of Otago and Southland , and deputations from tho sister Lodges . After tho ceremony an adjournment was made to Krull ' s Hotel , where about sixty of the brethren sat down to a banquet , which was served up
excellently by host Krull . During the evening , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and interspersed by songs . A scheme was mooted , with tho aim of purchasing a pieco of ground aud erecting a new Masonic Hall , which would certainly be a most desirable object . The promoters are Bro . Joyce , E . W . M . of tho Port Chalmers Marine Lodge , and Bro . Brown , E . W . M . of Otago Kilwinning , who will give any information on tho subject or receive subscriptions for that gMeofcr ^ OteffQ Times ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Old Warrants.
impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful William Strettoa one of our Master Masons , Tho Worshipful James Pritchett his Senior Warden , and the Worshipful Thomas Robothem his Junior Warden , to Form aud Hold a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the house known by the sign of the Crown and
Anvil , Swan Street , Ye Minories , in the Parish of Saint Botholph , Aldgate , in the City of London ( or elsewhere ) aforesaid , upon the third Thursday in each Calendar Month , on all seasonable times aud lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and
Honourable Custom of tho Eoyal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout tho known world . And we do hereby further authorize and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , William Stretton , Samuel Pritchett , and Thomas Robothem ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) , to nominate , chuse , and install their
Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers aud dignities as Freemasons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , ohuse , and install their Successors , & c , & c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near )
every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , during the continuance of this Lodge , lor ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due Respect to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodgo , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Givon under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this fifteenth day of June , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hnndrod Eighty and Nine , and iu the Year of Masonry Five thousand Seven hundred Eighty and Nine . Jonjr MCCORMICK ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 6 , > Letter F . ; The present title , No ., & c . are , The " Oak " Lodge , No . 190 , Freemasons' Hall , London .
No . 88 . No . 62 "Ancients ; " No . 85 A . D . 1814 , No . 75 A . D . 1832 , and No . 62 from A . D . 1863 . ATHOLL , GRAND MASTER . THOMAS HARPER , D . G . M . THOMAS MAHON , S . G . W . WILLIAM CLARKE , J . G . W .
an all Mom xt mag conmn . WE , tho Grand Lodge of tho Most Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons ( according to the old Constitutions granted by His Eoyal Highness Princo EDWIN , at York , Anno Domini Nine hundred twenty and six , and in tho Year of Masonry Four thousand Nine hundred twenty and six ) , in ample form
assembled , viz ., Tho Eight Worshipful Tho Most Noble Prmco John , Duke , Marquis and Earl of Atholl , Marquis and Earl of Tnllibardine , Earl of Strathtay and Strathardle , Viscount Ballquidder , Glenalmond and Glenlyon , Lord Murray , Belveny and Gask , Constable of tho Castle of Kincleaven , Lord of Man and the Isles , and Earl Strange and Baron Murray of Stanley , in tho County
of Gloucester , & c , & c , GRAND MASTER OE MASONS , The Eight Worshipful Thomas Harper , Esq -, Deputy Graud Master , Tho Right Worshipful Thomas Mahon , Esq ' -, Senior Grand Warden , and the Right Worshipful William Clarke , Esq ' -, Junior Grand Warden ( with the approbation and consent of the Warranted Lodges held within the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster ) , do hereby
authorise and impower our Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , viz ., The Worshipful John Cooper one of our Master Masons , The Worshipful Thomas Brierly his Senior Warden , and tho Worshipful John Bostock his Junior Warden , to form and hold a Lodgo of Free and Accepted Masons aforesaid , at the Swan Inn , Deansgate , Manchester ( or elsewhere ) , upon the second and fourth Tuesday in
No . 62 every month , aud on all seasonable times and lawful occasions , and in the said Lodge ( when duly congregated ) to admit and make Free Masons according to the most Ancient and Honourable Custom of the Royal Craft in all Ages and Nations throughout the known world . And we do hereby further authorise and impower our said Trusty and Well-beloved Brethren , John Cooper ,
Thomas Brierly , and John Bostock ( with the consent of the Members of their Lodge ) to nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , to whom they shall deliver this Warrant , and invest them with their powers and dignities as Free Masons , & c . And such Successors shall in like manner nominate , chuse , and install their Successors , & c ,
& c , & c . Such installations to be upon ( or near ) every ST . JOHN ' S DAY , dnring the continuance of this Lodge , for ever . Providing the above named Brethren , and all their Successors , always pay due respeot to this Right Worshipful Grand Lodge , otherwise this Warrant to be of no Force nor Virtue .
Given under our Hands and the Seal of our Grand Lodge in London , this sixteenth day of February , in the Year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Eleven , and in the Year of Masonry Five thousand Eight hundred and Eleven . ROBERT LESLIE ,
Grand Secretary . NOTE . —This Warrant is Registered } in the Grand Lodge , Vol . 2 , > Letter B . April 1757 . Fol . 2 G 5 . ) [ S EAL . ] [ SEAL . ]
The present tiUe . No ,, « o . are , The Social Lodge , 2 fo , 62 , Manchester . ;
Old Warrants.
OLD WARRANTS . To the Editor of THE FREEMASON ' CHRONICLE . DEAR SIR AND BROTHER , —I am pleased to see the publication iu your valuable weekly Masonic Journal , of a number of Old English Warrants . I send yon a copy of our Old Warrant , No . 350 , Cappagh Lodge , of Tyrone , whioh was only dormant a few years , with a small
debt against it ; and , on the petition of the surviving members , the Grand Lodge of Ireland were pleased to order its revival , on the payment of £ 7 ( price of a Neio Warrant ) , and restore all the brethren to their Masonio privileges , who wore ipso jacto suspended when tho Warrant was dormant .
The Eoyal Arch , and Knight Templars , and other side degrees ( at present defunct ) , were all worked under this Old Warrant , as appears by the minute books and certificates of deceased members . This Warrant is a very small one , about the sizo of a sheet of letter paper . Youra fraternally , CHARLES SCOTT , 20 th August 1877 . P . M . 350 , Cappagh Lodge .
No . 350 . By the Right Worshipful and Right Honourable CHARLES CHARLEA ' ILLE , G . M ., Earl of Charleville , Grand Master of all the Lodges of Free Masons in the Kingdom of Ireland ; the Worshipful EDWARD MARTIN , Esq ., Deputy Grand Master , the Worshipful Capt . CHRiSTorriER PARKER , and WILLIAM MARSHALL , Esq ., Grand Wardens .
WHEREAS our Trusty and Well-beloved Brothers , James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , have besought us that wo would be pleased to erect a Lodge of Free Masons , in the Parish of Cappagh and County Tyrone , near Omagh , of suoh persons who by their knowledge and skill in Masonry , may contribute to the well
being and advancement thereof . We therefore , duly weighing the premisses , and having nothing more at heart than the prosperity and true advancement of Masonry , and reposing special trust and confidence in our Trusty and Well-beloved Brothers , the said James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , of whose abilities
and knowledge in Masonry , We are satisfied : Jla by these Presents of our certain knowledge , and meer Motion , Nominate , Create , Authorize and Constitute the said James Townley , Duncan Graham , and Charles Stuart , to bo Master and Wardens of a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons , to be held by them and their successors , lawfully
admitted in the said Lodge for evor . § uiil we do hereby give and grant unto the said James Townley , Duncan Graham and Charles Stuart , and their successors , full Power and Lawful Authority , from timo to time , to proceed to election of a new Master and Wardens , to make such Laws , Enles and Orders , as they from time to time shall
think proper and convenient for the well being and ordering of tho said Lodge . Reserving to ourselves and our successors , Grand Masters or Grand Wardens of Ireland , the solo Eight of deciding all differences which shall be brought by appeal before us , and our successors , Grand Masters or Grand Wardens of Ireland .
' 4 it fottness whereof , we have hereunto set our Hauds and Seal of Office , this Seventh of August , ia the Year of our Lord God , 1760 , and in the Year of Masonry , 5760 . Entered by me , JOHN CALDEK ,
G . Secretary . Revived by order of Graud Lodgo , 6 th December 1866 . CHARLES T . WALMISLEY , D . G . Secretary . / GRAND \ I LODGE j V SEAL J
St. Andrew Lodge, No. 432, S.C
ST . ANDREW LODGE , No . 432 , S . C
The annual meeting iu celebration of St . John ' s Day , was held in the Masonic Hall , on tho 26 th ulfc ., when the following officers were installed in various chair 3 : —J . B . Finlaysou E . W . M ., E . J . Schlotel P . M ., George KiddD . M ., John Guthrie S . W ., W . Bremer J . W ., Geo . Findlay Treasurer , A . Croll Secretary , T . H . Welch S . D ., C . Keasfc J . D ., A . Gardner S . S ., F . G . Nanmann I . G . The ceremony of
installation was performed by P . M . ' s Bros . Caldwell and Schlotel . The Lodge was visited by the E . W . P . G . M . Bro . John Hislop , and Officers of the Grand Lodge , also by Bro . Thomson , Deputy District Grand Master of Canterbury , Bro . James , District Grand Secretary of Otago and Southland , and deputations from tho sister Lodges . After tho ceremony an adjournment was made to Krull ' s Hotel , where about sixty of the brethren sat down to a banquet , which was served up
excellently by host Krull . During the evening , the usual Loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and interspersed by songs . A scheme was mooted , with tho aim of purchasing a pieco of ground aud erecting a new Masonic Hall , which would certainly be a most desirable object . The promoters are Bro . Joyce , E . W . M . of tho Port Chalmers Marine Lodge , and Bro . Brown , E . W . M . of Otago Kilwinning , who will give any information on tho subject or receive subscriptions for that gMeofcr ^ OteffQ Times ,