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Random Notes And Reflections.
already stated thnt Bro . General Brownrie / g , C . B ., presided , and that he was supported on the dais by a large number of brethren high in office and the Craft Brother the Rev . H . G . Morse occupied the Senior Warden ' s chair ,
and Brother the Rev . C . J . Martyn filled tbe post of Junior Warden . All went smoothly until the motion was made for the confirmation of the minntes of Special Grand Lodges of the 29 th June and the 8 th August , when Brother
Matthews moved their postponement nntil December . Then tbe signal wns given for a fierce wordy warfare , in which Brother H . C . Tombs , Prov . Grand Secretary Wilts , led the attack . This called up Bro . Raynham Stewart ,
who afterwards apologised for the warmth of his remarks ; also Bro . Binckes , who denied the statement made by Bro Tombs respecting himself . When ihe Grand Master announced that Bro . Matthews' motion was carried , a loud
demand was made for a division . The Rule wns quoted providing for testing the opinions of the members present , but General Brownrigg pointed out thafc tbe clause referred to contained the works " provided such demand appear
reasonable to tbe Grand Master . " With soldier-like decision he said , that tbe demand did not appear reasonable to him , and , therefore , it was not granted . This put an end to a scene that fortunately has few parallels , and the fewer the better .
The report of the Board of General Purposes , which submitted tbe statement of tbe Grand Lodge accounts , was also accepted . Ifc showed that on the 17 th Auerust there
was a balance in the Bank of England of £ 4 , 165 15 s Id , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 75 , and for servants' wages £ 100 .
At the close of the sitting , and when most of the brethren were weary , not with work , but of tbe temper that bad been exhibited , Bro . Perceval moved—" That notice shall be given of the intended meetings of all Grand
Lodges , special or otherwise , by advertisement , at least once , and when practicable , twice before such day of meeting in the two Masonic issues , the Freemason and the FBEBMASON ' CHRONICLE , and such other paper or papers ,
not exceeding three , as ihe Grant ! Secretary may deem best adapted for giving publicity thereto . " Bro . Perceval briefly supported his motion with such arguments as appeared to us feasible and sound . Upon being seconded and
put to the vote it was Inst , nearly the whole of the brethren on the dais voting against it . This brought the meeting of Grand Lodge to a close , and none were sorry to escape into a cooler atmosphere .
Freemasonry In Victoria.
W"E are pleased to notice that Bro . Robert Goode Fuller , who some time sinre filled the office of Secretary of the Phoenix Lodge , 51 fi , S ' owmnrket , Suffolk , has again taken office as Worshipful Master of a new Lodp-e in the country in which he is now residing . Bro .
R . G . Fuller , during his Masonic career in Suffolk , was one of the most active and energetic working Masons in the Province , and his mother Lodge is very pleased to see tbat be still has the good of the Craft at heart , and hope he will have both a successful and happy year of office .
The opening of a new Lodge nnder tbe English Constitution afc Seymour took place on Thursday , 22 nd June last , in the presence "f a large number of the Craft , amongst them being Bros . Blashki P . M . D . G . J . W ., T . H . Lempriere D . G . S ., C . H . BayW-y P . M . D G . J D .. The W . M . of the Australia Felix Lodge , Pro . Capna ; the W . M . of
the K'lmore Lodge , Bro . Llovd ; "he W . M . of the Shepperton L < dge , Bro . Dolphin ; the W . M . of the Murrhifon Lrdge , Bro . Bead ; P . M . ' s Bros . Simmons , Warren , Beveridge , Taylor , Hodges , and the Officers and brethren of several Lodges , to the nnmber of nbnnfc sixty . The Lodge was opened in tbe uftial form , tbe various Offices being
distributed as follows : —Bros . C . H . Bayley W . M ., A . H . Simmons S . W ., Capua J . W ., Lloyd Sfnior Des con , Read Junior Deacon , and Past Masters Bros . Warren and Bodges Inner Guard and Tyler . The minutes of the proceedings up to the tim p of opening were read and cotifiimed , as wns also the dispenfation frrrn the District Grand
Lodpe empowering a District Giand Ledge Officer to duly constitute the Lodge . This inteiefting cer < inony having heen ably performed by the District Grand Junior Warden , that of installatiou was proceeded with . Bro . E . G . Fuller , presented by P . M . ' s Bayley and Taylor , was then installed into . tho chair of K . S ., Bros . J . W . Wright
Freemasonry In Victoria.
and F . W . Baines , Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Blashki with his usual and acknow . ledged ability , many brethren avening that they had never beard ifc more impressivply and effectively rendered . The Lodgo being closed by the Worshipful Master , an adjournment was made by the brethren to the banquet-hall . The tables were laid by Brother
Host . Guild in a manner that sponred encomiums of praise from the brethren , notwithstanding the fact that a professional engaged by tho worthy bosfc for this special occasion was so affected by the genial atmosphere , or some other cause , as to be unable to render any aid . The toast of the Dist . G . Lodge was responded to by the D . G . J . W ., who iu the course of bis remarks adverted to tbe creation of the
G . Lodge of Victoria , a proceeding whioh he mosfc emphatically con . demned . The remarks of Bro . Blashki were enthusiastically endorsed by the brethren present . Bro . T . H . Lempriere also responded . The health of the Worshipfnl Master was proposed by Bro . 0 . H . Bayley in a neat speech , and ably responded to by the distinguished recipient , Bro . R . G . Fuller . The toasfc of the Installing Master waa
ably proposed by Bro . Lempriere , whe referred in very complimentary terms to the valuable assistance rendered by Bro . Blashki to the Craft genprally , and the great interest he evinced in tbe cause of charity . It is superflons to add that the toast was received with tho utmost enthusiasm , and responded to by the distinguished brother in his usual happy and effective style . The toasfc of the W . M . ' s waa
warmly proposed by the Worshipfnl Master , and most cordially received , being responded to by W . M . Bro . Capua , who directed attention to the publication of the Victorian Masonic Journal , and urged upon the brethren the desirability of supporting the same . The W . M . ' s of the Kilmore , Murohison , Sheppartion Lodges also replied , and , in tbe course of their remarks , intimated that their Lodges
were unanimous in their resolve to remain firm to fche Constitntion . The health of the Visitors was proposed by the Worshipfnl Master , and responded to by a number of tho brethren , all of whom testified to their continued allegiance and loyalty to their mother Constitution . Brother Bayley P . M . apologised for the absence of the W . M . ' s of the Combermere , Collingwood , and
Kent Lodges . Bro . J . W . Wright S . W . having responded on behalf of the Officers , the proceedings were brought to a mosfc successful issue by the company enthusiastically singing the National Anthem . We congratulate our Seymour brethren on the successful result of their endeavours , as well as ou the possession of an elegant Lodge room , suitable furniture , & c , and mosfc heartily wish them a prosperous
and brilliant future . It is also a matter of satisfaction to find thafc the movement at present being made by certain Lodges to establish a Victorian Constitntion had not a single sympathiser present , and ifc is pleasing to note that in Seymour tbe Grand Lodge of England has had one more Lodge added to its Victorian register thafc will remain true to its obligation .
Titles Of Nobility.
ABE Freemasons aware that their titles , " W . M ., " " R . W . G . M , " & c , are titles of nobility ? Anti-Masons are , afc all events . Many thanks for their high estimate of us . Do yon inquire what we mean ? Simply this : —A M'ssonri anti Masonic sheet , of 2 nd August lasfc ,
before us , says , that Freemasonry , a- * - tanght and practised in the United States , is in violation of that clause of the Constitution of the United States which provides : ( Art 1 . Sec . 10 ) , "No State shall srrnnfc any title of nobility . " And this is the manner in which ifc proves its case . We quote its extraordinarily ridiculous language verbatim :
" The Masonic Grand Lodge of the United States is chartered by the Wal authorities of the District of Columbia . The different State Grand Lodges and their snbordinate L"dgesare incorporated by the local legal nntboiities . How can the United States confer power they never did nor never can possess nnder the present Constitution ?
How can any court or constitutional authority , acting under our Federal Laws , do what the fundamental law of tbe land for ever prohibits ? To guard against any such blunder it is made the duty of any men or set of persons desiring grant of charter or papers of
incorporation , to sit forth the objects and aims of said proposed association or organization . Where has any Masonic Lodge ever declared , in copv of Constitution and Bye-Laws filed with the authorities , that ifc proposed to confer titles of nobility ?"
To which we reply : ( 1 ) , There is no " Masinic Grand Lorl-je of the United States ; " therefore ( 2 ) , it is impossible that " the legal authorities of the District of Columbia " could have chartered ifc : ( 3 ) " the different State Grand Lodsres and their subordinate Lodges are" not
"incorporated by the local legal authorities . " Ifc is very rarely that a Masonic body seeks incorporation , and , as we stated last week , the Grand Master of Virginia recently said thafc he would arrest the charter of any Lodge that should apply for incorporation ; and ( 4 ) the official titles used in
Masonry are NOT titles of nobility under tbe Constitution of the United States . Anti-Masonic scribblers will have to tell far less ridiculous and palpable stories than the foregoing , if they want to persuade any sensible readers to believe their assertions . Keystone .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Random Notes And Reflections.
already stated thnt Bro . General Brownrie / g , C . B ., presided , and that he was supported on the dais by a large number of brethren high in office and the Craft Brother the Rev . H . G . Morse occupied the Senior Warden ' s chair ,
and Brother the Rev . C . J . Martyn filled tbe post of Junior Warden . All went smoothly until the motion was made for the confirmation of the minntes of Special Grand Lodges of the 29 th June and the 8 th August , when Brother
Matthews moved their postponement nntil December . Then tbe signal wns given for a fierce wordy warfare , in which Brother H . C . Tombs , Prov . Grand Secretary Wilts , led the attack . This called up Bro . Raynham Stewart ,
who afterwards apologised for the warmth of his remarks ; also Bro . Binckes , who denied the statement made by Bro Tombs respecting himself . When ihe Grand Master announced that Bro . Matthews' motion was carried , a loud
demand was made for a division . The Rule wns quoted providing for testing the opinions of the members present , but General Brownrigg pointed out thafc tbe clause referred to contained the works " provided such demand appear
reasonable to tbe Grand Master . " With soldier-like decision he said , that tbe demand did not appear reasonable to him , and , therefore , it was not granted . This put an end to a scene that fortunately has few parallels , and the fewer the better .
The report of the Board of General Purposes , which submitted tbe statement of tbe Grand Lodge accounts , was also accepted . Ifc showed that on the 17 th Auerust there
was a balance in the Bank of England of £ 4 , 165 15 s Id , and in the hands of the Grand Secretary for petty cash £ 75 , and for servants' wages £ 100 .
At the close of the sitting , and when most of the brethren were weary , not with work , but of tbe temper that bad been exhibited , Bro . Perceval moved—" That notice shall be given of the intended meetings of all Grand
Lodges , special or otherwise , by advertisement , at least once , and when practicable , twice before such day of meeting in the two Masonic issues , the Freemason and the FBEBMASON ' CHRONICLE , and such other paper or papers ,
not exceeding three , as ihe Grant ! Secretary may deem best adapted for giving publicity thereto . " Bro . Perceval briefly supported his motion with such arguments as appeared to us feasible and sound . Upon being seconded and
put to the vote it was Inst , nearly the whole of the brethren on the dais voting against it . This brought the meeting of Grand Lodge to a close , and none were sorry to escape into a cooler atmosphere .
Freemasonry In Victoria.
W"E are pleased to notice that Bro . Robert Goode Fuller , who some time sinre filled the office of Secretary of the Phoenix Lodge , 51 fi , S ' owmnrket , Suffolk , has again taken office as Worshipful Master of a new Lodp-e in the country in which he is now residing . Bro .
R . G . Fuller , during his Masonic career in Suffolk , was one of the most active and energetic working Masons in the Province , and his mother Lodge is very pleased to see tbat be still has the good of the Craft at heart , and hope he will have both a successful and happy year of office .
The opening of a new Lodge nnder tbe English Constitution afc Seymour took place on Thursday , 22 nd June last , in the presence "f a large number of the Craft , amongst them being Bros . Blashki P . M . D . G . J . W ., T . H . Lempriere D . G . S ., C . H . BayW-y P . M . D G . J D .. The W . M . of the Australia Felix Lodge , Pro . Capna ; the W . M . of
the K'lmore Lodge , Bro . Llovd ; "he W . M . of the Shepperton L < dge , Bro . Dolphin ; the W . M . of the Murrhifon Lrdge , Bro . Bead ; P . M . ' s Bros . Simmons , Warren , Beveridge , Taylor , Hodges , and the Officers and brethren of several Lodges , to the nnmber of nbnnfc sixty . The Lodge was opened in tbe uftial form , tbe various Offices being
distributed as follows : —Bros . C . H . Bayley W . M ., A . H . Simmons S . W ., Capua J . W ., Lloyd Sfnior Des con , Read Junior Deacon , and Past Masters Bros . Warren and Bodges Inner Guard and Tyler . The minutes of the proceedings up to the tim p of opening were read and cotifiimed , as wns also the dispenfation frrrn the District Grand
Lodpe empowering a District Giand Ledge Officer to duly constitute the Lodge . This inteiefting cer < inony having heen ably performed by the District Grand Junior Warden , that of installatiou was proceeded with . Bro . E . G . Fuller , presented by P . M . ' s Bayley and Taylor , was then installed into . tho chair of K . S ., Bros . J . W . Wright
Freemasonry In Victoria.
and F . W . Baines , Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . The ceremony was performed by Bro . Blashki with his usual and acknow . ledged ability , many brethren avening that they had never beard ifc more impressivply and effectively rendered . The Lodgo being closed by the Worshipful Master , an adjournment was made by the brethren to the banquet-hall . The tables were laid by Brother
Host . Guild in a manner that sponred encomiums of praise from the brethren , notwithstanding the fact that a professional engaged by tho worthy bosfc for this special occasion was so affected by the genial atmosphere , or some other cause , as to be unable to render any aid . The toast of the Dist . G . Lodge was responded to by the D . G . J . W ., who iu the course of bis remarks adverted to tbe creation of the
G . Lodge of Victoria , a proceeding whioh he mosfc emphatically con . demned . The remarks of Bro . Blashki were enthusiastically endorsed by the brethren present . Bro . T . H . Lempriere also responded . The health of the Worshipfnl Master was proposed by Bro . 0 . H . Bayley in a neat speech , and ably responded to by the distinguished recipient , Bro . R . G . Fuller . The toasfc of the Installing Master waa
ably proposed by Bro . Lempriere , whe referred in very complimentary terms to the valuable assistance rendered by Bro . Blashki to the Craft genprally , and the great interest he evinced in tbe cause of charity . It is superflons to add that the toast was received with tho utmost enthusiasm , and responded to by the distinguished brother in his usual happy and effective style . The toasfc of the W . M . ' s waa
warmly proposed by the Worshipfnl Master , and most cordially received , being responded to by W . M . Bro . Capua , who directed attention to the publication of the Victorian Masonic Journal , and urged upon the brethren the desirability of supporting the same . The W . M . ' s of the Kilmore , Murohison , Sheppartion Lodges also replied , and , in tbe course of their remarks , intimated that their Lodges
were unanimous in their resolve to remain firm to fche Constitntion . The health of the Visitors was proposed by the Worshipfnl Master , and responded to by a number of tho brethren , all of whom testified to their continued allegiance and loyalty to their mother Constitution . Brother Bayley P . M . apologised for the absence of the W . M . ' s of the Combermere , Collingwood , and
Kent Lodges . Bro . J . W . Wright S . W . having responded on behalf of the Officers , the proceedings were brought to a mosfc successful issue by the company enthusiastically singing the National Anthem . We congratulate our Seymour brethren on the successful result of their endeavours , as well as ou the possession of an elegant Lodge room , suitable furniture , & c , and mosfc heartily wish them a prosperous
and brilliant future . It is also a matter of satisfaction to find thafc the movement at present being made by certain Lodges to establish a Victorian Constitntion had not a single sympathiser present , and ifc is pleasing to note that in Seymour tbe Grand Lodge of England has had one more Lodge added to its Victorian register thafc will remain true to its obligation .
Titles Of Nobility.
ABE Freemasons aware that their titles , " W . M ., " " R . W . G . M , " & c , are titles of nobility ? Anti-Masons are , afc all events . Many thanks for their high estimate of us . Do yon inquire what we mean ? Simply this : —A M'ssonri anti Masonic sheet , of 2 nd August lasfc ,
before us , says , that Freemasonry , a- * - tanght and practised in the United States , is in violation of that clause of the Constitution of the United States which provides : ( Art 1 . Sec . 10 ) , "No State shall srrnnfc any title of nobility . " And this is the manner in which ifc proves its case . We quote its extraordinarily ridiculous language verbatim :
" The Masonic Grand Lodge of the United States is chartered by the Wal authorities of the District of Columbia . The different State Grand Lodges and their snbordinate L"dgesare incorporated by the local legal nntboiities . How can the United States confer power they never did nor never can possess nnder the present Constitution ?
How can any court or constitutional authority , acting under our Federal Laws , do what the fundamental law of tbe land for ever prohibits ? To guard against any such blunder it is made the duty of any men or set of persons desiring grant of charter or papers of
incorporation , to sit forth the objects and aims of said proposed association or organization . Where has any Masonic Lodge ever declared , in copv of Constitution and Bye-Laws filed with the authorities , that ifc proposed to confer titles of nobility ?"
To which we reply : ( 1 ) , There is no " Masinic Grand Lorl-je of the United States ; " therefore ( 2 ) , it is impossible that " the legal authorities of the District of Columbia " could have chartered ifc : ( 3 ) " the different State Grand Lodsres and their subordinate Lodges are" not
"incorporated by the local legal authorities . " Ifc is very rarely that a Masonic body seeks incorporation , and , as we stated last week , the Grand Master of Virginia recently said thafc he would arrest the charter of any Lodge that should apply for incorporation ; and ( 4 ) the official titles used in
Masonry are NOT titles of nobility under tbe Constitution of the United States . Anti-Masonic scribblers will have to tell far less ridiculous and palpable stories than the foregoing , if they want to persuade any sensible readers to believe their assertions . Keystone .