Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WHEN o'er the seething chaos of this world Hung the dark curtain of the awful night , Across the brooding waters of the deep , God said , "Let there be light . "
Light , that the flowers may bloom , the green grass spring ; Sunshine to gild the dew . lit path min trod ; Light to reflect in earth , and sky and sea , The glory of our God .
Light thafc tho glory of the Lord be seen , In earth ' s glad seasons as thoy como and pass , In tides that ebb and flow , in gem-lit sky , And fciny blade of grass .
There is no pride in lichfc , ifc freely shines On stately castle , peeps through cottage door , Creepi 'mid lone dnngeon bars , and glides across The marble palace floor :
Shines grandlv on the mountain's highest top , Kisses the white . fringed daisy at its feet , Smiles o'er the valleys , steals across the waste Where foaming waters meet .
Deep in the cold heart of the silet t earth The old primeval forests darkly rest , In some deep mine , a Queen's bright jewels once Dark hid their rainbow crest .
In flashing diamond of a monarch ' s crown , In cottage fire thafc gives a ruddy glow , Shine rays of light from out fche golden sun , Of summers long ago .
Light , 'tis a grand and blessed thing to see , Ifc circles ronnd our paths , it decks the skies : After long night , how sweet fche blushing morn Dawns on our weary eyes !
Have * ve amid life's heaving , restless deep , Heard o ' er the darkness of a faithless night , Far o ' er the chaos of desnair nnd doubt , God said , "Let there be light ? "
Oh , havo we seen its heaven-born radiance flood The darkened path of life we mournful trod , Seen in the light that circled round our path The glory of our God ?
No one that stands alone—our influence falls On some dark threshold with a cheering light ; Or else it shadows and enshrouds some life With pestilential blight .
No one so lonely bufc has links thafc bind Its light or darkness with some other one ; This great wide world itself is bound with links Reaching from earth to sun .
Do we , like trees and flowers and t > ky and sea , Reflect the glory of onr God , and throw Oue radiant gleam of light ; to cheer and bless The darkness here below ? —HOLIIS FREEMAN , in the Freemasons' Repository .
r The members of the Finsbury Park Lodge nf Instruction will , on the 12 rh September , resume their weekly meetings at Bro . Baker ' s , the Cock Tavern . Hisrbbnry Corner . The Lod ge meets at 8 * 30 until 10 every Wednesday evening : It is to be hoped a sroodly nnmber of the brethren will
attend . Bro R . Pearcy , the esteemed Preceptor ; Bros . ¦ R- Osborn , Woodman , Snook , and other well-known members of the Lodge will be present , and gladly welcome any ' new brethren desirous of -joinings one of the best appointed and mosfc comfortable Lodges of Instruction in London .
Brother G . S . Graham , Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex , announces thafc his 12 th Annual Grand Evening Concert will take place , under Royal and distinguished patronage , on Thursday , 4 th October , at St . Andrew ' s Hall , Balham , S . W . Tickets can be obtained of Bro . G . S . Graham , St . John ' s Yilla , 91 Fernlea Road , Balham .
B . ot , tow \ if's PILLS . —Pure Blood . —When the blnorl is pure , its circulation calm anrt equable , anrt the nerves wfill st'ung , we are well . Theso Pi'ls posses « a mnrve'Ions no'i-er in securing these essentials of health bv purifying , rosrulating , and strengthening the fluids and solids . Hollnway ' s Pill * can be connde . nt . lv recommended tn all persons suffering from disordered digestion .
or worried bv nervous fancies , or neuralgic , pains . They correct aciditv and heartburn , dispel sink headache , nnickon the action of tho liver , and act as nltera'ivos and gentlo aperients The weak and delicate may tako them with- i out frar . _ Hollowav ' s Pills are eminently serviceable to invalids of irritable I constitution , as they raise the action of every organ to its natural standard , i and universally exercise a calming and sedative influence .
Camden Lods-e of Instruction , No . 704 . —This Lodge of Instruction , whioh used to meek afc the Crown and Cushion , London . wall , has been removed to Bro . Izant's , Linonln ' s-lun Restaurant , 305 Holborn , closo to Chancery-lane . Tho new quarters a'e cosy , an I the Lodge itself just such a one as to please those fond of quiet working . The Lodgo met on Thursday night under the able Preceptorship of Bro . C . J . Pos . Bro . VV . Simpson Secretary waa
punctual in the discharge of bis duties . There waa only a small attendance , a common case at this period of the ypar . Bro . Snodiu , 157 acted as W . M ., and the other OtficHra were Bro ?) . C > bb S . V 7 . , Izant J . W ., Pitzpatrick SD . There were also present Bro . Trinder Treasurer , and Bro . Fieldson I . P . M . 5 : 18 . Bro . Simpson worked the firsfc section of the first lecture , tho W . M . the seoond , and Bro . Fitzpafcrick the third . The W . M . then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , and Lodge was closed in due form .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meeting was held afc Bro . Longhursfc's , Cinonbiiry Tavern , N . Present—Bros . Hall WM ., Jones S . W ., Western J . W ., Killick jun . Treasurer , Collingridge Secretary , F . Venning S . D ., Weeden J . D ., Fenner I . G-., P . M . ' s Kidder , Killick , Osborn , Pearoey ; also Bros . Cros » rove , Ware , Foale , Akehurst , Halliday , Cummings , Powell , Langhton , Marks ,
Godolphin , Woodraau , and other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of lasfc meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Dixie acting as candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , wheu fche ceremony of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Hall , Bro . Dixie , being candidate for
the Master ' s chair , answered the usual questions . Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and Bro . Dixie was installed and saluted by the brethren in the three degrees . Bro Hall gave fche varions addresses in excellent style . Bro . Jones having been elected to occupy the chair at nexfc meeting , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday , 10 th inst ., at 8 . 30 p . m .
The annual meeting of the Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1440 , took place on Thursday ; Bro . W . McDonald was installed into the chair by Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . A full report shall appear next week .
At a meeting of the General Committee of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , to be held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , this ( Friday ) evening , there will be taken into consideration applications for assistance in the education of three children of a late
brother of Antient Union Lodge , 203 , Liverpool ; two children of a late brother of Concord Lodge , 243 , Preston ; two children of a brother of Mariners' Lodge , 249 , Liverpool ; and also applications for grants for advancement for children now on tbe foundation of the Institution .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE . High "References in England and Hamburg . ¦ p "R , OS"PEOTTTS IE "R . IE IE
FUNERALS . Bros . W . K . L . & G . A . HUTTON , COFFIN MAKERS & UNDERTAKERS , 17 NEWCASTLE STBEET , STRAND , W . C . Aud at 3 U FOitEST 1 ( 1 * 6 * 6 ROAD , PECKHAM BVE , S . E .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE.Tlie Original and only true . ¦ s * "S § P'te ax TJ UNDREDS of Medical Prnctitioners testify to M & ffiaMr 3 mk JLl its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and ifSlMi rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural WWil K > Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , ancl all Nerve Fain * ia M ^ lsHa ^ acts like a charm i'i Diarrhoea , and ia the only speciflcin * j 2 pQfeJ"y |^ =. Cholera ancl Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what' tfiXn * MAtlK wor cause , s- 'othes and strengthens the system nndfir ex" •''" hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , L -rrt Justice Hellish decided in f .-ivour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Sea Times of July 21 th , 1373 . Bottles I s l *} d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s Bd , lis , and 20 s . Sole 1 by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS — Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . B . Freeman Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able to state that your ' 'hlorodyne has been of special service to mo in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent iu an aggravated form Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is yonr Chlorodyne . Yoxirs faithfully , CHARLES W . Owns , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Sur . geon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with tho Knesian U-my . Oleoma , July 25 th , 1877 . Tue want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOJRODTTNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
WHEN o'er the seething chaos of this world Hung the dark curtain of the awful night , Across the brooding waters of the deep , God said , "Let there be light . "
Light , that the flowers may bloom , the green grass spring ; Sunshine to gild the dew . lit path min trod ; Light to reflect in earth , and sky and sea , The glory of our God .
Light thafc tho glory of the Lord be seen , In earth ' s glad seasons as thoy como and pass , In tides that ebb and flow , in gem-lit sky , And fciny blade of grass .
There is no pride in lichfc , ifc freely shines On stately castle , peeps through cottage door , Creepi 'mid lone dnngeon bars , and glides across The marble palace floor :
Shines grandlv on the mountain's highest top , Kisses the white . fringed daisy at its feet , Smiles o'er the valleys , steals across the waste Where foaming waters meet .
Deep in the cold heart of the silet t earth The old primeval forests darkly rest , In some deep mine , a Queen's bright jewels once Dark hid their rainbow crest .
In flashing diamond of a monarch ' s crown , In cottage fire thafc gives a ruddy glow , Shine rays of light from out fche golden sun , Of summers long ago .
Light , 'tis a grand and blessed thing to see , Ifc circles ronnd our paths , it decks the skies : After long night , how sweet fche blushing morn Dawns on our weary eyes !
Have * ve amid life's heaving , restless deep , Heard o ' er the darkness of a faithless night , Far o ' er the chaos of desnair nnd doubt , God said , "Let there be light ? "
Oh , havo we seen its heaven-born radiance flood The darkened path of life we mournful trod , Seen in the light that circled round our path The glory of our God ?
No one that stands alone—our influence falls On some dark threshold with a cheering light ; Or else it shadows and enshrouds some life With pestilential blight .
No one so lonely bufc has links thafc bind Its light or darkness with some other one ; This great wide world itself is bound with links Reaching from earth to sun .
Do we , like trees and flowers and t > ky and sea , Reflect the glory of onr God , and throw Oue radiant gleam of light ; to cheer and bless The darkness here below ? —HOLIIS FREEMAN , in the Freemasons' Repository .
r The members of the Finsbury Park Lodge nf Instruction will , on the 12 rh September , resume their weekly meetings at Bro . Baker ' s , the Cock Tavern . Hisrbbnry Corner . The Lod ge meets at 8 * 30 until 10 every Wednesday evening : It is to be hoped a sroodly nnmber of the brethren will
attend . Bro R . Pearcy , the esteemed Preceptor ; Bros . ¦ R- Osborn , Woodman , Snook , and other well-known members of the Lodge will be present , and gladly welcome any ' new brethren desirous of -joinings one of the best appointed and mosfc comfortable Lodges of Instruction in London .
Brother G . S . Graham , Provincial Grand Organist Middlesex , announces thafc his 12 th Annual Grand Evening Concert will take place , under Royal and distinguished patronage , on Thursday , 4 th October , at St . Andrew ' s Hall , Balham , S . W . Tickets can be obtained of Bro . G . S . Graham , St . John ' s Yilla , 91 Fernlea Road , Balham .
B . ot , tow \ if's PILLS . —Pure Blood . —When the blnorl is pure , its circulation calm anrt equable , anrt the nerves wfill st'ung , we are well . Theso Pi'ls posses « a mnrve'Ions no'i-er in securing these essentials of health bv purifying , rosrulating , and strengthening the fluids and solids . Hollnway ' s Pill * can be connde . nt . lv recommended tn all persons suffering from disordered digestion .
or worried bv nervous fancies , or neuralgic , pains . They correct aciditv and heartburn , dispel sink headache , nnickon the action of tho liver , and act as nltera'ivos and gentlo aperients The weak and delicate may tako them with- i out frar . _ Hollowav ' s Pills are eminently serviceable to invalids of irritable I constitution , as they raise the action of every organ to its natural standard , i and universally exercise a calming and sedative influence .
Camden Lods-e of Instruction , No . 704 . —This Lodge of Instruction , whioh used to meek afc the Crown and Cushion , London . wall , has been removed to Bro . Izant's , Linonln ' s-lun Restaurant , 305 Holborn , closo to Chancery-lane . Tho new quarters a'e cosy , an I the Lodge itself just such a one as to please those fond of quiet working . The Lodgo met on Thursday night under the able Preceptorship of Bro . C . J . Pos . Bro . VV . Simpson Secretary waa
punctual in the discharge of bis duties . There waa only a small attendance , a common case at this period of the ypar . Bro . Snodiu , 157 acted as W . M ., and the other OtficHra were Bro ?) . C > bb S . V 7 . , Izant J . W ., Pitzpatrick SD . There were also present Bro . Trinder Treasurer , and Bro . Fieldson I . P . M . 5 : 18 . Bro . Simpson worked the firsfc section of the first lecture , tho W . M . the seoond , and Bro . Fitzpafcrick the third . The W . M . then rehearsed the ceremony of initiation , and Lodge was closed in due form .
Kingsland Lodge of Instruction , No . 1693 . —A meeting was held afc Bro . Longhursfc's , Cinonbiiry Tavern , N . Present—Bros . Hall WM ., Jones S . W ., Western J . W ., Killick jun . Treasurer , Collingridge Secretary , F . Venning S . D ., Weeden J . D ., Fenner I . G-., P . M . ' s Kidder , Killick , Osborn , Pearoey ; also Bros . Cros » rove , Ware , Foale , Akehurst , Halliday , Cummings , Powell , Langhton , Marks ,
Godolphin , Woodraau , and other brethren . Lodge was opened in due form and the minutes of lasfc meeting wero read and confirmed . The ceremony of initiation was rehearsed , Bro . Dixie acting as candidate . Lodge was opened in the second degree , wheu fche ceremony of installation was rehearsed by Bro . Hall , Bro . Dixie , being candidate for
the Master ' s chair , answered the usual questions . Lodge was opened in fche third degree , and Bro . Dixie was installed and saluted by the brethren in the three degrees . Bro Hall gave fche varions addresses in excellent style . Bro . Jones having been elected to occupy the chair at nexfc meeting , Lodge was closed in due form , and adjourned till Monday , 10 th inst ., at 8 . 30 p . m .
The annual meeting of the Prince Leopold Lodge , No . 1440 , took place on Thursday ; Bro . W . McDonald was installed into the chair by Bro . W . H . Myers P . M . A full report shall appear next week .
At a meeting of the General Committee of the West Lancashire Masonic Educational Institution , to be held at the Masonic Hall , Hope-street , Liverpool , this ( Friday ) evening , there will be taken into consideration applications for assistance in the education of three children of a late
brother of Antient Union Lodge , 203 , Liverpool ; two children of a late brother of Concord Lodge , 243 , Preston ; two children of a brother of Mariners' Lodge , 249 , Liverpool ; and also applications for grants for advancement for children now on tbe foundation of the Institution .
EDUCATION . — HAMBURG . Bro . JOHN A . NEECK , 9 Bundesstrasse , HAMBURG , Is prepared to receive into his Family TWO OR THREE ENGLISH YOUTHS AS BOARDERS , During the time they attend School in this City . CAREFUL SUPERVISION , KIND TREATMENT , BEST BODILY & MENTAL CARE . High "References in England and Hamburg . ¦ p "R , OS"PEOTTTS IE "R . IE IE
FUNERALS . Bros . W . K . L . & G . A . HUTTON , COFFIN MAKERS & UNDERTAKERS , 17 NEWCASTLE STBEET , STRAND , W . C . Aud at 3 U FOitEST 1 ( 1 * 6 * 6 ROAD , PECKHAM BVE , S . E .
FREEMAN'SCHLORODYNE.Tlie Original and only true . ¦ s * "S § P'te ax TJ UNDREDS of Medical Prnctitioners testify to M & ffiaMr 3 mk JLl its marvellous efficacy in immediately relieving and ifSlMi rapidly curing Coughs , Colds , Asthma , Bronchitis , Neural WWil K > Spasms , Colic , Whooping Cough , ancl all Nerve Fain * ia M ^ lsHa ^ acts like a charm i'i Diarrhoea , and ia the only speciflcin * j 2 pQfeJ"y |^ =. Cholera ancl Dysentery . It rapidly relieves pain , from what' tfiXn * MAtlK wor cause , s- 'othes and strengthens the system nndfir ex" •''" hausting diseases , and gives quiet and refreshing sleep . Lord Chancellor Selborne , Lord Justice James , L -rrt Justice Hellish decided in f .-ivour of FREEMAN'S ORIGINAL CHLORODYNE , and against Brown and Davenport , compelling them to pay all costs in the suits . Sea Times of July 21 th , 1373 . Bottles I s l *} d , 2 s 9 d , 4 s Bd , lis , and 20 s . Sole 1 by all Chemists . TESTIMONIALS — Head Quarter Staff , Cabul , May 31 st , 1880 . Mr . B . Freeman Dear Sir , —It is with mu h pleasure I am able to state that your ' 'hlorodyne has been of special service to mo in alleviating the wearisome spasms of Asthma , which is here existent iu an aggravated form Many of my patients now come and beg me to give them that medicine which always relieves them , and which I need hardly say is yonr Chlorodyne . Yoxirs faithfully , CHARLES W . Owns , L . R . C . P . Lou ., M . R . C . S . Eng ., the Divisional Head Quarter Staff and Civil Sur . geon , Cabul . The Times , August 13 th , 1877 . From our own Correspondent with tho Knesian U-my . Oleoma , July 25 th , 1877 . Tue want of sanitary arrangements in the Russian Camp was dreadful , and had we remained there a few weeks ! onger , dysentery and typhoid fever would have played more havoc in our ranks than the bombs of the Turks . I myself acquired an unenviable reputation as a doctor , owing to my being provided with a small bottle of CHLOJRODTTNE , with which I effected miraculous cures .