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Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEIMPERIALHOTEL,I-IOLBOBN "VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TKRMIXVS of the I . IYN-KON (" u . vtn . vw and Dovvai UMIAYVY , hut distinct from tlio Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . The appointments tliron & lxtut so arranged s »» to ensure ilome . siie eoixt ' oi't . EVERY ACGOMMODAriON FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ ubltc pinners # " W ^ w ? ^ milifhssfc . THE CnrsiTiKss Lor-au , No . 1677 , AJJO P ERSKVEHAKCE LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THEIR ItKETIHGS AT THIS EST . VBLISHMF . XT . GOOD COOKING . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JSdison "Electric Lisfht . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEG-BIE .
IxnmlWnsmklitstitutiaiifax%n%$>* s _> < - * £ > KZ > - s ^ -S - — - v - * - PREPARATORY SCHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable nntil 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor viho may qualify as such up to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of Ono Tote , for LIFE , FOR EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & e ., similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * # * Ladies , anrt "Lewises "—being minors—similarl y qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of loss than Five Guineas , to tho " SPECIAL FUND , " will bo entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
Lymington Villa , Clapham , S . W . July 1883 . DEAU SIR AKD BROTHER , —I am personal })/ interested in the undermentioned case , tlie applicant being related to me . The sad circumstances under which the application is made are such as to justify the most strenuous exertions on the part of those who can sympathise with misfortune , and desire to mitigate unmerited distress . If you will help me at the ensuing Election , I shall bo very greatly obliged to yon . Tho promise of your nroxies and of your interest in support o £ this caso will bo highly esteemed and remembered shonld occasion arise . Yours very truly and fraternally , JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1883 . The favour of your VOTE and INTEREST is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of KATHLEENALICEGIBSON,AGED 8 YEAES . Daughter of Brother Cn . w . T . s GEOBGE Ginsox P . M . 223 , 1 S 9 ( now in Australia ) , who from unfortunate circumstance" is unable to contribute anything towards the maintenance of his Wife aud Six Children . The case is strongly recommended by Vf . Bro . Isaac Latimer , . T . P ., P . M . IS !) P . P . G . S . W . Devon . W . Bro . William Derry P . M . 150 P . G . J . W . Devon . W . Bro . J . Kdward Curteis P . M . 70 , 139 P . P . G . S . W . Devon , V . Pat . R . M . I . B . V . P . R . M . B . I . W . Bro . A . McPherson Walls P . G . Std ., Vice-Pros . —Lloyds . * W . Bro . E . F . Storr P . M . 22 , 1679 . P . Z . 1011 , Z . 192 , Mayday Villas , Bartholo mew Road , Kentish Town , N . W . W . Bro . E . O . Mather P . M . 23 , 71 Fleet Street . * W . Bvo . J . Earmanev P . M . 28 , 195 , 8 Coleman Street , E . C . * W . Bro . J . Hninswortli P . M . 23 , 8 Coleman Street , E . C . W . Bro . T . J . Thomas P . M . 28 , 139 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . W . Bro . T . Grove P . M . 17 G 9 , 173 Bishopsgate Street , E . C . * W . Bro . Thomas Fainvcathcr P . S . W . 22 , 15 Watling Street , E . C . W . Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1210 , 1120 , P . Z ., & c , Clapham , S . W . Proxies will be thankfully received by those marked thus (*) •also by the Mother , Mrs . C . G . Gibson , 14 Endsleigh Place , Plymouth .
LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . NORTH WALES AND LAKE DISTRICT . —The Summer Service of Trains in tho Ltifeo District , and on tho North Wales Coast is now in operation . The Express leaving Euston at 10 * 30 a . m . wi'l be found the most convenient for Ha iiutf . no , Rhyl , Ponmaenmawr , Aljcrystwitli , Barmouth , Dolgelly , & c , as well as for the English Lake District . 1 ST , 2 nd , and 3 rd Class Tourist Tickets , available for two months , are issued at all tho Principal Stations on the London and North . Western Railway . For full particulars , see Tourist Guide ( 12-1 pages with Maps , price One Penny ) , which can be obtained afc the Stations , or on application to Mr . G . V . NEELE , Superintendent of the Line . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , August 1833 .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By KOBKRT G . WAITS , M . D ., P . R . S . L ., P . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstroae-street , Caveudish-sq ., London , London : C . MITCHELI ijrn Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street ; and Simpkiu and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court . WOULD any Brother in the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Trade kindly assist a M . M . to start business . Ia at present a Manager for one of the largest London Firms . Address—S . T ., 56 Lower Kennington Lane , S B .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Threo Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
VOTES AND INTEREST AEE SOLICITED FOE MRS . JANE TRIBE , aged 63 , WIDOW of Brother George Henry Tribe , who was initiated 1858 in No . cat , Lytteltoii , "New 'Zealand ; joined "No . U 09 , OUvistchurch , Kew ZciiJnnd ; was iirst Worshipfnl Master of No . 1241 , Ross , Now Zealand ; snbso <| Ucntly Disfcvich Grand Chaplain Wcstlcuul ; aud District Grand Treasurer North Island , New Zealand . Votes thankfully received by Mr . C . BECKINGHAM , 115 Strand ; or by Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL ( V . P . ) , 8 Tlmrloo Place , S . W .
FIRST AND LAST APPLICATION . To the Governors and Subscribers of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR VOTES AND INTEREST are earnestly solicited on behal / of AMY MARGARET LKE , daughter of the lute Bro . THOMAS VIKCENT LEE , of ihe Uuiou Waterloo Lodgo , No . 13 . MARGARET J . LEE , Bui ! and Last , High / fate Road , N .
Now Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERSON THEHISTORYOEFREEMASONRY.Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS .
BPWV- * MW >^* ^^
Random Notes And Reflections.
WE deeply regret that onr Notes this week open with the sad announcement of the death of Viscountess Holmesdale , the wife of Bro . Lord Holmesdale , the Provincial Grand Master of Kent . The deceased Lady Julia was daughter of the fifth Earl of Cornwallis , and was only in her thirty ninth year at the time of her death , which
ovenfc occurred on batnrday last , at Linton Park , near Maidstone . Both the deceased and the bereaved husband come of a rare stock . We need not dwell upon fie name of Cornwallis * it is familiar to all who have studied the martial history of England during the latter half of tbe eighteenth century . Charles , Marquess of Cornwallis , took
part in tbe American War , fought and ruled in India , and signed the preliminary Treaty of Peace at Amiens . Napoleon had a very high opinion of his abilities and honesty . Lord Jeffrey Amherst , who was descended Prom an old Kentish family , took early to the art of war .
Ee served at Dettingen and Fontenoy , afterwards in America , ancl restored British prestige in Canada . In 1876 he was created Baron Amherst of Holmesdale , and two years later he was appointed Commander-in-Chief in
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
THEIMPERIALHOTEL,I-IOLBOBN "VIADUCT , LONDON , Adjoining the TKRMIXVS of the I . IYN-KON (" u . vtn . vw and Dovvai UMIAYVY , hut distinct from tlio Viaduct Hotel . THE BEST FURNISHED AND MOST COMFORTABLE HOTEL IN LONDON . HOT & COLD WATER LAID ON IN ALL BED ROOMS . The appointments tliron & lxtut so arranged s »» to ensure ilome . siie eoixt ' oi't . EVERY ACGOMMODAriON FOR MASONIC LODGE MEETINGS , ^ ubltc pinners # " W ^ w ? ^ milifhssfc . THE CnrsiTiKss Lor-au , No . 1677 , AJJO P ERSKVEHAKCE LODGE , No . 1713 , HOLD THEIR ItKETIHGS AT THIS EST . VBLISHMF . XT . GOOD COOKING . FINE WINES . MODERATE CHARGES . The JSdison "Electric Lisfht . TARIFF on APPLICATION to Bro . A . BEG-BIE .
IxnmlWnsmklitstitutiaiifax%n%$>* s _> < - * £ > KZ > - s ^ -S - — - v - * - PREPARATORY SCHOOL SPECIAL BUILDING FUND . SPECIAL PRIVILEGES . In connection with such Special Fund , attainable nntil 31 st December 1883 . Any present Life Governor of the General Fund , or any Donor viho may qualify as such up to the date named above , will receive—TWO VOTES , —instead of Ono Tote , for LIFE , FOR EVERY FIVE GUINEAS contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " Lodges , Chapters , & e ., similarly qualified may secure Two Votes instead of One Vote—for every Ten Guineas contributed to the " SPECIAL FUND . " * # * Ladies , anrt "Lewises "—being minors—similarl y qualified , and all Vice-Presidents , will receive FOUR Votes for every Five Guineas so contributed . Contributors of loss than Five Guineas , to tho " SPECIAL FUND , " will bo entitled to Votes as under ordinary conditions .
Lymington Villa , Clapham , S . W . July 1883 . DEAU SIR AKD BROTHER , —I am personal })/ interested in the undermentioned case , tlie applicant being related to me . The sad circumstances under which the application is made are such as to justify the most strenuous exertions on the part of those who can sympathise with misfortune , and desire to mitigate unmerited distress . If you will help me at the ensuing Election , I shall bo very greatly obliged to yon . Tho promise of your nroxies and of your interest in support o £ this caso will bo highly esteemed and remembered shonld occasion arise . Yours very truly and fraternally , JAMES STEVENS P . M . P . Z . Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , OCTOBER ELECTION , 1883 . The favour of your VOTE and INTEREST is respectfully and earnestly solicited on behalf of KATHLEENALICEGIBSON,AGED 8 YEAES . Daughter of Brother Cn . w . T . s GEOBGE Ginsox P . M . 223 , 1 S 9 ( now in Australia ) , who from unfortunate circumstance" is unable to contribute anything towards the maintenance of his Wife aud Six Children . The case is strongly recommended by Vf . Bro . Isaac Latimer , . T . P ., P . M . IS !) P . P . G . S . W . Devon . W . Bro . William Derry P . M . 150 P . G . J . W . Devon . W . Bro . J . Kdward Curteis P . M . 70 , 139 P . P . G . S . W . Devon , V . Pat . R . M . I . B . V . P . R . M . B . I . W . Bro . A . McPherson Walls P . G . Std ., Vice-Pros . —Lloyds . * W . Bro . E . F . Storr P . M . 22 , 1679 . P . Z . 1011 , Z . 192 , Mayday Villas , Bartholo mew Road , Kentish Town , N . W . W . Bro . E . O . Mather P . M . 23 , 71 Fleet Street . * W . Bvo . J . Earmanev P . M . 28 , 195 , 8 Coleman Street , E . C . * W . Bro . J . Hninswortli P . M . 23 , 8 Coleman Street , E . C . W . Bro . T . J . Thomas P . M . 28 , 139 Queen Victoria Street , E . C . W . Bro . T . Grove P . M . 17 G 9 , 173 Bishopsgate Street , E . C . * W . Bro . Thomas Fainvcathcr P . S . W . 22 , 15 Watling Street , E . C . W . Bro . James Stevens P . M . 720 , 1210 , 1120 , P . Z ., & c , Clapham , S . W . Proxies will be thankfully received by those marked thus (*) •also by the Mother , Mrs . C . G . Gibson , 14 Endsleigh Place , Plymouth .
LONDON AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY . NORTH WALES AND LAKE DISTRICT . —The Summer Service of Trains in tho Ltifeo District , and on tho North Wales Coast is now in operation . The Express leaving Euston at 10 * 30 a . m . wi'l be found the most convenient for Ha iiutf . no , Rhyl , Ponmaenmawr , Aljcrystwitli , Barmouth , Dolgelly , & c , as well as for the English Lake District . 1 ST , 2 nd , and 3 rd Class Tourist Tickets , available for two months , are issued at all tho Principal Stations on the London and North . Western Railway . For full particulars , see Tourist Guide ( 12-1 pages with Maps , price One Penny ) , which can be obtained afc the Stations , or on application to Mr . G . V . NEELE , Superintendent of the Line . G . FINDLAY , General Manager . Euston Station , August 1833 .
Twelfth Edition , post free , One Shilling . DR . WATTS on ASTHMA and BRONCHITIS . A Treatise on tho only successful Method of Curing these Diseases . By KOBKRT G . WAITS , M . D ., P . R . S . L ., P . C . S ., & c , 5 Bulstroae-street , Caveudish-sq ., London , London : C . MITCHELI ijrn Co ., Red Lion-court , Fleet-street ; and Simpkiu and Co ., Stationers' Hall-court . WOULD any Brother in the Wholesale Boot and Shoe Trade kindly assist a M . M . to start business . Ia at present a Manager for one of the largest London Firms . Address—S . T ., 56 Lower Kennington Lane , S B .
BRO . R . HIRST engages to provide , at short notice , an efficient Band for Annual Banquets , Dinners , Excursions and Quadrille Parties . For terms apply to " R . Hirst , The Threo Crowns , 237 Mile End Road , E . "
VOTES AND INTEREST AEE SOLICITED FOE MRS . JANE TRIBE , aged 63 , WIDOW of Brother George Henry Tribe , who was initiated 1858 in No . cat , Lytteltoii , "New 'Zealand ; joined "No . U 09 , OUvistchurch , Kew ZciiJnnd ; was iirst Worshipfnl Master of No . 1241 , Ross , Now Zealand ; snbso <| Ucntly Disfcvich Grand Chaplain Wcstlcuul ; aud District Grand Treasurer North Island , New Zealand . Votes thankfully received by Mr . C . BECKINGHAM , 115 Strand ; or by Bro . C . J . PERCEVAL ( V . P . ) , 8 Tlmrloo Place , S . W .
FIRST AND LAST APPLICATION . To the Governors and Subscribers of the Eoyal Masonic Institution for Girls . YOUR VOTES AND INTEREST are earnestly solicited on behal / of AMY MARGARET LKE , daughter of the lute Bro . THOMAS VIKCENT LEE , of ihe Uuiou Waterloo Lodgo , No . 13 . MARGARET J . LEE , Bui ! and Last , High / fate Road , N .
Now Beady , Grown Svo , 96 pp , Price One Shilling , Free by Post on receipt of 24 Halfpenny Stamps , OCCASIONALPAPERSON THEHISTORYOEFREEMASONRY.Written expressly for delivery in Lodges of Instruction . Secretaries of Lodges of Instruction can be supplied , carriage free , at 10 / - per dozen . LONDON : W . W . MORGAN , BELVIDERE WORKS , HERMES HILL , PENTONVILLE , N . AND BY ORDER OF ALL BOOKSELLERS .
BPWV- * MW >^* ^^
Random Notes And Reflections.
WE deeply regret that onr Notes this week open with the sad announcement of the death of Viscountess Holmesdale , the wife of Bro . Lord Holmesdale , the Provincial Grand Master of Kent . The deceased Lady Julia was daughter of the fifth Earl of Cornwallis , and was only in her thirty ninth year at the time of her death , which
ovenfc occurred on batnrday last , at Linton Park , near Maidstone . Both the deceased and the bereaved husband come of a rare stock . We need not dwell upon fie name of Cornwallis * it is familiar to all who have studied the martial history of England during the latter half of tbe eighteenth century . Charles , Marquess of Cornwallis , took
part in tbe American War , fought and ruled in India , and signed the preliminary Treaty of Peace at Amiens . Napoleon had a very high opinion of his abilities and honesty . Lord Jeffrey Amherst , who was descended Prom an old Kentish family , took early to the art of war .
Ee served at Dettingen and Fontenoy , afterwards in America , ancl restored British prestige in Canada . In 1876 he was created Baron Amherst of Holmesdale , and two years later he was appointed Commander-in-Chief in